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Boy it must be tough to live a life of contradiction

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I really feel for right wingers who are stepping over each other to prove they're not Nazi Racists.

Gives me a belly laugh when seeing them in the local Mexican eateries trying to be friendly to the Mexican staff who's no doubt spitting in their enchiladas ??

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Similar to this....

I used to visit Rupert and Burley, Idaho. In the late 80's, the restaurants were mostly diners and greasy spoon old school types. Well, it is ag country and by the early 2000's, this had changed. They were mostly replaced by Mexican restaurants. The old crusty conservatives would complain that their once amazing town had gone to he__. the indicator was the presence of mexican restaurants. And yet.. those same crusty white conservatives would go to those restaurants. Before you say,, there is no other option you need to look at a map. There are other small towns within 15 to 30 miles that had non-Mexican restaurants... hmm..

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

On the topic of Mexican food.. I would be up a creek if I could not eat mexican food. We have some sort of mexican inspired dish 3 or 4 nights per week. Mole, Posole, Tamales, Queso Fundido, Salsa Verde, El Pastor, Mexican Chorizo.. such yumminess. 

That's cultural appropriation. You're going to woke hell now. 

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16 hours ago, NYLefty said:

I really feel for right wingers who are stepping over each other to prove they're not Nazi Racists.

Gives me a belly laugh when seeing them in the local Mexican eateries trying to be friendly to the Mexican staff who's no doubt spitting in their enchiladas ??

I really feel for leftards who think that they have to start a thread to prove that they're racist.

We already knew NYL, you didn't have to spell it out for us.

Now hit the skids, racist.

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On 6/2/2023 at 8:53 AM, NYLefty said:

I really feel for right wingers who are stepping over each other to prove they're not Nazi Racists.

Gives me a belly laugh when seeing them in the local Mexican eateries trying to be friendly to the Mexican staff who's no doubt spitting in their enchiladas ??

Liberals are the Nazi racists. These are the two WORST racists in history.


You somehow think being friendly to restaurant staff is RACIST?

Are you stupid?

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

How about the anti-immigration types who go to Home Depot to get cheap labour when they need something done ?

Mainstream conservatives have no problem with LEGAL immigration.

And only a totally brain dead m0ron would think this


is the same as this:


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On 6/2/2023 at 6:53 AM, NYLefty said:

I really feel for right wingers who are stepping over each other to prove they're not Nazi Racists.

Gives me a belly laugh when seeing them in the local Mexican eateries trying to be friendly to the Mexican staff who's no doubt spitting in their enchiladas ??

That's funny. The only racists I ever see are on the left.  

Hell, between co-workers, vote groomers, and government pimps, it's really hard to find a woketard who ISN'T a racist.  

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2 hours ago, Deluge said:

That's funny. The only racists I ever see are on the left.  

Hell, between co-workers, vote groomers, and government pimps, it's really hard to find a woketard who ISN'T a racist.  

There are three types of leftists and they're all racist for one reason or another:

1) The racists at the top (Demonrats):

  • they craft policies that hurt poor people and pass those off as being altruistic in nature (eg, they bring in millions of illegal immigrants and say "Awww what a swell buncha guys we are ? ", but they do it for the cheap labour, which undercuts American workers and also drives up the cost of low-income housing. This works like a charm for the Demonrats - the vast majority of the poorest Americans vote for them)
  • they create narratives that subjugate anyone dumb enough to believe them (eg "no jobs fo you n-----, them racist pigs'll kill ya so you need to be in a gang, dawg. Look what they did ta M Brown an' Trayvon. Don't be a foo, stay outta skoo." Anyone who falls victim to this Demonrat message is basically a slave: they're tethered to the lowest economic rung for life, some of them will even end up making license plates for free.)

2) The racist adherents:

  • the folks who just hate white people and therefor adore the Dems' hateful/divisive messages

3) The useful idjit racists:

  • Stupid people with the best of intentions. These are the soccer moms and simp man-buns who aren't intrinsically racist but are dumb enough to blindly support the aforementioned racist policies & harmful narratives without realizing what they're actually doing


I think that our resident domestic terrorist epitomizes category 3: she's not an actual racist, but she's someone who does everything in their power to advance the harmful narratives like, "M Brown was a gentle giant who was murdered by racist pigs so we need to loot, burn, and kill some cops", which just serve to divide the country along racial grounds. Unlike the majority of cat 3's, she's sucked in to the extent where she thinks that torching people's businesses is justified. "Look mama, I burned that black man's business down for Michael Brown!" 

The MHs, Contrarians and Beaves of the world are all lower-level cat 3s. They blindly pay lip service to every single one of the Dem narratives but they haven't joined any of their militias yet (KKK, BLM, Antifa). 

Not many people admit to being in group 2 though, so I'll at least give NYLefty credit for owning up to the fact that he's an actual racist. At the top of the food chain here are people like Barack "I think we're all a bit racist" Obama and Ilhan "it's all about the Benjamins" Omar. Fun fact about group 2s: some of them think that it's not considered racist to be racist against white people for a whole host of reasons, some of which are vastly dumber than others. 

It's tough to accuse anyone of being a category 1, those people are pure evil. It's basically just the policy makers at the "top" of their slimy food chain. Some are elected and some form the power behind the throne, and the majority of them stay outta the limelight. I honestly think that there are actually elected officials who still fit into category 3 - just dummies who are out tilting at windmills because they think that they're saving the planet - but it's possible that they're just good actors. 

Ok, then there's AOC. I don't know wtf that thing is. She's just a whirlwind of stupid elected by a maelstrom of 1d10cy.

Edited by WestCanMan
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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

There are three types of leftists and they're all racist for one reason or another:

1) The racists at the top (Demonrats):

  • they craft policies that hurt poor people and pass those off as being altruistic in nature (eg, they bring in millions of illegal immigrants and say "Awww what a swell buncha guys we are ? ", but they do it for the cheap labour, which undercuts American workers and also drives up the cost of low-income housing. This works like a charm for the Demonrats - the vast majority of the poorest Americans vote for them)
  • they create narratives that subjugate anyone dumb enough to believe them (eg "no jobs fo you n-----, them racist pigs'll kill ya so you need to be in a gang, dawg. Look what they did ta M Brown an' Trayvon. Don't be a foo, stay outta skoo." Anyone who falls victim to this Demonrat message is basically a slave: they're tethered to the lowest economic rung for life, some of them will even end up making license plates for free.)

2) The racist adherents:

  • the folks who just hate white people and therefor adore the Dems' hateful/divisive messages

3) The useful idjit racists:

  • Stupid people with the best of intentions. These are the soccer moms and simp man-buns who aren't intrinsically racist but are dumb enough to blindly support the aforementioned racist policies & harmful narratives without realizing what they're actually doing


I think that our resident domestic terrorist epitomizes category 3: she's not an actual racist, but she's someone who does everything in their power to advance the harmful narratives like, "M Brown was a gentle giant who was murdered by racist pigs so we need to loot, burn, and kill some cops", which just serve to divide the country along racial grounds. Unlike the majority of cat 3's, she's sucked in to the extent where she thinks that torching people's businesses is justified. "Look mama, I burned that black man's business down for Michael Brown!" 

The MHs, Contrarians and Beaves of the world are all lower-level cat 3s. They blindly pay lip service to every single one of the Dem narratives but they haven't joined any of their militias yet (KKK, BLM, Antifa). 

Not many people admit to being in group 2 though, so I'll at least give NYLefty credit for owning up to the fact that he's an actual racist. At the top of the food chain here are people like Barack "I think we're all a bit racist" Obama and Ilhan "it's all about the Benjamins" Omar. Fun fact about group 2s: some of them think that it's not considered racist to be racist against white people for a whole host of reasons, some of which are vastly dumber than others. 

It's tough to accuse anyone of being a category 1, those people are pure evil. It's basically just the policy makers at the "top" of their slimy food chain. Some are elected and some form the power behind the throne, and the majority of them stay outta the limelight. I honestly think that there are actually elected officials who still fit into category 3 - just dummies who are out tilting at windmills because they think that they're saving the planet - but it's possible that they're just good actors. 

Ok, then there's AOC. I don't know wtf that thing is. She's just a whirlwind of stupid elected by a maelstrom of 1d10cy.

This is a really good breakdown. 

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2 minutes ago, Deluge said:

This is a really good breakdown. 

Really? There’s a “Category One” which consists of no-one he can name? That’s Category One stupld.  

Liberals aren’t “bringing” illegal immigrants into the country.  They’re coming in on their own. Obama deported more than any previous president.  

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33 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Really? There’s a “Category One” which consists of no-one he can name? That’s Category One stupld.  

Liberals aren’t “bringing” illegal immigrants into the country.  They’re coming in on their own. Obama deported more than any previous president.  

Category One is every goddamn democrat in Congress. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, all of them. Not one of these a$$holes have proven anything other than being able to covince the poor and destitute to keep voting democrat. 

And why do you think they're coming in on their own? That's right, because they know a democrat is calling the shots. 

You see, stupid, never argue with someone who actually loves this country. You'll get your ass kicked every time. ;)

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Really? There’s a “Category One” which consists of no-one he can name? That’s Category One stupld.  

Liberals aren’t “bringing” illegal immigrants into the country.  They’re coming in on their own. Obama deported more than any previous president.  

Liberals say "The door is open, we have sanctuary cities waiting for you, we want to abolish ICE and we want you to have the right to vote", and then the immigrants show up in caravans. 

Call it what you want, but the dems are bringing in illegal immigrants. 

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16 hours ago, Rebound said:

Really? There’s a “Category One” which consists of no-one he can name? That’s Category One stupld. 

Well we can discuss what @WestCanMan meant by Catagory 1 stupid and who falls into it if you like.  First, unrelated question, do you own a mirror?

16 hours ago, Rebound said:

Liberals aren’t “bringing” illegal immigrants into the country.  They’re coming in on their own. Obama deported more than any previous president.  

Of course they are.  They encourage it and have policies that facilitate it. They could chose policies that DIDN'T allow those people in and discouraged them from coming. But they don't.  So there you go.

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19 hours ago, Rebound said:

Really? There’s a “Category One” which consists of no-one he can name? That’s Category One stupld.  

Liberals aren’t “bringing” illegal immigrants into the country.  They’re coming in on their own. Obama deported more than any previous president.  

The frontmen that push those policies are Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Hillary, etc. Soros is the guy bankrolling all the leftard DAs who are doing everything they can to destroy the country.  

That's all I'm willing to name right now. It's a helluva thing to accuse anyone of being as evil as the Dem power-brokers are.  Unlike leftists, I don't just make these kinds of accusations flippantly. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Soros is the guy bankrolling all the leftard DAs who are doing everything they can to destroy the country.  

That's all I'm willing to name right now. It's a helluva thing to accuse anyone of being as evil as the Dem power-brokers are.  Unlike leftists, I don't just make these kinds of accusations flippantly. 


No flippancy isn't your style at all. You'll have evidence of cheques cut to DA's bearing Soros' signature right?



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On 6/3/2023 at 3:34 AM, Rebound said:

Breakfast cereal. With milk. 

Simple tastes... I guess it works. My dad was one of simple tastes... chicken fried steak, eggs sunny side up, and mashed potatotes with butter. His racism when it came to food was pretty evident. If it even looked Asian.. it was a no go. "No China man chow for me".. not even rice. Only spice that came to his plate was pepper and that only came with his chicken fried steak. 

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1 minute ago, impartialobserver said:

Simple tastes... I guess it works. My dad was one of simple tastes... chicken fried steak, eggs sunny side up, and mashed potatotes with butter. His racism when it came to food was pretty evident. If it even looked Asian.. it was a no go. "No China man chow for me".. not even rice. Only spice that came to his plate was pepper and that only came with his chicken fried steak. 

I actually had to look up chicken fried steak.  :) 

Sounds like schnitzel.

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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I actually had to look up chicken fried steak.  :) 

Sounds like schnitzel.

Close but not quite. Beef instead of pork. To each their own but he could have eaten this meal.. chicken fried steak, eggs sunny side up, and mashed potatotes with butter every meal, every day, and never grown tired of it. I need vastly more variety than that. 

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On 6/2/2023 at 4:45 PM, impartialobserver said:

On the topic of Mexican food.. I would be up a creek if I could not eat mexican food. We have some sort of mexican inspired dish 3 or 4 nights per week. Mole, Posole, Tamales, Queso Fundido, Salsa Verde, El Pastor, Mexican Chorizo.. such yumminess. 

You like Mexican food...got it.

Next please?

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