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The road to 2020

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41 minutes ago, Boges said:

That's a non-answer. 

It's a total answer. 

The Dems have done nothing but lie and slither for 30 years. They told dozens of unforgivable lies just on the Kavanaugh confirmation alone, and you want me to care that Lindsey Graham is going back on his word from 4 years ago?


FYI the worst kind of lying there is, is fabricating to malign the character of another human being. 

That type of lying is at the very core of who the Dems are. They did it to Kavanaugh, they did it to Trump, they did it to Carter Page, they did it to Flynn, they are still doing it to police officers on a daily basis. 

Almost nothing that you think you know is true, mainly because you believe what you watch on CNN. It doesn't matter how many times you get caught propagating lies, you still go back to the same source. It's not even funny anymore. 


The GOP have opened the door to this kind of imagination.

You're lying again. 

The Dems just lacked the power they needed to insert a non-constitutional judge to the SC. They couldn't turn the SC into a dictatorship modelled after the 9th circuit. Boo hoo. 


The GOP have only won a single popular vote in the last 30 years.

1) The Dems ONLY cater to large-city voters. They have always alienated the fly-over people, but that's what it takes to get the big city voters. It's a choice they made themselves. 

2) The Liberals in Canada lost the popular vote in 2019 too. What's your point?


Their brand of politics are quickly going out of style. It's measures like this that's keeping them cling to power.

 Their brand of politics is for reasonable, intelligent people who don't like being lied to. It's for common-sense, democratic, law-abiding, hard-working people.

The Dems cater to low-income, cop-hating, socialism-loving, lazy people who are just unhappy with a life where they have to take some responsibility for their own successes or failures. 

Honestly if you're a lazy, worthless dolt who didn't try in school, you don't work hard enough to keep a decent job, and you think that you should just be able to commit crimes to get what you need or you feel like the people who actually worked hard all their lives should pay your way then you're a Democrat. 

If you work hard and you've always been responsible for your family and with your money, and you don't need to steal to earn a living, then you're a Republican. 

If the GOP way of life is going out of style then America is screwed. 


I don't know how you can be Canadian and be that Right Wing. Many Dem policies would put them right at home in the CPC. 

I'll name some names, you try to tell me that even one of these people isn't a worthless scumbag:





M. Waters




H Clinton

All those people are hideous liars, through and through. I honestly wouldn't hire any of them to run a taco truck. 

You try stacking any one of those people up against any one of Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz or Trey Gowdy and tell me that you honestly think that they're even in the same league in terms of class, integrity, intelligence or any other measure of virtue. 


Name any CNN talking head and stack them up against Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, or even some conservatives who don't have a bigtime gig yet, like Candace Owens or Ben Shapiro. Let's count their lies and their idiotic comments. 

I know you won't take the bait because you already know that you've lost, bigtime. To this day you still can't find fault with anyone on Fox News but you write them off as liars because that's what CNN told you to do, and you refuse to think for yourself. To this day you won't name a single CNN talking head that you think has any integrity at all. I know that you won't pick a Dem off that list and vouch for them because you know that they're all scum, just like I said.

The election is not about policy, it's about snakes & liars vs Americans, ad you know that every single Dem I named there is a snake and a liar or you haven't been paying attention. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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As for who the Republicans might look to for POTUS picks in the future...some rumors say...

Ivanka...but less probability than one might think re: Trump's stance on dynastic politics.

Candace Owens. The obvious choice. Beloved on the Right.

Kim Klacik. New...but watch that lady go.

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29 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Looks like Michelle Obama's curse "when they go low we go high" will need to be lifted and

LMAO. You can't even name one time in the last 6 years that "the Dems went high", can you? That's a myth.

Michelle Obama panders to racists and rioters every chance she gets. 

The Dems call violent protests where police and innocent bystanders are attacked "mostly peaceful". 2 billion dollars worth of damage and dozens of people murdered = mostly peaceful. 

Gerry Nadler said that the rioting in Portland was a myth, after it had been going on for 100 days. People there went to the extent of cementing doors shut and trying to start the building on fire. But it's a myth.

There's a mob of people starting fires to blame on global warming and the Dems are backing that careless destruction up. How different is BC from Washington state? Where are our fires? How do they just stop at the 49th parallel?  

The Dems don't "go low", they "stay low".


the Democrats will need to return to the dirty politics of the past.  Stacking the court will just be the start.

You didn't see dirty politics in all the lying about Russian collusion? You didn't see any dirty politics in the Kavanaugh confirmation? That's pathetic. The Dems couldn't have been any sleazier or any dirtier.

In case you forget, when Avanatti came out with a girl who claimed to have gone to "10 parties where Kavanaugh and his buddies gang-raped girls" he became an overnight sensation in the Dem world. That was literally THE DUMBEST STORY I ever heard in my life, but the Dem voters are so ridiculously stupid that they just gobbled it up like pigs at the trough. Brain Stelter from CNN said that Avanatti was likely to be a future leader of the entire Dem party lol. That's stupid AF.


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14 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) The Dems ONLY cater to large-city voters. They have always alienated the fly-over people, but that's what it takes to get the big city voters. It's a choice they made themselves. 

Then explain states like Arizona becoming Blue. Texas and North Carolina getting much bluer and a potential Democrat Senate wins in Montana and Iowa.

As well as a Democratic Governor in Kansas. 



2) The Liberals in Canada lost the popular vote in 2019 too. What's your point?

That's because the CPC became unpopular in the Suburbs. In Canada, the 905 Suburbs of Toronto pretty much decide National elections. 

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8 minutes ago, Boges said:

Then explain states like Arizona becoming Blue. Texas and North Carolina getting much bluer and a potential Democrat Senate wins in Montana and Iowa.

As well as a Democratic Governor in Kansas. 


Col, Minn and NM are the only only real 'fly-over' states that were blue. Illinois is the only other state that went blue that's in the middle of America and 3/4 of the population of Illinois is in the Chicago MSA. 

There are about 23 red states that would be considered 'fly-over' states. With a final tally of red 23-3 blue, fly-over states are not "blue". 

Here's a pretty cool page. It has maps of which party won, by county, and maps that shows how much each county was won by. The Dems won by a very large margin in a few places, the GOP won almost everywhere, but by much smaller margins.


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Why is it that every time I challenge a Dem sycophant to come up evidence of what they pretend to know, they always come up with blanks?

They just know that Fox News only tells lies 24/7, but they can't find a single specific example. I've posted thousands of actual lies by CNN on this site, no one has disproven anything I wrote about CNN's lying, but people still regurgitate their drivel. 

"The Dems go high" is a common refrain from Demmies, but I have never seen an example of it. I have plenty of examples of them slithering through the gutter though. It's a daily occurrence. When was the last time a Dem "went high" on any issue? 

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3 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

As for who the Republicans might look to for POTUS picks in the future...some rumors say...

Ivanka...but less probability than one might think re: Trump's stance on dynastic politics.

Candace Owens. The obvious choice. Beloved on the Right.

Kim Klacik. New...but watch that lady go.

The Republicans have a very deep bench compared to the Democrats. Off the top of my head I can't think of any reasonable  candidates on the Democratic side. If there are any, then they might be able to fill into a minivan. The rest are catering to the radicals(Antifa etc). Who in their right mind would be happy about how far the Dems have moved to the Left?

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3 hours ago, Boges said:

Then explain states like Arizona becoming Blue. Texas and North Carolina getting much bluer and a potential Democrat Senate wins in Montana and Iowa.

I am starting to think that the root cause is that Democrats never hated Republicans nearly as much as Republicans hated Democrats.  I have seen so many comments saying what fun it is to see Trump troll the Democrats.  What's with that ?  I guess it's the natural arrogance of liberals coming back on them but the flip side is scarier...

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3 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

As for who the Republicans might look to for POTUS picks in the future...some rumors say...

Ivanka...but less probability than one might think re: Trump's stance on dynastic politics.

Candace Owens. The obvious choice. Beloved on the Right.

Kim Klacik. New...but watch that lady go.

Candace is great, it would be interesting to see what would happen if she ran.

I'd also like to see Dinesh D'Souza or Ben Shapiro run, just because I'd love to see someone try to win a debate against either of them.

Can you imagine a debate between Biden and Shapiro? LMAO, it would like a fight between a pit-bull and a rabbit. He speaks too fast for Biden to even have a clue what he was talking about.


DeSantis in Fla will be a really strong candidate if he ever runs, imo. He's a solid conservative in a state that's generating really high support from the latino community.

Gaetz or Jordan would be really strong candidates too. 

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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I have seen so many comments saying what fun it is to see Trump troll the Democrats.  

The Dems land all of their body blows with baseless accusations, and Trump is pretty good at dishing out I told ya so's when the dust finally settles and the truth is out.  

People who support the President get tired of seeing the Dems lying about everything regarding the President, combined with their absolute failure to acknowledge the things that he has done really well on. 

Sentiments like "Suleimani was a beloved father figure among Iranians" and "Peace agreements between Israel and other countries in the middle east is no big deal" don't sit will with anyone who has more than half a brain lol. Trump's record in the middle east is getting a shining star from muslims and Jews alike. The only people who don't se that are the Dems.

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On 9/12/2020 at 11:40 AM, Boges said:

I like how a 2% polling lead in Florida is a time to panic. But Biden's lead across the Rust-Belt and in Arizona is just faulty polling. 

Biden's path to re-election involves simply taking Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin back. All states he has comfortable leads in. 

He also has leads in Florida, Arizona and North Carolina. 

Trump has to keep the three rust belt states as well as keeping Arizona, Florida and North Carolina. 

Pundits on Bill Maher last night opined that all this hand-wringing about tightening race are just efforts to keep the race more interesting.

If the candidate was anyone other than Trump, he'd have been written off long ago. But because Trump won a few states by the most narrow of margins, it's seen that he has an advantage in states he's pretty much never led Biden in?

Polls don't mean crap in the swing-states, which is the only place polls would actually matter anyways.  Clinton led in a bunch of polls in swing states she ended up losing.  We'll find out on election night.

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33 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I have seen so many comments saying what fun it is to see Trump troll the Democrats.  What's with that ? .

I haven't seen "so many" comments like that myself. Trump does indeed troll them, and they do likewise. But around here, appreciation for that's not necessary. There is plenty more to talk about than simply trolling.

What I see is a lot of useful information about what Donald Trump has accomplished against all the odds, being deliberately ignored by people who have taken a hard-core position. Never-Trumpers. Like yourself, I assume.

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Trump may have played this SCJ nomination wrong.

He could have guaranteed the full support of all his voters if that seat was open, and on the other side, voter apathy was bound to be a huge problem for the Dems because no one really wants to plug their nose long enough to vote for Joe, SCJ seat or not. 

The Dems can really eliminate voter apathy from the equation with this issue though. Their idiots are riled up up like crazy.

Trump has to get this done now, because if he fails he looks bad and he'll lose the election, even without Dems resorting to cheating. 

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47 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Trump may have played this SCJ nomination wrong.



Perhaps...but with talk of yet another impeachment attempt & stacking the supreme court, they can spin their wheels and froth at the mouth on TikTok for all I care. 

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15 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Its Trumps fault, apparently, for trolling them. Poor liberals...

Just wait for the whining when the Dems take all three houses and bolster the ACA, remove the Filibuster and Stack the Court. 

We'll see who the snowflakes are then. Repubs will pretent their protesting taxation on Tea again like immature babies. 

Edited by Boges
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Ramming through the nominee. . . 

not very popular. 




The national opinion poll, conducted Sept. 19-20 after Ginsburg’s death was announced, suggests that many Americans object to President Donald Trump’s plan, backed by many Senate Republicans, to push through another lifetime appointee and cement a 6-3 conservative majority on the court.

The poll found that 62% of American adults agreed the vacancy should be filled by the winner of the Nov. 3 matchup between Trump and Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden, while 23% disagreed and the rest said they were not sure.



Also Repubs are getting trounced in fundraising. Remember all that talk about an enthusiasm gap?


And Trump has squandered $1 billion and is now having to pick and choose where to advertise while Biden can pretty much advertise anywhere he wants. 


I guess in Trumpland the Enthusiasm gap only counts for Darwin challenged people who risk their livlihoods to stand behind an Old Orange man in a Red Hat. 

Edited by Boges
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3 minutes ago, Boges said:

Ramming through the nominee. . . 

not very popular. 



Also Repubs are getting trounced in fundraising. Remember all that talk about an enthusiasm gap?


And Trump has squandered $1 billion and is now having to pick and choose where to advertise while Biden can pretty much advertise anywhere he wants. 


I guess in Trumpland the Enthusiasm gap only counts for Darwin challenged people who risk their livlihoods to stand behind an Old Orange man in a Red Hat. 


It's like he thinks he's President or somthin'....

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18 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Polls don't mean crap in the swing-states, which is the only place polls would actually matter anyways.  Clinton led in a bunch of polls in swing states she ended up losing.  We'll find out on election night.

This is akin to:

"Weather reports don't work.  One time it said 30% chance of rain, so I left my umbrella and IT RAINED"

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

This is akin to:

"Weather reports don't work.  One time it said 30% chance of rain, so I left my umbrella and IT RAINED"


I see you're wearing your hat again. I imagine we should show some respect for your position...


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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

And lose the Senate in November. 

Did you see Linsey Graham crying about being out fundraised 4:1? :lol:

Enthusiasm Gap indeed. 


I see Democrats blowing a fuse again and their fervent supporters rioting in the streets attacking those who dare disagree.

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