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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yes but if the prize of having less of your country nuked than the enemy is the near complete mass murder of humanity, total economic collapse, nuclear winter, and decades of radiation contamination, then everyone loses.  

this is not 1983

in 1983 with 25,000 warheads exchanged, maybe you would have a nuclear winter

but now you are only taking 2500 warheads

it's not the extinction event that Hollywood makes it out to be

Nuclear Winter is another media construct of the Anti Nuclear Movement

if you believe in that, then you might as well believe in Woke & Climate Doom too


when it comes to radioactive fallout

it decreases 90% in the first 24 hours

then it decreases another 90% in the next 24 hours

so in actual fact, you only have to shelter from fallout for the first 48 hours

there were people who were only 800 meters from ground zero at Hiroshima, who survived, then lived into their 80's

all your conceptions of nuclear war are inventions of Hollywood

Posted (edited)

the Russians only have to hit five targets to effect a counterforce

Warren AFB Wyoming

Malstrom AFB Montana

Minot AFB North Dakota

Kitsap Naval Base Washington

King's Bay Naval Base Georgia

then the American TRIAD is crippled

America can't retaliate then, as that would be suicidal

MAD is a bluff

he who strikes first wins

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

this is not 1983

in 1983 with 25,000 warheads exchanged, maybe you would have a nuclear winter

but now you are only taking 2500 warheads

it's not the extinction event that Hollywood makes it out to be

Nuclear Winter is another media construct of the Anti Nuclear Movement

if you believe in that, then you might as well believe in Woke & Climate Doom too

I don’t know the extent of damage possible with today’s arsenal.  Tactical small nukes could be used I guess, but it risks wider war if there are cross border impacts.  Then again, mass migration out of Ukraine is already taking a toll.  Two million Ukrainians already in Poland. 

Edited by Zeitgeist
1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

I don’t know the extent of damage possible with today’s arsenal.  Tactical small nukes could be used I guess, but it risks wider war if there are cross border impacts.  Then again, mass migration out of Ukraine is already taking a toll.  Two million Ukrainians already in Poland. 

the largest Russian warhead is only 800 kilotons

the largest American warhead is only 475 kilotons

this is not 1983

the missiles have become exponentially more accurate

so the multimegaton nukes of the 1960's have all been retired

there wouldn't be any nuclear winter

it wouldn't be a massive countervalue exchange, again, that is a bluff, a political construct

in reality a nuclear war can be fought and won

the war would be a preemptive counterforce against military targets

he who strikes first will dictate terms to he who got struck first

12 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

when it comes to radioactive fallout

it decreases 90% in the first 24 hours

then it decreases another 90% in the next 24 hours

so in actual fact, you only have to shelter from fallout for the first 48 hours

there were people who were only 800 meters from ground zero at Hiroshima, who survived, then lived into their 80's

all your conceptions of nuclear war are inventions of Hollywood

Well Russia’s most powerful nuke is Tsar Bomba, 3800 times more powerful than an atomic bomb.  Hiroshima doesn’t come close.  Now, how many of these multi-megaton giants are there?  

1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well Russia’s most powerful nuke is Tsar Bomba, 3800 times more powerful than an atomic bomb.  Hiroshima doesn’t come close.  Now, how many of these multi-megaton giants are there?  

Tsar Bomba was a political stunt, that warhead was useless for operations

they only built one RDS-220

that is not a deployed warhead now and never was deployed

your analysis is both wrong, and over 60 years out of date

the largest Russian warhead now is 800 kilotons, on the RT-2PM2 Topol ICBM


the problem in the 1960's is that the warheads were not accurate

so they made them big, multimegaton yield

the largest Russian warhead in the Cold War was 20 Megatons on the SS-18

in the 1980's however, the accuracy of the missiles improved exponentially

so those multimegaton warheads were no longer needed, all of those were retired

since the 1990's, both sides have shifted to counterforce, with much smaller, much more accurate warheads

1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

Tsar Bomba was a political stunt, that warhead was useless for operations

they only built one RDS-220

that is not a deployed warhead now and never was deployed

your analysis is both wrong, and over 60 years out of date

the largest Russian warhead now is 800 kilotons, on the RT-2PM2 Topol ICBM

It’s not an analysis.  I don’t know how many nukes could be deployed from both sides or their current strength.  I don’t know if China would get in on the action.  I do know about the severe burns and birth defects out of Japan.  Hiroshima was only 15 kilotons, so 800 seems significant.  


America is going even further down the counterforce trajectory now

with the deployment of a new warhead for the Trident II SLBM

the W76-2

it is only 10 kilotons yield

a very small tactical yield delivered with precision accuracy

it has already been deployed on SSBN-734 USS Tennessee

10 kilotons is not a deterrent

that is a counterforce weapon for a first strike, inherently

2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

It’s not an analysis.  I don’t know how many nukes could be deployed from both sides or their current strength.  I don’t know if China would get in on the action.  I do know about the severe burns and birth defects out of Japan.  Hiroshima was only 15 kilotons, so 800 seems significant.  

China doesn't have the accuracy, so they are the only ones still deploying big bombs

the Chinese ICBMs have single 5 megaton warheads

Posted (edited)

neither Russia nor China has an effective early warning system

only America has SBIRS

only America can detect an attack in progress

Russia & China could not

so in actual fact, America could launch a first strike, and neither Russia nor China would see it coming

China doesn't have the numbers nor accuracy to pull off a first strike

but the Russians do

so the only way the Russians could win : is to strike first

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

It’s not an analysis.  I don’t know 

well I do

I am a student of Herman Khan & Sam Cohen

not only was I a Cold Warrior myself

 I have spent my whole adult life studying nuclear war

everything you know about it is just a construct of Hollywood, the MSM & the Anti Nuclear Movement

the reality is much different from that pablum fed to the general public

like the Truckers ?

the bullshit they were feeding you about that ?

the same people are the ones telling you about nuclear war

why would you believe them ?

Edited by Dougie93
3 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

so 1 RCR only has two rifle companies now ?

which company did they get rid of ?

hopefully Bravo

No they have all 3 companies, each one has only 2 plts plus a smaller HQ plt, each plt is short soldiers as well... it is bad brother... some of this reduction is they are bringing back some old capabilities, like Anti armor plt, motars plt, assault pnrs, Soldiers are tired of sitting around doing nothing, as they can not afford to put fuel in vehs, That and a real lack of imagination in training...i remember a long period of time when we could not afford blanks, and had to yell bullet , bullet, but we still trained...now no one can be bothered....

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

No they have all 3 companies, each one has only 2 plts plus a smaller HQ plt, each plt is short soldiers as well... it is bad brother... some of this reduction is they are bringing back some old capabilities, like Anti armor plt, motars plt, assault pnrs, Soldiers are tired of sitting around doing nothing, as they can not afford to put fuel in vehs, That and a real lack of imagination in training...i remember a long period of time when we could not afford blanks, and had to yell bullet , bullet, but we still trained...now no one can be bothered....

I suspected as much

it's bigger than the army tho

all institutions in Canada are collapsing in the same way at the same time

at this point it is really just about applying our skills to serving in the collapse of Canada itself

not a combat role, humanitarian assistance, just take care of your neighbors

Edited by Dougie93
3 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

everything has to be viewed in the context of Canada no longer being a serious country

Canada is propped up by America, Canada is protected by America

so Canada can be a la la land of left wing lunacy and get away with it

in terms of the military commitments, it's just a token force, it's not actually meant to fight

if the Russians attacked Latvia, the Canadians would immediately withdraw to Poland

I get the part that Canada is a joke on the global settings, it really has nothing to contribute...and it is designed that way i mean what is NATO going to do kick them out ?... Canadians would laugh and joke about it... "fine we did not want to play your stupid game after all "

But here is my rub, to those Canadians that signed the dotted line, and agreed to defend this countries foreign policy and policies at home, we did so with atleast some expectation, that we could do so with atleast some modern equipment ' the type that saves lives" and they would look after soldiers after they were fucked up... none of that has happened... I don't want a slap on the back, or a beer... i want someone to step up and give those men and women the medical and mental health benefits they need to survive another day...

The media has put out hundreds of articles , telling the public on how poorly our military is equipped and how poorly we treat our vets, most Canadians just turn the page and don't give a rats ass...My son joined the regiment , i tried time and time again for him not to...for just that reason, the Majority of Canadians are so ungrateful it hurts..., 

mean while i have written countless liberal and conservative MP's , CDS, Army commander, veterans affairs, media, anyone that had an address, to no avail, it left the impression that nobody really gives a shit, they acknowledge the problem, but have no solutions.......talk to brothers from the Regiment they to have gone the same route, and received the same answers...and a lot of them have developed the same attitude as i have now, fuck em... , they don't really matter...

We have lost more brothers from suicide than in combat...Just in 2 RCR the numbers are well over 15 and much more if you include the entire Regiment and still counting, mental health is over whelmed with so many, look at Lionel Desmond he did his job, came back messed up, and instead of treating him they kicked his ass to the curb, and left him to fend for himself... and instead of making sure soldiers get treatment the investigation board came up with ways to take firearms off people with mental health issues...forgetting he was a royal and could of killed with a popsicle stick...and for us on the side lines all we can do is watch, in disbelief...that the majority don't give a shit, that we don't rate a solution, let alone a single thought. In the end all we have is our brothers in arms...


We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.


Kudos to the liberal government for unfreezing the fighter Jet replacement project...This forward motion will be welcome news to the Air Force and military alike.... 

Ottawa entering final talks to procure Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fighter jet: minister (msn.com)

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

13 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

I get the part that Canada is a joke on the global settings, it really has nothing to contribute...and it is designed that way i mean what is NATO going to do kick them out ?... Canadians would laugh and joke about it... "fine we did not want to play your stupid game after all "

But here is my rub, to those Canadians that signed the dotted line, and agreed to defend this countries foreign policy and policies at home, we did so with atleast some expectation, that we could do so with atleast some modern equipment ' the type that saves lives" and they would look after soldiers after they were fucked up... none of that has happened... I don't want a slap on the back, or a beer... i want someone to step up and give those men and women the medical and mental health benefits they need to survive another day...

The media has put out hundreds of articles , telling the public on how poorly our military is equipped and how poorly we treat our vets, most Canadians just turn the page and don't give a rats ass...My son joined the regiment , i tried time and time again for him not to...for just that reason, the Majority of Canadians are so ungrateful it hurts..., 

mean while i have written countless liberal and conservative MP's , CDS, Army commander, veterans affairs, media, anyone that had an address, to no avail, it left the impression that nobody really gives a shit, they acknowledge the problem, but have no solutions.......talk to brothers from the Regiment they to have gone the same route, and received the same answers...and a lot of them have developed the same attitude as i have now, fuck em... , they don't really matter...

We have lost more brothers from suicide than in combat...Just in 2 RCR the numbers are well over 15 and much more if you include the entire Regiment and still counting, mental health is over whelmed with so many, look at Lionel Desmond he did his job, came back messed up, and instead of treating him they kicked his ass to the curb, and left him to fend for himself... and instead of making sure soldiers get treatment the investigation board came up with ways to take firearms off people with mental health issues...forgetting he was a royal and could of killed with a popsicle stick...and for us on the side lines all we can do is watch, in disbelief...that the majority don't give a shit, that we don't rate a solution, let alone a single thought. In the end all we have is our brothers in arms...

I guess I just never looked back after I turned my kit in

I had a new wife, a new life, so I just went forward with that

we are brothers, I would put you up in my home, my wife would serve your meals, no questions asked

but I don't pay much attention to DND anymore

I can't live in bitterness, I had to get on with my life, I had to let it all go

17 hours ago, eyeball said:

Well, you've got to admire the fact he can arm other people and get them to fight for our freedom against the same people we're still attracting who knows how many billions of dollars from every year.

I did say invade.  Again why does it need to be pointed out our only potential invader is the US?  Okay, so we don't actually need to build cobalt bombs to store for a rainy day but we could easily say fuck off or we'll build one when/if required.

 People talk about giving up all sorts of things, from the CBC to carbon taxes.

Military funding for useless conflicts I hope.

No, believing we really need one is.

Now that said...I could get behind building up our offensive capabilities to join in the struggle for competing visions between liberalism and authoritarianism.  There are lots of smaller bastards out there we can start dealing with militarily immediately while fomenting strife in Russia and China through longer term economic strangulation.

Yes he armed them with table scraps form our own military depots, it should be noted that all the equipment he did give was already in short supply for the army. 

Yes you did say invaded, and all the countries i listed where countries that both were armed with nuclear weapons' and they fraught a conventional war with each other...PS more than half that list where invaded...

People do talk, but i asked you what are we going to give up ? to get these social programs...

One day when the world is not so fucked up then i will agree with you, and yet around the globe right now there are dozens of conflicts...man is not ready to live in peace...until then everyone carries a big stick, those that don't get beat up..


We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

Posted (edited)

like I say, I think we have much bigger problems

the entire democratic process in Canada has collapsed

they don't even pass anything through the legislatures anymore

they don't uphold the Charter of Rights & Freedoms

even the judiciary is in the pocket of the entrenched interests

Canada itself is collapsing into civil disorder, slowly but surely

I don't even see it as a bad thing that the military has been destroyed

because the most likely scenario would be that Ottawa would use the army against their own people now

this government we have now, would just like to sic our own brothers on us

Canada is a existential threat to us now

our own country wants to kill us and our families too

I can't deny, I fear Canada now, and so I despise Canada, as a mortal enemy

growing up here, I never imagined it would come to this

Edited by Dougie93

in light of that

I think it would be a better strategy to stop trying to fix things

not only can't they be fixed, it's not even in our interest to fix it

this entire government structure needs to collapse, for our own survival

so the best thing to do, is just lean into it

help this government destroy its own military

support all these idiotic self destructive schemes, the boondoggles, the effeminate Woke military dogma

because the Canadian Forces are actually a threat to us now

these are the troops who will gun us down in the streets

so the more we can do to undermine this abomination now, the better

Posted (edited)

You may be right.  I don’t know how many safe havens remain either.  Britain is hanging on but faces internal struggles.  Florida is the last North American jurisdiction that has almost all pre-pandemic freedoms, but the federal government constantly attacked DeSantis when he tried to maintain personal discretion over mask and other mandates.  He’s vilified for setting limits on abortion to the first trimester, which used to be considered reasonable on the left and murderous on the right.  Same goes for the mention of sexuality in primary grades.  Do the Dems want young kids completely sexualized?

Canada and much of the US is cultural Marxist, but the US at least has a strong opposition. Canadians will only vote for Conservatives if they are as socialist as the Liberal-NDP. The woke inquisition is literally gutting free speech, even in conservative provinces like Ontario with Bill 67.

Canada seems bound for socialist dictatorship.  It’s cradle to grave subsistence welfare to reduce the middle class to Soviet-style rental apartments and constant fear of appearing counter-revolutionary.  It’s gross.  Maybe a guy like Polievre can turn it around with a majority Conservative government, but instead I think at best we’ll get a Liberal regime in Conservative clothing with continued carbon taxes and purges from the intelligentsia of anyone who speaks their mind.

It’s basically a vassal state of the World Economic Forum, China, and the US Democrats.  I think the digital vax ID, carbon taxes, and bank account seizures of political opponents are the start of a less free, poorer Canada. The pandemic provided the perfect pretext for the overreach. Climate change is the next big excuse. Don’t trust these self-interested tyrants.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
7 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You may be right.  I don’t know how many safe havens remain either.  Britain is hanging on but faces internal struggles.  Florida is the last North American jurisdiction that has almost all pre-pandemic freedoms, but the federal government constantly attacked DeSantis when he tried to maintain personal discretion over mask and other mandates.  He’s vilified for setting limits on abortion to the first trimester, which used to be considered reasonable on the left and murderous on the right.  Same goes for the mention of sexuality in primary grades.  Do the Dems want young kids completely sexualized?

Canada and much of the US is cultural Marxist, but the US at least has a strong opposition. Canadians will only vote for Conservatives if they are as socialist as the Liberal-NDP. The woke inquisition is literally gutting free speech, even in conservative provinces like Ontario with Bill 67.

Canada seems bound for socialist dictatorship.  It’s cradle to grave subsistence welfare to reduce the middle class to Soviet-style rental apartments and constant fear of appearing counter-revolutionary.  It’s gross.  Maybe a guy like Polievre can turn it around with a majority Conservative government, but instead I think at best we’ll get a Liberal regime in Conservative clothing with continued carbon taxes and purges from the intelligentsia of anyone who speaks their mind.

It’s basically a vassal state of the World Economic Forum, China, and the US Democrats.  I think the digital vax ID, carbon taxes, and bank account seizures of political opponents are the start of a less free, poorer Canada. The pandemic provided the perfect pretext for the overreach. Climate change is the next big excuse. Don’t trust these self-interested tyrants.  


this is all part of a larger civilizational collapse of the Western world itself

thus we don't need to bring it all down in a revolution

because it is bringing itself down, Canada is self destructing

so it's more about how you are going to live in the wreckage

and in that sense, serving in the military was a good education

23 hours ago, Army Guy said:

One day when the world is not so fucked up then i will agree with you, and yet around the globe right now there are dozens of conflicts...man is not ready to live in peace...

Put women in charge then.  


....until then everyone carries a big stick, those that don't get beat up..

A lame-assed worn-out excuse that's as old and tired now as it was when you were saying the same thing in reply to the same suggestion years ago. 

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.



2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Put women in charge then.  

A lame-assed worn-out excuse that's as old and tired now as it was when you were saying the same thing in reply to the same suggestion years ago. 

I'm all for it, but don't think for a moment that women can not be as tough as men, Margret thatcher ring a bell, there are many things one must do when PM security is just one...

Worn out...ok why is Russia in Ukraine right now.. why has the ,Muslim middle eastern countries not taken out Israel... i get it they are nice guys, and bad people don't fuck with nice guys... or maybe they got a big stick...

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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