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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, CdnFox said:

 I specifically said they could do that now - so basically you feel the need to lie and be dishonest to try to make your point.

And in fact they could vote before 1951. Not that they paerticularly wanted to or asked to.  But there were various rules (actually there were for everyone).  but there was never a time i'm aware of that first nations people could not vote at all. It was just very difficult in the beginning - you had to be a lawyer or the like Which some did become but obviously it was rare.

And john a was going to make it legal for all first natiosn everywhere without condition till the uprising happened. THen it was legal for first nations in the east but not the rebellious west.

And any first nations serving in the military during the wars could vote automatically.

And it was a liberal - wilfried laurier (yes the same one who ignored the damning report about res schools and buried it) who set it back to the early conditions where you had to be a lawyer etc. He thought the first nations would vote conservative.

Soo.. not exactly true.  A first nations person absolutely could walk off the reserves, become "enfranchised", and vote and have a business or go to school wherever he wanted etc.

But even ON the reserves they got steel tools and weapons, they got advanced medicine they got textiles and gear that made their lives a thousand times better. You have no idea how something as simple as a copper pot makes ALL the flipping difference.

So - once again you prove you don't really know the history here.

I told you who.  Smallpox was first introduced into the americas by the Caribbeans. Not the europeans. 

Waves of it would show up later from europeans and russians and chinese - it made it's way around.  But - if you think it was canadian settlers who introduced it you were wrong,.

Both of those are flat out lies in Canada.

In canada most of the first nations followed the caribou and still do.  This isn't america.

And the salmon on the west coast have been very strong for generations. More recently the stocks have suffered a small amount (first nations overfishing has been thoguth to be partly responsible along with climate change,) but the first nations still fish them plenty. I drive by a first nations fish processing plant regularly

So  more lies.

That's american.  This is C.A,N.A.D.A   Buy a freakin' map and read a book


You've shown quite clearly you're an uneducated sack of shit who virtue signals pretending to stand up for first nations without having done a single drop of homework. NOTHING you've said has turned out to be true,


The only way they could vote was to give up their status.


Do you really think buffalo knew what borders were, like there were Canadian buffalo and American buffalo and they all stayed on their own side of the border? How do you think prairie farmers would like herds of tens of thousands of buffalo stomping through their crops?


There are thousands of studies done on the decline of  salmon on the west coast. You talk to old time Fraser Valley residents and they say there were ten times as many salmon in local creeks during the 40's and 50's than there are now and they were saying that years ago. Hydro dams destroyed the Columbia River runs.


Edited by Aristides
1 hour ago, Aristides said:


The only way they could vote was to give up their status.

So when i said they could leave the reserve and enjoy the benefits of canadian society - and you said they coudn't because they coudn't even vote....  you now admit you were lying.

Well that's a good start.

And in any case you're wrong again. As i said any first nations person serving in war could vote.  And it was extended by john a WITHOUT revoking status to the eastern first nations, they could vote. He was extending it to ALL first nations but then the rebellion happened. I'd say that's on them.

Laurier brought back the original requirement but that was later.

Again - you're not being honest.

1 hour ago, Aristides said:


Do you really think buffalo knew what borders were, like there were Canadian buffalo and American buffalo and they all stayed on their own side of the border? How do you think prairie farmers would like herds of tens of thousands of buffalo stomping through their crops?

The bison were gone by the time the prairie farmers even showed up. The population of the praries at the time was tiny.

The first nations were the ones who did most of the killing in Canada - and mostly for furs. They were already almost wiped out by the time the railroad was even put thorough.  First nations got 3 things - guns, horses and trading posts and thats what ended the bison. Metis hunters were sending 50,000 hides a year out of canada at it's height.

And while first nations in Canada had hunted the bison, they weren't dependent on them. They had the cariboo and other sources. THey would have missed the hides and the bones - but they had european textiles to make it up.

THere are some who have said that John A wiped out bison in select areas to try to make the local first nations more dependent on the canadian gov't - but the evidence for that is extremelyl weak. And there's no doubt they were already vastly in decline by the time that could have happened. And it would have been 'economically' weak, having removed their trading stock.

Sorry - if you thought it was europeans in canada who did it you were dead wrong, In america the army shot bison and the railroads fed thier people with them but not here ,

1 hour ago, Aristides said:


There are thousands of studies done on the decline of  salmon on the west coast. You talk to old time Fraser Valley residents and they say there were ten times as many salmon in local creeks during the 40's and 50's than there are now and they were saying that years ago. Hydro dams destroyed the Columbia River runs.


Bad news sparky - I AM a local old time resident. :)

There were never 10 times the salmon, that's for sure. THere's no doubt runs have gone down a little but in my creek most years they're still thick enough to walk across the water on their backs so to speak. And the DFO's numbers would tend to agree.

And as i've said - again, first nations overfishing combined with global warming trends are thought ot be two of the biggest culprits  Canada didn't cause global warming and the overfishing isn't the europeans.

Once again - wrong on all counts. The europeans didn't wipe out the buffalo in canada. There's still plenty of salmon, and if their numbers are going down it's not the europeans that are the primary responsibility. And first nations definitely had voting rights before the 50's, and even at their most restrictive they could leave the reserves and be just like anyone else. And it wasn't even always that restricted.

And in return they got horses, guns, metal tools, medicine, access to education, longer life spans, and they lived the way they always did until technology chaged to the point where they just didn't bother any  more. So they got electricity and modern housing and so on.

And they wiped out the buffallo for profit.  Not because non existant farmers were getting their crops trampled.

Any other complete lies you'd like to share about the first nations? Or are you done.





FN killed the bison for furs and over fishing and habitat destruction had nothing to do with the decline of salmon stocks.Your posts just keep getting dumber. How can someone be so ignorant of their own history?

1 hour ago, Aristides said:

FN killed the bison for furs

You're saying they didn't? Would you care to make a wager :)  It's pretty well documented.

1 hour ago, Aristides said:

and over fishing and habitat destruction had nothing to do with the decline of salmon stocks.

I literally said FN overfishing is believed to be a serious factor explicitly, twice. And then you claim i've said it had nothing to do with it.

Is lying your ONLY method of argument?


1 hour ago, Aristides said:

Your posts just keep getting dumber. How can someone be so ignorant of their own history?

I assume you're talking to your mirror. Pathetic.

Everything i've said is not only true but very easy to verify.

Everything you've said has turned out to be wrong. if not an outright lie.

THIS - THIS is why we need more 'white' heritage days.  Diptwits like you want to rewrite history and recon white people as the villians.  Europeans may have made their fair share of mistakes but they are NOT the only ones NOR are they to blame for even a quarter of what you seem bound and determined to stick them with.

  • Sad 1
On 5/5/2023 at 6:41 AM, Aristides said:

They were forcibly taken from their families and sent to boarding schools often far away and specifically intended to erase their culture. 

How would you feel if your kids were taken and sent to an Islamic or Sikh boarding school 200 miles from where you live.

I would get a bunch of brave white folk and go rescue my children. Not sit around and watch it happen. jUST SAYING. 

On 5/4/2023 at 4:53 PM, impartialobserver said:

show explicitly where i said that white people are too privileged?  No opinions, no rhetoric, no interpretations.. show me an quote where I explicitly stated that?

You appeared to me to be a person who believes that white people are privileged. My thoughts of course. 

On 5/5/2023 at 1:26 PM, blackbird said:

We are not talking about putting people in a barbaric aboriginal culture.  We are talking about the fact the aboriginal kids needed to be educated to function in a civilized Canadian society.   Is that too much to ask or do?   Would you rather leave them uneducated, unemployed and starving on some reserves?  Doesn't sound too bright.

I will bet that it was some big eye opener for those native Indian children to have running water and better housing and surroundings to live in. Geez, I wonder if when those children went back to their Indian reserves if they asked their parents as to why they did not have running water and be able to live in nice comfortable warm home in winter time. 

All I have to say here is that if the native Indians hate old whitey, then give us back all our toys and comforts of life and stop taking our money and then go live like their ancestors lived for thousands of year ago. Betcha they will not do that. They know when they have it good. Old whitey brought them out of the stone age. My opinion of course. ?

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14 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Yah, also, troll. You podt here vis MY MONEY.

Who allows such an incel low life emotions to post here?

Oh, boy, Rue Jew. Low life Uncle Sam agitator.

Whoops - looks like you got into the wiskey early today.

And more jew hatred.  You were warned.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, Contrarian said:

Call them and remember to repeat as a woman:



I can not wait to debate with the folks that you send because you feeling were hurt.

Poor, Poor, Bully Low IQ troll.

Wow- not even the good whiskey - i take it you were down to your aftershave as your only drink  :)

And remember - you were warned about attacking the jews. That's not ok

11 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Yes, bring it, sue my domain, and will wait for Rue Jew from Mississauga to defend my position. 

Boy, Adonai is with the strong here, that's what my grandmother told me. Adonai does not like the weak low life Servants like you. ?

If it was not for politics, not even toilets you would be qualified to run, low life IQ bully Rue Jew. ?

I wouldn't sue. I'd turn you over to the human rights people.  But - this isn't your domain is it? You don't own the board do you?  Soooo .. the problem is that THEY are the ones who'll get in trouble if they leave your jew hating comments up.

Just now, Contrarian said:

Is my domain, low IQ man, and if you win and eventually stir up the people against me, my idea will be passed over, eventually remember, eventually you will be left in a hole, while I made a difference, bully low IQ troll Israeli lobby man. 

Fair enough - we'll see what they have to say about your comments. All screen shot

1 minute ago, Contrarian said:

Who? The Jewish Organizations? They know me, in Toronto

Won't be toronto kiddo.  And it will be human rights, and probably the papers. Its' not ok to make jewish slurs on line at all and it won't matter who you know

50 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Follow up -> Uncle Sugar does not hold me, especially the last links you posted.

Do you understand the Copy & Paste Function is traceable? I can find out, bully man when one first took that message.

So, again, how can you, a populist from the gutters, and the radical <--- leftist stand a chance against a radical libertarian like me, bully man?! The only reason you eat is because of my tax money, servant troll. ?

It's simple. I'm sober. 

5 hours ago, Contrarian said:

Yah, maybe, a sober bully is worst than a drunk bully.

Nobody for you, the best reward. Even the mob can't defend you.

Better a sober bully than a drunken racist piece of garbage.

Just now, Contrarian said:

Ok, here you are now moving the conservation and accusing me of "racist". Like a woman leftist, can't even stand on your own 2 feet. A coward.

You literally spent all night using the derogatory term "rue Jew".  You're a racist piece of crap.  You've outed yourself entirely.

41 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

hahaha. Oh man, you are one weak machine with 1-3 fans based on fake accusations. Hilarious seeing you swirl. Like a leftist woman.

You're an insiginficant racists drunk who  is so desperate for the attention of his betters that you spend all day chasing me around begging for my attention and approval.  Why did you think anyone cares about what you have to say?

So of course a bunch of people came out against you.  I mean - you're pretty pathetic. Nobody is supporting the jew hater, thats for sure.

1 minute ago, Contrarian said:

The statement made by the accuser contains a number of manipulative tactics. Here are a few examples:

Personal attacks: The accuser starts off by attacking the person's character, calling them a "racist" and a "drunk." This is an attempt to discredit the person's opinions and make them seem less credible.

Insults: The use of insults like "insignificant" and "desperate for attention" are designed to undermine the person's confidence and self-esteem.

Gaslighting: The accuser is trying to make the person doubt themselves by implying that their opinions are not worth listening to and that they are only seeking approval.

Invalidating: The accuser is attempting to invalidate the person's feelings and opinions by asking "Why did you think anyone cares about what you have to say?" This is a way of belittling the person and making them feel like their thoughts and feelings are not valid.

You're an insignificant racists drunk who  is so desperate for the attention of his betters that you spend all day chasing me around begging for my attention and approval.  Why did you think anyone cares about what you have to say?

And why do you hate jews so much? You never explained that? Is it because of your communist background?

Just now, Contrarian said:

I don't hate "Jews",

Of course you hate jews - nobody who didn't hate jews would go around constantly making racists jewish comments.

You're a jew hating drunk who is so desperate for attention of his betters that all you can do is follow me around begging for my attention.

And you're a bit of a liar - you posted just a short time ago you had to go somewhere for a few hours and yet here you are.  Are you skipping out on your Alcoholics Anonomous meetings?

7 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

The computer is still on,


So you didn't have anywhere to go. You were just lying.

So we can add 'liar' to jew-hater and drunk.  Man - how the hell did we let someone as pathetic as you into our great country?


2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

racists jewish comments

Inventing self imagined concepts to further one's argument?

Reversal, repeatedly claiming the other person said the opposite of what they did.

Black and white generalizations, concluding that if the other person does not fully agree they must be fully opposed to every belief you hold regardless if it's related to the subject of discussion or not.

Not even getting into falling for every logical fallacy known to mankind.

Just now, herbie said:

Inventing self imagined concepts to further one's argument?

You think calling people a "rue jew" isn't racist? Do you prefer the term "anti semite"? Technically it's more accurate i suppose.

It's like pretending calling someone a 'rag head' isn't racist or ethnophobic.  it is.

Just now, herbie said:

Reversal, repeatedly claiming the other person said the opposite of what they did.

He literally said precisely that.

So are you saying you like the idea of calling people "rue jews" as an insult? That's ok with  you?

On 5/12/2023 at 7:50 PM, CdnFox said:

Yeah - the guy who has to "Declare" he won... usually just lost :)  

It is both amusing and sad when someone claims to have won a debate on an internet forum. Usually (not always).. the winner is simply the person who keeps going and shows how bored they are. 


That's it's usually CdnFox declaring victory for himself in almost every single thread is somehow lost on him.  Nobody self-congratulates like him.  

"A man is no more entitled to an opinion for which he cannot account than he does for a pint of beer for which he cannot pay" - Anonymous

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