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Why do Canadians keep supporting this error-prone government?

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Your right, I'm wrong, technically the government has done a few minor things for vets, they have opened a few of the closed vet affairs offices, and have returned a portion of the funds that were taken away...not all that were closed but some of them, I guess i should crawl back in my hole and be thankful...but Justins government made some serious promises, and has kept very little of them, in fact according to him we "Vets" are asking more than the government can give right now.... We just spent 400 bil i find that hard to swallow. 

As for reading my drivel, here is a pointer, use the ignore feature, you won't have to read any of my stuff any more. and i won't have to respond to your superior leftist attitude, like some how i owe you more than i have already given... And if you or the majority of this nation did give a Fork, the government would be taking some sort of action, and yet total silence, not even a election issue... I know it is a liberal trait to say you care ,your that guy that had a "support the troops sticker on your car, because it was fashionable" not because you believed in it...but deep down your to busy or don't give a f**k... And thats OK, you be you and i'll be me...

You've not disproved anything, what you have said is "bullshit" and some how me and the rest of the readers here are suppose to bow down to your superior intelligence and take your word for it, thats not how this works "Governor"....So now i'm calling you out, prove the limited amount of facts i have provided are false...with any reasonable source of your liking... 

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On 5/20/2021 at 4:14 PM, Army Guy said:

Your right, I'm wrong, technically the government has done a few minor things for vets, they have opened a few of the closed vet affairs offices, and have returned a portion of the funds that were taken away...not all that were closed but some of them, I guess i should crawl back in my hole and be thankful...but Justins government made some serious promises, and has kept very little of them, in fact according to him we "Vets" are asking more than the government can give right now.... We just spent 400 bil i find that hard to swallow. 

As for reading my drivel, here is a pointer, use the ignore feature, you won't have to read any of my stuff any more. and i won't have to respond to your superior leftist attitude, like some how i owe you more than i have already given... And if you or the majority of this nation did give a Fork, the government would be taking some sort of action, and yet total silence, not even a election issue... I know it is a liberal trait to say you care ,your that guy that had a "support the troops sticker on your car, because it was fashionable" not because you believed in it...but deep down your to busy or don't give a f**k... And thats OK, you be you and i'll be me...

You've not disproved anything, what you have said is "bullshit" and some how me and the rest of the readers here are suppose to bow down to your superior intelligence and take your word for it, thats not how this works "Governor"....So now i'm calling you out, prove the limited amount of facts i have provided are false...with any reasonable source of your liking... 

I know I'm right. That's why I called you out for being wrong. Now you want to get all pissy about it? Wtf is that? " Superior leftist attitude" is that what you call being right? News flash sparky I am not a liberal or a leftist as you say lol. In fact I don't even like Justin Trudeau. What I am is intelligent enough to be honest and act with integrity. Not to worry kitten I rather enjoy proving you wrong I think I'll stick around for a while I suspect there will be ample opportunity in future.

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4 hours ago, ron Young said:

I know I'm right. That's why I called you out for being wrong. Now you want to get all pissy about it? Wtf is that? " Superior leftist attitude" is that what you call being right? News flash sparky I am not a liberal or a leftist as you say lol. In fact I don't even like Justin Trudeau. What I am is intelligent enough to be honest and act with integrity. Not to worry kitten I rather enjoy proving you wrong I think I'll stick around for a while I suspect there will be ample opportunity in future.

You have not proved jack shit so far muffin, intelligent and honest you've yet to prove that either, but hey you think I'm an easy mark then take your best shot....  or was that it...all you got is the chirp...thats what i thought....

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On 5/20/2021 at 4:14 PM, Army Guy said:

Your right, I'm wrong, technically the government has done a few minor things for vets, they have opened a few of the closed vet affairs offices, and have returned a portion of the funds that were taken away...not all that were closed but some of them, I guess i should crawl back in my hole and be thankful...but Justins government made some serious promises, and has kept very little of them, in fact according to him we "Vets" are asking more than the government can give right now.... We just spent 400 bil i find that hard to swallow. 

As for reading my drivel, here is a pointer, use the ignore feature, you won't have to read any of my stuff any more. and i won't have to respond to your superior leftist attitude, like some how i owe you more than i have already given... And if you or the majority of this nation did give a Fork, the government would be taking some sort of action, and yet total silence, not even a election issue... I know it is a liberal trait to say you care ,your that guy that had a "support the troops sticker on your car, because it was fashionable" not because you believed in it...but deep down your to busy or don't give a f**k... And thats OK, you be you and i'll be me...

You've not disproved anything, what you have said is "bullshit" and some how me and the rest of the readers here are suppose to bow down to your superior intelligence and take your word for it, thats not how this works "Governor"....So now i'm calling you out, prove the limited amount of facts i have provided are false...with any reasonable source of your liking... 

Go ahead and read the 1st sentence. Shouldn't be too difficult you wrote it lol.

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10 hours ago, ron Young said:

Go ahead and read the 1st sentence. Shouldn't be too difficult you wrote it lol.

I'll do you one better ronny..... your the man... judging by other conversations you've had here, i thought i would peg you at being a lawyer.... Then i thought na, can't be a lawyer , they are way to busy making serious money to be wasting time and effort on a forum like this...  


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20 hours ago, Army Guy said:

You have not proved jack shit so far muffin, intelligent and honest you've yet to prove that either, but hey you think I'm an easy mark then take your best shot....  or was that it...all you got is the chirp...thats what i thought....

Yes I did in fact. You were wrong about the Trudeau goverment doing nothing on the vet file. You admitted it. I think if you look back at our little tryst that is what I set out to do. Having also been able to hightlight a few more of your unsavoury traits has been a bonus of sorts. Seems to have ruffled your feathers. Which if I am to be honest is entertaining so thanks for that at least.

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20 hours ago, Army Guy said:

You have not proved jack shit so far muffin, intelligent and honest you've yet to prove that either, but hey you think I'm an easy mark then take your best shot....  or was that it...all you got is the chirp...thats what i thought....

Your mentality is far better matched with sports in my esitmation.

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They say that you get what you vote for but IIRC in your last election more people voted for the opposition than the government. It was the electoral system with uneven division of constituencies which saved the government. 

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Canada is send tax payers funds to a terrorist state, I guess giving one terrorist, a large donation was not enough now we are openly funding a terrorist state. This is crosses the line and drives deep into crazy town.... The liberals need to be removed...

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau commits $25M for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank (msn.com)

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27 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Canada is send tax payers funds to a terrorist state, I guess giving one terrorist, a large donation was not enough now we are openly funding a terrorist state. This is crosses the line and drives deep into crazy town.... The liberals need to be removed...

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau commits $25M for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank (msn.com)

it says $20 million is going to humanitarian support for children, $5 million for peacebuilding efforts

if you oppose that in Canada you are simply driving votes to Trudeau

if anything the Liberals would criticized by the majority of Canadians for not spending enough on that

attacking this sort of thing is why the Cons are going to lose

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3 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

it says $20 million is going to humanitarian support for children, $5 million for peacebuilding efforts

if you oppose that in Canada you are simply driving votes to Trudeau

if anything the Liberals would criticized by the majority of Canadians for not spending enough on that

attacking this sort of thing is why the Cons are going to lose

I get the optics here, Cameras pan right crying little boy, his sister on a stretcher, Breaking liberal hearts all over the world...quick send them money... Fact is "we as in Canada does not have any over sight where this money will end up, So basically  we are saying is "we are sorry Israel bombed the shit out of you" here is 25 million dollars to a terrorist organization which started the latest violence in the first place...

Canada is not the only country that does this , EU, US, anyone that has liberals or an interest in the region, have given great gobs on money, to build roads, houses, cities, museum, what ever they please...plus someone has to pay for all the weapons, rockets...

I spent a good chunk of my service trying to pick fights with terrorist scumbags , and in doing so lost a lot of good friends and comrades. F*** them guys, Hamas is a freely elected terrorist organization elected by the same people doing all the crying in the streets.. Only they can stop this 

There is no will of the people to stop this whole goat rodeo, sending them aid or what ever you want to call it is just allowing them to continue this war with Israel. 

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15 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I spent a good chunk of my service trying to pick fights with terrorist scumbags , and in doing so lost a lot of good friends and comrades. F*** them guys,

it wasn't a personal fight though, you were a professional soldier serving the Commander-in-Chief

in terms of my friends who were killed, there was no rhyme nor reason to it, no good purpose to it

I don't actually have a personal beef against the Taliban, I don't actually care who rules Afghnanistan

it's like my friend Ainsworth got killed, but that was the Americans who killed him

it just comes down to c'est le guerre, the fortunes of war

embrace the suck

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it's like who do I blame for Rick Nolan & Frank Mellish getting killed ?

not the Taliban

I blame Canada

Canada sent them into that fight poorly equipped without the mass to get the job done

so 1 RCR got their asses handed to them

that's not the Taliban's fault, that is the fault of the Liberal Party of Canada

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On 5/28/2021 at 3:17 PM, Dougie93 said:

it says $20 million is going to humanitarian support for children, $5 million for peacebuilding efforts

I don't think you have spent any time IN some of these countries and understand how things actually work.  Hamas, for instance, controls pretty much everything in Palestine.  ALL aid will be claimed to be "for the children" as it is in so many other states.  In truth, the money seldom sees a child unless the child labour doing whatever turns the ruling body's crank (and for Hamas, that means building rockets to shoot at Israel).  To think this will ever be "humanitarian aid" is naive in the extreme.

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2 hours ago, cannuck said:

I don't think you have spent any time IN some of these countries and understand how things actually work.  Hamas, for instance, controls pretty much everything in Palestine.  ALL aid will be claimed to be "for the children" as it is in so many other states.  In truth, the money seldom sees a child unless the child labour doing whatever turns the ruling body's crank (and for Hamas, that means building rockets to shoot at Israel).  To think this will ever be "humanitarian aid" is naive in the extreme.

whatever, go ahead and run on it, I'm not voting for Erin O'Toole, so there's no point in trying to convince me

I'll vote for the Populist Party just to stick it to the elites

I think Canada deserves Trudeau anyways

and the Israelis are not my problem, the Palestinians are not my enemies, I don't take a side in this conflict

I do think this sort of critique will backfire on the right mind you

because the election is going to be decided in Toronto, so this is not going to win any votes for the Cons

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  • 4 weeks later...

So if you're not a subscriber you likely can't read this but according to the Globe and Mail virtually all Liberal MPs are paying money from their office budgets (which comes from the taxpayer) to a private company used by the Liberal Party during its campaigns and fundraisers. The company involved is owned by a close friend of --- Justin Trudeau.

The money is allegedly so that the company can provide services related to the Liberal Party software, which the Liberals say is used for 'constituency work', but none of the MPs interviewed seem to know what services, if any, this company provides. The software is not theirs. The Liberals license it from the Democratic Party in the US.

Liberal MPs have been using parliamentary funds to pay for services from companies that provide two of the governing party’s most important digital campaign operations, and that also run its powerful voter-contact database.

An examination of expenses filed in the House of Commons shows 149 Liberal MPs, or 97 per cent of the caucus, made payments out of their office budgets to Data Sciences Inc., founded by a close friend of Justin Trudeau.

And 152 Liberal MPs made payments to NGP VAN, a political-campaign software used by the U.S. Democratic Party and licensed by the Liberals to run their Liberalist database.

The issue of expenses claimed by Liberal members of Parliament raises ethical questions about whether taxpayer funds are being spent for partisan political purposes.

Mr. Easter was unable to explain what Data Sciences did for his office in managing social media.

“I do my own,” he said. “I quite honestly don’t know what [Data Sciences] does,” he added.

Liberal MP John McKay also said he had no idea why money from his office budget was going to Mr. Pitfield’s company.

“I haven’t got a clue,” he said. “I can’t explain it. I vaguely recall once a year we write a cheque and it’s always been explained that it is within the ethical guidelines, so we all kind of sign up for it and it goes into some oblivion.”


Edited by Argus
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11 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Title of this thread should read:   'Why do Canadians keep supporting this corrupt government?'

no, it should read "why do Canadians keep supporting this obsolete Confederation ?"

the bad governance is related to the inherent corruption of the bad idea that is Canadian Confederation

the world is not going to end if Canada breaks up

the provinces are not going to disappear into black holes just because they are not ruled by philosopher kings in Ottawa

Quebec is not afraid to be its own country, there's no reason Ontario & British Columbia should be neither

it's just pysops from Ottawa, the emperor has no clothes, Canada is a Self Licking Ice Cream Cone

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On 5/29/2021 at 9:08 PM, Dougie93 said:

it's not like Israel is an ally of Canada

they are not in NATO, they are not Five Eyes

Canada has no obligations to Israel, and the Israelis don't give a shit about anybody but themselves

From my understanding, Israel does not have an extradition treaty with America. How did that happen? I thought that Israel and America were great friends? One would think that America would have an extradition treaty with their great ally and friend called Israel? I wonder why? Interesting indeed. ;)

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

From my understanding, Israel does not have an extradition treaty with America. How did that happen? I thought that Israel and America were great friends? One would think that America would have an extradition treaty with their great ally and friend called Israel? I wonder why? Interesting indeed. ;)

America has no particular obligations to Israel neither

all American "aid" to Israel is just Congress buying American weapons for Isreal

so the aid is really for Lockheed Martin & Boeing, America's largest defence contractors

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Another question to be asked is why do Canadians keep supporting this unethical government?  Now the Liberal government is disrespecting the rule of the supremacy of Parliament and taking it to court over it's ruling about releasing documents.  This is completely unethical.  Parliament is supreme over courts and a court has no place in trying to over-rule a direct order of Parliament in our Parliamentary system.

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