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Israeli War Crimes - Part 2

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Interesting viewpoint. Why do you take that position?

I think because you're letting your sneering, condescending attitude towards 'Zionists' become more and more obviously a sneering, condescending attitude towards Jews.

But that's just my guess.

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I think because you're letting your sneering, condescending attitude towards 'Zionists' become more and more obviously a sneering, condescending attitude towards Jews.

But that's just my guess.

You may have noticed that the question was posed not to you but to someone whom I respect on this board and someone who has intelligent things to say. But I guess that if you responded only to those who wanted and asked your opinion then you would have no posts here.

But that's just my guess.

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The ball boy should not talk to the players and coaches unless he is asked. I'll tell you when I need something fetched.

There's that self-aggrandizing arrogance again, and so laughably undeserved.

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UN head Ban said on Tuesday that "the closure of Gaza suffocates its people, stifles its economy and impedes reconstruction efforts.

"It's a collective punishment for which there must be accountability," he added.


Israel will eventually have to answer for her war crimes. I hope that Canada will be part of the association of nations who will be condemning her.


Is closing your borders to another a war crime now ? i'd like to see that source.

Edited by Army Guy
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It is when you are not allowing goods to come in or go out or when you are not allowing people to freely leave and comeback in. Keeping people in this open air prison is a war crime.

To see this kind of delusion is almost sad, but it's so far out of touch with reality! How does one get so?

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Sometimes a people would rather die than be subjugated by an enemy.

For example - The was a place called Masada where about a thousand Jews committed mass suicide rather than live under Roman rule. According to Rue, these folks must have been as mislead and fanatical as the current Palestinians.

But wait - how can Gods chosen people be fanatics? :o

Maybe God did not really choose them?

Just as I think Big Guy can't possibly find a way to spew more absurdity in his attempts to rationalize, condone and legitimize terrorism as a legitimate act of war and self defence he proves me wrong. Now he equates the seige of Masada as a terrorist action akin to what ISIL, Hamas, Hezbollah engage in and of course throws in the anti semitic drivel about " God's chosen people ".

I mean you betcha those Jews in Masada ran around trying to convert the world to Judaism and blowing up airports. Yep what an excellent example of moral equivalency.

Big Guy the fact youy had to throw in the anti semitic hate comments about "Chosen people" again shows you engage in anti semitism on this board. You just can't avoid insulting all Jews and our religion.

You words reveal you are engaging in hateful anti semitic pandering. There is no concept in Judaism where Jews claim to be "chosen" as you have used the phrase.

You use the word "chosen" to smeer all; we Jews as thinking we are superior. You repeat the false anti semitic canard that Jews think we are better than others and favoured by God. That is a false, blatant lie, you repeat on this forum in such responses and I contend you do so to insult and spread incitement of Jews and jacee and Eye and Ghost and Dre and kactus and whoever else wants to join in with your anti semitic comments can.They are blatant and the fact they can be found in each and every thread about Israel speaks loudly,

There is no word for "chosen" in Hebrew. In fact what the Bible stated is that we chose to be a collective identity. By choosing to be a collective identity we could then enter into a promise or covenant with God that he would remember us as a collective identity and not as individuals if we chose to express our connection to God through that collective assembly. That's all it said. It never said we were better than anyone. In fact what makes Bug Guy's comment so insipid it is that Judaism specifically defines other religions including Islam and Christianity respectfully and this is why we don't convert people while his religion, Islam and Christianity because they have concepts that believe people must believe their religion to escape hell, engaged in wars of conversion.

Big Guy is well aware of that. He is well aware there is no concept in Judaism that defines Jews as superior to anyone but ne engages in that insipid false smeer because its precisely how he attacks Jews. The concept that Jews are a collective eats away at Bug Guy's gut evidently from the continuous hateful comments he makes. Their promise to God, their covenant to God to worship him collectively is turned into a false smeer that this means they think they are superior to others. He then also engages in that false anti semitic with others on this board to say this same collective expressing itself through nationhood is racist and discriminates against non Jews and thinks its superior, etc., etc.

He is a blatant example of one who at the pith and substance of his need to be critical of Israel in fact is critical of all Jews for being Jews.

His hatred in this thread, his apologizing and rationalizing for terrorism and now his attempt to reinvent Masada as a terrorist attack no different than what ISIL does speaks for itself.

Anti semitic drivel.

Edited by Rue
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It is when you are not allowing goods to come in or go out or when you are not allowing people to freely leave and comeback in. Keeping people in this open air prison is a war crime.

1. Goods go in and out every day. To suggest they are not able to get in is an absolute and utter lie.

2. Palestinians can not freely come and go from Gaza not because of Israel but because of Hamas. If a Palestinian chooses to leave Gaza they must get clearance from Hamas and pay an exit fee. If these people were to try go work in Israel Hamas would shoot them dead as they did when they came to power. Hamas rounded up anyone who worked in Israel and killed the majority as spies, left some beaten and maimed as a warning not to work in Israel and dragged hundreds of bodies into the streets, placed tires around their necks and lit them on fire for working in Israel. Of course the scripts Hudson Jones refers to can't acknowledge that.

3. His scripts also can not admit that in fact the Gaza strip wast created by Col. Nasser of Egypt as an open air prison to prevent Palestinians from moving to Egypt. Mr. Jones would have us reinvent history to believe Gaza was invented b y Israel and that it was Israel not the Arab league nations that placed Palestinians in refugee camps and told the world, they would remain captive as a reminder to the world,that until Israel is disbanded the Arab league will use Palestinians as pawns until its able to disband the Jewish state.

Hudson Jones scripts can't aknowledge the billions Iran and Saudi Arabia have spent funding terrorism but not one penny from either to Palestinian charities.

War crime? How about he stop apologizing for Iran and Hamas, Syria, Muslim terrorists and get off his stale regurgitated propaganda scripts.

Drivel. Stale drivel.

Edited by Rue
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Israelis continue to commit war crimes against the Palestinians:


More than 530,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements - considered illegal under international law - across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, according to the Israeli rights group B'Tselem.

Shame on Canada for allowing this carnage to continue.

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There is a lot of misinformation in what you're sharing. I don't have time to always sit here and correct your long-winded misinformation. Because you kill the motivation for a debate by never learning from the information given to you. You simply repeat the misinformation in future posts. So I will only address a few points, not because I have faith in you learning and correcting yourself, but because it's good to counter the mass amount of misinformation you share on here from time to time.

1. Goods go in and out every day. To suggest they are not able to get in is an absolute and utter lie.

2. Palestinians can not freely come and go from Gaza not because of Israel but because of Hamas. If a Palestinian chooses to leave Gaza they must get clearance from Hamas and pay an exit fee. If these people were to try go work in Israel Hamas would shoot them dead as they did when they came to power. Hamas rounded up anyone who worked in Israel and killed the majority as spies, left some beaten and maimed as a warning not to work in Israel and dragged hundreds of bodies into the streets, placed tires around their necks and lit them on fire for working in Israel. Of course the scripts Hudson Jones refers to can't acknowledge that.

3. His scripts also can not admit that in fact the Gaza strip wast created by Col. Nasser of Egypt as an open air prison to prevent Palestinians from moving to Egypt. Mr. Jones would have us reinvent history to believe Gaza was invented b y Israel and that it was Israel not the Arab league nations that placed Palestinians in refugee camps and told the world, they would remain captive as a reminder to the world,that until Israel is disbanded the Arab league will use Palestinians as pawns until its able to disband the Jewish state.

Perhaps you don't know that Israel has maintained tight control over Gaza’s air, sea, and land crossings since Hamas was democratically elected in 2006. It's a full-on occupation. There is the border crossing between Gaza and Egypt, but that's run by the puppet regime (explains all the weapons sent to them by the Zionist influenced U.S. government). Egypt shares blame for their treatment of Gazans as well.

Israel controls what goes in and out of Gaza. The amount of goods has fluctuated, as according to the mood Israel is in, or whether they're engaging in showcasing their latest military technology, in one of their bi-annual carnage festival in Gaza, and the amount of pressure they receive from the international community. For example, after Israel's illegal attack on the flotilla, focus was brought onto the little amount of goods Israel was allowing into Gaza. That forced Israel to ease the restrictions. But despite that, even today, cement and metal is not allowed in. Material badly needed to rebuild areas of Gaza that were devastated by the indiscriminate missile attacks by Israel, in which, many have been found to be war crimes by multiple organizations like Amnesty, HRW and even Red Cross (which usually stays silent).

What goods are allowed and not allowed is based on a laughable argument that they can be used for dual intention. Meaning that if the goods being entered can be used for military purposes as according to Israel, Israel can deny its entry. This always changing "dual-use" list has included ordinary consumer goods such as jam, candles, books, musical instruments, shampoo, A4 paper, and livestock such as chicken, donkeys, and cows. Oi vey.

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There is a lot of misinformation in what you're sharing. I don't have time to always sit here and correct your long-winded misinformation. Because you kill the motivation for a debate by never learning from the information given to you. You simply repeat the misinformation in future posts. So I will only address a few points, not because I have faith in you learning and correcting yourself, but because it's good to counter the mass amount of misinformation you share on here from time to time.

Perhaps you don't know that Israel has maintained tight control over Gaza’s air, sea, and land crossings since Hamas was democratically elected in 2006. It's a full-on occupation. There is the border crossing between Gaza and Egypt, but that's run by the puppet regime (explains all the weapons sent to them by the Zionist influenced U.S. government). Egypt shares blame for their treatment of Gazans as well.

Israel controls what goes in and out of Gaza. The amount of goods has fluctuated, as according to the mood Israel is in, or whether they're engaging in showcasing their latest military technology, in one of their bi-annual carnage festival in Gaza, and the amount of pressure they receive from the international community. For example, after Israel's illegal attack on the flotilla, focus was brought onto the little amount of goods Israel was allowing into Gaza. That forced Israel to ease the restrictions. But despite that, even today, cement and metal is not allowed in. Material badly needed to rebuild areas of Gaza that were devastated by the indiscriminate missile attacks by Israel, in which, many have been found to be war crimes by multiple organizations like Amnesty, HRW and even Red Cross (which usually stays silent).

What goods are allowed and not allowed is based on a laughable argument that they can be used for dual intention. Meaning that if the goods being entered can be used for military purposes as according to Israel, Israel can deny its entry. This always changing "dual-use" list has included ordinary consumer goods such as jam, candles, books, musical instruments, shampoo, A4 paper, and livestock such as chicken, donkeys, and cows. Oi vey.

You stated no goods were going in and out. Now you back track and say Israel controls what goes in and out. You once again demonstrate that when you get caught stating and out and out falsehood, you change what you said. Your tactic is stale. You lie, get caught lying then try weasel some new reference in to avoid admitting the one you actually said was false. That is misrepresentation, blatant misrepresentation and its why I call you out for what you are, someone who has flooded this board with false statements then tries to backtrack when he is caught.

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Guess why Israel's Zionist government is deemed disgusting? Because of things like this:

IDF taps chief rabbi who once seemed to permit wartime rape

Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot on Monday nominated a rabbi who once appeared to condone rape during wartime to take over as the IDF’s chief chaplain. Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim has also maintained that it is “entirely forbidden” for women to serve in the military for reasons of modesty and has opposed female singing at army events.

Karim was embroiled in controversy in 2012 for his response to a question posed to him (Hebrew link) on the religious website Kipa, asking in the light of certain biblical passages if IDF soldiers, for example, were permitted to commit rape during wartime despite the general understanding that such an act is widely considered repugnant.

In his response, Karim implied that such practices, among several others that were normally prohibited — including the consumption of nonkosher food — were permitted during battle.

“Although intercourse with a female gentile is very grave, it was permitted during wartime (under the conditions it stipulated) out of consideration for the soldiers’ difficulties,” he wrote. “And since our concern is the success of the collective in the war, the Torah permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collective’s success.”

Edited by marcus
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You stated no goods were going in and out. Now you back track and say Israel controls what goes in and out.

Just to be clear, the meaning of my statement was to show that goods were and are being controlled. I'm not here to deceive or spread misinformation. That's your job. There are +certain goods that are not being allowed. So I hope we're now clear on what I meant.

While you engage in petty responses, Israel is still occupying Gaza and they're not allowing:

"jam, candles, books, musical instruments, shampoo, A4 paper, and livestock such as chicken, donkeys, and cows. Oi vey."

How do you feel about their occupation? Have to make sure that Hamas doesn't get its hand on jam, candles, books and musical instruments. They might attack Israel with an evening gathering of book readers who want to eat jam and play some music.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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Just to be clear, the meaning of my statement was to show that goods were and are being controlled. I'm not here to deceive or spread misinformation. That's your job. There are +certain goods that are not being allowed. So I hope we're now clear on what I meant.

While you engage in petty responses, Israel is still occupying Gaza and they're not allowing:

"jam, candles, books, musical instruments, shampoo, A4 paper, and livestock such as chicken, donkeys, and cows. Oi vey."

How do you feel about their occupation? Have to make sure that Hamas doesn't get its hand on jam, candles, books and musical instruments. They might attack Israel with an evening gathering of book readers who want to eat jam and play some music.

I like that reply: "i'm not here to deceive or spread misinformation". "That's your job". He is certainly trying to do just that. I believe that it was Rue who once said that he is a zionist, and that says it all. Deceive and spread misinformation too the goyim. They eat it up like candy and cake.

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As usual you people can't even follow the thread. You are just use the thread throw out anti semitic drivel and try bait. Lol.

The blatant misrepresentations and name calling, and laughable competition to see who says he hates Jews the most is laughable.

One of you, just one of you produce a post I wrote that was false. Lol.

Edited by Rue
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Israelis continue to commit war crimes against the Palestinians:


More than 530,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only settlements - considered illegal under international law - across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, according to the Israeli rights group B'Tselem.

Shame on Canada for allowing this carnage to continue.

Once again you demonstrate you haven't a clue what a war crime is. Lol.

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I like that reply: "i'm not here to deceive or spread misinformation". "That's your job". He is certainly trying to do just that. I believe that it was Rue who once said that he is a zionist, and that says it all. Deceive and spread misinformation too the goyim. They eat it up like candy and cake.

You came on this board to attack me personally, not my words. Your reasoning is because I am a Jew who believes we Jews have the right to be a

state collective it automatically gives you the right to call me a liar.

You don't provide one word I said that you contest. You simply attack the fact because I am a Jew with a certain belief, it gives you the right to

disparage me.

That is precisely why I have come on this thread-to point out it is just a pretext to insult Jews and no it does not surprise me Dre joins in on cue.

Lol. If that is the best you have, personal insults because I am a Jew with certain beliefs, go on knock yourself out with the name calling and


Got news for you, that pathetic attempt to use the word goy, oops you again just couldn't stop could you.Tehranese. The script gives you away Moe.

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Israeli war crimes continue:


Israel has grabbed one of the largest Palestinian land plots in the occupied West Bank, an Israeli watchdog has said in a statement following the revelation by the Israeli Army Radio. The anti-settlement NGO Peace Now said on Tuesday that the Israeli government has seized 234 hectares of land in an area south of Jericho on March 10. The group added that plans for expanding nearby Jewish settlements and building tourism and other commercial facilities in the area were already on Israel's drawing board.

Yet here in Canada we sit in dismay as the Palestinian culture and country are slowly disappearing.

We are not part of the solution so we have to be part of the problem.

Time for Canada to boycott Israel just as we successfully boycotted Apartheid in South Africa.

As long as the zionists continue to be allowed to control our puppet politicians, and continue to control the zionist owned Canadian media will we ever see a boycott of israel. It ain't going to happen anytime soon.

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You came on this board to attack me personally, not my words. Your reasoning is because I am a Jew who believes we Jews have the right to be a

state collective it automatically gives you the right to call me a liar.

You don't provide one word I said that you contest. You simply attack the fact because I am a Jew with a certain belief, it gives you the right to

disparage me.

That is precisely why I have come on this thread-to point out it is just a pretext to insult Jews and no it does not surprise me Dre joins in on cue.

Lol. If that is the best you have, personal insults because I am a Jew with certain beliefs, go on knock yourself out with the name calling and


Got news for you, that pathetic attempt to use the word goy, oops you again just couldn't stop could you.Tehranese. The script gives you away Moe.

It's not the ordinary Jew that is disliked, it is the zionist Jew that nobody has anything good to say about. The average Jew is being led down the garden path as they say like the gentiles are. The UN has called the stoppage of goods by Israel a crime against humanity. Need more be said?

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There are Palestinian Americans who are trying to get their issues into the forefront at the DNC:


Many pro-Palestine activists at the DNC this week who came out in a show of force unprecedented at other political conventions. They marched and rallied, held talks and town halls, carried signs and, at one point, raised a Palestinian flag on the convention floor.

Good for them. I hope the Hillary administration reviews American policy towards Israel and holds Israel accountable for its crimes against the Palestinians.

Edited by Big Guy
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