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Has Justin Trudeau ever said anything good about Canada?

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Rex Murphy was in Rex Murphy style today, and he raised a point I've mentioned before. The only time Trudeau ever seems to talk about this country or its history is to deride it for not having been politically correct enough. He goes around the country and around the world, tearfully apologizing for what a shit country this was, and is. Which is, of course, simply contemptuous of everyone who built the country he takes advantage of.

I've said before that people need a sense of shared vision and identity in order to feel any comradeship or belonging with others. And the woke, like Trudeau, are doing their very best to rob us of anything remotely like that. He even denies Canada is a nation or that it has any 'core identity'. Well, without a core identity what holds people together when times are tough? Especially when people like him are doing their best to divide everyone along racial, ethnic and gender lines?

Justin Trudeau didn’t want to make any direct comment on “what’s going on over in the U.K., but I will continue to endeavour to fight against racism and intolerance every single day in Canada.” Good to hear, we were worried for a minute.

The followup line however, cut a fair bit deeper, and rather surprisingly, culled little press or opposition attention. “There are many institutions that we have in this country (this would be Canada), including that big building right across the street from us (that would be the Canadian Parliament) that has and is built around a system of colonialism, of discrimination, of systemic racism in all of our institutions.”

Well isn't that special?! ALL of our institutions are systemically racist and built around discrimination and colonialism! Great way to encourage pride in Canada, you shallow, brainless trust fund baby!


Rex Murphy: Can Justin Trudeau ever say anything good about Canada? | National Post

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One has to admit Argus , who ever is running his campaign and public image is a genius, not only is he gaff prone but he has Canadians believing he is the only one on the ticket worthy of a vote. Canadians are either gullible or stupid, I'm going with stupid.

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4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

One has to admit Argus , who ever is running his campaign and public image is a genius, not only is he gaff prone but he has Canadians believing he is the only one on the ticket worthy of a vote. Canadians are either gullible or stupid, I'm going with stupid.

I have been wondering why guys like Chrétien and Trudeau could have such success in elections, while they are the most stupid politiciens ever. The stupidity of Trudeau is off the chart, yet he managed to win again and could probably win the next one. Your take is that, people are stupid... it's defendable point. But I have been thinking more than once and eventually, my observations lead me to a different angle. 

I think that, an explanation could be that the people elected them because they see them as a smaller treat than smarter people having opposite values or political positions. Think about it. You have the chance to choose which one will rob you between 2 persons. One is smart and machiavellian, the other one is just plain stupid. What is your take? Even if at the end, there is a possibility that the smart one would only take valuable things and the stupid one would burn down your house, people still prefer to take a chance on the stupid one. Many people believe the stupid one will do less damages. I think it explains why so many people end up voting for them, even if they do not agree with their policies.

The first time Martin faced Harper, the people did not consider any of them as stupid and they did go for the "Devil you know".  But on the second matchup, Harper proved its points and Martin did otherwise. Martin did not benefit from the "it's ok, he is just stupid" wildcard. Same with Dion and Ignatieff. People did not like them, they did not consider them as a good option. They prefer Harper but, Dion and Ignatieff were not stupid. They were just bad. But once Harper faced Trudeau, a young stupid clumsy brainless, the people did not fear him and then he fetched all those who fear the conservatives/rightwings/Harper legacy. It was not a fight between Harper and his main opponent (Trudeau), it was rather a fight between Harper and the people who fear Harper. Trudeau did not invoke that fear in most of the voters.

Even if Trudeau had proven his stupidity above all expectations, even more than its demonization, the last election was having the same dynamic of the previous one. Trudeau only got the minority and it is important to precise that he only got 33% of the vote, which is less than Scheer, yet he won. Many explanations to that. The electoral system, the division of the vote, etc... but to some extent, Trudeau did again fetch with him enough people who are not afraid of its stupidity and see that as less dangerous than any other opponents.

So yeah, we can say that people are stupid... but I think it is useful to understand why and how. IMO, that is one possible explanation.

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I think you have a good point, but i think it goes deeper than all of that, i think they are staying with Justin partly  because of his PR campaign have convinced Canadians that conservatives as penny pinchers and have strong policies for law and order etc and now with the supposed climate change denial,  he also paints conservatives as evil, or perhaps a bad choice is more like it, they have backed all of this up with out right lies and white lies, (truths purposely taken out of context) take gun control issue for instance. 

I think a lot of Canadians are afraid the taps are going to be shut off. What they value more is money, and in last place is how the country is run. How else can you explain all the gaffs here and abroad, plus scandals, and ethics breaches, Canadians don't care " my opinion" or that is the perception I get..

I think a portion of Canadians crave good leadership, I personally would vote liberal if they had a good leader, out of all of them i like the Blocs leader , he stays on target with what his voters have told him , and is in a great position to slash everyone else. Sadly not many of them people are standing in line to become an MP or PM , so what are we left with are todays leaders.

I also think that the majority of Canadians don't trust politicians for good reason, anyone that has seen 5 mins of how they act and how business is conducted and what goes on in the house is very disappointed, and frustrated. What a waste of time not to mention wages...

They ( Canadians) also think that they the voter can not do anything to make a difference, which is bullshit the voters hold the reigns we just don't know how to use them. Remember when that female murderer was going to be sent to a healing lodge, remember the publics reaction, within days that decision was over turned... 

I think it is stupid perhaps to harsh a word, a very unwise choice to take the bag of money over how the country is governed. We make a lot of bad choices as a nation, and most are what the people think is best at the time, Justin has made a career apologizing for most of them...

And while Justin has proven over and over he is not the smartest marble in the bag, The conservative party is not far behind him, it is like they don't want to win, but rather are trying to have Justin stay in power... It would take a miracle right now for the cons to regain the lead in the polls or even come close to taking power. I pray to whom ever will listen that i'm wrong...  

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7 hours ago, Army Guy said:

One has to admit Argus , who ever is running his campaign and public image is a genius, not only is he gaff prone but he has Canadians believing he is the only one on the ticket worthy of a vote. Canadians are either gullible or stupid, I'm going with stupid.

Who is more stupid, the Canadian public or the CPC for constantly shooting themselves in the foot?

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I'm going to say both are equally challenged ,  look at the CPC convention, all they had to say to gather the climate change vote is to acknowledge it exists, and come up with a better plan than the liberals....even to just shut up the liberals.  Not a chance, in fact a majority say screw that...."Votes we don't need no stinking votes" and they wonder why MAX got so much attention initially, because voters want change. I know I do...  and then we have Liberal supporters and how they continue to stand up for that guy regardless of the gaff.. Justin could sh*t on a liberals door step and they would invite him in for coffee.

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13 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I think you have a good point, but i think it goes deeper than all of that, i think they are staying with Justin partly  because of his PR campaign have convinced Canadians that conservatives as penny pinchers and have strong policies for law and order etc and now with the supposed climate change denial,  he also paints conservatives as evil, or perhaps a bad choice is more like it, they have backed all of this up with out right lies and white lies, (truths purposely taken out of context) take gun control issue for instance. 

I think a lot of Canadians are afraid the taps are going to be shut off. What they value more is money, and in last place is how the country is run. How else can you explain all the gaffs here and abroad, plus scandals, and ethics breaches, Canadians don't care " my opinion" or that is the perception I get..

I think a portion of Canadians crave good leadership, I personally would vote liberal if they had a good leader, out of all of them i like the Blocs leader , he stays on target with what his voters have told him , and is in a great position to slash everyone else. Sadly not many of them people are standing in line to become an MP or PM , so what are we left with are todays leaders.

I also think that the majority of Canadians don't trust politicians for good reason, anyone that has seen 5 mins of how they act and how business is conducted and what goes on in the house is very disappointed, and frustrated. What a waste of time not to mention wages...

They ( Canadians) also think that they the voter can not do anything to make a difference, which is bullshit the voters hold the reigns we just don't know how to use them. Remember when that female murderer was going to be sent to a healing lodge, remember the publics reaction, within days that decision was over turned... 

I think it is stupid perhaps to harsh a word, a very unwise choice to take the bag of money over how the country is governed. We make a lot of bad choices as a nation, and most are what the people think is best at the time, Justin has made a career apologizing for most of them...

And while Justin has proven over and over he is not the smartest marble in the bag, The conservative party is not far behind him, it is like they don't want to win, but rather are trying to have Justin stay in power... It would take a miracle right now for the cons to regain the lead in the polls or even come close to taking power. I pray to whom ever will listen that i'm wrong...  

You give too much credit to Trudeau. The evil picture stick to the conservatives was already in place. He just presented himself with the pretention of the best alternative. He almost failed the first time. He needs to thank Mulcair for his failure. Mulcair took few stands that are not common for an NDPer and again, Mulcair is not stupid and Trudeau is, so a subtle amount of people usually supporting the NDP did the switch because of that. 

You say the CPC leaders are stupid because you do not like their decisions and positions, and you think it is leading them to lose elections. But the point I am trying to make is, the CPC has been rather stubborn than stupid. They were not stupid, their decisions were. So you can still call them stupids for that, but it is not the same level as the one I am trying to expose and measure with guys like Chrétien/Trudeau. When Trudeau talks, the common reaction is rather "wtf is this guy" than anything else. So Trudeau can take a very bad decision and the reaction to that would not be as bad as it should, like it would with anyone else. Like if people could not believe he would really do it, or if he would, he would  just fail as he used to do, so they do not worry as much. So they think.

How many people fall into the trap? I say alot and this is what makes the difference.

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1 hour ago, Benz said:

You give too much credit to Trudeau. The evil picture stick to the conservatives was already in place. He just presented himself with the pretention of the best alternative. He almost failed the first time. He needs to thank Mulcair for his failure. Mulcair took few stands that are not common for an NDPer and again, Mulcair is not stupid and Trudeau is, so a subtle amount of people usually supporting the NDP did the switch because of that. 

You say the CPC leaders are stupid because you do not like their decisions and positions, and you think it is leading them to lose elections. But the point I am trying to make is, the CPC has been rather stubborn than stupid. They were not stupid, their decisions were. So you can still call them stupids for that, but it is not the same level as the one I am trying to expose and measure with guys like Chrétien/Trudeau. When Trudeau talks, the common reaction is rather "wtf is this guy" than anything else. So Trudeau can take a very bad decision and the reaction to that would not be as bad as it should, like it would with anyone else. Like if people could not believe he would really do it, or if he would, he would  just fail as he used to do, so they do not worry as much. So they think.

How many people fall into the trap? I say alot and this is what makes the difference.

The CPC are making the same mistakes over and over expecting a different outcome, thats what is stupid.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/20/2021 at 11:01 AM, Argus said:

... The only time Trudeau ever seems to talk about this country or its history is to deride it for not having been politically correct enough. He goes around the country and around the world, tearfully apologizing for what a shit country this was, and is. Which is, of course, simply contemptuous of everyone who built the country he takes advantage of.


It's called irony.

Sarcasm? It's the opposite of what you say. You look at the sky on a cloudy day and say: "The sky is blue! " (Sarcasm is the basis of all teenager and much of Ashkenakzi humour.)

Irony? Everyone else sees the sky. It's obviously cloudy.

And yet, you say: "The sky is blue!"


With irony, we all laugh - and maybe you too later, Argus. In irony.

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27 minutes ago, Aristides said:

I disagree. Many Canadians are looking for a reason not to vote Liberal and the CPC isn't giving them one they can buy into.

Then they’re not looking hard enough. It’s in plain sight.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. 

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4 hours ago, Shady said:

Then they’re not looking hard enough. It’s in plain sight.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. 

Meaning you can't force them to do what you want. It's up to the CPC, they can cater to their hard right religious element and stay in opposition forever or they can become something people will vote for. Canada is a centrist country, it will move a little left or right depending on what and who they are offered but go beyond that and they aren't interested. 

Blaming the electorate for not voting for you is a guaranteed route to failure.

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31 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Meaning you can't force them to do what you want. It's up to the CPC, they can cater to their hard right religious element and stay in opposition forever or

Please explain how the CPC is catering to their hard right religious element.

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5 minutes ago, Argus said:

Please explain how the CPC is catering to their hard right religious element.

O'Toole seems to be trying to make the party more electable, too many of the rank and file don't seem interested.

Rejecting a motion to recognize  the reality of climate change was a perfect example. 

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On 3/22/2021 at 11:11 PM, Moonlight Graham said:

Who is more stupid, the Canadian public or the CPC for constantly shooting themselves in the foot?

The public. Because the media jumps all over them on some of the dumbest things. Just go back to the Duffy BS. Front page news for 3 yrs. Getting away with the blackface incident and so many other things ,showed how Canada has changed. And not for the good. A O'toole Gov would at least get us back to the table with our traditional allies. And get a grip on the finances.

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On 3/20/2021 at 8:01 AM, Argus said:

He goes around the country and around the world, tearfully apologizing for what a shit country this was, and is. Which is, of course, simply contemptuous of everyone who built the country he takes advantage of.


This can only improve his credibility with me.   In order to fix something, one has to first admit there is a problem.

As for "built the country"; do I even want to start on this one.....

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16 hours ago, Aristides said:

O'Toole seems to be trying to make the party more electable, too many of the rank and file don't seem interested.

Rejecting a motion to recognize  the reality of climate change was a perfect example. 

They don't need to 'recognize the reality' of climate change when they have already announced they will have CO2 reduction strategies in their next platform.

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8 hours ago, cougar said:

This can only improve his credibility with me.   In order to fix something, one has to first admit there is a problem.

As for "built the country"; do I even want to start on this one.....

Well it damned sure wasn't the natives...

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24 minutes ago, Argus said:

Well it damned sure wasn't the natives...

Yes, you are correct; the natives did not destroy the land and decimate the wildlife populations.  They did not build bloody highways and put planes and helicopters in the sky.They did not turn half of the continent into paved parking lots and landfills.  Enough "building" already.

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3 minutes ago, cougar said:

Yes, you are correct; the natives did not destroy the land and decimate the wildlife populations.  They did not build bloody highways and put planes and helicopters in the sky.They did not turn half of the continent into paved parking lots and landfills.  Enough "building" already.

I'm really not getting what this complaint is about. You wish the 'land' was returned to its pristine condition and there were no humans here other than those living hard, short, subsistence lives?

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

I'm really not getting what this complaint is about. You wish the 'land' was returned to its pristine condition and there were no humans here other than those living hard, short, subsistence lives?

Not really.  Better planning, less humans, emphasis on quality vs. quantity; sustainability vs. expansion and destruction.

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2 hours ago, cougar said:

Not really.  Better planning, less humans, emphasis on quality vs. quantity; sustainability vs. expansion and destruction.

The problem with laudable goals is that they sound nice in general and then turn to ruin when you go for specifics.

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4 hours ago, Argus said:

They don't need to 'recognize the reality' of climate change when they have already announced they will have CO2 reduction strategies in their next platform.

Actually they do because their rejecting the motion to recognize its existence is what people see and it makes them think their other CO2 strategies are just BS.

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