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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


Get lost with your Israeli lying bullshit about babies being beheaded. It did not happen. Otherwise, where is the proof that this did happen? I want to see some proof. The western media also told us one time during the Iraq war that the Iraqi military were entering hospitals and stabbing new born babies to death, which later was proven to be a bloody lie. 

Nobody from any military would dare go into any hospital and start stabbing or beheading babies. That would be a big bad PR mistake for anyone to do. Stop listening to the western Israeli controlled media and their lies. Now let us see if i can easily convince you that the sky is starting to fall down.  Look up, look way up. LOL.

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

Get lost with your Israeli lying bullshit about babies being beheaded. It did not happen. Otherwise, where is the proof that this did happen? I want to see some proof.

You want to see pictures of beheaded babies? You feel that's the kind of thing gov's should be distributing?

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39 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

The head of the octopus is the public who support it and allow it to thrive.  Without them there are no such groups. You sure you want to take that position?

You are scared to attack the real problem which is Islamic republic because they are strong and with their advanced intercontinental missiles they can strike back real hard so you try to take on the weak defenseless people who don't have anything to defend themselves. Destroy the weak and defenseless.

Islamic republic from the birth to its death which hopeful is near is responsible for all terrorisms in Middle East. they trained Hamas fighters and Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad forces, provide money and weaponry to them. They are the head of the Octopus and these terrorists who are named are just its legs. These are proven fact.

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7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

You are scared to attack the real problem

the public support IS the real problem.


which is Islamic republic because they are strong and with their advanced intercontinental missiles they can strike back real hard so you try to take on the weak defenseless people who don't have anything to defend themselves. Destroy the weak and defenseless.

The islamics dont' have any intercontinental missles - and sure blow them up too if you like - but at the moment there's only one gov't attacking a friendly nation in the middle east.  So deal with them.  And if any of the others get involved smoke the hell out of them too.  But at the moment they're not.

And they're not strong, they're weak as hell.



Islamic republic from the birth to its death which hopeful is near is responsible for all terrorisms in Middle East. they trained Hamas fighters and Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad forces, provide money and weaponry to them. They are the head of the Octopus and these terrorists who are named are just its legs. These are proven fact.

Great - bring it to the un and if you can prove it and that they deliberately interfered with other countries then we should do something. 

But 'training' someone etc is not quite the same. That's like charging the gun makers because someone bought a gun and shot someone else.  If iran gets involved directly then they should be blown up. But giving another country arms isn't in and of itself a crime, and hamas is a lawful gov't.   I mean hell if that were the case we'd all be in jail for the allied support of ukraine.


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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Multiculturalism and diversity. Isn't it just wonderful. It brings people together. Bullshit. LOL.

Yes indeed. Even the German Chancellor said so. 

"Multi-Kulti ist ein failure." - Angela Merkel


It could be HOW it is implemented that can bring problems.

Canada was already multicultural before this clown PM took over, of course. Back then people were carefully vetted by bureaucratic government chivattos. There was always a long line of people wanting to come in, so we chose the best of those. That is, whole families with young children, women and child refugees. Notice that lone adult males were generally not preferred.

The idea being that families could bring their culture and assimilate into the culture of Canada. Tolerance, peace, acceptance of others, within a broad framework of civil society. It takes intelligence to live like this.

In contrast to the barbaric savages being allowed in now. Uneducated, and dirty. Misogynistic and violent. Racists. They form into criminal gangs, as they do in their own country.

Just look up Toronto news, car-theft ring in google images to see what I mean.

Edited by OftenWrong
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2 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Back to the question posed: if it’s really for Hamas in particular I wish they wouldn’t, but as long they behave themselves and go home promptly afterwards I’m willing to live with it. 

Our muslim neighbours are telling us things about themselves that we already knew but weren't supposed to say. 

I LOVE these protests. 

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On 10/24/2023 at 11:50 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Of course they don't care. They are terrorists. It is expected of them not to care about civilians, murder them or use them as shield for their own miserable lives. To them those sacrificed for their twisted evil cause will go to heaven and are doing them a service in their idi*tic minds. This is their mindset. But Israel is a femocracy which stands for Western values.

In my recent trip to Greece I befriended with a Russian girl. As we were discussing politics we talked about World war. I told her that Russian men are women haters because when they captured Berlin they assaulted and raped many Gutman women. and in their defense she said similar to Germán soldiers when they captured Russian cities they raped Russian girls, My response was that yes that was expected because they were Nazis, What do you expect from Nazis. But Russians with their actions proved they are as bad as Nazis.

The people of Palestine don't care what Hamas does, becasue the majority support a world renown terrorist organization...or forced to support it.... They want this to stop THEY will need to step up and force them to stop , or leave the city...or Israel wipes Hamas out to the last man and women.  

Becasue they were as bad as the NAZI's, fighting in Ukraine has proven that over and over...If you think a few rules that govern warfare is going to keep women and children safe your wrong...you think becasue we in the west are supposed to be civilized that war is going to be safer some how...your wrong....

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On 10/25/2023 at 2:06 PM, CdnFox said:

You want to see pictures of beheaded babies? You feel that's the kind of thing gov's should be distributing?

All i am going to say here is that it would sure be nice if you gave a shit about what is happening in Canada instead of what poor old Israel is going thru. 7000 Palestinians now dead. 1500 in Israel. Who is the real victim here now?  Israel will win only because they have the backing of America. Without the backing of America, Israel would be in big time trouble. Anyway, this topic is getting to be quite boring. 

For some strange reason, climate change, BiDumb corruption, Ukraine and even Trump lawsuits have all been pushed to the side for what is going on in the ME. Israel has to be the number one news today. ?

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On 10/25/2023 at 3:07 PM, OftenWrong said:

Yes indeed. Even the German Chancellor said so. 

"Multi-Kulti ist ein failure." - Angela Merkel


It could be HOW it is implemented that can bring problems.

Canada was already multicultural before this clown PM took over, of course. Back then people were carefully vetted by bureaucratic government chivattos. There was always a long line of people wanting to come in, so we chose the best of those. That is, whole families with young children, women and child refugees. Notice that lone adult males were generally not preferred.

The idea being that families could bring their culture and assimilate into the culture of Canada. Tolerance, peace, acceptance of others, within a broad framework of civil society. It takes intelligence to live like this.

In contrast to the barbaric savages being allowed in now. Uneducated, and dirty. Misogynistic and violent. Racists. They form into criminal gangs, as they do in their own country.

Just look up Toronto news, car-theft ring in google images to see what I mean.

It can only get worse as we have an immigration policy of 80% non white immigration compared to 20% white immigration. If this is not a recipe for white genocide well what is. And this has been going on for over several decades now. The Marxist pro non white immigration dictator in Ottawa is planning on bringing in another million or so of new immigrants in the next three years. Maybe 90% of them now will be coming from people of color countries.

The white folk here in Canada are fast losing their white homeland. And it will be their own doing because they refuse to read the writing on the wall. The big cities in Canada will be the first to go majority people of color and it will be the smaller cities next. The malls now tell and show you all. ?

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50 minutes ago, taxme said:

All i am going to say here is that it would sure be nice if you gave a shit about what is happening in Canada instead of what poor old Israel is going thru.

Dude - you're the one who wanted to see the dead babies - i was fine without it.



7000 Palestinians now dead. 1500 in Israel. Who is the real victim here now? 



Israel will win only because they have the backing of America. Without the backing of America, Israel would be in big time trouble. 


Gaza is only going to lose because they picked a fight with Israel. If they hadn't done that they wouldn't be in trouble.

We all make choices - israel sounds like it makes better choices.



For some strange reason, climate change, BiDumb corruption, Ukraine and even Trump lawsuits have all been pushed to the side for what is going on in the ME. Israel has to be the number one news today. ? 

There's threads about all that stuff going on right now.  Methinks thou doth protest too much :) 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Dude - you're the one who wanted to see the dead babies - i was fine without it.




Gaza is only going to lose because they picked a fight with Israel. If they hadn't done that they wouldn't be in trouble.

We all make choices - israel sounds like it makes better choices.


There's threads about all that stuff going on right now.  Methinks thou doth protest too much :) 

1. You are the one that has said that Hamas beheaded babies. So, where is your proof? Your proof is that you heard of it does not mean that it happened. To do such a thing would be bad PR for Hamas, don't you think? I would think so. 

2. The innocent Palestinian people are the real victims now. 1500 Jews compared to 7000 Palestinians is quite a difference in numbers.

3. Israel has been picking a fight with the Palestinians ever since they stole their land. That is something that you would totally agree with. Israel is the one that has been making choices. And they have not been good for the Palestinian people. It's been great for the Jews though. And, take away the backing of America, and let us see as to how long Israel will prevail being surrounded by 400 million Arabs. Oh-oh. ?

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12 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. You are the one that has said that Hamas beheaded babies. So, where is your proof? Your proof is that you heard of it does not mean that it happened. To do such a thing would be bad PR for Hamas, don't you think? I would think so. 

2. The innocent Palestinian people are the real victims now. 1500 Jews compared to 7000 Palestinians is quite a difference in numbers.

3. Israel has been picking a fight with the Palestinians ever since they stole their land. That is something that you would totally agree with. Israel is the one that has been making choices. And they have not been good for the Palestinian people. It's been great for the Jews though. And, take away the backing of America, and let us see as to how long Israel will prevail being surrounded by 400 million Arabs. Oh-oh. ?

A proven antisemite speaks.  Totally ignorant of history and refuses to read any history or any facts.  Israel is an internationally recognized nation.  Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorists whose only reason for being is to kill Israelis.  Why would any country in their right mind be willing to just sit back and let a terrorist organization rebuild and prepare more genocidal attacks against it's people?  

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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. You are the one that has said that Hamas beheaded babies.

Well no, i did not say that actually. Linda From said that. It was her tweet.  I was more interested in the ralley.



So, where is your proof? Your proof is that you heard of it does not mean that it happened. To do such a thing would be bad PR for Hamas, don't you think? I would think so. 

Sorry - is your claim that simply SHOOTING women and babies which there is plenty of proof of GOOD PR for hamas? Are you trying to say what they did would be fine and perfectly accepted if it wasn't for beheading babies?

What the HELL is wrong with you?



2. The innocent Palestinian people are the real victims now.

Nope.. the palestinians, who are 100 percent complicit in their gov'ts actions - are unfortunately having to bear the consequences of the war their gov't started.

I suppose you could argue that hamas has lead them to this place so they're sort of victims of hamas starting this war, but really they knew what hamas was over the last decades.



3. Israel has been picking a fight with the Palestinians ever since they stole their land.

Isreal did not cross the border and kill 1400 civillians and start a war. Gaza did. Now israel is going to finish that war. 

Lesson here is if you don't want to get crushed in a war with israel, don't start wars with israel.

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18 minutes ago, blackbird said:

A proven antisemite speaks.  Totally ignorant of history and refuses to read any history or any facts.  Israel is an internationally recognized nation.  Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorists whose only reason for being is to kill Israelis.  Why would any country in their right mind be willing to just sit back and let a terrorist organization rebuild and prepare more genocidal attacks against it's people?  

There was nothing antisemitic in his post as far as I can see, He stated the fact that there are 1500 Israelis killed and 7000 Palestinians so who is worse?. He also said Israel cannot survive without the backing of America which is another fact. He said nothing about Jews. He also said there is no evidence that Hamas beheaded babies as Israeli soldiers claimed which is another fact.

Slightest criticism of Israeli action which has resulted in death of many thousands of women and children is antisemitic to silence the critics? Well it doesn't work on us. It makes us more outspoken.

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40 minutes ago, taxme said:

and let us see as to how long Israel will prevail being surrounded by 400 million Arabs. Oh-oh. ?

It is more than 400 million Arabs. It is a billion Muslims. Some are very violent stemming from their violent Islamic culture. Refer to history to see how violent barbaric they are when they invaded East and West. 

Israel has the right to defend itself (They have millions of women and children to protect too), but I agree not at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent defenseless women and children. When it comes to women and children race and religion does not matter to me. They should go after Hamas terrorists and kill them all but with minimum loss of civilian lives. What they do is causing maximum pain on everyone to punish the entire population to death.

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

And, take away the backing of America, and let us see as to how long Israel will prevail being surrounded by 400 million Arabs. Oh-oh. ?

Oh - forgot to mention....  isreal is believed to have about 400 nukes. So maybe those arabs you mentioned should be damn thankful that isreal has some non nuclear options, or i suspect prettty fast theyd' be glowing in the dark.

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35 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

There was nothing antisemitic in his post as far as I can see

That's because you are blind to his antisemitic slant in the whole post.

35 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

He stated the fact that there are 1500 Israelis killed and 7000 Palestinians so who is worse?.

Self defense is not a trading game.  Hamas attacked Israel first with a barbaric cruel attack.  Hamas hides behind the people and uses them as a shield.  Israel is not going to back down and let Hamas prepare for another mass attack on Israelis.  They are going after Hamas wherever they are.  We also don't know how many of those people who were killed were Hamas and we don't know if the figures coming out are factual or propaganda.  But this is not a one for one trading game.  It is a war against terrorists.

35 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

He also said there is no evidence that Hamas beheaded babies as Israeli soldiers claimed which is another fact.

I never said anything about that.  That point is irrelevant.  Whichever way they killed people makes no difference.  Hamas is still barbaric terrorists who committed unspeakable acts of cruelty.  There was nothing kind about how those 1,500 people died and how 212 were taken hostage.  It was cruel and barbaric whether any babies heads were cut off or not.  


25 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Israel has the right to defend itself (They have millions of women and children to protect too), but I agree not at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent defenseless women and children.

Funny how you take a softer tone when you are replying to taxme and try to sound more agreeable than when you speak to me. 

Edited by blackbird
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