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What happened to Canada

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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You're certainly cut from the same cloth as most hard-boiled conservatives but you're clearly just a neophyte.

Clearly? Has the rain gone or sumptin?

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23 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You're certainly cut from the same cloth as most hard-boiled conservatives but you're clearly just a neophyte.

Would you prefer conservatives soft boiled?

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Zeitgeist is a leftist... hence this quote

" elites want to take your money and control your behaviour"

He's referring to the 1% and corporate greed though he doesn't know it.  


Why do you always interpret the meaning of words incorrectly.

In the other thread you were arguing about the meaning of "invasion".

Well, here's a similar meaning. Split the word into 3, "in" "vase' "ion".

According to you that would mean a way of keeping ion's in a vase.


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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

The woke left...🤣

WTF happened to you man? You used to be a lot less tribal yourself as I recall.  Anyway this trend towards tribalism started decades ago and is a result of the corporate coup that was facilitated by governments an

Mmm, no. It started with the universities and their marxist views on equity instead of equality, the 'oppression' and 'racism' of western Capitalist countries, including Canada and their consistent indoctrination of students in a wider and wider number of courses. This viewpoint that merit didn't count, that European, ie, White culture, values and history were ripe with evil and racism and colonialism and oppression has been spread by graduates throughout the elite classes.

They have been especially successful in academia, media and government. Notably, these are the areas where people of marginal talent who shrink from competition, and who would most desire a system which ignores merit would prosper and even thrive. Thus we get these leftist loonies with the power at Parks Canada to decide they'll change the story of Anne of Green Gables because the writer was a purveyor of colonialist white oppression'. We get children at schools being taught that white people are all racist and oppressors and everyone else is a victim. We get drag queens reading to children and a law that says any man who decides tomorrow that they're a girl is welcome in girls swimming pool change rooms. Not to mention a prime minister whose every statement and policy is full of virtue signaling and kowtowing to various BIPOC groups as he whines about Canada's systemic racism.

The corporate world might have embraced all this out of cowardly virtue signaling but they didn't come up with it. You guys did.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

It's entirely accurate to point out that the vast majority of Canada's conservatives are complete suck holes to the 1% and until that changes nothing else will.

This is an American cliche. I'm not surprised you believe it since the Left in Canada, particularly the more progressive ones, get ALL their ideological views from their US counterparts. But while this belief might have some substance down south it does not in Canada.

You remember Canada?

I remember Canada when Jean Chretien decided to make life hard for his successor who he thought had backstabbed him to take his job. So he passed a law that banned political donations from anyone but human beings, and greatly limited those. No more $25k dinners from the Liberals' corporate friends. This bill did no harm to the Tories and only a little to the NDP. It really hammered the Liberals, though. Now stop a moment and consider why that would be.

A line in a new report around that time said it very clearly. The Conservatives, and to a lesser extent the NDP got most of their donations in small amounts from large numbers of people. The Liberals, on the other hand, tended to get their donations in large amounts from a much smaller base.

It has long been the Liberal party that the corporate world embraced, and who embraced them in return. The influence of the Desmarais' and Irvings and Bronfmans in particular, has been deep and powerful. I believe one of the Bronfmans is still their head fund raiser.

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On 1/22/2024 at 3:42 PM, eyeball said:

So is this aspect of education something that Poilievre will wrest from provincial control and federalize? That'll take at least a term and a half of his time in office between provincial governments, supreme courts, protesters and the deep-state getting in every step of the way.

But it is existential so it'll definitely be time well spent getting Canada back on track.    

The toolkit came from the federal government.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Again, please note that our grandfather's employers were not forced to share the capital gains pie as widely and generously as they did.  They were not communists and neither am I.

BTW the study that outlines how capital gains are vacuumed up (as opposed to trickling down) was based on comparing incomes in America.

The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That’s Made the U.S. Less Secure


I highly suspect Canada's 1% did much the same thing with as much help from the government and cheering from the right as America's 1%.

Go back to sleep Zeitgeist, you clearly don't like having your illusions shattered.

Well the stats speak for themselves: US average incomes are significantly higher than Canadian incomes, even if you only look at purchasing power.  Housing costs and taxes are significantly higher here.  Our healthcare costs are lower as a percentage of income, but our waiting times are third world and we’re euthanasing people in increasing numbers.  Oh, and the US produces more millionaires and billionaires per capita than Canada, helping to fund infrastructure and services through taxation and philanthropy. 

The current Canadian way isn’t as successful as the American way because of our slide towards Marxism and nihilism.  The only advantage I still see in Canada is public safety, but not having the right to bear arms also makes us more susceptible to martial law like the Emergencies Act, so “public safety” can be code for tyranny, as it was under the Committee for Public Safety during the French Revolution.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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4 hours ago, I am Groot said:

It has long been the Liberal party that the corporate world embraced, and who embraced them in return. The influence of the Desmarais' and Irvings and Bronfmans in particular, has been deep and powerful.

Billionaires out here on the coast like Jimmy Pattison and Galen Weston both did just as well under Conservatives when they were in power and in charge of DFO - their good fortune didn't change one iota. 

From where I'm sitting the Liberals are no less right-wing where the rubber of corporate influence hits the road. Liberals just seem to be better at corruption and Conservatives are worse at preventing it. At the end of the day the 1% still laugh all the way to the bank as usual.


I believe one of the Bronfmans is still their head fund raiser.

I believe you're wrong unless you're talking about some sort of illegal fund raising going on behind closed doors that gets around the rules. 


I suppose something like that could be going on back there but how would we ever know or prevent it? Something like Harper's Transparency and Accountability Act? 🤣 Trudeau pushed through that like it was wet tissue paper.


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43 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Billionaires out here on the coast like Jimmy Pattison and Galen Weston both did just as well under Conservatives when they were in power and in charge of DFO - their good fortune didn't change one iota. 

Of course - the deals were already done under the liberals.

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On 1/20/2024 at 11:11 PM, I am Groot said:


I had to put this here because it's such a good, succinct explanation of how and why our society became so quickly divided against itself and why politics became bitter and nasty.

With each new development and each new conversation, I’ve been forced to wonder: What has happened to my country? How did we go from being a proudly pluralistic liberal democracy to a polarized nation that memory holes The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank and de-banks those who reject the party line? 

I never used to get asked about what happened to Canada.

We’ve long been viewed as a model country. But recently, the social fabric has frayed dramatically, and in a remarkably short period of time, with the culture wars apparent in Europe and the United States playing out here in extreme ways.

The next question on many people’s minds is: How did we get here?




The only place where “Anne Frank” has been censored is in the Republican South and the book ban frenzy that’s all the rage now.

The link in the OP is just covering some people’s hysterical reactions to a ONE INSTANCE of a totally routine clean out of old copies…hysteria caused by all the news of Republican book bans down south. That’s why the author in the OP quoted couldn’t claim Anne Frank has been “banned” and instead relies on undefined slang “memory holes”. 

The OP is just partisan theory lacking in substance. 

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11 hours ago, eyeball said:

The woke left...🤣

WTF happened to you man? You used to be a lot less tribal yourself as I recall.

And what's my "tribe"?  My tribe is called "Canada", and we all belong to it.  Don't worry I don't have a PeePee sign on my lawn.

Does criticizing this woke left nonsense make me a boogieman or something?  Does it offend you?  Who cares.  Yes this woke nonsense is eroding our social and national unity, and it's anti-liberalism.  Liberalism is where everyone has the same individual rights in a society.  Everyone is treated the same regardless of race, religion, gender etc.  Liberalism is where people are judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.

This government has failed at that and embraced the opposite because all they see is race and gender etc..  Everyone is tokenized, everyone is a member of a tribe rather than just a Canadian.  In a "post-national state" there is no nation called Canada, it's just a place where a bunch of different tribes live and fight over power.  If everyone is a Canadian first and foremost there's a lot less fighting over power because we're fighting for the interests of the same things.

The other major problem in this country is political corruption from corporate and foreign entities.  I've discussed this at length including with you.  I am for the interests of our country and the interests of its regular everyday working people and am proud of that and have never wavered from it.



Anyway this trend towards tribalism started decades ago and is a result of the corporate coup that was facilitated by governments and cheered by conservatives everywhere decades ago.  I'm sure I've waved this under your nose more than a few times in the past. Maybe you'd take better notice if it smacked you upside the head.

Jihad vs. McWorld

The two axial principles of our age—tribalism and globalism—clash at every point except one: they may both be threatening to democracy

By Benjamin R. Barber


Now look who's woke.

Who know's maybe one day you guy's will take transparency and accountability more seriously and we can really stage a proper coup.

Wake me up when you're ready.


You don't have a monopoly on caring about transparency and accountability.  I'll have to read this article when I have more time.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

It's entirely accurate to point out that the vast majority of Canada's conservatives are complete suck holes to the 1% and until that changes nothing else will.

Too bad the Liberals are exactly the same.  We're getting daycare and pharmcare and dental care only because the NDP hold their balls in a noose and it doesn't hurt the rich in Canada, it actually helps them.  All paid for by charging it to the debt, no skin off the nose of the Liberals, it's not their money.  Don't worry the Liberals would never raise taxes on the rich, that would be like taxing themselves.

So the Liberals are corrupt, and the CPC are too, and the federal NDP aren't so much (yet) because they've never governed.  The second they got into power they'd sell us all out, you can bet your RRSP on it.

Nothing changes until the system changes.  Trudeau and PP can each sh*t.  Singh too.

6 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

this is not Canada anymore

the Post National State overthrew Canada, many years ago

Canada is gone, and it is never coming back

sound the lament

You're not a Canadian, you're a Brit anglo loyalist.  Another tribalist in our midst.  Eat sh*t like all the rest.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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59 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

So the Liberals are corrupt, and the CPC are too

And no one can or wants to do squat about it or worse they support it because they think it's a necessary integral part of doing business. That's why I'm inclined to just let it all burn to the ground myself. Hence the references to a good hard smack upside our collective head. Notwithstanding my metaphorical use of the term burning doing so will result in lower CO2 emissions so there's another silver lining for you.

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1 hour ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Does criticizing this woke left nonsense make me a boogieman or something?  Does it offend you?

It amuses me more than anything else. I can't think a more ridiculously contrived criticism around which to rally political support. Especially anything that smacks of the suggestion it's all a big organized plot.

It's like failing to understand that political correctness was really just about being a little more polite to one another - which just seemed to trigger a desire to rub people's noses in old less polite ways of discussing things. In similar fashion woke is simply about giving fairness more due consideration but it only seems to trigger a desire to crackdown and get tough.

It is what it is - two competing views of how to act in the world.  They seem to nicely dovetail with the competing views about whether the future will be  democratic in nature or more autocratic.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

And no one can or wants to do squat about it or worse they support it because they think it's a necessary integral part of doing business. That's why I'm inclined to just let it all burn to the ground myself. Hence the references to a good hard smack upside our collective head. Notwithstanding my metaphorical use of the term burning doing so will result in lower CO2 emissions so there's another silver lining for you.

Sure let it all burn down.  It's going to come to head at some point anyways.  This is the result of decadence in our society.  We're too well-off, and thus everyone is coddled, spoiled and entitled and afraid of everything and more indifferent to our politics because why care if things are so easy?  Well things are getting harder and I'm glad, it's a wake-up call.  This will get the kids off their phones.  The great depression/WWII generation took nothing for granted but they don't run society anymore and most are dead anyways.

Justin Trudeau is the spokesperson for the coddled, spoiled, entitled, narcissistic people we've become.  Somebody fire these rich kids now please.   That weasel PeePee isn't much better.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

It amuses me more than anything else. I can't think a more ridiculously contrived criticism around which to rally political support. Especially anything that smacks of the suggestion it's all a big organized plot.

It's like failing to understand that political correctness was really just about being a little more polite to one another - which just seemed to trigger a desire to rub people's noses in old less polite ways of discussing things. In similar fashion woke is simply about giving fairness more due consideration but it only seems to trigger a desire to crackdown and get tough.

It is what it is - two competing views of how to act in the world.  They seem to nicely dovetail with the competing views about whether the future will be  democratic in nature or more autocratic.

No it's a very specific form of over-politeness obsessed with race and gender and trying to make sure everyone fits into some kind of identity quota.  It's not very polite to discriminate against someone based on their race or gender.  Maybe you're retired and don't lose out on jobs and promotions because you don't have the right shade of skin or genitals.

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Canada has always been a country whose politicians have always bowed down to the power of the rich, and in the next election they are still telling us that they are going to give us money, don't be so stupid, it's time to change that and vote for the communists

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2 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

No it's a very specific form of over-politeness obsessed with race and gender and trying to make sure everyone fits into some kind of identity quota.  It's not very polite to discriminate against someone based on their race or gender.  Maybe you're retired and don't lose out on jobs and promotions because you don't have the right shade of skin or genitals.

Except that there's hardly any impact at all, if any, of all this talk. Don't like the talk then ignore it.

Paying too much attention to this place into it, if you care.

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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Except that there's hardly any impact at all, if any, of all this talk. Don't like the talk then ignore it.

Paying too much attention to this place into it, if you care.

I think identity politics is having a meaningful impact to our culture, employment, and unity.  You can't just ignore reality.

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16 hours ago, eyeball said:

Billionaires out here on the coast like Jimmy Pattison and Galen Weston both did just as well under Conservatives when they were in power and in charge of DFO - their good fortune didn't change one iota. 

From where I'm sitting the Liberals are no less right-wing where the rubber of corporate influence hits the road. Liberals just seem to be better at corruption and Conservatives are worse at preventing it. At the end of the day the 1% still laugh all the way to the bank as usual.

I believe you're wrong unless you're talking about some sort of illegal fund raising going on behind closed doors that gets around the rules. 


I suppose something like that could be going on back there but how would we ever know or prevent it? Something like Harper's Transparency and Accountability Act? 🤣 Trudeau pushed through that like it was wet tissue paper.


Stephen Rosner Bronfman (born 23 January 1964) is a Canadian businessperson, philanthropist, environmental activist and scion of the Bronfman family. He is the Chief Revenue Officer of the Liberal Party of Canada and a senior advisor to Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.



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