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Leftist brethren, if you would've known "sunny ways" would've meant struggling to make your mortgage payment, or purchase groceries due to Trudeau's policy, would you have voted for him still?


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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

My point exactly.

And oil prices are up, hence our gas is up and inflation is up as a result.

Scotia Banks does not blame inflation on Trudeau.


But they do in fact.



The initial jump in inflation we saw was attributed to the global situation and other factors with only some of it being blamed on internal spending, and some of THAT was just plain necessary to deal with covid.


HOWEVER -  the federal gov't has not done what it needed to in order to FIGHT that inflation and at this point has made it worse.  So the screaming high interest rates necessary to reduce that inflation. So inflation is higher than it should be and the private sector bears that - usually by upping prices to the consumer.

THEN - there is the issue of immigration. That was not a factor during covid as immigration was basically shut down.  But now it's definitely driving inflation pressure upwards and that is 100 percent trudeau.


You certainly can't blame trudeau for all the inflation we have had but you absolutely can pin a very sizeable hunk of it on hi now - and the interest rate spike necessary to fight it.

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On 8/20/2023 at 11:14 AM, Legato said:

No he's not, but he and the inept bunch occupying cabinet positions are certainly to blame for economic events in Canada.

But it sounds like you’re suggesting that a different leader could have obtained different results, yet we don’t see any example of that. Please show us the person who stood in the rain and didn’t get wet. 

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2 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

But it sounds like you’re suggesting that a different leader could have obtained different results, yet we don’t see any example of that. Please show us the person who stood in the rain and didn’t get wet. 

A Dodge Ram would have performed much better. Although it would have to be equipped with a sport hood.

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11 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

But it sounds like you’re suggesting that a different leader could have obtained different results, yet we don’t see any example of that. Please show us the person who stood in the rain and didn’t get wet. 

Polievre would have done better.

he would have reduced immigration enough to keep housing prices for rent or purchase from shooting up so high, which drives inflation. 

He woundn't have given billions to businesses in 'relief' that didn't need it.

He would have done deals to move more of our natural gas on to the markets for europe and japan, which increases production (and jobs and taxes ) and keeps costs in line while russia is at war.

He would have reduced gov't spending prudently. Like saving over a billion a year on the useless cbc.

He would have axed the useless carbon tax that drives everything up ESPECIALLY the costs of food.

There would have been no truckers convoy.

That's just a start. Those things alone would make a MASSIVE difference. We would have vastly less debt, people could afford housing and food, we wouldn't need higher interest rates to fight inflation ,and we'd be better set for economic recovery instead of recession.


Any other questions?

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On 8/20/2023 at 11:16 AM, Zeitgeist said:

Inflation happened just about everywhere, but the cost of living and sluggish wage and productivity gains are quite particular to Canada. The OECD predicts 40 years of Canada lagging other OECD states. What you’re missing is the drop in per capita GDP and the outrageous cost of housing, which translates to lower living standards for Canadians.

Chicago and Toronto are comparable in scale, yet homes are half the price in Chicago of what they are in Toronto. That means that it takes twice the percentage of your income to pay for mortgage or rent in Toronto. The housing supply is worsening as immigration rises, carbon taxes rise, and regulations on energy rise. This all means that higher living costs are coming.  Canadians are getting poorer. Liberal-NDP spending habits are inflationary.  

The “ Canadian Productivity gap” isn’t Trudeau’s making either. Its not like it was any different when Harper was PM. It’s a problem as old as Canada itself and is probably a structural issue given our small economy and the colonial mentality of of our business community which is dominated by non-innovative industries like natural resources,  foreign-owned subsidiaries and branch plants, monopolies like the big banks. Germany actually has a poor growth forecast now, the only major economy not expected to grown this year and already in recession.

American businesses leaders dream of  developing new products and services that customers have never seen before that change the way people around the live and work  But Canadian business leaders only “dream” (if you can call it dreaming) of selling tried and true products that they know customers already demand  and succeeding through proven techniques, “efficiency” and “focusing on the fundamentals”. In other words American business leaders aspire to be a Steve Jobs/ Bill Gates/ Elon Musk/Thomas Edison type of visionary whereas Canadian business leaders are unimaginative, glorified McDonalds managers.   That’s the perennial Canadian economic problem  

The PM doesn’t control the economy yet the right and the business community always trot out the same tired arguments whenever they want to bust unions, push down wages and cut taxes for the wealthy. 

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On 8/20/2023 at 12:32 PM, CdnFox said:

And yet he does.  If he increases inflation he must therefore expect an increase in interest rates as he has given teh bank a 2 percent target.

It's like claiming that if he jumps off a cliff and falls it's not his fault because technically he doesn't control gravity.

And trudeau does control how much cash the gov't dumps into the Canadian economy right now, taxes, AND the rate of immigration, and those three things make up the vast majority of our inflation.

No he doesn’t, and no those 3 things don’t make up the vast majority of inflation


Once Again, inflation has been a worldwide phenomenon post-pandemic and post-Ukraine invasion. There are many factors that contribute to it most of which are market events beyond government control. And inflation is already easing. And while it’s easy for Monday morning quarterbacks like Pollievre to claim they would have magically solved all of our country’s problems if only they were PM there’s no evidence to suggest that they would have done anything materially different given the broad consensus among political and economic leaders at the time. 

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17 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Not at all. You haven’t provided any evidence that world events affecting every advanced economy would have somehow bypassed Canada if only JT hadn’t been the PM. 

That is not what I said. Trudeaus disastrous handling handling of world events is there for all to see, please take off the rose coloured glasses.

Edited by Legato
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On 8/20/2023 at 11:44 AM, West said:

He did implement a tax on basic necessities,



On 8/20/2023 at 11:44 AM, West said:

Limiting what people could purchase during covid

Actually provincial and municipal health authorities did that. You understand that right?


On 8/20/2023 at 11:44 AM, West said:

targeting the livelihoods and economy of a province that didn't vote for him as a punishment

Also false 

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On 8/20/2023 at 11:44 AM, West said:

largest wealth transfer from the middle class to the wealthy in human history).

So which is it, Trudeau gave everyone money causing inflation or he took everyones money destroying the middle class?  Both can’t be true.  You’re mixing up your memes 

What is true is that WORLDWIDE the rich profited from the massive stock market rebound, as they always profit in every situation unfortunately 

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On 8/20/2023 at 12:07 PM, BeaverFever said:

Show me the developed country where there was no inflation or interest rate increases please. Oh you can’t?  Then maybe Trudeau isn’t to blame for economic events after all ?

I agree all or 100 % of our economical woes can not be solely placed at Justins feet.. many can be traced to covid and then supply chain issues...But where i disagree.... is Justin actions did play a huge role in where we are today, his policies are reflected in our economical status...No one spends 700 plus bil with very little to show for it....and it not having an effect on our economy... If thats was the case, our streets should be paved in gold, and we should not be paying any taxes....

Covid and global supply chain issues does not give him a free ticket to ride...His poor economical policies have and still are playing a big role not to atleast acknowledge it is dishonest, just as much as blaming him for the whole problem is...

He does not get a free pass, he is after all the PM the man in charge, who is to over see everything in the federal government...I get it is his how he roles making others take the fall for his mistakes....but in reality it is the leader that takes reasonability for everything that happened during his reign .



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41 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Polievre would have done better.

Yeah and I would have won the Super Bowl by a much bigger margin, if only they had let me coach the team instead. JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. 


44 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

PP would have …he wouldn’t have…

Cheap mortgages and working from home did more to drive inflation than any immigration statistics.

And there’s little evidence that PP “would have” done anything materially different re: covid especially given the labour shortages…other than his Monday morning armchair QB statements he gives while trying to make you forget he wears glasses and has never had a real job himself. 

He probably WOULD HAVE axed the carbon tax and sold more natural gas as the conservative party is basically owned by the fossil fuel industry and half are climate deniers. But I don’t see that as a good thing amd I think the overall negative economic impact which also includes rebates paid directly to taxpayers has been minimal to negligible.   Once again inflation is a worldwide phenomenon caused by global events not a made-in -canada situation. 

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11 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

So which is it, Trudeau gave everyone money causing inflation or he took everyones money destroying the middle class?  Both can’t be true.  You’re mixing up your memes 

What is true is that WORLDWIDE the rich profited from the massive stock market rebound, as they always profit in every situation unfortunately 

Nah.. scamazon reaped big profits while small businesses were forced to close up shop

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23 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:



Actually provincial and municipal health authorities did that. You understand that right?


Also false 

Truth.. he implemented a carbon tax which increases the price of transportation of goods... that tax is then passed on to consumers. 

Actually Trudeau did that

True. He targets the Alberta oil industry for not voting for him.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

No he doesn’t, and no those 3 things don’t make up the vast majority of inflation

ROFLMAO - yes he does and they ABSOLUTELY make up the majority of inflation.  :) Housing and rent costs for example are a HUGE part of inflation and that's a direct result of bringing in more people than we have capacity for :)

 LOL  - tell me you know nothing about this without telling me :)


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30 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Yeah and I would have won the Super Bowl by a much bigger margin, if only they had let me coach the team instead. JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. 

PP said he would do those things and they all make  a massive difference :) 

Meanwhile we know what trudeau did, and that wasn't a very good result at all.
So - there you go.



Cheap mortgages and working from home did more to drive inflation than any immigration statistics.

Stupidest comment ever. We had cheap mortgages for two decades and had stable inflation.

The simple fact is right now we're bringing in more people than we have resources for.  We don't build homes fast enough and we don't have enough other infrastructure and they consume goods on top of it.  Housing is 30 -50 percent of the average person's income right now.  Its  a huge part of inflation.


Swing and a miss kid :) 

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On 8/20/2023 at 4:22 PM, herbie said:

Of course not! Why Justin Trudeau decides if your fingers are gonna break through your toilet paper FFS.

He singlehandedly caused inflation, house prices to jump, unemployment, your pop to go flat and everything else because.... because... because he's a dictator that just sits on a throne and dictates things that benefit no one including himself and that's what they do.

Perhaps you could be so kind to tell all those big bad conservatives what has he Justin has done for Canada...educate them...here is your turn take the podium, and preach to me sir...can i have an amen... brother...

Many on here say we are just whistling dog farts in the wind... we can no longer share anything negative about the PM with out being call "YOU PEOPLE" "CHUDS", so I'm asking you loving leftist to spread your word....and make a list of what your savior has done for this nation since birth...

Maybe you can explain to me why you love him so much ? i mean this mystery question would rank right up there with the explanation of women and why they are the way they are? You could get a noble prize for this

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

The “ Canadian Productivity gap” isn’t Trudeau’s making either. Its not like it was any different when Harper was PM. It’s a problem as old as Canada itself and is probably a structural issue given our small economy and the colonial mentality of of our business community which is dominated by non-innovative industries like natural resources,  foreign-owned subsidiaries and branch plants, monopolies like the big banks. Germany actually has a poor growth forecast now, the only major economy not expected to grown this year and already in recession.

American businesses leaders dream of  developing new products and services that customers have never seen before that change the way people around the live and work  But Canadian business leaders only “dream” (if you can call it dreaming) of selling tried and true products that they know customers already demand  and succeeding through proven techniques, “efficiency” and “focusing on the fundamentals”. In other words American business leaders aspire to be a Steve Jobs/ Bill Gates/ Elon Musk/Thomas Edison type of visionary whereas Canadian business leaders are unimaginative, glorified McDonalds managers.   That’s the perennial Canadian economic problem  

The PM doesn’t control the economy yet the right and the business community always trot out the same tired arguments whenever they want to bust unions, push down wages and cut taxes for the wealthy. 

Under Harper our economy avoided the major U.S. 2008 recession.  Our currency rose to almost $1.15 US.

All the overspending that Trudeau’s Liberals said would improve our economy and lower our debt to GDP ratio as our debt increased.

Our per capita growth has fallen under Trudeau.  

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8 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

what actually happened is that the Canadian banks were bailed out by the American Congress

the Canadian banks had their bad real estate assets in the US bought out by the Federal Reserve

Yes but the better regulated Canadian banks weren’t exposed to nearly as many bad high ratio, teaser rate mortgage products as the US banks.  Canadian regulators separate certain business from banks that can sink them. I’m speaking about non-US banking.

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

Yes but the better regulated Canadian banks weren’t exposed to nearly as many bad high ratio, teaser rate mortgage products as the US banks.  Canadian regulators separate certain business from banks that can sink them. 

indeed, the Canadian market is more stable

but all the Canadians banks were deeply invested in the American real estate bad assets

they were treated the same as American banks therein, since they all had American based subsidiaries

thus how they were bailed out by the American congress, sparing Canada the immediate fallout

although the Canada you live in now is suffering the fallout of the Global Financial Crisis in any case

moral hazard casts a long shadow

the money changers have overrun the temple in Canada in the end

we live in Biblical times, brother

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10 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Third largest oil reserves in the world . . . . we import oil.

That’s not Trudeau’s doing in fact if tou know your history you’ll recall that the West hates Trudeau the name precisely because Pierre Trudeau tried to have a “made in Canada” oil strategy  


It’s a global oil market and the global oil industry owns Alberta’s oil and therefore it owns Albertans. Why else would they be so obsessed with building a pipeline to US refineries on the Gulf of Mexico instead of developing our own oil refining capabilities. Some “energy superpower”!  The oil supper power that can’t even refine its own oil, it just exports the relatively cheap crude at buyer’s demand then buys back the more expensive fuel. That’s the colonial Canadian mindset I’m talking about. If the tarsands were in any other country that country would be an oil superpower. But we Canadian colonials, we’re re like the peasants in India picking Tea for the British East India Company - and handful of Indian plantation overseers are richly rewarded as long as they keep the tea leaves flowing but they make nothing compared to their imperial paymasters  who keep most of the profits for themselves 

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13 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I agree with the inept bunch occupying cabinet but, to be fair, our economic woes are mostly due to world economic issues.

We, Canadians and Canada are importers. We produce very little of our daily needs and if other countries are having economic issues, higher costs, inflation etc, they are passed on to us by higher prices which, as importers, affects our economy and inflation

Importers of FINISHED GOODS.

We are exporters of the raw materials those goods are made from. Because that’s what colones do and economically speaking we’re still a colony who minds its place. 

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