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War In Ukraine

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

This is the current occupation map of Ukraine:


There's your "big chunk". A strip along the border with Russia. The part that's been in a state of civil war for the last 20 some-odd years. The part that's majority Russian ethnics. You people either need to educate yourselves, or quit lying.

Putin has stated that he wants 2 things;

1. No NATO forces bordering with Russia.

2. The slaughter of ethnic Russians to halt in eastern Ukraine.

BTW...Russia DID NOT "annex" Crimea as this picture says. They held a referendum and the people CHOSE to align themselves with Russia.

Putin also demands the surrender of Mariupol


As for Crimea,seems you need a little education:

"The council scheduled a referendum for March 16, which offered two choices: join Russia or return to Crimea’s 1992 constitution, which gave the peninsula significant autonomy. Those who favored Crimea remaining part of Ukraine under the current constitution had no box to check."

"On March 18, Crimean and Russian officials signed the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Crimea to Russia."



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On 3/19/2022 at 5:28 AM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Isn't it strange that Russians killed so many civilians in Syria and Afghanistan or Israelis killed so many Arab civilians in Palestine or American killed so many civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan or Iraqi Saddam Hussain killed so many Iranian civilians in his invasion of Iran and nobody made a noise but now that Ukrainian civilians are being killed (as tragic as it is) the whole world is up and shouting and immigration process being fast tracked for Ukrainians!!!!!!!!

The point is that if America kills, that's democracy, if others do they are terrorists, never forget that the US killed 3 thousand of its own people in Twin Towers and its people aren't aware yet, never forget that the US founded ISIS (Israel's Secret Intelligence Service) and slaughtered innocent Iraqis and Syrians by that, everyday people are dying by the American bombs, this is more than 8 years that Yemen is fighting with the US-Saudi led coalition, the US attacked Iraq and killed one million innocent people there, one million Iraqi kids under age 5 killed by the US sanctions...... the United States of Terrorism commits every crime it wants and there's no one to stop it! 

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23 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

I know more than you

do you know why those areas of Ukraine are ethnically Russian?

because Stalin starved and deported millions of Ukrainians and shipped in Russians

when it comes to ethnic cleansing

the Ukrainians are small time compared to the Russians


rebuilding the Soviet Union won't work

but that isn't going to stop the paranoid Russians from doing crazy shit to try anyway

they have been invaded so many times

it's their greatest insecurity

and their insecurity drives their actions

the Russians build their superiority complex based on their deep seeded inferiority complex

and without the strategic depth and gap control of the former Soviet bloc

they are extremely vulnerable, and they know it


I mean heavily armed war machine in a poor and hostile neighborhood, when I say Israel of Eastern Europe


you are only looking at pro-Russian sources

I look at both sides

the pro-Ukrainian sources are better

the pro-Russian sources are mostly just an endless stream of whataboutism to scapegoat Russia's enemies and avoid self reflection

but on the few things they are right about, it's easy for me to separate the wheat from the chaffe

Yes, Stalin was a monster. That was 2 full generations ago. But the current situation and fact is, that area IS primarily populated by ethnic Russians. Perhaps, since people are so concerned that "people could die", that the area be rezoned so the Ukrainian forces don't continue their peace time assault on them? Sound like a reasonable and peaceful solution to me.

Lets be clear. Russia was ALLOWED to create the Soviet Union by Roosevelt as a "gift" for helping destroy the NAZIs.

As far as I'm concerned, once the Ukraine borders are settled, they can have whatever military they like. They just won't be able to formally join NATO nor Russia. They will however, be able to buy arms and do commerce with both freely.

Actually...I have pretty darn good sources. See...My wife and I own a property in Czech and rent it out to a Ukrainian woman who lives there and takes care of the house for us. Her and my Czech wife speak about 4 times a week. First of all, people in the bulk of Ukraine hardly know there's a war going on. Life for them has changed little, if any. Next there's Zelinski himself. NOT the most reliable source of democracy or freedom available. And finally...what do you suppose the long term results of this BS will be? I figure Ukraine will remain neutral but slightly smaller in size, and that Europe will have millions of Ukrainian "refugees" to handle. Most of whom have absolutely no intentions of ever returning to their homes.

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On 3/18/2022 at 9:58 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

1. now that Ukrainian civilians are being killed (as tragic as it is) the whole world is up and shouting and immigration process being fast tracked for Ukrainians!!!!!!!!

2. On second thought no it s not strange. Civilians killed in Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine and Iran don't have blue eyes but Ukrainians do!!!!!!!!.

1. Russia appears to be *targeting civilians
2. Racism exists, doesn't mean we should stop helping people

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10 minutes ago, User47 said:

1. if others do they are terrorists,

2. never forget that the US killed 3 thousand of its own people in Twin Towers


1. America isn't a pure hearted hero in the world, but if you can provide me examples of them intentionally bombing civilian areas that would be helpful.  I think most people with a brain can see the difference.

2. Never forget that this is horse-shit disinfo, set up for the onshore morons to share with each other and sow chaos and dischord.

You are a disinfo agent, at least in my books...

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:
12 minutes ago, User47 said:


1. America isn't a pure hearted hero in the world, but if you can provide me examples of them intentionally bombing civilian areas that would be helpful.  I think most people with a brain can see the difference.

2. Never forget that this is horse-shit disinfo, set up for the onshore morons to share with each other and sow chaos and dischord.

If you don't know about something it doesn't mean that doesn't exist, I may remind you of the New York Times that just a few months ago published a report about how the US airforce killed 65 innocent children and women in Syria while they could see them clearly that they were just civilians and kids? And I recommend you to have a look at the "Dirty Wars" documentary and the documents published on The Intercept about the US's drone attacks. Besides every one "no WMDs" ever existed in Iraq. 


About 9/11, LOL, the real conspiracy theory is the lie that USA feeds to its people about 9/11, if you can think independently by seeing the evidence you understand what was 9/11 about, I give you my pieces of evidence, but I have to mention something, a lot of times ago I found eyewitnesses narratives on 9/11 and again when I gotten back to those videos I found out that all of those videos were deleted by YouTube and Google, so I uploaded them in a lot of other platforms but again they gotten deleted finally I asked one of my Iranian friends to upload them in his account in the Iranian platforms, it's not deleted yet so I send you the links on there, but you got to know that all of these videos are created by "American



" truth seekers not he or his government!!! and are in English just let the adds go.






This is crystal clear that 9/11 was an inside job..... if you care the least about reality check these links out.

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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Russia appears to be *targeting civilians

Have you ever asked yourself how many innocent civilians killed by the US? Give you a list, the sum of all of these Wars is more than 20-30 million people killed by the US! So the pot calls the kettle back, huh? 

The pot calls the kettle black!


China 1945-46

Argentina 1976

Syria 1949

Turkey 1980

Korea 1950-53

Poland 1980-81

China 1950-53

El Salvador 1981-92

Iran 1953

Nicaragua 1981-1990

Guatemala 1954

Cambodia 1980-95

Tibet 1955-70s

Angola 1980

Indonesia 1958

Lebanon 1982-84 Cuba 1959

Grenada 1983-84

Philippines 1986

Democratic Republic of Libya 1986

the Congo 1960-65

Iran 1987-88

Iraq 1960-63

Libya 1989

Dominican Republic Panama 1989

Iraq 1991

Vietnam 1961-73

Kuwait 1991

Brazil 1964

Somalia 1992-94

Belgian Congo 1964

Iraq 1992-1996

Guatemala 1964

Bosnia 1995

Laos 1964-73

Iran 1998

Dominican Republic Sudan 1998

Afghanistan 1998

Peru 1965

Yugoslavia - Serbia 1999

Afghanistan 2001

Greece 1967 Iraq 2002-3

Guatemala 1967-69

Somalia 2006-2007

Cambodia 1969-70

Iran 2005-present

Chile 1970-73

Libya 2011


William Blum in his book "Killing hope" writes the US has attacked and interfered in the domestic issues of more than 56 countries since WWII, why back then no one lost sleep? 

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13 minutes ago, User47 said:

If you don't know about something it doesn't mean that doesn't exist, I may remind you of the New York Times that just a few months ago published a report about how the US airforce killed 65 innocent children and women in Syria while they could see them clearly that they were just civilians and kids?

Sorry - I don't buy your deflection.  Do you have an example where the US actually targeted civilians rather than killed them accidentally ?

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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Do you have an example where the US actually targeted civilians rather than killed them accidentally ?

OMG, this is astonishing, if you read the report you understood that the incident wasn't an accident! The second time they targeted them, they Knew they are only kids and families!!

This is fear of encountering the truth? Why the US government never brought evidence to deny the words of those who say 9/11 was an inside job once and for all?  Cause they're lying! 

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Putin also demands the surrender of Mariupol


As for Crimea,seems you need a little education:

"The council scheduled a referendum for March 16, which offered two choices: join Russia or return to Crimea’s 1992 constitution, which gave the peninsula significant autonomy. Those who favored Crimea remaining part of Ukraine under the current constitution had no box to check."

"On March 18, Crimean and Russian officials signed the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Crimea to Russia."



So they'd already decided to separate, one way or another, with Ukraine. Now there's a shocker.

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On 3/30/2022 at 2:28 PM, Michael Hardner said:

1. America isn't a pure hearted hero in the world, but if you can provide me examples of them intentionally bombing civilian areas that would be helpful.  I think most people with a brain can see the difference.

Post deleted. I had made stupid comment.

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On 3/27/2022 at 2:01 PM, Dougie93 said:

Putin is out of the loop, bro

he obviously had no clue what a dumpster fire his military actually was

since he never would have impaled himself on this fiasco if he knew

Russia is so corrupt & dysfunctional, they don't even know how pathetic they actually are


Putin is no fool despite what you or the media has to say. Putin went into Ukraine for probably a very good reason. Rumor has it that Putin was told that the Ukrainian government was creating dangerous viruses in their bio-labs to be used later on the Russian people. It's a well known fact that the democrats want war with Russia. they want NATO to do the dirty work for the BiDumb corrupt regime. Rumor again has it that the BiDumb's are heavily involved with corruption in the Ukraine. This goes way deeper than what peasants like you and me will ever really know. This is all just politics. ?

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On 3/28/2022 at 1:17 AM, Soldier35 said:

Where do you get the information. The operation has slowed down because big cities want to take without bombing and big casualties. A part of Ukraine will be annexed to Russia, and benefits in rubles are already being paid to Ukrainians in the liberated territories.  There was information about the holding of a referendum on joining Russia in some territories of Ukraine in the near future. The sources where you get the information are incompetent

No doubt that the sources that TSS is getting his/her information from is the MSM. Who in their right mind believes or listens to the MSM anymore. One has to be totally stupid in the head to listen to the MSM at all anymore or they are a part of the problem and they are in support of egging the Ukranian's on for some not known reason. I do not believe that Putin wants all of the Ukraine. Just the area around Donetsk which apparently is full of Russian people whom appear to be quite ready to join Russia. Hey, we never know, eh? ?

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11 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I don't care what I'm called, but I know that I can protest my government with my real name in person or online and not get arrested.

And you Convoy fans please don't slippery slope me about Pat King or the other idiots who were given many chances to back down after their protest had turned into a campaign of harassment and terrorism.  A large majority of people who were involved got away without penalty.

But you had to be covid vaccinated.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe


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5 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I didn't see where it said that.

Drone papers was all about "intentional" attacks, that 1 million Iraqi had been killed by accident? The country that claims to be the first in the world still can't figure out that civilian homes aren't military complexes? Maybe that 1 million kids who died due to the US sanctions were specialists of creating nuclear bombs, huh? 

Why America is intentionally killing thousands in Yemen? This is really hard to discuss with a brainwashed guy...

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

problem with America

Oh yeah? The Saudi itself says "I'm getting my arms from America"!! You want to deny it? 

If you could see the whole picture you would know that Saudis are fighting based on the commands of Tel Aviv and Washington with Yemen......

Besides, the CIA is still killing innocent people in Africa, maybe that's a fabricated story too? Or maybe that's my drones that are killing people? 

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9 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Yes, Stalin was a monster. That was 2 full generations ago. But the current situation and fact is, that area IS primarily populated by ethnic Russians. Perhaps, since people are so concerned that "people could die", that the area be rezoned so the Ukrainian forces don't continue their peace time assault on them? Sound like a reasonable and peaceful solution to me.

Lets be clear. Russia was ALLOWED to create the Soviet Union by Roosevelt as a "gift" for helping destroy the NAZIs.

As far as I'm concerned, once the Ukraine borders are settled, they can have whatever military they like. They just won't be able to formally join NATO nor Russia. They will however, be able to buy arms and do commerce with both freely.

Actually...I have pretty darn good sources. See...My wife and I own a property in Czech and rent it out to a Ukrainian woman who lives there and takes care of the house for us. Her and my Czech wife speak about 4 times a week. First of all, people in the bulk of Ukraine hardly know there's a war going on. Life for them has changed little, if any. Next there's Zelinski himself. NOT the most reliable source of democracy or freedom available. And finally...what do you suppose the long term results of this BS will be? I figure Ukraine will remain neutral but slightly smaller in size, and that Europe will have millions of Ukrainian "refugees" to handle. Most of whom have absolutely no intentions of ever returning to their homes.

Ukraine will not be neutral

the end result of this

is that Putin will have driven Ukraine into the west's sphere of influence

Putin has alienated Ukraine forever

when his goal was a pro-Russia Ukraine

it won't be in NATO, but neither is Israel

there was never a threat of it becoming NATO

Putin has achieved nothing but failure with this invasion

Edited by Yzermandius19
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13 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Russia appears to be *targeting civilians
2. Racism exists, doesn't mean we should stop helping people

1. Russia is targeting Nazi terrorists who use civilians as human shield.

2. It should also be noted that racism and Nazism also had historical roots among the broad masses in Britain. We must not forget that the conquest colonial doctrine of Great Britain was based on the basic assumption of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

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29 minutes ago, athos said:

1. Russia is targeting Nazi terrorists who use civilians as human shields.Russia is targeting Nazi terrorists who use civilians as a human shield.

2. It should also be noted that racism and Nazism also had historical roots among the broad masses in Britain. We must not forget that the conquest colonial doctrine of Great Britain was based on the basic assumption of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race.

they are targeting those who aren't Nazi's as well

and even if they were all Nazi's

which they aren't

that just moronic Russian propaganda

that is still a shitty excuse to invade

and to attack the population centers as they have

the Russians are acting like the Nazi's here

not the Ukrainians

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1 hour ago, athos said:

Russia is targeting Nazi terrorists who use civilians as human shields.Russia is targeting Nazi terrorists who use civilians as a human shield.

For the past two months, Russia has been insistently saying that Ukrainians (some of them) are Nazi, sure we saw how racist they are during the ongoing war, but I'm just curious to know is there any report that showes Ukraine has been behaving like Nazis? Russia said it but didn't literally bring up any evidence, do you have something that showes they are super racist and that have problem with Russians only because of their race? 

Please note that I'm not trying to challenge anyone, i'm just trying to understand is there any report or evidence or this is just Russia's speculation? 

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In the battles for the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, one of the Russian T-72B tanks withstood a hit in the upper part of the tower of the Swedish-British portable NLAW ATGM, in the attack footage, one of the nationalists of the Azov battalion shoots at a Russian T-72B tank.


The footage of the destroyed division of the S-300 air defense system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the settlement of Circuna, Kharkiv region, was published by the Russian Defense Ministry. The coordinates of the location of the S-300 air defense system of Ukraine were established with the help of electronic intelligence, after which the positions were struck by missile weapons. As a result of an accurate hit, the launchers of the S-300 air defense system and transport-loading vehicles with ammunition were destroyed.

 Published footage of the calculations of the operational-tactical missile complex "Iskander-K" and the launch of the cruise missile R-500 in Ukraine. Iskander is a family of operational and tactical missile systems that has been in service with the Russian army for 15 years. Iskander is not a single missile system, but several modifications of various missiles. The basis of the Iskander-K complex is the 9K728 cruise missile, also known as the R-500, the launch of which is shown in the video. The missile has incredible accuracy, and is capable of hitting targets with an accuracy of up to two meters. Officially, the range of the R-500 missile is about 500 kilometers, but many sources believe that the actual range of the missile is 2000-2500


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