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CPC Policy Convention 2023

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7 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

The Post is terrible and shouldn't be owned by an American company.  Not sure what that has to do with the CBC.  The post popular news org in the country shouldn't be owned by the government, it's insane.  There is no good reason for CBC News to exist.

Canwest and Sun Media shouldn't have been able to be combined into Postmedia.  Canada's news media landscape is a joke, its centralized newspapers largely owned by a single owner, plus, government news plus a handful of other outlets.

The CBC is needed especially in much of Canada that is not serviced by other sources.


And we should fine or penalize facebook, twitter, X, Google etc for the users posting links to those media sources?

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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

Didn't make a choice.  Was never confused or in doubt thankfully.  Apparently some very small number of children become confused on this.  But their parents need to explain biology to them as soon as possible and try to guide them the right way and accept who they are.   Gender dysphoria should never be left untreated.  Parents may need professional help. Would you agree?

So, they chose to have gender dysphoria?   

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

But you are saying they should not be treated. The treatment, the way to match a person's body with the gender of their mind, is gender reassignment surgery, unless you know of some way to change the make -up of the mind.

Man cannot change a male to a female with surgery or medical treatments.  To claim that they can is pure fiction.  All they can do is harm individuals physically, mutilate, and destroy their lives.  Gender dysphoria can more likely be treated with the proper compassionate counselling with the right counsellors over a period of time.  They must work with parents as well. We are talking about kids or young people who have become gender confused. 

What does your wife believe?  Since she studied theology, it would be interesting to know what she thinks about all this. You need to understand that there is no salvation apart from faith in Jesus Christ and acceptance of his written word, the King James Bible (in English).

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

So, they chose to have gender dysphoria?   

Not sure what your point or aim is on here.  There are only two genders, male and female, in the Bible and they are not changeable.  By opposing what is right and normal, you seem to be opposing God and the Bible in every way you can.  You need to really start studying the King James Bible, and change your thinking.  Have faith in Jesus Christ. That is the only way.

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5 hours ago, Nexii said:

It's a weird title for the article because it doesn't go with what the parents said at all lol. Clickbait stuff. 

Yea in most cases (like this one) children are going to tell their own parents before the school. I know I would have.

Sure that's often the reality but that is not what the media is portraying and yes - it's clickbait, But its the kind of clickbait that enrages people and turns otherwise supportive and tolerant people hostile.  I think we both agree on the validity of the statement - they're wrong its not a privilege.  But - it's what we're seeing a lot of and it does lead to a strong backlash.

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56 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Man cannot change a male to a female with surgery or medical treatments. 

Actually, men can, and so can women, or do you not believe in female surgeons. Have you never heard of phalloplasty? or vaginoplasty? It is not in the bible because the technology 3000 years ago wasn't capable to perform it. But, we can now and it is very effective and successful.

I have no desire to dispute your faith. We must agree to disagree. As religions go, Christianity is a newcomer. Over the last 200,000 years, there have been thousands of religions, each worshipping God in their own way. Before that, the Neanderthals had their religious beliefs as we have seen in the cave at Shanadar. With over 28 trillion stars just in the observable universe, for God to look after, I doubt she really worries about how each one of us expresses our devotion to him/her/it.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

The CBC is needed especially in much of Canada that is not serviced by other sources.


And we should fine or penalize facebook, twitter, X, Google etc for the users posting links to those media sources?

Just a question does these remote areas in Canada not have access to satellite, when i was in goose bay we had sat radio, and sat TV. And if thats the case what does CBC bring of value that can not be brought in by another source that is privately funded. 

What about on forums , we expect sources to be placed in a post to verify the story, do all of us now have to pay for that privilege or just the big players as you suggest. 

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10 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

1.  I don't care who my views mirror.  This is a "guilt by association" logical fallacy.

I don't change my views based on who else shares them, i'm not trying to win a popularity contest and i'm not a coward, my only concern is what policies and actions are best for society.

I'm not saying your expressing views that are dictated for you do, I'm simply saying you share them.

You said the government should get out of the news reporting business when it's not actually reporting anything at all, its simply funding a public broadcaster - a broadcaster that reports more on what governments do than anything else.

The conflict of interest you're concerned about is the root cause of widely held beliefs amongst many on the right that the cbc is not reporting everything the public needs to know to put the government in a good light. Presumably because its afraid of losing funding or its trying to secure future funding and colluding with and coddling the government.  It's a ridiculous claim and based on a misperception that is all too easy to politicize and exploit.

If politicians and governments were really concerned that what was being reported wasn't accurate I think it behooves them to provide better accuracy - media can only work with what its given to report on.  More penetration at every level of our governance by the public is really the only solution around this bias nonsense and I was wrong to lump you in with people who are apparently fine with governments being secretive and evasive.



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3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

The CBC is needed especially in much of Canada that is not serviced by other sources.

I doubt that is correct these days.  People in every community demand to have high speed internet and high speed internet also makes it possible to watch television.  I think broadband internet is being provided to small communities right across Canada, be it by cable or microwave links or through satellites.  The CBC has nothing to do with providing these services.  It is just another channel on television or radio.  It doesn't actually provide internet service or cable or satellite TV.  That is done by telephone companies and internet providers.

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7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I doubt that is correct these days.  People in every community demand to have high speed internet and high speed internet also makes it possible to watch television.  I think broadband internet is being provided to small communities right across Canada, be it by cable or microwave links or through satellites.  The CBC has nothing to do with providing these services.  It is just another channel on television or radio.  It doesn't actually provide internet service or cable or satellite TV.  That is done by telephone companies and internet providers.

You are incorrect. The government has been trying to get internet, not even high speed, to northern communities and not having much success.

I have a very good friend that works in Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, the lead for Connecting Canada. They try real hard to get infrastructure and equipment to the many many communities.

If the community gets it, more often than not it breaks down and the community is without for a very long time. As for so much of the "gifts" given to them.

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Actually, men can, and so can women, or do you not believe in female surgeons. Have you never heard of phalloplasty? or vaginoplasty? It is not in the bible because the technology 3000 years ago wasn't capable to perform it. But, we can now and it is very effective and successful.

This is nonsense.  Only God could make a man and a woman.  Man cannot play God.  This kind of thing is completely wrong and evil.  It is also very dangerous.  You have a very imaginary belief of what the medical system can do.  They cannot make a man into a woman or vice versa.  That is complete fiction.  They try, but it is not genuine and it is extremely risky and can have dire consequences.  It is messing with God's creative work.


All medical interventions have risks. According to WPATH, feminizing hormones have an increased risk of a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the leg, that is called venous thromboembolic disease (VTD) and can be fatal.  Other risks include gallstones, elevated liver enzymes, weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and a high level of a certain type of fat (triglycerides) in the blood). [1] There is a possible increased risk of high blood pressure, higher levels of the hormone prolactin, and Type 2 diabetes. It has not been proven whether or not it increases the risk of breast cancer. [1]

Estrogen taken in pill form has more VTD risks than estrogen administered with a transdermal patch on the skin) estrogen administration. Ethinyl estradiol is the type of oral estrogen with a well-documented higher risk for VTD. For that reason, this specific type of oral estrogen should be avoided for feminizing hormone therapy. [1]

Using progestins in feminizing hormone therapy is controversial.  Some experts believe it is necessary for full breast development, while others report that progestin hormones do not enhance breast growth. In addition, progestins may increase the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, and also have risks such as depression and weight gain.[1,5]"

What to Know About Transgender Medical Transitioning: Male to Female | National Center for Health Research (center4research.org)

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30 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

You are incorrect. The government has been trying to get internet, not even high speed, to northern communities and not having much success.

I have a very good friend that works in Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, the lead for Connecting Canada. They try real hard to get infrastructure and equipment to the many many communities.

If the community gets it, more often than not it breaks down and the community is without for a very long time. As for so much of the "gifts" given to them.

Government or CBC do not provide infrastructure to remote communities for television or internet.  That is done by private companies such as Telus, Bell, Rogers, etc.  Government does try to find ways to encourage companies to provide high speed internet to northern communities, but as you say is not having much success.  That is because it is done by private companies and is extremely costly to provide high speed internet or television to a small remote community.  Why should private companies invest millions of dollars to provide high speed internet to some tiny community in the north and make no money in return?  It's just not economic.  It is costly.  Government does all the talking about what they want, but they do not provide the service and they likely expect companies to pay for it.

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If the CPC government actually puts the anti- transgender policies into law, it will be challenged in the courts. In my ignorance, I have no idea if it is charter compliant. It should make an interesting case.  No matter how it turns out, Mr. Poilievre will be able to tell the base he tried. I'm not sure how the electorate will view it.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

The CBC is needed especially in much of Canada that is not serviced by other sources.

That used to be true.  It is no longer true.

Almost every area has satellite and  internet now, and therefore access to all the news and misinformation they could want  :)

 No need for the cbc.


And we should fine or penalize facebook, twitter, X, Google etc for the users posting links to those media sources?

Why? Nobody's saying the cbc can't be bias.  What they're saying is that nobody should be forced to PAY for that bias if they don't want to,

Don't like facebook? Don't use them and they get no money from you.  IF enough people do that they go belly up.

But the cbc can lie about you or things you care about all day and they STILL get to pick your pocket as a taxpayer and force you to pay them to lie.

So - if you like the cbc YOU pay for it. But the public shouldn't.  Only we know you won't -  you think it's 'must have' right up until you can't force others to pay for it.

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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

That used to be true.  It is no longer true.

Almost every area has satellite and  internet now, and therefore access to all the news and misinformation they could want  :)

 No need for the cbc.

Why? Nobody's saying the cbc can't be bias.  What they're saying is that nobody should be forced to PAY for that bias if they don't want to,

Don't like facebook? Don't use them and they get no money from you.  IF enough people do that they go belly up.

But the cbc can lie about you or things you care about all day and they STILL get to pick your pocket as a taxpayer and force you to pay them to lie.

So - if you like the cbc YOU pay for it. But the public shouldn't.  Only we know you won't -  you think it's 'must have' right up until you can't force others to pay for it.

The same argument could be made about the Canadian Armed Forces. It has been generally accepted by most of the correspondents on this forum that if Canada is invaded, there is nothing we can do to stop them. We say it is too expensive. If you like the Canadian Forces, YOU pay for it, but the public shouldn't. Only we know you won't- you think it is a 'must have' right up until you can't force others to pay for it. 

The CBC provides programming that no private network can afford to. Without the CBC, Canadian produced content would disappear. Rather than erode it further we should be restoring it's funding. We desperately need to do everything we can to preserve and enhance Canadian culture, or pretty soon, it will all slip into the great foreign maw. Where else can you find programs like the Nature of Things or Quirk and Quarks. Oh wait, yes, there is Nova. Original programming from...wait for it...the American public broadcaster.


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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Government or CBC do not provide infrastructure to remote communities for television or internet.  That is done by private companies such as Telus, Bell, Rogers, etc.  Government does try to find ways to encourage companies to provide high speed internet to northern communities, but as you say is not having much success.  That is because it is done by private companies and is extremely costly to provide high speed internet or television to a small remote community.  Why should private companies invest millions of dollars to provide high speed internet to some tiny community in the north and make no money in return?  It's just not economic.  It is costly.  Government does all the talking about what they want, but they do not provide the service and they likely expect companies to pay for it.

Wake up and smell reality.

Getting internet infrastructure to remote communities has been a government project for many years.

Government does not try to get Bell Rogers or Telus to get internet. Those companies are the service once the infrastructure is in place.

Get informed before you make asinine statements.

"the Government of Canada is connecting 98% of Canadians to high-speed Internet by 2026 and 100% of Canadians by 2030."  https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/high-speed-internet-canada/en

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Just now, Queenmandy85 said:

The same argument could be made about the Canadian Armed Forces. It has been generally accepted by most of the correspondents on this forum that if Canada is invaded, there is nothing we can do to stop them.

That would be proof that we need MORE forces, not that the forces are not necessary.

We needed the cbc because we needed content and there was none. Now there is more than we need without them so we don't need them.

We needed the military to prevent invasion.  We can' t right now because we don't have enough military sooooo......

I have no idea how your brain managed to come up with the idea those are the same things.... but no.


The CBC provides programming that no private network can afford to.

No they don't.


Without the CBC, Canadian produced content would disappear

That is just plain !diotic.

4 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

We desperately need to do everything we can to preserve and enhance Canadian culture,

The best thing we can do is let it compete.  If canadians are making stuff people want to watch - it will sell and thrive.  if not it won't.


the American public broadcaster.

Who receives the vast vast vast amount of their budget from donations. (as anyone who went through any of the red dwarf marathons in years gone by knows :)  )

So do that. You donate as much as you like to the cbc.  Nobody said the gov't is going to force them to close.  Just that they'll be defunded.  No more public money. 

That way - if they print more lies i can just say  'no money from me" and i'll support places that are more honest.  But if you like their lies you can keep them afloat out of your own pocket.

That's fair isn't it? Why should i pay for something YOU like, you're not paying for anything I like that you don't?

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36 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

That used to be true.  It is no longer true.

Almost every area has satellite and  internet now, and therefore access to all the news and misinformation they could want  :)

 No need for the cbc.

Why? Nobody's saying the cbc can't be bias.  What they're saying is that nobody should be forced to PAY for that bias if they don't want to,

Don't like facebook? Don't use them and they get no money from you.  IF enough people do that they go belly up.

But the cbc can lie about you or things you care about all day and they STILL get to pick your pocket as a taxpayer and force you to pay them to lie.

So - if you like the cbc YOU pay for it. But the public shouldn't.  Only we know you won't -  you think it's 'must have' right up until you can't force others to pay for it.

Never said cbc isn't biased.

I said there is no way facebook et al should pay a fine for someone like blackbird posting a link to a news site.

And yup, if you don't like social media, don't use it,. No one is making anyone use social media.

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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

Never said cbc isn't biased.

I said there is no way facebook et al should pay a fine for someone like blackbird posting a link to a news site.


Then i misread that - i thought you were saying that if we're going to punish the cbc for being bias we need to punish these others.   My bad, i'm wrong you're right.


And yup, if you don't like social media, don't use it,. No one is making anyone use social media.

And no one is making anyone pay for it.  If you use social media and they make money from you it's your choice and you don't have to.

Which is how it should be with teh cbc in my mind.  Hey - they want to raise donations, they want to advertise etc etc and people want to support them, have at it.  But the public shoudn't be forced to  pay.

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Then i misread that - i thought you were saying that if we're going to punish the cbc for being bias we need to punish these others.   My bad, i'm wrong you're right.

And no one is making anyone pay for it.  If you use social media and they make money from you it's your choice and you don't have to.

Which is how it should be with teh cbc in my mind.  Hey - they want to raise donations, they want to advertise etc etc and people want to support them, have at it.  But the public shoudn't be forced to  pay.

Never said that a all. I said the government is making social media pay a fine if someone posts a link to a news agency. So, the social media cut off all Canadian news links. Social media is doing the right thing.

CBC is a crown corporation. You will always pay for it.

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Sure that's often the reality but that is not what the media is portraying and yes - it's clickbait, But its the kind of clickbait that enrages people and turns otherwise supportive and tolerant people hostile.  I think we both agree on the validity of the statement - they're wrong its not a privilege.  But - it's what we're seeing a lot of and it does lead to a strong backlash.

You'll notice that there's almost never any interviews with transgenders in the media. Every time they do the lazy thing and talk with activists, instead of talking to the people that have been through it and can comment on all the good and bad with the current system.

In that article for example, there was nothing really controversial that the parents and family could say other than things are going fine. So the author had to become the activist, lol.

So yea, save it for the media, not the group that's being spoken for

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

That would be proof that we need MORE forces, not that the forces are not necessary.

We needed the military to prevent invasion.  We can' t right now because we don't have enough military sooooo......

I agree whole heartedly with that, but you will never get that passed. Canadians have refused to pay for anything but a token military. If the CAF cannot function effectively against a major enemy, the budget is a waste of money. We could overcome that with nuclear weapons, but that goes against the Conservative Party policy.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

You said the government should get out of the news reporting business when it's not actually reporting anything at all, its simply funding a public broadcaster - a broadcaster that reports more on what governments do than anything else.

Do you see a problem with the largest news outlet in the country that you claim "reports more on what governments do than anything else" being a government agency that receives its funding from the government?  To me this is manifestly insane.

Maybe we should also get rid of Bay Street oversight and let them provide their own "super objective" oversight.

Btw, the CBC gets a lot of funding from advertising just as corporate news does.  Private news media now also gets funding support from the government, which is another conflict of interest, especially if one party supported this funding and another didn't.

Conflict of interest rules established by the government itself does not simply rely on there being an actual conflict occurring, but the mere perception of it also.  CBC News breaches the government's own conflict of interest guidelines.

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4 hours ago, blackbird said:

Not sure what your point or aim is on here.  There are only two genders, male and female, in the Bible and they are not changeable.  By opposing what is right and normal, you seem to be opposing God and the Bible in every way you can.  You need to really start studying the King James Bible, and change your thinking.  Have faith in Jesus Christ. That is the only way.

My point here is to show your head is firmly up your bum.  

You claim being gay is a choice. I ask you when you chose to be straight and you say you didn’t.  

You claim that people have to be the gender they’re born with due to biology or god or something and that they are choosing to be like that.   I point out that gender dysphoria is also not a choice.  

God made them that way.  

22 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

I am glad these areas have access to their government-provided news and their single-website internet connections.

Was the cbc pro Harper government when he was PM?

Edited by TreeBeard
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