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Interesting Quote About Trudeau & His Sheeple

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I've seen this quote attributed to an unspecified Czech reporter a couple of times, but I haven't seen any mention of who it was or what outlet they work for. This latest was in the Cgy Sun back in Feb: https://calgarysun.com/opinion/letters/letters-feb-13-ill-listen-to-the-doctors-thank-you?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR14A_GSXANFf06bOL4z22i8W8f9TAzVEbBSMvMphjYQkVcl2mMjdYHiMGs#Echobox=1613218558


“The danger to Canada is not Justin Trudeau, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with being prime minister. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Trudeau, who is a mere symptom of what ails Canada. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The country can survive a Trudeau, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their prime minister.”

I personally don't blame Trudeau or the sheeple, I blame the media who anointed him and who prop him up. Most people would accept the unlimited power of lording over the judiciary and having absolute control over the media, and would abuse their power over the police as well. Most people are going to believe what they see on several different media outlets in unison, and it's sad to say but a lot of people are also allergic to facts.

The real rat here is our MSM. 

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The media certainly played a roll. Before The Rona Pixie-Dust was just and embarrassing little brat. The Rona came and his power increased exponentially with the threat of death.

"People could diiieee!!!"

Some did die. But the reaction was way over the top and the media...all of them...went with it. Even the so called conservatives went with it. They preyed on people's fears and justified the PM's new powers.

People did die. Yet the real death rate hardly changed. We've been had. The great reset was that which was the point of The Rona. The opportunity to instill so much fear in the masses that they'd accept insanity. 


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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

1. "People could diiieee!!!"

2. Some did die.

3. But the reaction was way over the top and the media...all of them...went with it. Even the so called conservatives went with it. They preyed on people's fears and justified the PM's new powers.

4. The great reset ...


1. Not exactly.  People DID die and were dying.  >40K dead so far.  Making light of a threat that large basically disqualifies you from serious discussion.
2. Hmm.  Some.
3. After the fact assessment that the reaction was 'over the top' is subjective but ok.  Let's ask this question.  IF somebody stated to you in 2019 "There is something coming that will take over 40,000 Canadian lives - should the government do something ?".  Also take into account that governments were initially sow to react.  After all, people didn't believe something happening in China, Italy, England... was going to come here.
4. Ah... there it is... that YouTube meme catch phrase that implies Trudeau is using this health crisis for some shadowy plot.

You should probably let go of this one, as the "anti-mask" tag is a stink, through and through.  As Covid fades we will collectively look at the crackpots who feared masks as people to be ignored.  The next thing this crowd comes up with will then be tagged as more conspiracy paranoia.

Yes, I felt bad for the convoy people and all of us who had to endure this, and am not happy with current governments but "F*** Trudeau" is just a brainless chant better suited for a sports event.  

Go with politics or go home, the disruption tactics are failing and annoying those of us who are serious about politics.

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8 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Not exactly.  People DID die and were dying.  >40K dead so far.  Making light of a threat that large basically disqualifies you from serious discussion.
2. Hmm.  Some.
3. After the fact assessment that the reaction was 'over the top' is subjective but ok.  Let's ask this question.  IF somebody stated to you in 2019 "There is something coming that will take over 40,000 Canadian lives - should the government do something ?".  Also take into account that governments were initially sow to react.  After all, people didn't believe something happening in China, Italy, England... was going to come here.
4. Ah... there it is... that YouTube meme catch phrase that implies Trudeau is using this health crisis for some shadowy plot.

You should probably let go of this one, as the "anti-mask" tag is a stink, through and through.  As Covid fades we will collectively look at the crackpots who feared masks as people to be ignored.  The next thing this crowd comes up with will then be tagged as more conspiracy paranoia.

Yes, I felt bad for the convoy people and all of us who had to endure this, and am not happy with current governments but "F*** Trudeau" is just a brainless chant better suited for a sports event.  

Go with politics or go home, the disruption tactics are failing and annoying those of us who are serious about politics.

Serious? You're not serious. You're week and afraid...for whatever reason...to take a stand against OBVIOUS stupidity and political abuse of power.

HERE'S your scary death rate sonny-boy.


Note that the percentage of change in the Canadian death rate actually went down from 2019 (the beginning of The Rona) to today. Also note that the deaths per 1000 slowed during the same time.

Will you ever stop bending over for these liars? I mean...Vasoline is a petroleum product...

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18 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. Serious? You're not serious. You're week and afraid...

2. for whatever reason...to take a stand against OBVIOUS stupidity and political abuse of power.

3. HERE'S your scary death rate sonny-boy.


4. Note that the percentage of change in the Canadian death rate actually went down from 2019 (the beginning of The Rona) to today. Also note that the deaths per 1000 slowed during the same time.
5. Will you ever stop bending over for these liars?... I mean...Vasoline is a petroleum product...

1. Ad hominem... so boring... accusations of fear... yawn
2 Take a stand ?  What exactly are most of them doing ?  Posting nonsense on web boards seems like
3. Yes I am well aware of how percentages work.  0.1% of Canadians, just to pick a random number, sounds tiny to people who don't understand math.  If that many died in a day... I guess they'd be with ok.
4. Why are you posting irrelevant information.   Why don't you post the top causes of death ?
5. Liars liars everywhere... yawn... Tom Quiggin... yawn... Pat King... yawn... Tamara Lich... yawn... 

My advice:
1. Learn statistics
2. Learn politics
3. Leave the web board
4. Do something useful with your anger

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ad hominem... so boring... accusations of fear... yawn
2 Take a stand ?  What exactly are most of them doing ?  Posting nonsense on web boards seems like
3. Yes I am well aware of how percentages work.  0.1% of Canadians, just to pick a random number, sounds tiny to people who don't understand math.  If that many died in a day... I guess they'd be with ok.
4. Why are you posting irrelevant information.   Why don't you post the top causes of death ?
5. Liars liars everywhere... yawn... Tom Quiggin... yawn... Pat King... yawn... Tamara Lich... yawn... 

My advice:
1. Learn statistics
2. Learn politics
3. Leave the web board
4. Do something useful with your anger


Oh Mikey...you're such a plank. Do you really think anyone with an ounce of common sense doesn't see right though your silly attempts to intellectualize yourself?

You see the graph...what does it tell you? Or do you just ignore raw stats?

Cowards and useful idiots who argue like hell to maintain the power-grab of the Liberals. Your edicts are just moronic...and indeed, destructive to any society.

So here's MY advice:

Go Fuck Yourself...Tweekie.

Every time you destructive asses try to put more shackles on us and bend reality to suit your warped sensibilities...I and MILLIONS just like me...will be there.

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6 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. Do you really think anyone with an ounce of common sense doesn't see right though your silly attempts to intellectualize yourself?

2. You see the graph...what does it tell you? Or do you just ignore raw stats?

3. Cowards and useful idiots who argue like hell to maintain the power-grab of the Liberals. Your edicts are just moronic...and indeed, destructive to any society.

4. Go Fuck Yourself...Tweekie.

5. Every time you destructive asses try to put more shackles on us and bend reality to suit your warped sensibilities...I and MILLIONS just like me...will be there.

1. Kind of a false choice there.  If I answer yes or no then I accept your premise that I'm trying to intellectualize myself.
2. Yes I understand it.
3. What exactly is the power grab once Covid is gone exactly ?  Why did Conservative and NDP governments, Republican, Democrat, Italian, Australian, New Zealand... China, NKorea... so not the Liberals but all governments on... Earth 
4. Ah yes... I see your response to me intellectualizing myself... ?  Really rising to the occasion
5. Oh shut up with your drama... ?  You are a teenager..  just a dumb monkey on a web board like all of us are.  You think that Trudeau is Hitler and your response is to tell me to F*** myself, what a brave rebel... yawn...

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Kind of a false choice there.  If I answer yes or no then I accept your premise that I'm trying to intellectualize myself.
2. Yes I understand it.
3. What exactly is the power grab once Covid is gone exactly ?  Why did Conservative and NDP governments, Republican, Democrat, Italian, Australian, New Zealand... China, NKorea... so not the Liberals but all governments on... Earth 
4. Ah yes... I see your response to me intellectualizing myself... ?  Really rising to the occasion
5. Oh shut up with your drama... ?  You are a teenager..  just a dumb monkey on a web board like all of us are.  You think that Trudeau is Hitler and your response is to tell me to F*** myself, what a brave rebel... yawn...

3. Not all governments actually. Quite a number of countries did not shut down. Interestingly enough...their death rates did not increase either. There are a number of "design flaws" in humans. One is the fact they we die. Another...IMO...is we have only 2 hands. All through this...wildly overblown cold...death rates did NOT spike. In other words...we needlessly scared the hell outta everyone...well OK, most everyone...when all we really should have done is focus on the elderly and unhealthy closely. Something we should be doing anyway...

4 & 5. As opposed to what Mikey? Endlessly arguing that we must not trust what we see?


A Johns Hopkins University analysis looked at 24 studies involving different levels of lockdowns and travel bans across multiple countries and found that “lockdowns have had little to no public health effects.”

The analysis of lockdown policies also described the “enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted.”


Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most cited experts in his field, who has successfully treated over 2000 COVID patients by using a protocol of early treatment (which the so-called experts completely ignored), has been the victim of a particularly vicious assault by those benefiting financially from the vaccines. He has published his results in peer reviewed journals, reporting an 80% reduction in hospitalizations and a 75% reduction in deaths by using early treatment.[44] Despite this, he is under an unrelenting series of attacks by the information controllers, none of which have treated a single patient.

Neither Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO nor any medical governmental establishment has ever offered any early treatment other than Tylenol, hydration and call an ambulance once you have difficulty breathing. This is unprecedented in the entire history of medical care as early treatment of infections is critical to saving lives and preventing severe complications. Not only have these medical organizations and federal lapdogs not even suggested early treatment, they attacked anyone who attempted to initiate such treatment with all the weapons at their disposal—loss of license, removal of hospital privileges, shaming, destruction of reputations and even arrest.


Just because the "official" line tells you something, no longer means that something has any bearing on the actual truth of things. Our health systems have been usurped by people with "other agendas" and the government and health officials have managed to put a gag on any doctor who dare cross them. Its been obvious from the start. Yet you consistently want to site these...jack-offs...as THE AUTHORITY. They are not...anymore, and we know it.

Thus you want me to "shut up" and then make your customary stretch of reality and accuse me of thinking Trudeau is Hitler. When its obvious I think he's nothing more than an effeminate li'l pee-on who is bought and paid for and at the disposal of the Chinese.

If anything "good" has come of this last decade of stupidity, its that "The Swamp" has finally revealed itself, in all its slimy splendour. Now...its not just those faux conservatives and Libbies alike, used to call "conspiracy nuts", its a lot more people. Every obvious lie...every warping of law and reality...all of it slowly surfaces like worms after a fresh rain. And now...we see it for what it is.

"DON'T LOOK ETHEL! But is was too late. She'd already gotten a 'free shot'."

So I'm here, along with many many others who's eyes have been forced open, to tell people like you, who would defend the trouncing of our society based on a pack of lies...

The jig is up. Go fuck yourself.!

If and when you decide to give up this silly charade and decide facts and reality actually matter...I'll be here willing to listen. But as long as you insist on perpetuating this...this...pool of horseshit...

Well...you know...

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32 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. Quite a number of countries did not shut down. Interestingly enough...their death rates did not increase either. 

2 & 3. As opposed to what Mikey? Endlessly arguing that we must not trust what we see?

4. Just because the "official" line tells you something, no longer means that something has any bearing on the actual truth of things.

5. Our health systems have been usurped by people with "other agendas"  

6. The jig is up. Go fuck yourself.! 

1. Ok, if you want to attribute that, say, Somalia or somesuch didn't shut down and that helped their death rates have at it.  I will wait for your paper to be published and reviewed by authorized personnel before commenting though.
2. 3. A baby reaches for poison because it has a bright label.  This is an analogy for your eyes.  Also - I let my uncle Ted call me 'Mikey' because he babysat me.  You call me Michael, or if you like I can call you "Dr. Retardo"
4. Wise people don't accept "official" positions just so, nor do they reject them just so.
5. Oh right on schedule.... a conspiracy... why don't you just lead with that next time so I can ignore the rest of your post ?
6. Yeah you said that before.

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6 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

What a ridiculous premise.  The MSM investigated and reported in Trudeau.  If people chose to ignore those points that's their choice.

The MSM didn't investigate, they looked for distractions. Any story that came along was big enough to take the headline away from our PM's crimes. 

Compare the coverage that the Russian collusion farce got in the US to the coverage that Trudeau's actual scandals got here in Canada. Collusion was front and centre for 3 years and it was known to be completely false for most of that time. SNC was 3 years ago but it hasn't been in the news for almost 3 years, and it is known to be 100% true.

Canadians knew names like Kisliak, and if you do a google search of CTV Kisliak you get thousands of relevant hits, but almost zero Canadians know about Michel Fournier and the google search has only a handful of relevant results out of millions. 

CBC and CTV know this, they reported on it all, but they hid this info from Canadians as soon as Trudeau' name came into the picture:


Fournier was a chief of staff to Liberal party leader Jean Chretien in the early 1990s. When Chretien became prime minister, he appointed Fournier to lead the FBC, a Crown corporation which oversees the awarding of huge megaproject contracts across Canada.

In case you need proof of this, here's CBC News telling us "What we need to know about the SNC scandal": https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-wilson-raybould-attorney-general-snc-lavalin-1.5014271


What is SNC's role in this scandal?

SNC-Lavalin faces charges of fraud and corruption in connection with nearly $48 million in payments made to Libyan government officials between 2001 and 2011. If convicted, the company could be blocked from competing for federal government contracts for a decade.

SNC-Lavalin had hoped that its fraud and corruption charges could be resolved with what's known as a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA), which would spare the company a trial and possible criminal conviction. The company had lobbied federal officials for such an outcome, according to the Globe and Mail.

But in October, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada determined SNC had not met the criteria for a DPA. The company was ordered to stand trial in May.

There's no mention there of the fact that SNC Lavalin has a court-documented history of bribing Canadian bureaucrats for massive federal contracts. How do we, as Canadians, know how many times SNC added millions of dollars to their bids on Canadian contracts and then gave kickbacks to Liberal-appointed bureaucrats in order to win? How much are we out? Why did the PM create a law to keep them in business when their business is ripping off Canadians? Why did the PM try to force the AG to use the DPA law when she was 100% correct in coming to the conclusion that it was the wrong thing to do? Why is it not a big deal to Canadians that all of this is known to be true, yet our media thinks it isn't important? It is an actual, massive scandal and it has never been depicted in that light. "Trudeau was just trying to help a Montreal company and their employees, he's so dreamy, end of story. Fuck off, peons." But that wasn't the real story at all. Trudeau helped "a company that's known for it's bribes and kickbacks, and he did it shortly after he killed tens of thousands of jobs in Alberta."


They didn't report on Trudeau, they minimized all of his misdeeds and then let him mansplain it all away without questioning him. "I merely should have recused myself from the obvious decision to choose WE." CTV and CBC drop the story like a hot potato. 

FYI Bill Morneau, the Finance Minister, had to fall on his sword because his daughter was a paid employee of WE who made about $30k/year. Meanwhile, Trudeau's mom was merely a contractor at WE who got $500,000.00 from them (for far less services rendered), so all that Justin had to do was say "I should have recused myself from the obvious decision to choose WE."

Family member getting $30k a year, CTV and CBC say: "Scandalous - he's gotta go." 

Family member getting $30K to speak on stage for an hour, CTV and CBC say: "Nothin' to see here, folks." 

CTV and CBC are our Xinhua, TASS, Pravda, NoKo Nightly News. There's literally no difference at all between Trudeau's relationship with those two networks and the relationship that Putin, Xi and KJU have with their news orgs. No difference at all

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31 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ok, if you want to attribute that, say, Somalia or somesuch didn't shut down and that helped their death rates have at it.  I will wait for your paper to be published and reviewed by authorized personnel before commenting though.
2. 3. A baby reaches for poison because it has a bright label.  This is an analogy for your eyes.  Also - I let my uncle Ted call me 'Mikey' because he babysat me.  You call me Michael, or if you like I can call you "Dr. Retardo"
4. Wise people don't accept "official" positions just so, nor do they reject them just so.
5. Oh right on schedule.... a conspiracy... why don't you just lead with that next time so I can ignore the rest of your post ?
6. Yeah you said that before.



You can call me whatever you like. When you earn respect...Michael it will be...Mikey.

"Official" positions have been dead wrong...over and over again.

So...you neglected to read the NIH article I guess. OK.


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There's a mistake in the CTV article, I'm pretty sure that the name of the SNC exec who bribed Michel Fournier wasn't also  Michel Fournier. 


Media reports have suggested that Michel Fournier, a manager at SNC–Lavalin, deposited $1.5 million into the Swiss bank account of a company called Promotag, controlled by bridge official Michel Fournier.


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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1. The MSM didn't investigate, they looked for distractions. Any story that came along was big enough to take the headline away from our PM's crimes. 

2. Compare the coverage that the Russian collusion farce got in the US to the coverage that Trudeau's actual scandals got here in Canada.  


1. I don't understand how you could be so misinformed.  They investigated, yes, and BROKE the stories.  If what you are saying was true they would have buried them.  Just ridiculous.
2. What ?  SNC Lavalin was front page and took Trudeau's majority.  The Reconciliation Day debacle robbed him of his pious crown.

Comparing to a US scandal is apples to oranges and very difficult to even pull off.  I won't take your claim at face value that one story was in the headlines 'for months' and another wasn't.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I don't understand how you could be so misinformed.  They investigated, yes, and BROKE the stories.  If what you are saying was true they would have buried them.  Just ridiculous.

1) They didn't "break" stories. They "had no choice but to report on stories that could never possibly have gone unnoticed", but they completely minimized the damage from those stories by keeping the most relevant details out of the picture.

Canadians don't really care about corruption in Libya - we all know that Ghadaffi was going to rip off Libyans whether SNC was involved or anyone else. It's like saying "When SNC was in Libya, some ducks landed on a pond." Ho-hum. That's why the media informed Canadians that SNC's scandals were all foreign, but they were lying. They knew that SNC was ripping off Canadians too but they kept it out of the news. 

I showed you the articles that proved CTV and CBC knew that SNC had bribed at least one ex-Liberal who was appointed by Jean Chretien to manage the appointment of bridge contracts. Apparently that appointment is like getting a license to print money. Then I showed you an article where CBC pretended to be telling us "what we need to know about the SNC scandal" but they left out the juiciest details. Details that they were fully aware of because they had reported on them themselves.

CTV and CBC completely hid important details of SNC's crimes. It's like if they did a story about Hitler and just conveniently forgot to mention the Holocaust. He wasn't that different from 50 other guys who just started the biggest wars that they possibly could if you leave out that one 'tiny' detail. 


2. What ?  SNC Lavalin was front page and took Trudeau's majority. 

Correction: SNC was briefly front-page in Feb 2019, it was off of the news long before election time, which was later that same year. The blackface issue came up in September and SNC was already a memory by then.

I actually watched CTV's story about "whether or not blackface was an election issue", they interviewed "7 undecided voters" lol, one of whom was a muslim woman (there was already a government pamphlet out directing muslims how to vote at that time - 99% of muslims vote Liberal). Out of 7 people, 6 thought it was "no big deal at all", and one black woman said "I'm not happy about it but it won't change my vote" ?. It was basically an exercise in damage control. The chance of anyone saying that they were afraid for their kids was zero, but if Scheer had a blackface picture out, for sure CTV would have trotted out someone who'd say that. 


The Reconciliation Day debacle robbed him of his pious crown.

What are you even talking about now? That's not a story that CTV and CBC 'covered'. It was like Henderson's goal - everyone saw it first-hand. 

The MSM here carefully built the rez school story into what it was from a pile of tree-roots in a field. During the build-up they ignored PET's quotes about indigenous people, his support for rez schools, they pretended that the only way kids could have possibly died in rez schools was by being murdered by pedos, they pretended that it should have been really easy to wheel dead bodies across Canada's teensy frozen north during the winters of the Spanish flu, and they did all that to help build up Trudeau as THE Canadian whose heart is dragging the rest of our pathetic, racist arses towards respectability.

They put the fish in the boat for him, all he had to do was whack it with the oar, but he grabbed his surfboard instead.

All the cameras were rolling on orange shirt day and his absence was astonishing. It exposed him as a complete farce. CTV and CBC didn't have anything to do with Canadians figuring that out. 

The picture of him looking dejected and holding teddy bear at a gravesite was also supposed to lead to his canonization, but aboriginals weren't nearly stupid enough to fall for that, they saw it for exactly what it was. 

He wasn't exposed as a turd by our media, he just exposed himself as a turd. It's two completely different things.  


Comparing to a US scandal is apples to oranges and very difficult to even pull off.  I won't take your claim at face value that one story was in the headlines 'for months' and another wasn't.

If you don't remember that the Russian collusion story was a big deal for 3 years then you're an idiot. 

If you think that the SNC Lavalin story was headline news right from Feb 2019 until Feb of this year (3 years) you're also an idiot.

I'm not even saying one was headline news for months and one wasn't. I'm saying that the fake scandal was headline news for 3 years in the US, and was still covered here for that whole time (to a lesser extent), the real scandal wasn't headline news for very long at all. Less than 5 months. It was dead and buried before the 2019 election. 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) They didn't "break" stories. They "had no choice but to report on stories that could never possibly have gone unnoticed", but they completely minimized the damage from those stories by keeping the most relevant details out of the picture.


1) Before I continue with the rest of your loooong post... let me ask you:

-Did Global News get a tip that Trudeau was on a beach and send a camera crew because they had 'no choice' ?
-Did the G&M act on a tip to chase down a story that nobody knew about because they had 'no choice' ?  And the Globe actually MINIMIZED a story that was arguably the story of the year ?  How exactly did they do that ?
-The National Post giving the Canadian Constitution Foundation editorial space to state that they are SUING the Trudeau government - is an example of MSM minimizing damage against that government ?
 -The National Post had previously reported on Trudeau not reporting that the Aga Khan had given him a free vacation on his private island.  They broke the news.  Nobody knew.

I need to get your mindset straight in my mind before I continue.  

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

1) Before I continue with the rest of your loooong post... let me ask you:

-Did Global News get a tip that Trudeau was on a beach and send a camera crew because they had 'no choice' ?

The story of him missing truth and reconciliation day was unmissable. Everyone in Canada knew about it within hours because it was televised. 

Where's Waldo wasn't a story that Global was necessarily looking to tell, but 38 million asked that question at the same time. When 38M people have a question, and the answer is worth money, you give the answer. 


Global's scathing indictment:


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is spending the first National Truth and Reconciliation Day on vacation in Tofino, B.C., with his family, despite his official itinerary placing him in private meetings in Ottawa.


The Prime Minister’s Office confirmed the vacation in a statement sent to Global News.

“Yes the PM is spending time in Tofino with family for a few days,” Trudeau’s spokesperson wrote.

“And, following his participation in last night’s ceremony marking the first National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, he is speaking today with residential school survivors from across the country.”


If Trump missed such a day in the US there would be interviews with people calling him a racist. That's how our MSM rolls. But it was Trudeau that missed it, so the story goes "He's on vacation with his family and he's gonna do a zoom meeting" and it's a done deal. 


Did the G&M act on a tip to chase down a story that nobody knew about because they had 'no choice' ?  And the Globe actually MINIMIZED a story that was arguably the story of the year ?  How exactly did they do that ?

You're acting like it was a story that was really hard to find and might have remained hidden forever, but that's not the case at all. 

Raybould was canned, and it was only a matter of time before the story came out, even if it was on FB and Twitter at first. The MSM can't be behind social media on every story. 


-The National Post giving the Canadian Constitution Foundation editorial space to state that they are SUING the Trudeau government - is an example of MSM minimizing damage against that government ?
 -The National Post had previously reported on Trudeau not reporting that the Aga Khan had given him a free vacation on his private island.  They broke the news.  Nobody knew.

Nat Post isn't really MSM, they're outsiders, and they're far closer to the middle than CTV, CBC, Global et al. 

I even have some articles from Nat Post bookmarked: https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/trudeau-government-contributed-1-18-million-to-we-day-event-in-2017-during-which-pms-mother-was-likely-paid-to-speak


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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ad hominem... so boring... accusations of fear... yawn
2 Take a stand ?  What exactly are most of them doing ?  Posting nonsense on web boards seems like
3. Yes I am well aware of how percentages work.  0.1% of Canadians, just to pick a random number, sounds tiny to people who don't understand math.  If that many died in a day... I guess they'd be with ok.
4. Why are you posting irrelevant information.   Why don't you post the top causes of death ?
5. Liars liars everywhere... yawn... Tom Quiggin... yawn... Pat King... yawn... Tamara Lich... yawn... 

My advice:
1. Learn statistics
2. Learn politics
3. Leave the web board
4. Do something useful with your anger

Why are you surprised, the same people are OK with 45,000 firearms related deaths in the US every year. 40,000 to Covid in two years is peanuts.

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12 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Not exactly.  People DID die and were dying.  >40K dead so far.  Making light of a threat that large basically disqualifies you from serious discussion.

3. After the fact assessment that the reaction was 'over the top' is subjective but ok.  Let's ask this question.  IF somebody stated to you in 2019 "There is something coming that will take over 40,000 Canadian lives - should the government do something ?".  Also take into account that governments were initially sow to react.  After all, people didn't believe something happening in China, Italy, England... was going to come here.

Go with politics or go home, the disruption tactics are failing and annoying those of us who are serious about politics.

40,000 is an impressive figure over 3 years, but perhaps we should put that number into perspective with other causes and really compare how much was spent to counter those deaths. The real question was why so much, was it the numbers that scared people, not really there are much larger numbers we could have saved lives by spending more. just look at cancer numbers and how much we spent... 

40,000 Covid over 3 years 1.5 bil a day. another source 240 bil in 8 months.

How much — exactly — has the pandemic cost Canada? Star analysis finds toll is more than $1.5 billion a day | The Star

Ottawa has spent $240B fighting COVID-19 in just 8 months. A CBC investigation follows the money | CBC News


240,000 people have died from cancer in the same time period. (1/2 billion , by government and public fundraisers.)

75,000 people died of heart disease. (25 bil from government and mostly public donations or fundraisers.

45,000 people died of accidents

 36,000 people died of Cerebrovascular diseases

The Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in Canada | Finder Canada

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37 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

40,000 is an impressive figure over 3 years, but perhaps we should put that number into perspective with other causes and really compare how much was spent to counter those deaths. The real question was why so much, was it the numbers that scared people, not really there are much larger numbers we could have saved lives by spending more. just look at cancer numbers and how much we spent... 

40,000 Covid over 3 years 1.5 bil a day. another source 240 bil in 8 months.

How much — exactly — has the pandemic cost Canada? Star analysis finds toll is more than $1.5 billion a day | The Star

Ottawa has spent $240B fighting COVID-19 in just 8 months. A CBC investigation follows the money | CBC News


240,000 people have died from cancer in the same time period. (1/2 billion , by government and public fundraisers.)

75,000 people died of heart disease. (25 bil from government and mostly public donations or fundraisers.

45,000 people died of accidents

 36,000 people died of Cerebrovascular diseases

The Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in Canada | Finder Canada

I honestly no longer believe the spending and destruction of businesses and mental health had much to do with Covid.  This was about seeing how many restrictions people could handle and government could get away with.  It turns out quite a lot.  People will never be the same.  The pandemic was a good excuse to bring in greater controls over society, which is why the federal government refuses to remove them.  They want this.  

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4 hours ago, Aristides said:

Why are you surprised, the same people are OK with 45,000 firearms related deaths in the US every year. 40,000 to Covid in two years is peanuts.

You don't have the slightest clue you're talking about. You're conflating the Dem issue of "AR-15 mass murders" with "all types of firearm-related deaths".

FYI of the 45,000 you cited, more than half of those are suicides not murders. Of the murders that are committed by firearms, the vast, vast, vast majority of them are by handguns, which dems don't care about. They go apoplectic if you talk about stop & frisk, but stop & frisk is proven to save thousands of black lives.  


Over 8,000 handguns.

455 rifles. 

203 shotguns.

All of the leftists who scream about "bad bad guns" want AR-15s gone. And they also want absolutely nothing done about gangland crime, which is the cause of 90% of those murders.

The Dems wave their hands and scream as if they really care, but at the exact same time they're doing everything that they can to keep guns in the hands of murderers. 

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On 5/30/2022 at 7:02 PM, WestCanMan said:

The story of him missing truth and reconciliation day was unmissable. Everyone in Canada knew about it within hours because it was televised. 

Where's Waldo wasn't a story that Global was necessarily looking to tell, but 38 million asked that question at the same time. When 38M people have a question, and the answer is worth money, you give the answer. 


Global's scathing indictment:



What are you talking about? It was televised by Global! Global is mainstream media.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

It's like saying the global Mail had no choice but to publish the story on snc lavalin, because it was in the paper!

some of the media doing their job in some instances

is not proof that the mainstream media as a whole are doing a good job overall

specific to general fallacy

the media reported on SNC Lavalin, therefore they aren't heavily biased in Trudeau's favor

does not follow

obvious non-sequitur

Edited by Yzermandius19
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