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Poilievre tells Trudeau to 'butt out' of New Brunswick's policy on LGBTQ students

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28 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


So you're arguing its within a parent's right, or should be, to use a two by four to carry out their duty because the Charter has nothing to say about them or their kids.

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8 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Why do you assume that parents don’t have their kids’ best interests at heart?

Why do you assume that SO MANY INSTANCES of this happen SO OFTEN that it's become an issue when it's merely a play to pander to those who wish to restrict the rights of the few?
Like how many times has this happened in New Brunswick? Two or three maybe.

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20 minutes ago, herbie said:

Why do you assume that SO MANY INSTANCES of this happen SO OFTEN that it's become an issue when it's merely a play to pander to those who wish to restrict the rights of the few?
Like how many times has this happened in New Brunswick? Two or three maybe.

It’s an epidemic among girls and the whole notion of gender fluidity and choose your own gender is flirting with insanity literally.  

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

So you're arguing its within a parent's right, or should be, to use a two by four to carry out their duty because the Charter has nothing to say about them or their kids.

I'm saying the charter applies to gov'ts and agencies - NOT parents. The Charter doesn't care what the parents do with the 2X4.

It's like the motor vehicle act.  It doesn't care what parents do with a 2x4.  You see how that works?

The criminal code does in several places but the charter does not.

HOW is this so hard for you? 5 year olds get this.

59 minutes ago, herbie said:

Why do you assume that SO MANY INSTANCES of this happen SO OFTEN that it's become an issue when it's merely a play to pander to those who wish to restrict the rights of the few?
Like how many times has this happened in New Brunswick? Two or three maybe.

Because the medical professionals are suggesting something like that is at play.

Why don't you believe the professionals? You're such a science denier.

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4 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I'm saying the charter applies to gov'ts and agencies - NOT parents. The Charter doesn't care what the parents do with the 2X4.

It's like the motor vehicle act.  It doesn't care what parents do with a 2x4.  You see how that works?

The criminal code does in several places but the charter does not.

HOW is this so hard for you? 5 year olds get this.

Are you only pretending to be oblivious to the fact the Charter governs what the Criminal Code allows parents to do?

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21 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

So, you’re denying their parental rights to know about their child.  You’re no different than me, except if you don’t know about the abuse, you’re willing to risk the child and I am not.  

Little Johnny shows up for class every day, my job as a teacher is to notice things like are they showing signs of abuse... if yes to report it... if not assume they are from a loving household, until you have proof other wise, why is this so difficult...

like you said teachers teach... lets social services do their job...

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21 hours ago, herbie said:

Tell me all about your parental rights. Are they written down somewhere? Like the right to refuse your child a blood transfusion? Your right to know if a doctor wrote your 14 yr old daughter a scrip for the pill? Your right to discipline your kid with a switch?

Are you just trolling this conversation, or actually going to add to it... are you a parent ? Yes your responsibilities are written down, and if your unsure phone child services they would be happy to have a conversation with you...., what is not recorded there will be in various laws already written for guys like you...   

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21 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

So, you’re denying their parental rights to know about their child.  You’re no different than me, except if you don’t know about the abuse, you’re willing to risk the child and I am not.  

When a child is subjected to physicals violence that parent gives up their rights as a parent...and if i suspected the child was being abused i would report it... and child services would investigate the problem, and if there was an issue it would be a they problem not mine...like i said the teachers job is to teach , not parent...

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8 hours ago, eyeball said:

Only after the courts resolve things. It started out with just a few cases but its the resulting conservative moral panic and their reaction that will force these into a court that will make them about all children. And how do you think that's going to work out?

Stronger rights for all kids would be my guess.

Is that really what conservatives were hoping for or is it more like a proverbial unintended consequence? Good job in ether case.

Your full of shit eyeball thinking this is just a conservative issue...

Yes becasue only conservatives are concerned parents... since your on the left this really does not effect you right...i mean your happy being in the dark, not knowing what is going on in your children's lives... becasue the left does not talk to their kids, can't have a conversation on a one to one basis... parents don't need to know anything... becasue these issues are just conservative issues.... and yet your doing a lot of posting...

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

Are you only pretending to be oblivious to the fact the Charter governs what the Criminal Code allows parents to do?

Oh my god :)  ROFLMAO - yeah, that is TOTALLY not how the charter works kiddo :)  

Wow. I'm honestly astonished at that level of dumb.

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49 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Your full of shit eyeball thinking this is just a conservative issue...

It's the new woketard cause. 

Lefatrds prove their street credulity by instantly advocating for the shiniest, dumbest new cause out there like ultra-late term abortion, forcing people to take the pseudovax, saying things like "The protest was mostly peaceful with just a few blocks looted and burned and a few dozen cops injured" or "it's cool for men to dress like hos and talk to little children", "explicit gay pornographic literature is ok in elementary schools", etc.

Now they're saying "guidance counsellors should be allowed to help grade 3 students get gender reassignment therapy without the knowledge or consent of the parents" because it's the most woketarded thing that they can think of. 

If some parents somewhere eventually find out that their kid has been given puberty-blockers at a school without their knowledge it's gonna be a real bloody mess. 

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

When a child is subjected to physicals violence that parent gives up their rights as a parent...and if i suspected the child was being abused i would report it... and child services would investigate the problem, and if there was an issue it would be a they problem not mine...like i said the teachers job is to teach , not parent...

Teachers teach, and must snitch on their students.  

Your contention that a teacher will know who is abused is absurd.    You are sending LGBTQ kids home to be abused. 

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10 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Teachers teach, and must snitch on their students.  

Your contention that a teacher will know who is abused is absurd.    You are sending LGBTQ kids home to be abused. 

What a steaming pile of crap.  Your claim that teachers can't be parents to the kids AND YET are better parents to the kids than the parents is laughable

There's no 'snitching'. These are children. their parents have a right to know about what's going on with them.

as for sending them home to be abused - i'd say sending them home to parents who will allow them to be permanently mutilated and sterilized is far worse - but in either case if the parents do something illegal you deal with it but you can't just declare ALL parents are abusers and should have their rights as parents taken away.

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39 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Teachers teach, and must snitch on their students.  

Your contention that a teacher will know who is abused is absurd.    You are sending LGBTQ kids home to be abused. 

They snitch all the time, Johnny misses a class, not doing well in class, missed a project or home work, suspended for fighting , It is the Teachers responsibility to keep the parents informed...regardless of how the parent is going to react when the student gets home, no consideration for those actions They don't present a danger... just changing pronouns does...

How is this going to keep the peace in a house hold, if the parents are abusive, teachers are trained to spot the signs, bruising, broken bones, major swings in personality, etc there are are whole list of things that can be used to detect abuse... i guess conservatives are the only ones that can use goggle... Teachers get this training all the time... from professionals, how is that absurd. 

Your solution does nothing to solve this issue, the parents remain abusive, the child has a secret which is almost imposable to keep in a school and parents will find out anyways...making the whole thing moot in the first place... 

Don't blame their parents behavior on me, thats all on them, and once they become violent then it is up to police and child services to intervene ASAP to protect the child not to sweep the problem under the carpet... or as you suggest to stick your head in the sand.  

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh my god :)  ROFLMAO - yeah, that is TOTALLY not how the charter works kiddo :)  

So the Charter puts limits on the entire government and all its organisations except the Criminal Code, because of Parental Authority. You're quite certain that's TOTALLY how it works?

No, here's how it really works. The Charter applies in all areas of criminal law just as it applies to all levels of government (including provincial education systems). Parental Authority has nothing to do with it. You can thrash around on the floor kicking and screaming TOTALLY not all you want.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

So the Charter puts limits on the entire government and all its organisations except the Criminal Code, because of Parental Authority. You're quite certain that's TOTALLY how it works?


The charter doesn't impose any restrictions on parents as a result, which is what you claimed. The criminal code does not 'transfer' any charter requirements to the parents or to anyone else.  You could find that the code itself was not valid due to the charter but no, you absolutely cannot transfer the authority of the charter to people who are affected by the criminal code LOLOLOL

Look - this is pretty clearly over your head.  I know you want to think somehow parents are controlled by the charter. You keep saying it and coming with .... er...  'creative!'  ways that might happen :) but no.

the criminal code  and NUMEROUS other codes convey a duty of care and rights and obligations to parents which collectively are known as parental authority. Parental authority is not subject to the charter or the constituion, other than the people who created it were.  So unless they can strike down the criminal code and the many other provincial and federal acts involved as unconstitutional or in violation of the charter it's not a thing

THis will not be fought on whether or not those laws are constitutionally sound. It will likely be a discussion about what the rights of the parents under parental authority are and what the state can compel teachers to do.


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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Your full of shit eyeball thinking this is just a conservative issue...

Yes becasue only conservatives are concerned parents...

Not just but definitely mostly.  Consider this conservatives take;

On 6/28/2023 at 5:54 PM, WestCanMan said:

I'd be willing to bet that if we were all being honest, children in leftard households are subjected to far more harm than those in conservative households. 

You disagree? I think it's a constant underlying sentiment that at least a third of conservatives have accepted and shared without question for decades and decades. 

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26 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

The charter doesn't impose any restrictions on parents as a result, which is what you claimed.

I never claimed that. What I said is that the court will rule on what the charter says New Brunswick can make its teachers do - to which you've tried to avoid responding to with a bunch of unrelated;


Blah blah blah



THis will not be fought on whether or not those laws are constitutionally sound. It will likely be a discussion about what the rights of the parents under parental authority are and what the state can compel teachers to do.

All legal fights are subject to the constitution and sure parents rights will be part of the discussion but at the end of the day you can count on kids rights to privacy being determined more by their age and individuality and less according to what their parents think.

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15 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Teachers teach, and must snitch on their students.  
Your contention that a teacher will know who is abused is absurd.    You are sending LGBTQ kids home to be abused. 

For starters, abusers are abusers and being LGBTQ is no proof that a parent won't abuse their children, so the LGBTQ community doesn't get to pretend that they're in a position to talk down to anyone or act like they alone are the protectors of children. 

Do you think that there are no LGBTQ parents out there who are abusive? Do you think that LGBTQ parents are above average somehow? Sorry, they're definitely not. 

What percent of molesters are men who are cisgender do ya figger? Ummmmm... by definition it would be close to zero, because those men wouldn't be considered cisgender if they were having sex with their own gender. Get it?

Men in the LGBTQ community have an extremely high rate of being sexually abused as children. I have no opinion on whether that sexual interference causes men to become gay or if they get raped because they put out a vibe that attracts gay pedos, but those numbers are out there. 

It's also a fact that people who are molested as children are more likely to do it to kids once they're as adults. 

If you put two and two together, I'm definitely not going to consider LGBTQs as somehow morally or ethically superior. As a general rule, the leaders of the LGBTQ community are straight-up losers. 

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TBH, I'd even go so far as to say that if I ever find out that my kid is in an office anywhere having 1-on-1 discussions about sexuality with an adult, and he's told that those meetings are supposed to be be kept secret from his mother and me, I'm going to assume that person is a pedophile and proceed from there. 

Guidance counsellors are no better than priests, far from it, and I wouldn't allow a priest to have secret conversations about sex with my kid either. 

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14 hours ago, eyeball said:

I never claimed that. What I said is that the court will rule on what the charter says New Brunswick can make its teachers do - to which you've tried to avoid responding to with a bunch of unrelated;

Of course you did.  But hey - You can always go back and edit your replies to pretend you didn't :)We all know you are into that kind of thing :)

You literally did suggest that parents were responsible to the charter. And when I pointed out that wasn't the case you tried to suggest that the criminal code makes them responsible. Did you sober up and realize how silly you were sounding and now you're trying to change what you said? I could understand that.

14 hours ago, eyeball said:

All legal fights are subject to the constitution

Just when I think it's not possible for you to get any more stupid, you find new ways to impress me with your skills. No, not all legal fights are subject to the constitution.


14 hours ago, eyeball said:

but at the end of the day you can count on kids rights to privacy being determined more by their age and individuality and less according to what their parents think.

It is possible that that may form a part of their argument. But that will be based on provincial laws, not federal laws or the constitution. Provinces maintain their own privacy laws. I am not as familiar with the Ontario privacy laws as I am with some other provinces but it's going to be a very tough row to hope to suggest that children of the age that this law would apply to would have a right to privacy with regards to medical information and their parents.

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17 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Blah blah blah...


...It is possible that that may form a part of their argument. But that will be based on provincial laws, not federal laws or the constitution. Provinces maintain their own privacy laws. I am not as familiar with the Ontario privacy laws as I am with some other provinces but it's going to be a very tough row to hope to suggest that children of the age that this law would apply to would have a right to privacy with regards to medical information and their parents.

What medical information...a freaking pronoun?  ?

Get a grip.

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12 minutes ago, eyeball said:

What medical information...a freaking pronoun?  ?

Get a grip.

LOL so what you're saying is that there's nothing to this whole gender change thing? It's not a medical issue, it's not even important!

ROFLMAO - that's the left for you :) LOL - 


Ok - so we should tell the parents they're experiencing this then? 


I literally laughed out loud reading your post :) 

Transgender behavior is a medical issue. It's a result of gender disphoria - which is serious.  The child's mental AND physical health will be seriously impacted, as well a how they will function in society.  Of course it's a medical issue.

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25 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

LOL so what you're saying is that there's nothing to this whole gender change thing? It's not a medical issue, it's not even important!

I'm saying there's nothing important about the panicked malarkey you're describing. If there's a medical issue here it's the anxiety you're suffering.

The issue surrounding New Brunswick's policy is about privacy and pronouns not gender reassignment, I mean ffs you dingbats are half convinced school nurses are handing out gene blockers.

Get a grip.   

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33 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Transgender behavior is a medical issue. It's a result of gender disphoria - which is serious. 

If you have a medical issue go see a doctor then. Of course as everyone knows deplorables don't trust doctors anymore because they suffer from some sort of deeply rooted ideological dysphoria.

Psychological help is available to people seeking a better grip.

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