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Are the Democrats an Actual Cult?

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25 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, a simple vaccine passport like the ones we got when we were kids in the 60's would suffice. Of course these days no one would trust a simple paper record so they'd have to come with a chip and that allows for verification.

Dun Dun Dunnn!

Do you think back in the 60's everyone were just more brainwashed into trusting experts, health authorities and the governments they advised than people are today - anti-vaxxers are like woke or something?

We actually rolled out a few vaccine passports during the pandemic. It's as simple as a phone app and a blockchain record. You could put a QR code on paper too, but either way it's discreet, secure and portable. 

As far as I'm concerned, anti-vaxxers are, as you say, a literal threat to the rest of us. Their ignorance and lack of responsibility and consideration are lethal. We have children dying--including vaccinated children and those who can't be vaccinated--dying of diseases that were functionally eradicated decades ago. All because these ignorant a-holes decided they were qualified to form medical opinions based on random shit from the Internet. Lethal stupidity.

If they can't be concerned enough to protect the rest of us, they should forfeit much of the benefit of polite society.

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11 minutes ago, Hodad said:

We actually rolled out a few vaccine passports during the pandemic. It's as simple as a phone app and a blockchain record. You could put a QR code on paper too, but either way it's discreet, secure and portable. 

As far as I'm concerned, anti-vaxxers are, as you say, a literal threat to the rest of us. Their ignorance and lack of responsibility and consideration are lethal. We have children dying--including vaccinated children and those who can't be vaccinated--dying of diseases that were functionally eradicated decades ago. All because these ignorant a-holes decided they were qualified to form medical opinions based on random shit from the Internet. Lethal stupidity.

If they can't be concerned enough to protect the rest of us, they should forfeit much of the benefit of polite society.

i always find it amusing when you ask people who won't wear masks whether they are going to be ok with medical staff not wearing masks next time they are in the OR having surgery.

i'm not actually fine with forced vaccination. but thats not what was happening. anti-vaxxxers claimed that they were being forced because otherwise they could not work, could not shop or go out in public. they could got outside... nothing was stopping them from doing that. and then they claimed that their rights were being take away. when actually, they were attempting to take other peoples rights away.

when you operate a business and there is a chance that one of your employees could infect your whole workplace and even customers... then you have the right to protect your business. employees do not have the right to work at a place, especially if they will possibly cause harm to that business (stealing money for example). same goes for customers. a business owner should be able to prevent a customer from coming endangering their business by infecting their staff and other customers.

Edited by godzilla
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12 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I've still got it.

Sure you do.   Your 'vaccine passport' which you carried around like the one we had during covid

You're not just a lying sack of crap - you're bad at it  :)  ROFLMAO - what stores or other places kept you out if you didn't flash that 'passport'?

Once again the left has to lie to make a point. sigh.

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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure you do.   Your 'vaccine passport' which you carried around like the one we had during covid

No the one my mom kept all her life I said. Why on Earth would we still need a passport for diseases we effectivity eradicated decades ago? A family keepsake perhaps? I passed it on to my daughter who was fascinated with all the old family history mom kept.

10 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You're not just a lying sack of crap - you're bad at it  :)  ROFLMAO - what stores or other places kept you out if you didn't flash that 'passport'?

Once again the left has to lie to make a point. sigh.

Why do you act so bent and twisted all the time? Ideology, seriously, that's really all there is to it?

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Cancellation. Loss of job. Death threats. Those aren't tangible?

Can you point out some leftists who felt like protests at SCJ's houses was wrong? 

If we're both being rational, it's absurd to say that protests should be allowed at SCJ's homes. Only about 2% of people would reasonably feel like that, all things being equal. But it was 50%, because ALL. LEFTISTS. APPROVED. 

How is it possible that night after night after night CBC, CNN and CTV all say the same things, even when they don't make sense, and they eventually turn out to wrong? Doesn't that sound more like 'a false narrative' than 'news'

How were they all so adamant that the BSL4 lab was not a topic that could be discussed? VERBOTEN! FB and Twitter banned people. What a coincidence, hey? Since when is it VERBOTEN!!!! to discuss something rational? 

Variance is "within the allowed parameters". Straying off the script is not allowed. Period. Ask Kid Carson. He just told the truth about ONE PEACEFUL PROTEST. ONE. He was warned that he couldn't say it, but he said it, and he was gone. Point taken.  

I know that you can't see the difference between the two scenarios.. so I will lay it out for others who can be objective and rational.

The job losses were an employment situation. Now... lets repeat that word, "employment". Now did this happen in all occupations and professions? No.. not even close. If this was a true cult situation, it would not matter what job you had or where you live. The consequences for not following a directive would be swift and ALL would be subject to it. 

Cancellation... I hate to tell you but there is nothing new about folks saying unpopular things and being ostracized by some or all of society. Democrats do not own a monopoly on this. The concept predates the modern liberal by a few thousand years. 

"within allowed parameters".. can you quantify this? Lets see a scale or some numerical data behind this. 

as for liberals who agree with you? Come on, you must be messing with me. You can't possibly be serious. 



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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Speaking for myself, I was very well aware of the fact there was a risk, as there always is and always will be with every vaccine, medication or treatment.

What people should have been very skeptical about are the grotesquely exaggerated ways that anti-vaxxers blew these risks completely out of proportion to their benefits. What we should be increasingly certain about is that accommodating anti-vaxxers by listening to or taking their fears seriously will only lead to greater levels of disease and death.

These people are a threat to public health that needs to be addressed.

in any issue like this... both sides are going to have a loud, hyperbolic minority that takes it way too far. That is human nature. The truth is always in the middle and not one of exaggerated costs and/or benefits. As for myself, i got the vaccine to avoid having to do testing and paperwork. As to its health risks or benefits... could not honestly care less. So by reading that.. a certain someone will automatically construe that I am pro-vax. 

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48 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Became you are not intelligent enough to see that Your underdeveloped childlike mind only understands binary caricatures of cartoon evil villains and cartoon flawless heroes. The fact that we in Canada have 4 distinct left wing federal parties and only 1 right wing party is ample evidence variation. South of the border if you can’t tel the difference between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders you should be embarrassed. 

Did Bernie and Hillary have different opinions on forcing people to vax? Vax safety? Vax efficacy? Mostly peaceful protests? Cuomo's covid scandal? 

You should be embarrassed if you think so. 

When have you ever strayed one inch to the left or right of the CNN narrative? Can you name it? Because I've never seen it. When I see there's a post from you I never have to wonder if I'm going to hear something different from what I'd see on CNN, and CNN's laundry list of failed narratives puts Santa's list to shame. 

You're still marching to the beat of the Russian collusion drum ffs. That's your hill to die on, just like every other CNN narrative. 


Vax conspiracies are a uniquely right wing feature most of society includes mainstream non-political people accept the safety and efficacy of vaccines. This is another example of this thread’s premise “the left must be a cult because they refuse to join our cult” 

Wrongo, stupid. The vax is exactly what we always said that it would be. 

We forced kids to vax, a very small percentage were killed, but none of them needed it. A lot of kids were grievously harmed, and they didn't even need the vax.

86% of covid deaths here were among the multi-vaxed in 2022, and that's with deaths being 30% higher than 2021, and 24% higher than in 2020, when covid was still a novel virus. We vaxed 85% of the population for no good reason.

You believe in the vax because you were told to believe in the vax. That's the only reason. 

If you took our covid deaths stats back to 2018 and showed them to an epidemiologist and said "Look at this spot on the timeline right here, that's where we started the vax campaign, and right here is where we hit 85% vaxed", they'd laugh at you. They'd say "Why did deaths go up by so much after you vaxed 85% of the population? How is it possible that 86% of the deaths were among the vaxed? Do you know what a f'n vaccine is?"

That's not a conspiracy, that's just the way it is, according to Health Canada's own stats. 

Your confirmation bias prevents you from even looking. 


It’s a fact the the Trump campaign met secretly with Russian government officials and intelligence to discuss the release of Hillary’s hacked emails and to discuss Trump administration non-interference in Ukraine. It also a fact that they then lied about it to authorities. To quote one of the ridiculous comments at the start of this theory, “that meets the dictionary definition” of collusion. Nobody ever said there was no collusion. The report said the White House obstructed an investigation into whether the collusion (which definitely happened) broke any laws. 



When people say "Oh my God, how did Trump still think that the Dems cheated two months after the election" I think of you, alone on your deserted island in the Pacific, still thinking that Russian collusion is going on. 


That’s just an outright lie it was extensively covered by “the mainstream media” who broke the story and Cuomo was widely criticized. Not that you would know from way down in your right wing crackpot propaganda bubble. 

Oh really. So the MSM covered it throughly and they decided that maybe a few pecks on the cheek and a squeezed booty was the best reason to turf him? Are you a f'ing adult or a cultist muppet? Do you know how many governors and congressmen and senators have done way more than let their hand wander 6 inches too far down?

Biden does worse things to little kids than Cuomo did to grown women.

The MSM isn't taking away his Emmy and turfing him. 


We acknowledge it for what it is, and also for what it is not. It is not evidence of your deep state anti-Trump conspiracy BS

What is it then?

Why did Comey, Strzok and others sign off on the FISA warrant with all the lies about Carter Page? Was that not a crime?

When a lawyer alters an email to change its meaning by 100%, and then submits it to a judge, how does that not warrant jailtime? How do they keep their license to practice law? 



Everyone lied about Bidenflation. 

Can you open your adult mouth and say that Joe Biden lied his ass off about inflation? China? Ukraine? 

Of course not. 

Maybe for the purpose of denying that you're a cultist you'll hint at the truth here, but at the time these things are happening, you're a lock-step cultist. 


Biden’s appeal to voters, his general fitness for office (or lack thereof) and his age are widely and frequently discussed.and debated by the Left.

Dude, he was considered a stud by you guys until the end of 2023. Go soak your id10tic head. Even to this day Gavin Newsom is pretending that Joe Biden is 100%.


Get out of your propaganda hole. It’s hilarious because ever since Trump appeared in 2015 his supporters like can’t even bring yourself to disagree acknowledge even his minor mistakes or slips of the tongue. Remember when he altered a hurricane map with a sharpie and went on national TV instead of admit he accidentally tweeted the wrong state in the hurricane’s path?  Or when 2 weeks into covid he said he would “overrule” any governor who didn’t reopen their state even though Presidents don’t have power over governors?  You slaves fell all over yourselves trying to justify his every dumbness. 

Wow, that reminds me of the time the Biden family made $8M with the Chinese gov't's top agents and Joe said that his family got no money from them. 🤣

Oh, and do you remember all the times Biden fell up the stairs, talked to drapes, and forgot what city he was in?

He's almost a vegetable now. 


Another of your lies from you clueless propaganda bubble. You find thenleft criticising Trudeau on just about any topic on just about any day. Meanwhile no conservative can ever bring themselves to criticize or question their Dear Leader du jour be it Tump or PP.   Conservatives have always had an obsession with hierarchy, with a belief that every person and group has a place in a great pecking order and a duty to kiss the asses above them and kick the asses below them. 

I could go on with the rest of your batshit but this is tiring and time consuming and unlike you, my time is valuable…. to me and to other people also

Oh BS.

All that anyone on the left ever said here was that "Trump sucked and Trudeau was almost perfect". 

Even when Trudeau forgot to order vaccines and had to poach them from 3rd world countries he just got a pass. If Trump did that we'd see videos of dying African Drs and nurses for the rest of our lives. 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Honestly - when you read that and consider the source, i think you're doing more to spread the idea that the dems are a cult than Trump.

Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoint, assumed motivations -  it reads like a cult-y newsletter about someone they don't like rather than a factual and accurate depiction.

I think if you're going for a 'non cultish' source maybe nbc isn't where you want to start :)  

Oh here we go only republicans are entitled  to write opinion pieces now…


I there any right wing source (news or opinion) that is NOT “Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoint, assumed motivations” ????  

But it’s true Trump routinely and deliberately humiliates even his fellow Republican backers who share the stage with him. Its his way of ensuring and displaying dominance over his fellow Republicans to his adoring cored who eat it up. 

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12 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

I know that you can't see the difference between the two scenarios.. so I will lay it out for others who can be objective and rational.The job losses were an employment situation. Now... lets repeat that word, "employment". Now did this happen in all occupations and professions? No.. not even close. If this was a true cult situation, it would not matter what job you had or where you live. The consequences for not following a directive would be swift and ALL would be subject to it. 

You're justifying people's job losses just for telling the truth now? 

I'm not even talking about people who were fired for not taking an ineffective and dangerous jab, I'm talking about people getting fired for telling the truth.

"Buzzfeed put this story out there and the entire MSM is running with it. You're not allowed to show and contradictory video or pictures or tell people what you saw first-hand." 

Why did someone lose their job for telling the truth, io? How wrong is that?


Cancellation... I hate to tell you but there is nothing new about folks saying unpopular things and being ostracized by some or all of society. Democrats do not own a monopoly on this. The concept predates the modern liberal by a few thousand years. 

Cancellation for telling the truth is not the same thing as cancellation for promoting a religion or writing a novel about a taboo subject. 

This is cultist cancellation. 

"Talking about the BSL4 lab... CANCELLED! Taking about the laptop... BANNED!"

You're a cultist dude, I feel like I'm talking to a moonie. 

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're justifying people's job losses just for telling the truth now? 

this is how you show your irrationality . Explaining why the sky is blue is not the same as having something against the color blue... you know this but that does not fit your MO on here. 

"Why did someone lose their job for telling the truth, io? How wrong is that?"... Your complete ignorance of nuance and context is both sad and amusing. I work for a government. Guess what? Different rules for different jobs. I am not allowed to voice political opinions through the state government medium. Meaning that if I was giving a presentation in front of the legislature... I can't stop in the middle and start opining about covid or whatever. 

Edited by impartialobserver
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46 minutes ago, godzilla said:


i'm not actually fine with forced vaccination. but thats not what was happening. anti-vaxxxers claimed that they were being forced because otherwise they could not work, could not shop or go out in public. they could got outside... nothing was stopping them from doing that. and then they claimed that their rights were being take away. when actually, they were attempting to take other peoples rights away.

Simply not true. In many cases they WERE forbidden from doing that unless they had the shot.  we had vaccine 'passports' that we had to carry and show every where. But also people were put on 'leave' without pay. not fired - where they'd get unemployment insurance - or laid off, where they'd get insurance coverage but deliberately treated in a fashion to hurt them. And then the gov't went further and said if you do get fired because you didn't get hte shot then the insurance you paid for in case of unemployment is also null.  People paid for that. And now the gov't changes the rules to hurt them.

  It was an arbitrary decision to inflict pain and hardship on people to force them to do what the gov't wanted.  The whole trucker thing was a joke as well.

Sorry - it would be no different than me saying "I won't hire someone because they're muslim" and when muslims complained sayign "well nobody's FORCING you to be muslim".


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29 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Oh here we go only republicans are entitled  to write opinion pieces now…


SIgh.  Why must i need to explain this to you as if you were a child?

Anyone can write whatever they like -  an official cult can write what it likes and they frequently do.  But if your goal is to say your cult isn't a cult then DON"T use the cult-positive opinion piece to do it for god's sake!!!!!!!

"Here's an article from my cult saying we're not a cult, Derp!"   LOL!!!!  Your cult can write as much as it likes but don't USE their stuff to show they're not a cult! How hard is that?!?!


I there any right wing source (news or opinion) that is NOT “Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoint, assumed motivations” ????  

I don't know - but i DO know that if there isn't I sure as hell won't be using any to try to demonstrate that the right doesn't use Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoint, assumed motivations,  you dimwit!!!  You don't use an unreasonable and bias source to prove your side is reasonable and unbias!

"Oh look - the nazi times says jews are bad people, well that's me convinced they woudn't skew that!"  OOOOOooo sometimes i just want to smak you over the head with a rolled up copy of 'logic for dummies'!


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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Simply not true. In many cases they WERE forbidden from doing that unless they had the shot.  we had vaccine 'passports' that we had to carry and show every where. But also people were put on 'leave' without pay. not fired - where they'd get unemployment insurance - or laid off, where they'd get insurance coverage but deliberately treated in a fashion to hurt them. And then the gov't went further and said if you do get fired because you didn't get hte shot then the insurance you paid for in case of unemployment is also null.  People paid for that. And now the gov't changes the rules to hurt them.

  It was an arbitrary decision to inflict pain and hardship on people to force them to do what the gov't wanted.  The whole trucker thing was a joke as well.

Sorry - it would be no different than me saying "I won't hire someone because they're muslim" and when muslims complained sayign "well nobody's FORCING you to be muslim".


and nobody said it was going to be perfect or fair. i'm in agreement that not getting UI because of vaccine status was unfair. and we'll never know how much the government policy was to "force" vaccination opposed to attempting to stave off millions of UI claims from people looking for a UI holiday. UI has gotten harder and harder to get and for good reason... not like the good old days when my friends would work just enough to get UI and then quit and do this perpetually.

but my original argument still stands. people don't have a right to work anywhere, especially if they are going to endanger the business.

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2 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

this is how you show your irrationality . Explaining why the sky is blue is not the same as having something against the color blue... you know this but that does not fit your MO on here. 

It's the truth, dude. The truth.

He was working at a radio station and his job was to perpetuate a lie. 

He wasn't being asked not to put photos of his drunken Vegas stag on the company FB, he was told that he couldn't post his own info on his own page. 


"Why did someone lose their job for telling the truth, io? How wrong is that?"... Your complete ignorance of nuance and context is both sad and amusing. I work for a government. Guess what? Different rules for different jobs. I am not allowed to voice political opinions through the state government medium. Meaning that if I was giving a presentation in front of the legislature... I can't stop in the middle and start opining about covid or whatever. 

When you say "nuance" you mean "verboten, straight from ze desk of ze wunderbar Fuhrer".

TBH, you absolutely can opine about covid, yu just have to be subtle about it and it just has to fit the gov't narrative. You can insert BS like "in accordance with state protocols for covid safety" and "to keep everyone safe" into your presentation as much as you want and you'll earn huge brownie points. You could even say that you have a "vaxed-only safe space", or even a "blacks-only safe space", but you could never say that you have "a vaxed-only safe space and a space where the unvaxed are equally welcome". The unvaxed aren't really welcome and they're definitely not equal

It's completely understandable that a gov't employee can't use that platform for their own personal opinions, just like people shouldn't be allowed to wear BLM T-shirts to work if their employer says "no", especially if they work with the public.

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8 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Oh,  darn. What a disappointment 


Why?  I’ve provided ample evidence of why GOP is a cult where is the evidence that Dems are a cult?


False.  Republicans (many of whom  don’t meet any definition of “conservative” want a one-party state which they rule with unchallenged lies and propaganda. That is why so many Republicans including you and Donald Trump openly admire outright dictators like Putin and authoritarian “democracy in name only” Orban.  Republicans openly admire Putin’s warmongering and believe he should be able to wage war around the globe unchallenged. They also support war in the Middle East against any Arab or Muslims who don’t play ball. 

Meanwhile it is Republicans who want to control women’s bodies, the lives of same-sex couples, the books people can read and so on. Just liberals think corporations and things like pollution and consumer fraud (favourite pastimes of republicans) should be regulated doesn’t mean they want to “control everything”. 

Your choosing authoritarian dictatorship, which never leads to prosperity. Tour claim that the alternative is “human suffering” is just your made up BS. 

Of course it would seem that way to a cult follower. That’ aligns with the ACTUAL dictionary definition of a cult. 

Lol...all that typing of drivel. What a waste of time.

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Empty fact-free posts with nothing but insults are not an effective way of opposing anything. Since that is your standard M.O. it shows the only one spreading pure chickenshit is you. 

How many pro-Russian collusion posts do you think you've made over the past 7 years?

Face it, fact-free posts riddled with childish, baseless accusations are your thing, Beave.

Here's the thing: CNN's false narratives are see-through, harmful, and addictive, and you guys never learn. Then you can't admit to any of it and you move on to the next shiny lie.

All of the "racist cop murder stories" fell apart. And they were all stupid. Honest to God: "A cop just drove up, rolled down his window, and shot an innocent teenager for nothing"? How could you guys not just be a bit skeptical of that? How did you fall for "I was walking to Subway at 1:00 am in the middle of winter in Chicago when two white guys tried to lynch me, and they poured bleach on me"?

You guys make fun of Fox, but CNN goes all-in on stupid, stupid, stupid bullshit and you're part of that problem. 

Do you wanna know what's true?

It was cultists ginned up on CNN's racial hate-fests who captured a retarded white kid and live-streamed his torture session on FB. There's literally no other reason on earth why that kid was tortured, aside from CNN's false narratives. 

Where's the anger? When are you finally gonna say "enough is enough" and disengage from CNNtard storytime?

ANd stop acting like the Cuomo scandal was extensively covered by the MSM. If you Google: "Why did Cuomo lose his Emmy" all that's mentioned is the pecks on the cheek and the hand sliding too far down the lower back. 😱 

That's so much worse than putting covid-positive people back into care homes 🤣

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16 hours ago, godzilla said:

and nobody said it was going to be perfect or fair. i'm in agreement that not getting UI because of vaccine status was unfair. and we'll never know how much the government policy was to "force" vaccination opposed to attempting to stave off millions of UI claims from people looking for a UI holiday.

Give me a break. The gov't was handing out cash to anyone who lost their jobs because of covd - but people who paid for insurance for that weren't.

And "nobody said it was fair" is a childish thing to say.  If something is UNfair then actions should be taken to rectify that.

You want me to care about trans people being treated 'unfairly' but you're fine with "oh well" when it comes to people who lost their jobs completely unnecessarily for political reasons.

You want me to care about drug addicts dying in the streets.  But you're just 'oopsie daisy'1" over people being ripped off for the insurance they paid for.

You want me to care about trump being corrupt or a criminal while you support a gov't who repressed their citizens and stole from them and drove them to misery .

Your original argument is that "it's ok to hurt people, to abuse people, to force people to have medical treatment against their will.

Well in that case it's ok to deny trans people the right to use the washroom or pronoun of their choice, it's fine to let drug addicts die of overdoses they gave themselves, and it's fine to let poor people starve if they can't be bothered to earn a living.

It's one thing the left has never understood -  when you commit injustice and expect others to accept it, sooner or later they'll choose to visit injustice back and you won't get a say in it.

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17 hours ago, godzilla said:

and nobody said it was going to be perfect or fair. i'm in agreement that not getting UI because of vaccine status was unfair. and we'll never know how much the government policy was to "force" vaccination opposed to attempting to stave off millions of UI claims from people looking for a UI holiday. UI has gotten harder and harder to get and for good reason... not like the good old days when my friends would work just enough to get UI and then quit and do this perpetually.

but my original argument still stands. people don't have a right to work anywhere, especially if they are going to endanger the business.

I work with UI (Unemployment Insurance) data every day and so have an insiders perspective on it.. at least in the US. When Covid came around and states started shutting down, UI laws got relaxed. Typically, you have to prove that you are looking for work and will accept any offered job. In NV (and others), that was put to rest for between 2 to 6 months. The reason for this was that the claims were not being filed due to someone being fired and the likelihood that they would be able to find work in the meantime was very unlikely. 

Second, there was a federal bonus of $300 per week that could be added to someone's benefits. Most states opted out by June 2021 with NV being the last to opt out in Sept 2021. 

There were no conditions on this.. one's vax status and one's UI Claims were 100% separate. Hard to believe for some but facts are facts. So any conspiracy theories about UI policy and vaccinations being connected is simply asinine. 

Private employers could mandate that their employees get vaxxed but there were very few that did. Primarily because with such lucrative UI benefits, they would quit and not come back. This left them very short staffed with very little chance of finding another. Public sector employees did not face a black/white mandate. the mandate was get vaxxed or have to get tested every friday at 2 pm. 

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23 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

I work with UI (Unemployment Insurance) data every day and so have an insiders perspective on it.. at least in the US. When Covid came around and states started shutting down, UI laws got relaxed. Typically, you have to prove that you are looking for work and will accept any offered job. In NV (and others), that was put to rest for between 2 to 6 months. The reason for this was that the claims were not being filed due to someone being fired and the likelihood that they would be able to find work in the meantime was very unlikely. 

Second, there was a federal bonus of $300 per week that could be added to someone's benefits. Most states opted out by June 2021 with NV being the last to opt out in Sept 2021. 

There were no conditions on this.. one's vax status and one's UI Claims were 100% separate. Hard to believe for some but facts are facts. So any conspiracy theories about UI policy and vaccinations being connected is simply asinine. 

Private employers could mandate that their employees get vaxxed but there were very few that did. Primarily because with such lucrative UI benefits, they would quit and not come back. This left them very short staffed with very little chance of finding another. Public sector employees did not face a black/white mandate. the mandate was get vaxxed or have to get tested every friday at 2 pm. 

We were talking about canada though - where the feds deberately excluded people who had not got a vaccine shot from their UI  (our version) to punish them.

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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

We were talking about canada though - where the feds deberately excluded people who had not got a vaccine shot from their UI  (our version) to punish them.

without diving into it, that seems ever so wasteful. Just another layer of bureaucracy. Having someone(s) that proves that you got the vax is a waste of time and money. 

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22 hours ago, godzilla said:

but my original argument still stands. people don't have a right to work anywhere, especially if they are going to endanger the business.

That's perfectly sensible, but I'd argue that there was never a moment in time when covid and the jab had any bearing on that.

The Israeli data was already here when the vax mandate started: multi-vaxed people were proven to be getting infected with covid at a high enough rate and to a great enough extent that they were winding up in the ICU in droves. Test concluded.  

The whole premise of keeping the unvaxed away from the vaxed was based on alleged lab success that never manifested in the real world, not even for a month, was 100% false. At no point in time after the vax rollout was there ever a situation where unvaxed people were responsible for driving the spread of the virus.

The ONLY scenario where mass-vaxing our population made sense is if we were inoculating our population in preparation for biological warfare agents that our gov't was planning to release, because the vaxes were always KNOWN to be largely ineffective against covid. We honestly knew that when the Israeli data came in. It was a fait accompli. 

We could argue this all day, but the fact remains that 'vaxing' 85% of our population didn't slow covid deaths by even 1%. They went up by 30%. It drives me crazy that people still say "vaccine". Why not call it limousine or potpourri? It makes just as much sense. It can't get people around town in style and it doesn't look and smell pretty any more than it prevents covid. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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