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Ford-Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegation

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Actually it was the Republicans who said they wouldn't vote for anyone before Garland was nominated. You must have your timeline confused.

How can you say he's wrongfully accused with any more conviction than I can say he's guilty? You are declaring Ford guilty of perjury. Why does innocent until proven guilty not apply to her?

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1 hour ago, Don Jonas said:

The vast majority of people? Again, not true. Not even close to true.

He has hundreds of character witnesses speaking about his integrity, demeanour, lifestyle, class, professionalism, etc.

One guy said he threw some ice at someone when he was in college. A girl said the she went to a bunch of gang rape parties where he featured prominently but zero people backed her claim, and that’s a claim that requires some backing, so can we agree to throw that one in the loony bin? So aside from the Ford case, there’s not much that you can really stack up against all that Kavanaugh has going for him, right?

Re:the Ford case, he got mad when US Senators got within inches of destroying his family, career, and reputation with an attempted rape allegation, although his accuser can’t name a year or location, doesn’t who she was there with, how she got there, how she got home and she named 4 witnesses who say they don’t remember the attempted rape. 1) That’s not a “case” it falls directly into the category of “baseless allegation”, do you agree? 

Wouldnt you be frustratedif you were in his shoes? There are dozens of US SENATORS acting like there’s enough evidence here to call him a monster, but there’s actually close to ZERO evidence. Just a sob story from a woman who lied about her fear of flying, claustrophobia, ptsd, knowledge of polygraphs, etc. Even her back-story has fallen apart, with lifelong friends and boyfriends directly countering key elements of her “testimony” but 49 US Senators still cry wolf.

In any real courtroom in any civilized country in the world Dr Ford doesn’t even get a hearing but because Kavanaugh doesn’t rhyme with Clinton every single Democrat Senator, and every legal expert appearing on CNN, MSNBC etc is dumping garbage on his reputation, and they are all instantly giving 100% credibility to anyone at all who slanders Kavanaugh’s name. 2) Am I right? 

I specifically asked two questions there. I’d be really appreciative of an honest answer to them.


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Back in 2007 Sen. Schumer said that no George Bush nominee to the S.C. should be approved 19 months before a new president was set to be inaugurated so they both play games and obstruct.  However, While Republicans refused to vote for Garland they did not cook up preposterous claims or use an alleged assault victim for political advantage.      Democrats said right from the beginning they would block any POTUS nomination no matter who it was.   


There is a 2001 video of Obama talking about his adolescent nterview which I guess was no problem for a liberal appt.

-"I was a thug," a "mischievous child"

-"I got into fights."

-"I drank and did--and consumed substances that weren't always legal."

-"I might have drank a six-pack in an hour before going back to class"

Meanwhile the media works 24/7 to dig up dirt on Kavanaugh but all they have is him throwing ice in a bar, decades ago . 

None of the other allegations have been corroborated, and  in fact, have been discredited





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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

He has hundreds of character witnesses speaking about his integrity, demeanour, lifestyle, class, professionalism, etc.

One guy said he threw some ice at someone when he was in college. A girl said the she went to a bunch of gang rape parties where he featured prominently but zero people backed her claim, and that’s a claim that requires some backing, so can we agree to throw that one in the loony bin? So aside from the Ford case, there’s not much that you can really stack up against all that Kavanaugh has going for him, right?

Re:the Ford case, he got mad when US Senators got within inches of destroying his family, career, and reputation with an attempted rape allegation, although his accuser can’t name a year or location, doesn’t who she was there with, how she got there, how she got home and she named 4 witnesses who say they don’t remember the attempted rape. 1) That’s not a “case” it falls directly into the category of “baseless allegation”, do you agree? 

Wouldnt you be frustratedif you were in his shoes? There are dozens of US SENATORS acting like there’s enough evidence here to call him a monster, but there’s actually close to ZERO evidence. Just a sob story from a woman who lied about her fear of flying, claustrophobia, ptsd, knowledge of polygraphs, etc. Even her back-story has fallen apart, with lifelong friends and boyfriends directly countering key elements of her “testimony” but 49 US Senators still cry wolf.

In any real courtroom in any civilized country in the world Dr Ford doesn’t even get a hearing but because Kavanaugh doesn’t rhyme with Clinton every single Democrat Senator, and every legal expert appearing on CNN, MSNBC etc is dumping garbage on his reputation, and they are all instantly giving 100% credibility to anyone at all who slanders Kavanaugh’s name. 2) Am I right? 

I specifically asked two questions there. I’d be really appreciative of an honest answer to them.


No, it's not baseless. It's not unusual to forget insignificant details from an event that happened years ago. She remembered the important parts. 

If you were around in the 80s, you would know that what Ford described happened all the time. I remember "gang bang" in my junior high schoolyard where gangs of boys would descend on a girl and all grope her at once. The girls were expected to be cool about it and laugh it off. I don't recall any of the boys seeing any repercussions or consequences. It was all just good fun in the 1980s.

That's why I think what Ford described likely happened and that there's even a possibility Kavanaugh simply doesn't remember it because it wasn't a significant event in his life. Shit like that happened all the time.

But Kavanaugh ruined his reputation by lying under oath. The sex crimes would be forgivable if he copped to them, apologized, and said he has grown up since he was a teenager. His multiple instances of lying just show he hasn't grown up. He's still the entitled, belligerent brat he always was.

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White House Finds No Support in FBI Report for Claims Against Kavanaugh




There you go!

Looks like the voting will proceed as early as tomorrow morning. 

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The problem with Conservative women who excuse men who commit sexual assault.    Kowtowing to men will not save these female misogynists or their daughters.  

Its not surprising that these female misogynists are such ardent supporters of Trump, or that they happily dismiss Ford's experience while excusing and protecting Kavanaugh; sucking up to men has become their raison d'etre.


As illogical as it might seem on the surface, many, many women share all manner of sexist and derogatory beliefs about women. Female misogyny has been central to the conservative movement for decades now. A reliable career path for a conservative woman who wants a career in politics is to be a spokeswoman for female misogyny, using her gender as cover to advance anti-feminist goals, such as stripping away reproductive rights, fighting women's equality in the workplace and even, disturbingly, undermining efforts to reduce sexual harassment and violence.


There are a lot of benefits to being a female sexist, from that rush of self-righteousness you get from calling some other woman a slut to getting male approval when you agree with sexist men around you that Trump's nasty jokes about women are all in good fun.


(These men) don't respect you, but that was never happening anyway, so you can see why some women might settle for condescending praise.


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30 minutes ago, Hal 9000 said:

The lefties wanted an investigation and now they're not happy with the investigation...Hmmm, who could've predicted that?

Of course not, they never would.  Apparently those crying foul over not being interviewed are people who where not there or had no knowledge.    The FBI did not interview people who claimed knowledge of the events, but were not actually there nor had real time or near real time knowledge of the events.

Speaking for myself I don't support men who actually do commit assaults.




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On 10/3/2018 at 5:27 AM, scribblet said:

Best not to reply to trolls/sock puppets.

If I were falsely accused I would do everything to fight back including questioning the accuser's testimony.  

How would people who aren't falsely accused react?  Exactly the same, perhaps?

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56 minutes ago, Don Jonas said:

Of course, the White House severely limited the investigation to be sure they wouldn't find anything. We already knew that all we have is Ford's word versus Kavanaugh's compulsive lying, so just to be sure they wouldn't even let them interview either of them.

Why are you trolling this forum with such emotion? We're Canadians. We're watching for the fun of it. 

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2 hours ago, Don Jonas said:

No, it's not baseless. It's not unusual to forget insignificant details from an event that happened years ago. She remembered the important parts. 

If you were around in the 80s, you would know that what Ford described happened all the time. I remember "gang bang" in my junior high schoolyard where gangs of boys would descend on a girl and all grope her at once. The girls were expected to be cool about it and laugh it off. I don't recall any of the boys seeing any repercussions or consequences. It was all just good fun in the 1980s.

That's why I think what Ford described likely happened and that there's even a possibility Kavanaugh simply doesn't remember it because it wasn't a significant event in his life. Shit like that happened all the time.

But Kavanaugh ruined his reputation by lying under oath. The sex crimes would be forgivable if he copped to them, apologized, and said he has grown up since he was a teenager. His multiple instances of lying just show he hasn't grown up. He's still the entitled, belligerent brat he always was.

The “details” are never insignificant when something happens that’s significant enough to trigger ptsd.

On the car ride home, was she feeling shame or fear or loathing and was she wondering who she could tell or what they would think/do?

If she walked home, traumatized, that would be another thing she would remember. Was there someone with her that made her feel safe or was she running and hiding in fear?

When she ran to the bathroom didn’t they run after her? Did they say things through the door? Did she stay in there for a really long time thinking they might still be outside?

Did she tell her best friend, or if she didn’t why not? The need to talk to someone about it would have been huge. If she didn’t talk about it then the internal pressure to get it off her chest would have been enormous. She would also feel like she needed to tell her friends to help keep them safe. Despite all that she told no one, and didn’t think about it enough to remember much of it. But let’s be real, these aren’t things that she would forget anyways. 


Dan you’re saying that he should admit to something that, according to every shred of evidence that’s in, never happened. It’s something that would destroy his reputation and cost him a job that he worked all his life for.

Is that even a real thing? To make a false confession just because it’s easier than telling the truth, while knowing that it costs you everything? 

You assume he lied multiple times because that’s what CNN said, but you should know by now that CNN has no relationship with the truth whatsoever. If you pay close attention you can see that they are always spinning stories all the time, when they’re not telling outright lies or ignoring pertinent details because “they don’t fit our narrative.” THEY EVEN LIE AND SPIN THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DAMN WEATHER! Anderson Cooper stands in the ditch to make a foot of flood water seem like 4 feet. Then they say that America needs to stop burning coal because of global warming.... What I just said is 100% true and easily verifiable if you would like me to show you links. So now YOU KNOW they are liars. Have you ever heard the saying “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me?” How many times will you let CNN dupe you before you ditch them?

Donna Brazile was working for CNN when she gave debate questions to Hillary. Their own Van Jones was caught on hidden video saying that Trump-Russia collusion is just a big nothingburger about a year ago but on camera it’s still very real baby. They know that Obama’s government locked kids apart from their families but they still say “Trump’s policy of separating kids from their families”. CNN kicked off their coverage of the Michael Brown shooting by saying that a policeman just drove up and shot him from inside his car while he was doing nothing, in front of “hundreds of witnesses”. Then they said that it was irresponsible to show video of MB committing a violent robbery moments earlier. Then when the truth came out about the whole story CNN kept plugging the story along as if it happened just the way that they initially reported it. CNN blames the pulse nigt club shooting on guns and the NRA, but AK47’s are illegal and alah_ _____ isn’t an NRA slogan. 

Honestly quoting CNN is a non-starter for any reasonable conversation. 

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2 hours ago, Don Jonas said:

Of course, the White House severely limited the investigation to be sure they wouldn't find anything. We already knew that all we have is Ford's word versus Kavanaugh's compulsive lying, so just to be sure they wouldn't even let them interview either of them.

The whitehouse limited the investigation to claims that were currently on the books because that’s enough to do an investigation on, and because they’re aware of the fact that Democrats don’t really care about a girl who might have suffered through an attempted rape in the early 80’s. They’ll keep bringing baseless allegations just to keep the investigation going.  Anyone who’s being honest knows that the Dems just want to delay this appointment in the hopes of getting to the Mid-Terms before Trump can appoint a SCJ. 

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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

The problem with Conservative women who excuse men who commit sexual assault.    Kowtowing to men will not save these female misogynists or their daughters.  

Its not surprising that these female misogynists are such ardent supporters of Trump, or that they happily dismiss Ford's experience while excusing and protecting Kavanaugh; sucking up to men has become their raison d'etre.



Actually, it was liberal feminists who perfected this technique when Bill Clinton was accused of sexual assault by several women.   Partisan support for Clinton was far more important than believing victims.   Funny how that works....huh ?

"You'd better put some ice on that."




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44 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Actually, it was liberal feminists who perfected this technique when Bill Clinton was accused of sexual assault by several women.   Partisan support for Clinton was far more important than believing victims.   Funny how that works....huh ?

"You'd better put some ice on that."




Hillary is the poster girl for female misogyny. Meryl Streep is just a runner-up for once. 

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Actually, it was liberal feminists who perfected this technique when Bill Clinton was accused of sexual assault by several women.   Partisan support for Clinton was far more important than believing victims.   Funny how that works....huh ?

"You'd better put some ice on that."




As long as conservatives aren't claiming they're better than Liberals.

Except they do, every single day.  And when their hypocrisy is pointed out to them, they cling eagerly to decades old stuff, as if that somehow makes what they are doing acceptable.  If it was not acceptable then, it sure as fvck isn't acceptable now just because conservatives are doing it. 

By the way, if Democrats have no honor, are liars, are corrupr and hypocrites, then what are Republucans who double and triple down on all of that by electing and supporting a corrupt, racist, misogynistic lying piece of shvt like Trump?  

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45 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Hillary is the poster girl for female misogyny. Meryl Streep is just a runner-up for once. 

I understand that Conservative misogynistic men cannot handle even the idea that some women do not submit to men and are not afraid to speak out.   Thanks for identifying yourself.

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45 minutes ago, dialamah said:

As long as conservatives aren't claiming they're better than Liberals.

Being better than a liberal is a very low benchmark.



Except they do, every single day.  And when their hypocrisy is pointed out to them, they cling eagerly to decades old stuff, as if that somehow makes what they are doing acceptable.  If it was not acceptable then, it sure as fvck isn't acceptable now just because conservatives are doing it.


Sure as hell is when it comes to politics.



By the way, if Democrats have no honor, are liars, are corrupr and hypocrites, then what are Republucans who double and triple down on all of that by electing and supporting a corrupt, racist, misogynistic lying piece of shvt like Trump?  


Because he was still better than the lying, racist Hillary Clinton....even some Democrats and many women still voted for Trump.

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3 hours ago, dialamah said:

The problem with Conservative women who excuse men who commit sexual assault.    Kowtowing to men will not save these female misogynists or their daughters.  

Its not surprising that these female misogynists are such ardent supporters of Trump, or that they happily dismiss Ford's experience while excusing and protecting Kavanaugh; sucking up to men has become their raison d'etre.


No one's trying to excuse Kavanaugh for sexual assault!  There's nothing to excuse....because, there's no sexual assault!

The problem with liberal women who excuse men and women who make false accusations, is that they are most likely dishonest themselves - that's why they don't see anything wrong about lying!  

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