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Is the forcing of having to wear a mask pretty much wherever one goes into some business establishment akin to what is called in the bible the "Mark of the Beast" or "666"? The reason I am bringing this up is that here in BC one cannot go into any business establishment without wearing a mask now. I am not allowed to even walk around in my condo hall ways without wearing a mask. So, as it is today, if I refuse to wear a mask I can be refused entry and service into a grocery store to buy food essentials that I require and need to live on. It certainly looks to me like the mark of the beast that is written in the bible is here now and where it says that I cannot buy or sell anything without a mask on.

Forcing people to wear a mask and social distance oneself from others is going to turn people into having an anti-social kind of behaviour created in themselves? At one time before the wearing of masks came along when we met someone we were able to strike up a conversation if one wanted too.  But now, wearing a mask kind of hinders that process. We are reluctant to want to strike up a conversation because wearing a mask can interrupt and get in the way of trying to have a conversation and to understand what the other person may be saying if they reply. I sometimes have to ask a clerk sometimes to remove their mask so I can understand as to what they are saying. 

So, what say you? Do you think that the forced wearing of masks in say grocery stores is a good thing and can be seen as the mark of the beast or 666 that is written in the bible? No mask, no buy. i think so. Any comments? ;)


Is it compulsory to wear a mask at public spaces in Canada? Here in Finland it is only heavily recommended but lately it has become a social norm to wear a mask.

Me too. It is less of a trouble just to wear a mask than to be confronted by occasional busybodies who demand to know the reason why you aren't wearing a mask.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense realises that mask-thing is total bollocks but we seem to be lacking in people with common sense.

However, it is quite interesting to see how wearing a mask seems to be behind such a high threshold for many western people. Perhaps it is seen as a symbol of being a sheep or a slave.

Eastern-Asians consider us westerners completely filthy for not wearing masks. For them wearing masks is part of their culture. They also don't have to worry about not being deemed racist.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I can't understand what people have against masks.  Unless there is some underlying condition such as asthma, which can make wearing a mask distressing, (I imagine.  I don't have asthma) they should be worn at all times.  Like clothes.

I actually like wearing one.  Fewer people talk to you.

Edited by bcsapper

Fear makes people fanatical about the virus. We have not even begun to see how powerful fear is on the mind, and what it makes people do. Soon, the mob will kill you if you do not comply.

We have to stand against fear-mongering, especially by the mass media. You can tell how they use headlines to implant seeds of fearful thought. Those headlines are carefully crafted by experts in psychology and propaganda. Soon, they will be crafted by supercomputers. The internet.

4 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Fear makes people fanatical about the virus. We have not even begun to see how powerful fear is on the mind, and what it makes people do. Soon, the mob will kill you if you do not comply.

We have to stand against fear-mongering, especially by the mass media. You can tell how they use headlines to implant seeds of fearful thought. Those headlines are carefully crafted by experts in psychology and propaganda. Soon, they will be crafted by supercomputers. The internet.

Should we be afraid of them?

1 hour ago, taxme said:

Is the forcing of having to wear a mask pretty much wherever one goes into some business establishment akin to what is called in the bible the "Mark of the Beast" or "666"? The reason I am bringing this up is that here in BC one cannot go into any business establishment without wearing a mask now. I am not allowed to even walk around in my condo hall ways without wearing a mask. So, as it is today, if I refuse to wear a mask I can be refused entry and service into a grocery store to buy food essentials that I require and need to live on. It certainly looks to me like the mark of the beast that is written in the bible is here now and where it says that I cannot buy or sell anything without a mask on.

Forcing people to wear a mask and social distance oneself from others is going to turn people into having an anti-social kind of behaviour created in themselves? At one time before the wearing of masks came along when we met someone we were able to strike up a conversation if one wanted too.  But now, wearing a mask kind of hinders that process. We are reluctant to want to strike up a conversation because wearing a mask can interrupt and get in the way of trying to have a conversation and to understand what the other person may be saying if they reply. I sometimes have to ask a clerk sometimes to remove their mask so I can understand as to what they are saying. 

So, what say you? Do you think that the forced wearing of masks in say grocery stores is a good thing and can be seen as the mark of the beast or 666 that is written in the bible? No mask, no buy. i think so. Any comments? ;)

This needs to be said:

Are you on F****ing mushrooms, or something way stronger , maybe off your other meds, has your tin foil hat fallen off, have you been talking to aliens again.... How in the blue blazes have you not been banned with the rest of the wingnuts that used to be here on this forum ( charles ?  ) The number of the beast, are you kidding me...

Look it's easy,  wear it when it is mandated, or keep your twisted ass inside and order everything on line, it is the Law in most places, you know what the law is right.... obey it, or face the law....it's not the number of the beast or Armageddon, and no the sky is not falling,  what is going on is your losing your mind, and your having a mental episode and now it is time to say goodbye to all the nice people phone 911 and tell them you need a social worker.. They'll  make the bad men go away...

  • Like 2
  • Haha 2

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

45 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Should we be afraid of them?

You tell me, friend. Whatever you like. But when the virus fanatics come for you, with their goon-masks on, you will know.
- As we see happening already-

Then you'll say, "I shoulda listened to that old oftenwrong!!"

1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

Is it compulsory to wear a mask at public spaces in Canada? Here in Finland it is only heavily recommended but lately it has become a social norm to wear a mask.

Me too. It is less of a trouble just to wear a mask than to be confronted by occasional busybodies who demand to know the reason why you aren't wearing a mask.

No, for the moment we are allowed to be in public without it, but there are rules for being in public anyway.

I'm in a small town. We don't care about the virus. But in the big cities, they are shitting their pants. Toronto has re-entered the "Red" condition, closure of indoor public spaces like restaurants and gyms.

Ironically they encourage people to stay home and sit on the couch, exercise is forbidden. Yet we hear that the virus kills those who have co-morbidities, who are overweight. We are encouraged to stay indoors, watch TV or play video games, and drink more booze and smoke more pot.  It is for our own health and safety...


I will not wear a mask, and will refuse the hand cleaner every time wherever it's allowed. If it's allowed, I insist on my friggin human rights. <bangs fist on table>

3 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

No, for the moment we are allowed to be in public without it, but there are rules for being in public anyway.

I'm in a small town. We don't care about the virus. But in the big cities, they are shitting their pants. Toronto has re-entered the "Red" condition, closure of indoor public spaces like restaurants and gyms.

Ironically they encourage people to stay home and sit on the couch, exercise is forbidden. Yet we hear that the virus kills those who have co-morbidities, who are overweight. We are encouraged to stay indoors, watch TV or play video games, and drink more booze and smoke more pot.  It is for our own health and safety...


I will not wear a mask, and will refuse the hand cleaner every time wherever it's allowed. If it's allowed, I insist on my friggin human rights. <bangs fist on table>

They are shitting in their pants because people are dying in noticeable numbers.. Exercise is not forbidden, just in enclosed spaces like gyms...., so adapt and overcome, In Afghanistan we made our own gym, out of water cans, broom sticks, ammo cans filled with dirt, your only limited by your imagination... you can work out outside your own home, in your drive way, garage, basement... you are the king of your castle, your family bubble, you make the rules... but once you leave it expect to follow the governments rules... it's not for your health and safety it is for others health and safety ... and it is the few that is f***king it up for the majority... No where's in the Canadian bill of rights does it say your rights trump everyone else. try lifting weights while high, lose some weight and have a laugh while your at it.

  • Thanks 1

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

19 hours ago, Army Guy said:

This needs to be said:

Are you on F****ing mushrooms, or something way stronger , maybe off your other meds, has your tin foil hat fallen off, have you been talking to aliens again.... How in the blue blazes have you not been banned with the rest of the wingnuts that used to be here on this forum ( charles ?  ) The number of the beast, are you kidding me...

Look it's easy,  wear it when it is mandated, or keep your twisted ass inside and order everything on line, it is the Law in most places, you know what the law is right.... obey it, or face the law....it's not the number of the beast or Armageddon, and no the sky is not falling,  what is going on is your losing your mind, and your having a mental episode and now it is time to say goodbye to all the nice people phone 911 and tell them you need a social worker.. They'll  make the bad men go away...

Wow, are you ever acting like a basket case yourself. Chill out, Mac. It was just a topic that I created to get everyone's opinion as to whether anyone can compare what I wrote to that what is written in the bible. I can see that I am dealing here with someone who lacks any kind of common sense and logic and who prefers to live on leftist lieberal fear and emotion. 

Why should I keep my "twisted ass inside"? Why don't you keep your" twisted ass inside" instead? If you are that scared to go outside without wearing a mask for fear that you are going to catch this Covid 1984 virus and which will supposedly kill you then why don't you stay at home instead? That way I will be safe from catching your China virus.

If you are in such a state of fear and panic and paranoid over catching this Covid 1984 virus then you should be staying at home and not going out in the world at all where you may go about spreading your China virus germs. It is people like you that are making this a big deal and keeping it alive over nothing and you of all people should be staying at home, not me. That would work well for me. Chuckle-chuckle. 

I do not fear the Covid 1984 virus like you do. I believe in choice, not submission. Why should I have to go online to be able to buy groceries? Why don't you stay at home and order your groceries online instead and leave the ones that do not want to be forced to wear a face diaper mask to be able to buy food in a grocery store left alone. 

It is the covidiots out there that need mental help and need to take medicines that will allow them to start to use some common sense and logic and maybe start to question or challenge these mask laws that are in violation of my charter of rights and freedoms. Just because you are all in favor of taking your daily brainwashing bull chit every day from your lying politicians,the lying media, and those so called lying health experts like comrade Tammy and comrade Henry does not have to mean that I have or need too. Nobody is dying any more or any less from this farce China virus then they did every other year from the regular seasonal flu virus that comes around every fall. Woke up and chill out. 

PS: As I have mentioned here many times all one needs to do is go on the internet and punch in Event 201. After reading what is being said about Event 201 how else can anyone not come to the conclusion that this pandemic/plandemic was just that a planned plandemic. Only an twisted ass idiot off his/her medicine will not be able to see the plandemic in it all. Now go have a coffee and try and chill out. ;) 

20 hours ago, -TSS- said:

Is it compulsory to wear a mask at public spaces in Canada? Here in Finland it is only heavily recommended but lately it has become a social norm to wear a mask.

Me too. It is less of a trouble just to wear a mask than to be confronted by occasional busybodies who demand to know the reason why you aren't wearing a mask.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense realises that mask-thing is total bollocks but we seem to be lacking in people with common sense.

However, it is quite interesting to see how wearing a mask seems to be behind such a high threshold for many western people. Perhaps it is seen as a symbol of being a sheep or a slave.

Eastern-Asians consider us westerners completely filthy for not wearing masks. For them wearing masks is part of their culture. They also don't have to worry about not being deemed racist.

If one wants to wear a mask then they have my blessings. But do not try and force me to wear a mask. It has already been shown and proven that wearing masks does not always stop anyone from getting the dreaded China 1984 virus or any other virus.

Anyone who dares confront me on why I am not wearing a mask will be told that it is my right not to do so and then they will be told to then mind their own gawd dam business. I believe in freedom and not submission. To be wearing a mask is to show the globalist elite that you are more than willing to be their Marxist little globalist slave. 

I have been and seen some of those Eastern-Asians and Arab countries and some of them look like nothing more than a dirty hell hole with garbage and chit all over the streets. They need to wear masks. We in the West are a lot more civilized and are a lot more cleaner and less dirty than they are. The word "racist' is way over used and it is always used and thrown at someone when they have not been acting or speaking political correctness. ;)

  • Thanks 1
20 hours ago, bcsapper said:

I can't understand what people have against masks.  Unless there is some underlying condition such as asthma, which can make wearing a mask distressing, (I imagine.  I don't have asthma) they should be worn at all times.  Like clothes.

I actually like wearing one.  Fewer people talk to you.

I cannot understand as to how there are people like you still exist. Why would you even think or say that masks should be worn at all times? Do you subscribe to some globalist newspaper? Are you one of those pro globalists by chance? For you to say fewer people to talk to must mean that you must be a loner then, right? You prefer your dog to people, eh? 

Hey, if you like wearing a mask so much then I hope that you are wearing one when you take a shower or when you go to bed at night. Hey, the virus may be in your shower or lying in your bed next to you and waiting to pounce on you. Hey, you never know, eh? So keep wearing your mask.  :D 

Here is a couple of mask jokes for you: 1. I feel sorry for those that are deaf and have to rely on lip reading to communicate because of mask wearing. Let's all give them a moment of silence. 2. I just bought my pet duck a mask to protect him from catching the China virus. It's nothing flashy but it fits the bill. 3. Just a question for those people who wear masks while driving alone in their cars. Do they put a condom on when they are alone in bed. Just some humor for the day. We all need a laugh. :lol:


Masks actually work. Not in the way people who speak for them say they work but in the way that people who hate wearing them start avoiding situations where wearing masks is required. In other words large crowds of people.

I wonder will covid all of a sudden disappear completely after Biden takes office. Just like the BLM-riots stopped when it began to be apparent they were harmful for the Democrat poll-ratings.

1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

Masks actually work. Not in the way people who speak for them say they work but in the way that people who hate wearing them start avoiding situations where wearing masks is required. In other words large crowds of people.

I wonder will covid all of a sudden disappear completely after Biden takes office. Just like the BLM-riots stopped when it began to be apparent they were harmful for the Democrat poll-ratings.

All I am saying about masks is to each his own. I have gone six months now without wearing a face mask and I am still alive and well and breathing. As they say, the symptoms for this Covid virus is fever and respiratory problems. If one does not have any of those two symptoms together then all is okay. Why are all the healthy people being forced to have wear a mask and social distance when they are not showing any signs of those symptoms? We need to do what we all use to normally do. When sick stay at home and get better. Nobody went to work in the past with a nasty cold or flu. Your coworkers would run away from you or tell you to stay home. The same can be said and done here with this China virus. 

It's time for some common sense and logic to be spread here, and not allow this constant fear mongering that our dear lying leaders and the media are constantly pushing. They do have an agenda and the virus is an excuse for them to just keep pushing their globalist, shall I dare say, Marxist agenda? This Convid 1984 virus smacks of everything Marxist. Our rights and freedoms are being taken away from us every day by our dear comrade globalist leaders.

My opinion of course. ;) 

  • Thanks 1
33 minutes ago, taxme said:

All I am saying about masks is to each his own. I have gone six months now without wearing a face mask and I am still alive and well and breathing. As they say, the symptoms for this Covid virus is fever and respiratory problems. If one does not have any of those two symptoms together then all is okay. Why are all the healthy people being forced to have wear a mask and social distance when they are not showing any signs of those symptoms? We need to do what we all use to normally do. When sick stay at home and get better. Nobody went to work in the past with a nasty cold or flu. Your coworkers would run away from you or tell you to stay home. The same can be said and done here with this China virus. 

It's time for some common sense and logic to be spread here, and not allow this constant fear mongering that our dear lying leaders and the media are constantly pushing. They do have an agenda and the virus is an excuse for them to just keep pushing their globalist, shall I dare say, Marxist agenda? This Convid 1984 virus smacks of everything Marxist. Our rights and freedoms are being taken away from us every day by our dear comrade globalist leaders.

My opinion of course. ;) 

Exactly my thoughts. Yet I go to public transport wearing a mask because I don't want to be harassed by busybodies even though I haven't heard that of having happened here in Finland. Apparently stuff like that happens all the time in the USA and the UK. Perhaps we Finns just don't act like that.

I wonder will Biden becoming president mean that covid will go away or will it mean that there will be even more stringest measures in place to force people to stay at their homes.

Time will tell.


On 11/24/2020 at 8:43 PM, Army Guy said:

They are shitting in their pants because people are dying in noticeable numbers.. Exercise is not forbidden, just in enclosed spaces like gyms...., so adapt and overcome, In Afghanistan we made our own gym, out of water cans, broom sticks, ammo cans filled with dirt, your only limited by your imagination... you can work out outside your own home, in your drive way, garage, basement... you are the king of your castle, your family bubble, you make the rules... but once you leave it expect to follow the governments rules... it's not for your health and safety it is for others health and safety ... and it is the few that is f***king it up for the majority... No where's in the Canadian bill of rights does it say your rights trump everyone else. try lifting weights while high, lose some weight and have a laugh while your at it.

Easy for some to say. If you have a home with a yard, basement, garage.

The shutdown is quite easy for some people to handle because they don't need anything, they have enough and have financial reserves. They have a home with a close-knit family, stability and a life that can continue.

It's easy to feel comfortable and not at all understand those who are in a much more tenous situation.

I don't know anyone who got the virus yet, let alone died. So no, the numbers are not noticeable. I suspect the numbers are heavily slanted towards people who are 90 years old being the main reason. I don't know anyone who is 90.

But so far I DO KNOW, personally, three people who have had a hard time during this pandemic. They are all young adults in their 20's. One person who needs to see a councellor, and is lucky to find the space because they're overloaded. One person who attempted suicide but was stopped by his father. And one person, a father, who found his daughter dead on the floor.

Maybe you're not hearing my central message- the government enforces a shutdown in such a way this is inhumane. If you need to shut down, you have to find a way to help the people who will also be affected by it, not just by handing out CERB. It's being heavily abused, you know? The money is going down the shitter, and we can do much better.

This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the social consequences we face that are going unaddressed.

And today to boot we hear about shop owners being arrested, squads of cops blockading streets, in Canada. People are getting so screwed up in the head by their own fear, they're gonna kill someone for it soon.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

I DO KNOW, personally, three people who have had a hard time during this pandemic

So do I.  One of them is in very dire straits.  I have sorrow for that person, and we help him as much as we can.  I won't be surprised if he's found dead one morning,  either.

I have three girlfriends, all single and living alone, two in apartments, with no basement or yard.  They're all struggling with lack of contact with family and friends.  They're also more concerned with following the public health guidelines than I am.  They're all liberal, btw, so instead of whining about how unfair it all is, and how everyone is being scaredy cats, they buck up and do their best not to be part of the problem.

I also couldn't get counselling when I needed it, because yeah - they're very busy.  So that sucks, but it doesn't inspire me to advocate against efforts to mitigate the virus spread.

1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

don't know anyone who got the virus yet, let alone died. So no, the numbers are not noticeable.

So, I don't personally know anyone who has died of cancer or in a car accident.  So I guess the numbers of those deaths are not important, because "for me" they're barely noticeable.

1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

the government enforces a shutdown in such a way this is inhumane.

And if the government did little or nothing, and people were dying by the 100s or 1000s per day, you'd not be any happier. 

I don't know how it is in other places, but in BC, single people can visit another household - recognition that single people find isolation particularly tough.  Kids are still going to school - in part because it's recognized that school is also good for kids mental health.  Restaurants and bars are still operating, with restrictions.   Funerals/weddings can have up to 10 guests - because people still die and get married.  Targeted restrictions, with allowances for mental health and special events.  Short term, only extended if cases don't decrease.

This is a lot different from what happened in the Spring and reflects the government learning and changing its approach.  But of course, you are still stuck where you were months ago.  

Edited by dialamah
Posted (edited)

I am losing patience with snowflakes who are afraid of wearing a mask. Do you obey the law that takes away your freedom to drive on the wrong side of the road?

Think of yourselt as the end link in a chain that has multiple branches. You get infected and then infect two other people who infect two others each...1 - 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 etc. somewhere down the line, some of these people will end up in ICU and some will die, because you failed to take a few easy steps, ie. wash hands, keep 2 metres distant and wear a mask. Manslaughter?

Edited by Queenmandy85

A Conservative stands for God, King and Country

On 11/24/2020 at 4:22 PM, bcsapper said:

I can't understand what people have against masks.  Unless there is some underlying condition such as asthma, which can make wearing a mask distressing, (I imagine.  I don't have asthma) they should be worn at all times.  Like clothes.

I actually like wearing one.  Fewer people talk to you.

I don't like wearing masks (the new tinfoil hats) at all, luckily for me I'm only inconvenienced by them when I go into stores briefly.

I feel horrible for the people who work in places where they have to wear them for 8 hrs a day or more, just to prevent them from getting the sniffles. 

  • Like 1

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I am losing patience with snowflakes who are afraid of wearing a mask. Do you obey the law that takes away your freedom to drive on the wrong side of the road?

Think of yourselt as the end link in a chain that has multiple branches. You get infected and then infect two other people who infect two others each...1 - 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 etc. somewhere down the line, some of these people will end up in ICU and some will die, because you failed to take a few easy steps, ie. wash hands, keep 2 metres distant and wear a mask. Manslaughter?

People have died of the flu for centuries, for the exact same reasons. It's part of life. 

I can go along with the covidiots on the mask thing, because it's not that much of an inconvenience for me personally, but I won't be taking a sketchy vaccine that was concocted by a bunch of known liars just to prevent a cough and a sore throat.

  • Like 1

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"


Ignoring the measures recommended to prevent the spread of the virus is not that much different than drunk driving. You might not kill or injure anyone, but then again, you might. 

I take all the precautions I can, first, because Betsy told me to (She is wise beyond her years) and second, I don't want to be that guy who got it just before the vaccine was available. 

We've waited this long, we can hunker down a while longer. Stay home, keep your distance from others, wash your hands and wear a mask. (all except Taxme who is Superman)

A Conservative stands for God, King and Country

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I can go along with the covidiots on the mask thing, because it's not that much of an inconvenience for me personally,

Same here, mask wearing is only an annoyance for me. But I am against the outright shutting down of businesses by some misguided health edict. These people are not even professionals. Real doctors are aghast at what they're doing and some are trying to fight what is happening, by writing letters to the ministry. They won't get action, the ministry is too stupid to know what to do.

But some people, who are even dumber, would follow government blindly even over a cliff.

Shutting down is also death for many thousands, but shifted convenient out of sight of the coddled and ignorant masses, a stochastic effect that cannot be directly pointed at. At least not by the simple-minded reactives who can only see what is obvious, and for themselves alone.

There HAS to be a way to continue, even if it means things take longer, we go slower, and things are less convenient. Shutting down is not an acceptable option.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Easy for some to say. If you have a home with a yard, basement, garage.

The shutdown is quite easy for some people to handle because they don't need anything, they have enough and have financial reserves. They have a home with a close-knit family, stability and a life that can continue.

It's easy to feel comfortable and not at all understand those who are in a much more tenous situation.

I don't know anyone who got the virus yet, let alone died. So no, the numbers are not noticeable. I suspect the numbers are heavily slanted towards people who are 90 years old being the main reason. I don't know anyone who is 90.

But so far I DO KNOW, personally, three people who have had a hard time during this pandemic. They are all young adults in their 20's. One person who needs to see a councellor, and is lucky to find the space because they're overloaded. One person who attempted suicide but was stopped by his father. And one person, a father, who found his daughter dead on the floor.

Maybe you're not hearing my central message- the government enforces a shutdown in such a way this is inhumane. If you need to shut down, you have to find a way to help the people who will also be affected by it, not just by handing out CERB. It's being heavily abused, you know? The money is going down the shitter, and we can do much better.

This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the social consequences we face that are going unaddressed.

And today to boot we hear about shop owners being arrested, squads of cops blockading streets, in Canada. People are getting so screwed up in the head by their own fear, they're gonna kill someone for it soon.

Like you I do not know of anybody that I know of that has caught or died from this Convid 1984 virus. Who are these  people that are dying anyway from this China virus? I was told by a friend that they had heard from another friend that someone that they knew had died from this virus. Okayyyy? :unsure:

This is not about a virus at all anymore but more to do with the globalists(Event 201)who are using this Convid 1984 virus as an excuse for their great reset that they have planned for the world. We are all being set up for the kill and those that want to continue to play this lying game will be the big time losers themselves and they are going to take the rest of the people like me down with them. 

An senior living in some seniors residence in Ontario decided that she has had enough of this Convid and had her doctor help her to commit euthanasia. She did and she died. She had said that she was not able to see any of her family for months and that she felt very depressed and was pretty much suffering from Covid fatigue and loneliness. This is one result of what our dear comrade lying leaders, the lying media, and those lying so called health experts have done and are still doing to these elderly people in care homes. My wife of 46 years is one of them who is now living in acare home. I cannot go and see her anymore because of this lie. I may not even get to see her before Christmas. Just great for me, eh? I too am suffering from loneliness and Covid fatigue now. :( 


1 hour ago, dialamah said:

So, I don't personally know anyone who has died of cancer or in a car accident.  So I guess the numbers of those deaths are not important, because "for me" they're barely noticeable.

Many children die in car accidents, and of cancer, and every single time that happens it's an absolute tragedy. 

The death of a single child is worse than the deaths of 100 ninety year olds, and if you ask anyone born before 1930 they'll all gladly go before their great-grandchildren, even the ones that they've never met.

There's literally zero comparison between C19 and cancer, or car accidents. Zeeeerooooo


If you ask me the only reason that C19 is such a big deal is because the people who own TV stations, radio stations, and make movies in Hollywood are all in C19's target demographic.

The fear-mongering on the news is unbearable. "THERE WERE 100 NEW CASES OF C19 IN ___________ YESTERDAY. OMG! WE NEED TO CRACKDOWN ON EVERYTHING!!!!! SOON WE WILL NEED TO LOCK PEOPLE UP!!!!!!!"

Blah, blah, blah

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

"If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"

4 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I am losing patience with snowflakes who are afraid of wearing a mask. Do you obey the law that takes away your freedom to drive on the wrong side of the road?

Think of yourselt as the end link in a chain that has multiple branches. You get infected and then infect two other people who infect two others each...1 - 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 32 etc. somewhere down the line, some of these people will end up in ICU and some will die, because you failed to take a few easy steps, ie. wash hands, keep 2 metres distant and wear a mask. Manslaughter?

It's not all that hard to see that you are the real snowflake here. Nice try with the road rules, mac. If you are so afraid and always in a state of fear and panic over a false flag plandemic virus then stay the hell at home. What the hell are you doing outside? Just leave the outside world for people like me who do not want to play this face diaper mask wearing game any longer. I cannot understand as to why those people who keep wanting to believe and keep trying to push this virus lie and wear your mask bs are still out there walking around when they should stay at home. Stop the spread!! 

Need food, order it online. Need to work, go to work and then immediately go home and isolate yourself. Just go away with your silly ass 1-2-4-8-16-32 nonsense. It is for sure that snowflakes like you will never bother to go check out what the other side has to say. There is only one side to a story that must be heard. The side of what your dear leaders, the media and those so called health experts keep telling is factual that have your ear or head. 

Only snowflakes live in a world of fear and panic especially over nothing at all. It is those scared of their own shadow snowflakes like you that are causing more harm to society then this virus ever will or could. Grow up and start thinking and start using your brains for a change. Good luck on that one. ;)

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