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Will Multiculturalism be Canada's Achilles Heel (Downfall)?


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1 hour ago, herbie said:

They're building mosques and closing churches because the Moslem population is growing and the percentage of church going Christians is shrinking. That's ALL there is to it.

And the next generation of those immigrants are going to be as atheist and un-fun-dumb-mental as most of us are now.

So discussion of religion is pointless regarding immigration. This is a secular country and will stay that way. No one shit bricks over eastern Europeans being orthodox, Chinese being atheists or Sikhs usurping the order of things. If you did or do, you defined yourself as a racist.

The leftist, progressive liberals calls anyone who believes in the Bible or is Christian a racist.  That is old news. It means nothing.  The country is not a "secular" country.  Never has been.  There are still millions of people with various religious beliefs and it is their right to believe what they choose.  The liberal left want to turn the country to a heathen/pagan country as much as possible.  But there are a few of us who are not buying it and we know it leads down a dark path.

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

bear in mind that Multiculturalism is one of the few defining Canadian cultural endeavours

the Americans have the Melting Pot

Canada defines an independence from that by way of the Cultural Mosaic

if you cast that away

it's just another step to becoming fully Americanized

If you look at NYC, is it much different than the GTA?

Labels are just labels.  America is multicultural whether they like it or not.

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5 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

If you look at NYC, is it much different than the GTA?

Labels are just labels.  America is multicultural whether they like it or not.

but you still must cast aside your previous identity and submit to becoming American, even in NYC

in he GTA, you don't have to say you are Canadian, and most immigrants don't actually adopt that identity

a Punjabi Sikh in the GTA is still a Punjabi Skih

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

but you still must cast aside your previous identity and submit to becoming American, even in NYC

in he GTA, you don't have to say you are Canadian, and most immigrants don't actually adopt that identity

a Punjabi Sikh in the GTA is still a Punjabi Skih

Nobody cares...

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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

No, you just suggested in numerous different ways that European/Western/Judeo-Christian culture/faith was superior and more desirable to anything out of Africa, Middle East or Asia, and outright stated that mosques being built in London(istan) was bad.  You don't pass the sniff-test because you didn't explicitly slur skin colors.  You did a good job of that just pointing out how undesirable the "alternatives" are from specific regions.  It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots!? 

My grandfather was an Anglican Canon and my father grew up in a rectory.  I've had a healthy religious education, thank you, and actually often defend the Church (and other faiths for that matter) against atheists who scoff at belief by default.  What they're actually mocking, however, is loudmouthed buffoons trying to shove scripture down their throat as indisputable fact rather than the allegorical and heavily edited stories they are.  

My last post referred to more historical behavior in third world countries in Africa and similar aboriginal locations.

We can look at present day culture or religious beliefs and find that they are still unacceptable.  India might be a good place to start.  In India Hinduism has all kinds of abhorrent beliefs that western society would not consider as civilized.  They believe animals are sacred for example and do not believe in eating meat.  They allow cattle to roam the streets while people starve.  At least one town allows monkeys to roam, over populate, and rule the town.  They bathe in the heavily polluted Ganges river.  They still believe in the caste system where some people are considered as untouchables.  All these things are contrary to Judeo-Christian beliefs in western civilization.  So again western society is superior even if you don't like to use the word.  There is no other way to compare or describe it.  India's Hinduism is just one example out of countless examples of inferior religious and cultural belief systems held in the third world.

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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

but you still must cast aside your previous identity and submit to becoming American, even in NYC

in he GTA, you don't have to say you are Canadian, and most immigrants don't actually adopt that identity

a Punjabi Sikh in the GTA is still a Punjabi Skih

I think that's different.  You're talking about multi-nationalism.

An American who is from Mexico is still a proud Hispanic, proud Mexican, proud to speak the language etc.

They are also proud to be American.  A Mexican-Canadian is happy to be in Canada and a proud Hispanic and proud Mexican, but not as attached or proud to being "Canadian".  They like being in Canada, they enjoy the rights and privileges and opportunities it entitles them, but how many would bother fighting for Canada?  Some I'm sure, others maybe not.

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The bottom line is that Canada adopted multiculturalism back in around the 1960s as official policy.  This meant that Canada prefers to take immigrants from the third world rather than from European nations where our founding people came from and where our semblance of Judeo-Christian heritage came from.  Immigrants from the third world are more likely to support left-leaning parties and liberals.  The consequence of taking in massive numbers of immigrants from the third world under the multicultural policy means Canada is taking in large numbers of people who worship false gods of heathen religions or secular humanism. 

This will help turn Canada into a heathen nation with many false gods and false religions.  This has a negative influence on politics and society in general.  People who do not believe the Bible and do not believe in the Christian faith will not understand this because they are in the same boat themselves.  But many of these people will have no problem supporting anti-God, anti-Biblical policies simply because they do not have a Judeo-Christian heritage or belief system.  People who believe the Bible will tend to be more conservative leaning.  But their influence in politics and political parties will be small or negligible because they are outnumbered by secular humanists or non-Bible believing people.

One of the things that many immigrants from the third world will support is more Socialism which means more government control of society, more social programs, increasing taxation to pay for it all, and less freedom.  We see this particularly with the NDP which is focused on increasing social programs which will have to be paid for by increasing taxation.  They often talk about making the rich and corporations pay "their fair share".  These are key words that reveal their ideology, which opposes the sanctity of private property and private ownership.  They lean heavily toward communal or public ownership of everything.

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6 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

 but how many would bother fighting for Canada?

when I was young I wanted to fight for Canada

I was steeped in the Vimy Myth

growing up with veterans of the First & Second World Wars

but I don't think Canada is that country anymore

I think Justin Trudeau is correct when he says that Canada is a Post National State now

Canada doesn't actually defend you, Canada is just a tax jurisdiction for Citoyen de Monde

I don't think people fight for such institutions

 Canada itself has now declared Canada to be an "inherently racist" country which committed "genocide"

who wants to fight for that ?



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8 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

  A Mexican-Canadian is happy to be in Canada and a proud Hispanic and proud Mexican, but not as attached or proud to being "Canadian". 

I can't say I'm proud to be "Canadian" anymore

I feel like an immigrant in this country now

this is not the country that I was raised in anymore

Canada bears more resemblance to our enemies in the Soviet Union now

the Government of Canada basically just propagates variations of Communism now

Canada appears to be run by Bolsheviks, and Canadians keep voting for it

when I talk to immigrants, they think Canada has gone crazy

particularly immigrants from Eastern Europe

who say that they've seen all this before, behind the Iron Curtain

it's like there has been a revolutionary overthrow of the Canada that we knew

a quiet revolution,  wherein a cabal of far left extremist lunatics have seized power

they call themselves "Liberals" but they act like the Chinese Communists in Beijing

it's effectively a totalitarian regime, right out of the Chinese Cultural Revolution

they openly state that if you don't subscribe to their collectivist utopianism

then you have "unacceptable views" and "should not be tolerated"

Canada just lurches from one hysterical moral panic to the next

Canadians go around tearing down the symbols of Canada, tearing down their own history

simply because they are afraid some leftist kook is going to call them a "racist"

meanwhile the government is funding organizations which preach virulent hatred

against Jews & French Canadians, calling that "Anti-Racism"

this is a lunatic asylum, you can't get anymore Orwellian than that

Canada is denigrating itself, Canada is humiliating itself, Canada despises itself

and it doesn't matter who you vote for

whatever MP you vote for, soon as they get in office, they are swept up in the moral panic

the MP's don't actually represent you, they are just apparatchiks of the Cultural Revolution

it's like we lost the Cold War, and now the Communists are occupying Canada

I don't see anything to be proud of therein, its quite tragic actually, and bizarre

I don't blame the immigrants, they didn't impose this on Canada

Canada is tearing itself down, the immigrants don't have anymore say about it than I do

most immigrants I meet are actually very conservative

what am I supposed to tell them ?

you should be more "Canadian", and start tearing Canada down too ?

like sorry, immigrants, you thought you were coming to a Western free country

but actually the native born Canadians have decided that is "racist" now

everything Canada was is now deemed to be "white supremacy"

anybody who says otherwise is declared to be a "Nazi" now

so you should join Canadians in their hysteria to destroy anything that Canada once was ?

at this point we desperately need these immigrants to reject what Canada has become

just to save Canada from itself

at least in America, the proud Hispanics are starting to fight back

they are rejecting the lunacy of the left and voting for the Republicans now

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3 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

I can't say I'm proud to be "Canadian" anymore

I feel like an immigrant in this country now

this is not the country that I was raised in anymore

Canada bears more resemblance to our enemies in the Soviet Union now

the Government of Canada basically just propagates variations of Communism now

Canada appears to be run by Bolsheviks, and Canadians keep voting for it

when I talk to immigrants, they think Canada has gone crazy

particularly immigrants from Eastern Europe

who say that they've seen all this before, behind the Iron Curtain

it's like there has been a revolutionary overthrow of the Canada that we knew

a quiet revolution,  wherein a cabal of far left extremist lunatics have seized power

they call themselves "Liberals" but they act like the Chinese Communists in Beijing

it's effectively a totalitarian regime, right out of the Chinese Cultural Revolution

they openly state that if you don't subscribe to their collectivist utopianism

then you have "unacceptable views" and "should not be tolerated"

Canada just lurches from one hysterical moral panic to the next

Canadians go around tearing down the symbols of Canada, tearing down their own history

simply because they are afraid some leftist kook is going to call them a "racist"

meanwhile the government is funding organizations which preach virulent hatred

against Jews & French Canadians, calling that "Anti-Racism"

this is a lunatic asylum, you can't get anymore Orwellian than that

Canada is denigrating itself, Canada is humiliating itself, Canada despises itself

and it doesn't matter who you vote for

whatever MP you vote for, soon as they get in office, they are swept up in the moral panic

the MP's don't actually represent you, they are just apparatchiks of the Cultural Revolution

it's like we lost the Cold War, and now the Communists are occupying Canada

I don't see anything to be proud of therein, its quite tragic actually, and bizarre

I don't blame the immigrants, they didn't impose this on Canada

Canada is tearing itself down, the immigrants don't have anymore say about it than I do

most immigrants I meet are actually very conservative

what am I supposed to tell them ?

you should be more "Canadian", and start tearing Canada down too ?

like sorry, immigrants, you thought you were coming to a Western free country

but actually the native born Canadians have decided that is "racist" now

everything Canada was is now deemed to be "white supremacy"

anybody who says otherwise is declared to be a "Nazi" now

so you should join Canadians in their hysteria to destroy anything that Canada once was ?

at this point we desperately need these immigrants to reject what Canada has become

just to save Canada from itself

at least in America, the proud Hispanics are starting to fight back

they are rejecting the lunacy of the left and voting for the Republicans now

Canada is run by yuppies.  That's really the long and short of it.  The Liberals are yuppies.  These are not blue collar working class types. 

Immigrants are a lot of things, but they usually aren't yuppies.  But sometimes their kids are, or want to become them, because they're raised in a society of yuppies and embrace their values.

Yuppies are young well-off smug educated types who think they know better than everyone else.

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13 hours ago, blackbird said:

My last post referred to more historical behavior in third world countries in Africa and similar aboriginal locations.

We can look at present day culture or religious beliefs and find that they are still unacceptable.  India might be a good place to start.  In India Hinduism has all kinds of abhorrent beliefs that western society would not consider as civilized.  They believe animals are sacred for example and do not believe in eating meat.  They allow cattle to roam the streets while people starve.  At least one town allows monkeys to roam, over populate, and rule the town.  They bathe in the heavily polluted Ganges river.  They still believe in the caste system where some people are considered as untouchables.  All these things are contrary to Judeo-Christian beliefs in western civilization.  So again western society is superior even if you don't like to use the word.  There is no other way to compare or describe it.  India's Hinduism is just one example out of countless examples of inferior religious and cultural belief systems held in the third world.

Man, your "christianism" has you some disrespectful to others.

"aboriginal locations"?? They are people and human too. Doesn't the bible tell you to love everyone?

Being a vegan or vegetarian is abhorrent??

Not killing animals is unacceptable and abhorrent?

Bathe in the Ganges as opposed ot being baptized in any body of water is abhorrent?

Isn't Christianity supposed to be tolerant of all others?

All other religions are inferior??

Yup, your level of christianity is intolerant and definitely not true christian, more radical and the most racist of all.





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5 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Canada is run by yuppies.  That's really the long and short of it.  The Liberals are yuppies.  These are not blue collar working class types. 

Immigrants are a lot of things, but they usually aren't yuppies.  But sometimes their kids are, or want to become them, because they're raised in a society of yuppies and embrace their values.

Yuppies are young well-off smug educated types who think they know better than everyone else.

Conservatives are as much yuppies as liberal.

"Yuppies are young well-off smug educated types who think they know better than everyone else" and expect everything for nothing..

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14 hours ago, blackbird said:

My last post referred to more historical behavior in third world countries in Africa and similar aboriginal locations.

We can look at present day culture or religious beliefs and find that they are still unacceptable.  India might be a good place to start.  In India Hinduism has all kinds of abhorrent beliefs that western society would not consider as civilized.  They believe animals are sacred for example and do not believe in eating meat.  They allow cattle to roam the streets while people starve.  At least one town allows monkeys to roam, over populate, and rule the town.  They bathe in the heavily polluted Ganges river.  They still believe in the caste system where some people are considered as untouchables.  All these things are contrary to Judeo-Christian beliefs in western civilization. 

So you believe that Indians are immigrating to Canada to let their cattle roam our streets, to overpopulate our towns and  and pollute our rivers, and to let zoo monkeys take over?  They're leaving those conditions because they want to recreate them here, rather than escape them?  ?

14 hours ago, blackbird said:

So again western society is superior even if you don't like to use the word.  There is no other way to compare or describe it.  India's Hinduism is just one example out of countless examples of inferior religious and cultural belief systems held in the third world.

and here we are again, with your astounding ignorance highlighted by your explicit racism.  While you're roleplaying Mississippi trailer park resident, there are Chinese and Indian people laughing at how you believe that Jonah was swallowed by a fish and survived in its belly for 3 days and 3 nights, or that Moses talked to a burning shrub.  While they're not doing that, they're Googling "Florida Man..."

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Man, your "christianism" has you some disrespectful to others.

"aboriginal locations"?? They are people and human too. Doesn't the bible tell you to love everyone?

Being a vegan or vegetarian is abhorrent??

Not killing animals is unacceptable and abhorrent?

Bathe in the Ganges as opposed ot being baptized in any body of water is abhorrent?

Isn't Christianity supposed to be tolerant of all others?

All other religions are inferior??

Yup, your level of christianity is intolerant and definitely not true christian, more radical and the most racist of all.





The reasons why liberals, NDP, and left in general support multicultural immigration are nefarious and immoral.  The reasons centre around gaining more votes and support for the left Socialist or liberal government.   You use "love of neighbour" as a cover for your belief in third world immigration, while the Bible does not support that scheme.  Of course as a heathen yourself, you welcome millions more to support your socialist political ideology.


14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 18  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.  

unquote   2 Corinthians 6:14-18 King James Bible

We are talking about immigration and who should be brought into Canada to become voting citizens.  Every country in the world has the sovereign right to choose immigrants whom they think will have a good benefit to their country.  I have given you reasons why multiculturalism is destructive to Canada.

Multicultural immigration policies which specifically concentrate on the third world and reject the European immigration will help turn Canada into a heathen nation with many false gods and false religions.  This has a negative influence on politics and society in general.  People who do not believe the Bible and do not believe in the Christian faith will not understand this because they are in the same boat themselves.  But many of these people will have no problem supporting anti-God, anti-Biblical policies simply because they do not have a Judeo-Christian heritage or belief system.  People who believe the Bible will tend to be more conservative leaning.  But their influence in politics and political parties will be small or negligible because they are outnumbered by secular humanists or non-Bible believing people.

One of the things that many immigrants from the third world will support is more Socialism which means more government control of society, more social programs, increasing taxation to pay for it all, and less freedom.  We see this particularly with the NDP which is focused on increasing social programs which will have to be paid for by increasing taxation.  They often talk about making the rich and corporations pay "their fair share".  These are key words that reveal their ideology, which opposes the sanctity of private property and private ownership.  They lean heavily toward communal or public ownership of everything.

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33 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

So you believe that Indians are immigrating to Canada to let their cattle roam our streets, to overpopulate our towns and  and pollute our rivers, and to let zoo monkeys take over?  They're leaving those conditions because they want to recreate them here, rather than escape them?  ?

and here we are again, with your astounding ignorance highlighted by your explicit racism.  While you're roleplaying Mississippi trailer park resident, there are Chinese and Indian people laughing at how you believe that Jonah was swallowed by a fish and survived in its belly for 3 days and 3 nights, or that Moses talked to a burning shrub.  While they're not doing that, they're Googling "Florida Man..."

I have given the details to ExFlyer above and below to explain why it is not arbitrary "racism".  Choosing who is allowed to come to Canada has direct consequences on the politics and political system, which effects laws, and how the country governs and how society functions.  The third world immigrants in general may choose left wing Socialism and liberalism which has dire consequences for Canada.  Every country has a right to choose.  In fact the government makes the choice of who they will let in.  Why do you not call that racism against Caucasian westerners?

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40 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The reasons why liberals, NDP, and left in general support multicultural immigration are nefarious and immoral.  The reasons centre around gaining more votes and support for the left Socialist or liberal government.   You use "love of neighbour" as a cover for your belief in third world immigration, while the Bible does not support that scheme.  Of course as a heathen yourself, you welcome millions more to support your socialist political ideology.


You are far and away the worst kind of evangelistic follower.

You accuse others yet you do not see or are purposely arrogant/ignorant to other religions and opinions.

The kind of person that knocks on the front door and tries to convert you to whatever.

I slam the door on them and slam the door of your bantering. Your religion should be ashamed of you and what you pronounce here.

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Jagmeet Singh Backs Khalistan Independence, Brands Canada Racist

July 15, 2022 by Brad

Jagmeet Singh Backs Khalistan Independence, Brands Canada Racist (capforcanada.com)

Why is he whining about Canada being racist when he was able to succeed in a profession and then become the leader of a major political party?


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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

I have given the details to ExFlyer above and below to explain why it is not arbitrary "racism".  Choosing who is allowed to come to Canada has direct consequences on the politics and political system, which effects laws, and how the country governs and how society functions. 

Sure, but immigrants are generally leaving bad/broken systems to escape them, not recreate them.  That's been the case for North American immigration from the very beginning.  

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

The third world immigrants in general may choose left wing Socialism and liberalism which has dire consequences for Canada. 

Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but I'd argue they're turned off by ignorant white-trash rhetoric from those who support the alternatives.  This is sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy that will continue, and the racial makeup of the country will continue to evolve until you can convince all of the white Judeo-Christian women to have 4-5 children each in order to maintain our economic growth.  

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Every country has a right to choose.  In fact the government makes the choice of who they will let in.  Why do you not call that racism against Caucasian westerners?

I do.  I think China and Japan and India and the Middle East and Russia etc are all extremely racist, far more than we are.  I just know that it doesn't help them and makes them weaker, rather than stronger.  

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22 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Sure, but immigrants are generally leaving bad/broken systems to escape them, not recreate them.  That's been the case for North American immigration from the very beginning.  

Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but I'd argue they're turned off by ignorant white-trash rhetoric from those who support the alternatives.  This is sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy that will continue, and the racial makeup of the country will continue to evolve until you can convince all of the white Judeo-Christian women to have 4-5 children each in order to maintain our economic growth.  

I do.  I think China and Japan and India and the Middle East and Russia etc are all extremely racist, far more than we are.  I just know that it doesn't help them and makes them weaker, rather than stronger.  

Third world immigration is fueling the movement toward more Socialism and progressive liberalism because most immigrants will see it as some sort of utopia.  Left wing politicians like Singh, Trudeau promise everything but they don't talk about the tax increases it will mean.  Socialism is an evil system that disrespects private ownership, private enterprise and disregards historic Judeo-Christian principles such as the traditional families, freedom of the individual and respect for human life.  But immigrants are not Bible-believing Christians and they have no qualms about embracing Socialism and liberalism.  That is one reason they are brought here.  That is the real threat to Canada and I think we have already passed the point of no return with multicultural policies and third world immigration by the millions.  

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Our country being is controlled by a partnership agreement between two individuals. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is described as a “totalitarian despot” by Canadian journalist Lorne Guntner. Integrating authoritarianism into society is his speciality. An advocate of communism in China and Cuba, Trudeau’s entire family have been supporters of Fidel Castro and Mao Tse Tung.

Jagmeet Singh, responsible for locking in Justin Trudeau for an additional three years to total ten years in office, has an equally sketchy political career.

Much of it found in his attitude toward our country. While advocating for an independent state for Sikhs, Mr. Singh doesn’t think much of Canada’s history as an independent country.

In terms of truckers who gathered at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa earlier in the year, Singh branded them people with an extreme right-wing ideology.”

The New Democratic Party leader considers Canada a racist and genocidal nation:

“Anytime you think of unmarked mass graves, you think of a distant country where a genocide has happened. This is not a distant country, this is here in Canada, and the genocide was against Indigenous people. And it is a genocide that is ongoing.”

That’s genocidal at this very moment. By now, Canadians should be used to the chicanery. Time was when the unthinkable existed: federal party leaders actually took pride in their country. Remember the good old days when prime ministers and party leaders cultivated positive feelings about Canadian society?  unquote

Jagmeet Singh Backs Khalistan Independence, Brands Canada Racist (capforcanada.com)

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Third world immigration is fueling the movement toward more Socialism and progressive liberalism because most immigrants will see it as some sort of utopia.  Left wing politicians like Singh, Trudeau promise everything but they don't talk about the tax increases it will mean.  Socialism is an evil system that disrespects private ownership, private enterprise and disregards historic Judeo-Christian principles such as the traditional families, freedom of the individual and respect for human life. 

and Judeo-Christian tradition has supported slavery, witch-burnings, pogroms and global-scale genocide.  Your moral compass is driven by absolute ignorance and cluelessness about the world and its history.  

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

But immigrants are not Bible-believing Christians and they have no qualms about embracing Socialism and liberalism.  That is one reason they are brought here.  That is the real threat to Canada and I think we have already passed the point of no return with multicultural policies and third world immigration by the millions.  

Thump that Bible some more Bobby.  ?

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Ask the kids of an immigrant what they are and they'll tell you Canadian. We just don't go out of our way to brag about how fast you're assimilated. The melting pot isn't needed because you melt anyway. It's pretty secondary where your family came from. Or what church they go to, on what day, or don't believe at all.

And your incessant anti-Trudeau, anti-Singh, anti-socialist, pro-Bible thumping rants have nothing to contribute to multiculturalism discussions whatsoever. It only points out a bigot's view of the subject.





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Canada has been destroyed by “Canadians”. It’ll be a good book one day.

Assimilation should have been mandatory from day one. Actually it was for our grandparents - when there was still a country.

My grandfather told my father they didn’t speak Norwegian at home because they weren’t in Norway.

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