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Sh*tholes are created by western society - A history of Haiti


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17 hours ago, betsy said:

What's not about money? 

To think it's not about money....is what's, wishful fantasy.  It's like those socialists who think the rich people who  invest to create  businesses, shouldn't be motivated by profit! 


If it was that bad with Britain.....why is there talks about Zimbabwe wanting to be a Commonwealth nation again?





Some that had recently become Commonwealth nations - Mozambique and Rwanda -  weren't even colonized by Britain!



I couldn't blame nations for wanting independence.  It's a dream that they want to have.

For some though, realization comes the hard way.......after experiencing independence, they come to the realization that they're better off when they were under colonizers like England.

Wanting to join the commonwealth does not equate to wanting to be colonized, enslaved and have their natural resources stolen from them. What a silly way to think. 

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19 hours ago, betsy said:

What's not about money? 

To think it's not about money....is what's, wishful fantasy.  It's like those socialists who think the rich people who  invest to create  businesses, shouldn't be motivated by profit! 


If it was that bad with Britain.....why is there talks about Zimbabwe wanting to be a Commonwealth nation again?


Zimbabwe was expelled from common wealth, they never left voluntarily.  And talks are not action.



19 hours ago, betsy said:





Some that had recently become Commonwealth nations - Mozambique and Rwanda -  weren't even colonized by Britain!


Well there are some benefits obviously of being in the common wealth, especially with France still trying to colonize Rwanda and committing a huge genocide there, its no surprise rwanda would seek to build alliances with the common wealth nations for protection.  at least in the commonwealth they get protection from South Africa.


19 hours ago, betsy said:



I couldn't blame nations for wanting independence.  It's a dream that they want to have.

For some though, realization comes the hard way.......after experiencing independence, they come to the realization that they're better off when they were under colonizers like England.

Nope, its just a fantasy, colonization just means to be looted.

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10 hours ago, taxme said:

(1)In many African countries today and thanks to the Europeans going to Africa they have made life a lot more decent and livable and better for Africans. If the Europeans did not go there, Africa would still be a country full of tribal warring going on where one tribe would go out and look for a fight with another tribe. Sort of like in Chicago today where blacks are killing blacks every day. tribal war instincts, kill or be killed. They certainly would not have running water or electricity and tall buildings and cars driving around. What have Africans invented anyway that was good for mankind? For all the good that the Europeans did for Africa, you instead would rather prefer to attack the Europeans for some of the bad things that they did in Africa, I might add, a long time ago. Stop trying to be an apologist for what some white people did in the past. The white people of today have no reason to apologize for anything that happened in Africa centuries ago because they were not alive back then. You should be thankful that the white man was created by someone. Just saying. 

Europeans created most of the "tribal" conflicts. White racism is tribal conflict. Whites have been in tribal conflict since the Romans and Greeks.  The standard of living has fallen under European rule and always was higher under African rule.  Chicago is a place where whites kill whites everyday, along with the rest of America, 80% of the crimes in America are committed by whites who are just 55% of the population.  Africans had running water, tall buildings and electricity before whites arrived.  Africans had cars regardless of Euro colonization as many non-colonized African states do like Ethiopia. Writing, reading, math, physics, education, science.  Europeans did nothing for Africa, they went in and raided it for resources.  Whites should be humble and apologetic and carry lots of white guilt for their genocides and war crimes world wide.



10 hours ago, taxme said:

(1)(a)And the native Indians have nothing to complain about. Today they have everything given to them. And they still whine about how hard they are being done by. And they do enjoy all the white man's toys, don't they? They would never give up their motorboats, cars, ATV'S, rifles, running water and electricity in their homes plus all the tax dollars that they get from the taxpayer's free of charge. They even can get to buy some toys tax free. It is the white people that should be whining and complaining about that. That is discrimination alright. If the white man did not come to North America the native Indians would still be living in tents and still be killing one another. Stop living gin the past, and get into the 21st century for a change. 

The whites enjoy the indians man land.  Whites didn't even invent the thing you are trying to credit them for.  What the hell do you think whites were living in the 1800s?  Do you forget Canada was known as a nation of hewers of wood?  We in Canada in the 1900s were mostly living in mud huts.



10 hours ago, taxme said:

(1)(b)Well, for many Africans today living in North America seem to feel like they are living in shit holes. And the only reason for that it would appear is because they want it that way. If a community of white people can build up a clean and safe community to live in why cannot black people do the same? Most black communities are shit holes and you know it and full of crime. This is not fiction this is fact. Like I said already. If the white people were so bad to them in Africa way back when then why would they want to come here and face more persecution from white people? Why would they want to live with us white savages then? 

Whites raid any good and decent African community out of jealousy.  Whites are the vast majority of criminals in this nation, therefore if there is any chithole its got to be all those poor rural ei dependent white communities.  They were here first, it is the whites who invade every nation Africans are in first.  If Africa is so bad, why don't all the whites in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and North Africa go back to Europe, all 200 million of them?



10 hours ago, taxme said:

(2)Israel apparently stole the land from the Palestinians and not the other way around. Helen Thomas a reporter for some newspaper in the states who was Lebanese said during a news press briefing stated that what the Jews in Israel should be doing is go back to Europe where they came from. Interesting isn't it? 

(3)No kidding that there are more white people living in Australia, New Zealand. But Africa? I don't know about that one as to whether there are more whites in Africa? There are suppose to be over 900 million black Africans living in Africa, not nine million whites. I think that you have your facts all screwed up.   


All the millions of whites in black nations like new zealand, australia, africa, why don't they go back to central asia?

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23 minutes ago, H10 said:


Zimbabwe was expelled from common wealth, they never left voluntarily.  And talks are not action.




Well there are some benefits obviously of being in the common wealth, especially with France still trying to colonize Rwanda and committing a huge genocide there, its no surprise rwanda would seek to build alliances with the common wealth nations for protection.  at least in the commonwealth they get protection from South Africa.


Nope, its just a fantasy, colonization just means to be looted.


That this fellow thinks the FRENCH committed the Rwanda Genocide should say enough...eh?

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7 hours ago, marcus said:

Wanting to join the commonwealth does not equate to wanting to be colonized, enslaved and have their natural resources stolen from them. What a silly way to think. 

:rolleyes:  Of course, there are those who think the way you do....who only see things one way.

  What nation has a fully united view?   There are always those who think differently.


If that is the permeating sentiments among these nations......why would they want to be members of the Commonwealth?

I'm seeing more of the  symbolical meaning of it.




The Commonwealth of Nations[2] (formerly the British Commonwealth),[3][1] also known as simply the Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental organisation of 52 member states that are mostly former territories of the British Empire.

Member states have no legal obligation to one another. Instead, they are united by language, history, culture and their shared values of democracy, free speech, human rights, and the rule of law.[5] These values are enshrined in the Commonwealth Charter[8] and promoted by the quadrennial Commonwealth Games.




Britain had also contributed greatly to these nations.


I'm showing that there's a difference between France and Britain. 



Edited by betsy
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International law and the current moral and ethical standards do not allow, at least on the surface, for Europeans to treat others the way they used to. The colonization in the past (not to take away from the modern colonization of countries) created a lot of shitholes around the world. It takes many generations of freedom for a culture to recover from this. It's like a child who has been abused for so long and then expecting a miraculous recovery without healing first. This is similar to what the first nations have gone through. The reason the indigenous in Canada and Australia have so many issues is because they are dealing with what they were put through in the past. It's a broken culture that needs to heal. 

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14 hours ago, H10 said:

Europeans created most of the "tribal" conflicts. White racism is tribal conflict. Whites have been in tribal conflict since the Romans and Greeks.  The standard of living has fallen under European rule and always was higher under African rule.  Chicago is a place where whites kill whites everyday, along with the rest of America, 80% of the crimes in America are committed by whites who are just 55% of the population.  Africans had running water, tall buildings and electricity before whites arrived.  Africans had cars regardless of Euro colonization as many non-colonized African states do like Ethiopia. Writing, reading, math, physics, education, science.  Europeans did nothing for Africa, they went in and raided it for resources.  Whites should be humble and apologetic and carry lots of white guilt for their genocides and war crimes world wide.



The whites enjoy the indians man land.  Whites didn't even invent the thing you are trying to credit them for.  What the hell do you think whites were living in the 1800s?  Do you forget Canada was known as a nation of hewers of wood?  We in Canada in the 1900s were mostly living in mud huts.



Whites raid any good and decent African community out of jealousy.  Whites are the vast majority of criminals in this nation, therefore if there is any chithole its got to be all those poor rural ei dependent white communities.  They were here first, it is the whites who invade every nation Africans are in first.  If Africa is so bad, why don't all the whites in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and North Africa go back to Europe, all 200 million of them?




All the millions of whites in black nations like new zealand, australia, africa, why don't they go back to central asia?

I am really starting to get the impression that you are an anti-white racist. The reason I ask is that all you seem to do here is to constantly want to knock white people down all the time. Am I right on this? I think that I am. 

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10 hours ago, John Prewett said:



You sure nailed that photo right on the head. It would seem that those third worlders never seem to get enough of the hatred and brutality that the white people always have to offer to those wonderful poor and oppressed people alright. It would appear as though they just cannot seem get ever get enough.  It is Interesting As to how white people are suppose to be so racist and intolerant but yet white people allow millions of third world people to immigrate to their countries. I just don't get it, do you? :rolleyes:

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7 hours ago, marcus said:

International law and the current moral and ethical standards do not allow, at least on the surface, for Europeans to treat others the way they used to. The colonization in the past (not to take away from the modern colonization of countries) created a lot of shitholes around the world. It takes many generations of freedom for a culture to recover from this. It's like a child who has been abused for so long and then expecting a miraculous recovery without healing first. This is similar to what the first nations have gone through. The reason the indigenous in Canada and Australia have so many issues is because they are dealing with what they were put through in the past. It's a broken culture that needs to heal. 

They need to forgive and forget. The past events are history now and they need to move on. They need to stop blaming the Western people for what happened to their ancestors. You and me had nothing to do with what happened to them centuries ago. They need to quit with the whining and crying and get over it. 

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7 minutes ago, taxme said:

They need to forgive and forget. The past events are history now and they need to move on. They need to stop blaming the Western people for what happened to their ancestors. You and me had nothing to do with what happened to them centuries ago. They need to quit with the whining and crying and get over it. 


When an earthquake hits Japan...they take care of it.

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There have been made many comparisons to our age as compared to the times of the fall of the West-Roman Empire. There are a lot of similarities. One reason why the West-Roman Empire fell because it became soft and its real Romans became lazy but the main reason was, just like with the EU today, that the whole Empire had become a meaningless concoction towards which nobody felt any loyalty whatsoever unless they were paid handsomely.

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7 hours ago, taxme said:

I am really starting to get the impression that you are an anti-white racist. The reason I ask is that all you seem to do here is to constantly want to knock white people down all the time. Am I right on this? I think that I am. 

No such thing as anti white racist.  You are just anti truth.  White people did messed up things in history.  Holocaust, Colonialism, Enslavement.  It is fact.  Deal with it.

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4 hours ago, taxme said:


You sure nailed that photo right on the head. It would seem that those third worlders never seem to get enough of the hatred and brutality that the white people always have to offer to those wonderful poor and oppressed people alright. It would appear as though they just cannot seem get ever get enough.  It is Interesting As to how white people are suppose to be so racist and intolerant but yet white people allow millions of third world people to immigrate to their countries. I just don't get it, do you? :rolleyes:

As if they are doing the immigrants a favor.  Whites want immigrant labor to use as cheap labor to run their large businesses.  It is called EXPLOITATION OF POOR DESPERATE PEOPLE.  Whites made the third world third world.  They invaded Africa, Mali, China, India, Iran and destroyed them and made them poor and third world.

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21 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


That this fellow thinks the FRENCH committed the Rwanda Genocide should say enough...eh?

This is what the report on the Rwanda genocide from the commission found.  France was the master mind behind it and pulling all the strings, French Generals commanding locals to carry out murders.

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11 hours ago, H10 said:

No such thing as anti white racist.  You are just anti truth.  White people did messed up things in history.  Holocaust, Colonialism, Enslavement.  It is fact.  Deal with it.

So there is no racism against white people at all? You sure about that?

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