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On 7/7/2023 at 3:14 PM, Hodad said:

Hard to see a hint of anything with your head buried in the sand. What of global surface temps? What of global ocean temps? What of sea ice? The "hacks" at NASA are out to get you too. They can land a man on the moon and measure the mass of a black hole millions of light years away, but they can't properly work a thermometer?

Record temps are barely news now that every year is one of the hottest on record.

What about it? You crybabies have had over 100 years for your disasters to manifest and everything's still in place. New York isn't up to its ass in sea water, and major cities are still pumping pollution into the air without people's skin melting off their faces.  

There is no climate change. 

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Stop cursing. Calm down.  Geez.

First, the world will burn fossil fuels for a long time to come.  There is no target of zero petroleum consumption.  And nuclear isn’t being prevented by “greenies.” It simply is t economically feasible right now, and nobody wants a nuke plant in their backyard. 

Second, we have many alternatives. For starters, industry has already transitioned rapidly from coal to natural gas, which is now the #1 source of electricity in the US. While not ideal, it is far superior to coal.  Besides that, operators can increase/decrease electrical generation dynamically with natural gas, just as they can with wind.  

Third, we already know that we can transition a substantial amount of our electrical generation to wind and solar, and that it works reliably and affordably on industrial scales.  The only thing holding wind back is the buildout of more transmission towers.  In Canada, obviously, wind is a limitless and free energy source. I’ve mentioned countless times that half the electricity generated in Iowa and Denmark — 50% — is from wind, while the remainder is legacy generation.  

The oil companies are lying to us through very sophisticated campaigns. The truth is obvious to you: If Canada and the US becomes 80% wind and solar reliant, we can have unlimited and cheap electricity production. This means cheaper factories and businesses.  Who loses? The oil and coal companies!!! Everybody else wins.  Our economies will be far stronger if we transition to a mostly renewable energy profile.  

That's how I talk.

Denmark also has the highest electricity prices in the world.

Do you not understand that all these energy producing techs are inter-linked?

Wind is NOT reliable.

Solar is NOT reliable.

The greenies have trashed nat gas.

The greenies have trashed nuclear.

Frankly...IMO these greenies need to be ignored completely.

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19 minutes ago, Deluge said:

1. Are you saying that the UN IS full of shit because they didn't use the ipcc studies when they gave the world 11 years? Or are you saying that the UN is not full of shit, in this instance, because they used the ipcc studies to tell the world that we only have 11 years from 2019? 

2. How much time does the ipcc give us, if not 11 years from 2019? 

1. The eleven year prediction couldn't have come from a scientific study as far as I can tell.  The UN is full of shit here, but it doesn't mean that source studies are wrong.

2. They don't.  The studies predict temperature and sea rise.  Maybe they "urge action".

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15 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

That's how I talk.

Denmark also has the highest electricity prices in the world.

Do you not understand that all these energy producing techs are inter-linked?

Wind is NOT reliable.

Solar is NOT reliable.

The greenies have trashed nat gas.

The greenies have trashed nuclear.

Frankly...IMO these greenies need to be ignored completely.

Really? The sun is not reliable? So, tomorrow, you might wake up and the sun won’t be there? 

Do you have any actual documented evidence that solar and wind energy are proven unreliable? Cause here’s what I think: I think you’re actually so dumb, that you think that, since wind sometimes doesn’t blow, and the sun is sometimes covered by clouds, that distributing energy collection over hundreds of miles cannot remedy that. if we use your measure of “unreliable,” then there is no reliable form of electrical generation, because all forms of generation need to go offline for maintenance.  

These oil and coal companies… they give you NOTHING. They’re laughing their butts off at you for being dumb enough to be their cheerleader.  You are so fooled by them that even the most basic facts can’t get past your biases.  

Oh, and Denmark? Their electricity is expensive right now because of the other 50%. Gas prices are super high in Denmark.  So they’re building even more windmills.  

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5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Please don't be a twit. A 100 watt panel can only produce between 10 and 20 watts on cloudy days.

So if it’s cloudy over your house, it must be cloudy everywhere!!! Right? When it rains at your house, it must be raining everywhere all at once.  

FACT: US renewable electrical energy generation. out-produces both nuclear and coal, today. Right now. So only a dope would say that it doesn’t work, when it’s more productive than both coal and nuclear. 

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17 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Really? The sun is not reliable?

Do you REALLY need the concept of clouds explained to you?

And i woke up in the middle of the night yesterday and  .. GUESS WHAT WASN"T THERE!!!!!  Do you know anyone who uses power at night?

Your comments are starting to get childish.  SOME day we'll perfect energy storage and then wind and solar power could be viable primary power sources.  But right now they're just not.  And that is more than obvious.  PRETENDING that the sun is always in the sky ready to be turned into solar power on demand is silly.

What they can do is reduce our reliance on other forms of power generation, so we need to build FEWER nuclear reactors etc.

Nobody likes pollution. Everyone prefers clean energy.  But the tech isn't there yet.  It's being worked on but it's still a long long ways away.

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4 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Do you REALLY need the concept of clouds explained to you?

And i woke up in the middle of the night yesterday and  .. GUESS WHAT WASN"T THERE!!!!!  Do you know anyone who uses power at night?

Your comments are starting to get childish.  SOME day we'll perfect energy storage and then wind and solar power could be viable primary power sources.  But right now they're just not.  And that is more than obvious.  PRETENDING that the sun is always in the sky ready to be turned into solar power on demand is silly.

What they can do is reduce our reliance on other forms of power generation, so we need to build FEWER nuclear reactors etc.

Nobody likes pollution. Everyone prefers clean energy.  But the tech isn't there yet.  It's being worked on but it's still a long long ways away.

Gee, great question!!! Who does use electricity at night? Answer?  Nobody. 

If you knew how electrical systems operate, you’d know that nighttime is a huge problem in electrical distribution. Because electricity cannot be stored in the grid. It must be consumed as it is generated, and consumption plummets at night. Nuclear plants and coal plants are especially problematic because operators cannot slow down their output sufficiently at night. Natural gas turbines are excellent because they are highly variable. So are windmills; operators can feather and disable individual windmills to meet consumption demands.  

You truly, honestly do not understand what you’re talking about. You ought to educate yourself and not from the oil industry funded nonsense. 

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Just now, Rebound said:

Gee, great question!!! Who does use electricity at night? Answer?  Nobody. 

Nobody uses electricity at night.  Nobody at all. 

ROFLMAO -  well there you go folks, here's the left embracing science again :)   Their 'expert' has shown up to tell us all that we dont' need electricity at night, so obviously the lefties have really done their homework :)  LOLOLOLOL!!!

those right wing gov'ts were FOOLS for investing in hydroelectric prodjects (which produce power at night) and nuclear power (which produces power at night) and petro/coal generating plants (which produce power at night). They'll all go broke! Nobody needs power at night!!!

"WE SHOULD USE SOLAR POWER BECAUSE WE DON'T NEED ELECTRICITY AT NIGHT!!  ALSO - WE SHOULD ALL BUY ELECTRIC VEHICLES"  Ok - but when do we have time to charge the vehicles? "AT NIGH.... oh shit."

Kid -  you are beyond stupid. 


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32 minutes ago, Rebound said:

So if it’s cloudy over your house, it must be cloudy everywhere!!! Right? When it rains at your house, it must be raining everywhere all at once.  

FACT: US renewable electrical energy generation. out-produces both nuclear and coal, today. Right now. So only a dope would say that it doesn’t work, when it’s more productive than both coal and nuclear. 

Did you think I wouldn't check this "FACT" of yours?



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11 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Did you think I wouldn't check this "FACT" of yours?




Coal: 19.5%
Nuclear: 18.2%
Renewables: 21.5%

13 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Nobody uses electricity at night.  Nobody at all. 

ROFLMAO -  well there you go folks, here's the left embracing science again :)   Their 'expert' has shown up to tell us all that we dont' need electricity at night, so obviously the lefties have really done their homework :)  LOLOLOLOL!!!

those right wing gov'ts were FOOLS for investing in hydroelectric prodjects (which produce power at night) and nuclear power (which produces power at night) and petro/coal generating plants (which produce power at night). They'll all go broke! Nobody needs power at night!!!

"WE SHOULD USE SOLAR POWER BECAUSE WE DON'T NEED ELECTRICITY AT NIGHT!!  ALSO - WE SHOULD ALL BUY ELECTRIC VEHICLES"  Ok - but when do we have time to charge the vehicles? "AT NIGH.... oh shit."

Kid -  you are beyond stupid. 


Yes, of course there is SOME consumption at night. But it falls 35-50%. Solar provides power when it’s needed most. 

We’re not going to shut down all the billion dollar natural gas plants.  They aren’t going away for the foreseeable future.

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14 minutes ago, Rebound said:


Coal: 19.5%
Nuclear: 18.2%
Renewables: 21.5%


You expect me to choke down this odd comparison of yours?

You use cumulative calculations to total renewables, then individual calculations for both coal and nuclear.

A proper comparison would be all one of the other and when one does that...guess what?

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3 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

You expect me to choke down this odd comparison of yours?

You use cumulative calculations to total renewables, then individual calculations for both coal and nuclear.

A proper comparison would be all one of the other and when one does that...guess what?

That is precisely what I said, yes.  I have not changed what I said. 

The thing is, you people aren’t capable of data that’s more complicated than a simple percentage. If there’s algebra or a graph, your eyes glaze over.  You need it fed to you through a spoon.

For a better picture of renewables, look at the trends. Coal is falling off like a rock, and wind is going gangbusters.  

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3 minutes ago, Rebound said:

That is precisely what I said, yes.  I have not changed what I said. 

The thing is, you people aren’t capable of data that’s more complicated than a simple percentage. If there’s algebra or a graph, your eyes glaze over.  You need it fed to you through a spoon.

For a better picture of renewables, look at the trends. Coal is falling off like a rock, and wind is going gangbusters.  

You're a fcking liar and you know it.!

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11 minutes ago, Rebound said:

That is precisely what I said, yes.

No, you said it outproduces both nuclear and coal.  If you meant  that it outproduces nuclear as well as coal, you should have said that

What you "precisely" said indicates that it outproduces coal and nuclear combined. 

Sooooo - maybe learn how english works?

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We have had many “hints” of climate change. It is unquestionable. 
We can measure higher concentrations of atmospheric methane and CO2.

Those are OPINIONS from left wing hacks reading computer models and doing ZERO field research.

We can measure the clear reduction of ice in the Arctic.

There has been NONE. And Antarctica, the LARGEST CONCENTRATION OF ICE ON THE PLANET has expanded in size. MORE ICE.

We have seen a clear increase in the number of highly powerful hurricanes, such as those which destroyed New Orleans, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and much more. 

This is where I start to believe you libs are high on meth all the time. New Orleans was NOT destroyed by Hurricane Katrina (even as the locals were too STUPID to obey the FOUR DAY IN ADVANCE WARNING to get out of the way). The BAHAMAS was not destroyed. Puerto Rico was not destroyed. No Florida towns were destroyed. These areas are in the path of hurricanes and have been that way for hundreds of years, certainly before you were born 12 years ago.

We experienced unprecedented forest fires which even destroyed entire towns, including some quite large suburban towns. We saw orange skies which lasted weeks.  These things have not happened before on this scale and they are becoming commonplace in the west and Canada. 

You're blaming a climate change lie for the incompetence in forest management in Canada?

We saw massive ice storms hit Texas and take down its power grid. 

I was born in Dallas around 1954. (About the time your great grandparents were in diapers). Every winter we got a foot of snow. Every summer the sidewalks were hot enough to stir fry a meal for Benihana.

So far, NONE of your idi0tic predictions have come true.  Florida is NOT underwater as Algore predicted.  The poles HAVEN'T melted. In fact, the ONLY reason you idi0ts are calling it climate change is because the GLOBE DIDN'T WARM and your leaders were embarrassed by the terminology.


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39 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Yes, of course there is SOME consumption at night. But it falls 35-50%. Solar provides power when it’s needed most. 


There is a massive consumption at night.  A lot of homes use electric heat.  As california has learned it's hottest JUST AFTER DARK  in the summers when air conditioners run. A lot of appliances such as dishwashers are specifically made to run at night to spread out the power consumption.   And now we have ev chargers - those will be going at night.

People watch tv at night, they use their computers at night, their fridges run at night, they do their laundry in the evening. In canada for months at a time it's dark by 5 pm.  You think no electricity gets used after 5? That's when people fire up the stoves to cook.



We’re not going to shut down all the billion dollar natural gas plants.  They aren’t going away for the foreseeable future.

Well at least there's SOME sanity in you. :)

But  the fact is we're not going to even come close.  Not until power storage is perfected and that's probably a good 20 years out, and then there will be deployment times.

So the only sane thing to do is to move the world to nuclear power generation and use things like wind and sun to help reduce the need as much as possible.

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

So the only sane thing to do is to move the world to nuclear power generation and use things like wind and sun to help reduce the need as much as possible.

In wealthy nations...yes. Nuclear is a good option. For poorer nations its too expensive. But natural gas is not. However...we have refused to build either in Africa. We don't invest in Africa...we rape Africa. Ya know who actually invests in Africa? CHINA!

Western leadership has been captured by a bunch of loud and incredibly obnoxious liars who run around with signs about the world ending...white folks are racist...and Putin Bad. And these "leaders" cave...every single time as far as I can tell.

IMO...this all has to do with one over-riding goal. Globalism. Centralization of...everything. No more borders. No more nations. No more ethnicity. A homogeneous population of mindless automatons nodding in agreement as they hand over their freedoms and their individuality.

And to that concept I say...

On a cold day in Hell!

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2 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

And to that concept I say...

On a cold day in Hell!

No WONDER they want us to try to make it with solar alone - they think if they freeze everything you'll agree :)

I don't think it's about globalism as much. but i do know this -  presumably the worlds leaders are the ones who have the best access to the science and the clearest picture as to how much of a threat we actually face.  And as things like the carbon tax and paris accords show -  they 're not taking it seriously at all.  So that tells me something.

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

No WONDER they want us to try to make it with solar alone - they think if they freeze everything you'll agree :)

I don't think it's about globalism as much. but i do know this -  presumably the worlds leaders are the ones who have the best access to the science and the clearest picture as to how much of a threat we actually face.  And as things like the carbon tax and paris accords show -  they 're not taking it seriously at all.  So that tells me something.

People like to scoff at the idea of this Illuminati. This gang of wealthy people directing traffic on a planetary scale. Yet...have you ever read the book? I did years ago and ya know...its...illuminating.

The end-game is a nasty piece of work. Create global conditions so bad that everyone is having a hard time just getting by. Then, as if by some miracle, produce an answer...a solution...that will cure all the ills of the shitty existence they've  created. The population will willingly turn over control.

Just before this crux of hardship comes to fruition, those in control will not have to hide their intentions anymore because...it'll be too late to do anything about it.

Sound familiar?

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@bcsapper - Funny eh? You'll laugh yourself silly over this then...



Centrally controlled Internet addressing.


The WHO wants absolute control over pandemic responses globally.

In the meantime...banks are being centralized as small outfits get eaten by the big banks. This is happening in most lines of business as well. Note how the big box stores were allowed to remain open for business during The Rona freakout.

Gates is promoting lab-made meat in lieu of natural farmed meat.

Farmers are being shut down all over the west...especially in Holland.

The USA has an open border. Europe has already been flooded with refugees.

Fossil fuels are under intense attack.

Parents are being stripped of their natural rights to raise their kids.

The 2 largest nuclear powers in the world are not dancing around each other in what would be the end of humanity if it comes to direct blows.

Issue after issue, tearing the population apart and producing more suffering and more anger.

I don't know for sure if the Illuminati exists. I do know that we watch on seemingly helpless, while insane ideas rule the day making everyone's life just a little harder with each new edict.

Libbies are angry...conservatives are angry...independents are angry. Everyone's angry and ready to pop. Ready for a fight.

And I have a sneaking suspicion we're all gonna get a chance to actually fight.

I couldn't have planned this better myself.


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21 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

@bcsapper - Funny eh? You'll laugh yourself silly over this then...



Centrally controlled Internet addressing.


The WHO wants absolute control over pandemic responses globally.

In the meantime...banks are being centralized as small outfits get eaten by the big banks. This is happening in most lines of business as well. Note how the big box stores were allowed to remain open for business during The Rona freakout.

Gates is promoting lab-made meat in lieu of natural farmed meat.

Farmers are being shut down all over the west...especially in Holland.

The USA has an open border. Europe has already been flooded with refugees.

Fossil fuels are under intense attack.

Parents are being stripped of their natural rights to raise their kids.

The 2 largest nuclear powers in the world are not dancing around each other in what would be the end of humanity if it comes to direct blows.

Issue after issue, tearing the population apart and producing more suffering and more anger.

I don't know for sure if the Illuminati exists. I do know that we watch on seemingly helpless, while insane ideas rule the day making everyone's life just a little harder with each new edict.

Libbies are angry...conservatives are angry...independents are angry. Everyone's angry and ready to pop. Ready for a fight.

And I have a sneaking suspicion we're all gonna get a chance to actually fight.

I couldn't have planned this better myself.


Maybe try Prozac?

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

A lot of homes use electric heat.  As california has learned it's hottest JUST AFTER DARK  in the summers when air conditioners run.

You mean some use electric heat. They used to charge cheaper rates for heat, that's why some places have 2 meters. That stopped over 30 years ago, when cheaper natural gas was available. In places that got their shit together.
My Dad used oil heat in Burnaby until 2001 or so, probably the last customer in the whole Lower Mainland. My sister in NS converted her home from oil to propane in 2013 because 'gas was coming'... still f***ing waiting.
And where I live where we have night too and it snows 7 months a year, every new home people built in the last 3 or 4 years had some kind of solar supplement or was totally off grid.

This 'sun doesn't shine at night, the wind doesn't always blow' argument is for total blockheads who don't know you can store energy or only use the grid when you need to. Same pigheads who drive 20 miles a day to work and back five days a week and say EVs are stoopid because you can't drive from Vancouver to Calgary on one charge.

And who cares about air conditioner use in Canada, you don't even use it for more than a month every year.

Edited by herbie
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