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White South African Farmer Plight.

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Recently I read on one of my favorite alternative news media website where Putin of Russia is going to allow over 15,000 South African farmers to immigrate into Russia and give them all free land to live and build on in an isolated part of Russia that is not so overly populated. They have been granted asylum by Putin because of the thousands of murders that have been happening today to the white SA farmers which has become an accepted practice every day of the black South African communist government wishing to eliminate the SA white farmers and steal all their lands and hand them over to black so called farmers. If anyone can be seen as needing asylum it is the white SA farmers who are being murdered just about every day in South Africa.

This is racism at it's peak but yet for some unknown reason this is not news for our left wing liberal news media to want to report about. We are being fed constantly about how much persecution is going on in many third world countries and we have to do something about it and bring them to Canada and America but when it comes to the plight of the  white SA farmers well it's pretty much business as usual, who cares. Many of these SA farmers have asked for asylum in Canada and America and from what I read they have been pretty much told that we don't care about your plight or problem and we are not going to allow any of you whites to immigrate here. We are more concerned about other people from the third world.

But this will never be reported as racism as it was when the whites ran the country before apartheid. This now appears to be revenge against white people which pretty much appears as though another apartheid is about to begin in South Africa but this time it will be against the white people of SA. It looks like Putin cares more about his own people unlike our dear politically correct politicians who could careless about what is going on in South Africa. It's like our politicians just do not bother to read or listen to real alternative news. They get their news from the mainstream lying fake and phony left wing liberal media for their reports on the news of the world that they only need to know. And btw, thanks to Putin Christianity is on the rise in Russia where in most of the Western countries it is on the decline. While Putin is out to save white people from being murdered every day and bringing back Christianity our politicians appear to be determined to get rid of those two now unwanted people and religion. There is really something wrong with this picture alright. Any comments on this topic? 

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18 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

Lauren Southern has been paying some attention to the plight of these farmers. You'd figure Canada would have been first on the list to offer new homes to these folks.

Wrong colour? I guess...


"Wrong color" is right. Thanks for your reply. Sadly there were 27 views and one reply. If Canada did really want to have a bunch of industrious hard working people who built up South Africa to what it is today and help to make Canada great again they would have put out the welcome mat for those persecuted white South Africans. But as we can see today our $*&#%@^ politicians prefer to put out the welcome mat for criminal illegals to enter Canada instead. Does anybody not see what is wrong with this picture yet, especially white people who should be giving a dam about their own people.  This should have been front page news long ago by the left wing liberal media in Canada especially that CBC(communist broadcasting corporation)that always prefers to talk about the plight of poor persecuted people from the third world but when it comes to white people being persecuted and murdered and having their farms stolen from them every day in SA they could care less. Even our useless bunch of so called political leaders could care less. It would appear as though the left wing liberal media and our left wing politicians seem to be only too concerned about the plight of the people from the third world. Why does the Canadian media and our politicians always prefer to report about some stupid riot in some Arab country but ignores this deplorable situation happening to white people in South Africa? It would appear as though white people are not worth the care or concern or time of day as others are with the lefty liberal media and our lefty politicians. Personally, it is not looking good for the white people of the world and what makes it even more sad is that most white people could careless themselves. Our grandchildren will one day pay the price for their ignorance and who cares attitude. Just saying. :(


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The situation in South-Africa is really deplorable and it is getting worse all the time. I don't think the whites who insist on staying there even if they had a choice to go somewhere else are brave, they are just foolhardy.

Unfortunately, there are also a lot of whites who really have nowhere to go; no money, no overseas relatives, no nothing. They just have to bear the brunt of the immense hatred the whites are facing over there.


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South Africa is simply reverting to being the same kind of country that is typical of almost ALL of sub-Saharan Africa.  Tribalism, corruption and a flagrant disregard for property, life and liberty.  Apartheid was one of the best things to ever happen to that place.

The leftover whites are those whose families have been there for many generations and can't "go back" anywhere.  They can seldom sell their land, and now may not be able to sell ANYTHING at all!  https://qz.com/africa/1218309/south-africa-to-take-land-without-compensation-as-zimbabwe-backtracks-on-seizing-white-farms/

When the first whites got to Africa, they did not find any advanced culture with science, libraries, universities, representative government - just a bunch of savages killing each other off and taking each other's property.

I am not being racist, I am being realist.

Edited by cannuck
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We’ll have to see how this ‘reform’ works out in practice. I doubt the ANC are going to go full Mugabe and destroy their wine and fruit exports but you never know. South Africans I have talked to are uncertain how this will work out in practice. Let’s hope it’s a political ploy aimed at reducing the appeal of Malema and his fellow maniacs. 

Regarding a new start in Russia, that didn’t work out so well for descendants of the Volga Germans invited in by Catherine the Great and on the violence angle it’s pretty dodgy for everybody in RSA these days, not just white farmers. 

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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On 8/5/2018 at 5:43 PM, DogOnPorch said:

Lauren Southern has been paying some attention to the plight of these farmers. You'd figure Canada would have been first on the list to offer new homes to these folks.

Wrong colour? I guess...

Or at least hotel rooms. :D

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On 8/6/2018 at 6:37 PM, cannuck said:

South Africa is simply reverting to being the same kind of country that is typical of almost ALL of sub-Saharan Africa.  Tribalism, corruption and a flagrant disregard for property, life and liberty.  Apartheid was one of the best things to ever happen to that place.

The leftover whites are those whose families have been there for many generations and can't "go back" anywhere.  They can seldom sell their land, and now may not be able to sell ANYTHING at all!  https://qz.com/africa/1218309/south-africa-to-take-land-without-compensation-as-zimbabwe-backtracks-on-seizing-white-farms/

When the first whites got to Africa, they did not find any advanced culture with science, libraries, universities, representative government - just a bunch of savages killing each other off and taking each other's property.

I am not being racist, I am being realist.

Indeed and so truthful. Before the Europeans arrived there South Africa was just pretty much jungle. There was nothing but hatred and violence being promoted against one tribe and many others tribes. No laws just killings. The European settlers stopped the killings and brought South Africa into the civilized world. Now that is about to change and will revert back to the good old days of tribe members killing other tribe members. It will soon be seen as fact which today's liberals will argue with anyone that this will never happen. Ya sure, clueless liberal. 

Well, there is always Putin of Russia. Putin has agreed to take in 15,000 white farmers from South Africa into Russia and maybe Putin will take more whites in if they ask for Asylum. Putin appears to be the only white leader in the world that is willing to take care of his own white people. Russia may be the only white country left on earth in decades to come the way the rest of the white countries are going about trying to flood their own countries with millions of people from third world countries. In decades to come the white population of Canada will be in the minority column thanks to our dear rest of the non-white world loving leader politicians like Trudeau. Our white leaders appear to have turned against their own people. Shameful. 

Indeed, no one is trying to appear racist or promote racism here although there are some here who will always try to make it appear to be racist no matter how many times that one says that they are not. Aw well. 

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On 8/6/2018 at 6:59 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

We’ll have to see how this ‘reform’ works out in practice. I doubt the ANC are going to go full Mugabe and destroy their wine and fruit exports but you never know. South Africans I have talked to are uncertain how this will work out in practice. Let’s hope it’s a political ploy aimed at reducing the appeal of Malema and his fellow maniacs. 

Regarding a new start in Russia, that didn’t work out so well for descendants of the Volga Germans invited in by Catherine the Great and on the violence angle it’s pretty dodgy for everybody in RSA these days, not just white farmers. 

These are not the times of Catherine the Great anymore. Putin is just being a leader here who appears to be trying to help his own people who are in desperate need of help and of a safe place for them to go to and to live in peace and security. Those SA farmers will be of a great asset to Russia and a big loss for SA.

Indeed and it will be the black South Africans who will lose the most from apartheid having being eliminated completely. I guess that we must all wait and see as to what will happen to South Africa in the future. Right now I see another creation of another country that has gone from being an exporter to an importer and the name of that country is called Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia where the black leaders of that country pretty much did the same thing and pretty much eliminated white people in that country altogether. Does not look good for SA. 

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3 hours ago, Truth Detector said:

Where's Chrystia Freeland to speak out about this???

As usual when it comes to white plight our Canadian politicians of her kind will only be found hiding in their liberal left wing closets. Trudeau and Freeland will have no problem standing up for non-white rights but when it comes to standing up for white rights they all run and hide in their closets. Besides it is just not politically correct for any politician to appear to show any kind of concern for white rights anymore.

As papa Trudeau once said in his liberal opening victory speech in 1980 he said "welcome to the new Canada". Indeed we are seeing the new Canada emerge and taking place for decades now and it does not look too good for the people who will soon become a minority in this new Canada of papa Trudeau's vision of what Canada should and will become. And thanks with the help of his sonny boy Trudeau papas multicultural programs and agendas will be the future programs and agendas for Canada for always. It should not take too many more decades before much of his program will totally be in place. I guess that what we should be all saying today is goodbye to the old Canada now. What more can be said. :(

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

These are not the times of Catherine the Great anymore. Putin is just being a leader here who appears to be trying to help his own people who are in desperate need of help and of a safe place for them to go to and to live in peace and security. Those SA farmers will be of a great asset to Russia and a big loss for SA.

Russia remains governed by one absolute ruler so there’s that. I would go to Putin’s Russia only as a last resort. 

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16 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Russia remains governed by one absolute ruler so there’s that. I would go to Putin’s Russia only as a last resort. 

You may have too along with many millions of other white people who may have to do the same thing also one day. What we see and read as to what is going on too white people in countries like South Africa today may very well be heading towards and could happen one day in Canada. Just saying. 

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Huh.  Never heard of this, thanks taxme.   mainstream media doesn't cover things like this.




15 000 white SA farmers may relocate to Russia


The report quotes “It's a matter of life and death — there are attacks on us. It's got to the point where the politicians are stirring up a wave of violence,” Adi Slebus told the media. "The climate here [in the Stavropol region] is temperate, and this land is created by God for farming. All this is very attractive.”







The murders are little-reported even within South Africa itself — the government directed police to stop releasing information about victims’ ethnicity in 2007. "Often, they only count the farmer and not his wife and children that were also attacked or murdered,” South African missionary Charl Van Wyk told World Net Daily in an interview.

White South Africans fear the killings have the tacit support of the ruling African National Congress, with President Jacob Zuma defending the singing of the revolutionary song Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer, and one his MPs crying out “Bury them alive!” during a parliamentary debate.



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11 hours ago, betsy said:

Huh.  Never heard of this, thanks taxme.   mainstream media doesn't cover things like this.








You are quite welcome, Betsy. So true indeed that the fake and lying liberal Canadian media refuse to report on these atrocities that are happening to white South African farmers every day in SA. And just where is the noble and righteous CBC on this to come to defense of the SA farmers who have and are still being massacred and who have seen thousands of killings of white farmers for decades now ever since apartheid was eliminated. The CBC, CTV or Global  refuse to report anything about these murders that are going on in SA today but are always ready and willing and waiting and looking for some white guy in Canada or the world who says something that appears to be racist whether it is true or not. They just want to try and make a racist story out of anything a white person says or does. Spread the word, Betsy, because this story needs to be told to all Canadians. 

The CBC also is conveniently ignoring what many of the Syrian refugees are doing too many white people in Canada today. Even at the hotels where they are staying at for free there has been many reports of sexual assaults that have been committed by those Syrian refugees at the hotels to their hotel staff. Apparently, the government has people working with these so called refugees at the hotels who are paid to make sure that none of this gets out to the public. Canadians are being denied what they should be knowing. But our media like our politicians will always stick up for foreigners first and Canadians second if at all. We appear to have a bunch of politically correct buffoons that are running this country. There ignorance and arrogance is overwhelming. 

But thanks once again to The Rebel and Ezra Levant we are starting to hear more about these atrocious stories of incidents being done against our Canadian citizen's by these wonderful new citizen's of ours. Doesn't that just give you a wonderful feely good bunch of goose bumps having those refugees here in Canada?  LOL. I wonder if MH has any comment on this? Just wondering of course. 

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There seems to be some idea that this started recently.  One of my best friend's brothers immigrated from Ireland to Rhodesia, and went through this exact experience there.  He fled to the relative safety of RSA.  When my friend's youngest son finished commerce degree at University here, he went to Empangeni (near Durban) to learn about business from a different perspective with his Uncle.  A decade later he returned to Canada to work in the family business, and as it happens, court a certain young lady who was a med student.  Now students for the most part are short enough on life experience to be a little bit further to the left than makes sense to those with a bit of life experience, and she made no secret of how she thought her fiancee, his family and their friends were a bunch of racists because of how they spoke about black Africans and apartheid in general.  Shortly before their wedding, the family took her on a trip to meet her future Uncle in RSA, and when she observed cousins and strangers pushing prams with handguns and AK47s in the diaper bags, she got a really good understanding of WHY whites in RSA had some very blunt and distinct opinions about the entire ANC and black population.  That was 15 years ago.

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5 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Canada should help in some way.  It’s about helping people regardless of race.  

You would think so, but it seems to be more about making some kind of politically correct statement and bringing in people who are more likely to vote Liberal.  Gerrymandering on a grand scale.

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8 hours ago, cannuck said:

.... Shortly before their wedding, the family took her on a trip to meet her future Uncle in RSA, and when she observed cousins and strangers pushing prams with handguns and AK47s in the diaper bags, she got a really good understanding of WHY whites in RSA had some very blunt and distinct opinions about the entire ANC and black population.  That was 15 years ago.


I observed related PTSD behaviours by two South African (Afrikaner) immigrant employees in the U.S. about 17 years ago.   They were very professional and competent as COBOL programmers for our ancient mainframe (claims processing), but they gave HR fits because they did not play well with the black and "coloured" employees.   Clearly these folks had been traumatized by their experience in SA and reasons for leaving, on top of the normal stresses that emigration can bring.




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7 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

I observed related PTSD behaviours by two South African (Afrikaner) immigrant employees in the U.S. about 17 years ago.   They were very professional and competent as COBOL programmers for our ancient mainframe (claims processing), but they gave HR fits because they did not play well with the black and "coloured" employees.   Clearly these folks had been traumatized by their experience in SA and reasons for leaving, on top of the normal stresses that emigration can bring.

My mentor and since then good friend when I entered the business I would remain for many years was a coloured South African married to an Afrikaner.  Life was so difficult for them there - not accepted by the blacks and not accepted by the whites - they fled to Canada in the late '60s.  I was raised in a military family, and we were so accustomed to being around other races or living in their countries, I could not begin to comprehend how anyone could be so hateful towards a couple very much in love - both incredibly competent professionals who gave would be a great asset to ANY company or country.   It has been a fucked up place for a long time.

BTW: those white farmers being slaughtered now are Afrikaners - some of whom are from families that have been there since the 17th century.

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On 8/18/2018 at 8:50 AM, cannuck said:

There seems to be some idea that this started recently.  One of my best friend's brothers immigrated from Ireland to Rhodesia, and went through this exact experience there.  He fled to the relative safety of RSA.  When my friend's youngest son finished commerce degree at University here, he went to Empangeni (near Durban) to learn about business from a different perspective with his Uncle.  A decade later he returned to Canada to work in the family business, and as it happens, court a certain young lady who was a med student.  Now students for the most part are short enough on life experience to be a little bit further to the left than makes sense to those with a bit of life experience, and she made no secret of how she thought her fiancee, his family and their friends were a bunch of racists because of how they spoke about black Africans and apartheid in general.  Shortly before their wedding, the family took her on a trip to meet her future Uncle in RSA, and when she observed cousins and strangers pushing prams with handguns and AK47s in the diaper bags, she got a really good understanding of WHY whites in RSA had some very blunt and distinct opinions about the entire ANC and black population.  That was 15 years ago.

Hmmm, then wouldn't that justify the native SA taking away resources from the whites?

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that may be the most twisted bit of logic I have ever encountered.   By your standard, when aboriginals of Canada become so aggressive in their assertion that all of Canada is "theirs" to the point that young Mothers have to be armed to prevent the frequent rapes and murders of themselves and their children, they should give their homes to the nearest Indian???????   I now know for certain you are not related to Gerald Stanley.

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On 8/9/2018 at 8:27 PM, taxme said:

You may have too along with many millions of other white people who may have to do the same thing also one day. What we see and read as to what is going on too white people in countries like South Africa today may very well be heading towards and could happen one day in Canada. Just saying. 

There's very little I'm sure of at this stage but I'm fairly certain I would never move to Russia under any circumstances if it was still 'governed' by somebody like Mr. Putin. 

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On 8/21/2018 at 1:49 PM, -TSS- said:

To my knowledge Britain is very reluctant to accept white South-Africans moving there. Perhaps some historical reasons for that such as the Boer-wars.

Large numbers of Anglos have moved to Britain over the last thirty years - you'll bump into them in London all the time. Funnily enough, one daughter of Joe Slovo's, a leading political activist and theorist in the anti-apartheid struggle, lives in London now. By contrast, Afrikaners would generally have fewer recent family links with Europe but, like Canada, there's loads of SA doctors there of many ethno-cultural flavours. 

The Anglo-Boer, or South African, war left little mark on Britain and its other colonies apart from monuments and the Anfield Kop of Liverpool FC. For South Africans, of course, it was a much more traumatic experience, including Kitchener's concentration camps, but you can still see statues commemorating British victories that have been left standing. 


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