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Will Raybould cross the floor?

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As long as she still sits as a Liberal MP Trudeau is safe, if she quits alltogether, IMO he's done.    I don't actually believe this has anything to do with ethnicity or gender, it's simply about a serious difference of opinion about the breaking the law and it's consequences (for SNC)  

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On 2/12/2019 at 12:39 PM, Zeitgeist said:

 Trudeau is many things, but influence peddling for a corporation seems unlikely.  

The criminal charges against SNC are crippling and ridiculous over the top political correctness.  A fine suffices. 

Trudeau is a Liberal. Influence peddling is what Liberals do. 

SNC-Lavalin is banned from contracts by the World Bank, as one of the most corrupt companies in the world. The demise of SNC-Lavelin would not be a disaster but would make room for other, better companies to develop. 



Wilson-Raybould may cross the floor ... to the Green Party. :)

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1 hour ago, jacee said:

Trudeau is a Liberal. Influence peddling is what Liberals do. 

Justin Trudeau is also proof positive that the Conservative's efforts to make our government more transparent were completely useless.  I've never regarded the Conservatives efforts as being truly genuine and there is zero reason to believe they wouldn't have slipped deferred prosecution agreement legislation into an omnibus bill as well.  We're in a race to the bottom with our competitors the US and UK who've also instituted these nefarious loopholes but they're also our allies and if there's anything Conservatives love doing its emulating our allies.   Given the multi-national nature of corporate power and influence these days the race to the bottom is as much a relay race now.




SNC-Lavalin is banned from contracts by the World Bank, as one of the most corrupt companies in the world. The demise of SNC-Lavelin would not be a disaster but would make room for other, better companies to develop. 



Hopefully the demise of SNC-Lavelin will be a disaster for the Liberals that will make room for other, better political parties to develop.



Wilson-Raybould may cross the floor ... to the Green Party. :)

FTW.  Interesting that the Green Party also has a multi-national nature to it - ultimately it'll have to be a global inter-national effort to counter the apparent determination of powerful and corrupt people to steer our global economy towards the lowest roads possible.

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As a conservative, I do not want conservatives doing business with the likes of JWR, not that I do not respect her, I do respect her, but I respect her as an adversary, she's an Indian warrior woman, perhaps, but she's still a left wing kook.

God save the Queen and her Mohawk Warriors, but no truck nor trade with the NDPindians

Edited by Dougie93
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9 hours ago, jacee said:

Trudeau is a Liberal. Influence peddling is what Liberals do. 

SNC-Lavalin is banned from contracts by the World Bank, as one of the most corrupt companies in the world. The demise of SNC-Lavelin would not be a disaster but would make room for other, better companies to develop. 



Wilson-Raybould may cross the floor ... to the Green Party. :)

Agreed. Jobs are not as big an issue as the apologists for Trudeau would have us believe. The contracts that they have will likely be allowed to be completed - if only to avoid costly transitioning. Any contracts that they might bid on in the next 10 years would be won by other Canadian companies using Canadian workers. And all of that is dependent on SNC LOSING the criminal trial and then even so, perhaps the judge may offer his own "remedial" sentence that might be far less that a 10 year prohibition. One thing is sure - if we don't crack down on Corporate ethics, it will either continue unabated - or corrupt lobbyists like SNC will gain and undeserved advantage. It has to stop.

Edited by Centerpiece
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On 2/14/2019 at 5:24 PM, scribblet said:
Just thinking that it was a good think Robert Fife broke this story rather than say the Rebel as it would've been immediately  shut down as "fake news"  by the Trudeau gov't which has decided it is in charge of  deciding what is fake and what isn't.    

You make two good points.

Fife had the resources/money to do the research.

When Fife "published" his results, people believed him.


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I think that with the demise of SNC Lavalin and the concomitant loss of 50000 jobs, the apparent inability of the National Energy Board and the courts to act in the public interest on pipelines and business practices as the book is thrown at people and companies for small improprieties, we will see the rise of the Yellow Jacket Movement and a swing right in all coming elections.  Even Trudeau isn’t immune from the politically correct Puritanism he helped implement through policy.  It now appears that Wilson-Raybould was angling for an outcome that would serve her political ambitions as she asked the PM if she was being directed to take a particular decision on SNC.  I can only promise you this: If this sort of rule continues, get out your chequebooks because we will be stuck in a holding pattern of litigation and inaction.  Workers will have their revenge at the polls.  

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On 2/14/2019 at 5:24 PM, scribblet said:
Just thinking that it was a good think Robert Fife broke this story rather than say the Rebel as it would've been immediately  shut down as "fake news"  by the Trudeau gov't which has decided it is in charge of  deciding what is fake and what isn't.    

Good point.

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On 2/15/2019 at 6:21 AM, scribblet said:

As long as she still sits as a Liberal MP Trudeau is safe, if she quits alltogether, IMO he's done.    I don't actually believe this has anything to do with ethnicity or gender, it's simply about a serious difference of opinion about the breaking the law and it's consequences (for SNC)  

It has nothing what-so-ever to do with ethnicity or gender, scribblet - no matter how much certain activists are trying to make it so.  Some folks just feel they have to make themselves seem so much more important than they really are - sad that.

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Wilson-Raybauld is the last person the Conservative Party needs as a candidate steeped as she is in the liberal ideology of minorities first and the majority can go hang themselves.  Her politics in no way align with those of intelligent thinking Canadians. They do align well with those whose 'feeling's' govern their politics instead of logic. 

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Liberals are moving chess pieces, they are up to something...jody Raybould is sitting in her cabinet seat and has been invited to speak at the committee meeting .  They wouldn't invite her if they didn't know what she was going to say, so it will be favorable to Trudeau.

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On 2/10/2019 at 6:35 PM, Dougie93 said:

Bear in mind, nothing was so enriching and empowering for the liberal media, as the twin pillars of Vietnam and Watergate.

It's entirely within the core interests and proclivities of the media, to try to gin every military action into a Vietnam and every political intrigue into a Watergate. 

"Gulf of Tonkin!" and "What did the President know and when did he know it?!", is the liberal media in a nutshell.

Good observation, Dougie.

Problem is: the media in general worships the whole business of political correctness and the looney left.  Going after Trudeau would violate their core principals.

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5 hours ago, mowich said:

Wilson-Raybauld is the last person the Conservative Party needs as a candidate steeped as she is in the liberal ideology of minorities first and the majority can go hang themselves.  Her politics in no way align with those of intelligent thinking Canadians. They do align well with those whose 'feeling's' govern their politics instead of logic. 

Not only that: she has already proven she has no regard whatsoever for the rule of law.  She KNEW what was going on, so instead of calling in the RCMP to put the perpetrators in jail, she had a hissy fit behind closed doors in cabinet.  Any A-G with ANY measure of integrity would prosecute all involved.

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She has met with cabinet and sat in her minister seat, so we will see cos i doubt she's going to blow the whistle on them. They wouldnt invite her to speak at the committee if they thought it would damage Trudeau

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3 minutes ago, scribblet said:

She has met with cabinet and sat in her minister seat, so we will see cos she's not going to blow the whistle on them.

Of course not.  She is both a Liberal and a lawyer.  Can't get much lower than that.

Well, OK, I guess you could, but then your name would be Gerald Butts.  How about that, a name that fits the A=hole that uses it.

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4 hours ago, cannuck said:

Good observation, Dougie.

Problem is: the media in general worships the whole business of political correctness and the looney left.  Going after Trudeau would violate their core principals.

But if the looney left is forced to choose between a pampered prince, and an Indian warrior woman? 

Even the CBC state propaganda arm is in full on Watergate mode right now, they can only go so far in terms of being biased.

They have to at least maintain the facade of independent journalism.

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On 2/12/2019 at 11:39 AM, Zeitgeist said:

I think Raybould was simply an incompetent minister who is playing it silent because her former office allows her to do that.  Trudeau is many things, but influence peddling for a corporation seems unlikely.  She didn’t like being demoted and is trying to reek as much havoc for the PM as she can while she has an audience.  I would expect someone like Scheer to do more to protect SNC as PM than Trudeau.  Moreover, I think he should.  The criminal charges against SNC are crippling and ridiculous over the top political correctness.  A fine suffices. 

Sorry to have to point out: this is the most ridiculous post of the year.

The Liberal Party has been financially backed by a set of very, very large and wealthy Eastern businesses and families for more than a century.  Political ideology has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.  They are now, and for a very long time have been the front for the business of politics for the sake of special interests.  Power Corp and the Desmarais family the leader of that pack, but adding Irving, Bombardier and SNC.  The Trudeau family legacy is their relationship with this rule-by-special-interest cartel.

When you blurt out "someone like Scheer", exactly WTF are you saying?????   Show us where there is ANY connection  between Scheer and ANY big business or big money.  The child of a SK nurse and librarian is closer to an "ordinary citizen" than AHYONE who I can recall leading either of the two main parties of this country.   That sure as hell can not be said of Trudeau's and Chretiens - all with deep family and business ties to the junta that runs the LPC.

This is precisely why I believe partisanship of any kind should be removed 100% from the electoral and governing functions of politics.

SNC is obviously a company you know only as a Liberal contributor.  They are FAMOUS around the world for their political corruption, bribery, scandal, kickbacks - every dirty trick in the book (which is well founded from general business and political practice in PQ).  There are many reasons they have been kicked out of doing ANY business funded by the World Bank, kicked off of jobsites around the world and within Canada.  This is all public record. 

And THESE are the very people you are DEFENDING???????????????   

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8 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

But if the looney left is forced to choose between a pampered prince, and an Indian warrior woman? 

Even the CBC state propaganda arm is in full on Watergate mode right now, they can only go so far in terms of being biased.

They have to at least maintain the facade of independent journalism.

This will be the genuinely interesting part of what unfolds.  The CBC will pretend to be journalists for a while, but will soon fall back on being the political activists that is their true purpose in life. 

Also please not the choices you named are simply two sides of the same coin.  I would so much rather see someone choosing between truth and lies.

Wish Al Jazeera was featuring this story.   Wish we had some semblance of rule-of-law in Canada.

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50 minutes ago, cannuck said:

This will be the genuinely interesting part of what unfolds.  The CBC will pretend to be journalists for a while, but will soon fall back on being the political activists that is their true purpose in life. 

Also please not the choices you named are simply two sides of the same coin.  I would so much rather see someone choosing between truth and lies.

Wish Al Jazeera was featuring this story.   Wish we had some semblance of rule-of-law in Canada.

Indeed.  I've frankly given up on Canada,  exactly because there is no rule of law, I can't defend it anymore, Canada is broken, and it's been for decades, and it ain't getting better.

Back in 1982 when I was young and naive, I thought the Charter was going to change things, but with the caveat "reasonable" affixed to each right, it turned out to be worthless, because what is "reasonable"  is arbitrary.

It's "reasonable" for the gov to search you without probable cause, it's "reasonable" for the gov to seize your property without a conviction, it's  'reasonable" for you to be hauled into a kangaroo court for offending someones delicate sensibilities, it goes on and on and it is getting worse all the time.

The Charter is a total failure, instead of rights and freedoms were are getting a creeping proto communist takeover, because the Charter has been weaponized by far left extremists, and there's nothing in the Charter to stop them.

Edited by Dougie93
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14 hours ago, cannuck said:

Not only that: she has already proven she has no regard whatsoever for the rule of law.  She KNEW what was going on, so instead of calling in the RCMP to put the perpetrators in jail, she had a hissy fit behind closed doors in cabinet.  Any A-G with ANY measure of integrity would prosecute all involved.

You may very well be right but until .........or if, she is ever allowed to tell her side of this unholy mess, we will never know what actually happened.  I have very little faith that this so-called Justice Committee will resolve the matter.  IMO, only an open and public inquiry where all those involved are allowed to speak openly and truthfully will the truth behind this scandal be revealed. 

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On 2/15/2019 at 12:54 PM, PIK said:

As A conservative, I would love to see her cross the floor, but I do not like when they do that. Sit as a independent. 

Also as a Conservative, the last person I want is someone whose known beliefs are in lock-step with the leftist ideologies of the liberal party.  She is so steeped in that BS I doubt she could ever change her ways.  Best she stays right where she is and quietly sinks into oblivion with the rest of her lib buddies.

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