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To The Conservative Party of Canada


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7 hours ago, taxme said:

Pretty much all politicians are globalists especially the ones in Canada. They all pretty much take their orders from the elite establishment who work against the people. Trump has said no to globalism. America will come first. You won't get that from our fearless puppet on s string politically correct Canadian politicians. They want the rest of the world to be their oyster. 

Trump says one thing, but when he has all those loans owed to globalist, all those hotels in globalist countries and globalist goldman sachs bankers like steven banon and minuchin running his entire cabinet, he is indeed a globalist, globalist controlled.  How the heck in your mind is a guy with a bunch of businesses all over the world not a globalist?  You need to put away the conspiracy theories.  trump is the definition of a globalist.  America doesn't come first under Trump, TRUMP comes first under Trump. 


7 hours ago, taxme said:

The last thing America needed was a fool like Obama and Hillary. Both can be up on criminal charges if Trump wanted to do just that. And maybe he still will do just that. The internet is full of stories about their crimes against the American people and America itself. Trump may have gone bankrupt with some of his adventures but he still has a lot of businesses and they are all appearing to go just fine, thank you.


Trump is about to get a special prosecutor appointed by his fellow Republicans to invesitgate him for criminal acts.  The only one who should be looking at criminal charges is the guy who was on trial for child rape, mass fraud, bankruptcy fraud, running an unlicensed university, and violating the foreign emoluments clause.  What happen to Trump air, trump water, trumpland, and trump casino?

7 hours ago, taxme said:

You obviously hate Trump because the main scream media has convinced you that Trump is a bad boy. If the main scream fake and phony liberal left wing media attacked Hillary on her crimes as much as they did with Trump you would not be so quick to constantly attack Trump. I guess that liberals have to stick together with liberals and attack others whom they are not in agreement with. Liberals can be such an intolerant bigoted bunch. At least Trump gives Americans hope not lies like JT and the liberals like to do. 

Canadians were certainly dumb enough to vote for JT the refugee/muslim lover. This dictator is going to destroy Canada. What more can be said. 


I don't hate Trump at all.  Trump does a good job embarassing himself.  Hilary is done with politics, this has nothing to do with it.  JT is better than Drumpf.

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29 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

We're really not talking about the Conservatives yet.  Are they so unremarkable (except for Kevin and Kelly) that we don't have anything to say about them ?


They're so many of them.   But they're all mostly cookie-cutters liberal-lite mouth pieces.  One of them, like Kevin O'Leary, is a true Liberal who's exploiting the situation  to get into power.


The only one that does it for me is Kelly, because of her screening policy - which is all that matters to me.


Security, and the future of Canada - identity (values), politics, economy - all hinge on the future citizens of this country. 


It all starts with the borders. Who we let in, and become the future citizens.  Imho.



Edited by betsy
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5 hours ago, hernanday said:

Trump says one thing, but when he has all those loans owed to globalist, all those hotels in globalist countries and globalist goldman sachs bankers like steven banon and minuchin running his entire cabinet, he is indeed a globalist, globalist controlled.  How the heck in your mind is a guy with a bunch of businesses all over the world not a globalist? 


Globalism does not mean you can't do trade with other nations.....nor that you can't have businesses outside the country!


What is being referred to here when we speak about globalism, is for an authoritarian "world" government  replacing sovereign nation states.


  Look at EU as an example!  EU dictates who, or what, or the quotas of  refugees UK and other of its member nations, has to accept within their own countries!   It even has rules for their member nations!   Since when do outsiders over-ride your own sovereignty?

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Europe is starting to resist! The ground is shifting!




In 2015, high numbers of migrants, many of them Syrians fleeing conflict, continued to move. Some European states, led by Germany, recognized that their strategy of seeking to block refugees moving across borders was unrealistic and harmful. Countries worked together to allow migrants to move onwards to the places they wished to reach. This allowed reception countries to focus their resources on supporting asylum seekers and considering claims.

By early 2016, support for this policy began to wane, with increased hostility towards migrants entering the political discourse. Certain countries along the migrant route began to close their borders. The situation further deteriorated when the EU’s decision to transfer 160,000 asylum seekers from Greece and Italy to other European member states was met with widespread resistance.





Which is why all Conservative leadership candidates who still buy into this open borders propaganda - have all missed the boat!  They're all busy trying to pander to liberal mindsets!  They're all cowards - they aren't willing to stick out their necks proposing sensible policy that's based on SHEER COMMON SENSE! 


It's up to us conservatives to set things right!  Give a message, loud and clear to these self-serving candidates!

Edited by betsy
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2 hours ago, betsy said:

The only one that does it for me is Kelly, because of her screening policy - which is all that matters to me.

My the entire future of the country based on a nebulous screening policy. It seems that hate is your only motivator. The economy, social issues, environment, Canadian Forces, trade, health care, etc. are all irrelevant, so long as you have some feel good policy about hating others.

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22 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

My the entire future of the country based on a nebulous screening policy. It seems that hate is your only motivator. The economy, social issues, environment, Canadian Forces, trade, health care, etc. are all irrelevant, so long as you have some feel good policy about hating others.


Well.....all you need is to analyze it.


Call it whatever you want to call it. 

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On 2/25/2017 at 2:47 PM, Topaz said:

Harper started the war between the media and him, if u remember.

           HAHA-very funny to say Harper started a media war! Media spent years whining about his alleged "hidden agenda"-the one that never materialized! Balancing the govt books and maintaining Cdn security in the face of Muslim terror is not some sort of dirty secret. If we want to conitnue having an open border and good trade between Canada and U.S. then we MUST recognize Yankee security concerns! With 3000 dead in the ruins of World Trade Centre they are entitled to be nervous!

The only "agenda" I have seen is the one where liberals demonize ALL Conservatives! How is it that Conservatives can be smeared for making senators Wallin and Brazeau pay back money that Consevative party feels was used wrongly and for suing senator Mike Duffy for refusing to pay back his carelessly spent share? While at the same time both media and liberals IGNORED that liberal senator MacDonald Harb who had mis-used MORE money than Wallin, Brazeau and Duffy COMBINED! Talk about hiding an agenda! Talk about biased reporting!

But then liberal values are such that they were probably appalled by the idea of a political party taking real responsiblity-as Conservatives did- for anything! And liberals were absolutely horrified at the idea of actually paying tax payers back for money mis-used!   

Our Media promoted liberal propaganda-such as alleging Harper was "muzzling" Cdn scientists-reality is he was simply preventing them from insulting and reviling Conservative party on govt time! Civil servants do not care about politics-their ONLY concern is their oh so comfortable place on what Rob Ford rightly called the govt gravy train! Many civil servants see nothing wrong with using their time at work for what amounts to very partisan union business-which means disputing and smearing views that are counter to their own greedy and narrow self interests. Civil servants are demanding raises in pay and massive new funding for their already gold plated pensions while significant numbers of older Cdns cannot find the cash to purchase the medical drugs they have been prescribed! Civil service/liberal values and entitlements are way out of line-and they want to blame their greed on Harper-with media aid!

And media only cares about regaining viewers and readers. Ad revenue for conventional main stream media is fading like snow in July so they are desperate to attract people-hence their willingness to cater to any point of view that gets them attention-regardless of truth about "hidden agendas"!

This is why our vaunted CBC started to mock the liberal electoral reform plan-Cdns recognized electoral reform as a vote rigging scam-and CBC did not want to be on the wrong side of that fight with so much hostile public opinion -so they joined other media and mocked the badly biased liberal effort to fragment and break up our parliament. By breaking our parliament into a mass of small, one issue parties, liberals figured they could paralyze parliament and ensure that no single party could gather enough power in future to shut off the mad liberal spending machine. Fortunately CBC recognized they might be on the wrong side of that argument and did the right thing-for once! 




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2 hours ago, Phred Dobbs said:


With 3000 dead in the ruins of World Trade Centre they are entitled to be nervous!


I would add we must not forget that 24 of our citizens perished that day. It's to our mutual benefit to cooperate on security measures.

Welcome to the forum Phred Dobbs.

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"We always want the best man to win an election. Unfortunately, he never runs." Will Rogers

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8 hours ago, betsy said:


They're so many of them.   But they're all mostly cookie-cutters liberal-lite mouth pieces.  One of them, like Kevin O'Leary, is a true Liberal who's exploiting the situation  to get into power.

The only one that does it for me is Kelly, because of her screening policy - which is all that matters to me.

It matters to me too, but not to the exclusion of all else. Leitch has no charisma and has no policies other than on immigration. I don't see her having a chance in hell of beating Trudeau. I would rather see someone in charge who has that chance, provided his policies are conservative. So far the only ones I see who might get my vote are Scheer and Bernier.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

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3 minutes ago, Argus said:

It matters to me too, but not to the exclusion of all else. Leitch has no charisma and has no policies other than on immigration. I don't see her having a chance in hell of beating Trudeau. I would rather see someone in charge who has that chance, provided his policies are conservative. So far the only ones I see who might get my vote are Scheer and Bernier.


It's the principle!


I'd rather waste my vote on Leitch, since anyone among the others who wins would be like a vote for the same Liberal agenda!  What's the difference?


Anyway, who knows?  Saying that she's not likely to win against Trudeau....is damaging her.  If all conservatives follow what you say, of course she'll have no chance in hell!

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9 hours ago, ?Impact said:

My the entire future of the country based on a nebulous screening policy. It seems that hate is your only motivator. The economy, social issues, environment, Canadian Forces, trade, health care, etc. are all irrelevant, so long as you have some feel good policy about hating others.

Ah yes, those famous two words(racist/hate)are always banded about and thrown at people by liberals to whom they do not like. Your liberal intolerant and bigoted colors are really starting to show. Those two words may shut down cowards who are not willing to stand up for their beliefs and will succumb to the attacks by the liberals towards them but they will certainly not work on real true conservatives who will take those words throw them in their soup and eat them up, and dump them in the proper time. 

Those two words are becoming oh so passe. :D

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11 hours ago, betsy said:


Globalism does not mean you can't do trade with other nations.....nor that you can't have businesses outside the country!


What is being referred to here when we speak about globalism, is for an authoritarian "world" government  replacing sovereign nation states.


  Look at EU as an example!  EU dictates who, or what, or the quotas of  refugees UK and other of its member nations, has to accept within their own countries!   It even has rules for their member nations!   Since when do outsiders over-ride your own sovereignty?

Exactly. Rothchilds/Rockfeller/Soros, and so many other zionist globalists are the threat to all nations that want to be free from becoming trapped into a land of global tyranny. And this is what Trump is against for America, tyranny. Now if we only had a politician like Trump who would stand up for Canada, and kick the globalists out of Canada..

I await that day. Sigh. 

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16 hours ago, hernanday said:

Trump says one thing, but when he has all those loans owed to globalist, all those hotels in globalist countries and globalist goldman sachs bankers like steven banon and minuchin running his entire cabinet, he is indeed a globalist, globalist controlled.  How the heck in your mind is a guy with a bunch of businesses all over the world not a globalist?  You need to put away the conspiracy theories.  trump is the definition of a globalist.  America doesn't come first under Trump, TRUMP comes first under Trump. 



Trump is about to get a special prosecutor appointed by his fellow Republicans to invesitgate him for criminal acts.  The only one who should be looking at criminal charges is the guy who was on trial for child rape, mass fraud, bankruptcy fraud, running an unlicensed university, and violating the foreign emoluments clause.  What happen to Trump air, trump water, trumpland, and trump casino?


I don't hate Trump at all.  Trump does a good job embarassing himself.  Hilary is done with politics, this has nothing to do with it.  JT is better than Drumpf.

On the contrary. You are embarrassing yourself here. There will be nothing found on Trump that the the liberal media and the democrats are hoping will be found. The liberal media and the democrats keep always bringing up Trump and Russia gate but yet there has been nothing proven so far. So quit dreaming, Trump will be Americas president for the next eight years because the people want him there to help clean out the swamp of the liberal lying losers, and democrat liars, and those zionist globalists who have been trying to destroy America for decades now. It's amazing as to why the lying liberal media and the democrats cannot accept their defeat.And the sad part is that they have said that these constant attacks on Trump will go on until they can get something on Trump. 

It is said that when an honest person tries to tell the truth the controlled establishment media will be set upon them like a pack of wolves to ridicule, attack and made a fool of until that person has no credibility left anymore. Then it is up to the people to decide as to why this person is being so viciously attacked, and not just accept the medias side of the story only. So many good and honest people have been destroyed by the lying media. The main scream media cannot be trusted anymore for the true and real facts. It is up to the people to check out the facts for themselves, and not just take another person/s or medias word for it. Trump is not being given a chance. He is a threat to the elite globalist establishment, and they will do whatever they can to try and destroy Trump by using their media controlled so-called honest to goodness reporters. LOL. 

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On 2/26/2017 at 10:39 AM, Argus said:

Conservatives lost because it was about that time, because people were tired of their alleged meanness, because the left hated Harper so much they abandoned the NDP to ensure he lost, because the economy took a temporary downward tilt, because Trudeau seemed young and handsome and pleasant, and because he promised them what his dad did, lots of free government services. That last played especially well in the Maritimes.

Main reason is because there are not very many conservatives in Canada and without either a major scandal like sponsorship, or poor leaders like Dione, and Ignattief running against them, their chance of winning becomes very low. And that's exactly why they play to the center and act like liberals which is what Betsy is complaining about, and that's why Harper played wack-a-mole with all the womb-goons in his party and tried to keep them quiet.

I question things because I am human. And call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger

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On 2/26/2017 at 11:11 AM, bcsapper said:

We don't.  I am opposed to screening.  I'm of the opinion that we tell everyone coming into the country exactly what they are letting themselves in for, and make sure they are prepared to be deported if they don't like it.

I don't care if you're a Muslim who thinks drawing Muhammad is wrong, a Tanzanian Witch Doctor looking for Albinos, or a white supremacist looking to get away from the melting pot, we have to make it known that certain behaviour will not be tolerated.

We do. We criminalize intolerable behavior. That's enough... immigrants need to obey the laws of the land, nothing more. People are free to think what they want... plenty of Canadians hate gay people, plenty of them are racist, plenty of them are misogynist. That's ok as long as this sentiment does not cause them to harm someone else, and if they do then they will be subject to civil or criminal law. 

I question things because I am human. And call no one my father who's no closer than a stranger

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On 2017-02-26 at 2:11 PM, bcsapper said:

We don't.  I am opposed to screening.  I'm of the opinion that we tell everyone coming into the country exactly what they are letting themselves in for, and make sure they are prepared to be deported if they don't like it.

I don't care if you're a Muslim who thinks drawing Muhammad is wrong, a Tanzanian Witch Doctor looking for Albinos, or a white supremacist looking to get away from the melting pot, we have to make it known that certain behaviour will not be tolerated.

Which behaviour shall be tolerated, Sire? Can we get a list

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1 hour ago, dre said:

We do. We criminalize intolerable behavior. That's enough... immigrants need to obey the laws of the land, nothing more. People are free to think what they want... plenty of Canadians hate gay people, plenty of them are racist, plenty of them are misogynist. That's ok as long as this sentiment does not cause them to harm someone else, and if they do then they will be subject to civil or criminal law. 

I'd just make doubly sure, is all. Videos, PowerPoint presentations, Survey Monkey, you name it, I'd put them through it.  

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16 hours ago, betsy said:


Globalism does not mean you can't do trade with other nations.....nor that you can't have businesses outside the country!

Then what is the foundation for claiming Soros is a globalist and Trump is not?


16 hours ago, betsy said:

What is being referred to here when we speak about globalism, is for an authoritarian "world" government  replacing sovereign nation states.

  Look at EU as an example!  EU dictates who, or what, or the quotas of  refugees UK and other of its member nations, has to accept within their own countries!   It even has rules for their member nations!   Since when do outsiders over-ride your own sovereignty?

EU is voluntary union to facilitate trade.  And what do you think Trump American style nationalism super power is?  A single authoritarian government (USA aka him) replacing sovereign foreign nations rules and laws that he doesn't like, such as Mexico's emigration policy, Japan, China and Vietnam's trade policy, N.Korea and Iran's nuclear policies.  Donald Drumpf is the ULTIMATE globalist!  He wants to turn, foreign countries into arms of the USA.

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

On the contrary. You are embarrassing yourself here. There will be nothing found on Trump that the the liberal media and the democrats are hoping will be found. The liberal media and the democrats keep always bringing up Trump and Russia gate but yet there has been nothing proven so far. So quit dreaming, Trump will be Americas president for the next eight years because the people want him there to help clean out the swamp of the liberal lying losers, and democrat liars, and those zionist globalists who have been trying to destroy America for decades now. It's amazing as to why the lying liberal media and the democrats cannot accept their defeat.And the sad part is that they have said that these constant attacks on Trump will go on until they can get something on Trump. 

You are only embarrassing yourself.  How can you determine nothing will be found before any investigation has ever even been completed!  He already is in violation of the emoluments clause.  When it comes to trump and russia, it has been proven that his own secretary was in contact numerous times with  Russian foreign intelligence and arms of the Russian government, so much so he was given a warning by the security sources that Flynn could be compromised and he lost his secret clearance.  And if nothing has been proven, that is exactly when you investigate!  Trump is the swamp.  He already has done enough to get impeached, what about child rape and fraud?


5 hours ago, taxme said:

It is said that when an honest person tries to tell the truth the controlled establishment media will be set upon them like a pack of wolves to ridicule, attack and made a fool of until that person has no credibility left anymore. Then it is up to the people to decide as to why this person is being so viciously attacked, and not just accept the medias side of the story only. So many good and honest people have been destroyed by the lying media. The main scream media cannot be trusted anymore for the true and real facts. It is up to the people to check out the facts for themselves, and not just take another person/s or medias word for it. Trump is not being given a chance. He is a threat to the elite globalist establishment, and they will do whatever they can to try and destroy Trump by using their media controlled so-called honest to goodness reporters. LOL. 


You are speaking like a conspiracy theorist.

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1 hour ago, hernanday said:

You are only embarrassing yourself.  How can you determine nothing will be found before any investigation has ever even been completed!  He already is in violation of the emoluments clause.  When it comes to trump and russia, it has been proven that his own secretary was in contact numerous times with  Russian foreign intelligence and arms of the Russian government, so much so he was given a warning by the security sources that Flynn could be compromised and he lost his secret clearance.  And if nothing has been proven, that is exactly when you investigate!  Trump is the swamp.  He already has done enough to get impeached, what about child rape and fraud?



You are speaking like a conspiracy theorist.

Child rape? Are you ok. What proof do you have that Donald Trump is a child rapist? Show me please? Where is your evidence? If Trump were found to have committed child rape then explain to me as to how he made it to the presidency? You know you really have to stop listening to the lying phony liberal media, and the loser democrats. They have nothing on Trump but I will give them kudos for trying the stunned fools. 

Ask Paul Fromm. Ask Arthur Topham. Ask Malcolm Ross. Ask so many more patriotic Canadians who have tried to get the truth out about the lying swamp that we all live under. Those patriots were part of a conspiracy created by the elite to try and shut them down for daring to question and challenge the status quo, and exposing the big lie.  

Indeed there are conspiracies, and they are happening all the time. It is a fool who thinks that conspiracies do not exist. But hey, if you listen too and want to continue to live in liberal elite la-la-land you will never learn anything from the masters of conspiracies. Even conservatives themselves are not immune from being part of a conspiracy. 



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