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Canada Day here at Maple Leaf Forums.

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Well-well-well. Just what I suspected and expected. I am surprised that not one member here went about wishing everyone to have a happy Canada Day? And why is that? All the leftist liberals here all think that Canada is such a great and wonderful multicultural country and is supposed to be full of happy Canadian people who say that they love their Canada but yet would not celebrate it here by saying to us all to have a happy Canada Day. Why is that? I can easily say without regret that I can not celebrate Canada Day anymore because the old Canada is no more. 

I think that I know why this may be so? Nobody really gives all that much of a crap about Canada anymore. I guess that we can thank all of our dear wonderful political leaders in Canada who have been trying to eliminate as much of the old British/European Canada  and culture for decades now and who were the ones responsible for making Canada great at onetime.  Today, it is not about the old Canada anymore. It's all about the new Canada and the rest of the world now. Canada has and is still being flooded with millions of way too many incompatible cultures that look at Canada today as a place where I can immigrate too, and take advantage of all of the free goodies that Canada has to offer.

They like to pretend that they are Canadian, but in reality they are just empty words. If they loved their new home, called sucker Canada, then why do they start up a business in Canada and put their own foreign language on their business signs? Should those signs be in English only? Indeed, they should be. It's called assimilating into their new country and culture. The language of this country is English, not some other foreign language. 

On Canada Day approx. 1000 Canadians marched to the American Embassy in Ottawa, and started to shout "We Love Trump" on Canada Day of all days. WTH? I guess it is probably safe to say that those in that march in Ottawa do not much give a crap all that much about Canada or celebrating Canada Day anymore in Canada. I cannot blame any of them.  But thanks to those two globalist comrades, old man, and young punk Trudeau's, they are the ones that started Canada on the road to ruin. They both have tried to make Canada a multicultural hodge-podge of a way too many cultures country, and they both have pretty much succeeded.

Canada is not Canada anymore. It has now become a new Canada where the rest of the world and their foreign born cultures has become more important than our own Canadian culture of the old Canada itself. I am not sad to say that I am one with those protesters who have appeared to have had enough already of this globalist comrade Trudeau, and his continuous destruction of what was once a great British/European nation called Canada.  So long old Canada, it's been good to know you. :(

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13 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Happy Dominion day, Taxme. Sorry I'm late but I was busy celebrating.

Why are you opposed to globalism?

So, what were you doing on Canada Day? Staying at home and practicing your social distancing, and wearing one of those unhealthy silly looking clown masks? 

Globalism is killing every country on earth. The globalists are all about profit and power, and want to control all the world's resources and control the earth's population. But you do not have to believe me and what I just said. Just go on the internet and punch in the evils of globalism. There you will find as to why I am, and several millions of others, are also against globalism.  Try it. It won't bite you. Try and learn something for a change rather than keep listening to the likes of the lying Canadian leftist liberal media who will never tell you anything except what the deep state globalist elite want you to hear and know about which of course will be full of lies and disinformation. Believe it or not.  

Indeed. Happy Dominion Day to you also. :)

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51 minutes ago, taxme said:

The globalists are all about profit and power, and want to control all the world's resources

Isn't everybody?  It is the nationalissts like Xi, Putin and President Trumpand  that seem to be trying to acquire all the world's resourses.

Money is the opiate of the liberal class.

Socialism is the opiate of the intellectual class.

51 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, what were you doing on Canada Day? Staying at home and practicing your social distancing, and wearing one of those unhealthy silly looking clown masks? 

All of the above except the mask bit. I only wear a mask when I lead the fight for law and order, thundering across the prairie on my great horse Silver, a firey horse, a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi Yo Silver, Away. Well, tomorrow is the 4th of July so join me in wishing  our wonderful American friends, especially the delightful Ms. Bush-Cheney, a Happy Independence Day.

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We had our kids over and we had a barbeque. We texted Grandma and wished her Happy Canada Day, that's it.

Other than that, unhappy Canada Day. Our sad media has shown that it is just as eager to promote that Canada s full of state-sanctioned unfairness and unwellness, in a twisted knee-jerk reaction to US media drama just to get some ups on ratings. And naturally, there are always douchebags who respond in kind...

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19 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Money is the opiate of the liberal class.

Socialism is the opiate of the intellectual class.

Say that's pretty quotable.  Let's see if we can make Canada the place where these two classes work out the most agreeable approach, overall.

Happy IndepenDominion day - July 2 1/2th...

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22 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Isn't everybody?  It is the nationalissts like Xi, Putin and President Trumpand  that seem to be trying to acquire all the world's resourses.

Money is the opiate of the liberal class.

Socialism is the opiate of the intellectual class.

All of the above except the mask bit. I only wear a mask when I lead the fight for law and order, thundering across the prairie on my great horse Silver, a firey horse, a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi Yo Silver, Away. Well, tomorrow is the 4th of July so join me in wishing  our wonderful American friends, especially the delightful Ms. Bush-Cheney, a Happy Independence Day.

Too bad that there are not enough true conservative patriotic nationalists in Canada today. I know that this country would be in a lot better shape if that were so. All those ism's like liberalism, socialism, and communism do not try to help and make people feel free and great. Those three will only depress anyone who is one of them because those fools only believe in three things. More government, more taxes, and less freedom of expression. How that can make any one feel good and great and free is beyond me. Sadly, there are just too many of those no mind covidiot comrades around that appear to hate freedom. 

Well, it is great to see that you are still doing as you are told by your dear political leaders, the media, and those so called health officials. You know those mentioned are laughing and trying to make an azz of you, don't you? And the wearing of a mask is not a very healthy thing for anyone to be doing. Every time you expel carbon dioxide, and breathe back in, you breathe half of that carbon dioxide back into your lungs. You should be breathing in 100% oxygen, not half of the oxygen. But it's your health and your lungs that is a stake here. 

There are millions of Canadians walking or travelling all over this country every day that appear to not give all that much concern or dam about catching the hoax bug. And I am pretty sure that there are millions of Canadians that want to say, oh f it,  and want to get back to the old normal life, and are starting to want to stop playing this new normal non life that has been foisted on us all. But as long as there are trained politically correct seals like yourself around, always living in a state of fear and panic, and assisting in this hoax, the rest of us who want our freedom back are still being denied that freedom.

Have you checked to see if Hi Ho Silver has the hoax bug yet? Just showing concern for your horse. :D

I also want to say to my American neighbors to have a Happy 4th of July. Not much to be happy about all that much living in Canada anymore. I watched President Trump's speech at Mount Rushmore. It was great. Trump makes me feel patriotic just listening to him, and I am Canadian. I wish that I could feel much more patriotic for this country. I guess that when you are beginning to see and live in what may become a communist country one day, what is there to be patriotic about anymore in Canada. Just my opinion. Works for me. ;)

Edited by taxme
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4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

We had our kids over and we had a barbeque. We texted Grandma and wished her Happy Canada Day, that's it.

Other than that, unhappy Canada Day. Our sad media has shown that it is just as eager to promote that Canada s full of state-sanctioned unfairness and unwellness, in a twisted knee-jerk reaction to US media drama just to get some ups on ratings. And naturally, there are always douchebags who respond in kind...

The Canadian douche bag media is all about doom and gloom. They seem to dwell on it, and appear to support state sanctioned unfairness, and unwellness, and are always in favor of and for promoting disinformation. If the Canadian media ever told the truth about anything, it would be a bloody miracle. Honesty and truth is not in their leftist liberal media vocabulary. :D

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

I guess that when you are beginning to see and live in what may become a communist country one day, what is there to be patriotic about anymore in Canada.

If you live under Big Brother, the best move is join the Thought Police.

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15 hours ago, taxme said:

Too bad that there are not enough true conservative patriotic nationalists in Canada today.

The last conservative PM hid in a cupboard: 


The last conservative candidate had dual american citizen:


A patriot, in my opinion is someone that respects the place that he is in.

It does not matter if you are a conservative or not.

Lots of classical liberals or libertarians have more decency than the two above and their followers in my view. Less hypocrtical I might add.

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5 hours ago, Independent1986 said:

The last conservative PM hid in a cupboard: 


The last conservative candidate had dual american citizen:


A patriot, in my opinion is someone that respects the place that he is in.

It does not matter if you are a conservative or not.

Lots of classical liberals or libertarians have more decency than the two above and their followers in my view. Less hypocrtical I might add.

You don't think his security detail put him there....What does having 2 passports have to do with leading a nation, nothing....A patriot is someone who acts in the best interest of the nation, and it's people, not his party, or doing things that are popular to gain votes... someone who is devoted to that nation above everything else...And it has been a long time since we have seen any of that from 'ANY' party...

Edited by Army Guy
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18 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

If you live under Big Brother, the best move is join the Thought Police.


1 hour ago, Army Guy said:


The video says nothing about whether or not those same people in those pictures are all that happy about living in Canada today? I guess that if one is a liberal socialist  or communist or a new immigrant, than ya, Canada is a great place to be living in these days. It's just to hard to have to say " H----- C----- D--". I need more than just pictures of some guy telling me that I should be happy and lucky to be living in Canada today. I can believe that there are millions of Canadians that are not happy about and living in Canada today.

The only way that I can be happy living in Canada once again is to get rid of everything that old man comrade Trudeau signed into law. Plus this hoax of a virus is not helping me all that much either to feel proud to be Canadian. It is thanks to liberalism, socialism and communism that has not made Canada great anymore. Those three ism's have pretty much destroyed this once great nation. And just maybe that guy on his bike is not all that much up or pays all that much attention to politics in Canada. Just saying. ;)

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18 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

If you live under Big Brother, the best move is join the Thought Police.

Canadians are now living under a big brother government, and does have it's own thought police. Try and speak political incorrectness out in public square, and watch and see what happens to you. The thought police will be on your azz in a very short while. All you have to do is go and view The Rebel alternative news website in order to see what really happens to anyone who speaks their conservative freedom loving mind.  It has become quite obvious to me that people like you do not want to hear and listen to and get the other side of the story. The bought off Canadian leftist liberal media works just fine for you, right? :unsure: 

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7 hours ago, Independent1986 said:

The last conservative PM hid in a cupboard: 


The last conservative candidate had dual american citizen:


A patriot, in my opinion is someone that respects the place that he is in.

It does not matter if you are a conservative or not.

Lots of classical liberals or libertarians have more decency than the two above and their followers in my view. Less hypocrtical I might add.

If one is a resident and citizen of a country, why do they need to have dual citizenship? Either you are a citizen of some country or you are not. How does an American or any other foreigner from other countries get to run for office in Canada when they are not 100% Canadian? To become a PM of Canada, one should be born and raised in Canada. This is done in America. There are plenty of foreigners besides an American conservative citizen applying for the job of the PM of Canada. And there are thousands of immigrants that have immigrated to Canada, and got their Canadian citizenship, and then went back from whence they came, and go live and work in their former country. This is cheating and fraud. Those people should lose their Canadian citizenship if they do not want to stay and live and work in Canada. But good luck on that one. This is a game that has been going on for several decades now, and will continue to go on until some patriotic nationalist Canadian political leader does something about it. Either one wants to be a Canadian or does not. No more bull chit. Just my opinion of course. ;)

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5 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Hiding from a shooter is hypocrisy now?

I do not think that there would be a day where we would ever see some PM of Canada ever being shot. Why? Most of them are politically correct and liberal anyway. Besides, a Canadian politician is not really worth the waste of a good bullet. Just saying. LOL.

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

If one is a resident and citizen of a country, why do they need to have dual citizenship? Either you are a citizen of some country or you are not. How does an American or any other foreigner from other countries get to run for office in Canada when they are not 100% Canadian? To become a PM of Canada, one should be born and raised in Canada. This is done in America. There are plenty of foreigners besides an American conservative citizen applying for the job of the PM of Canada. And there are thousands of immigrants that have immigrated to Canada, and got their Canadian citizenship, and then went back from whence they came, and go live and work in their former country. This is cheating and fraud. Those people should lose their Canadian citizenship if they do not want to stay and live and work in Canada. But good luck on that one. This is a game that has been going on for several decades now, and will continue to go on until some patriotic nationalist Canadian political leader does something about it. Either one wants to be a Canadian or does not. No more bull chit. Just my opinion of course. ;)

I'm a dual citizen.  I like it.  If I wanted, I could have four citizenships.

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1 minute ago, bcsapper said:

I'm a dual citizen.  I like it.  If I wanted, I could have four citizenships.

Well, good for you. So,  which countries do you have dual citizenship with, and which one does your loyalty really lie with? Just asking?   

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I was going to post a thread entitled Happy Canada Day as is did previous years, still the best country in the world that millions are line up to come in and live but I didn't think under the circumstances this year with thousands who lost their lives due to Covid-19 and tens of thousands losing their loved ones and millions losing their jobs would be appropriate.

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

Well, good for you. So,  which countries do you have dual citizenship with, and which one does your loyalty really lie with? Just asking?   

I'm a dual British/Canadian citizen.  Guess whose medal count I really care about during the Olympics?

Hint:  It's not Canada's.

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