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Its official, Trump broke the law

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4 minutes ago, Rue said:

Yah for sure a consensual blow job is a serious crime, asking a foreign country to investigate someone running against you for office is not. 

I find your reasoning hard to swallow.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, not getting a blowjob. Trump committed no crime, asking for an investigation is not a crime. The only reason you find such reasoning hard to swallow is because you're a pro-Democrat partisan hack who wants to pretend what Trump did is far worse. Democrats get a pass for committing actual crimes with you and mere accusations are proof of guilt when it's a Republican.

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2 hours ago, Shady said:

It wasn't about a blowjob, it was about somebody else's sexual harassment lawsuit.  Regardless, if Democrats wanted witnesses in the senate too, they should have allow Republicans to call witnesses in the house, or at the very least allow for cross examination of their witnesses.  They allowed for neither.  So go pound sand.

Of course it was about a blowjob. As for sexual harassment you really want to go there? Really? Lol.

Man you guys are something else.

Look your boys prevented an impeachment. Your boys  started by arguing he did not do what he was accused of doing. Then they changed their tune and said, well yah he did do what we said he did not do but he could do what we said he never did and now admit he did cuz he has executive privilege.

Yah we all got it. Executive privilege means a Prez can operate in a vacuum. He need not worry about acting in a conflicted manner. He need not worry about operating without ethics or morality. He can do whatever he wants and he does so because he believes everyone else is as slimy as he is. Two wrongs made a right for him being a large stain on the US democratic principles.

Got it. A stain is ok if the shit stain is a Presidential shit stain. The President's shit is privileged. Got it.

Go change his privileged diaper will yah please. It smells.


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18 minutes ago, Rue said:

Of course it was about a blowjob. As for sexual harassment you really want to go there? Really? Lol.

Man you guys are something else.

Look your boys prevented an impeachment. Period. They now  are trying to cover their asses for the next election saying he did even though we first denied it as ever having happened, now we ares saying, but so what, a President can do whatever he wants to do. Well ok then. You and the Trumpists believe he can operate in a vacuum justified by executive privilege. Got it. Its up to people when they vote to have a say on that now.

Not getting impeached with no proof of a crime is the just outcome. You are the one giving Democrats a pass for actual crimes as not being impeachable conduct while pretending the those who didn't commit any crimes was somehow impeachable conduct if they are a Republican. You have no credibility when you're that big of a partisan hack, and when you call everyone who sees through such hackery a Trumpist as an excuse to write off their entire argument without addressing it, that just makes you look like an even bigger hack.

Clinton tried to cover up his non-impeachable conduct by committing an actual crime which got him impeached, Trump tried to cover up his non-impeachable conduct without committing an actual crime to do so and still got impeached anyway. Despite that, impeaching Clinton backfired on Republicans, just as impeaching Trump is backfiring on Democrats. 

Pretending Trump is worse is obvious TDS, and acting incredulous that Trump would be acquitted when the Dems don't have him committing an actual crime, and Clinton got off even though he did commit an actual crime, just goes to show your expectations were based on being a political noob who hates The Bad Orange Man too much to see straight and thus fills in the many blanks with wishful thinking.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Of course it was about a blowjob. As for sexual harassment you really want to go there? Really? Lol.

Man you guys are something else.

Do you seriously not know what it was about?  It was about Clinton lying under oath in regards to a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by one of his former employees when he was Governor in Arkansas.  You really shouldn't might light of sexual harassment, it's a serious issue.

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7 hours ago, Rue said:

Imagine that? No. However you clearly seem to be imagine that a blow job is the equivalent to  engaging in a conflict of interest and asking a foreign government to investigate your political foe and the processes of both impeachments were the same.


Doesn't matter...President Clinton actually committed a federal crime...proven.   Yet he was still acquitted.

Just because you hate Trump doesn't mean the U.S. Senate is going to remove an elected president.


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On 2/1/2020 at 11:30 PM, eyeball said:

How did they suck me in the 1st time, did you not see where I clearly said I have no reason to trust them? Your weird way of looking at things sure suck you into believing and saying things that are profoundly ill-informed...its hilarious listening to you go on about how easily everyone is duped by CNN.

They sucked you in the first time by getting you to believe that the impeachment in Congress was legitimate. So you actually were duped by CNN.

If the Dems and CNN started a rumour (that's basically what they do full time is start rumours) that Superman was real and then you started insisting that Superman was real, it would be completely accurate to say that the Dems/CNN sucked you in. By the same token, you believe in this impeachment scam, which they started. So, it's an actual fact that you were sucked in by them. Get it? It's not like there are 60 dots to connect. 


I knew everything I needed to know about him when he started killing people extra-judicially and signed onto the 5 Eyes. You weren't troubled by these at all? How come? Careful now, this is where you might have to defend him.

Your capacity for self-delusion when squirming around to escape the corners you think yourself into is legendary around here. I mean for God's sake man, you even called Argus a lefty :lol:.

You're the deluded one for thinking that I have some reason to squirm when I have these wonderful (/sarcasm) debates with you. I just tell the truth which leaves you with egg on your face every time. It's just that simple. Tell the truth, laugh, explain the truth to you in painstaking detail 7-20 times, laugh, rinse, repeat.

FYI I have no need to defend Obama, but I'll admit that it's news to me that he was killing people extra-judicially before he was elected, which is the time when I said that I was supportive of him. If you don't believe me, try to understand what this part means:


I was sucked in, just like everyone else, thinking that it would be good for America to have their first black President.....

Ya see, that fits into the pre-Presidency timeline...

And can you find where I said that Argus was a lefty? I might have said that he had Trump derangement syndrome at some point, like pretty much everyone in Canada does, but I never said he was a leftist re: Canadian politics. 


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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

They sucked you in the first time by getting you to believe that the impeachment in Congress was legitimate. So you actually were duped by CNN.

If the Dems and CNN started a rumour (that's basically what they do full time is start rumours) that Superman was real and then you started insisting that Superman was real, it would be completely accurate to say that the Dems/CNN sucked you in. By the same token, you believe in this impeachment scam, which they started. So, it's an actual fact that you were sucked in by them. Get it? It's not like there are 60 dots to connect. 

Well, I'm not normally regarded as a stupid person by family friends and associates. I'm often responsible for the lives of dozens of people almost a million dollars worth of equipment and I'm well trained and certified to do so.  They don't let just anyone do that.  I'm left with little choice but to allow for your suggestion that I'm suffering the effects of CNN's mind controlling rays which is really scary because I don't even watch CNN.  How many pilots, surgeons or nuclear power plant operators are similarly affected? 

I was thinking maybe a couple of weeks of intense therapy watching Fox would reset things and set me straight. Waddya think?

Image result for a clockwork orange

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Guest ProudConservative

I wanna get rid of Trump bad, but the democrats have nothing. The should impeached him for something else. Biden was corrupt, and Trump did nothing wrong.

Biden witheld $1 billion in military AID, if they didn't fire the prosecruting looking into the His son's corruption.

Can't they just impeach him on insantity, carrying our a political assasignation without congresional authorization, and threatening war crimes with Iran?

How Can the democrats impeach Trump, when Bidden payed twice as much, to keep them silent?


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36 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

I wanna get rid of Trump bad, but the democrats have nothing. The should impeached him for something else. Biden was corrupt, and Trump did nothing wrong.

Wow an unbiased witness it's just too bad you weren't called to testify way back in the House, you could have saved everyone a lot of trouble.


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Guest ProudConservative
1 minute ago, eyeball said:

Wow an unbiased, witness it's just too bad you weren't called to testify way back in the House, you could have saved everyone a lot of trouble.


Are you saying i'm unbiased?

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Guest ProudConservative

I think the deepstate wants Joe Biden in... Right now they rigged the Iowa causus, because Joe Biden was tanking. It's obvious that the deepstate want's Joe Biden... because the want to pursue a new cold war with Russia.

The entire impeachment specticle, ist just revenge on Trump... for going after Biden.... It's obvious.... the elite want biden... That biden is their Hillary Clinton.

I really hope Tulsi get's in... or maybe Pete Buttigeg, because Biden can't be trusted.

Biden might be a centrist but he's a creepy pedophile, who's corrupt to the core.


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4 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

Are you saying i'm unbiased?

Well sure, you don't like Trump but don't hold any real ill will towards him. There's lots of posts in this forum where I say go Trump go but you'd never know it by the flack l get around here. Maybe if l was an ashamed progressive (which is sorta like being a proud conservative in reverse) I'd get more respect.

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Buttigieg has been coached to act like Obama. It's the first speech of his I've listened to and it's obvious.

I'd like to see him beat Trump, except it would be somewhat tragic if the first time we see a "First Gentleman" in the White House it didn't involve a female president.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Well, I'm not normally regarded as a stupid person by family friends and associates. I'm often responsible for the lives of dozens of people almost a million dollars worth of equipment and I'm well trained and certified to do so.  They don't let just anyone do that.  I'm left with little choice but to allow for your suggestion that I'm suffering the effects of CNN's mind controlling rays which is really scary because I don't even watch CNN.  How many pilots, surgeons or nuclear power plant operators are similarly affected? 

I was thinking maybe a couple of weeks of intense therapy watching Fox would reset things and set me straight. Waddya think?

Image result for a clockwork orange

There are a lot of people who have the intellectual capacity to learn an impressive amount of material by rote who just lack the ability to think for themselves. 

There are brilliant men who know more about physics and astronomy than everyone who posts on this site combined who make the flimsy argument that "a supreme being must have just created all of this, the Big Bang Theory just can't be correct". That's a false dichotomy, straight from logical fallacies 101. Maybe the BBT isn't quite correct, but that's not proof that the most unlikely story in the history of the universe is (or isn't) true. 

Remember this?


If the Dems and CNN started a rumour (that's basically what they do full time is start rumours) that Superman was real and then you started insisting that Superman was real, it would be completely accurate to say that the Dems/CNN sucked you in. By the same token, you believe in this impeachment scam, which they started. So, it's an actual fact that you were sucked in by them. Get it? It's not like there are 60 dots to connect. 

How does that not apply to you? Would you like to get into the semantics of "I was sucked in by their story, but only through a different media source which I choose to never divulge because I can't really vouch for them, I know they're liars too."

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

How does that not apply to you? Would you like to get into the semantics of "I was sucked in by their story, but only through a different media source which I choose to never divulge because I can't really vouch for them, I know they're liars too."

Not with you. Your capacity for reading between my lines and seeing it for the deep state media mob's mental malware that it is just leaves me at an immense disadvantage. I just can't touch your level of intellect. I don't want to get into anything until I've had some proper Fox therapy.

Please just try to act like I'm not here and I'll try not to get in the way.  Hopefully I'll be as smart as you some day. Even being twice as stupid would be a improvement.

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The deep state?  Agenda 21 Globalist Elites?  What about gun grabbers and climate change kooks?   We can’t fix anything anymore because all real solutions that have costs are suspect.  The only way forward is to cling to an unsustainable decadent past by borrowing to pay for tax cuts.  That’s where we’re at.  Forget climate change and the disenfranchised outsiders.  Build the wall and militarize.  If nothing else, you’ll be able to take everyone else’s stuff if it really gets desperate.  Forget higher ideals like a better world for all.  Even let go of democracy.  Eat the leader’s shit or risk getting kicked out of the party.  Is a little  dictatorship worth it if it means we don’t have to address anything?  Four more years!!!  I wonder if the real problems will be any worse by then...

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27 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Build the wall and militarize.

Erm security is intrinsic to the well being of just about every nation on earth. Look we can't afford to pay for illegals and their drain on public resources. They don't even pay taxes. So be it a wall or political pressure on Mexico to stem migrants it benefits us. Sure complain about globalism when nationalism reduce the unemployment rate to historic low and raised wages. Also, last I checked, terrorists are a global threat to everyone with a post enlightenment western value like separation of church and state or putting our girls to school. Therefore every country affected should pitch in to fight it. We tried pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan in a rush. Look at the pain and suffering that caused to millions of Syrians and Iraqi refugees which didn't make America or the west any safer. Some people just need to be eliminated from humanity.  Best the pacifist crowd accept that war is part of the human condition. 

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14 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Doesn't matter...President Clinton actually committed a federal crime...proven.   Yet he was still acquitted.

Just because you hate Trump doesn't mean the U.S. Senate is going to remove an elected president.

Someone didn't start following politics when Trump got elected, look at the big brain on bush_cheney.

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