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The slavering hordes

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Canadians don't like to think much about the world outside our borders. And when we do too many of us tend to comfort ourselves by thinking most of those people are just like us. Maybe they speak another language, wear different clothes, eat different foods, but essentially, they're mostly like us. Of course, they're not. It's not considered politically correct to judge them and their cultures and values, but a lot of them are only one or two steps removed from the slavering hordes of barbarians who would overrun more civilized cities from China to Rome. The Chinese and Romans built walls to keep them out. So has Israel.

We like to think that man has changed since the days when barbarians, both Christian and Muslim, got over the walls of Constantinople to rape and slaughter at will. But that's unfortunately not true. As Ukraine and now Israel amply demonstrate, the vicious, slavering hordes are still out there, still desperate to get over the walls to where civilized people are so they can slaughter and rape. Only now they use AK47s rather than swords and spears.

The world has gotten a lot nastier over the last decade, and a lot more dangerous. But Canada, under the reign of our shallow, vacuous prime minister, continues to prance through the daisies without a care in the world. Other countries, even the less militaristic ones like Finland and Sweden, can get alarmed and start to rapidly build up their militaries. But not us. Other nations can urgently increase production and purchases of military gear, but not us. Other nations can shore up their 'walls' but we have no concerns at all. We don't really know who crosses into our territory, and we don't care. If agents of foreign powers hostile to us want to roam around, threatening people, bribing politicians, spying on us, well, so what?

National security is just not any kind of concern for the Liberal government. They care about neither foreign nor domestic threats. Vicious, violent criminals in the streets are to be pitied and shown empathy and forgiveness, for protecting Canadians is just not something that pops into the illiberal heads that rule us. It's not their fault, after all, it's our fault, society's fault. Protection? No interest there.

Down south, concern over security is helping the Republicans and threatening the Democrats' hold on power. They can't control the border, in large measure, people think, because they don't want to. They have the same mushy, empty-headed policies of easy bail, slack sentencing, and quick parole as Trudeau does and it's produced the same results: shambling, violent, crazed drug addicts wandering through the downtown assaulting and smashing while the courts smile benignly and then look the other way. And if Trump gets re-elected you can damn well bet he's not going to be showing any sympathy to Canada's freeloading, two-faced government. I think there's a very real chance he'll either dismantle NATO ot throw us out of it as useless. And it would be hard to argue the point. 

Which would leave us next door to Russia and with a hostile China sticking their nose up there in the Arctic, and no military to assert our sovereignty.

But if this concerns Trudeau, there's no sign of it. He's still prancing his way through the flowers without a thought in his head.

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Slavering hordes? I never meet anybody who talks like that. Actually, as a foreigner myself I like to think we don’t have a particular problem with excess saliva. If Trump wins we’ll all have far bigger worries than whether Canada stays in NATO or not. The US as we know it may be doomed and with it freedom here, there and everywhere. In the near future, please God Trumpless, I’d say Americans will be a lot more interested in our ability to better control wildfires and the smoke therefrom than in GDP percentages on military spending. 

I see all humans as innately savage. Each generation must struggle against the beast within, which is why liberal democracy is such a fragile, rare and unlikely phenomenon in human history. To paraphrase, it is ours if we can keep it. Yes, there’s an enemy or two coming over the hill but he’s also inside the house already.

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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2 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Slavering hordes? I never meet anybody who talks like that. Actually, as a foreigner myself, I like to think we don’t have a particular problem with excess saliva. If Trump wins, we’ll all have far bigger worries than whether Canada stays in NATO or not. The US as we know it may be doomed and with it freedom here, there and everywhere. In the near future, please God Trumpless, I’d say Americans will be a lot more interested in our ability to better control wildfires and the smoke therefrom than in GDP percentages on military spending. 

I see all humans as innately savage. Each generation must struggle against the beast within, which is why liberal democracy is such a fragile, rare and unlikely phenomenon in human history. To paraphrase, it is ours if we can keep it. Yes, there’s an enemy or two coming over the hill but he’s also inside the house already.

Biden is a failure. Puxie-Dust us a failure. You desire leadership by failures. How...irrational. 

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Biden is a failure. Puxie-Dust us a failure. You desire leadership by failures. How...irrational. 

And you desire leadership from a vulgar fraudster like Trump: disastrous businessman, perhaps the worst in US history for anyone who lent him money or did work for him; accomplished salesman, given what an absolute loser he was; brilliant criminal, still at large despite a lifetime of offences in plain sight. 

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Our PM only cares about things he can virtue signal about and look like a white knight saving other people so people, especially women, will fawn over what a great guy he is in order to feed his giant ego.  He doesn't seem to care about the country itself very much.  But legalized weed makes him look so cool!

Funding defense or national security doesn't get him any virtue signal points so why bother?  And military and vets obviously don't like him so why bother trying to please a demographic that won't vote for him regardless?

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There are definitely "sh1thole countries", but we're just supposed to pretend that there aren't. 

Obviously there are decent people from those places, just like we have some people here who deserve the death penalty for the things they do, but our cultural norms don't include rape, beating up women for wearing the wrong clothes, etc. 

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9 hours ago, I am Groot said:


The world has gotten a lot nastier over the last decade, and a lot more dangerous. But Canada, under the reign of our shallow, vacuous prime minister, continues to prance through the daisies without a care in the world.


I disagree. Strongly.

I have thought about this.

In my life time, the world is safer and less nasty.

And trust me, it is far easier to travel.



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The first democracies in Greece and Rome perished under the weight of great apish genetic laziness and quest for an alpha master. The two do the trick in a flash. Why think if someone can do it for us? Why take any responsibility if the Supreme Idol will tell us all that we ever need to hear or know? It's an uphill tread any and every day. And these days, the road got a tad shakier.

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5 hours ago, August1991 said:

I disagree. Strongly.

I have thought about this.

In my life time, the world is safer and less nasty.


What part of the world is 'safer' today? Want to see the pyramids? You can be shot by terrorists, or by police. Want to go to Central or South America? Gunmen everywhere. Perhaps you want to visit China and taken prisoner by the government so it can blackmail Trudeau again. Russia? What a laugh. Africa? There's fighting all over the place. India? Well, you're not a female, so you should be somewhat safe. But no safer than ten years ago. Maybe a nice visit to Iraq or Syria or Iran? To Cambodia or Sri Lanka? Maybe Turkey? Ukraine? Israel? Libya? Tunisia?

Go ahead, August. Give us a list of all the places in the world that are safer to visit now.

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9 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

What sort of person is fooled by Trump? While not remotely convincing as a Republican, he is a completely genuine perv. And yet some Christians manage to ignore all that. 

For some reason, people call Trump a businessman. He's not and never has been. Decades ago, during one of his bigger bankruptcy hearings, he sat there like a bump on a log, like someone's confused child. One of the bankers was quoted as saying he'd never in his life met a CEO who knew and understood less about his company's finances and operations. This was something I read many years back, by the way, before he ever ran for president.

They were talking about whether to take over the company, put it into receivership, but they decided to leave Trump in titular control. He wouldn't get to make decisions, mind you. The reason they left him there is he's a great promotor and sales guy and they figured the company would earn more with him there. Trump knows how to read a room. He knows how to figure out what people want to hear and then tell it to them. And he has absolutely no morals or conscience about lying. His own employees have said as much, how he constantly lied to potential buyers of his expensive condos, telling them the marble was Italian, for example, when it came from Vermont. Whatever would impress people, whatever would make the sale, that's what he'd tell them. 

It's not a coincidence that he is quoted as saying "I love the uneducated". 

Edited by I am Groot
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6 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Our PM only cares about things he can virtue signal about and look like a white knight saving other people so people, especially women, will fawn over what a great guy he is in order to feed his giant ego.  He doesn't seem to care about the country itself very much.  But legalized weed makes him look so cool!

Funding defense or national security doesn't get him any virtue signal points so why bother?  And military and vets obviously don't like him so why bother trying to please a demographic that won't vote for him regardless?

I see him as a left-wing Trump. He's a narcissist of the first order and always has been. All those pictures and videos from long ago of him in goofy costumes and such were his efforts at getting attention. I read once he would pretend to fall down stairs to get attention. He's a preening, arrogant fool, shallow as hell,  yet certain of his own infallibility. Much like Trump. And like Trump, once in office, the only thing he cared about was staying there. Every minute is spent on self-promotion. Every program is designed to make him look better and get him more votes.

If it won't get more votes he doesn't want to have anything to do with it. The money he's cutting from defense is not going to be saved. That's not the point of the exercise. It's going to be 'retargeted'. In other words, spent on things that will get him more votes.


4 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Nothing we do or say will end or slow down or temper a 3000 year old + (?) religious, ethnic, social, cultural, most of all the historical animosity and hatred between Jews and Muslims (Arabs).

No, but it would help if we didn't import that struggle to Canada by bringing in Muslims with no attempt to screen for values and beliefs. That's how we got the likes of the Khadrs here.

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10 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

No, but it would help if we didn't import that struggle to Canada by bringing in Muslims with no attempt to screen for values and beliefs. That's how we got the likes of the Khadrs here.

Being a bit selective aren't you?

Just muslims? Or should we stop bringing in Jews as well?


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44 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Being a bit selective aren't you?

Just muslims? Or should we stop bringing in Jews as well?

You see a lot of Jews on the most wanted list? How many Jewish terrorists or prospective terrorists have we arrested? How many Jews are there in public housing units?  But hey, when it comes to the likes of the Haredim or Hassidics I'm all for saying "Uh, no thank you" to prospective immigrants. 

No, I think all prospective immigrants should be interviewed to determine their basic attitude on life, how adaptable they are, how tolerant to difference, etc. In some European countries such people have been refused citizenship for things like refusing to shake hands with the opposite sex. In Canada, we basically have no standard because we think that would indicate we thought we were better than others. And how can anyone other than a white nationalist ever suggest our values are better than those of Iranians or Indians?

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13 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

You see a lot of Jews on the most wanted list? .....

No, ...

Just commenting and questioning your statement "it would help if we didn't import that struggle to Canada by bringing in Muslims with no attempt to screen for values and beliefs. That's how we got the likes of the Khadrs here. "

As much as I disagree with the outcome, Omar Kahdr was a Canadian, born in Toronto.

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10 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

And you desire leadership from a vulgar fraudster like Trump: disastrous businessman, perhaps the worst in US history for anyone who lent him money or did work for him; accomplished salesman, given what an absolute loser he was; brilliant criminal, still at large despite a lifetime of offences in plain sight. 

Oh I'm sorry your feewings are so bruised but, strong leadership gave the USA a secure border, no new wars and a roaring economy. 

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16 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Oh I'm sorry your feewings are so bruised but, strong leadership gave the USA a secure border, no new wars and a roaring economy. 

Strong leadership is debatable. An entire country followed the philosophy of Hitler too.

Secure border? Really, have you been or did you watch the news? LOL

Maybe no new wars;.

Just goes to show with scams are so prolific in the US. Americans get conned every day out of billions. Trump scammed Americans and they feel good enough about it to allow him to stay in the electoral lead.

Read the American Politics forum about Trump LOL

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Nothing we do or say will end or slow down or temper a 3000 year old + (?) religious, ethnic, social, cultural, most of all the historical animosity and hatred between Jews and Muslims (Arabs).

Muslim’s haven’t been around for 3000 years, nor have “Arabs” as we know them.  

The fact that Israel can and has got along with a number of its neighbours for decades (even former enemies) proves that the sweeping generalizations are attractive heuristics but that don’t really hold water.  

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Oh I'm sorry your feewings are so bruised but, strong leadership gave the USA a secure border, no new wars and a roaring economy. 

A record deficit fueled economy, that helped drive inflation coming out of it.  All Biden’s fault though, according to your smooth brain.  ?

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