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Why Trump Won’t Win

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8 hours ago, Rebound said:

Again, to quote from the article you cited:

”The Fed is seeking to weaken the economy just enough to bring inflation down without causing a recession.”


Yes. That would be to control runaway inflation.  That's why they're trying to 'weaken' it.  And that inflation is almost entirely attributable to biden's policies and has been for some time.  You could point to world wide issues being responsible for about half of it initially, and some of it was due to the covid relief and you can argue that some of that was necessary as well.  But much of it wasn't. And much of the other spending wasn't.

If you borrow a few trillion dollars that doesn't exist and dump it on the economy then sure, for a  short time the economy will go brrrrrrrrrrr.  But - that directly leads to inflation and false economies later. So the feds are trying to hoover all that excess money back out of the economy as fast as they can without actually plunging the country into a major recession.

Sorry - if you thought that meant things are going well.... you are mistaken.  Rising interest rates are the same story - basically that's how the feds hoover cash out of the economy. Interest and inflation are always connected.

And yes - i'm sure it is working.  But it works by causing pain to people and putting the economy in a bad postion and none of that would have been necessary in the first place if biden had IMPROVED the economy instead of artifiicially inflating it.


I'm not going to make fun of you for not knowing that stuff this time, it's less well understood and i could see how you'd mistake the article.  But to put it in perspective it's like the pilots are yanking back on the yoke to stop the plane from crashing into the ground and everyone's flying around the cabin,  and you're saying "wow this is a great airline' :)   

This is not a sign things are going well.

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Zero Chance Trump will win in 2024

Trump needs Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona.

With mail-in ballots, Trump has zero chance. Indeed, any Republican candidate has zero chance.


With drop-off, mail-out ballots, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona are now effectivelty - like California - Democrat States. 


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On 12/30/2023 at 8:56 AM, Nationalist said:

No. The American people know the economy is worse now than it was with Trump. 

Have a happy new year.

MAYBE it was BEFORE Trump destroyed the economy with his INCOMPETENT handling of the pandemic.

Of course no one here expects YOU to acknowledge that FACT because you ONLY "know" what FOS LIES to you.

On 12/30/2023 at 9:54 AM, Nationalist said:

The American people recognize the truth...no matter how hard you try to lie to them.


You have an unrealistic view of the intelligence of "the American people," esp that of the MAGA CULT like yourself who still believe Trump's pathological LIES and those from FOS.

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

MAYBE it was BEFORE Trump destroyed the economy with his INCOMPETENT handling of the pandemic.


You all seem to forget what really happened during the pandemic. First Trump tried to shut down travel from China which liberals responded with "Your Racist". Democrats were encouraging people to go to restaurants and Covid was no big deal until they decided it was then blamed Trump for it.

Then Trump decided to slow the spread by shutting the economy down for a couple of weeks which Democrats took as until Trump is beat in the election because of the economy. You were seeing night and day differences between the economies of red states vs blue states towards the end of hte pandemic because the Democrats were keeping their states closed to hurt Trumps election chances and so they could force bs election policies to fix the election in their favor.

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1 hour ago, Fluffypants said:

You all seem to forget what really happened during the pandemic. First Trump tried to shut down travel from China which liberals responded with "Your Racist".

 So you're claiming "liberals" changed Trump's POLICY by calling him racist? LMAO Who told you that?

The FACT is, when Trump implemented his travel "ban" he first let 40,000 citizens fly back from China with NO testing, tracking NOR quarantine. That was Trump's FIRST super-spreader event. 🤮

Then he implemented another with his travel ban from Europe with NO PLANNING causing panic and travelers running around very crowded European airports with NO MASKS. Again with no testing, tracking NOR quarantine.

1 hour ago, Fluffypants said:

Democrats were encouraging people to go to restaurants and Covid was no big deal until they decided it was then blamed Trump for it.

Trump could have stopped "Democrats encouraging," but never even tried. IF that ever happened at all.

1 hour ago, Fluffypants said:

Then Trump decided to slow the spread by shutting the economy down for a couple of weeks which Democrats took as until Trump is beat in the election because of the economy.

Really? Where did you hear ^this. Trump never shut anything down; didn't even have the authority. Only governors had that authority. Trump was LYING to the public saying it was no big deal and would be gone in a couple of weeks; BEFORE it EXPLODED across the nation. If you want to know what he really thought, listen to the tapes of his convo with Woodward in which he stated HOW SERIOUS IT WAS.

1 hour ago, Fluffypants said:

You were seeing night and day differences between the economies of red states vs blue states towards the end of hte pandemic because the Democrats were keeping their states closed to hurt Trumps election chances and so they could force bs election policies to fix the election in their favor.

No, they were keeping states "closed" to SAVE LIVES. And "closed" meant stores which were NOT NECESSARY. I could shop where ever I HAD TO, like grocery and Home Depot. Unfortunately my gym was closed.   Trump derided that and claimed not necessary cause he thought it would hurt his campaign. IN REALITY, if he'd actually taken rational steps, like stopping HIS super-spreader campaign events, he probably would have been re-elected.

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11 hours ago, robosmith said:

MAYBE it was BEFORE Trump destroyed the economy with his INCOMPETENT handling of the pandemic.

Of course no one here expects YOU to acknowledge that FACT because you ONLY "know" what FOS LIES to you.


Actually trump did better than biden as it turns out, and again this is why the polls are showing that people are syaing "umm - maybe we should bring that other guy back again...."  :)

Of course nobody here expects YOU to acknowledge that  FACT because you ONLY "know" what the wokes tell you to know :)

11 hours ago, robosmith said:

The American people recognize the truth...no matter how hard you try to lie to them.


You have an unrealistic view of the intelligence of "the American people,"

No no - we've met you.  We realize how dumb some americans can be :)  But - he's talking about the other ones, not you and your kind,

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Biden knows that he'll win: Philadelphia, Twin Cities, Las Vegas, Phoenix.

In these cities, in the mind of young Democrats, they are simply helping people to vote as they should vote.


In Canada, we vote in person.

I put an X beside one name. 

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On 12/30/2023 at 5:19 PM, CdnFox said:

Yes. That would be to control runaway inflation.  That's why they're trying to 'weaken' it.  And that inflation is almost entirely attributable to biden's policies and has been for some time.  You could point to world wide issues being responsible for about half of it initially, and some of it was due to the covid relief and you can argue that some of that was necessary as well.  But much of it wasn't. And much of the other spending wasn't.

If you borrow a few trillion dollars that doesn't exist and dump it on the economy then sure, for a  short time the economy will go brrrrrrrrrrr.  But - that directly leads to inflation and false economies later. So the feds are trying to hoover all that excess money back out of the economy as fast as they can without actually plunging the country into a major recession.

Sorry - if you thought that meant things are going well.... you are mistaken.  Rising interest rates are the same story - basically that's how the feds hoover cash out of the economy. Interest and inflation are always connected.

And yes - i'm sure it is working.  But it works by causing pain to people and putting the economy in a bad postion and none of that would have been necessary in the first place if biden had IMPROVED the economy instead of artifiicially inflating it.


I'm not going to make fun of you for not knowing that stuff this time, it's less well understood and i could see how you'd mistake the article.  But to put it in perspective it's like the pilots are yanking back on the yoke to stop the plane from crashing into the ground and everyone's flying around the cabin,  and you're saying "wow this is a great airline' :)   

This is not a sign things are going well.

@Rebound,  further to this here's a chart that kind of shows what i was trying to say better.  When you start to get past the 'cherry picking' you realize that the economy isn't as good as you think.


Now - don't feel TOO bad, the us is not the worst.   (i think canada is the worst, falls right off the bottom).

But as you can see it's not going all that well and people see that in their daily lives.




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52 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

@Rebound,  further to this here's a chart that kind of shows what i was trying to say better.  When you start to get past the 'cherry picking' you realize that the economy isn't as good as you think.


Now - don't feel TOO bad, the us is not the worst.   (i think canada is the worst, falls right off the bottom).

But as you can see it's not going all that well and people see that in their daily lives.




This says nothing about the economy over time, so it says nothing about Biden’s performance either way.  

But the nations ranked above the U.S. have one of two characteristics: They’re either an oil export kingdom, or they’re a more socialist nation than the U.S.  Since America cannot become an oil export kingdom, the other way to move up the rank is to become more socialist.  

Edited by Rebound
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9 hours ago, Rebound said:

This says nothing about the economy over time, so it says nothing about Biden’s performance either way.  


In previous US presidential elections, this would have mattered - inflation, interest rates etc.  In 2024, it does not.

I think we all understand that no Republican will ever - ever - win certain counties in Illinois, California, New York, Pennsylvania. Everyone knows these counties.

Well, these counties are now state-wide.

Trump has zero chance of winning Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada.

This is why Biden and the Democrats are so calm.

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10 hours ago, Rebound said:

This says nothing about the economy over time, so it says nothing about Biden’s performance either way.  


It quite literally does.  It notes that the economic performance has significantly reduced.


But the nations ranked above the U.S. have one of two characteristics: They’re either an oil export kingdom, or they’re a more socialist nation than the U.S.  Since America cannot become an oil export kingdom, the other way to move up the rank is to become more socialist.

Sigh. You never miss a chance to sound a little less educated do you :)

In fact there are a multitude of other factors and the us has traditionally been ahead of those people, But other factors include more homogenous populations (Which reduces unnecessary social strains), smaller populations which allow for efficiencies, etc.

Oh - and america is in fact an oil exporting nation now, and can expand that if it wishes.  You didn't know'?


In 2022, the United States exported about 9.52 million b/d of petroleum to 180 countries and 4 U.S. territories. Crude oil exports of about 3.60 million b/d accounted for 38% of total U.S. gross petroleum exports.


To be honest - the us would be ahead of those countries tomorrow if you got rid of all the illegal immigrants. So there's more than one path :)  

But i do love that having realized that biden and his increase in socialism has failed, your answer is MOAR socialism :) ROFLMAO!!!

At any rate the issue is whether biden is doing well with the economy, and the answer is not really, no.   And people see that in their lives and  they're not happy with him in that regard.

So what other parts of his record can he run on? He got poor marks for covid.  the economy isn't great. The culture wars and national fissures are still pretty serious, he hasn't brought the people together. The environment is still just as bad, no new great leaps there. The border is an epic disaster.  Trade is not great at all.  We have all kinds of wars going on which didn't happen under trump, fair or unfair.  Corruption is still a major factor, most people believe hunter was up to no good and daddy was involved one way or another.

Sooooo...... track record? What's he going to run on?

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On 12/22/2023 at 10:34 AM, -TSS- said:

The Republicans can no longer win the popular vote. They can still win the electoral college though but as soon as Texas flips blue it is game over forever for the Republicans.

Left-wing fantasy. Your side is too unhinged to keep any real majority - it's not sustainable. Once we get through this awful woke epidemic phase, America will undergo a necessary shift towards moral stability; it'll be sort of like the 80's all over again. 

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16 hours ago, August1991 said:

Biden knows that he'll win: Philadelphia, Twin Cities, Las Vegas, Phoenix.

In these cities, in the mind of young Democrats, they are simply helping people to vote as they should vote.


In Canada, we vote in person.

I put an X beside one name. 

Biden knows about toilet breaks, strawberry ice cream and sniffing young girls' hair. 

That a$$hole will not get a second term. 

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On 1/2/2024 at 6:17 PM, Deluge said:

Left-wing fantasy. Your side is too unhinged to keep any real majority - it's not sustainable. Once we get through this awful woke epidemic phase, America will undergo a necessary shift towards moral stability; it'll be sort of like the 80's all over again. 

You don't understand; demographics are against the Republicans. Black people always vote Democrat 90-10, Hispanics always vote Democrat 70-30. Only white people's vote goes back and forth.

However, the share of the white people of the population is going down all the time. Perhaps it's planned or perhaps not but it is happening. In the future white people would have to vote for the Republicans like 70-30 in order to have any chance of winning any election at the federal level. Very unlikely to happen.

There will still be some states which the Republicans can win but the whole country will soon be a factual one-party state, which is always a bad thing.

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On 12/30/2023 at 8:38 PM, August1991 said:

Zero Chance Trump will win in 2024

Trump needs Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona.

With mail-in ballots, Trump has zero chance. Indeed, any Republican candidate has zero chance.


With drop-off, mail-out ballots, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona are now effectivelty - like California - Democrat States. 


Cheating does come easy to Libbies.

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On 1/2/2024 at 11:17 AM, Deluge said:

Left-wing fantasy. Your side is too unhinged to keep any real majority - it's not sustainable. Once we get through this awful woke epidemic phase, America will undergo a necessary shift towards moral stability; it'll be sort of like the 80's all over again. 

Yet we're destroying democracy...

This Libbie filth needs to be exposed and brought to a screeching halt!

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35 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Yet we're destroying democracy...

This Libbie filth needs to be exposed and brought to a screeching halt!

I agree, but it's probably going to take exercising the 2nd Amendment to get that done, and I don't know how many conservatives are ready to do that.

We'll have to see how this next election plays out. 

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1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

You don't understand; demographics are against the Republicans. Black people always vote Democrat 90-10, Hispanics always vote Democrat 70-30. Only white people's vote goes back and forth.

However, the share of the white people of the population is going down all the time. Perhaps it's planned or perhaps not but it is happening. In the future white people would have to vote for the Republicans like 70-30 in order to have any chance of winning any election at the federal level. Very unlikely to happen.

There will still be some states which the Republicans can win but the whole country will soon be a factual one-party state, which is always a bad thing.

Demographics can shift, and I'm going to stay optimistic about that until November. 

If the woketards win again, then packing the Supreme Court is a guarantee, and hell on earth will quickly follow. 

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11 minutes ago, Deluge said:

I agree, but it's going to take exercising the 2nd Amendment to get that done. I don't know how many conservatives are ready to do that. 

It might come to that...if they cheat again.

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3 hours ago, -TSS- said:

You don't understand; demographics are against the Republicans. Black people always vote Democrat 90-10, Hispanics always vote Democrat 70-30. Only white people's vote goes back and forth.

However, the share of the white people of the population is going down all the time. Perhaps it's planned or perhaps not but it is happening. In the future white people would have to vote for the Republicans like 70-30 in order to have any chance of winning any election at the federal level. Very unlikely to happen.

There will still be some states which the Republicans can win but the whole country will soon be a factual one-party state, which is always a bad thing.

Honestly - this isn't the first time in history people have said that and it generally doesn't turn out to be true. 

Blacks don't vote democrat because they're black. There's no 'genetic' reason they do it, they don't wake up one day and say 'Oh - i was going to vote republican but i just noticed i'm black so....

Blacks are more likely to be lower class or live in lower class areas.  Poorer people are more likely to vote democrat for obvious reasons. As the percent of blacks grow they wind up more and more represented in all social stratum.  THerefore over time their voting preferences change as well.  For example - Trump picked up 4 percent MORE of the black vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. 

And with hispanics too. Biden only won Hispanic voters by 21 points, 59 percent to 38 percent, down significantly from Clinton’s 38-point advantage, 66 percent to 28 percent

As these groups grow and become more established as a percent of the population so does their diversity in voting.


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On 1/2/2024 at 11:21 AM, Deluge said:

Biden knows about toilet breaks, strawberry ice cream and sniffing young girls' hair. 

That a$$hole will not get a second term. 

All irrelevant. Do the numbers.


With the election of 2020, Democrats discovered kryptonite.

Republicans - Trump in particular - are clueless.

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2 minutes ago, August1991 said:

In the mind of many young Americans, it's not cheating.

These young Americans are merely helping fellow Americans to choose what is in their best interest. 

The willingness  to get a temporary advantage over a politcal opponent at the cost of the integrity of their entire democracy which underpins their freedoms right now is beyond words.  And it's gaining steam, not slowing down.

I wish they could see that there's no going back once you walk down that path - that elections become more and more tainted and people have less and less faith in the results and it ends VERY badly.

Fake dossiers, fake fbi investigations that are clearly bias, weaponizing the courts to go after political opponents, denying the results of an election without sufficient grounds or evidence, threatening to go after your political opponents -  the dems are far worse for this right at the moment but the republicans and trump are not above it at all and i'm quite sure they're about to lean into it if trump wins.

It's really actually a little gut wrenching to watch.

3 minutes ago, August1991 said:

All irrelevant. Do the numbers.


With the election of 2020, Democrats discovered kryptonite.

Republicans - Trump in particular - are clueless.

The numbers indicate two things.

1 - trump has a very respectible chance of winning the election in 2024. WIth a decent campaign he could win handily. He's got at the very least a 50 50 chance.

2 - you really don't understand politics.  But we knew that before the numbers :) 

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5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Blacks don't vote democrat because they're black. There's no 'genetic' reason they do it, they don't wake up one day and say 'Oh - i was going to vote republican but i just noticed i'm black so....



"If you don't vote for me, then you ain't black!"


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35 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

The willingness  to get a temporary advantage over a politcal opponent at the cost of the integrity of their entire democracy which underpins their freedoms right now is beyond words.  And it's gaining steam, not slowing down.

I wish they could see that there's no going back once you walk down that path - that elections become more and more tainted and people have less and less faith in the results and it ends VERY badly.


In the 1800s, in America, candidates printed ballots and handed them to people (men). Ballots were like coupons for us today. (Like Iowa today, whichever candidate got the most ballots was a winner.)

Have you seen the movie Around the World in Eighty Days? Have you seen the scene in San Francisco? (Frank Sinatra did a cameo... )


IMHO, the Americans -centuries ago- wisely left the issue of counting votes to the States.

Edited by August1991
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