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Conservatives Silent on Homosexuality

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15 minutes ago, betsy said:

Well....here it is, Goddess.  No wonder you won't give the link....:D


The APA adjusted their classification.






Betsy, honestly, there is sooooooo much more to understanding the sexuality spectrum as set forth by the APA.  There are many nuamces to it and things are chnaging every day with our understanding of how to define human sexuality.  If you were truly interested in understanding it, you wouldn't be taking one quote from an article and saying it proves your point because it mentions sexual orientation.

Proof?  It's in your own link:


A representative from the American Psychiatric Association told us that the organization does not condone pedophilia, nor does it espouse the position that sexual attraction to children is normal or healthy.

It appears to me that they are searching for ways to treat pedophiles.

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1 minute ago, Goddess said:

Betsy, honestly, there is sooooooo much more to understanding the sexuality spectrum as set forth by the APA.  There are many nuamces to it and things are chnaging every day with our understanding of how to define human sexuality.  If you were truly interested in understanding it, you wouldn't be taking one quote from an article and saying it proves your point because it mentions sexual orientation.

Proof?  It's in your own link:

It appears to me that they are searching for ways to treat pedophiles.

Well?   They define it as a SEXUAL ORIENTATION!  

Isn't that what I was asking you.....if it's a sexual orientation?  :lol:

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4 minutes ago, dialamah said:

I agree, and I am glad that from now on, you will be doing just that.  

I have been doing that all along, Diahlamah.    It's you whom I think gets negligent by parroting the ignorance of anti-Christianity or atheist in our old skirmishes - which means, you have not checked their credibility.  :lol:  So, let that be a lesson to you.

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1 minute ago, betsy said:

Well?   They define it as a SEXUAL ORIENTATION!  

Isn't that what I was asking you.....if it's a sexual orientation?  :lol:

You really need to read those articles thoroughly.  And some other articles too. 

I know you like things black & white - homosexuality is BAD, the Bible is GOOD.  

But life isn't like that - human sexuality is not like that.  Do a little more research.  Please.

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2 minutes ago, Goddess said:

You really need to read those articles thoroughly.  And some other articles too. 

I know you like things black & white - homosexuality is BAD, the Bible is GOOD.  

But life isn't like that - human sexuality is not like that.  Do a little more research.  Please.

Read again:



They define it as a SEXUAL ORIENTATION!  

Isn't that what I was asking you.....if it's a sexual orientation?

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12 minutes ago, betsy said:

Well?   They define it as a SEXUAL ORIENTATION!  

Isn't that what I was asking you.....if it's a sexual orientation?  :lol:

I'm not seeing that they are calling pedophilia a sexual orientation exactly like heterosexuality or homosexuality.  I think you're reading faaaaar too much into it.

It is still classified as a disorder.  It's still classified as paraphilia.  And they are still trying to find ways to treat pedophiles.  This is not the case with homosexuality.  They have already determined that your Christian freinds' "treatment" for homosexuals is incredibly harmful.

It's sad that you don't understand the significance of the "paraphilia" label, or refuse to understand.

If your point is that the APA thinks pedophilia is a sexual orientation on the same level as homosexuality - you are reading what you want into that article.  Because that is in NO WAY what they are saying.

Just the fact that you frantically googled to find something - ANYTHING! - that agrees with your view, and latched onto a phrase that sounded the same without really researching what they are talking about, tells me you have no real interest in educating yourself and are perfectly content to go with "The Bible says so."

Do some more research, Betsy.  Please.

Again, this is the stance:



A representative from the American Psychiatric Association told us that the organization does not condone pedophilia, nor does it espouse the position that sexual attraction to children is normal or healthy.

They do not say the same about homosexuality.  There is a difference and it's sad that you keep thinking they are saying it is the same.

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12 minutes ago, betsy said:

I have been doing that all along, Diahlamah.    It's you whom I think gets negligent by parroting the ignorance of anti-Christianity or atheist in our old skirmishes - which means, you have not checked their credibility.  :lol:  So, let that be a lesson to you.

I don't need to refer to Google or anywhere else to rebut the worst of Christian belief, Betsy.  Mere common sense and compassion for all humans is enough. 

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Here, Betsy:


They are not saying what you think they're saying.  Take off the Bible glasses and let your brain work.




Pedophilia is not a “sexual orientation,” and erroneous use of that phrase will be corrected soon in its new manual on mental illnesses, the American Psychiatric Association said Thursday.

The APA said in its statement that “‘sexual orientation’ is not a term used in the diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder and its use in the DSM-5 text discussion is an error and should read ‘sexual interest.’”



“In fact, APA considers pedophilic disorder a ‘paraphilia,’ not a ‘sexual orientation.’ This error will be corrected in the electronic version of DSM-5 and the next printing of the manual,” the organization said. The error appeared on page 698, said a spokeswoman.

It added: “APA stands firmly behind efforts to criminally prosecute those who sexually abuse and exploit children and adolescents. We also support continued efforts to develop treatments for those with pedophilic disorder with the goal of preventing future acts of abuse.”


See how a little extra research can prevent you from spreading falsehoods, Betsy?

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3 hours ago, betsy said:

Lol.   Gay people are so touchy with the mention of pedophilia.   What?   I can't mention pedophilia?  


Now do you understand why gay people and those of us who love them are "touchy" when you compare them to pedophiles?  And why it's inappropriate, and downright wrong to mention pedophilia in conjunction with homosexuality?

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3 hours ago, Goddess said:

Now do you understand why gay people and those of us who love them are "touchy" when you compare them to pedophiles?  And why it's inappropriate, and downright wrong to mention pedophilia in conjunction with homosexuality?

Now I know that you've got a double standard!   Heck.....you even feel indignant when someone points out that double standard when it comes to pedophiles!   Why shouldn't I use another sexual orientation in comparison?  Lol.


The gay movement even marched with pedophiles in the 70's!  They didn't mind it then.   But now.....you can't even mention pedophilia in a gay thread without  someone going for your throat!  :lol:

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4 hours ago, dialamah said:

I don't need to refer to Google or anywhere else to rebut the worst of Christian belief, Betsy.  Mere common sense and compassion for all humans is enough. 

You've given me reasons to question your common sense, Diahlamah......when you repeatedly criticise something you hardly know about.   You've demonstrated so in various threads. 

Compassion.....yeah, you do have....unfortunately, it seems to be misplaced.  Too bad.  You encourage and support the murder of the most vulnerable and most innocent of human beings - the unborn. 

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16 minutes ago, betsy said:

You've given me reasons to question your common sense, Diahlamah......when you repeatedly criticise something you hardly know about.   You've demonstrated so in various threads. 

Compassion.....yeah, you do have....unfortunately, it seems to be misplaced.  Too bad.  You encourage and support the murder of the most vulnerable and most innocent of human beings - the unborn. 

At least I don't support a lying, misogynistic conman, who cheats on his wife and lusts after his daughter, like you do.

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25 minutes ago, betsy said:

Compassion.....yeah, you do have....unfortunately, it seems to be misplaced.  Too bad.  You encourage and support the murder of the most vulnerable and most innocent of human beings - the unborn. 


True 'dat...there is absolutely zero compassion from them when it comes to killing unborn children.   And they want somebody else to pay for it.

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15 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

True 'dat...there is absolutely zero compassion from them when it comes to killing unborn children.    

Is that a moral stance ?  Is this a moral thread ?

Doesn't take very long to see how some posters use diametrically opposed systems to assess an issue: might makes right vs right makes right.  It takes one to know one.  Fortunately, at a certain point morality is a numbers game whether we're talking about unborn children or the kind white Americans put in cages because they're afraid of brown people.

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11 hours ago, turningrite said:

Pedophilia isn't a sexual orientation, rather it's a form of deviant behavior that exists among all sexual orientations. In my opinion, drawing a connection between pedophilia and homosexuality is an oft-used tactic that intends to equate homosexuality with sexual deviancy.

I'm pretty sure Christians draw the connection to minimize the deviancy of their pervert priests and revered institutions - some of the biggest, oldest pedophile rings on the planet.

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8 hours ago, dialamah said:

At least I don't support a lying, misogynistic conman, who cheats on his wife and lusts after his daughter, like you do.


Thank you.  As on cue - you provide the evidence to support why I question your common sense.   You're carrying on like as if what you "suspect" is undeniable fact!  

How do you know he cheats on his wife.....and he lusts after his own daughter?   You playing with a crystal ball now?  :lol:


Hahahahaha - and how convolutedly twisted is that? 

  You're  indignant about sex outside of marriage - and, what you think is incestuous desires .........and yet, you support the "anything goes" sexuality!    smiley.gif



Could it be that being straight is actually what some people think is............ perverted?  yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif

that kinda mentality sounds almost like another exotic perversion.......animated-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif



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Okay....okay....okay....Goddess and Dia, I'll have compassion on you two since the very mention of "pedophilia" seem to drive you both into a foamy frenzy......   animated-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif .......... I'll change the comparison.


What about people who are attracted to animals?   That's another sexual orientation, isn't it?

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12 hours ago, Goddess said:

You really need to read those articles thoroughly.  And some other articles too. 

I know you like things black & white - homosexuality is BAD, the Bible is GOOD.  

But life isn't like that - human sexuality is not like that.  Do a little more research.  Please.

I know life isn't like that.   There is normal sex  .......and then, there are those that are not.  

Like having sex with an animal - to you that must be just another kinda normal  sex, huh?


So....you think it's normal to boink sheep?  That's okay?  Maybe you'll say....."as long as they give their consent!"   hysterical-laughter-smiley-emoticon.gif




Oh my dears.....I'm still laughing......I love you both (and, do not mistake that as an invitation to a threesome).  

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13 hours ago, Goddess said:

Betsy, honestly, there is sooooooo much more to understanding the sexuality spectrum as set forth by the APA.  There are many nuamces to it and things are chnaging every day with our understanding of how to define human sexuality.

Nah.  It's really simple.   It's just that, again, the so-called research or study groups are driven by agenda!  The new liberal clime we've got tries to make things complicated.


Like this thing called "Hebephilia," as an example.   It still boils down to pedophilia.




'Hebephilia' first lost its free standing independence and was cloaked as Pedohebephilia. When this didn't fly, the term was dropped altogether in the title but the concept was slipped into the definition of Pedophilia—which was expanded out of recognition by having a victim age cut-off of 14 years.

No one accepted this outlandish suggestion and now finally the work group comes back with  'early pubescent children' and tries to keep 'hebephilia' as a term in the subtype.

The instability of the criteria sets associated with this concept is additional evidence that the fervor for its adoption stems from emotional loyalty rather than reasoned review of its weak conceptual and research base.




Incidentally, in Canada....it was the gay group who had lobbied to lower the age of consent for anal sex from 18 to 16! 

Why do you need to lower that age, when it's the same for everyone regardless of sexual orientation?






The age of consent to partake in anal sex for unmarried couples — regardless of sexual orientation — is currently 18.

That will be lowered to 16, if the proposed Liberal bill passes, removing the section of the Criminal Code that specifically sets rules for anal intercourse.




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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Is that a moral stance ?  Is this a moral thread ?

Doesn't take very long to see how some posters use diametrically opposed systems to assess an issue: might makes right vs right makes right.  It takes one to know one.  Fortunately, at a certain point morality is a numbers game whether we're talking about unborn children or the kind white Americans put in cages because they're afraid of brown people.

Murdering unborn children, is not comparable with the separation of children from parents that's in the news these days.   Not by a long shot.  Anyone trying to make comparison ought to have a head shake....to think clearly.



Lol.   Like as if we don't separate children from their parents - "for the good of the child" we like to say.  What's new?

Go ask CAS how many children they've confiscated and forcibly removed from parents this month.  Someone has to make decisions - and I bet you're all for that?


How many of these children have been removed........... from the frying pan into the fire?    We end up reading about them, right? 


Anyway, that's for another thread.  It'll make a very interesting discussion - go start it, MH.


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