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OH CANADA, how low we've sunk


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19 hours ago, taxme said:

So, was Stalin an evil person? Stalin should have died long before the war ever started. But what i will never understand is why Hitlers avowed enemy was communism, which the west was having problems with also, would not join Hitler in his war with Stalin. But yet, when Hitler went into Russia, America, Canada and Britain decided to join forces with Stalin their worse enemy and defeat Hitler. Stalin was more of a threat to the rest of the world than Hitler. 

I have often wondered as to what would the world be like today if those countries had joined forces with Hitler to try  defeat a bigger enemy to the west? I guess that we will never know now. And as we have now seen as to what communism has done to the hundreds of millions of it's victim's, maybe we should have joined forces with Hitler. Anyone that wanted to defeat and destroy communism is okay in my books. By not defeating communism, we now have to deal with communist China, North Korea and Cuba. I believe that a big mistake was made here. Just my opinion.   

One of the worst things that happened during that era (for the Allies) was when the Soviets and Nazis signed a non aggression pact with a mutual understanding of how Eastern Europe was going to be split between them. One of the best things that subsequently happened was when the Nazis broke that pact by invading the Soviet Union. Both  Nazis and Soviets had aggressive plans to expand their borders by occupying other countries. Why would the allies who chose to protect the sovereignty of central and eastern European countries  be interested in joining forces with either one? While only the circumstances of having a common foe  led  the Soviets to the Allied camp,  there was very little trust between them. Joining forces with the Nazis was never seriously considered for obvious reasons.

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20 hours ago, CdnFox said:

No, you're not.  You're demanding that hamas's handiwork be posted for all to see and celebrate, which is precisely what they want.

"All you want" is to promote hamas's work and use the dead bodies of children to glorify their actions? Oh is that "all"?

Dude - that is a sick thing to ask for.


You mean dropping bombs on hamas targets? Yeah i'm fine with that.  I assume that you're fine with hamas using people as meat shields to hide behind?


You have to be one stupid arse hole? How many more times do i have to repeat myself here before you get things right? I am on the side of the innocent Palestinian people that are being bombed and massacred by Israeli bombs? NOT HAMAS.

You are the one that seems to be enjoying the murdering of innocent Palestinian people. You show that you support that every day here. You are a sick and pathetic non-human being indeed. 

You are too stupid to even point out as to where i have ever said that i support Hamas. Show me verbatim you lying fool? If you cannot show me anything, than i suggest that you just STFU about me supporting Hamas. You Zionist supporters are evil animals. ?

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30 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I do proselytize sometimes because sometimes the gospel needs to preached.  Isn't that what Jesus said to do?

I’m sure there’s a passage somewhere that Jesus says to annoy people by talking at them, rather than talking with them.  


30 minutes ago, blackbird said:

When did I ever say anything remotely close to that?  It is a hypothetical…

Yes, hypothetical question to point out the inconsistency in your argument where you’re in favour of modern day invasions and colonization of other people’s land.  It’s ok if it’s not your land.  That’s why you won’t answer the question.  

Edited by TreeBeard
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7 hours ago, ironstone said:

You have got this totally backwards and you keep ducking the question. You're the one that seems to be salivating at the prospect of seeing horrific images, not me.

And you clearly don't have a response to the point we keep making about Hamas and their longtime tactic of using human shields. They consider Palestinian casualties as a positive thing.

It would appear to me that Israel considers the loss of innocent Palestinian lives are just casualties of war. The police do not go into some store and start shooting willy-nilly and killing others in the store just so they can get the one man that they are after. 

No matter how you want to try and make Israel look like what they are doing is justified, shows me that you could care less about the innocent Palestinian people who are being massacred by Israel. You Israel supporters really are something else. 

Why are there so many members here that gives a shit about Israel is beyond me. If you love Israel so much, then why don't you go live there? A shitty little country, but hey, you should be happy living there. ?

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3 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

I don't. What bothers me is the one sided propaganda.

If Russia decides to bomb Canada, and those get intercepted in Alaska, you likely could thank Israel for this.

They have some of the most advanced anti missile systems on the planet. They share this technology with the US. 

We are indirectly protected by the US. To say Israel doesn't benefit the western world, is crazy at best.

You have clearly never traveled to Israel nor know anyone from there.

Israel is a beautiful country, that is just horribly situated.

Your logic would be stating the Philippines is a crappy country to live in, because it happens to be on the ring of fire, making it incredibly earthquake prone.

Many locals and tourists would just internally scoff, while vacationing like this:


We only do get one sided propaganda, and it is all Israeli propaganda. 

That is never going to happen. Russia has no plans to bomb Canada. Not going to happen ever. 

Israel has advanced  anti-missile technology thanks to America supplying Israel with that technology plus 400 nukes which they do not need to protect themselves. Without the billions of American taxpayer's tax dollars, Israel would not exist today. The Arabs would have eliminated Israel decades ago. 

Are you an Israeli citizen? 

I have never had any interest of ever visiting Israel. It's not on my bucket list. Tough noogies. The Caribbean Islands are just as nice to visit and the people do not send bombs to kill other people. ?

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1 hour ago, suds said:

One of the worst things that happened during that era (for the Allies) was when the Soviets and Nazis signed a non aggression pact with a mutual understanding of how Eastern Europe was going to be split between them. One of the best things that subsequently happened was when the Nazis broke that pact by invading the Soviet Union. Both  Nazis and Soviets had aggressive plans to expand their borders by occupying other countries. Why would the allies who chose to protect the sovereignty of central and eastern European countries  be interested in joining forces with either one? While only the circumstances of having a common foe  led  the Soviets to the Allied camp,  there was very little trust between them. Joining forces with the Nazis was never seriously considered for obvious reasons.

Communism has been responsible for the death of hundreds of millions of innocent lives. If communism had been defeated those hundreds of millions would never have died. IMHO, the world would have been a lot better off if the west had joined forces with Hitler to defeat Stalin the butcher. Too late now. Hitler may have had his faults, but he did have the right idea. 

What would the world be like today if communism was defeated during the 2nd WW? God only knows. I believe that the west made a big mistake. Aw well. ?

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

you’re in favour of modern day invasions and colonization of other people’s land.

I don't think I said I was "in favour" of that.

I simply pointed out that is how the world was settled.

You twisted it and put emphasis on me favouring it in your attempt to discredit me.  That's exactly what you do with  most comments you make to me.  Your whole purpose is to try to put me in a bad light.  We know the reason for that.  It has to do with your opposition to the Bible and God.  Am I right?

As I pointed out before, there are two classes of people in the world.  Born again believers in Jesus and his word.  The other class are those who oppose Him and follow the evil world's system and ideologies.

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20 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I simply pointed out that is how the world was settled

Do you think that’s a good way to do things in this day and age?

20 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You twisted it

I didn’t twist anything you said.  You just got caught in an inconsistent and hypocritical opinion.  


21 minutes ago, blackbird said:

As I pointed out before, there are two classes of people in the world.  Born again believers in Jesus and his word.  The other class are those who oppose Him and follow the evil world's system and ideologies.

So Jewish people are in the same class as atheists and devil worshippers then?

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

You have to be one stupid arse hole? How many more times do i have to repeat myself here before you get things right? I am on the side of the innocent Palestinian people that are being bombed and massacred by Israeli bombs? NOT HAMAS.

I'm certainly TALKING to one stupid arsehole. How many times do you need to be told that parading around the dead bodies of the people Hamas MURDERED glorifies their actions and SUPPORTS HAMAS?!?! 

Yet you keep demanding it.  You're a liar one way or another, either you DO support hamas and want those bodies paraded around on the internet or you aren't in which case why are you demanding it?


You are easily one of the dumbest posters on this board and that was up against some pretty stiff competition.  You pretend not to support the terrorists and then support them 100 percent with your demands.

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41 minutes ago, taxme said:

Communism has been responsible for the death of hundreds of millions of innocent lives. If communism had been defeated those hundreds of millions would never have died. IMHO, the world would have been a lot better off if the west had joined forces with Hitler to defeat Stalin the butcher. Too late now. Hitler may have had his faults, but he did have the right idea. 

"Hitler may have had his faults, but he did have the right idea." ????

This proves what a certifiable nutcase you really are.

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

We only do get one sided propaganda, and it is all Israeli propaganda. 

This depends on where you reside. If you read left leaning news, you will be exposed to more pro Palestine coverage. More showing of the children dying, and little coverage of what caused this.

Follow right leaning news, and you will get more pro Israel coverage, and no ability to understand where this conflict started, to provide depth.

2 hours ago, taxme said:

That is never going to happen.

It would start a global conflict. My point being made, we are heavily protected by a key ally that shares immense amounts of military intel with one another. Israel is incredibly high tech, regarding its military.

2 hours ago, taxme said:

Israel would not exist today.

This is a good thing? 

If you set a precedent that you can wipe a country off the map as an aggressor, then this will never stop.

This makes the US's relationship with Israel critical.

You disliking war is irrelevant, since they are fighting in self defense.

2 hours ago, taxme said:

Are you an Israeli citizen? 

Am Haitian.

I happen to have had a best friend from Israel and know a lot of people who fled to Canada to escape war from various countries.

Dated a woman who had her entire family slaughtered.

Its easy not to care about war, from the comfort of your home in front of your computer. 

Some people don't have that luxury. Their crime? Being born in a war zone.

Its in the US best interests to keep the relationship with Israel strong.

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17 hours ago, taxme said:

Why are there so many members here that gives a shit about Israel is beyond me. If you love Israel so much, then why don't you go live there? A shitty little country, but hey, you should be happy living there. ?

Would I have more rights and freedoms in Israel than in Gaza?

Yes or no question.


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16 hours ago, suds said:

proves what a certifiable nutcase you really are.

A nutcase is a compliment. 

Anyone who calls for the extermination of an entire population while decrying the extermination of another is a hypocrite on so many levels, crazy isn't a word that would apply.

This isn't a sanity issue. Its a common sense issue. An intelligence level issue.

If you decry one side but refuse to look at the other, you're precisely why such a conflict could never end.

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On 11/11/2023 at 3:35 PM, CdnFox said:

I'm certainly TALKING to one stupid arsehole. How many times do you need to be told that parading around the dead bodies of the people Hamas MURDERED glorifies their actions and SUPPORTS HAMAS?!?! 

Yet you keep demanding it.  You're a liar one way or another, either you DO support hamas and want those bodies paraded around on the internet or you aren't in which case why are you demanding it?


You are easily one of the dumbest posters on this board and that was up against some pretty stiff competition.  You pretend not to support the terrorists and then support them 100 percent with your demands.

Slow down, cowboy. Your hatred of gentiles is showing. I have never seen any pictures or videos of any dead bodies being paraded around. What? Were those dead bodies being paraded and were being held up on poles on the back of some pick up trucks for all to see?  What a poor dumb downed arse hole that you are. Hey, the sky is starting to fall down, watch out. LOL.

Apparently, the many Jewish hostages that have been released by Hamas were very positive about their imprisonment. They said that they were treated with respect by Hamas. OMG? That was what i had heard from listening to the other side of the story. You know, the side of the story that you refuse to listen too. 

Jewish people get so emotional over something they know nothing about. You just keep parroting as to what the Zionist controlled and lying MSM tells you and believe every word they say. You need to listen to what others have to say about this feud going on in Gaza. You have no proof of any kind that Hamas is any worse or better than Israel. So, I think that you should STFU until you have truly something to squeak about, arse hole. ?

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On 11/11/2023 at 5:03 PM, Perspektiv said:

This depends on where you reside. If you read left leaning news, you will be exposed to more pro Palestine coverage. More showing of the children dying, and little coverage of what caused this.

Follow right leaning news, and you will get more pro Israel coverage, and no ability to understand where this conflict started, to provide depth.

It would start a global conflict. My point being made, we are heavily protected by a key ally that shares immense amounts of military intel with one another. Israel is incredibly high tech, regarding its military.

This is a good thing? 

If you set a precedent that you can wipe a country off the map as an aggressor, then this will never stop.

This makes the US's relationship with Israel critical.

You disliking war is irrelevant, since they are fighting in self defense.

Am Haitian.

I happen to have had a best friend from Israel and know a lot of people who fled to Canada to escape war from various countries.

Dated a woman who had her entire family slaughtered.

Its easy not to care about war, from the comfort of your home in front of your computer. 

Some people don't have that luxury. Their crime? Being born in a war zone.

Its in the US best interests to keep the relationship with Israel strong.

It would appear to me that America supporting Israel has not been so good and great for the American people. But the American people have no choice. Their puppet government of America is controlled by Zionist Israel or at least that is what Ariel Sharon once said? Not me. ?

On 11/12/2023 at 7:57 AM, ironstone said:

Would I have more rights and freedoms in Israel than in Gaza?

Yes or no question.


I would not know. I do not live in either place. Your question is answered. ?

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

 Slow down, cowboy. Your hatred of gentiles is showing.

I had thought you couldn't get more stupid as it's possible for someone to get.  I was wrong. I apologize for doubting you.


 I have never seen any pictures or videos of any dead bodies being paraded around.

But that's what you want to see.  You want that posted on the internet. you want to take hamas's handiwork and display it for everyone.

You want to take the dead bodies of the victims and like some ghoul you want them paraded around so we can see these victims in the worst possible light and glory in the work of hamas.

Tonnes of media and gov't officials have seen the videos.  Here's warren kinsella - that is not some agent of isreal. Look at him describe it.

But no - YOU WANT THESE ISRAELI WOMEN AND CHILDREN SHAMED PUBLIC ALLY WHERE YOU CAN SEE IT. Their dead bodies displayed for your pleasure.


And we all know what you terrorist supporters do then - "OH, those probably aren't ISRAELI women and children!!! It was faked, or it was actually gaza children and the israelis are lying etc etc etc"

You're kind of a disgusting pig. How would you feel if your loved ones were killed violently and the images of them in their final moments were plastered all over the internet?

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I had thought you couldn't get more stupid as it's possible for someone to get.  I was wrong. I apologize for doubting you.

But that's what you want to see.  You want that posted on the internet. you want to take hamas's handiwork and display it for everyone.

You want to take the dead bodies of the victims and like some ghoul you want them paraded around so we can see these victims in the worst possible light and glory in the work of hamas.

Tonnes of media and gov't officials have seen the videos.  Here's warren kinsella - that is not some agent of isreal. Look at him describe it.

But no - YOU WANT THESE ISRAELI WOMEN AND CHILDREN SHAMED PUBLIC ALLY WHERE YOU CAN SEE IT. Their dead bodies displayed for your pleasure.


And we all know what you terrorist supporters do then - "OH, those probably aren't ISRAELI women and children!!! It was faked, or it was actually gaza children and the israelis are lying etc etc etc"

You're kind of a disgusting pig. How would you feel if your loved ones were killed violently and the images of them in their final moments were plastered all over the internet?

Why were all of the phones and cameras and even watches taken away, especially from the likes of Kinsella, a well know anti-conservative agitator himself. One would think that Israel would want to have any pictures or videos of what they saw shown to the world. 

Kinsella is a piece of nothing. The way he treated Doug Collins was disgusting enough. Kinsella would be the last person i would ever believe or listen too. Since when did it come to the point where a few dead bodies could not be recorded or shown on TV to the rest of the world. Stop spreading mis and disinformation. 

Lets face it now? You are a rabid supporter of Zionist Israel and what they are doing to innocent people. There have been many demonstrations going on in Israel, by many Jewish people, along with millions of other people around the world, that are condemning Israel for what they are doing with their constant bombing and killing of innocent people.

You are a sadist. Disgusting and deplorable. ?

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

I would not know. I do not live in either place. Your question is answered. ?

You know perfectly well what the answer to that question is. But you were afraid to admit the obvious truth. 

In fact, you are aware that Israelis have more rights and freedom than any other country in the ME.?

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9 minutes ago, taxme said:

Why were all of the phones and cameras and even watches taken away, especially from the likes of Kinsella, a well know anti-conservative agitator himself.


Because it is WRONG to portray the bodies of the dead all over the internet to glorify hamas so that they can point and laugh


One would think that Israel would want to have any pictures or videos of what they saw shown to the world. 

No one - NO one would think that.  what kind of sadist would you have to be to think that?

Thats why they invite people like kinsella, provide ALL the info, data and facts and pictures and vids, and then they can tell the world "Yes it happened" with minimal disrespect to the dead.

 It's only ghouls like you who revel in looking at the pictures. Then when you're done salivating and god knows what over the dead bodies you'll claim it's fake.

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20 minutes ago, ironstone said:

You know perfectly well what the answer to that question is. But you were afraid to admit the obvious truth. 

In fact, you are aware that Israelis have more rights and freedom than any other country in the ME.?

I am not afraid to admit anything. I will admit though that I do not like watching the murdering of innocent people, stunned.

I do not live in Israel, so how would i know what rights and freedoms Israelis have. I am pretty sure that not all countries in the ME deny their citizen's rights and freedoms. There has to be some ME countries out there that do so. 

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On 11/11/2023 at 3:01 PM, blackbird said:

I don't think I said I was "in favour" of that.

I simply pointed out that is how the world was settled.

You twisted it and put emphasis on me favouring it in your attempt to discredit me.  That's exactly what you do with  most comments you make to me.  Your whole purpose is to try to put me in a bad light.  We know the reason for that.  It has to do with your opposition to the Bible and God.  Am I right?

As I pointed out before, there are two classes of people in the world.  Born again believers in Jesus and his word.  The other class are those who oppose Him and follow the evil world's system and ideologies.

As you pointed out already? There are two classes of people? They are Jews and gentiles. The world has been an evil place ever since your god created it.

Why are we born to die? What is the purpose of creating life and then destroying life? And do you honestly believe that the hundreds of billions of people on earth today, and the hundreds of billions that came and died, are all going to be judged by your god and sent to the promised land in the bible?

And just where the hell is your god going to distribute all of the dead and soon to be dead? Ship us all off to some planet in the universe and start all this shit all over again? I have tried to make sense of it all, but all I ever find out is that this appears to be all bullshit to me. I think that when we die, that may be the end of it. And if we die and that is it, we would not know anything anyway. We will know nothing about dying until we die. Then we will all find out what happens after death. A terrible situation for all of us living folk to be in. ?

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