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Global Non-Military Islamic Jihad and Canada


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1. It's not people like me who already know your bias/partisanship, it is others who should be weary. Thankfully you have put all of your partisanship and antics on display for everyone to judge for themselves.

2. Usually people who use ad hominem are weak individuals.

3. North Africa, Iraq, Egypt, Persia etc. What happened? Well, Islam.  

4. You mean "writes" not "rights" I assume?

5. They even have forum jihadists now; this thread is almost proof. It's blatantly obvious now.

1.  You call me biased, yet you post made-up shit and stuff from hate websites.  'Wary' not 'weary'.

2. Yes but not always.

3. Western nations that fell to Sharia Law ?  I guess you couldn't give an example.  "North Africa" "Persia" LOL, but thanks for trying.

4. Yep.  Mia culpa.

5. 'Almost proof' and yet, not proof.  If you want to convince others, you have to build the discussion on agreed-upon sources and facts.  Your make-belief sources are as convincing to me as the bible or Koran to an evolutionary scientist.


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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Argus, if you make the choice to encourage posters like this (over more reasonable posters who simply disagree with your views on some topic) then you are just hastening the demise of dialogue on here, and the forum itself.  If people can't agree on facts, the idea of discussion is unnecessary.

I'm not encouraging him. I disagree with the premise of some sort of world-wide conspiracy, though I would not disagree that there exists within Islam the demand to proselytize and spread the faith far and wide - by whatever means necessary including force. The idea of a world wide "caliphate" is a recurring theme among Muslim, particularly Arab Muslim fundamentalists and among ALL Muslim terrorist groups.

Nevertheless, since freedom of speech is an issue I care about I was interested in why the man was arrested by the British police and so I looked up what he was arrested for saying.

And I find myself in agreement with it. Good thing I'm not trying to say it in the UK!

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

idea that there's a conspiracy out there, that millions of people are sheep that are fooled by the mainstream media is supremacist.

What about the idea that millions of people are sheep that are fooled by FOX news?

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14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1.  You call me biased, yet you post made-up shit and stuff from hate websites.  'Wary' not 'weary'.

These are the websites you refused to check touting "virus"? What exactly is a hate website? Is it a website that opposes your own personal view?

14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

2. Yes but not always.

No, it's always. If your mind gravitates toward attacking an individual, there is no intelligent discussion to be had.

14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

3. Western nations that fell to Sharia Law ?  I guess you couldn't give an example.  "North Africa" "Persia" LOL, but thanks for trying.

I gave examples of formerly "Christian" nations who fell to Islam via the Sharia. If you insist on only "Western" ones, whatever "Western" means to you, look at Spain. They spent seven centuries combating this problem.

14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

4. Yep.  Mia culpa.

Well at least this is better than most liberals; they wouldn't admit it.

14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

5. 'Almost proof' and yet, not proof.  If you want to convince others, you have to build the discussion on agreed-upon sources and facts.  Your make-belief sources are as convincing to me as the bible or Koran to an evolutionary scientist.


I don't want to convince anyone of anything. I could not care less what other people believe; actually, I oppose the imposition of beliefs, which is why I have alluded to the rise of political Islam who are giving American students homework assignments to children to explain to their parents why they are converting to Islam. Again, here is the "almost proof":


"Agreed-upon" facts are not facts. If you ask a Muslim (approaching 2 billion people), it is a fact that the Qur'an is the perfect word of God and Muhammad is the final prophet. This is a fact for them, and agreed on, but it is also false. If you ask a Christian, Jesus was a physical man who died for the sins of mankind. This is a fact for them, and agreed on, but it is also false.

Take a look at Sweden, where Muslim rape gangs are targeting non-Muslim women. It is sanctioned in the Qur'an. While you are at it, take a look at:


"Almost proof" is an interesting one.

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57 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

He was arrested for that?  I hope he was compensated.

The British, the French and a number of other European nations have some very, very rigid laws about insulting or offending identity communities. Freedom of speech most definitely takes a back seat to the need to not cause offense. It is the mindset behind those sorts of laws which causes some of us to fear the M103 thing, because that same mindset is thriving within the Liberal cabinet and party.

Edited by Argus
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5 minutes ago, Argus said:

I'm not encouraging him. I disagree with the premise of some sort of world-wide conspiracy, though I would not disagree that there exists within Islam the demand to proselytize and spread the faith far and wide - by whatever means necessary including force. The idea of a world wide "caliphate" is a recurring theme among Muslim, particularly Arab Muslim fundamentalists and among ALL Muslim terrorist groups.

It is not a conspiracy; they openly admit to doing it. The effort is global, but they don't hide it; the operations themselves on "how" they are doing it is kept hidden from the public eye, but it is by no means a conspiracy. M-103 is *quite obviously* the opening conduit through which to silence criticisms of Islam/Qur'an/Muhammad. Iqra Khalid (who tabled the motion) has ties to the Muslim Students' Association, which has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, if one cared to spend about 12 seconds to research.

5 minutes ago, Argus said:

Nevertheless, since freedom of speech is an issue I care about I was interested in why the man was arrested by the British police and so I looked up what he was arrested for saying.

And I find myself in agreement with it. Good thing I'm not trying to say it in the UK!

Freedom of speech, expression, assembly, and equality are essential for a democracy. These qualities are barriers for the Sharia; as such, we witness the undermining of them all over the West.

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9 minutes ago, Argus said:

The British, the French and a number of other European nations have some very, very rigid laws about insulting or offending identity communities. Freedom of speech most definitely takes a back seat to the need to not cause offense. It is the mindset behind those sorts of laws which causes some of us to fear the M103 thing, because that same mindset is thriving within the Liberal cabinet and party.

Yeah, I guess "Speaker's Corner" can be renamed "Some Speaker's Corner".

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Funny, but when the global warming fanatics spew their similarly flawed crap, or the anti-pipeline bunch or anti frac-ing  knee jerk reaction groups do so, everyone gets in line to nod their heads in ignorant agreement, but when it is Islam that is targeted, it is somehow a terrible thing.

Just an observation.

I have a friend (ex Hitler Jungen, as it happens) who carries on like the above regarding contrails and the government trying to poison us all.  Now, he has genuine reason to believe that governments can indeed conspire to hatch some pretty bizarre schemes, but the common thread in all of this stuff is that there is a tiny, TINY particle of truth somewhere underneath it all, and once the tinfoil hat is securely in place, it can be blown so far out of proportion that it gains traction with the halfwits we elect and turns into policy and legislation.

Meanwhile, I will stay off of my cell phone.   they might be trying to brainwash me with it.

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51 minutes ago, PIK said:

Islam has been on the move for 1000 yrs. I agree with that, but how does saudi arabia own the CBC?

I should clarify this; I don't mean to suggest a "financial" ownership, but I wouldn't hesitate to suggest that the CBC is capitulating to pro-Islamic sentiments due to the various handlers of the content.

For example, observe and juxtapose these two articles:


In the latter, it is (obviously) a response to the former wherein the CBC is using all means necessary to "prop up" Trudeau in the midst of his declining popularity. Observe carefully the words used by the woman:

"When I first ... came to Canada here, I was asking, 'Who's helping us? Who's this man, who make this (sic) happen? Who saved my life? Who bring (sic) my life back?' Everyone told me, Justin Trudeau," she said. "He give me a better life and new future."

This is a typical sob story public stunt to generate a lift of the public appeal of Justin Trudeau. How is this relevant?

Well, Justin Trudeau was scouted by what I will call "political Islam"; his rise to PM is/was calculated and coordinated. Observe his retreat location: private island of Aga Khan:


"I am proud to call His Highness both a friend and a mentor," Trudeau said in his birthday wishes. "Canada and the world are stronger and richer because of his commitment to diversity and inclusion, and to finding common ground."

Now consider the rise of Muslim-based immigration. In effect, Justin Trudeau is a "political jihadist" who is (either knowingly or unknowingly) capitulating to Islam's goal of dispersing Muslims into Western nations for the eventual dissemination of Western democracy. He is thus an asset to his handlers and is treated as such.

That is why you will have articles, such as the second listed in this post, making all attempts to protect his image; indeed, he is an asset, and nothing more.

Now understand the connection to Huma Abedin/Clinton who wished to increase similar immigration tactics in the U.S.; thwarted by Trump. Now observe the CBC's anti-Trump rhetoric and constant bashing of Trump foreign and domestic policies. Understand how the U.N. is trying to centralize immigration for the entire world. Observe former U.S. President Barack Obama's capitulation to the Iran Nuclear Deal; allowing the wholesale of drugs etc. This is all connected. On Barack Obama:


Observe Trump's "hint" at who Barack Obama truly is (a political jihadist):

Yes the pieces are scattered everywhere, but the big picture is very clear once you find the seed of it all: Islamic expansionism, and the use of non-military jihad (as outlined in the OP) which involves political "inserts". It is as such I deem Justin Trudeau a very psychologically weak individual. By the way, one more article to take a look at:


Let these pieces sink in, and if you're living in Left-Land; where you are so far left, there is literally nothing left, go play with blocks or something.

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33 minutes ago, 9-18-1 said:

Now consider the rise of Muslim-based immigration. In effect, Justin Trudeau is a "political jihadist" who is (either knowingly or unknowingly) capitulating to Islam's goal of dispersing Muslims into Western nations for the eventual dissemination of Western democracy. He is thus an asset to his handlers and is treated as such.

And when he is no longer useful to them, they will dump his arse so fast, he won't have time to think about how much jizya he's paying or object to his wife being forced into a hijab and his daughter being whisked off to a backward country for her FGM.

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3 minutes ago, Goddess said:

And when he is no longer useful to them, they will dump his arse so fast, he won't have time to think about how much jizya he's paying or object to his wife being forced into a hijab and his daughter being whisked off to a backward country for her FGM.

This actually parallels what the (what I will call) globalists are using Islam for; creating destabilization using the instrument of Islam.

Indeed, when Islam has served its purpose, Islam will be promptly removed just as a dog scratches fleas from its skin. You are correct; when JT is no longer useful/needed, he will be discarded. The only reason Barack Obama is still on the world stage is because he is probably Islam's greatest political asset; it almost seems to me that BO was/is being prepped for the role of "Mahdi", but that part is speculation.

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44 minutes ago, 9-18-1 said:

I should clarify this; I don't mean to suggest a "financial" ownership, but I wouldn't hesitate to suggest that the CBC is capitulating to pro-Islamic sentiments due to the various handlers of the content.

Well, Justin Trudeau was scouted by what I will call "political Islam"; his rise to PM is/was calculated and coordinated. Observe his retreat location: private island of Aga Khan:

This is the very same sort of pathetic reasoning that chemtrail, birther and 9/11 conspiracy buffs subscribe to.





The Daily Caller is a conservative American news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C. It was founded by political pundit Tucker Carlson



Oh FFS....Tucker Carlson?

And I'm supposed to be more concerned about the pap Trudeau spoons out?


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31 minutes ago, 9-18-1 said:

This actually parallels what the (what I will call) globalists are using Islam for; creating destabilization using the instrument of Islam.

Why would these mysterious globalists want to destabilize the world? In my experience, the one thing money men want is predictability, certainty. They want the rules set so they can manipulate them. They don't want an unstable political framework, and they certainly won't want the spread of a religion which bars lending for profit or which makes business needs secondary to that of Allah and His worship.

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43 minutes ago, Goddess said:

And when he is no longer useful to them, they will dump his arse so fast, he won't have time to think about how much jizya he's paying or object to his wife being forced into a hijab and his daughter being whisked off to a backward country for her FGM.

They? Don't you mean we - the vast left-wing Deep State conspiracy that Tucker and his useful morons believe in?  It's funny how you seem to realize that even Trudeau is as disposable to us as any other right-winger. Of course making you think Trudeau is a lefty is just all part of the plot.

The reality you think exists is like an onion, peel off a layer and there's an even deeper layer down below (he said to the sound of a Theremin playing softly in the background) 


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I am far more concerned about creeping republicanism in Canada than any religion. Too many Canadians forget who our head of state is. One religion is as good as another. Islam, Christianity and Judahism all worship the same God.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I am far more concerned about creeping republicanism in Canada than any religion. Too many Canadians forget who our head of state is. One religion is as good as another. Islam, Christianity and Judahism all worship the same God.

Uh, no, one religion is NOT as good as another. Or would you like to see beheadings in the town square for apostates and blasphemers? Islam sets out an entire code of legal and governmental administration and proscribes death for anyone who disagrees with its moral codes, or shows any sort of disrespect for anything in the koran.

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57 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I am far more concerned about creeping republicanism in Canada than any religion. Too many Canadians forget who our head of state is. One religion is as good as another. Islam, Christianity and Judahism all worship the same God.

Actually no, they don't.

Christianity is based on a lie started by Constantine that Jesus was a man, as God in the flesh, who died for the sins of all of mankind as a sacrifice that they may be forgiven. In the 4th, 5th, 6th centuries, if you were approached by one of these so-called "Roman Catholics" they gave you two options: confess Jesus as Lord, or lose your head. This is present-day Vatican. Jesus is the sun in the sky; the four gospels are the four solstices/equinoxes of the sun is it passes through the ecliptic consisting of twelve zodiacal signs - the sun surrounded by twelve posts, or Jesus surrounded by twelve disciples.

Judaism is based on the original mythologies of the ancient Egyptians when "Christianity" (treating the sun as Christ) was pure. Knowledge was derived from these cycles (astrology), hence the monuments and astrological alignments, hence this knowledge later being used for "evil" in the dark ages, which is where Christianity and Islam arose; the age of Pisces (age of belief).

The basis of Islam is a belief that the original divinely inspired texts were corrupted by man and that the Qur'an is the perfect, inimitable, unaltered word of God, and Muhammad is the best pattern of conduct for one to follow. The Qur'an is a collection of Syro-Aramaic Christian liturgical texts which were poorly translated into "Arabic"; Muhammad was retro-fitted into history over 100 years after the events are reported to have taken place. It promotes things like taking non-Muslim female sex slaves as a means to subjugate/humiliate the infidel.

All of them are based on lies, in the following split:
1. Christianity/Jesus
2. Islam/Muhammad

Both are psychological idols which the respective empires erect to amass "power" which is governance over human consciousness and manipulating it to perform the will of that respective empire.

That's why all religions are actually run by sick men, and have nothing to do with "God", because that is in the sun. In the fictional Greek mythology of Jesus, he told the Jews "I am the light of the world."That's not symbolic; that's the physical sun. Now you know why he also said "If you have seen me, you've seen the father." and "The father is in me, I in you." etc. Look at John 14:20 - "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."

So yes, I do perceive these religions as all blatantly sadistic and malevolent. But the followers of them are empowering the lie-based empires upon which the current civilization is based; all sick lies. Now in this context; understand that Islam absolutely is using non-military jihad to "prove" their religion is right by:

1. Implementing Shariah:
i. You can not criticize Islam
ii. You can not criticize Qur'an
iii. You can not criticize Muhammad

...which is exactly what M-103 is intending to do by labeling people as "Islamophobes" for rightfully criticizing Islam for being based on lies, just as Roman Catholicism is.

And to people like eyeball above, such are the minds who follow the ignorance of the masses and stands firm in their own ignorance, proudly. I salute you/them.

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I am far more concerned about creeping republicanism in Canada than any religion. Too many Canadians forget who our head of state is. One religion is as good as another. Islam, Christianity and Judahism all worship the same God.

And yet the crown on the noggin of the head of our state, amongst other vestmental relics and articles, represent God's appointment of authority to govern.  Power originally flowed down not up and despite our secular advancements and beliefs that we're now in charge the same olde crap still flows down from on high and piles up around us the way it always has.

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14 minutes ago, 9-18-1 said:

Now in this context; understand that Islam absolutely is using non-military jihad to "prove" their religion is right by:

blah blah blah

The more relevant and even more ridiculous context you dabble in is that the left is more responsible than Islam for making us Islamic.

Excuse me but Tucker freakin' Carlson? :lol:



And to people like eyeball above, such are the minds you should listen to.

FIFY, but seriously, just not listening to the Tucker Carlson's of the world would be a better first step.

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11 hours ago, eyeball said:

The more relevant and even more ridiculous context you dabble in is that the left is more responsible than Islam for making us Islamic.

Excuse me but Tucker freakin' Carlson? :lol:


FIFY, but seriously, just not listening to the Tucker Carlson's of the world would be a better first step.

The left is more responsible than Islam itself yes; Islam has existed for 1400 years, and was much, much bloodier the further you go back. The left is being penetrated via political jihad (that's why you see this only in the Left) which is a calculated doctrine of the various forms of jihad in Islam. You don't know that doctrine because you (grant my own presumption) haven't spent the last three years researching this topic in detail, including: origins of Islam, origins of Qur'an, rise and fall of empires, religious persecutions etc. and placed it within the context of the 25920 years cycle to which the Bible wholly alludes to, perhaps you may see this all a bit differently.

Books I suggest:


These references adequately outline the "reality" of Islam through (very recently in German scholarship, as early as 2000) providing the accurate account of the Qur'an; that it definitely being derived from Christian-inspired Syriac Liturgical pieces in at least some areas (likely all), and Muhammad having been a rather disturbed individual (to say the least), now you understand the priority of Islam: protect the Qur'an, protect the image of Muhammad, protect Islam. The Muslims believe this man was a prophet of God, but he was a sick man. Simply read his very first historical account, from the earliest Islamic source:


He was a sick man, and everything turned into an absolute bloodbath; both within Islam itself (read how many heads were removed in these times) and Islam's tremendous expansionist regime, perpetuated by the Caliph Al-Malik. When you see the sickness that bread this ideology, and how far it is away from the truth (no excuses for the Roman Catholic Empire either; they stand equally guilty).

So we have, then, myself and Mark Twain sharing precisely the same view of Muhammadans. They are insane; and thus are the people that can be misled (pro-Islamist Leftists/Apologists) into capitulating toward them. This is precisely what is happening in Europe, UK and now Canada, and Australia; you might think oh gee, what's the common denominator, given the references above?

Over 4 billion people on this planet are (literally) insane, but each only varies in their own particular degree, because each individual lives in their own "Maya"; the closest true definition I suggest as "perception relative to an owner of five unique sense organs". As such, what you perceive is not only without, it is within, as is the sun in the sky, the motions of the bodies on the "heavens"; we are each bound to our own. That's why I am 31 and am seeing the signs; Jesus died at 33 because 33 cruxes; when the physical sun "dies" on the horizon on Dec, 22, remains still for 3 full days, and then resurrects on Dec. 25. It is as such the sun (Christ) is within every individual, because it is a physiological process that is aligned to the celestial movements; each individual is directly bound to that sun in the sky they perceive, because that's the "timing" of their own Christ. Those who are beyond this age without recognizing Christ being within simply endure a progressive recompense; him/her suffering their own actions. There is a word for this: it is called "karma", which means "action/doing". Thus, each individual on the planet is their own doing, and those who are ignorant of Christ, descend by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Who holds the most currency in knowledge of good and evil? Religion; that's why it is clear almost half of the planet are dwellers under this tree which manifests such disgraceful acts as such. Over 270 000 000 people are dead just as a result of Islamic jihad alone. Two hundred and seventy million.

Now if you will excuse me for asking the question "what is the source of human suffering" and trying earnestly to solve it, but this is what I have surmised: monotheism (Christianity and Islam) is the source of almost all human suffering on this planet. There is no competition; no other brother on the street, no other game in town. These two institutions control the minds of nearly 4 billion people; all based on lies and deceit.

Forgive me for sounding off about it; but whether or not you agree does not make it untrue, and I presume any who read this and has a reasonable mind, they ought to know to also see it so. There is nothing else to know: Islam is using non-military jihad to weaken one of the prime staples of a free democracy: freedom of speech. Here are your 4 pillars:

1. Freedom of Speech
2. Freedom of Expression
3. Freedom of Assembly
4. Equality

The West has capitulated and capitulated deeper and deeper into the jaws of Islamic non-military jihad warfare. Now if the west were smart (but I can almost guarantee based on the present level of "awareness" of the public this won't happen) they would make an neutral gesture toward a public-access discussion which embodies these four pillars inherently. For example:

The West prepares venues wherein any individual may come to openly discuss Islam; it can be debate style, but with mutual respect, because that is a pillar of the west; equality. Yes there would be a great need for security because of how "sensitive" Muslims are to their religion being criticized (hence all of the protectionism around the book and prophet) but by preparing such a venue, the West is promoting their own three pillars utilizing equality as the central bases. See, in Islam, there is no equality "in the end", only in the beginning. Read the Qur'an and you will understand why the early passages are peaceful. Hint: it progressively gets worse after that for a reason, because certain "events" such as jihad don't "kick in" until specific points/status. Islam is inherently "at war" with every non-Muslim controlled (house of Islam) as a default position, therefor they never need to "declare" it; it has always been declared. This was the delusion of a sick man; conquer the world and have all the women I desire. Muslims believe they are getting 72 virgins in heaven. The Syriac original word is actually "grapes" and referred to Christian imagery of "Heaven", which is fictional.

That is the state of "human suffering"; man-made religions based on lies, all hiding the fact that the sun is inside of you, thus Christ is in you. Why don't they teach this as a preliminary for every religion? Well, it is taught in the Bible; forget about Muslims understanding the gospels, they probably never touch a Bible, and forget about Christians who neither know Jesus' teachings from a hole in the wall; Jesus is the sun, and in the context, everything makes sense; the cosmic cycles. These religions don't teach those; they teach hatred and divisiveness, and the Qur'an is a wretched book for this precisely; it divides humanity into "believer" and "unbeliever" in Islam, and thus always divides humanity in two. Now observe the various divisions which stem from that, such as "real" Muslim and "fake" Muslim, the Sunni/Shia split which has killed millions upon millions.

I wish I had the words to make these people see what is right in front of their face.

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5 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

The left is more responsible than Islam itself yes...

I wish I had the words to make these people see what is right in front of their face.

Pinochet certainly wouldn't be wasting any time trying to talk to the left.  The only question is why you right-wingers can't see what really needs to be done.  Of course Pinochet gave up too soon so...try try again perhaps?

The left is like rust you see, it never sleeps.

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

Pinochet certainly wouldn't be wasting any time trying to talk to the left.  The only question is why you right-wingers can't see what really needs to be done.  Of course Pinochet gave up too soon so...try try again perhaps?

The left is like rust you see, it never sleeps.


On the contrary; the Left is always asleep.

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12 hours ago, eyeball said:

And STILL it manages to be worse than Islam.  How on Earth does the right-wing explain being unable to even thwart a sleeping enemy?  It defy's reason.  

You say this defies reason, I say there is a reason. Now temporarily "detach" from the nonsense in your mind and perceive the following:

Islam simply means this: submission. To what? Sharia:
1. The Qur'an is the perfect, inimitable word of Allah - the one True God
2. The "pattern of conduct" of Muhammad is to be used as a framework to "give your life for Allah in jihad"
3. Muslims believe the two above to be 100% correct; thus Islam is 100% correct (can not be questioned)
4. The Qur'an is a concoction of Syro-Aramaic Christian liturgical texts; it is not the word of God. This was discovered within the last 20 years of German scholarship; see Christoph Luxenberg.
5. Realize; Muhammad and Islam are/is insanity due to the Qur'an not being the perfect word of God, thus invented by Muhammad rather than from any "Angel Gabriel", thus Muhammad's Allah is likewise invented by him, who condoned such things as raping women in jihad as a means to instill fear; the same fear Muhammad used by referring to eternal hellfire to scare subject into strict adherence.
6. Look at Sweden.
7. Realize the "narrative" of the Qur'an is systematic; it is meant to "work at all times" in terms of attaining global conquest via jihad. Islamic "jihad" is a permanent fixture in creation (presently), ever since 1400 years ago. Muslims thus see all waking life as "jihad".
8. Realize "jihad" is not only military, but non-military as well: social, political, economic, financial, media-based etc. There is not a single subversive tactic it does not employ upon the West at all times, because war with the "West" is already the default assumption in Islam.
9. The "Left", due to their ignorance (as you point out) capitulate to it in ignorance. But this ignorance is based on war tactics being employed by Islam itself which is a false doctrine. This is how people like Justin Trudeau rise out of obscurity and all of a sudden he's opened immigration and based his entire conduct pro-Islam. Read above: Islam and Muhammad are/were insane. Thus, Justin Trudeau (had he the ability to realize the error of his own way) is likewise insane (though perhaps to a lesser degree) than those who control him. Now those who control him are using war tactics based on a false doctrine; were it not to be believed, much is solved.
10. Understand that both Christianity and Islam are idolatry-based religions; they utilize central figures (Jesus and Muhammad respectively) to sow attachment of the people to that empire. They are idolators and actually completely break the Ten Commandments (all of them) blatantly and outright, especially Islam which is insane.
11. In Islam, the concept of "cause and effect" is actually dismissed. Thus, they dismiss the relative scriptural concept of "As Above, So Below" which applies to both, because it is in the Torah / God of Abraham (Allah) narrative. This is why "idolatry" first finds "form" in the mind, then manifests on earth in the form of "following examples" of dead men. The only power over these minds are the ones perpetuating the false doctrine; they are sick men.
12. If Islam did not operate based on a false doctrine, they would not be a permanent aggressor responsible for all forms of jihad which is responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths (probably much much more) and billions insane/deluded. If this is eliminated (along with nonsense Christianity treating the sun in the sky as having been a physical man) then human suffering would substantially decrease. Thus both Christianity and Islam must collapse/reform because they are both false doctrines.

Thus the problem, still, is Islam. It is not the Left; the Left's problem is that they are stupid, and they deserve what comes. It has nothing to do with the Left being "worse" or the right becoming encumbered with the requirement of "thwarting" (as you put it) the Left's own stupidity: a different kind of insane thinking is imposing here. The insanity starts in Islam, not the Left. It is a false doctrine and the doctors of it (in its entirety) are liars and insane people who merely wish to own women as property, beat them, blame them for the woes of the world as Muhammad did, rape non-Muslim captives (Sweden), subjugate the "infidel" etc. It is already inherently divisive by this means, thus we have the Sunni-Shia split, which is a war within Islam itself based on disagreements between who are the "real Muslims" and who are the "hypocrites"; hemorrhaging human suffering ever since Islam began. They're both wrong. This wound in humanity has been the basis for all Middle-Eastern conflict (the Roman Catholics having started idolatry with Jesus circa Constantine), which attracted who? The military industrial complex. People made a fortune exploiting the followers of Islam/monotheism because they could be easily controlled and made to die in the name of nonsense books and idolatry figures. Masons especially love them for this reason.

Therefor I can openly predict basic scenarios; this world will never know peace until Islam either:
1. Is challenged as an institution by the "rest of the World" who recognize it as the greatest threat as time goes on.
2. It is toned down and/or made much more moderate/liberal (Mohammad Bin Salman - can he do the right thing?).
3. Islam consumes the earth (as long as needed) in an all-out global jihad; but controlled by the leaders who base their power upon false doctrines; not the Muslims themselves, they will always be slaves to higher "controllers" because their doctrine is false. That world would die into the hands of, what one refers to as "Satan"; systematic control over what you do and say, and what you don't do and don't say. Slaves; in the "lands of Egypt" which is the first energy chakra (red) of the body, to say the least. Thus Islam is actually Satanic, because the sum result will always be slavery owned and operated by a higher power controlling it from the top; because it is false. Muslims see all of this as "will of Allah" but it is not. That's why the "globalists" such as Soros are making a fortune with having caused the immigration crises. See how I drew everything back to current day? Because it is all true; Islam is insane and empowers sick people who care not for human suffering at all.
4. Both religious bodies challenge their own respective authorities. Muslims rise against their leaders and Christians rise against the Jesuits and Vatican and all the other nonsense lodges and families, and challenge them for answers (I'm not advocating violence). This would be the "happy ending" to all this; but the dogma/brainwash is extremely potent and , as I have laid out, makes people literally insane. However, this sort of commotion could only be stirred by a literal Second Coming, which will never happen. That lie has enriched the wallets of many.

There is this reason then that Islam is categorically worse than any political party. There is no argument to be had about this when you understand the scale of the global "conflict" in terms of a "humanity being free" perspective. And here M-103 starts with the empowerment of the Left to silence those who (rightfully) criticize Islam by calling them an "Islamophobe", thus shutting down the conversation. This is social jihad, and a very nasty one. Hardly noticed by anyone, but if Legislation passes anything based on that motion, I assure you, Sharia is already here and working as intended. You can't really stop it after that when you have Muslim Brotherhood sickos using fear tactics on people who rightfully call their prophet an insane man and Islam completely wretched. It will be too late then, as it almost is in Canada, and most certainly is elsewhere in the West presently. Canada is actually in better shape, but only because the Left is in control. The chaos over Trump winning in the U.S. is because Clinton was "slated" to win. But she didn't. Thus Trump is actually a genius, not insane as the Left is trying to constantly character assassinate him. He sees the problem, and is acting accordingly. His move into Jerusalem was perfect, and his recent refusal to have the U.N. dictate what the U.S. should and should not do, Trump essentially said "enough is enough with this nonsense" just as I would have done. For those who don't oppose Islam; get ready to live in it and find out why being a Left sympathizer to all of this nonsense will cost you all of the liberty you have left to exercise even basic things like freedom of speech. That's the power of Islam. You don't know it unless you've lived in it. Try.

All based on a false doctrine which has been proven to be false by recent scholarship, to which I alluded to in earlier posts, had you cared to note. What are the implications? Thus:
1. The Qur'an is not divinely inspired
2. Muhammad was a liar
3. Islam thus creates perpetual chaos and human suffering, just as happened in the life of Muhammad, because Muslims actually imitate him, which is idolatry, which is forbidden in the commandments. So is bearing false witness: every single Muslim had to have performed the shahada, which is a witness testimony "I testify that there is no God, only Allah, and Muhammad is his final prophet". They thus bear false witness. They kill in the name of Allah via "jihad" which is another. They covet the possessions of others to further the cause of Allah etc. They actually manage to break all ten of them. How is this so? Because it's a false religion which is a destructive force in the world as a whole.

So who is to hold them to account, then? Not even I can say; though I hold to all the scenarios I provided above; if any divine intervention were to happen, be it that these monotheists wake up out of their dogma-induced fear-based stupor and actually develop their own minds and question their authorities.

That would actually help the Left out from waking up out of their stupidity. Islam could actually save the Left in this reverse scenario. Thus, the burden is on Islam, not the Right. It's the other way around.


Edited by 9-18-1
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