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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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21 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That's because Canadians have more brains than Israel - we've learned negotiating is a better course.


How is that working out for the indigenous people/vets/ etc...  ? our federal government does not negotiate, but rather just ignore the opposite party until they go away.. 

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Just now, suds said:

So how is it possible that Jews are not considered indigenous to the state of Israel but are considered 'colonizers'?

Received wisdom has it that they left after being conquered. Apparently it happens and most of the time when it does people say tough titties.

What makes Israel so special now? Somehow I get sense it has something to do with the question about why so many people thought Nazi refugees would make better immigrants than Jews who were took to fu ck off.

Something in our attitude changed but... Can anyone put their finger on why, what happened to cause such a shift in our stance towards this? On the face of it all it seems that happened is that we decided that it was Palestinians turn to fu ck off instead.

I guess history proves this happens to everyone at some point.

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The thing you don't seem to understand is the Palestinians, who are primarily Muslim, do not believe Israel has the right to exist.  There are millions of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza.  If they were to be given the right to vote, what do you think would happen to Israel?  Before people can have the right to vote in a country like Israel, they must be known to believe that Israel has a right to exist.  The security of Israel comes before anything else.   

As a Canadian citizen you should understand that.  It is simple logic.  The right to vote carries with it responsibility and allegiance to the country.  If people are opposed to the country, they cannot possibly be given the power to govern it.

At this point, they would vote for succession to make their own country. Too much bad blood now. There probably was a point where reconciliation was possible. 

And they would likely make a peace treaty like most of their neighbors have. Hamas would be lucky to get a majority, they're seen as corrupt.

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11 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

How is that working out for the indigenous people/vets/ etc...  ? our federal government does not negotiate, but rather just ignore the opposite party until they go away.. 

Its working out great for the indigenous people a 1/4 mile down the road from me. There are a whole lot more happier people around now than when I settled here.

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26 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Well there are ways to change that demand the government stand down...hold another election, which is not likely...

Force the government to stand down, via force...I'm pretty sure the Israelis government would even assist in something like that...

Or let things remain the way the are now and face what is coming from Israel and hope for the best, I'm pretty sure this is the option they chose...

Most but not all, still plenty of terrorist groups out there that are Christian based, look at the FLQ, Europe is got dozens of groups from the left and the right all white Christians groups...Maybe the most successful ones are Islamic based...or should i say most active ones...

Winners of elections are not a proof that all people within are in agreement with the winner. We are not all Trudeau's liberals...he only convinced 33% of Canadians.

Things the way they are now is the way things were 10, 20, 70 years ago. Maybe even for the thousands of year prior.

The jewish people and arab peoples have been at each others throat forever and I am not sure any government is going to abolish the hatred between them.

For me, the entire region is of no use to the rest of the world except for a few drops of oil. It can all become a wasteland.

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27 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Buddy, you're Hamas. 

They can never do any wrong in your eyes. 

Just admit that if the Israelis are wiped out in a genocide, you'll be fine with it. 

You play dirty games only expected from extremist Zionists. I am not playing your dirty game.

You accuse falsely without evidence or contrary to all evidence available. You suppress and twist the truth and try to victimize yourself while committing worse atrocities to others.

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12 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Received wisdom has it that they left after being conquered. Apparently it happens and most of the time when it does people say tough titties.

So indigenous people being conquered and leaving (for whatever reason) makes them lose indigenous status and gives it to the conqueror? Interesting.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Bullshit. What I want are negotiations and peace. And fu ck you too for thinking I was cheering on Oct 7. 

He said the same thing to me. Yes right on.

He (and his buddy) attacks everyone who comes out even slightly criticizing Israeli actions in Gaza by falsely and throwing worst of accusations to intimidate the person into silence. It didn't work on me. It made me more determined to expose the extend of Israeli crimes in social media.

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2 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

You play dirty games only expected from extremist Zionists. I am not playing your dirty game.

You accuse falsely without evidence or contrary to all evidence available. You suppress and twist the truth and try to victimize yourself while committing worse atrocities to others.

Buddy, I have all the evidence about you.

You think that you can fool us with your BS but no one's buying it.

You had to say "The Hamas attack was bad" because it was impossible not to notice. But as soon as there was a bit of pushback, you instantly forgot that Hamas was still firing rockets, and they are still raping hostages, and you started belching all of their propaganda. 

You wanna have the fake credibility of saying "I'm in the middle, I see the problems from both sides", just so that you can go on to say "BUT THOSE GUYS ARE THE WORST!!! THEY'RE THE ONLY ONES DOING ANYTHING BAD RIGHT NOW, AND THEY'VE BEEN THE ONLY BAD PEOPLE IN THAT REGION FOR 75 YEARS!!!!!"


Who blew up the hospital and killed 500 people jihad propaganda boy?

No one: there wasn't a hospital that blew up, nowhere near 500 people were killed when there was an explosion near it, no one even targeted a hospital, but your assertion that "The Israelis attacked a hospital and killed 500 women and children" was as wrong as wrong could be. It was a Hamas rocket that did that damage. 

Did you notice that as soon as the world figured out it was a Hamas rocket, suddenly the death toll dropped from 500 to 30 or so? 

I'm not buying your shit dude. Go to hell. 

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

I wouldn't negotiate with them. I'd go to ground with like minded allies and find willing moderate voices on both sides and foster a dialog between them.

I'd do what I think Jesus would do, which is probably the opposite of what you believe he'd do.

 Where would you find "moderate voices" if the majority are controlled by terrorists.  You don't seem to see the complete nonsense you post.  The terrorists are in control and nobody else gets to speak for the Palestinians.  As a non-Palestinian you don't get to say who speaks for them.

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45 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

they are still raping hostages,

You are full of shi*t.

Totally suppressing the murderous acts commixed by the state of Israel, falsifying news in favor of that fascist state and suppressing news about Israeli crimes. Hamas crimes happened in one day but Israeli crimes has continued for 14 days and still going on. You magnify the first day crimes and totally ignore and try to suppress the massive crimes committed by Israel in the following days.

Tell you what. Because of you and your Zionist buddy I have tripled my anti-Israeli state activities on various social media recently exposing Israeli crimes. I refuse to be intimidated into silence while so much crimes against humanity is bring committed.


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3 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Tell you what. Because of you and your Zionist buddy I have tripled my anti-Israeli state activities on various social media recently exposing Israeli crimes. I refuse to be intimidated into silence while so much crimes against humanity is bring committed.

Excellent!  Now the whole world can see you for who you are - a terrorist supporting liar who pretends to be neutral when he's anything but!

ANd why only 3 times? Don't you care?  You should do at least 4!!!  :) 

Boy - you sure showed the zionist's whos boss didn't you :)

ANd i don't think westcanman wants to  you be silent - i think like most of us he finds your antics and arm flailing hilarious :)

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55 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


your assertion that "The Israelis attacked a hospital and killed 500 women and children" was as wrong as wrong could be. It was a Hamas rocket that did that damage. 


Another damn lie. I said that soon after the news reported by all news agencies. We still don't know for sure who did it but two days later I posted and I said it was the Islamic republic who ordered the attack on hospital to one of its legs, the Islamic Jihad and asked the west to target the head of the Octopus (the Islamic republic) and not only Hamas which is one of its legs)

On 10/19/2023 at 9:40 AM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Who Killed 500 people in the hospital attack in Gaza?

Iranians are the only nation who know who did it. Because they know the nature of mullahs.

It was the same people who set fire to the Rex theater in 1978 and burned hundreds of people to death and blame Savak for it.

It was the same people who shot down the Ukrainian flight  in 2020 and killed their own citizens in order to blame the US.

It was the same people who murdered their own citizens on streets for peaceful protests including many children.

It is those people who blasted a hospital and killed women and children in order to blame Israel.



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2 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Another damn lie. I said that soon after the news reported by all news agencies.

Umm - then he was telling the truth actually. He said you were wrong when you said it was the isrealis.  And that is correct - you admit saying it was the isrealis and you were wrong. 

You just call every fact you don't like a lie. But that kind of makes you the liar.

Also "Da Media" didn't make that claim, hamas did.  And they knew it was a lie. Looks like you and hamas have similar morals when it comes to telling the truth :) 

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Umm - then he was telling the truth actually. He said you were wrong when you said it was the isrealis.  And that is correct - you admit saying it was the isrealis and you were wrong. 

I reported what the news media reported at the time. I The difference is that I correct a mistake but the Zionists try to suppress the facts and twist the truth and victimize yourselves.

For God's sake, learn how to spell the country you so strongly blindedly support. It is ISRAEL not Isreal.

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1 hour ago, suds said:

So indigenous people being conquered and leaving (for whatever reason) makes them lose indigenous status and gives it to the conqueror? Interesting.

I don't think so but apparently that's the right wing consensus when it comes to most conquered, colonized, occupied and subjected people around the world and throughout history. Half of the Conservatives even think Ukraine should submit.

But Israel is special somehow. Why?

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4 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I reported what the news media reported at the time.

And you were wrong.  Sooooo  there you go.

That's why most people prefer to wait before taking a hard stance on anything that comes out of gaza.


I The difference is that I correct a mistake but the Zionists try to suppress the facts and twist the truth and victimize yourselves.

Not at all - most people said "wait and see till more info comes out" and they were right to do so. You were wrong because you trusted Hamas (your buddies) ,  the rest of us were right because we don't.  Pretty simple.


For God's sake, learn how to spell the country you so strongly blindedly support. It is ISRAEL not Isreal.

Blindedly isn't a word :)  You misspelled blindly :)   ROFLMAO - what kind of M0R0N takes the time to correct someone else's spelling and makes a spelling mistake doing it :)  LOLOL - man - that sums you up as a person perfectly :)  

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

He said the same thing to me. Yes right on.

He (and his buddy) attacks everyone who comes out even slightly criticizing Israeli actions in Gaza by falsely and throwing worst of accusations to intimidate the person into silence. It didn't work on me. It made me more determined to expose the extend of Israeli crimes in social media.

Israel said it was a global war we're all involved in now so I guess these are the apples Israel gets - deepening stark division's amongst their allies.

Canadians are finally fighting the battle we should have fought following the 2nd world war when given the choice between welcoming Nazi refugees or Jewish refugees. I wonder which side Israel, in hindsight, would have chosen.

I wonder how many Israelis are thankful we forced them to occupy someone else's home?

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

How is that working out for the indigenous people/vets/ etc...  ? our federal government does not negotiate, but rather just ignore the opposite party until they go away.. 

I agree the veterans are getting nothing but, the indigenous? They get whatever  more they want even though they already get everything from the feds and provinces already.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

The terrorists are in control and nobody else gets to speak for the Palestinians.

People all around the world are speaking for Palestinians. What's your excuse for not adding your voice?

Your enthusiasm for the End of Days and the 2nd Orgasm of Christ would be my guess.

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45 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Israel said it was a global war we're all involved in now so I guess these are the apples Israel gets - deepening stark division's amongst their allies.

Canadians are finally fighting the battle we should have fought following the 2nd world war when given the choice between welcoming Nazi refugees or Jewish refugees. I wonder which side Israel, in hindsight, would have chosen.

I wonder how many Israelis are thankful we forced them to occupy someone else's home?

This is the nature of Israel. To play victims and have others to fight their wars. American young men and women died in Iraq as just one example so that Israel remains safe. 

I cannot comment. Not aware of welcoming Nazi refugees. Argentina did but may be Canada did to lesser extend.

It was the British who brought Jews from Europe to Palestine, protected them with their guns and then armed them so that they kill Palestinian civilians and terrorized them into leaving their homeland so that the criminal terrorists can occupy their land and have continued terror and killing of defenseless Palestinians till to day.

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2 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

This is the nature of Israel. To play victims and have others to fight their wars. American young men and women died in Iraq as just one example so that Israel remains safe. 

I cannot comment. Not aware of welcoming Nazi refugees. Argentina did but may be Canada did to lesser extend.

It was the British who brought Jews from Europe to Palestine, protected them with their guns and then armed them so that they kill Palestinian civilians and terrorized them into leaving their homeland so that the criminal terrorists can occupy their land and have continued terror and killing of defenseless Palestinians till to day.

Cool story. 

What gaza did was initiate a war by killing thousands including innocent women and children with intent, and for that isreal has declared war which they are right to do morally and legally.

If this is an example of how smart gaza is - they kinda deserve to lose it all. Natural selection and all.

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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


What gaza did was initiate a war by killing thousands including innocent women and children with intent, and for that isreal has declared war which they are right to do morally and legally.

If this is an example of how smart gaza is - they kinda deserve to lose it all. Natural selection and all.

Israel started it by declaring war on Palestinians in 1940's when armed Israeli terrorists massacred tens of thousands of civilians into leaving their homeland. It is all over the history. 

5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Because countries like Canada said no to Jewish refugees.

So where the current Jewish community came from if Canada said no to them?

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