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7 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Didn't recall 'thanking' your quoted post . . . . 

I said "thanked his post". You did. So I am wondering why you agree with his conspiracy theories.


"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.

6 hours ago, oops said:




There are 161 hospitals on Alberta and 685 covid cases, on average 4.3 per hospital. Of these 121 are in intensive care, an average of close to one per hospital. If the hospitals are allowed to remain open they should be able to handle this load, this is no excuse to continue measures that compromise our children's future.

That's not how things work.

From November 21, 2020 - According to Alberta Health Services (AHS):

ICU Beds:



"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.

Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

You said I 'thanked' the post you quoted . . . .  It would be safe to assume that was the post you were referring to.  Side note:  It's none of your concern what I 'thank' . . . . just as it's none of my concern what you 'think'.

The whole premise of Taxme's argument is that this is all a hoax. 

You supported a post from him in a thread, where he is repeatedly repeating conspiracy theories. So I questioned you. If you want to refuse to answer why you support a conspiracy theorist, go for it.

Edited by marcus

"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.

On 12/7/2020 at 11:22 AM, Army Guy said:

Taxme, you do you, what ever that maybe, debating with you, is like arguing with my toaster. It goes no where. Because i know you wear a mask , and follow social distancing, because if you don't someone is going to refuse you service or goods because it is the law.

At least a toaster is useful. I only wear a mask and play the social distance game because I am forced to do so, and if I do not, I will not be allowed to enter into any business or store. Hello??? And I will bet that you will be one of the first risk takers to take Bill Gates to hell vaccine pizz, which gawd only knows what he has put in those vaccines, and I will guarantee you that it will become mandatory to take the shot. 

Imagine a vaccine that is supposed to be so safe that they have to pretty much threaten or force, which they will, people to take the shot because like having to wear a mask, if one does not take the shot they may be denied air travel or to be able to buy anything. The talk is that anyone who does not take the shot will not be given a Go Pass Free vaccine card. 

Look, if you want to do as commanded by your dear comrade leaders, the lying media, the lying so called health experts and some in the medical profession, by all means, take the shot. Leave the rest of us non-believers alone. Take the shot. Then you will be safe from catching the big bad scary China virus bug from any of us. But there will be side effects that just could make you sick or kill you. So go ahead, make your day. Take the two shots that you will be required for you to take. I have never taken a vaccine shot and I never will. And I know that I will not be alone. 

I may need you to go buy some food for me in some grocery store because I will not be allowed in to buy the essential foods that I require every day to stay alive. I will give you a grocery list when that day comes. LOL. 

Anyway, there is no law on the books that I know of that says that I must wear a face diaper mask when entering a store or business. If there is, show it to me. It is only mandatory to do so by your local communist like leaders. ;) 



On 12/7/2020 at 7:05 PM, bcsapper said:

I notice I haven't had my usual cold this year.  It has to be the mask and social distancing.

Funny, but I have not had a cold for decades now. And in all of those years I have never worn a face diaper mask or practiced social distancing. Weird, eh? :D


7 minutes ago, taxme said:

At least a toaster is useful. I only wear a mask and play the social distance game because I am forced to do so, and if I do not, I will not be allowed to enter into any business or store. Hello??? And I will bet that you will be one of the first risk takers to take Bill Gates to hell vaccine pizz, which gawd only knows what he has put in those vaccines, and I will guarantee you that it will become mandatory to take the shot. 

Imagine a vaccine that is supposed to be so safe that they have to pretty much threaten or force, which they will, people to take the shot because like having to wear a mask, if one does not take the shot they may be denied air travel or to be able to buy anything. The talk is that anyone who does not take the shot will not be given a Go Pass Free vaccine card. 

Look, if you want to do as commanded by your dear comrade leaders, the lying media, the lying so called health experts and some in the medical profession, by all means, take the shot. Leave the rest of us non-believers alone. Take the shot. Then you will be safe from catching the big bad scary China virus bug from any of us. But there will be side effects that just could make you sick or kill you. So go ahead, make your day. Take the two shots that you will be required for you to take. I have never taken a vaccine shot and I never will. And I know that I will not be alone. 

I may need you to go buy some food for me in some grocery store because I will not be allowed in to buy the essential foods that I require every day to stay alive. I will give you a grocery list when that day comes. LOL. 

Anyway, there is no law on the books that I know of that says that I must wear a face diaper mask when entering a store or business. If there is, show it to me. It is only mandatory to do so by your local communist like leaders. ;) 





The first mask mandate in San Francisco went into effect on Oct. 25, 1918, and while it wasn't popular, news coverage of the time reviewed in the Influenza Encyclopedia (a project of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan) suggests that 4 in 5 San Franciscans were compliant. The reports are to be taken with a grain of salt, since no formal surveys were conducted, Navarro said.

Many San Franciscans, however, got in trouble with the law for breaking the rules. On October 27, 1918, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that 110 people were arrested and charged with "disturbing the peace" for not wearing their masks at all or not wearing them properly. On November 9, 1918, 1,000 people were arrested for being "mask slackers," crowding the prison. The story was also published in the Chronicle.




There were fines against coughing, sneezing, spitting, kissing and even talking outdoors – those the Boston Globe called “big talkers”. Special influenza police were hired to round up children playing on street corners and occasionally even in their own backyards.

Restrictions were similarly tough in Canada, Australia and South Africa, though much less so in the UK and continental Europe. Where there were such restrictions, the public accepted it all with few objections. Unlike the long history of cholera, especially in Europe, or the plague in the Indian subcontinent from 1896 to around 1902, no mass violence erupted and blame was rare – even against Spaniards or minorities.


There ya go.  

  • Like 1
On 12/7/2020 at 7:41 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

If you were a betting man I'd be taking your money, b'y. I am a geezer myself and was in the same line of work as Hodkinson. The difference is I know I never had any serious expertise in this area. If the guff quoted above is what he really said, his arguments are dangerously wrong and decidedly inferior. 

Masks reduce the spread of this virus. Please wear them. 

Just how would know that wearing a mask will protect someone from some virus? Just curious as to where you get this idea from? There is no actual proof that masks will protect anyone from any virus. And this comes from many doctors who will tell you that masks will not stop any virus from entering inside your mask. So, why should I listen or believe you? Go head, make your day, mask wearer. I refuse to wear a mask unless I am forced to wear a mask. I do not want to look like a complete maskhole out there. :D

2 minutes ago, taxme said:

At least a toaster is useful. I only wear a mask and play the social distance game because I am forced to do so, and if I do not, I will not be allowed to enter into any business or store. Hello??? And I will bet that you will be one of the first risk takers to take Bill Gates to hell vaccine pizz, which gawd only knows what he has put in those vaccines, and I will guarantee you that it will become mandatory to take the shot. 

Imagine a vaccine that is supposed to be so safe that they have to pretty much threaten or force, which they will, people to take the shot because like having to wear a mask, if one does not take the shot they may be denied air travel or to be able to buy anything. The talk is that anyone who does not take the shot will not be given a Go Pass Free vaccine card. 

Look, if you want to do as commanded by your dear comrade leaders, the lying media, the lying so called health experts and some in the medical profession, by all means, take the shot. Leave the rest of us non-believers alone. Take the shot. Then you will be safe from catching the big bad scary China virus bug from any of us. But there will be side effects that just could make you sick or kill you. So go ahead, make your day. Take the two shots that you will be required for you to take. I have never taken a vaccine shot and I never will. And I know that I will not be alone. 

I may need you to go buy some food for me in some grocery store because I will not be allowed in to buy the essential foods that I require every day to stay alive. I will give you a grocery list when that day comes. LOL. 

Anyway, there is no law on the books that I know of that says that I must wear a face diaper mask when entering a store or business. If there is, show it to me. It is only mandatory to do so by your local communist like leaders. ;) 



Look I don't make the rules, and if you think you and others are going to take on the government thats up to you, but don't be delusional and think that the government is not going to make you compile some how not  by forcing you physically , your going to ask for your shot...

The experts say the need at minimum 60 to 70 of the population to get the shot to be effective, meaning no more mask, etc...the magic number is 80 % of the population, Ontario has come up with the card system, other nations such as Australia don't give a shit, they just cut off any or all government assistance like family allowance or what ever its called, CERB checks, until you can prove you got your shot... some in Canada have offered to pay everyone to get it, because Canadians love free money... and whats a few more billion. 

There is always going to be something with you guys don't like ....I'm not doing this or that. Giver I say, because it's you flexing some sort  of intra net muscles, but in the long run you and your posse will line up like the rest of us, to get jabbed in the arm.

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, marcus said:

Even Jason Kenney has realized that things will get out of control, unless there are restrictions.

Alberta's hospitals have reached their capacity and if the current trend continues, COVID patients will need to be put into hallways. There aren't enough nurses and doctors to handle the major overload.

Do you think that this is all a hoax? That every single politician, including Jason Kenney is out to get you?

How can there be so many people, at different levels, from different parties, all around the world, be part of some elaborate hoax? How does this make sense in your brain?

Look at Alberta's cases: They have as many cases as Ontario, and their population is 1/4 of Ontario. Seriously? Do you think this is all a hoax? @Nefarious Banana? @cannuck? You two have "thanked" his post. Do you two also think this is all a hoax?

Jason Kenney is like the rest of our dear comrade stupid Canadian leaders. They are doing what they are being told to do just like the rest of the worlds politicians are doing. Obeying the orders of their globalist communist elite leaders commands who pretty much control the world. Globalist corporations are all running and trying to ruin the world for power and glory. Globalism is just not your average small time business. They are humongous and pretty much control the whole dam world. A bit over your brainwashed head but maybe one day you will get and see the picture. Lol. 

Everything pretty much is a hoax. And this Convid 1984 virus is just another one of those created hoaxes. Everybody appears to be dying from Covid these days. But more people are dying TODAY from an opioid crises and addiction than from this hoax of a virus. And if you bothered to take the time to check out your local hospital there is no pandemic going on in those hospitals at all. All hospitals are generally quiet. That is just a made up story and lie about hospitals being over run being dumped on you every day by your local paid off lying media to keep you constantly living in a state of fear and panic. And it is working just fine on you.

Before you open your mouth anymore about this Convid virus lie and hoax maybe you should go on the internet and check out the other side of the story for a change. I doubt very much that you will though. :( 

Edited by taxme

It seems you got it all figured out, i mean normally you plot a hoax with some sort of end goal right, what is the end goal here... Why is all this happening ? 

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

22 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Look, I don't make the rules, and if you think you and others are going to take on the government that's up to you, but don't be delusional and think that the government is not going to make you comply some how. Not by forcing you physically, your going to ask for your shot . . . . 

There is always going to be something that you guys don't like . . . ."I'm not doing this or that." 

Give'r I say, because it's you flexing some sort of inter-net muscles, but in the long run, you and your posse will line up like the rest of us to get jabbed in the arm.

Well, you stand in line and do as you're told . . . . get the vaccine, the bar code tattoo, the wallet card, and whatever it is that your leader tells you to do.  Be proud!  Shout down others that have questions about your unwavering compliance, the intelligence of your leader, or the complete 'sand-bagging' of this country.  You are the perfect citizen. Again, be proud . . . . and do as you're told.

14 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Look I don't make the rules, and if you think you and others are going to take on the government thats up to you, but don't be delusional and think that the government is not going to make you compile some how not  by forcing you physically , your going to ask for your shot...

The experts say the need at minimum 60 to 70 of the population to get the shot to be effective, meaning no more mask, etc...the magic number is 80 % of the population, Ontario has come up with the card system, other nations such as Australia don't give a shit, they just cut off any or all government assistance like family allowance or what ever its called, CERB checks, until you can prove you got your shot... some in Canada have offered to pay everyone to get it, because Canadians love free money... and whats a few more billion. 

There is always going to be something with you guys don't like ....I'm not doing this or that. Giver I say, because it's you flexing some sort  of intra net muscles, but in the long run you and your posse will line up like the rest of us, to get jabbed in the arm.

I am very happy to say that thank gawd that not all people out there are wimps like you who will do whatever your dear comrade leaders tell you to do without a question or a challenge. The local news station that you like to listen to like Global, CTV And the CBC have not reported to you that there have been many rallies that have taken place all over Canada by real and true patriotic men and women who have had enough of this hoax virus and are demanding that all of this bull chit convid 1984 nonsense come to an end.

Just because there are many wimps like you around that can be convinced that they are going to die if they do not listen and obey their dear leaders is your bloody problem. But you will need to know that there are many Canadian patriots out there who are against all of this forced mask wearing and forced social distancing and lock downs. This China virus lie and hoax has caused more harm to society then this hoax of a virus could ever do to society. I prefer to look at myself as a leader and not a follower like you.

So, wear your mask, social distance yourself and lock yourself down because it is getting very dangerous out there for you to be outside. Me, well I am not going to worry about some wimpy virus that will only give anyone the usual nasty like symptoms of a cold or flu. Get with the program, soldier boy. I don't want to play your virus game anymore and neither does the thousands out there also. It's time to grow up and become a man. Just saying. ;)

1 hour ago, marcus said:

That's not how things work.

Instead of looking for problems, why not look for solutions. Do you know of of even one case where a patient needing a ventilator denied one. If necessary why not transfer the patient, or the ventilator. There are ventilators for sale.


Perhaps the government should have purchased some instead of letting people die, assuming that this has actually happened, you seem rather unspecific on that one.

2 minutes ago, oops said:

If necessary why not transfer the patient

If someone needs a ventilator, they'll die before they can get transferred to a ventilator or one can be brought to them.  

Yeah, the government could have been more prepared, but they weren't, and now we have to deal with the reality of a pandemic in our country.  The reality is that we're treading water at this point, and the public health guidelines are there to keep us from drowning.

1 hour ago, taxme said:

Funny, but I have not had a cold for decades now. And in all of those years I have never worn a face diaper mask or practiced social distancing. Weird, eh? :D


I don't believe you.  I think you get four or five colds a year, and nothing you can say will get me to change my mind.

16 hours ago, marcus said:

Look at Alberta's cases: They have as many cases as Ontario, and their population is 1/4 of Ontario. Seriously? Do you think this is all a hoax? @Nefarious Banana? @cannuck? You two have "thanked" his post. Do you two also think this is all a hoax?

I think you need to read what I have posted on this subject.  What I have against masks is not wearing them, but believing they give you some reasonable level of protection - that results in people entering excessive closed space gatherings.

Yes, a mask will catch a hoarked up monster luggie when you cough or sneeze, but it is the finely aerosolized droplets down a vapour size that carry virus into the atmosphere, where it can linger for many hours if no vigorous ventillation.  This leaks horribly around the perimeter of any mask that is not fitted and fit tested.  Worse than that, a DIY or low buck Chinese mask doesn't have the filtration required to eliminate SARS CoV 2 virus on its own.  An actual M95 mask (and that means one that has been manufactured to and proven to meet the ASTM standard for that label) catches 95% of particles 3.0 micron and over.  The virus is considerably under 1 micron.  Do the math.

Then, there is the problem of re-used masks and of clothing.  Let's say you are in an infection rich area, but your magic mask catches the micro droplets as it was fit tested and proven not to leak (that eliminates 99.9% of masks from this discussion).  If you don't discard the mask, WTF do you think happens to the virus trapped in the mask?   When the moisture dries, as it will, you now have a sub micron particle that will easily pass the filtration level of even the best of conventional protection.  Remember being in that room?  Did you have clothes on?   What happens to the virus on your clothing?  Didn't discard it, or touch it by removing and putting into the wash?

THIS is why I discourage the idea that masks are somehow helping this very real problem.  STAY THE FUCK OUT OF ENCLOSED SPACES AND AWAY FROM PEOPLE EVEN OUTSIDE, and 2 meters is by no means the magic solution.

Yes, doing so would and will result in a lot of economic damage, but I would much prefer to be around to try and solve that problem than simply let my children bask in the glory of their inheritance.

1 minute ago, cannuck said:

I think you need to read what I have posted on this subject.  What I have against masks is not wearing them, but believing they give you some reasonable level of protection - that results in people entering excessive closed space gatherings.

Yes, a mask will catch a hoarked up monster luggie when you cough or sneeze, but it is the finely aerosolized droplets down a vapour size that carry virus into the atmosphere, where it can linger for many hours if no vigorous ventillation.  This leaks horribly around the perimeter of any mask that is not fitted and fit tested.  Worse than that, a DIY or low buck Chinese mask doesn't have the filtration required to eliminate SARS CoV 2 virus on its own.  An actual M95 mask (and that means one that has been manufactured to and proven to meet the ASTM standard for that label) catches 95% of particles 3.0 micron and over.  The virus is considerably under 1 micron.  Do the math.

Then, there is the problem of re-used masks and of clothing.  Let's say you are in an infection rich area, but your magic mask catches the micro droplets as it was fit tested and proven not to leak (that eliminates 99.9% of masks from this discussion).  If you don't discard the mask, WTF do you think happens to the virus trapped in the mask?   When the moisture dries, as it will, you now have a sub micron particle that will easily pass the filtration level of even the best of conventional protection.  Remember being in that room?  Did you have clothes on?   What happens to the virus on your clothing?  Didn't discard it, or touch it by removing and putting into the wash?

THIS is why I discourage the idea that masks are somehow helping this very real problem.  STAY THE FUCK OUT OF ENCLOSED SPACES AND AWAY FROM PEOPLE EVEN OUTSIDE, and 2 meters is by no means the magic solution.

Yes, doing so would and will result in a lot of economic damage, but I would much prefer to be around to try and solve that problem than simply let my children bask in the glory of their inheritance.

Those are fair comments with masks and I agree with some of them. Although, wearing a mask that is not 100% full proof is much better than not wearing one.

Do you agree with taxme and his conspiracy theories in regards to COVID being a hoax?

"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.

1 minute ago, marcus said:

Those are fair comments with masks and I agree with some of them. Although, wearing a mask that is not 100% full proof is much better than not wearing one.

Do you agree with taxme and his conspiracy theories in regards to COVID being a hoax?

It is better ONLY if it does not lead to increasing risky behavior, and that is EXACTLY what they tend to do.  No, I don't have a published study to cite, but remember what stores looked like this spring when we got the first wave more-or-less under control?  Lineups distanced outside, limited numbers inside, lots of really  not necessary things completely closed...now look around today and note that the stores are chock full of masked people - and second wave is greater than first.  Masks are not the only reason, COVID fatigue is another, but part of that fatigue is thinking you can just throw a rag over your face and get on with life.

Covid a hoax?   It would be impossible to get enough people to secretly pull this off to make that possible.  Conspiracy?  By who?   Accidental from Wuhan lab being careless?   Entirely possible and the CPC would NEVER admit to that.  Just can't see them causing it intentionally, even though they are racking up hundreds of billions (literally) from PPE sales.   My best guess (from having a fair bit of contact and presence in China for last 25 years) is it MIGHT have been a screw-up at lab facility then CPC saw incredible opportunity and simply took advantage of situation by turning its usual blind eye to illegal manufacture and export (yes, there are actually medical device standards in China) while feigning opposition to such practice.  If they had intended to do this, they would have had a vaccine ready long, long ago to cash in on the mass hysteria.

  • Like 1
33 minutes ago, cannuck said:

I think you need to read what I have posted on this subject.  What I have against masks is not wearing them, but believing they give you some reasonable level of protection - that results in people entering excessive closed space gatherings.

Yes, a mask will catch a hoarked up monster luggie when you cough or sneeze, but it is the finely aerosolized droplets down a vapour size that carry virus into the atmosphere, where it can linger for many hours if no vigorous ventillation.  This leaks horribly around the perimeter of any mask that is not fitted and fit tested.  Worse than that, a DIY or low buck Chinese mask doesn't have the filtration required to eliminate SARS CoV 2 virus on its own.  An actual M95 mask (and that means one that has been manufactured to and proven to meet the ASTM standard for that label) catches 95% of particles 3.0 micron and over.  The virus is considerably under 1 micron.  Do the math.

Then, there is the problem of re-used masks and of clothing.  Let's say you are in an infection rich area, but your magic mask catches the micro droplets as it was fit tested and proven not to leak (that eliminates 99.9% of masks from this discussion).  If you don't discard the mask, WTF do you think happens to the virus trapped in the mask?   When the moisture dries, as it will, you now have a sub micron particle that will easily pass the filtration level of even the best of conventional protection.  Remember being in that room?  Did you have clothes on?   What happens to the virus on your clothing?  Didn't discard it, or touch it by removing and putting into the wash?

THIS is why I discourage the idea that masks are somehow helping this very real problem.  STAY THE FUCK OUT OF ENCLOSED SPACES AND AWAY FROM PEOPLE EVEN OUTSIDE, and 2 meters is by no means the magic solution.

Yes, doing so would and will result in a lot of economic damage, but I would much prefer to be around to try and solve that problem than simply let my children bask in the glory of their inheritance.

Glad to see someone else here who actually knows what they are talking about in regards to masks and physical distancing.

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, oops said:




There are 161 hospitals on Alberta and 685 covid cases, on average 4.3 per hospital. Of these 121 are in intensive care, an average of close to one per hospital. If the hospitals are allowed to remain open they should be able to handle this load, this is no excuse to continue measures that compromise our children's future.

Of those 161 hospitals, the vast majority are tiny little rural facilities ill equipped to handle an infectious disease.  For decades, every politician promised hospitals to every corner of their constituency, and few have the balls to close them down.  Most are little more than first aid/nursing stations.

2 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Well, you stand in line and do as you're told . . . . get the vaccine, the bar code tattoo, the wallet card, and whatever it is that your leader tells you to do.  Be proud!  Shout down others that have questions about your unwavering compliance, the intelligence of your leader, or the complete 'sand-bagging' of this country.  You are the perfect citizen. Again, be proud . . . . and do as you're told.

Yes I'll be there along with most Canadians, to get my shot, because like most Canadians we are done with this virus and want to get back to some what normal life. And if that means getting a needle then I'm willing to do that. I could not care one fiddles f***  about if you or your gang plans on not getting it... it's not going to change my life one bit.

Like i said these are not my rules, This whole situation is beyond my control, And if you and your friends don't want to play then good on ya..... That being said do you really think the government is not going to do something to enforce compliance.

The government will come up with some plan to deal with those that did not get one, like what has already been tossed around, not being able to send your kids to school, not going to concerts, malls, hockey games, or like they did in Australia holding back government checks until you do.  And one day you'll see that this whole rejection thing you got going on is a waste of time...and you'll be getting in line...It's not about doing what you are told, it's about getting back to normal....

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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