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7 minutes ago, Army Guy said:


I'm all for it, but don't think for a moment that women can not be as tough as men, Margret thatcher ring a bell, there are many things one must do when PM security is just one...

Worn out...ok why is Russia in Ukraine right now.. why has the ,Muslim middle eastern countries not taken out Israel... i get it they are nice guys, and bad people don't fuck with nice guys... or maybe they got a big stick...

Canada is effectively an American protectorate

Canada's big sticks are being a member of NORAD, FIve Eyes & NATO

Canada is never going to be a leading military power

all Washington really wants from Canada is compliance

so long as Canada renders unto American Caesar, Canada is protected by America's big stick


bear in mind that Canada does not have an independent foreign policy

only the Hegemons have foreign policies

America is the Canadian Hegemon

Canada is subservient to American foreign policy, since the Second World War

it is a formal agreement, called the United Kingdom - United States Security Agreement ( UKUSSA )


Apparently the Military is not the only Canadian institution that has cultural problems, now there is a suspected problem with out civilian justice system, one needs to ask how many other departments have issues, we have seen problems in the RCMP, Coast Guard, and civil service... maybe it is not just a Government issue maybe it is a Canadians issue...but we are not really good at pointing our fingers at ourselves, just others so does it get fixed....it does not really look good does it...

Stripping Vance of his military's awards and accolades would be a good start, in fact, stripping all military members of awards and accolades that have been found guilty would be a good start. and changing their honorable release to dis honorable.   


In an interview with The West Block's Mercedes Stephenson, Megan MacKenzie of Simon Fraser University said the way the plea was handled in court and the decision not to leave Vance with a criminal record speaks to longstanding cultural challenges that remain in the civilian justice system.


Vance’s discharge after guilty plea ‘devastating’ to push for accountability: expert (msn.com)

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.


Fixing the procurement system should be number one priority...before any more money is given to any department for equipment... The way it is designed is to prevent any procurement....taking 30 years to purchase a fighter aircraft is not just a flashing warning the system is not working but rather a nuclear explosion seen around the planet.. even the liberals can see it, it was after all one of Justins campaign promises, along with being transparent and sunny ways...Now would be a good time to step up and fix s real problem...


Canadian Forces in desperate need of new spending, procurement follow-through, experts say (msn.com)

  • Like 1

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

18 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Apparently the Military is not the only Canadian institution that has cultural problems, now there is a suspected problem with out civilian justice system, one needs to ask how many other departments have issues, we have seen problems in the RCMP, Coast Guard, and civil service... maybe it is not just a Government issue maybe it is a Canadians issue...but we are not really good at pointing our fingers at ourselves, just others so does it get fixed....it does not really look good does it...

Stripping Vance of his military's awards and accolades would be a good start, in fact, stripping all military members of awards and accolades that have been found guilty would be a good start. and changing their honorable release to dis honorable.   


Vance’s discharge after guilty plea ‘devastating’ to push for accountability: expert (msn.com)

I spent a career in the Military.

In my experience, once an officer reached Colonel (4 stripes) he became a political animal as opposed to a Military person.

That club spent more time thinking about advancement and protectionism than they did about the persons under their command. Never out or crap on anyone equal or especially above you and get someone below you to take the hit. Sacrifice the men first is the Senior Officer creed.

A guilty charge for an non commissioned military person is more often a demotion and a release.

As far as How Impressive the Military is, the men and women in the trenches are very impressive. I flew in 40+ year old helicopter and aircraft, the personnel maintain the old aircraft, ships, vehicles, tanks, guns and equipment to this day and use it (lots of complaints but they get the job done).

It all worked well, that is, until the Governments (cons and libs) decided it was better for the economy that civilians do maintenance.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

18 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Fixing the procurement system should be number one priority...before any more money is given to any department for equipment... The way it is designed is to prevent any procurement....taking 30 years to purchase a fighter aircraft is not just a flashing warning the system is not working but rather a nuclear explosion seen around the planet.. even the liberals can see it, it was after all one of Justins campaign promises, along with being transparent and sunny ways...Now would be a good time to step up and fix s real problem...


Canadian Forces in desperate need of new spending, procurement follow-through, experts say (msn.com)

After the career in the Military I went to work in procurement.

I have many stories but primarily I want to say that government departmental interference is the biggest problem with procurement. No matter what is needed, every government department has to sign off on the procurement plan and requirement specs.

As an example, Indian Affairs held up helicopter procurement for a long tome because they were not getting what they though was a portion of the procurement funds.

Even Ministers minions question and want changes to specs to ensure their department gets some of the procurement pie. 21 year old political assistants carry a lot of weight in this and can hold up things for a long time.... under the auspices of ensuing the ministries share in the wealth..

Oh and then there is the forever bunfight between the regional share stuff between, Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario and Western Canada wanting to ensure they get production in their regions.

All that just to buy supplies.

  • Like 1

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

After the career in the Military I went to work in procurement.

I have many stories but primarily I want to say that government departmental interference is the biggest problem with procurement. No matter what is needed, every government department has to sign off on the procurement plan and requirement specs.

As an example, Indian Affairs held up helicopter procurement for a long tome because they were not getting what they though was a portion of the procurement funds.

Even Ministers minions question and want changes to specs to ensure their department gets some of the procurement pie. 21 year old political assistants carry a lot of weight in this and can hold up things for a long time.... under the auspices of ensuing the ministries share in the wealth..

Oh and then there is the forever bunfight between the regional share stuff between, Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario and Western Canada wanting to ensure they get production in their regions.

All that just to buy supplies.

Anything to do with finances is a night mare in the forces, from national procurement to local procurement, delegating finical authority to Commanding officers was one of the worst moves ever, forcing them to spend their budgets or loose them next year is a colossal waste of tax payers money...

They need to take out all the political interference, at every level, all they should be worried about is financing amounts, and granting authority of strategic equipment such as aircraft carriers, nukes, etc... the feds should allot a yearly dollar amount, and let DND pick the equipment they want within those parameters... all this political offsetting, and bribes is bullshit, is it Canadian made at twice the cost is what drives these programs up so much..

In the end it costs our soldiers lives, take for instance the open air iltis jeep, was used in Afghanistan, until it was found it was to dangerous , x amount of soldiers had to die first to come to that conclusion, so the purchased the G wagon, it was suppose to be armoured , but we did not get that enough of that option, becasue a Civilian picked it out and when x amount of soldiers and a embassy staffer died in one , well it was time to replace those as well, in comes vehicles made to protect against IED's finally ... Let the feds come up with a dollar limit, and DND can buy anything they want with in that... Civilians and Politicians have already proven time and time again they have NO experience in purchasing the right equipment for soldiers, but they sure can make sure everyone is fed at the trough. 

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

3 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Anything to do with finances is a night mare in the forces, from national procurement to local procurement, delegating finical authority to Commanding officers was one of the worst moves ever, forcing them to spend their budgets or loose them next year is a colossal waste of tax payers money...

They need to take out all the political interference, at every level, all they should be worried about is financing amounts, and granting authority of strategic equipment such as aircraft carriers, nukes, etc... the feds should allot a yearly dollar amount, and let DND pick the equipment they want within those parameters... all this political offsetting, and bribes is bullshit, is it Canadian made at twice the cost is what drives these programs up so much..

In the end it costs our soldiers lives, take for instance the open air iltis jeep, was used in Afghanistan, until it was found it was to dangerous , x amount of soldiers had to die first to come to that conclusion, so the purchased the G wagon, it was suppose to be armoured , but we did not get that enough of that option, becasue a Civilian picked it out and when x amount of soldiers and a embassy staffer died in one , well it was time to replace those as well, in comes vehicles made to protect against IED's finally ... Let the feds come up with a dollar limit, and DND can buy anything they want with in that... Civilians and Politicians have already proven time and time again they have NO experience in purchasing the right equipment for soldiers, but they sure can make sure everyone is fed at the trough. 

The CO having financial authority for their domain is the right thing, What is wrong is that they lose it at the end of each fiscal year.  ( as with every government department)This does not allow for any future planning beyond one year.

Civilians never pick out equipment to procure. It is what will fit the specs. Problem with that is that after government departmental review (interference) the spec is often so watered down it is not what the Military actually wants but they have no choice.

The DND present a budget requirement for the upcoming year and long range requirements and gets money. What they do not have money for is government actions, decisions, interventions and more importantly , tasks, political or international. That has to come out of their approved budget and when they use their allotted money, equipment falls by the wayside to do the government directives.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

42 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

The CO having financial authority for their domain is the right thing, What is wrong is that they lose it at the end of each fiscal year.  ( as with every government department)This does not allow for any future planning beyond one year.

Civilians never pick out equipment to procure. It is what will fit the specs. Problem with that is that after government departmental review (interference) the spec is often so watered down it is not what the Military actually wants but they have no choice.

The DND present a budget requirement for the upcoming year and long range requirements and gets money. What they do not have money for is government actions, decisions, interventions and more importantly , tasks, political or international. That has to come out of their approved budget and when they use their allotted money, equipment falls by the wayside to do the government directives.

I disagree, it is the chain of commands handing their responsibilities down the chain, and not everyone is up to that task, It use to be up to the army to plan and support all army exercises. The army still does plan exercises but the CO's are responsible to make it happen within their budgets...for everything like rations, ammo, and money I've been on combined arms exercise where 1/2 way through the tanks stop dead in there tracks , no more funding for fuel, or tank frame hours ran out... etc etc...

Civilians for the most part  pick out the equipment, after handed the specs it is a civilian that rounds up the equipment for testing and eval....Did the Airforce decide to buy used F-18 off Australia, who decided at the beginning of his tour NO F-35, Who decided we needed more than 65 ....who decided on the new SAR plane, because the air force and SAR techs said the inside cabin was not tall enough to accommodate any one with a flight helmet or jump head gear, The Army TAPV was not an decision that came out of the army, the LAV 6.0 is not a new veh but a veh cut in half with a new bottom welding on and the same old top put back on... not an army decision...it seems on the majority of purchases it is the politicians who have the final say, on what we get or do not... when it should be them decided here is x amount of dollars and let DND decide what is the best product to buy... i don't know about you, but my wife does not pick out power tool for me, even though she holds the purse strings...

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

I disagree, it is the chain of commands handing their responsibilities down the chain, and not everyone is up to that task, It use to be up to the army to plan and support all army exercises. The army still does plan exercises but the CO's are responsible to make it happen within their budgets...for everything like rations, ammo, and money I've been on combined arms exercise where 1/2 way through the tanks stop dead in there tracks , no more funding for fuel, or tank frame hours ran out... etc etc...

Civilians for the most part  pick out the equipment, after handed the specs it is a civilian that rounds up the equipment for testing and eval....Did the Airforce decide to buy used F-18 off Australia, who decided at the beginning of his tour NO F-35, Who decided we needed more than 65 ....who decided on the new SAR plane, because the air force and SAR techs said the inside cabin was not tall enough to accommodate any one with a flight helmet or jump head gear, The Army TAPV was not an decision that came out of the army, the LAV 6.0 is not a new veh but a veh cut in half with a new bottom welding on and the same old top put back on... not an army decision...it seems on the majority of purchases it is the politicians who have the final say, on what we get or do not... when it should be them decided here is x amount of dollars and let DND decide what is the best product to buy... i don't know about you, but my wife does not pick out power tool for me, even though she holds the purse strings...

Yes, the Air Force decided that any available F-18 was an acceptable solutiin.

I am more than aware of the Cormorant purchase and the Kingfisher purchase. In both procurement, the specs were sent to the various ministry offices and came back with "suggestions" and "questions" and "doubts" and would not sign off until changes were made. These "suggested" changes were way more than suggestions, they were demands and the specs had to be changed. The Air Force personnel were not pleased but, the changes had to be made to get approval. And then the specs were skewed in favour of one manufacturer.

In the case of the Cormorant. Mr Chretien held the announcement of the winning bid until 1 hour before the bids expired. He was so pissed the Cormorant (formerly EH101) won he even ordered independent Washington DC investigators to look over the evaluations and how they were scored in an attempt to cancel.

You are 100% correct that the politicians have control, not the Military but then, the Military is a subservient group.

It has to be said as well, the Department of National Defence is not the Military. The Minister of defence has the DND and then the Military is an arm of the DND. The two very often do not see eye to eye.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Yes, the Air Force decided that any available F-18 was an acceptable solutiin.

I am more than aware of the Cormorant purchase and the Kingfisher purchase. In both procurement, the specs were sent to the various ministry offices and came back with "suggestions" and "questions" and "doubts" and would not sign off until changes were made. These "suggested" changes were way more than suggestions, they were demands and the specs had to be changed. The Air Force personnel were not pleased but, the changes had to be made to get approval. And then the specs were skewed in favour of one manufacturer.

In the case of the Cormorant. Mr Chretien held the announcement of the winning bid until 1 hour before the bids expired. He was so pissed the Cormorant (formerly EH101) won he even ordered independent Washington DC investigators to look over the evaluations and how they were scored in an attempt to cancel.

You are 100% correct that the politicians have control, not the Military but then, the Military is a subservient group.

It has to be said as well, the Department of National Defence is not the Military. The Minister of defence has the DND and then the Military is an arm of the DND. The two very often do not see eye to eye.

Does that make any sense to you, note your choices for an interim aircraft are new super F-18's ,or  older than our current F-18's and the choice went to lets buy crap from Australia, Whom had already shown us the correct path... Look

I'm a grunt and have very limited knowledge of the inner workings of the Air force, but even a medical monkey with cocaine issues could have made the right choice....and someone should have been replaced or put in charge of flying rubber dog shit out of Yellowknife ...

My entire point is the people changing the specs, these  Civvies are not going to have to climb into what ever and put their lives on the line, or scrap the guts out of a hull becasue it is a piece of cheap crap..., thats is what needs to change, zero political interference...and not the interference the liberals said they kept out of the F-35 program either...So why do we put up with it...

Build a new purchasing department, loaded with military and civilians with trades training in buying military equipment, let them do all the leg work, have the politicians allot a wad of money, everyone is happy, have all the strategic stuff go in front of parliament for approval... but do we really need 15 years to buy trucks... 

Every department is under the PM, however why would he even dare to put in a opinion, if he has no back ground on anything to do with procurement or in this case military equipment... these purchases are being done with how many Canadian jobs are created, how much are you going to spend in our country, what other off shots are you going to give us...technology transfer etc... These stupid decisions are costing tax payers billions of dollars, not to mention Canadians military lives...it makes as much sense as sending your wife out to buy your power tools...or your new truck...yes 9 times out of ten they screw it up, but that one time in ten, it is hot apple pie with ice cream...

I;m sorry for the rant it is frustrating as F*** to see things deliberately delayed for cheap political reasons... when you know better equipment saves lives....Right now i feel the pain those Russian soldiers feel to be fed a load of bullshit then only to find out your equipment is crap....the Canadian soldier has been living with that for decades...





We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

50 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Does that make any sense to you, note your choices for an interim aircraft are new super F-18's ,or  older than our current F-18's and the choice went to lets buy crap from Australia, Whom had already shown us the correct path... Look

I'm a grunt and have very limited knowledge of the inner workings of the Air force, but even a medical monkey with cocaine issues could have made the right choice....and someone should have been replaced or put in charge of flying rubber dog shit out of Yellowknife ...

My entire point is the people changing the specs, these  Civvies are not going to have to climb into what ever and put their lives on the line, or scrap the guts out of a hull becasue it is a piece of cheap crap..., thats is what needs to change, zero political interference...and not the interference the liberals said they kept out of the F-35 program either...So why do we put up with it...

Build a new purchasing department, loaded with military and civilians with trades training in buying military equipment, let them do all the leg work, have the politicians allot a wad of money, everyone is happy, have all the strategic stuff go in front of parliament for approval... but do we really need 15 years to buy trucks... 

Every department is under the PM, however why would he even dare to put in a opinion, if he has no back ground on anything to do with procurement or in this case military equipment... these purchases are being done with how many Canadian jobs are created, how much are you going to spend in our country, what other off shots are you going to give us...technology transfer etc... These stupid decisions are costing tax payers billions of dollars, not to mention Canadians military lives...it makes as much sense as sending your wife out to buy your power tools...or your new truck...yes 9 times out of ten they screw it up, but that one time in ten, it is hot apple pie with ice cream...

I;m sorry for the rant it is frustrating as F*** to see things deliberately delayed for cheap political reasons... when you know better equipment saves lives....Right now i feel the pain those Russian soldiers feel to be fed a load of bullshit then only to find out your equipment is crap....the Canadian soldier has been living with that for decades...





It did make sense to the Air Force at the time as they could get aircraft quickly to supplement the ones sitting on the ground and unrepairable. Any other choice meany years waiting.

The entire procurement process, regardless of department, in Canada has to get government approval. Each Minister has their own areas to take care of and then there is also individual MP's that want assurances that their riding get some "kickback" and jobs from the purchase.

The procurement process is the same for Army, Navy or Air Force. The external (not Military) problem are exactly the same. Oh and as I told you before there is the DND and the Military. The DND is not always on the side of the Military. DND is a political Ministry

The tinkering with the specs is to ensure certain regions get certain things. For instance, if buying aviation, the greatest portion of work is to be in Quebec with a bit in Manitoba and a bit in the Maritimes. For the Army, Ontario is the cash cow with timbits throughout the Country. Of course, the Navy is also in Quebec with a pittance to BC. The process is called IRB's, Industrial Regional Benefits. I f the Military odes not change the specs as requested, then the y do not get approval. This to and fro with specs can take months and years. It is not the public service workers that fuck this up and take so long,it is the politician and heaven forbid there is an election in between cause then the process starts all over again.

As for the PM making decisions, remember that Chretien was the one that had the contract for the EH101, which was for both Navy and Air Force helicopters cancelled at a cost of 1/2 billion known dollars (may say much more and getting nothing.

You think you are frustrated? Try being Military guy and then an ex military guy getting a job in procurement....

Sorry for going on about this but as ex Military, it pisses me off more than you can imagine.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

15 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

It appears our military is going to get billions of dollars boost to modernize the army with advanced weapons in tomorrow's budget.

Billions spread out over years is useless to the Military. it only means they don't have to cut some essentials when tasked by government (like going to help with refugees in Poland as opposed to sending the public servants tasked with the job)

  • Like 1

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

Posted (edited)

Well another slam at our nation , aimed at out reliability as a partner, and military strength. But also says alot of our inter national reputation, and how we are seen around the globe...But as Canadians we see it as some source of pride...when we should be lowering our heads in disgust....makes me all warm and fuzzy when i hear our anthem play at a hockey game...


Paul T. Mitchell, a defence studies professor at Canadian Forces College, surmised that Canada wasn’t invited to AUKUS for the simple reason that our military is so desiccated that it wouldn’t really be able to contribute anything.




Speaking of military equipment, Canada’s Department of Defence stripped its warehouses pretty bare in attempting to scare up military equipment for Ukraine (we literally sent them a planeload consisting of random small arms we had lying around).


Yet this latest decade of deception has caused many of them to eject from the service. They have had enough, and don’t want to wait any longer while flying planes that are, in some cases, twice as old as they are. Recruiting and retention is an enormous challenge overall for the Canadian Armed Forces; these cynical partisan games only serve to exacerbate the problem.


From a purely practical point of view, our ability to interoperate seamlessly in NORAD with the United States is declining and expensive investments in the modernization of its early warning system in the North are long overdue. We have seen a prolific increase in aggressive activity by our adversaries, coupled with the opening up of Arctic waters and increased marine navigability due to climate change. Sadly, our allies no longer trust us to be reliable contributors to NATO, Five Eyes and global security.


That we currently cling tenaciously to the bottom rung when it comes to defence spending among our allies is a national embarrassment and probably even worse than we know, given the creative calculus used to even come up with the 1.39 per cent the government claims we currently spend. In order to have a military that is capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century and move more in line with our allies, we will need a much more robust defence procurement system.

Peter MacKay: Liberal foot-dragging on F35s has cost us dearly (msn.com)

Edited by Army Guy

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.


Lots of build up in regards to boosting our military spending in this budget, the Defense minister had proposed 3 options, exceed 2 % GDP, Meet GDP, or fall short of 2% GDP, i know we all basically knew which ones before the ink even dried.... fall short on everything seems to be the liberal mantra now a days... Even the media seem to be twisting this new move as triumph, boosting our Current 1.34 % of GDP to 1.50 , but everyone is forgetting that every year our economy grows or shrink's 1.34 was the number we used years ago, and 6.2 bil over 5 years is not going to get it to 1.50 if we take into account our economic growth... How much air did Justin waste puffing his chest up in front of NATO and telling them , This is the year we will meet our targets....only to have all the wind let out of everyone's sails....I know all the liberal crowd are are going to try and spin this as something good,,,, i say let the games begin...

It is all big lie...it's always been a big lie....

COMMENTARY: Budget 2022 comes ‘nowhere close’ the Liberals’ lofty rhetoric on defence spending (msn.com)

  • Like 1

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

Posted (edited)

the procurement system itself is broken beyond repair

doesn't matter how much money they throw at it now

it will just bleed out onto the ground through all the gaping holes in the utterly corrupted Canadian governance

Canada killed its own military many years ago, when I was a Corporal

you can't reanimate a corpse

Canada has died a cowards death

the military is as dead as every other aspect of this Banana Republic

defend yourself & your property, take care of your neighbors

that's all you can do

Canada is not defending you, quite the opposite, Canada is a pestilence

Canada destroys its own regiments, Canada wants to kill its own soldiers

Canada will betray her most loyal patriots, Canada is filthy, disgusting, rotten

Edited by Dougie93
37 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

the procurement system itself is broken beyond repair

doesn't matter how much money they throw at it now

it will just bleed out onto the ground through all the gaping holes in the utterly corrupted Canadian governance

Canada killed its own military many years ago, when I was a Corporal

you can't reanimate a corpse

Canada has died a cowards death

the military is as dead as every other aspect of this Banana Republic

defend yourself & your property, take care of your neighbors

that's all you can do

Canada is not defending you, quite the opposite, Canada is a pestilence

Canada destroys its own regiments, Canada wants to kill its own soldiers

Canada will betray her most loyal patriots, Canada is filthy, disgusting, rotten

OK, where ya moving to that is better?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

OK, where ya moving to that is better?

I have a dream home on a dream property

and I married an all Canadian girl

so I'm not leaving Wellington County Upper Canada

and since my ancestor arrived at Halifax in 1757, when Canada was still Nouveau France, I am bound to this land

but I none the less despise the Confederation of Canada, and rightly so

death to Canada I say,  vive le Quebec libre




Edited by Dougie93
39 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I have a dream home on a dream property

and I married an all Canadian girl

so I'm not leaving Wellington County Upper Canada

and since my ancestor arrived at Halifax in 1757, when Canada was still Nouveau France, I am bound to this land

but I none the less despise the Confederation of Canada, and rightly so

death to Canada I say,  vive le Quebec libre




So, if you are staying, suck it up and quit your bitchin. You sound like a bitter twisted old man. Ha.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

39 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

says who ?

Me and that is all that matters LOL

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.

5 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Me and that is all that matters LOL

I am Master Corporal (ret) Andrew R. Smith, CD A29475675

I served with the Royal Canadian Regiment & 48th Highlanders of Canada

I was an instructor at the Royal Canadian Regiment Battleschool

I was DS with the Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Center MAJAID Team

I'm a decorated Canadian Army veteran, with 16 years service in the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps

who are you ?

such a proud Canadian patriot that you have to hide behind an anonymous internet avatar ?

2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

So, if you are staying, suck it up and quit your bitchin. You sound like a bitter twisted old man. Ha.

Dougie has earned his right to make any statement about our military and country, he has done his time in the Regiment like any other soldier, ... nothing is going to change if we continue down the same road as before, " be good soldiers and stop whining" it may have worked while we where in, but only becasue everyone felt the same way, and was tired of hearing about it...

frustrated beyond words, frustrated that nobody was listening, frustrated that nobody cares , frustrated because you seen government mistakes take lives of comrades or close friends, frustrated because you seen comrades take their own lives becasue they could no longer cope with day to day life challenges due to massive back logs in mental and physical health help....frustrated becasue your treated like shit when you return for operations...frustrated for being treated like shit for asking for help... 

Frustrated becasue Canadians have stood on the side lines and watched our military deteriorate every day, they laugh and joke about our plight, but could not be bother to offer any help...besides who could hear us asking for help over the deafen chirp for more social programs and the incessant what about me, me. me

He is a veteran just like you, and if Canadians will not fight for or listen to our comrades or our own rights  who will....we have the support of a minority of Canadians, the rest well they sooner or later they will listen, only it will be to late, and it will be their sons and daughters strapping into a 50 year old fighter plane or main battle tank...only to be loaded onto the back of a Herc in a flagged dropped coffin...because we where to freaking cheap to buy the safest equipment...

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

4 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Dougie has earned his right to make any statement about our military and country, he has done his time in the Regiment like any other soldier, ...


6 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Dougie has earned his right to make any statement about our military and country, he has done his time in the Regiment like any other soldier, ... nothing is going to change if we continue down the same road as before, " be good soldiers and stop whining" it may have worked while we where in, but only becasue everyone felt the same way, and was tired of hearing about it...

frustrated beyond words, frustrated that nobody was listening, frustrated that nobody cares , frustrated because you seen government mistakes take lives of comrades or close friends, frustrated because you seen comrades take their own lives becasue they could no longer cope with day to day life challenges due to massive back logs in mental and physical health help....frustrated becasue your treated like shit when you return for operations...frustrated for being treated like shit for asking for help... 

Frustrated becasue Canadians have stood on the side lines and watched our military deteriorate every day, they laugh and joke about our plight, but could not be bother to offer any help...besides who could hear us asking for help over the deafen chirp for more social programs and the incessant what about me, me. me

He is a veteran just like you, and if Canadians will not fight for or listen to our comrades or our own rights  who will....we have the support of a minority of Canadians, the rest well they sooner or later they will listen, only it will be to late, and it will be their sons and daughters strapping into a 50 year old fighter plane or main battle tank...only to be loaded onto the back of a Herc in a flagged dropped coffin...because we where to freaking cheap to buy the safest equipment...

it's not about me

it is only about the fallen

what they died for

what they believed in, as they died

and how this Canada fails to live up to that sacrifice

you know it, I know it

if we honor our brothers deaths

if we apply our indoctrination : never pass a fault

then we must call for the end of this Confederation as it is

this governance now is an abomination

if you accept this "Canada" now as being legitimate ?

then our bothers died for nothing


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