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The high price of gas can be largely traced to Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau

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3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I don't see it as an improvement.  He stopped or killed the production of millions of barrels of oil/gas for Americans which is driving the price up for ordinary Americans (and Canadians). 

No oil production declined SINCE the PANDEMIC. You don't know what you're talking about.

Oil production is STILL ramping back up AFTER the decline in demand when millions were working from HOME.

3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

He promotes this LGBT stuff, teaching perversion to school children. 

Again, ^NO EVIDENCE. Everyone should promote TOLERANCE, Neanderthal.

3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

He allows about 5,000 illegal migrants to cross the southern border into America per day. 

Border crossers have the LEGAL RIGHT to claim ASYLUM. Don't like it? Change THE LAW.

3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

He promotes and defends abortion which is killing millions of babies. 

You're LYING. Abortion doesn't KILL BABIES. Zygote, Embryo or FETUS.

3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

He is a sleep-walking disaster.  Definitely worse than his predecessor who wasn't perfect but at least he was better in these areas.


Fortunately HE FAILED with the LATTER.

How would you like it if Trudeau sent a mob to YOUR CAPITOL to stop a CON from taking power?


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7 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Sleepy Joe has embraced the fraud climate change agenda and is costing American billions in lost jobs, lost oil production, lost wages, and higher cost of living.   Destroy the economy and prosperity of hundreds of millions of people to "save the planet" from climate change.  It won't work.  Man cannot control the climate.  It is a fairy tale.

It is tragic how one political leader can destroy a nation.  Hitler did it to Germany and Europe, and many others did it to their countries.

That was Trump's BOTCHED PANDEMIC.

Your blind partisanship is unbelievable.

But then you believe in the magic man, right?

Edited by robosmith
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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Your problem is you believe in fairy tales like man-made climate change and you think man can control the climate but you don't believe in God's revelation, the Bible.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

NO EVIDENCE FOR OR AGAINST god. Plenty of evidence that giga-tons of CO2 per year changes climate.

If only you could understand SCIENCE.

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

But never ever do Republicans say what they will actually do. It’s all talk…. Blah blah blah… no policy.  

When they do mention policies, it’s elimination of Social Security and Medicare.  

LOL...so don't vote for them.

14 days I believe...

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17 hours ago, robosmith said:

So it's time to get OUT of the fossil fuel industry and look FORWARD to the 21st century WCM.

No, it's not. Stop playing stupid all the f'ing time.

Biden and Trudeau are playing stupid and it's costing our countries bigtime.


Rising energy costs affect poor people disproportionately, because $75 every two weeks is a big chunk of their take-home.

Eg, when the cost of filling a 60-litre gas tank goes up by $75 that's nothing for a person making $300/hr, but it's more than half a day's work for the average leftard, who pulls in $15/hr or less. Yet you guys keep pimping their stupidity like it's the cure for cancer (I'm pretty sure the vaxx cures that) but what you're basically doing is voting yourselves further into poverty.


Your lungs and lifespan will thank you for it. Seems you got a lot of windy ocean to put to good use.

OMG, that's just stupid. 

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:


Border crossers have the LEGAL RIGHT to claim ASYLUM. Don't like it? Change THE LAW.


"Entering the United States without approval from U.S. immigration authorities is illegal. So is staying in the U.S. without permission after a visitor visa, work or other visa, or other authorized stay has expired. Even violating the terms of a legal entry to the United States can make a non-citizen's stay illegal."

How Can Undocumented Immigrants Stay in the U.S.? | AllLaw

Coming across the border without approval is ILLEGAL, period.  They have already broken the law, making them lawbreakers.  No need to change the law.  Just enforce it.

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Your problem is you believe in fairy tales like man-made climate change and you think man can control the climate but you don't believe in God's revelation, the Bible.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

My way of knowing things can be proven.  You can jump off a cliff asking Jesus to save you, I'm sure...

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I suppose if you can believe oil that you don't even buy unless it's cheaper than domestically produced oil forces the price up ... well, what can I say? I could tell you the price has to go up because Gramma wore brown shoes today, you'd buy that too.

Wanna blame Biden for something regarding oil? Blame him for not asking Alberta to supply more.

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

No, it's not. Stop playing stupid all the f'ing time.

Biden and Trudeau are playing stupid and it's costing our countries bigtime.


Rising energy costs affect poor people disproportionately, because $75 every two weeks is a big chunk of their take-home.

Eg, when the cost of filling a 60-litre gas tank goes up by $75 that's nothing for a person making $300/hr, but it's more than half a day's work for the average leftard, who pulls in $15/hr or less. Yet you guys keep pimping their stupidity like it's the cure for cancer (I'm pretty sure the vaxx cures that) but what you're basically doing is voting yourselves further into poverty.

OMG, that's just stupid. 

^This is your stupidest post yet.

The fossil fuel free future is coming whether you like it or not.

Got news for you: renewables are cheaper and more efficient; just takes investment, the cost of which is steadily declining.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

"Entering the United States without approval from U.S. immigration authorities is illegal. So is staying in the U.S. without permission after a visitor visa, work or other visa, or other authorized stay has expired. Even violating the terms of a legal entry to the United States can make a non-citizen's stay illegal."

How Can Undocumented Immigrants Stay in the U.S.? | AllLaw

Coming across the border without approval is ILLEGAL, period.  They have already broken the law, making them lawbreakers.  No need to change the law.  Just enforce it.

Did you even READ your OWN CITE? What I SAID:


Undocumented Immigrants Might Qualify for Green Card by Applying for Asylum

You can apply for the right to stay in the U.S. if you qualify for asylum and apply within one year of your entry or the expiration of your authorized stay. You'll need to show that you have been persecuted, or fear future persecution, in your home country, based on your race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

The process involves submitting USCIS Form I-589, together with detailed documentation of your membership in the group that you claim and the persecution that you faced or fear.

If you are granted asylum, you can apply for a green card one year after your approval, and for U.S. citizenship four years after that. (If denied, you could be deported, unless you can show that you would likely face torture upon return.)

The law guarantees your right to apply for asylum. Duh.

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On 10/24/2022 at 1:22 AM, robosmith said:

Bullshit. Biden has DONE NOTHING to reduce domestic oil production AND has tapped the reserves.

For some "reason" Putin and his war gets a complete pass from idiot right wingers as usual.

Ultra partisanship is completely transparent HERE, AND it's not getting a pass.


For the educated  posters here, (since it is apparent that your head is a hat rack, and you don't have the intelligence to debate something without insults) here's the deal when it comes to gasoline and oil pricing. (And those who were born longer than 10 years ago might get this.

Oil speculators determine the price of oil and gasoline. They always have. And it's all about supply. If there is ANY hiccup in supply, the price will be bid up.

If you wonder why the NeoCon presidents (Nixon, Ford, Carter, KKKlinton, Both Bushes, Obama,) paid so much attention to the Middle East it's because of oil speculators. If an oil tanker is torpedoed in the Strait of Hormuz, the price of oil will skyrocket.

Shortly after Hurricane Katrina (when some oil derricks were destroyed in the Gulf Of Mexico) oil speculators were all set to jack up the price of a barrel of crude. What stopped them was the oil-man President George W. Bush, who INTELLIGENTLY released some oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve and calmed that market. Yes, Bush was the most centrist president in history (Pissing off the left and right at every turn) but he understood the concept of oil markets.

As far as what Unelected Joe has done to the domestic energy industry (and Trump was the one who made America energy independent, here are some sources showing how Joe screwed us.


Biden’s Actions Affecting Oil and Gasoline Prices



On January 20, 2021, besides cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline, President Biden restricted domestic production by issuing a moratorium on all oil and natural gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He also restored and expanded the use of the social cost of carbon metric to artificially increase the regulatory costs of energy production of fossil fuels when performing analyses, as well as artificially increasing the so-called “benefits” of decreasing production.

On January 27, 2021, Biden issued an executive order announcing a moratorium on new oil and gas leases on public lands or in offshore waters and reconsideration of Federal oil and gas permitting and leasing practices. He directed his Department of Interior to conduct a review of permitting and leasing policies. Also, by Executive Order, Biden directed agencies to eliminate Federal fossil fuel subsidies wherever possible, disadvantaging oil and natural gas compared to other resources that receive Federal subsidies.

By the end of January 2021, average gasoline prices were 7 percent higher than in December 2020 averaging $2.326 a gallon for the month.

On February 19, 2021, Biden officially rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, which is detrimental to American fossil energy, while propping up oil production in Russia and OPEC and increasing the dependence of Europe on Russian oil and natural gas. It also benefits China, who dominates the supply chain for critical minerals that are needed for wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicle batteries.

By the end of February 2021, average gasoline prices were 15 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $2.496 a gallon for the month.

On March 15, 2021, Biden’s Securities and Exchange Commission sought input regarding the possibility of a rule that would require hundreds of businesses to measure and disclose greenhouse gas emissions in a standardized way, hugely increasing the environmental costs of compliance and disincentivizing oil and gas production.

On March 28, 2021, Biden’s Treasury Department released its Green Book that provide Biden’s FY 2022 revenue proposals, including nearly $150 billion in tax increases directly levied against the oil and gas energy producers.

By the end of March 2021, average gasoline prices were 29 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $2.791 a gallon for the month.

On April 16, 2021, at Biden’s Direction, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland revoked policies in Secretarial Order 3398 established by the Trump Administration including setting “American Energy Independence” as a goal; establishing an “America-First Offshore Energy Strategy;” “Strengthening the Department of the Interior’s Energy Portfolio;” and establishing the “Executive Committee for Expedited Permitting;” among them.  These actions set the stage for the unprecedented slowdown in energy activity by the Department of Interior, steward of 2.46 billion acres of federal mineral estate and all of its energy and mineral resources.

On April 22, 2021, Biden issued the U.S. International Climate Finance Plan to funnel international financing toward green industries and away from oil and gas.

On April 28, 2021, Biden’s EPA issued a Notice of Reconsideration that would propose to revoke a Trump-era action that revoked California’s waiver for California’s Advanced Clean Car Program (Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards and Zero Emission Vehicle Requirements).

By the end of April 2021, average gasoline prices were 31 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $2.839 a gallon for the month.

On May 20, 2021, Biden issued an executive order on Climate Related Financial Risk would artificially increase regulatory burdens on the oil and gas industry by increasing the “risk” the federal government undertakes in doing business with them.

By the end of May 2021, average gasoline prices were 37 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $2.972 a gallon for the month.

On June 1, 2021, Biden’s Department of Interior suspended drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge until the agency completes an environmental analysis of the impact and a legal review of the Trump administration’s decision to grant those leases.

By the end of June 2021, average national gasoline prices were over $3 a gallon. Average gasoline prices were 45 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.154 a gallon for the month.


To be continued.

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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

For the educated  posters here, (since it is apparent that your head is a hat rack, and you don't have the intelligence to debate something without insults) here's the deal when it comes to gasoline and oil pricing. (And those who were born longer than 10 years ago might get this.

Oil speculators determine the price of oil and gasoline. They always have. And it's all about supply. If there is ANY hiccup in supply, the price will be bid up.

If you wonder why the NeoCon presidents (Nixon, Ford, Carter, KKKlinton, Both Bushes, Obama,) paid so much attention to the Middle East it's because of oil speculators. If an oil tanker is torpedoed in the Strait of Hormuz, the price of oil will skyrocket.

Shortly after Hurricane Katrina (when some oil derricks were destroyed in the Gulf Of Mexico) oil speculators were all set to jack up the price of a barrel of crude. What stopped them was the oil-man President George W. Bush, who INTELLIGENTLY released some oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve and calmed that market. Yes, Bush was the most centrist president in history (Pissing off the left and right at every turn) but he understood the concept of oil markets.

As far as what Unelected Joe has done to the domestic energy industry (and Trump was the one who made America energy independent, here are some sources showing how Joe screwed us.


Biden’s Actions Affecting Oil and Gasoline Prices

To be continued.

On July 23, 2021, Biden’s Department of Justice issued its Climate Action Plan, including an effort to “green” the fleet by transitioning to electric vehicles.

By the end of July 2021, average national gasoline prices were 49 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.233 a gallon for the month.

On August 5, 2021, Biden issued an executive order on Clean Cars and Trucks” that established a new target to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles. The Executive Order also kicked off development of more stringent long-term fuel efficiency and emissions standards. On the same day, EPA issued its Clean Trucks Plan, announcing plans for further transportation emissions regulations targeted at heavy-duty trucks, aiming to shift markets in favor of zero-emission vehicles.

On August 26, 2021, EPA issued a Proposed Rule on Passenger Car Emissions to heighten federal greenhouse gas emissions standards for passenger cars and light trucks by setting stringent requirements for reductions through Model Year 2026 to incentivize” technology to “encourage more hybrid and electric vehicle technology.”

By the end of August 2021, average national gasoline prices were 50 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.255 a gallon for the month.

On September 3, 2021, Biden’s Department of Transportation issues a proposed rule that would update the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2024–2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks to increase fuel economy regulations on passenger cars and light vehicles. The modeling calculated “fuel savings” by multiplying fuel price with ‘avoided fuel costs’ to disincentivize gasoline by making it more costly to afford ICE cars and trucks.

By the end of September 2021, average national gasoline prices were 51 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.265 a gallon for the month.

On October 29, 2021, the Bureau of Land Management announced the use of social costs of carbon in decision making for approving permits for oil and gas drilling.

On October 30, 2021, the Department of Labor issued a final ESG Rule that would require fiduciaries to consider the economic effects of climate change and other so-called environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when evaluating funds for retirement plans. The rule would strongly encourage fiduciaries to draw capital from domestic energy development in oil and natural gas to renewables.

By the end of October 2021, average national gasoline prices were 56 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.385 a gallon for the month.

On November 2, 2021, Biden administration led a “Global Methane Pledge” to reduce global methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030. Neither Russia nor China signed the pledge, increasing the world’s reliance on these two countries for energy-related imports and disadvantaging the U.S. oil and natural gas industry.

On November 4, 2021, Biden committed to “ending fossil fuel financing abroad,” targeting the global fossil fuel industry, thereby disadvantaging them, which increases global oil and gas prices. Further, key countries, like China, did not sign the pledge, so the pledge harms signatories while empowering adversaries.

On November 15, 2021, Biden’s Department of Interior announced plans to withdraw Chaco Canyon from oil and gas drilling for 20 years.

On November 19, 2021, Biden endorsed several oil and gas provisions in the Build Back Better Bill, including a new tax on methane, of up to $1500 per ton; prohibiting energy production in the Arctic and offshore leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Atlantic, Pacific and Eastern Gulf of Mexico Planning Areas; increased fees and royalties for onshore and offshore oil and gas production; a new $8 billion tax on companies that produce, process, transmit or store oil and natural gas starting in 2023;  limited ability of energy producers to claim tax credits for upfront and royalty payments in foreign countries – amounting to a tax increase on domestic energy producers; and a 16.4 cent tax on each barrel on crude oil – up from 9.7 cents – a $13 billion tax increase on oil production.

On November 26, 2021, Biden’s Department of Interior issued its report on the Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Program includes recommendations to raise rents and royalty rates on oil and gas producers.

By the end of November 2021, average national gasoline prices were 61 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.482 a gallon for the month.

On December 8, 2021, Biden issued and executive order on  a  Clean Energy Economy that  would artificially incentivize a push for a 100 percent electric vehicle fleet by 2035 including light vehicles by 2027, carbon-free electricity government-wide by 2030, and net-zero “federal operations” by 2050.

On December 21, 2021, Biden’s Department of Transportation issued its Final Rule revoking Trump era actions which prevented California from arbitrarily becoming the national standard for fuel emissions. The rule set the stage for the administration to reinstate California’s waiver, and, since automakers do not make different cars for different states, the rule would allow California’s radical environmental policies to reach nationwide.

On December 30, 2021, Biden’s EPA issued its Final Rule for increased “fuel efficiency standards.” According to the Final Rule, “These standards are the strongest vehicle emissions standards ever established for the light-duty vehicle sector. The rule, in responding to comments, claims “energy security benefits to the U.S. from decreased exposure to volatile world oil prices” suggesting that decreasing oil and gas production in the U.S. will result in less exposure to the international oil and gas market because they will be disincentivizing vehicles that use oil and gas. The rule also claims that it will result in “fuel savings” entirely due to less use of fuel.

By the end of December 2021, average national gasoline prices were 57 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.413 a gallon for the month.

On January 14, 2021, Biden nominated Sarah Raskin to serve as Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve. She was deemed so radical on her belief that fed policy should be dictated by environmental policy that she gained a bipartisan opposition and had to withdraw her nomination.

By the end of January 2022, average national gasoline prices were 57 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.413 a gallon for the month.

On February 9, 2022, a proposed rule on Coal and Oil Power Plant Mercury Standards would revoke a Trump-era rule that cut red tape on coal and oil-fired power generators. This would effectively reinstate Obama-era regulations which sought to increase regulations on coal and oil-fired power plants

On February 21, 2022, the Biden administration paused working all new oil and gas leases on Federal land in response to a judge blocking their arbitrary use of social costs of carbon, unnecessarily hurting domestic oil and gas production.

On February 28, 2022, the Ozone Transport Proposed Rule would expand federal emissions regulations over a wider geographic region and over a wider array of sources, including the gathering, boosting and transmission segments of the oil and gas sector. Integral energy production states like Nevada, Utah and Wyoming would be required to jump through more red tape.

By the end of February 2022, average national gasoline prices were 66 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.592 a gallon for the month.


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1 minute ago, reason10 said:

On July 23, 2021, Biden’s Department of Justice issued its Climate Action Plan, including an effort to “green” the fleet by transitioning to electric vehicles.

By the end of July 2021, average national gasoline prices were 49 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.233 a gallon for the month.

On August 5, 2021, Biden issued an executive order on Clean Cars and Trucks” that established a new target to make half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 zero-emissions vehicles, including battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, or fuel cell electric vehicles. The Executive Order also kicked off development of more stringent long-term fuel efficiency and emissions standards. On the same day, EPA issued its Clean Trucks Plan, announcing plans for further transportation emissions regulations targeted at heavy-duty trucks, aiming to shift markets in favor of zero-emission vehicles.

On August 26, 2021, EPA issued a Proposed Rule on Passenger Car Emissions to heighten federal greenhouse gas emissions standards for passenger cars and light trucks by setting stringent requirements for reductions through Model Year 2026 to incentivize” technology to “encourage more hybrid and electric vehicle technology.”

By the end of August 2021, average national gasoline prices were 50 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.255 a gallon for the month.

On September 3, 2021, Biden’s Department of Transportation issues a proposed rule that would update the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 2024–2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks to increase fuel economy regulations on passenger cars and light vehicles. The modeling calculated “fuel savings” by multiplying fuel price with ‘avoided fuel costs’ to disincentivize gasoline by making it more costly to afford ICE cars and trucks.

By the end of September 2021, average national gasoline prices were 51 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.265 a gallon for the month.

On October 29, 2021, the Bureau of Land Management announced the use of social costs of carbon in decision making for approving permits for oil and gas drilling.

On October 30, 2021, the Department of Labor issued a final ESG Rule that would require fiduciaries to consider the economic effects of climate change and other so-called environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when evaluating funds for retirement plans. The rule would strongly encourage fiduciaries to draw capital from domestic energy development in oil and natural gas to renewables.

By the end of October 2021, average national gasoline prices were 56 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.385 a gallon for the month.

On November 2, 2021, Biden administration led a “Global Methane Pledge” to reduce global methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030. Neither Russia nor China signed the pledge, increasing the world’s reliance on these two countries for energy-related imports and disadvantaging the U.S. oil and natural gas industry.

On November 4, 2021, Biden committed to “ending fossil fuel financing abroad,” targeting the global fossil fuel industry, thereby disadvantaging them, which increases global oil and gas prices. Further, key countries, like China, did not sign the pledge, so the pledge harms signatories while empowering adversaries.

On November 15, 2021, Biden’s Department of Interior announced plans to withdraw Chaco Canyon from oil and gas drilling for 20 years.

On November 19, 2021, Biden endorsed several oil and gas provisions in the Build Back Better Bill, including a new tax on methane, of up to $1500 per ton; prohibiting energy production in the Arctic and offshore leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Atlantic, Pacific and Eastern Gulf of Mexico Planning Areas; increased fees and royalties for onshore and offshore oil and gas production; a new $8 billion tax on companies that produce, process, transmit or store oil and natural gas starting in 2023;  limited ability of energy producers to claim tax credits for upfront and royalty payments in foreign countries – amounting to a tax increase on domestic energy producers; and a 16.4 cent tax on each barrel on crude oil – up from 9.7 cents – a $13 billion tax increase on oil production.

On November 26, 2021, Biden’s Department of Interior issued its report on the Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Program includes recommendations to raise rents and royalty rates on oil and gas producers.

By the end of November 2021, average national gasoline prices were 61 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.482 a gallon for the month.

On December 8, 2021, Biden issued and executive order on  a  Clean Energy Economy that  would artificially incentivize a push for a 100 percent electric vehicle fleet by 2035 including light vehicles by 2027, carbon-free electricity government-wide by 2030, and net-zero “federal operations” by 2050.

On December 21, 2021, Biden’s Department of Transportation issued its Final Rule revoking Trump era actions which prevented California from arbitrarily becoming the national standard for fuel emissions. The rule set the stage for the administration to reinstate California’s waiver, and, since automakers do not make different cars for different states, the rule would allow California’s radical environmental policies to reach nationwide.

On December 30, 2021, Biden’s EPA issued its Final Rule for increased “fuel efficiency standards.” According to the Final Rule, “These standards are the strongest vehicle emissions standards ever established for the light-duty vehicle sector. The rule, in responding to comments, claims “energy security benefits to the U.S. from decreased exposure to volatile world oil prices” suggesting that decreasing oil and gas production in the U.S. will result in less exposure to the international oil and gas market because they will be disincentivizing vehicles that use oil and gas. The rule also claims that it will result in “fuel savings” entirely due to less use of fuel.

By the end of December 2021, average national gasoline prices were 57 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.413 a gallon for the month.

On January 14, 2021, Biden nominated Sarah Raskin to serve as Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve. She was deemed so radical on her belief that fed policy should be dictated by environmental policy that she gained a bipartisan opposition and had to withdraw her nomination.

By the end of January 2022, average national gasoline prices were 57 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.413 a gallon for the month.

On February 9, 2022, a proposed rule on Coal and Oil Power Plant Mercury Standards would revoke a Trump-era rule that cut red tape on coal and oil-fired power generators. This would effectively reinstate Obama-era regulations which sought to increase regulations on coal and oil-fired power plants

On February 21, 2022, the Biden administration paused working all new oil and gas leases on Federal land in response to a judge blocking their arbitrary use of social costs of carbon, unnecessarily hurting domestic oil and gas production.

On February 28, 2022, the Ozone Transport Proposed Rule would expand federal emissions regulations over a wider geographic region and over a wider array of sources, including the gathering, boosting and transmission segments of the oil and gas sector. Integral energy production states like Nevada, Utah and Wyoming would be required to jump through more red tape.

By the end of February 2022, average national gasoline prices were 66 percent higher than December 2020, averaging $3.592 a gallon for the month.


Domestic oil production has NOT declined AT ALL under Biden. It continues to RAMP UP from the declines during the PANDEMIC UNDER Trump. 

Leasing activities affect production years in the FUTURE. Duh.

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28 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Did you even READ your OWN CITE? What I SAID:

The law guarantees your right to apply for asylum. Duh.

Actually...it happens to be illegal to cross the border anywhere other than at an official crossing. Thus...anyone who wades through the Rio Grande is already a criminal and not eligible for anything other than deportation.

So ya...there is that.

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28 minutes ago, robosmith said:

^This is your stupidest post yet.

Suddenly your comment makes sense. I didn't realize you were talking to yourself.


The fossil fuel free future is coming whether you like it or not.

Eventually it has to, just not at breakneck speed, and at the expense of civilization as we know it.

Just because man harnessed fire didn't mean that he had to use it for everything. Got an itch? Burn yourself. Got haemorrhoids? Burn them. Is your dog barking too much? Burn it. Is your wife nagging you....? 

Yes, we have some renewables, and yes, it's important to keep moving technology forward, but we can't stop using the only things that provide the amount of energy that we need to keep our society from crumbling.

By the same token, we can fly now, but it's still much too early to get rid of the wheel. 

Leftard policies are a short-term existential threat. Global warming is much less so. 


Got news for you: renewables are cheaper and more efficient; just takes investment, the cost of which is steadily declining.

Got news for you: creating renewables still isn't reducing the carbon footprint of creating energy yet. Wind turbines are created with a massive amount of carbon usage and are a colossal flop, batteries are still an environmental catastrophe which take an enormous amount of energy to create, solar power is expensive and relies on massive batteries/good weather/tons of space,  

Only nuclear energy is a viable replacement for the methods that we currently employ for energy production, but it's unpopular among leftists. Why? Because apparently it works too well.

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17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Suddenly your comment makes sense. I didn't realize you were talking to yourself.

Eventually it has to, just not at breakneck speed, and at the expense of civilization as we know it.

Just because man harnessed fire didn't mean that he had to use it for everything. Got an itch? Burn yourself. Got haemorrhoids? Burn them. Is your dog barking too much? Burn it. Is your wife nagging you....? 

Yes, we have some renewables, and yes, it's important to keep moving technology forward, but we can't stop using the only things that provide the amount of energy that we need to keep our society from crumbling.

By the same token, we can fly now, but it's still much too early to get rid of the wheel. 

Leftard policies are a short-term existential threat. Global warming is much less so. 

GW is impacting and COSTING us mega bucks NOW! But you want to KEEP subsidizing fossil fuels. ^That is BEYOND STUPID.

17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Got news for you: creating renewables still isn't reducing the carbon footprint of creating energy yet. Wind turbines are created with a massive amount of carbon usage and are a colossal flop, batteries are still an environmental catastrophe which take an enormous amount of energy to create, solar power is expensive and relies on massive batteries/good weather/tons of space,  

Only nuclear energy is a viable replacement for the methods that we currently employ for energy production, but it's unpopular among leftists. Why? Because apparently it works too well.

Is ^this what Carlson and FOX is telling you? Wind is working WELL.

What is the carbon footprint of offshore wind? - Orsted - Ørsted


The carbon saved throughout a wind turbine's lifespan is up to 50 times greater than the emissions from its manufacture, construction, operation 

Grimsby wind farm is creating 3GW of power with 98% availability NOW.

Are YOU volunteering to invite a nuclear waste dump into YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. That would help, cause no one wants it HERE. Esp not the trains hauling that waste THROUGH their community.

You've been listening to too much fossil fuel industry propaganda. It must be BIG up in tar sands country.

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17 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Actually...it happens to be illegal to cross the border anywhere other than at an official crossing. Thus...anyone who wades through the Rio Grande is already a criminal and not eligible for anything other than deportation.

So ya...there is that.

Are you a lawyer? Lawyers like the one I POSTED say YOU'RE WRONG about THE LAW.

All you have is YOUR OPINION. And you don't even live here. Go away, pretend lawyer.

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"Opinion: Ottawa has 13% support on its oil and gas policies

A new Leger poll conducted for SecondStreet.org shows Canadians want to help. The poll of 1,535 Canadians found 72 per cent of respondents either “somewhat” or “strongly” supported “developing and exporting more oil and natural gas resources so that the world can reduce how much it purchases from Russia.” Support was widespread across Canada, stretched from coast to coast and included men and women and all age groups.

But support was weakest where it counts the most — in the federal government. The Trudeau government seems to have taken its marching orders from the 13 per cent of Canadians who are either “strongly” or “somewhat” opposed to exporting more of our oil and natural gas. As the world scrambles to find resources we have in abundance, the government continues to focus on its climate change and renewables narrative. Reality and public opinion seem not to be part of its decision-making."

How often does it have to be said? The wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine. Wind and solar power are a helpful, welcome addition to the world’s energy mix but they are far from a magic solution. They are quite unreliable and, partly for that reason, remain a very small source of the world’s energy — just two per cent in 2019 according to the Paris-based International Energy Agency. Their biggest shortcoming is that they require back-up sources when the wind isn’t blowing and clouds block the sun’s rays.

William Watson: We will need Trussonomics

Matthew Lau: Ottawa’s woke plan for washroom equity

Philip Cross: The moral argument for fossil fuels

This unreliability is one reason Europe is now firing up coal power plants it had previously closed. Yes, while Canada keeps its natural gas in the ground to “reduce emissions,” Europe’s coal plants will now generate nearly double the emissions that burning Canadian natural gas instead would have produced.

Prime Minister Trudeau recently claimed there has “never been a strong business case” for exporting natural gas from Canada’s east coast to Europe. Within days, 101 business leaders, most of whom either work or have worked in Canada’s energy sector, took out a full-page ad informing the prime minister that in their view there was in fact a business case . The problem is that government-imposed environmental roadblocks have made it nearly impossible to get new oil and gas projects off the ground."      -  MSN/Financial Post


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39 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Are you a lawyer? Lawyers like the one I POSTED say YOU'RE WRONG about THE LAW.

All you have is YOUR OPINION. And you don't even live here. Go away, pretend lawyer.


If you are entering the U.S. through the Northern or Southern border, you must enter through an open Port of Entry staffed with CBP Officers. The only exceptions to this would be if you are entering with automatic I-68 program status, in which case your yearly registration and telephonic notification of entry is sufficient.

There are currently no programs in place for individuals entering the U.S. by foot (i.e. backpackers, hikers, jogger's etc.) or air that exempts them from this entry requirement.

Failure to enter through an open staffed port is considered an illegal entry and can result to you being fined and removed from the United States.



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11 minutes ago, robosmith said:

So you found something posted by an illiterate CPB officer. LMAO

"can result to you"

Of course ANY non-citizen CAN be deported. After their asylum application has been denied.


Illegal entry is illegal.!

A person who's first act in the USA...or any nation...is to become a criminal, needs to be charged and AT LEAST deported. Should said criminal then decide to go to a proper border crossing, they can apply for asylum. However...I'm not too sure the application would go very far since...you know...they're already a criminal in the USA.

So laugh it up Yankee. Your comment about CBP officers is just trash talk. DESPERATE trash talk.


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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

GW is impacting and COSTING us mega bucks NOW! But you want to KEEP subsidizing fossil fuels. ^That is BEYOND STUPID.

BS, go get your 8th boost, genius. 


Is ^this what Carlson and FOX is telling you? Wind is working WELL.

What is the carbon footprint of offshore wind? - Orsted - Ørsted

Grimsby wind farm is creating 3GW of power with 98% availability NOW.

They're big, ugly, noisy, they fall, catch on fire, the farms take up a massive amount of real estate, big turbines fail once per year on average, and when it's not windy you get nothing. The blades are also massive and they can't be recycled. 

When you get the energy, it has to be stored in batteries for the down times, and then you have to store it in other batteries to power a car with them.

In "green"areas like California they get 33% of their energy from gas, and then they still tell people not to charge their cars or use their A/C in the summer. 



Are YOU volunteering to invite a nuclear waste dump into YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. That would help, cause no one wants it HERE. Esp not the trains hauling that waste THROUGH their community.


Yes, the most obvious place to dump nuclear waste is in an urban environment genius. 

A modern nuclear plant takes 1.3 sq m (850 acres) and reliably produces 1GW of energy, rain, wind or shine. 

A wind farm, eg the one in Arizona's Mojave desert, takes up 25,000 acres to create 60 unreliable MW. 

Wind farms take up 30x as much real estate to create 1/17 the energy, it has to be transmitted far further, it is unreliable, and it requires massive batteries so the energy can be saved for downtimes. 


You've been listening to too much fossil fuel industry propaganda. It must be BIG up in tar sands country.

I'm grounded in reality, where Trudeau/Bidenflation is killing us. 

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Look some of these guys are so far behind the times they think not expanding oil production is the same as reducing it.
It an inseparable part of their Climate denial, tax dollars should go to the rich not the people, there is only unfettered capitalism or Soviet communism, nothing in between beliefs.

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On 10/26/2022 at 10:23 AM, Nationalist said:

Illegal entry is illegal.!

A person who's first act in the USA...or any nation...is to become a criminal, needs to be charged and AT LEAST deported. Should said criminal then decide to go to a proper border crossing, they can apply for asylum. However...I'm not too sure the application would go very far since...you know...they're already a criminal in the USA.

So laugh it up Yankee. Your comment about CBP officers is just trash talk. DESPERATE trash talk.


It's up to the judge hearing the case, and they almost always give them a hearing, sometimes months later.

Too bad you're NOT A JUDGE and your opinion doesn't count for ANYTHING.

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