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drunk drivers...

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I know drinking and driving is a provincial matter, but in" BC GO figure"we have a special case here his a guy working on his 22 nd charge...yes that is right 21 times before that he was charged and convicted of drinking and driving...he has spent a total of 9 years in prison...he has been charged with hurting someone in a car crash, and yet he continues to operate a motor vehicle, while impaired...maybe it is just me or do we really need to tighten the laws up in this case? not just provincially but right across the nation... How do things get this bad...

I had a guy that used to work along side of me have 9 charges and i thought that was crazy, but this case takes the cake,plus supper as well. one would think after the 10 th time...the government would have atleast seized his car, or made him pay an outrageous fine..or given him a lengthy prison term...Nope we have to wait until they kill someone...This particle laws suck in all these cases...I guess when cars drive themselves is the day we will have solved this problem...

‘This is what takes innocent people’s lives’: B.C. man receives 21st conviction for impaired driving | Globalnews.ca

Edited by Army Guy
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20 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

I know drinking and driving is a provincial matter, but in" BC GO figure"we have a special case here his a guy working on his 22 nd charge...yes that is right 21 times before that he was charged and convicted of drinking and driving...he has spent a total of 9 years in prison...he has been charged with hurting someone in a car crash, and yet he continues to operate a motor vehicle, while impaired...maybe it is just me or do we really need to tighten the laws up in this case? not just provincially but right across the nation... How do things get this bad...

I had a guy that used to work along side of me have 9 charges and i thought that was crazy, but this case takes the cake,plus supper as well. one would think after the 10 th time...the government would have atleast seized his car, or made him pay an outrageous fine..or given him a lengthy prison term...Nope we have to wait until they kill someone...This particle laws suck in all these cases...I guess when cars drive themselves is the day we will have solved this problem...

‘This is what takes innocent people’s lives’: B.C. man receives 21st conviction for impaired driving | Globalnews.ca

this is a chronic problem with ALL repeat offenders.  We also have a case right now where a sexual predator who raped an underage girl got out on bail - raped the same girl again within days.

Repeat Violent offenders are released regularly and often reoffend THE SAME DAY.  Picked up in the morning - picked up again that afternoon.

Bad as DUI is - in many cases it's the LEAST of our worries as far as who's being released these days.  SO they reoffend and reoffend and get slaps on the wrist if that, and are out that day and nothing bad ever happens to them.

Welcome to trudeau's canada, and the provinces aren't doing what they could either.  no room in the prisons you see.

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58 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Oh c’mon. 🙄

The weather is bad today. Welcome to Trudeau’s Canada

Well he DID say he was going to fix climate change :)   LOL

Joking aside while i get that sometimes it can feel like every wrong in the world gets laid at his feet in this case it is quite literal and can be specifically traced and it's not some sort of vague concept.

Justin trudeau did in fact pass laws in 2017 which made parole and release even for repeat  violent offenders pretty much automatic and instant without consideration of the safety of the public. Along with a few court rulings which he did not see fit to address or fix what has happened is that criminals are released within hours of arrest and face almost no consequences for their crimes.

Criminal law is 100 percent in the purview of the federal gov't and justin specifically put forward these changes and specifically allowed judges to 'interpret' other laws without challenge or making the new laws necessary to address the judges issues.  What we are seeing now is absolutely a DIRECT result of those changes and inactions

And he's admitted it and promised to fix it.  Except nothing's happened.

We won't be stopping this guy from DUI'ing any time soon, there is literally no consequence. He will be in and out of jail in an hour if he gets caught - no biggie.

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18 hours ago, Army Guy said:

..I guess when cars drive themselves is the day we will have solved this problem...

Why do we have to wait that long or for the feds to do something?

The Ignition Interlock Program

RoadSafetyBC may order a driver to take part in the Ignition Interlock Program, which is delivered by Smart Start. The program helps drivers separate drinking from driving. Research shows that interlock devices help reduce alcohol-affected driving.

An ignition interlock is a device wired to a vehicle’s ignition. The driver must provide an alcohol-free breath sample to start the vehicle. The device will also demand the driver provide samples at random times while the vehicle is operating. This is to ensure the driver remains alcohol-free while driving.

If a breath sample shows alcohol, the device will record the violation. It will also prompt the driver to pull over and turn the engine off. If the driver ignores the prompts, the device’s alarm will sound until the vehicle is off. Ignition interlocks record attempts to disconnect, bypass or tamper with them.

Drivers must go to an service centre to have data recorded by the device downloaded. They must also have ignition interlocks on all vehicles they drive.

We will send a letter to drivers we refer to the program. It will let them know about the program and the status of their licence.

https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/roadsafetybc/high-risk-driver/ignition-interlock#:~:text=RoadSafetyBC may order a driver,wired to a vehicle's ignition.

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44 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Why do we have to wait that long or for the feds to do something?

The Ignition Interlock Program

RoadSafetyBC may order a driver to take part in the Ignition Interlock Program, which is delivered by Smart Start. The program helps drivers separate drinking from driving. Research shows that interlock devices help reduce alcohol-affected driving.

An ignition interlock is a device wired to a vehicle’s ignition. The driver must provide an alcohol-free breath sample to start the vehicle. The device will also demand the driver provide samples at random times while the vehicle is operating. This is to ensure the driver remains alcohol-free while driving.

If a breath sample shows alcohol, the device will record the violation. It will also prompt the driver to pull over and turn the engine off. If the driver ignores the prompts, the device’s alarm will sound until the vehicle is off. Ignition interlocks record attempts to disconnect, bypass or tamper with them.

Drivers must go to an service centre to have data recorded by the device downloaded. They must also have ignition interlocks on all vehicles they drive.

We will send a letter to drivers we refer to the program. It will let them know about the program and the status of their licence.

https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/roadsafetybc/high-risk-driver/ignition-interlock#:~:text=RoadSafetyBC may order a driver,wired to a vehicle's ignition.

And then they borrow a friend's car.  Who may not be aware of their prohibition.

you have to deal with it by addressing the bad guy - not the entire world around them.

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15 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Oh c’mon. 🙄

The weather is bad today. Welcome to Trudeau’s Canada

I get it we do blame a lot on Justin, but then again who has been in charge for the last 8 plus years, and who undid harpers plans to increase sentences, and other crime fighting measures...Or better yet, what would you suggest we do in thiese cases of repeat offenders...I mean 21 one times definitely shows a pattern there... and hes already hurt someone, do we wait until he kills... 

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47 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Why do we have to wait that long or for the feds to do something?

The Ignition Interlock Program

RoadSafetyBC may order a driver to take part in the Ignition Interlock Program, which is delivered by Smart Start. The program helps drivers separate drinking from driving. Research shows that interlock devices help reduce alcohol-affected driving.

An ignition interlock is a device wired to a vehicle’s ignition. The driver must provide an alcohol-free breath sample to start the vehicle. The device will also demand the driver provide samples at random times while the vehicle is operating. This is to ensure the driver remains alcohol-free while driving.

If a breath sample shows alcohol, the device will record the violation. It will also prompt the driver to pull over and turn the engine off. If the driver ignores the prompts, the device’s alarm will sound until the vehicle is off. Ignition interlocks record attempts to disconnect, bypass or tamper with them.

Drivers must go to an service centre to have data recorded by the device downloaded. They must also have ignition interlocks on all vehicles they drive.

We will send a letter to drivers we refer to the program. It will let them know about the program and the status of their licence.

https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/driving-and-cycling/roadsafetybc/high-risk-driver/ignition-interlock#:~:text=RoadSafetyBC may order a driver,wired to a vehicle's ignition.

Let me repeat myself, he was convicted 21 times....you're current system is not working...at all...infact it said you don't need a driver license to get insurance, he went for years without one, he now has a life time ban, but still has a car in his drive way...here is a guy that gave your system the finger...and the best you guys could do is smile and bend over for the 22 nd time... 

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3 hours ago, herbie said:

Meanwhile in Brampton:

New driver charged with having a beer while driving to ‘celebrate’ passing road test 20 minutes earlier

caught behind the wheel with beer in hand....

they say it takes all kinds of F*cktards to make a village...

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7 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I get it we do blame a lot on Justin, but then again who has been in charge for the last 8 plus years, and who undid harpers plans to increase sentences, and other crime fighting measures...Or better yet, what would you suggest we do in thiese cases of repeat offenders...I mean 21 one times definitely shows a pattern there... and hes already hurt someone, do we wait until he kills... 

Repeat offenders especially addicted repeat offenders is not some new phenomenon. Its not like these types of events didn’t exist before JT or don’t happen all over the world no matter who is in charge. Scumbags like this guy are just part of human existence, have been for thousands of years before JT was born and will be for thousands of years after, assuming human species even survive ls that long.  When PP is prime minister these kinds of stories will continue to appear although somehow I suspect the same people won’t be saying “welcome to PP’s Canada”  

Also JT happened to increase drunk driving laws, even to the point of absurdity: his justice department successfully argued that “impaired driving “ includes paddling a canoe being drunk at home within 2 hours AFTER having driven. 

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

they say it takes all kinds of F*cktards to make a village...

And I'll bet everyone else who saw this story instantly thought of someone they knew well that could've been the suhject.

It was the stupid cop....
I only had ONE ( a tallboy and 6 more empties rolling about the floor )
It was the wife's car - they shouldn't be able to take HER car away

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Repeat offenders especially addicted repeat offenders is not some new phenomenon

Yeah  but before we used to lock them up.  They may re offend again someday but not that afternoon.  We have justin to thank for that phenomenon.

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16 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Repeat offenders especially addicted repeat offenders is not some new phenomenon. Its not like these types of events didn’t exist before JT or don’t happen all over the world no matter who is in charge. Scumbags like this guy are just part of human existence, have been for thousands of years before JT was born and will be for thousands of years after, assuming human species even survive ls that long.  When PP is prime minister these kinds of stories will continue to appear although somehow I suspect the same people won’t be saying “welcome to PP’s Canada”  

Also JT happened to increase drunk driving laws, even to the point of absurdity: his justice department successfully argued that “impaired driving “ includes paddling a canoe being drunk at home within 2 hours AFTER having driven. 

Is that the new excuse , this has happened under previous governments so everyone gets a pass for the past, present and future...at what point does a government take responsibility for these issues....is 10 years , 20 years , 30 years of consecutive service...21 convictions is not by any means normal, and the judges that allowed it to go that far should be let go....Justin is not in this alone he has an army of people that could work on the issue, instead for 8 plus years it has been ignored, or pushed aside for something more important, like sorry i'm lost for words here, i can't find something the liberals are working on that holds any importance.


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17 minutes ago, herbie said:


Drunk driving is a motor vehicle offence, handled by Provinces.

No, drunk driving is a federal offense.  It's an offense under the federal criminal code


There are ALSO a number of provincial laws covering driving while you're drunk or disabled, mosty around disorderly conduct or being drunk in public.

But actual drinking and driving laws are federal.

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5 hours ago, herbie said:


Drunk driving is a motor vehicle offence, handled by Provinces.

There are drinking and driving offenses that are both provincial and federal.


Federal drinking and driving laws in Canada

The most serious drinking and driving laws in Canada are at the federal level. These laws apply across the country, and can result in arrest and criminal charges if you break them.

The federal BAC limit is .08%.

Any driver in Canada with a BAC over .08 can face criminal charges. At this level, impaired driving convictions come with mandatory minimum fines and the possibility of imprisonment.

These are the potential penalties for someone charged with having a BAC over .08% within two hours of driving:

First offense Second offense Third offense
  • Minimum $1,000 fine
  • Maximum 10 years’ imprisonment
  • Minimum 30 days’ imprisonment
  • Maximum 10 years’ imprisonment
  • Minimum 120 days’ imprisonment
  • Maximum 10 years’ imprisonment

Reusing to provide a breath sample carries a minimum $2,000 fine. Additionally, there are escalating minimum fines for first offenders with a BAC of .12–.159 or .160 and above.


I really want to know what the fines and prison time for having 21 convictions...

Edited by Army Guy
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8 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Is that the new excuse , this has happened under previous governments so everyone gets a pass for the past, present and future...at what point does a government take responsibility for these issues....is 10 years , 20 years , 30 years of consecutive service...21 convictions is not by any means normal, and the judges that allowed it to go that far should be let go....Justin is not in this alone he has an army of people that could work on the issue, instead for 8 plus years it has been ignored, or pushed aside for something more important, like sorry i'm lost for words here, i can't find something the liberals are working on that holds any importance.


It is definitely not “welcome to Trudeau’s Canada” which basically implies this is a circumstance of his making. 

Also the PM is not a god who can remake every facet of society on a whim or simply dictate criminal sentences to the courts on a whim. The judiciary is an independent branch of government 

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

It is definitely not “welcome to Trudeau’s Canada” which basically implies this is a circumstance of his making. 

dude. He literally changed the law.  this is absolutely 100 percent of his making. This is a federal law as well so if he doesn''t fix it nobody can.

It is beyond childish to say that he's not responsible for a thing which is his direct and exclusive responsibility.

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16 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

It is definitely not “welcome to Trudeau’s Canada” which basically implies this is a circumstance of his making. 

Also the PM is not a god who can remake every facet of society on a whim or simply dictate criminal sentences to the courts on a whim. The judiciary is an independent branch of government 

It does not have to be of his making , but it becomes his problem when they choose to ignore the problem all together...lets not forget he has been on the seat of power for 8 plus years, so it is not like he hasn't had time to get around to it...

No PM are not gods...but him or his staff can draft a bill or policy that does introduces new laws or changes to existing ones, that is within his abilities...Lets also remember that each law needs to pass the test of the judiciary, but it still can be rammed through regardless if needed... 

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On 1/14/2024 at 8:56 PM, CdnFox said:

this is a chronic problem with ALL repeat offenders.  We also have a case right now where a sexual predator who raped an underage girl got out on bail - raped the same girl again within days.

Repeat Violent offenders are released regularly and often reoffend THE SAME DAY.  Picked up in the morning - picked up again that afternoon.


I don't normally condone violence , but if this girl was my daughter that guy would one day be found by some hikers in the back woods...no bail, no arrest no repeat offensives...

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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I don't normally condone violence , but if this girl was my daughter that guy would one day be found by some hikers in the back woods...no bail, no arrest no repeat offensives...

well you're not the only one who feels that way - including the police chiefs and premiers who've been begging trudeau for some time now to fix the bail laws he brought in in 2017.  Which he promised to do but hasn't.

Our criminal system right now is beyond broken

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On 1/14/2024 at 5:32 PM, Army Guy said:

I know drinking and driving is a provincial matter, but in" BC GO figure"we have a special case here his a guy working on his 22 nd charge...yes that is right 21 times before that he was charged and convicted of drinking and driving...he has spent a total of 9 years in prison...he has been charged with hurting someone in a car crash, and yet he continues to operate a motor vehicle, while impaired...maybe it is just me or do we really need to tighten the laws up in this case? not just provincially but right across the nation... How do things get this bad...

I had a guy that used to work along side of me have 9 charges and i thought that was crazy, but this case takes the cake,plus supper as well. one would think after the 10 th time...the government would have atleast seized his car, or made him pay an outrageous fine..or given him a lengthy prison term...Nope we have to wait until they kill someone...This particle laws suck in all these cases...I guess when cars drive themselves is the day we will have solved this problem...

‘This is what takes innocent people’s lives’: B.C. man receives 21st conviction for impaired driving | Globalnews.ca

I felt so much shame that I quit drinking after driving home in the morning hungover, and got pinched. I think for people like that, they should wear ankle monitors, have an IED attacked to it that senses when one is drunk and get behind the wheel. That way the IED is triggered, and KABOOM!  

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