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Bring ISIS fighters back to Canada??

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On 3/1/2019 at 6:46 PM, -TSS- said:

Has this issue surfaced following the news-story about the ISIS-bride who wants to return "home" to the UK after ISIS has been destroyed? 

The British government has revoked her UK-citizenship and has said she is not welcome back. However, as the UK-law states that nobody can be made stateless through revocation of the UK-citizenship she may have to be accepted back to the UK even though she is a poisonous snake who is a real threat if and when she returns to the UK. 

Countries such as Iraq dont take back their own deported citizens, which is against all international laws but different laws seem to apply to different countries. 

Perhaps even the Iraqis have understood that receiving Iraqis is not a good idea. 

Bring her back and put her in the stocks where the crowd can stone her

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5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

In light of the SNC-Lavalin and their actions in Libya, we are looking just like the terrorists. But we promote their miserable existence.

We helped in making their lives hell by supporting the whole failed 'war on terror', when we knew better.

You can make any excuse you like for these scumbags, but they are not blameless, and we do own the mistakes made on the war on terror, yes we may of made a few terrorist here and there, but far more civilians have been killed in Afghanistan, Iraq , Syria, by the local population and these Jihad Terrorist from Muslim countries around the world. the fact still remains that well over 80% of all the causalities in Afghanistan were done by the Taliban and their gangs of thugs...pssst we don't talk about that part of the story......it' does not support the lefts side of the debate......those numbers climb when we talk about Iraq, and Syria. and as far as the war on terror being a failure, no more 9/11, when was the last attack on Canada, so they must be contained to the middle east right....better to kill them over there , than in our streets...

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19 hours ago, Army Guy said:

You can make any excuse you like for these scumbags, but they are not blameless, and we do own the mistakes made on the war on terror, yes we may of made a few terrorist here and there, but far more civilians have been killed in Afghanistan, Iraq , Syria, by the local population and these Jihad Terrorist from Muslim countries around the world. the fact still remains that well over 80% of all the causalities in Afghanistan were done by the Taliban and their gangs of thugs...pssst we don't talk about that part of the story......it' does not support the lefts side of the debate......those numbers climb when we talk about Iraq, and Syria. and as far as the war on terror being a failure, no more 9/11, when was the last attack on Canada, so they must be contained to the middle east right....better to kill them over there , than in our streets...

So why are they coming here and attacking us now??

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2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

So why are they coming here and attacking us now??

Who is coming here to attack us....Canada's greatest threat of terrorism is home grown, and bringing these scumbags back does nothing to prevent more attacks....what it does do is spread already thin resources to make sure these guys behave themselves, not stir up any poop so to speak, resources that could be used to stop other unknown threats, It brings the threat to our streets.....coming soon to town near you.....

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17 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Who is coming here to attack us....Canada's greatest threat of terrorism is home grown, and bringing these scumbags back does nothing to prevent more attacks....what it does do is spread already thin resources to make sure these guys behave themselves, not stir up any poop so to speak, resources that could be used to stop other unknown threats, It brings the threat to our streets.....coming soon to town near you.....

As brutal as some of those dictators were (and some we had no problem doing business with) they held the population in check. Now that we helped remove all that, they are going at each other like crazy.  Again, totally predicted and stated here on this very board.


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I think the law is quite clear.   Since Canada has deployed troops and resources under "Operation Impact" specifically engaging with Al Queda, Taliban and ISIL (Daesh) opposing forces, ANYTHING a Canadian citizen (or I believe resident) does in support is an act of treason or high treason.  Yeah, bring them back, but it will cost us life imprisonment so cheaper by far to just leave them where they chose to go.

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We would be making a big mistake to assume that the men and women leaving ISIS, are leaving because they are no longer enthralled in its barbaric ideology.  The "ISIS brides" from every country have all shown a sickening lack of remorse for what they've done, demanding entry back into the very countries they rejected and fought against.




Over the past last weeks, they secured the evacuation of more than 10,000 of their exhausted and wounded followers, looking to ensure long-term survival and continued conflict.


The evacuees, most of them relatives of IS members, include shattered families that lost loved ones and wounded, exhausted and hungry men, women and children — but some remain die-hard believers, angry and broken, and potential seeds for an already burgeoning insurgency in a country whose social fabric is in shreds.


Women, juggling a couple of babies on each arm, pulled duffel bags or plastic sacks with a few belongings. Some had lost children or husbands. Some brought out bags of IS-created copper and silver coins, clearly hoping to be able to use the caliphate currency one day.


Um Rayyan, 25, said she remains a supporter but said she was disheartened by the group's increasing corruption.  "I think this is the reason for the failure of the Islamic State ... God protected us (from the international coalition.) But when there was corruption inside us, God stopped making us victorious," she said.


Rana, a 27-year old mother of two, migrated with husband from Egypt to IS's self-styled caliphate soon after it was declared in 2014. She said their life in Raqqa was the "best of times".


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If I remember correctly the bride from britain, says she has no regrets and it was actually fun. But she has been thru some tough times and expects everyone to feel sorry for her. Time to come down hard and I mean real hard on these people as a example to future generations. 

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1 hour ago, cannuck said:

I think the law is quite clear.   Since Canada has deployed troops and resources under "Operation Impact" specifically engaging with Al Queda, Taliban and ISIL (Daesh) opposing forces, ANYTHING a Canadian citizen (or I believe resident) does in support is an act of treason or high treason.  Yeah, bring them back, but it will cost us life imprisonment so cheaper by far to just leave them where they chose to go.

I agree with you 100%, but todays legal experts say it is next to imposable to get a conviction of treason do to the ways these laws are laid out. perhaps one of the parties can bring about change to these laws and make them current....Don't count on the liberals, or greens as they have already stated their battle dry for the next election is Climate change...nothing else matters....maybe the cons or mad max...I say let them answer for they're deeds in Syria or Iraq....that would send a message to everyone concerned.... 

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21 minutes ago, Goddess said:

We would be making a big mistake to assume that the men and women leaving ISIS, are leaving because they are no longer enthralled in its barbaric ideology.  The "ISIS brides" from every country have all shown a sickening lack of remorse for what they've done, demanding entry back into the very countries they rejected and fought against.





This is what frustrates me to no end....Canadians will see those big tears, and change their minds, but they are just kids...kids that at the very least condoned or stood by and did nothing while Iraqis or Syrians were tortured , beheaded, or worse, at the whims of some very sick and twisted individuals and now they think we in the west owe them something....F888 them , but what do I know...it was like having a party with no rules , in a state where the "purge" was all day and all night everyday, every night.....kill whom ever you wanted because it was the new thing to do....and we want to send them back here to live with us....

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

This is what frustrates me to no end....Canadians will see those big tears, and change their minds, but they are just kids...kids that at the very least condoned or stood by and did nothing while Iraqis or Syrians were tortured , beheaded, or worse, at the whims of some very sick and twisted individuals and now they think we in the west owe them something....F888 them , but what do I know...it was like having a party with no rules , in a state where the "purge" was all day and all night everyday, every night.....kill whom ever you wanted because it was the new thing to do....and we want to send them back here to live with us....

It is frustrating.

Here's one that says she never saw ISIS killing anyone - not even once.  Only America was doing the killing. :rolleyes:  




"This is not war. I did not see fighters, people taking up arms and waging jihad against America. No I only saw America killing - a lot," French national Um Walaa's told Reuters TV after being evacuated from Baghouz near the Iraqi border.

"...They used to say we (Islamic State) made the world scared, honestly I did not see this. I did not see that we terrorized the world."

Her words offer a snapshot of the feelings harbored by the followers and fighters of the hardline group who have poured out of the enclave by the thousand over the past month.


I notice the picture of her in the article - she's one of the ones who is only allowed to have one eye uncovered from under the burka, so maybe that's why she didn't see anything.  Idiot.

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Don't worry. They don't believe in that stuff any more!

Er... probably....

A French-born jihadist who spent a year fighting in Syria for the Islamic State group has been found guilty of the murder of four people in an anti-Semitic attack in Brussels in May 2014.


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Sweden is calling for an international tribunal to deal with the returning ISIS fighters, like Nuremburgh and the Rwanda genocide:




According to Aftonbladet, Löfven said it’s imperative that foreign fighters who have fought alongside ISIS be brought to justice — not just for the victims but also for people’s trust in the legal system.


And yes - they are not surrendering because they realize they've made a terrible mistake.  They are surrendering in the hope of continuing the fight from their homelands.





On Wednesday, hundreds of evacuees walked through the dusty desert plateau to get on trucks to carry them to displaced persons camps miles away. Meanwhile, lines of men walked guided by SDF troops to another corner of the plateau to be screened and searched.

As IS's defeat neared, the anger of defiant supporters among the evacuees increased.



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58 minutes ago, Goddess said:

And yes - they are not surrendering because they realize they've made a terrible mistake.  They are surrendering in the hope of continuing the fight from their homelands.

This is what I strongly suspect.   Problem is, it won't be 100% and to collect evidence to sort out those who are legit and those who are good liars would be extremely difficult.  Not like they are going to tell on each other to give the infidels the chance to punish the faithful.

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18 hours ago, cannuck said:

This is what I strongly suspect.   Problem is, it won't be 100% and to collect evidence to sort out those who are legit and those who are good liars would be extremely difficult.  Not like they are going to tell on each other to give the infidels the chance to punish the faithful.

legit or not, it is only part of the problems. Does the gov have a plan to assure that they will not make the same mistake again? May be they need to have something similar to "alcohol recovery support group."

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29 minutes ago, egghead said:

legit or not, it is only part of the problems. Does the gov have a plan to assure that they will not make the same mistake again? May be they need to have something similar to "alcohol recovery support group."

We don't even have a plan to cope with our soldiers problems, and yet here we are trying to work out how poetry and arts and craft lessons are not going to be enough for these scumbags...

Who about let the government of Syria or Iraq deal with them thats were the crimes took place thats where they should be tried....


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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

We don't even have a plan to cope with our soldiers problems, and yet here we are trying to work out how poetry and arts and craft lessons are not going to be enough for these scumbags...

Who about let the government of Syria or Iraq deal with them thats were the crimes took place thats where they should be tried....


How many $10 million dollars settlements do you want?

No sound minded person wants them back, but the leftists will fight for the ISIS fighters' right. 

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27 minutes ago, egghead said:

How many $10 million dollars settlements do you want?

No sound minded person wants them back, but the leftists will fight for the ISIS fighters' right. 

There are laws to be observed, and if we evade our own laws, violate their legal rights, as we did in Khadr's case, there  will be more successful lawsuits.

The law is our best route, and we have laws under which they can be arrested, charged and tried. 

The children had no choices and did no wrong. 

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5 hours ago, egghead said:

How many $10 million dollars settlements do you want?

No sound minded person wants them back, but the leftists will fight for the ISIS fighters' right. 

It is not illegal to have the country that the crime happened in to prosecute them in their own courts.. Even when their is the death penalty at stake, hence the Canadian drug dealer who was sentenced to death recently...sure our government will do a lot of talking but soon China will carry out this sentence...as many other countries have and will continue to do...

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5 hours ago, jacee said:

There are laws to be observed, and if we evade our own laws, violate their legal rights, as we did in Khadr's case, there  will be more successful lawsuits.

The law is our best route, and we have laws under which they can be arrested, charged and tried. 

The children had no choices and did no wrong. 

The Laws need to be changed, or modified to the point they are no longer a joke...These terrorist knew all of that before they left, and because our laws are weak regarding this topic, they know it is next to imposable to gather enough evidence to convict in a Canadian court..They also know that the ride is over and now they all want to go home to welfare and the land of hand outs until the next holy war..... 

No the children never have a say, return the children , child services can give these children a good home here in Canada with parents that have some common sense, and who's idea of a good time is cutting peoples heads off...the adults can ride it out in some foreign jail if their lucky, or get buried in some unmarked hole in the desert like their victims....  

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