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Canada's military, how impressive it really is.

Army Guy

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9 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I agree with most of what you say. I took offence at several things in his post:

"the procurement system itself is broken beyond repair". He did not work within it and I did, I explained to you how it worked. It is not the "system" but  it is primarily political interference.

"Canada has died a cowards death " and "the military is as dead as every other aspect of this Banana Republic " is an insult to everyone in Uniform

"defend yourself & your property, take care of your neighbors" sounds like suggesting vigilantism or extremism like in the US.

"Canada will betray her most loyal patriots, Canada is filthy, disgusting, rotten " an extremely negative accusation upon Canada. Hence I asked when he was moving.

None of which sounds to me like an person that unquestionably donned a Uniform for his Country. Sounds more like an extremest or, as I said bitter and twisted.

I apologize for being pro Canada. I served my Country for love of Country, for better or worse.  Sorry.


I think each element within the military seen their service through different lenses, and had different experiences...for me being in the Regiment was everything to me, more than being a Canadian itself...for many reasons, the Regiment was family, we looked after each other regardless of what each of us faced day to day....... most of these men had shared combat together, and various other dangerous activities, and had formed a bond, stronger than family, even today if one of them phones me I drop everything and head their way...My wife is very understanding, and i don't deserve her. 

I've seen DND treat it's own soldiers poorly, I've seen everyday Canadians treat our soldiers worse, we have all seen our politicians treat our members poorly, both conservative and liberal...Some how the media has always given us a fair shake....it is a matter of pride for the NDP to treat us like dirt, the majority of Canadians don't care about anything military, nor do they really care about their Nation...As they ( Canadians) are the only ones with a voice that can make change, and they are not interested...Hard to remain loyal to the flag and everything it stands for...when it means nothing to them..




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15 minutes ago, Army Guy said:


I've seen DND treat it's own soldiers poorly

I can't say I was ever treated poorly

sometimes I was treated harshly

because I would get into brawls at Sassy's & the River Club

you remember Sergeant Major Kimberly McAndrew ?

for awhile it became his personal mission to teach me a harsh lesson

like 129 & defaulters, confinement, kit inspections, pack drill, Christmas Eve duty, etc

but in general, the military treated me like gold

I never wanted for anything, everything in my life was taken care of, down to the smallest detail

 every one of my commanders cared for my every need

I know that every one of them would have killed & died for me,  laid down their lives so I could live to fight another day

you can't get treated better than that

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I seen soldiers who were top notch , streamers, and did not adjust well to coming home from Afghanistan very well, i know every man has different tolerance levels to trauma or traumatic experiences,  but i remember at the start of Afghanistan PTSD was a word we did not even whisper, i meant you were weak as shit, should not be an infantry soldier, did not have the parts and where normally sent to places like Kilo company as combat support, ( motars or ADP) or the band , and if they liked you Trade Pioneers.. And as they progress down the ladder of PTSD to drinking to hard drugs to trouble with the law it would all lead to release....we had plenty of names for them, we where just to stupid to recognize it could happen to everyone...and once we understood it, it was to late, we did not have the resources to heal everyone...

But like you being in the Regiment is the highlight of my life... got to meet some amazing people, so ass holes as well.. did some pretty cool shit while do it...never regretted serving....and would do it all over again, just not for the same reasons... 

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2 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

But like you being in the Regiment is the highlight of my life...

I never felt like I quite measured up

not just in the face of the super soldiers like Dave Preeper, Frank Mellish, Carl Deroche

those guys were larger than life, like super heroes

but even just the other Privates, like Tim McLean the Iron Man, or his buddy Eddie Belanger

those guys were impressive, they could PT anybody into the ground

or even my next door neighbor in A Block G101, Jimmy Donovan

he was a great guy, but he was intimidating, the Cape Bretoners were not to be trifled with

remember Louis the Bear ?

man he was such a great guy, but watch out when he got drunk, he was scary when he got drunk

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when I first got to Petawawa, it was the Ludus, Gladiator School

but when I met my girlfriend, Shanda Leigh White, that changed Petawawa for me

she was one of the most beautiful desirable young ladies in Renfrew

so suddenly Petawawa became the sweetest place on earth

at Shanda's house down on the Point,  with her family, her father RCR Sergeant Paul White

they practically adopted me, they made Petawawa into a home for me

they were so great, I still miss them all to this day

so I only have very fond memories of Petawawa looking back now

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thing about an infantry battalion tho, it's a large unit, like 700 to 800 troops

so you don't actually know everybody in the battalion

you see everybody in passing, walking around Y-101 at work

but I was only with Charles Company, then Recce, then Anti-Armour

like I didn't know that many guys in Dukes nor Bravo

and Charles Company did not get along with Dukes nor Bravo

I remember one big fight at Sassy's that was RCR v. RCR, Charles Company v Bravo

I still don't like Bravo Company to this day

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like I was a such a brawler / party animal

I guess they sent me to the Battleschool just to get me out of their hair

that's the funny thing about Battleschool, it's where they send you if you're a problem child, with ISCC

but I loved being a Battleschool instructor, that was the pinnacle, teaching the Infantry Course

and I worked for some great bosses there, the greatest of them all was Warrant Officer Clive Tasco

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Dave Preeper was one of the most impressive things about the Canadian military

Dave Preeper is right out of the movies

he was 3 Commando, then he was the Pathfinder Platoon Warrant, then he was 1 RCR Charles Company CSM

he was the very model of a super soldier

one of the most elite soldiers on the face of this earth

and he was fearsome, we were in awe of him, we feared his wrath

but we worshiped him as an Infantry God

we talked about Preeper constantly, Preeper said this, Preeper did that

we were Preepers Creepers, it was cult of the personality

but he was so much fun too, he loved the troops, and he always made it fun

he lives just up the road from me now, he runs Pathfinder Bicycle Repair in Mount Forest

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Ottawa marks the 105th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Some historians refer to this battle as the birth place of Canada, the first time in Canadian history that all Canadian military formations fought as one Canadian Corp, using new tactics invented by Canadian Leadership. 

Vimy Ridge battle is also a battle honor on most Canadian Ground and Air units colors, paid full with their blood , sweat and tears, I thought it would be good to remind everyone that we once had a military that was respected by it's citizens...

 Ottawa marks the 105th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge (msn.com)


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1 minute ago, Army Guy said:

Ottawa marks the 105th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Some historians refer to this battle as the birth place of Canada, the first time in Canadian history that all Canadian military formations fought as one Canadian Corp, using new tactics invented by Canadian Leadership. 

Vimy Ridge battle is also a battle honor on most Canadian Ground and Air units colors, paid full with their blood , sweat and tears, I thought it would be good to remind everyone that we once had a military that was respected by it's citizens...

 Ottawa marks the 105th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge (msn.com)


my great grandfather was there, with 72nd ( Overseas ) Battalion, The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada

at the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them

Cuidich 'n Righ


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I would however dispute the assertion that Vimy Ridge was the birth of the nation

rather, the birth of the nation was upon Queenston Heights

the War of 1812 is when the British colonists here stopped calling themselves "Americans"

and instead adopted the French title "Canadian"

God save the Queen & Her Mohawk Warriors at Niagara in the face of American invasion


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once again, the most impressive thing about the Canadian military, is the men serving in the military

it's not about weapons, it's not about how many tanks Canada has

the Canadian soldier does more with less, the Canadian soldier prevails against overwhelming odds

by sheer force of his personality

leading from the front, follow me

Lt. General Isaac Brock is the first Canadian super soldier

cut down in the first volley, but only after he had rallied the colonists to the cause

the Americans held the high ground

when General Brock was shot, the Canadian Militia was spurred to charge up the heights to avenge him

there were 30,000 Americans launching this assault, only 3,000 Canadians against them

but the whole American force had not got on the ground yet, most of them were still crossing the river

then the Grand River Mohawks launched an attack through the woods on the flank

the Americans were so afraid of being captured by the Indians, upon hearing the war cries, they turned and fled

many Americans jumping off the cliffs to be dashed on the rocks below, rather than be taken by the Indians

then the whole American attack collapsed, the flight turned into a rout

and thus Canada became the Confederacy which won the war against the Americans and lived to tell the tale


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19 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

I never felt like I quite measured up

not just in the face of the super soldiers like Dave Preeper, Frank Mellish, Carl Deroche

those guys were larger than life, like super heroes

but even just the other Privates, like Tim McLean the Iron Man, or his buddy Eddie Belanger

those guys were impressive, they could PT anybody into the ground

or even my next door neighbor in A Block G101, Jimmy Donovan

he was a great guy, but he was intimidating, the Cape Bretoners were not to be trifled with

remember Louis the Bear ?

man he was such a great guy, but watch out when he got drunk, he was scary when he got drunk

I remember getting to battle school after Cornwallis, and although i did not find basic that challenging it was no cake wake either ,oi remember the Mcpl Jenson, screaming in my face you have a nice time at summer camp, NOW your going to pay...and we got belt feed cock from day one, we'd talk to the other plts and they had it easy...but i'm glad we had it so rough it built me into the person i am today...Train hard, fight hard, bleed less.

We all had WAR gods to look up to i meet several Royals from pet, Kenny miles, Dave Preeper, briefly at one of the iron man competitions back in the day...I was drunk at the time they were drunk, but they did have that aura around them, don't fuck with me aura. 

We had a Sgt November Company in Germany we used to call bear, always scrapping, I lived above him in WintersDorf Germany... while on ex he used to barge into the JR ranks tent all hammered up. and yell ANY takers from you pussys.... i forget how many guys he beat the shit out of, but the RSM finally came over and made him dig a pit 10 feet by 10 ft by 10 feet deep, just outside the rear exit of the mess...it took him all night but he did it, the RSM walked by in the morning and told him to fill it in...and told him, any more fights that ex he'd be digging until we went home...he stayed sober that ex...but he was a monster of a man....

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2 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

I remember getting to battle school after Cornwallis, and although i did not find basic that challenging it was no cake wake either ,oi remember the Mcpl Jenson, screaming in my face you have a nice time at summer camp, NOW your going to pay...and we got belt feed cock from day one, we'd talk to the other plts and they had it easy...but i'm glad we had it so rough it built me into the person i am today...Train hard, fight hard, bleed less.

We all had WAR gods to look up to i meet several Royals from pet, Kenny miles, Dave Preeper, briefly at one of the iron man competitions back in the day...I was drunk at the time they were drunk, but they did have that aura around them, don't fuck with me aura. 

We had a Sgt November Company in Germany we used to call bear, always scrapping, I lived above him in WintersDorf Germany... while on ex he used to barge into the JR ranks tent all hammered up. and yell ANY takers from you pussys.... i forget how many guys he beat the shit out of, but the RSM finally came over and made him dig a pit 10 feet by 10 ft by 10 feet deep, just outside the rear exit of the mess...it took him all night but he did it, the RSM walked by in the morning and told him to fill it in...and told him, any more fights that ex he'd be digging until we went home...he stayed sober that ex...but he was a monster of a man....

one time we were all getting drunk, and the bosses were getting drunk with us

Warrant Deroche, Sgt. Laidlaw, Sgt Lauzon, Mcpl Twist

they all started sparring, they were drunk, starting to get aggressive

then they start picking on me

I said to Warrant Deroche, ca'mon, boss, I'm from Toronto, I'm a lover not a fighter in Petawawa

they all agreed, picking on me was too easy, so I dodged that beat down 

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like when I heard that Mellish had been cut down

going forward into the storm

to recover Rick's body, so the Taliban would not have it

I broke down and wept, tears running down my face

but I thought, my God, he's one of the greatest soldier's in the history of the Canadian military

and I got to meet him, I got to work in the same lines with him

so I wasn't surprised that he would become a war hero, he always had that aura about him


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Ainsworth Dyer is another of my heroes

he was a kid from my hood, the Downtown Eastside in Toronto

he was a 48th Highlander before he went to the Patricia's

he was my dear friend both on civvy street & in the regiment

I was his instructor, I was his Section Commander, before he went Reg Force

so that was the most devastating loss for me

I was there when the burial party laid him in his grave

I still go to his graveside at the Toronto Necropoilis whenever I am in the old neighborhood

Dlieas Gu Brath



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26 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

like when I heard that Mellish had been cut down

going forward into the storm

to recover Rick's body, so the Taliban would not have it

I broke down and wept, tears running down my face

but I thought, my God, he's one of the greatest soldier's in the history of the Canadian military

and I got to meet him, I got to work in the same lines with him

so I wasn't surprised that he would become a war hero, he always had that aura about him


They both died doing what they loved, and would not have it any other way...not only were they heros , but one of them reset national banking policy, when his widow, or girl friend not sure which one, the bank foreclosed on his children and girl friend/ wife not only was the entire Regiment in shock from losing so many on one day, but then the banks decided to hit us in the nuts... according to them dying on a battlefield was a big no no... I guess we did not read the fine print in our mortgages ...everyone that was married or even had a house were now asking questions...And I'm not sure of the details but the banks got some real bad press, and changed their minds... she got the house back, paid in full so not only a hero on the battle field but off the battle field as well.

But i will say this after that operation there was not one Infanteer in the BN that did not step forward when asked if they want to deploy...that would mark my second and third deployment.. there would have been a forth or more but my wife told me straight, one more tour and your coming home to an empty house...she said she would watch the news every night and every death that was announced would set off a mega round of phone calls as the wives tried to figure out who it was...and it had taken a toll on her, now i love my wife, but it was the hardest decision of my life... to watch those brave bastards climb onto that plane with out me...I Got out shortly after that i'd achieved my goal to become a SSM of a rifle company, and later shuffle off to Support Company Lima to make room for the new blood....

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6 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

They both died doing what they loved, and would not have it any other way...not only were they heros , but one of them reset national banking policy, when his widow, or girl friend not sure which one, the bank foreclosed on his children and girl friend/ wife not only was the entire Regiment in shock from losing so many on one day, but then the banks decided to hit us in the nuts... according to them dying on a battlefield was a big no no... I guess we did not read the fine print in our mortgages ...everyone that was married or even had a house were now asking questions...And I'm not sure of the details but the banks got some real bad press, and changed their minds... she got the house back, paid in full so not only a hero on the battle field but off the battle field as well.

But i will say this after that operation there was not one Infanteer in the BN that did not step forward when asked if they want to deploy...that would mark my second and third deployment.. there would have been a forth or more but my wife told me straight, one more tour and your coming home to an empty house...she said she would watch the news every night and every death that was announced would set off a mega round of phone calls as the wives tried to figure out who it was...and it had taken a toll on her, now i love my wife, but it was the hardest decision of my life... to watch those brave bastards climb onto that plane with out me...I Got out shortly after that i'd achieved my goal to become a SSM of a rifle company, and later shuffle off to Support Company Lima to make room for the new blood....

I know you are too humble to ever admit it

but you are one of the greatest Royals in the history of the regiment

30 years, all those tours, putting yourself in harms way, over & over


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33 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I know you are too humble to ever admit it

but you are one of the greatest Royals in the history of the regiment

30 years, all those tours, putting yourself in harms way, over & over


Not true, not even close , i know lots of Royals that did more tours than i could ever dream off... and i am not comfortable with putting myself in with the greatest Royals, there is no way i could compete, with guys that had over 6 tours or more... or with the guys you named as infantry gods.

I loved my job, i loved the people, but i can't sit at that table, and look those guys in the eyes and think i was as good as they were.... Yes i did my job, got out of a LAV sometimes under fire just like every grunt before me... yes i was scared shitless, and still managed to do my job...so did every other Royal, i did see a few exceptions like an unnamed SSM who refused to get out of the LAV under fire,  and had nothing really done to him when we got back to Canada... but every Royal knew he was a coward, and treated him as such...POS... I also seen RSM walking around the battle field like we were on the ranges...talking to troops under fire while standing up...death wish, stupid, or hard as fuck i don't know , but there is no way i am on the same level as these guys...

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Just now, Army Guy said:

 and i am not comfortable with putting myself in with the greatest Royals,

yes, I know

but that is my professional assessment as an RCR Battleschool Instructor

I'm writing it into my course report, whether you like it or not

nobody in battalion would quarrel with me

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7 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

 but there is no way i am on the same level as these guys...

the quiet professional

the grey man

just does his job

no desire for glory nor personal gain

doing his duty

for thirty years

multiple tours in the Balkans & Afghanistan

by definition, in the top percentile

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I was definitely not the quiet professional grey man

I was always the barracks room lawyer shit disturber

the nail that stuck out and needed to be hammered down

my saving graces were

that I was keen in the field

I was a happy warrior, a fun guy to be stuck in a trench with

and I was a party animal, all the girls loved me, so my block in G101 was the party block

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first I was in A block

but then I got moved to J block

J7 I think it was, on the second highest floor

when I got Christmas duty for brawling

my girlfriend was waiting for me in J7 after

that was the first time we consummated the relationship, first time for her ever

so that turned out to be one great Christmas, I got what I wished for

then when I was on confinement for brawling

she snuck up to J7 just wearing lingerie under a raincoat in the middle of the night

so G101 J7 has a special place in my heart

like I say, the army for me was one great romantic adventure



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