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The Great Bomb Hoax - Why Now? Shades of Blasey-Ford

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18 hours ago, betsy said:

Lol......Heck,  his boss must also be certifiable!  msn-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif

“He was very angry at the world, at blacks, Jews, gays,” she told the Washington Post. “He always talked about: ‘If I had complete autonomy none of these gays or these blacks would survive.’”

She said she did not fire him because “good drivers are hard to find”.



Don't you find that odd???? 


i do find that odd. 

I find that just as odd as you accepting Trump's hatreds and prejudices while saying "Good presidents are hard to find, especially ones chosen directly by God."

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On 10/28/2018 at 8:28 AM, dialamah said:

Probably something to do with that whole "free speech" thing they have down south.  


Why is it so important to you Trumpsters that this guy not be a Trump supporter?  Why can't you simply condemn his actions and affirm that Trumpsters are not about violence, as Trump himself did, publically?  Why is it necessary to the Trumpster contingent that he be a disguised Democrat?   

I think what we've come to know is that there are crazies on both sides - there always have been.  However, as important as you think it is that "Trumpsters" want to disassociate themselves with this, you can clearly see how the left is relishing in the idea that he likely is a Trump supporter and not from the left.  Of course he should be condemned, but the excitement in the media is just as sick and twisted as any defense of this guy from the right.  Remember the media condemned the Scalise shooter, but also openly wondered if shooting Scalise wasn't a good thing.  

Just as you aren't worried about terrorists, i'm not worried about the lone crazy either.  I worry more about the pack animals like Antifa, there the one who are on the flashpoint - not this psycho.   

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

i do find that odd. 


I don't find it that odd. He may have been the first driver she had in months that showed up for more than two shifts in a row. Getting reliable help for a lot of jobs is almost impossible these days even if you pay fairly decently. I know a contractor who also works with his son. His kid wanted him to fire a guy who was always on his phone. He refused because he figured he wouldn't be able to find someone who would actually show up every day. I've heard stories like that from several people.

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1 hour ago, Hal 9000 said:

Just as you aren't worried about terrorists

In the US and Canada, most terrorism is from right-wing extremists.  In the world generally, most terrorism is from religious extremists, especially Islam.  

I worry about terrorism; I don't worry about right wingers generally or Muslims generally, or religious people in general.

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On 10/27/2018 at 12:30 PM, Don Jonas said:

Your opinions and beliefs are only based on what you wish were true, not the real world that surrounds you.

I guess that your opinions and beliefs are only based on what you wish and believe are true then, right? The real world has been just about all covered over by the globalist Zionist bankster elite liars that run and rule this planet.  All their lies are being pushed on us all by their corporate controlled fake and phony leftist liberal media, politicians and social media that tries to brainwash us all into believing that if anyone does not support their beliefs programs and agendas for us all then those non-believers must be attacked and destroyed. My opinion. 

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7 hours ago, dialamah said:

In the US and Canada, most terrorism is from right-wing extremists.  In the world generally, most terrorism is from religious extremists, especially Islam.  

I worry about terrorism; I don't worry about right wingers generally or Muslims generally, or religious people in general.

That MIGHT have some truth to it - but more troubling are all the Left wing activists that permeate most universities, Labour "rallies", and the eco civil (not) disobedience crowd. The Liberal Arts crowd have, over time, inundated most of the media and it's a fact that the vast, vast majority of professors are registered Democrats. VERY troubling is the resurrection of Socialist/Marxist/Communist ideology as viable alternatives to traditional market-driven Democracies. Schools and universities should be teaching the dismal failures - indeed, the human suffering of the Cubas, North Koreas, USSR and China to name the major ones - but they don't. There's a reason that Trump won the last election - ignore it at your peril because it's not going away.

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2 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

but more troubling are all the Left wing activists that permeate most universities,

Right.  Left wing activists in universities are more 'troubling' than right-wing nut cases sending bombs around the country, right-wing nutcases shooting up tabernacles and black churches, and religious nutcases driving trucks  into crowds of people.



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3 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Right.  Left wing activists in universities are more 'troubling' than right-wing nut cases sending bombs around the country, right-wing nutcases shooting up tabernacles and black churches, and religious nutcases driving trucks  into crowds of people.



That's right - because there are only a handful of those "right wing nuts" while there's thousands upon thousands of those misguided "social justice warriors" that permeate the Left. And of course you've conveniently forgotten James Hodgkinson - the Left-wing nut who carried out the Congressional Baseball shooting just last year. 

No emoticon. It's just not funny.

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4 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

That's right - because there are only a handful of those "right wing nuts" while there's thousands upon thousands of those misguided "social justice warriors" that permeate the Left. And of course you've conveniently forgotten James Hodgkinson - the Left-wing nut who carried out the Congressional Baseball shooting just last year. 

No emoticon. It's just not funny.

I didn't forget him at all.  But when the US authorities consider *right-wing* terrorism a bigger problem than Islamic terrorism and left-wing terrorism, then the idea that 'left-wing ideology in universities' is the 'real problem' is patently ridiculous.       Unlike the leader of the US, who openly admires the most brutal and violent leaders on the planet and applauds police brutality and physical attacks on the media in his own country, "social justice warriors" do not explicitly promote, condone, encourage or applaud violence.   Even the anti-fa, which right-wingers like to pretend are the most violent people on the earth, cannot hold a candle to the death and destruction spread by extreme right-wing ideology.  

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18 hours ago, dialamah said:

Right.  Left wing activists in universities are more 'troubling' than right-wing nut cases sending bombs around the country, right-wing nutcases shooting up tabernacles and black churches, and religious nutcases driving trucks  into crowds of people.



They are FAR, FAR more pervasive and influential on society and its culture and values than the occasional nut.


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On 10/30/2018 at 3:23 PM, Argus said:

They are FAR, FAR more pervasive and influential on society and its culture and values than the occasional nut.

Until they try and get a job and realize their safe space bullshit doesn't pay the bills. 

As much as I want the Democrats to be able to check this Racist POTUS, I suspect the culture war will on intensify if the Democrats take back power and these nuts that have been legitimized by Trump will be only more emboldened. 

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5 hours ago, Boges said:

Until they try and get a job and realize their safe space bullshit doesn't pay the bills. 

As much as I want the Democrats to be able to check this Racist POTUS, I suspect the culture war will on intensify if the Democrats take back power and these nuts that have been legitimized by Trump will be only more emboldened. 

That is what I fear. I fear the Democrats will bring in the most blatantly Left wing, identity politics zealot of an administration, which will only infuriate the Right down there and widen the divisions. If the Democrats wanted to ensure their victory and also narrow divisions they'd appoint a presidential candidate who was a moderate, male, white, and ex-military.

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16 hours ago, Argus said:

That is what I fear. I fear the Democrats will bring in the most blatantly Left wing, identity politics zealot of an administration, which will only infuriate the Right down there and widen the divisions. If the Democrats wanted to ensure their victory and also narrow divisions they'd appoint a presidential candidate who was a moderate, male, white, and ex-military.

I'm only about 20 pages into Stephen Harper's latest book - Right Here, Right Now.......and he's already summarized the last US election where Democrats sat on their hands and Republicans voted for Trump. In simple terms, the status-quo Democratic Party and the status-quo Republican Party were not listening to broad swaths of Americans. There were fed up and wanted.....needed something new - something other than the same old, same old because it just wasn't working for them. So they ended up with extreme, outside the norm candidates. Democrats were drawn to Bernie Sanders and his Left Wing dogma. Republicans were drawn to Trump. Be it good or bad, Democrats would likely have won the election with Sanders - but the Clinton gang sandbagged ol' Bernie and she became the illegitimate nominee. She was so disliked that even her own Democrats sat out the election - allowing Trump to win. But the point is, the electorate wanted something new and ended up with extreme choices. Harper explains in greater depth why Americans needed something different - but just go an buy the book. It's an easy read.

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On 10/28/2018 at 1:25 PM, betsy said:

Lol......Heck,  his boss must also be certifiable!  msn-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif




Don't you find that odd???? 


This woman will gladly sic this guy to deliver pizza to blacks, Jews and gays......knowing how he feels about these people!   She'd willingly take the risk endangering her own clientele!

She'd rather have a a DANGEROUS TICKING TIME BOMB of a lunatic driver - because, "good drivers are hard to find!"  yellow-lol-smiley-emoticon.gif


Get outa here!   She must be looney too! yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif 



The pro-Kaepernick here crowd here would have a huge beef with him not being able to park that van wherever he wants. After all, political viewpoints and serious threats against high profile politicians are sacrosanct under freedom of speech laws, right? Even in the workplace.

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On 10/29/2018 at 9:53 AM, dialamah said:

In the US and Canada, most terrorism is from right-wing extremists.  In the world generally, most terrorism is from religious extremists, especially Islam.  

I worry about terrorism; I don't worry about right wingers generally or Muslims generally, or religious people in general.

That “right wing terrorism” stat going around is bogus. People choose what fits within their personal/political viewpoint of what terrorism is and then go from there with a biased scoresheet that doesn’t factor in the seriousness of the attack. 

For example, when guy yells at a bunch of people in a synagogue that shouldn’t count as “1” just the same as when a guy yells islamic profanity and blows up kids outside an Arianna Grande concert counts as “1”. 

If you think of all the things that we would call actual terrorist attacks, where a person or persons are killed, it’s almost all islamic or left wing.

Van attacks, bomb attacks, ak-47 attacks and even the attack on the country music fans in vegas (attack on a group that would certainly be characterized as majority Republican/NRA supporters - people on the “right wing”). What else that has happened in North America compared to that list? 



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21 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The pro-Kaepernick here crowd here would have a huge beef with him not being able to park that van wherever he wants. After all, political viewpoints and serious threats against high profile politicians are sacrosanct under freedom of speech laws, right? Even in the workplace.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from the consequences of what you say. If you are in a service industry in particular, your personal image is the company's image. Freedom of speech only protects you from government restricting your speech. If it were otherwise, Kaepernick would be playing and his lawsuit against the NFL would be a slam dunk.  Amazing how many can't get that through their thick sculls.

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

That “right wing terrorism” stat going around is bogus. People choose what fits within their personal/political viewpoint of what terrorism is and then go from there with a biased scoresheet that doesn’t factor in the seriousness of the attack. 

For example, when guy yells at a bunch of people in a synagogue that shouldn’t count as “1” just the same as when a guy yells islamic profanity and blows up kids outside an Arianna Grande concert counts as “1”. 

If you think of all the things that we would call actual terrorist attacks, where a person or persons are killed, it’s almost all islamic or left wing.

Van attacks, bomb attacks, ak-47 attacks and even the attack on the country music fans in vegas (attack on a group that would certainly be characterized as majority Republican/NRA supporters - people on the “right wing”). What else that has happened in North America compared to that list? 



Fact is, right wing or not, since 9/11 white men have been responsible for the majority of deaths due to terrorist acts in the US. 

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On 10/30/2018 at 3:23 PM, Argus said:

They are FAR, FAR more pervasive and influential on society and its culture and values than the occasional nut.


Impossible to measure and - if you want to hear another opinion - likely not true.  The media trumps up campus nuttiness because it's a big win in the outrage payoffs.

Is there actual reverse discrimination happening on a wide scale ?  I find it highly doubtful.  

Disunity and violent disunity is, to me, our #1 political issue.  Economic nuttiness is next.  The Republican party has picked up a nasty deficit habit, for example, and it doesn't seem to be on the radar.

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1 hour ago, Wilber said:

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from the consequences of what you say. If you are in a service industry in particular, your personal image is the company's image. Freedom of speech only protects you from government restricting your speech. If it were otherwise, Kaepernick would be playing and his lawsuit against the NFL would be a slam dunk.  Amazing how many can't get that through their thick sculls.

I agree 100%. I'm perfectly aware that Kaepernick shouldn't be allowed to protest at his place of work, but his supporters aren't.

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