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How Fake News Goes Viral

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You can try to justify the kids acting like an unruly mob and the chaperones doing nothing about it and seemingly encouraging them to be aggressive with their war chants in people's faces, but it doesn't really work. You can't blame the other bad actors for the students' bad behaviour and for the school's totally unprofessional and incompetent handling of the situation.

But I guess if they have a MAGA hat on, they can do no wrong. They've identified themselves as being on the team and so they must be defended, even if they sexually assault girls at their drunken frat parties and get nominated to the Supreme Court. :lol:

The media reported on a social media event and even filled in the blanks for you as they became available. I don't see how they could have done it any differently.


Edited by BubberMiley
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Apparently,  no matter how bad your behaviour  is, if you are anti Trump you can do anything;  you can browbeat kids,  dox them, threaten their lives and of course, lie about them.

Apparently, if you wear a red hat then it is open season on the wearer who is not allowed to show any emotion, chant school songs  or fight back in anyway cos you deserve all of the anove and more.    Yeah...    

Personally I believe the kids should get a peace medal for showing restraint when confronted by a whacko religious sect and an axe grinding  Native instigator.

I guess really the kid committed a 'face crime' 

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1 hour ago, scribblet said:

 Wash Post just issued a retraction for their fake-news article which claimed the Native drummer fought in Vietnam. 

FOX News pointed that lie out yesterday. And just like the fake and phony liberal media with their paid off liberal I hate Trump actors and activists anti-Trump gang they tried to make it a story about the white students to be a bunch of racists as usual. The real racist were the ones called the black nationalists that showed up and started to yell white racism and that the white students were products of incest and other ANTIFA like attacks and insults. Those students did nothing wrong but yet that lying media will try and attack anyone white who does not fit in with their narrative. The students were wearing MAGA hats and that is what set off the lying leftist liberal media into a crazy frenzie. They were pro Trump students, a not so politically correct thing to be these days in America now. That Indian drummer had ugly and terrible looking teeth. How did he manage to get in the military anyway? That surprises me indeed. 

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Kathy Griffin for starters,  other death wishes from left wing journalists, one of whom that I know of has been fired,  unhinged leftists spreading fake news (still) and harassing/ threatening a bunch of kids,  Phillips who lied about the incident and his service, there are many others, attached is just one tweet of very many who should be ashamed.               in general - violent  ANTIFAs and a general psychosis or TDS

and where are the people denouncing the racist, bigoted 'black Israelites' or the false characterization  (read lies ) told by Phillips because I don't see the rabid, die-hard lefties who think that any bad behaviour can be justified if someone wears a red hat. 


Have to add to this list (there's more but this one)   Believe it or not an  SNL Writer offered  BJ exchange for someone Punching a Covington Catholic Student in the Face ....      here you go guys...   go for it 

twitter hate.jpg

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1 hour ago, BubberMiley said:

You can try to justify the kids acting like an unruly mob and the chaperones doing nothing about it and seemingly encouraging them to be aggressive with their war chants in people's faces, but it doesn't really work. You can't blame the other bad actors for the students' bad behaviour and for the school's totally unprofessional and incompetent handling of the situation.

But I guess if they have a MAGA hat on, they can do no wrong. They've identified themselves as being on the team and so they must be defended, even if they sexually assault girls at their drunken frat parties and get nominated to the Supreme Court. :lol:

The media reported on a social media event and even filled in the blanks for you as they became available. I don't see how they could have done it any differently.


But the students were all wrong and are guilty as usual by the leftist liberal media. When anyone is seen wearing a MAGA hat then they must be one of Trump's white racists members trying to stir up chit again. This lame duck American and Canadian media will never quit with their constant stupid reporting on anything that may appear to be white racism. Deplorable gang of nothings. :o

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It’s one thing for media and the left to smear Donald Trump and his followers but it truly is breath taking to see the left become completely unhinged  savagely harassing /threatening  the lives of  a bunch of high-school kids on the basis of a couple of unvetted news reports, since proven to be untrue.   I guess we shouldn’t be surprised at the feeding frenzy and egregious left wing behaviour which could result in a lawsuit

There’s a lot of deleting and scrubbing being done on twitter and FB right now…

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5 minutes ago, scribblet said:

Kathy Griffin for starters,  other death wishes from left wing journalists, one of whom that I know of has been fired,  unhinged leftists spreading fake news (still) and harassing/ threatening a bunch of kids,  Phillips who lied about the incident and his service, there are many others, attached is just one tweet of very many who should be ashamed.               in general - violent  ANTIFAs and a general psychosis or TDS

and where are the people denouncing the racist, bigoted 'black Israelites' or the false characterization  (read lies ) told by Phillips because I don't see the rabid, die-hard lefties who think that any bad behaviour can be justified if someone wears a red hat. 

twitter hate.jpg

Indeed, where is the leftist supporting ANTIFA liberal media showing what the black racists were saying and doing? FOX News showed the black racists doing their thing otherwise we would never have found out about those black nationalists being there and trying to stir up chit. 

I wish that some people in the country music industry would kick him in his nuts. The twit really does deserve it. The boys did nothing wrong and this twit Walker wants to have someone kick that boy in the nuts. Some people's stupid kids. Walker must have been brought up for sure in a home full of liberal leftists morons. :D

I hope that those boys keep wearing their MAGA hats and not let the lying trouble making media intimidate them into not wearing their hats anymore. Hang tough boys. :) 

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2 minutes ago, scribblet said:

It’s one thing for media and the left to smear Donald Trump and his followers but it truly is breath taking to see the left become completely unhinged  savagely harassing /threatening  the lives of  a bunch of high-school kids on the basis of a couple of unvetted news reports, since proven to be untrue.   I guess we shouldn’t be surprised at the feeding frenzy and egregious left wing behaviour which could result in a lawsuit

There’s a lot of deleting and scrubbing being done on twitter and FB right now…

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube and so many other very pro liberal leftist social media anti-American outfits and those mentioned are all very much anti-Trump and have been found to be removing many websites that promote conservatism. Silicon Valley is full of Zionist globalist international banksters like Zuckerberg and Bezos that hate America. 

What is needed is to scrub the swamp social media websites like those mentioned above from being allowed to do and get away with what they have been allowed to get away with these days. They really should be deleted. Works for me. :D

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1 hour ago, GostHacked said:

The real implication is what this means for the media .. most MSM were quick to jump on one narrative and now we know that it was not portrayed exactly as initially reported.

Actually it means nothing , the media won't change.

Well, we got played.  I don't know - maybe they did too.

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CBC Op-ed....Who's sorry now ?    Compounded by re-tweets.   Oooops !



The viral video of the standoff between Covington Catholic High School students and Indigenous Americans ought to be one hell of a wake-up call.

It should rattle every journalist. Many of the people who are supposed to be fact-finders — skeptical investigators — accepted the narrative that a group of teen boys in MAGA hats catalyzed a confrontation with Indigenous Americans outside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on Friday, based on a two-minute-long video clip. 

I shared the clip, uncritically, on my own Twitter feed. We were wrong to jump the gun. I was wrong. We goofed, badly.



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If a longer video hadn’t existed, Phillips would have succeeded in the technique that Professor Jacobson has described, because no one would have believed the students against the word of this righteous Native Elder....   

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10 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Well, we got played.  I don't know - maybe they did too.

Yes you got played, and it's interesting that this might be the first time you understand that you actually did get played. It's not the first time, it's just that now you have seen the fake news first hand and the MSM has to back track like mad to save face. Damage is done, they clearly laid out their agenda right before your eyes. They did no vetting of the information at all. Lazy journalism? I very much doubt it.

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26 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Well, we got played.  I don't know - maybe they did too.

If you got played, you got played for believing a fake video put together by a rabble rousing twitter account which turns out to be fake, from Brazil, and which does this routinely, which means it might well be Russian. The media are supposed to double check things, though, supposed to get both sides of a story. Almost none bothered to do so. And the fact twitter didn't do anything to delete a series of attacks, including threats of violence against these kids and the school is even worse.

Aside: I emailed complaints to both CBC and CTV about this Sunday.

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Never waste an opportunity to promote your own career, like this SNL writer:



It’s no question that Saturday Night Live has just about completely lost its ability to be funny. If you’re still scratching your head as to why the once loveable sketch comedy has fallen so far off, just look to the behavior of its creative staff. On Monday SNL writer Sarah Beattie posted a crude Twitter status offering lewd sex acts for anyone willing to harm Nicolas Sandmann, the Catholic teen accused of racism for merely standing in front of a triggered native American man.




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10 hours ago, GostHacked said:

1) and it's interesting that this might be the first time you understand that you actually did get played.

2) the MSM has to back track like mad to save face.   

3) Lazy journalism? I very much doubt it.

1) Why do you think that ?

2) Not really.  They have made much worse mistakes in the past, have been fooled and defrauded.  The thing to note is that they have face to SAVE.  Anonymous YouTube Channel QAnon-Dave has zero reputation so people don't even care when he makes shit up.

3) LJ is not all of it.  There's the money to be made feeding the outrage market.  

Also - let's not try to say that those kids were innocent in all of this, just that there were other players.  And finally - the news is produced not to inform but to reinforce your ingrained cultural ideas and sell it back to you.  I didn't watch the original video because I knew it was outrage bait, but I'm surprised that they didn't get the full context.



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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Also - let's not try to say that those kids were innocent in all of this, just that there were other players.  And finally - the news is produced not to inform but to reinforce your ingrained cultural ideas and sell it back to you.  I didn't watch the original video because I knew it was outrage bait, but I'm surprised that they didn't get the full context.

Right so why do people continue to trust what MSM news says? We know their purpose is to divide and pit people against each other. There are a lot of stupid people out there enough to buy into it.

And the story seems a bit more complex yes.  And in the end it the black group that was being racist towards both the indigenous people and the catholic school kids. Also the indigenous people got into the white kids faces, but then the leader of that group said they were offering prayers to the white kids.  That slipped by everyone it seems.

I am not surprised that CNN FOX ect did not get or report on the full context. Biased agenda driven mouthpieces for the government that wants to divide and pit people against one another. Once we collectively understand that, we can start to fix the real problem. Corrupt people in government. And they come in all colours and sizes and genders.

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Uh...you aren't aware that the full context was reported when the full context came out? And it's not like the original context was in any way incorrect. The students acted like jerks and the teachers acted completely irresponsibly. The only new context is there are other jerks out there in the world that contributed to the jerk fest. Big deal.

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11 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Uh...you aren't aware that the full context was reported when the full context came out? And it's not like the original context was in any way incorrect. The students acted like jerks and the teachers acted completely irresponsibly. The only new context is there are other jerks out there in the world that contributed to the jerk fest. Big deal.


Determined to blame kids. ^

At all costs.

Because Orange Man Bad.

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50 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Uh...you aren't aware that the full context was reported when the full context came out? And it's not like the original context was in any way incorrect. The students acted like jerks and the teachers acted completely irresponsibly. The only new context is there are other jerks out there in the world that contributed to the jerk fest. Big deal.

I think we watched two different videos. I saw all sides acting like idiots. 

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39 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

I think we watched two different videos. I saw all sides acting like idiots. 

So did I. That's why I said the only new context is there are other jerks. Some people think that it's horrible to call out the MAGA kids for being jerks because there were a few other jerks present, but I don't see how that makes a difference.

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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:


Determined to blame kids. ^

At all costs.

Because Orange Man Bad.

Determined to defend MAGA jerks because they wear MAGA hats. Can't admit jerks are jerks if they MAGA. At all costs.

Because Orange Man helps divide western society.

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3 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

Determined to defend MAGA jerks because they wear MAGA hats. Can't admit jerks are jerks if they MAGA. At all costs.

Because Orange Man helps divide western society.


Point out where these teens were 'being jerks'. Was it wearing MAGA hats? I think so....for you.

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