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The FN's , Trudeau and Me

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You know you can't comment on any article that has anything to do with the Natives on CBC. Subject too sensitive ? Or are we too weak?

I walk my dog this evening on the usual trail and I pass by a pile of garbage left behind by squatters. I saw the garbage a few days earlier, but nobody picked it up, so I made a mental remark that once I was done with my hike, I would pick up the pile and take it to a dumpster not very far away.

Two hours later I am back and I notice someone sitting on an embankment above the trail and by a collapsed tent. The pile of garbage I was going to pick up is nearby and on the opposite side of the trail.   That person, turning out to be  a female asks me the name of my dog. She can't make out what I say and finally picks up the name on the third try.  I ask her if she knows anything about the pile of garbage.  "I was going to clean it up." - she says. 

No worries , I say, I will take some of it with me.  So I pick up a bag of garbage and  a big sheet of plastic and take them to the dumpster some 100 meters away.  when I walked back and looked at the trail, I could still see more garbage, so I went in there to pick up the rest.

That woman says No need, I will take that to the dumpster.    No worries, I says, I am already here.

And then what happened was kind of hard to believe.

She says,  You are stealing from me!    What?  The pile of garbage that you left behind?  Those piles I have been picking up after you in the past couple of years??

You are not First Nation , she says, this is a burial site, get out of here!

Shut up!, I says , As a First Nation you think you can dump crap wherever you want?

One more word and the Police will be on their way here.

Police were already here, she now yells and then a scream comes out and she is charging me and the dog.

A pretty bizarre moment, where I was wondering what the heck should I do next.  But it was a bluff charge.  She preferred to continue to scream and yell and swear.

Called the Police after that and was assured those guys will be out of there by tomorrow evening.

This reminds me of another similar confrontation, where I took a picture of the most terribly looking yard in a Indian village, only to be chased down the highway by a car full of FN's, taking pictures of me my vehicle and license plate number.  They eventually gave up some 30km down the road.

So we have a situation where many of these guys do whatever they want - fish with nets at times and locations where the rest of us cannot even fish with a fishing rod, hunt the same way, always ask for government assistance and always blame the non-natives for all perceived wrongs.

Yes, they were wronged before, yes, not all of them are slobs, but, come on! We can't continue apologizing.  A line has to be drawn somewhere.

I just can't believe They will be asking for a landfill to be excavated to search for two sets of bones! I can't believe some government official told them that denying them the search was "heartless".

What are they expecting to get out of it?  Their "daughters" are not going to walk out of the landfill once found, nothing positive will be ever accomplished , except a tremendous damage to the taxpayer while doing the most disgusting and stinky  job one can ever imagine.

Why don't we have a politician to put those guys where they belong?




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They probably do in Quebec. Quebec's media doesn't seem to be nearly as ferociously 'progressive' as English Canada's. In English Canada, the media are a united attack dog, all with the same social views (no others are permitted). Any politician who suggests less immigration, or being pickier with immigrants to bring in those whose values are more like ours, will get pilloried as a racist and anti-immigrant. Any politician who dares wonder why so many people are willing to come from around the world to start again in a new land far from home where they don't even speak the language - but natives just stay on reserves where there are no jobs and hold out their hands for money, would get destroyed.

The media, with the help of academia, have created the victim mentality, where it's actually considered brave and noble to be a 'victim'. And politicians like Trudeau fan the flames as eagerly and often as they can. So you're not allowed to wonder about the high crime rate among natives - or blacks. You're not even supposed to notice that damn near every murderer we hear mentioned is either an immigrant or a native. Much less wonder if something might be done about that.

Get tough with lazy, criminal, polluting natives? Get real. The police are hesitant to even wag their fingers lest the media and various activist groups go berserk. Because then the politicians will move into full apologetic mode, while lecturing the cops on restraint.  Natives are always shown by the media to be great protectors of the land - as long as they're protesting against some natural resource project. But when they're carelessly overfishing, clearcutting the forest, or dumping pollution the media politely looks the other way. Mustn't judge, after all!


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If anyone thought we live in a democracy they are wrong;  we live in a mediacracy.  Election outcomes are controlled by the media and the government pays the media back with special grants and favours such as the new bill that will force internet companies like Google, Facebook, Meta, etc. to pay small media companies for putting their news items on the internet.  One would think it should be the other way around;  small media producers should be paying Google, Facebook, etc. for broadcasting their news stories.   Of course this new law is just a form of pay back by the liberals for the media/journalists supporting the liberals.  Media has the real power to determine who wins elections.  

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Around here people seem to just shrug, smile, go for a walk and occasionally fill a couple garbage bags along the way. Everyone honks and waves when they go by.

I'm guessing it takes more effort to whip up a citizens group more concerned with just pointing at the garbage to make an issue out of it.

Maybe give the shrug, smile, go for a walk approach a try and as long as you're there you might as take a garbage bag with you.

Remember to smile when you wave! You'll probably get a better reaction than giving them the finger as they go by.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Remember to smile when you wave!

Nobody owes anyone a smile.   If I seem to like the person I might give them a natural smile.

The bottom line with this particular homeless and mentally sick one was, she could not keep her mouth closed.   And with not just a single one around , aside from the constant mess they make by bringing garbage from the dumpsters in their stolen shopping carts, they create an unsafe situation on a public hiking and biking trail.

I don't want to see them there and they definitely do not belong there, FNs or not.   But where do you put them and who is supposed to deal with them?

The bigger picture, the one someone above suggested was racism, is that a two tier society was created and it cannot exist like that forever.   Our own government has promoted racism by granting preferential treatment to First Nations.

It will likely end one of two ways - either they will claim all their lands and kick the rest of us out unless we pay them huge royalties, or we will have some sort of a civil war where we will go after them and wipe them out.


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18 hours ago, herbie said:

Good example of how to make an incident about someone with Mental Health issues into one about race.

How come every single time some career criminal type causes troubles everyone assumes it's about mental health and not simply that they are a shit person who chooses to live their lives on drugs?

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

How come every single time some career criminal type causes troubles everyone assumes it's about mental health and not simply that they are a shit person who chooses to live their lives on drugs?

I guess it is hard to tell what came first - the egg and chicken question.

I would be inclined to go with the mental issues, but then, let's face it, every single one of us has mental issues of one type or another.   You have people with mental issues that put them out on the street.  You have people with mental issues who can't stop making money and get richer and the only time their mental issues manifest themselves and can be legally identified is when those guys kill someone, or steal a big pile of money.


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18 hours ago, herbie said:

Again, what makes you think choosing a life of drugs in NOT a mental health issue?

Yeah there’s no personal responsibility. All crime and bad conduct is the result of mental health issues.

You think everyone is a baby who is incapable of making decisions, yet you think that something magic happens when people become part of a government: Suddenly they know how all the other babies should live and what they deserve based on their perfect understanding of deservedness and victimhood.  You think this government of all knowing babies should give stuff to the babies deemed to be victims.

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15 hours ago, blackbird said:
On 7/18/2023 at 11:12 AM, herbie said:

Again, what makes you think choosing a life of drugs in NOT a mental health issue?

Because it's a choice.  

So four people in a row go out of their way to prove they know dick shit about addiction.

Oh we'll all just "decide" to be addicted. We'll just snap our fingers and decide not to be whenever we want. Yeah, right.

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3 hours ago, herbie said:

So four people in a row go out of their way to prove they know dick shit about addiction.

Oh we'll all just "decide" to be addicted. We'll just snap our fingers and decide not to be whenever we want. Yeah, right.

People often decide to do hard drugs.  That is purely a choice.  Nobody is forcing them.  Wake up and quit pretending it's not a choice.

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On 7/17/2023 at 2:46 AM, cougar said:

You know you can't comment on any article that has anything to do with the Natives on CBC. Subject too sensitive ? Or are we too weak?

I walk my dog this evening on the usual trail and I pass by a pile of garbage left behind by squatters. I saw the garbage a few days earlier, but nobody picked it up, so I made a mental remark that once I was done with my hike, I would pick up the pile and take it to a dumpster not very far away.

Two hours later I am back and I notice someone sitting on an embankment above the trail and by a collapsed tent. The pile of garbage I was going to pick up is nearby and on the opposite side of the trail.   That person, turning out to be  a female asks me the name of my dog. She can't make out what I say and finally picks up the name on the third try.  I ask her if she knows anything about the pile of garbage.  "I was going to clean it up." - she says. 

No worries , I say, I will take some of it with me.  So I pick up a bag of garbage and  a big sheet of plastic and take them to the dumpster some 100 meters away.  when I walked back and looked at the trail, I could still see more garbage, so I went in there to pick up the rest.

That woman says No need, I will take that to the dumpster.    No worries, I says, I am already here.

And then what happened was kind of hard to believe.

She says,  You are stealing from me!    What?  The pile of garbage that you left behind?  Those piles I have been picking up after you in the past couple of years??

You are not First Nation , she says, this is a burial site, get out of here!

Shut up!, I says , As a First Nation you think you can dump crap wherever you want?

One more word and the Police will be on their way here.

Police were already here, she now yells and then a scream comes out and she is charging me and the dog.

A pretty bizarre moment, where I was wondering what the heck should I do next.  But it was a bluff charge.  She preferred to continue to scream and yell and swear.

Called the Police after that and was assured those guys will be out of there by tomorrow evening.

This reminds me of another similar confrontation, where I took a picture of the most terribly looking yard in a Indian village, only to be chased down the highway by a car full of FN's, taking pictures of me my vehicle and license plate number.  They eventually gave up some 30km down the road.

So we have a situation where many of these guys do whatever they want - fish with nets at times and locations where the rest of us cannot even fish with a fishing rod, hunt the same way, always ask for government assistance and always blame the non-natives for all perceived wrongs.

Yes, they were wronged before, yes, not all of them are slobs, but, come on! We can't continue apologizing.  A line has to be drawn somewhere.

I just can't believe They will be asking for a landfill to be excavated to search for two sets of bones! I can't believe some government official told them that denying them the search was "heartless".

What are they expecting to get out of it?  Their "daughters" are not going to walk out of the landfill once found, nothing positive will be ever accomplished , except a tremendous damage to the taxpayer while doing the most disgusting and stinky  job one can ever imagine.

Why don't we have a politician to put those guys where they belong?




Sounds like you had an interaction with a mentally ill homeless person, nothing more  


And everyone has heard of landfills being searched for human remains or even evidence before. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of it being refused due to cost. 

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25 minutes ago, herbie said:

Pretending that addiction is not a "choice"?

Make that 5 in a row that don't know shit. Oh wait, still 4... one just wants to repeat himself thinking that will make it true.

"My Name: "Is Meth"
I destroy homes, I tear families apart, take your children, and that's just the start.
I'm more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold,
The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
If you need me, remember I'm easily found,
I live all around you - in schools and in town
I live with the rich; I live with the poor,
I live down the street, and maybe next door.
I'm made in a lab, but not like you think,
I can be made under the kitchen sink.
In your child's closet, and even in the woods,
If this scares you to death, well it certainly should.
I have many names, but there's one you know best,
I'm sure you've heard of me, my name is crystal meth.
My power is awesome; try me you'll see,
But if you do, you may never break free.
Just try me once and I might let you go,
But try me twice, and I'll own your soul.
When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie,
You do what you have to -- just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms
Will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms,your lungs your nose.
You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad,
When you see their tears, you should feel sad.
But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised,
I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways.
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids,
I turn people from God, and separate friends.
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride,
I'll be with you always -- right by your side.
You'll give up everything - your family, your home,
Your friends, your money, then you'll be alone.
I'll take and take, till you have nothing more to give, When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me be warned - this is no game,
If given the chance, I'll drive you insane.
I'll ravish your body, I'll control your mind,
I'll own you completely, your soul will be mine.
The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed,
The voices you'll hear, from inside your head.
The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see,
I want you to know, these are all gifts from me.
But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart,
That you are mine, and we shall not part.
You'll regret that you tried me, they always do,
But you came to me, not I to you.
You knew this would happen, many times you were told,
But you challenged my power, and chose to be bold.
You could have said no, and just walked away,
If you could live that day over, now what would you say?
I'll be your master, you will be my slave,
I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave.
Now that you have met me, what will you do?
Will you try me or not? It's all up to you.
I can bring you more misery than words can tell, Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell."
   -Clarksville Police Dept., Arkansas.
Telling people hard drugs are not a choice is ludicrous.  Anybody thinking of taking any kind of illicit drugs should seriously seek help and give their head a shake.  Anybody addicted should seek help and stop believing the defeatist nonsense that there is no choice to quit.  It might be tough and they may need help and rehab, but it is possible to quit.
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17 hours ago, blackbird said:

Clarksville Police Dept., Arkansas.

Asides from the most asinine source possible for any discussion on drugs, wtf does that statement have to do with furthering discussion.

Let alone on discussion of one individual's actions being pinned as a generalization of all FN?

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On 7/18/2023 at 11:12 AM, herbie said:
On 7/18/2023 at 9:20 AM, I am Groot said:

it's about mental health and not simply that they are a shit person who chooses to live their lives on drugs?

Again, what makes you think choosing a life of drugs in NOT a mental health issue?

Then I replied to your post about a life of drugs: herbie said: Aside from the most asinine source possible for any discussion on drugs, wtf does that statement have to do with furthering discussion.   unquote

My post from the Arkansas police was obviously a reply to your nonsensical comment implying that a life of drugs is a mental health issue.  What the Arkansas police said makes perfect sense to me.  It doesn't matter who or where their statement came from.  The fact that taking drugs in a choice and the harms from drugs are obvious to any thinking person.

You made the comment on drugs and I replied.  How is it you find that problematic?  Are you the only one allowed to comment on something you yourself said?

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

My post from the Arkansas police was obviously a reply to your nonsensical comment implying that a life of drugs is a mental health issue.  What the Arkansas police said makes perfect sense to me.

If you believe the opinion of some hick cop is worth more than almost all doctors and health professionals, I'd have to point out that you are the one speaking nonsense.

I already know you know less than zero about the subject of addiction and spouting your nonsense creates only more harm to individuals so affected.

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21 minutes ago, herbie said:

If you believe the opinion of some hick cop is worth more than almost all doctors and health professionals, I'd have to point out that you are the one speaking nonsense.

I already know you know less than zero about the subject of addiction and spouting your nonsense creates only more harm to individuals so affected.

Sadly you have been duped.  Pointing out the consequences of taking illicit drugs came from a police department that has far more experience in dealing with drug addicts and the consequences of drug addiction.  I am sure they deal with it every day.

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No, not at all. Police have vastly more experience only in enforcing the law. Wrong or right, enforcing what is the law.
We heard the same BS about marijuana for 80 years. Turned users into ex fiends, crazed wackos, criminals. While they strictly enforced laws that were wrong as the law against it turned you into a criminal, not pot.

We heard BS that LSD damaged chromosomes, turned you into murderous fiends.
That MDMA (ecstacy) literally ate holes in your brain like Mad Cow spongiforms.
How cocaine burned holes ion your nose - even though almost anything you put up your nose will.

The "dangers" of mushrooms, mescaline, etc.

All courtesy of hicksville Police Chiefs, who actually knew squat other than they were illegal.

Regardless,. that experience with the native woman may have been with someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or having a psychological episode, or being just an arsehole. Similar to how people here see drunks and beggars on the street and generalize them as 'the Indians" even though many aren't.

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