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Trudeau's Committment to Syrian Refugees - 25,000 by Year End

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Promises made: 196

Promises kept so far: 6

Promises "in progress": 12

Promises broken: 1 - welcoming 25,000 refugees by December 31


Perhaps the JT non-supporters could admit that so far he's made good progress on election promises. Although I suppose its more satisfying to take the one thing, blow that all out of proportion while ignoring the 18 things that he's following through with, even if you disagree with the promise itself.

To be honest I wish there was a better way of actually seeing what Canadians want. Trudeau, Harper and Mulclair all campaigned in different ways and promised certain things. However, I don't think that many and certainly not all the people who voted for Trudeau actually support all 196 promises made. Some people voted for the tax changes, others voted for the refugee claim and others may have voted solely for his personality/looks.

My point is that I wonder if there is a way to add more columns to the voting ballot that ask the voters to indicate their position on certain key election topics. This way the elected official will now have a large scale poll that gives him/her objective data showing what Canadians want and not just saying..."I said I would do this and since they voted for me, then I am going to follow through"

I understand that at this point that is the only protocol one could take. I just wonder if there is a better way than having these political figures making key decisions based not on what is right but rather on what they promised.

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It appears as impartial as any other that I can locate.

Interesting site. It is quite impartial as its only looking at the objective broken promises at this point. However this CBC article does outline a few major ones that are about to burst and will be added to the broken list soon enough. Such promises include keeping the deficit at 10B, revenue neutrality on the tax changes, and the CF-18s/our role in Syria.


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To be honest I wish there was a better way of actually seeing what Canadians want. Trudeau, Harper and Mulclair all campaigned in different ways and promised certain things. However, I don't think that many and certainly not all the people who voted for Trudeau actually support all 196 promises made. Some people voted for the tax changes, others voted for the refugee claim and others may have voted solely for his personality/looks.

My point is that I wonder if there is a way to add more columns to the voting ballot that ask the voters to indicate their position on certain key election topics. This way the elected official will now have a large scale poll that gives him/her objective data showing what Canadians want and not just saying..."I said I would do this and since they voted for me, then I am going to follow through"

I understand that at this point that is the only protocol one could take. I just wonder if there is a better way than having these political figures making key decisions based not on what is right but rather on what they promised.

But why would we want to change a system that's served us so well for so long now? Why now and not when people suggested making politicians more accountable during the last government or the one before that or the one before that?

If this is supposed to have been the last election by which we choose our representatives in the olde manner then maybe it behooves us voters to spend some time coming up with less picayune things to whine about than their broken promises.

Anyhow, yeah, I'm all for including all sorts of things on our ballots and a lot more often than just every 4 or 5 years or whatever we've been promised.

Edited by eyeball
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Since some feel it is productive to spend time and energy dissecting a government after 50 days in office I'll toss in my .02 cents. It just feels more like the Canada I grew up loving under PM Justin Trudeau and his cabinet of Liberals. The previous government under Stephen Harper just felt bad, dishonest, uncaring, un-Canadian. Most who voted for Justin Trudeau did so because they were sick and tired of the way in which Steven Harper was taking our country. Sure there will be mistakes by the new government but at the end of the day it still feels better to me. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won't please everyone no matter what he does. There is always some who will never agree with anything he does because they have that us against them attitude which is so counterproductive. Makes me wonder what we could actually accomplish as a country if everyone just accepted the fact that the conservatives messed up and will be in the corner for at least 10 years.

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If this is supposed to have been the last election by which we choose our representatives then maybe it behooves us voters to spend some time coming up with less picayune things to whine about than their broken promises.

We would still choose our representatives but it would give us more objective basis to evaluate how they are doing and if they should be re-elected. In my opinion, a large number of people voted for Trudeau only because he was not Stephen Harper, rather than actually voting for his platform. I won't go as far as saying that is the only reason he got in but I do think it was a factor. I know it was the main reason the NDP got in Alberta. The majority aren't liking the moves they are pulling but hey...at least they aren't the PCs.

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Makes me wonder what we could actually accomplish as a country if everyone just accepted the fact that the conservatives messed up and will be in the corner for at least 10 years.

This is what happens to any party that has been in power too long. They create a laundry list of enemies but fail to gain supporters.

Give Trudeau 10 years like Harper and I guarantee people will be pushing him out the door too.

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Promises made: 196

Promises kept so far: 6

Promises "in progress": 12

Promises broken: 1 - welcoming 25,000 refugees by December 31

They've also basically abandoned their promise to have no more than $10 billion deficit next year.

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I understand that at this point that is the only protocol one could take. I just wonder if there is a better way than having these political figures making key decisions based not on what is right but rather on what they promised.

I agree, that would be ideal. On the other hand, "right" according to whom? Some people want refugees, some do not; some want only Christian refugees, or only refugees that aren't Muslim. Trudeau has done at least one thing I disagree with and think is morally wrong. On the other hand, a lot of people would disagree with me and have just as valid reasons.

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Since some feel it is productive to spend time and energy dissecting a government after 50 days in office I'll toss in my .02 cents. It just feels more like the Canada I grew up loving under PM Justin Trudeau and his cabinet of Liberals. The previous government under Stephen Harper just felt bad, dishonest, uncaring, un-Canadian

By any measurable criteria Harper's government was more honest than the crooks they replaced, and the crooks those crooks replaced, and the crooks JT's father had in place. There hasn't been a whiff of graft or corruption from Harper's bunch, which you most certainly could not say about Jean Chretien and his bunch. Chretien himself was caught lying numerous times. I guess you have a different definition of honesty than I do.

As for 'uncaring' that is nothing more than the progressive screed of "Aww, look at the poor whatever. Give them lots of money! Oh, you won't! You're mean!"

That's the kind of thing which runs us into bankruptcy.

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On the other hand, "right" according to whom?

I guess 'right' isn't the correct word to use since there really isn't an objective right and add to the fact that hindsight is 20/20. My point is that all PM's make their election promises and then feel that since they got elected that the majority of people agree with them on every election promise when I don't feel this is the case. Having this large scale polling result will allow them to evaluate how Canadians truly feel about key issues and will then allow them to make changes to their platform if need be.

To me its about being able to provide our leader with the best information possible. With that said, I do feel there will be times when the majority of Canadians will not be in the inner circle and therefore the PM will have to make a tough decision that probably contradicts what the public says. I guess ultimately I don't think that electing a person to be PM should be a carte blanche kind of thing.

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Argus I've read many of your posts your opinion is well known to anyone reading these boards. What I can't figure out is what really drives you to continue saying the same thing over and over and over again. Is it the need to say the same thing every time you post because you just can't get your point across? Or more likely the need for constant argument, disagreement and conflict that floats your boat?

Trust me no body hates politicians more than I do but hey the guy has been in power for less than 2 months give him some time. Heck the constant negativity and campaign buffoonery didn't work before the election it is far less desirable after the election. The country isn't going bankrupt that is just more negative political stupid talk that the adults don't like. Are you really going to sit their typing that the Harper government had no graft? Or corruption? What planet are you typing from?

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But why would we want to change a system that's served us so well for so long now? Why now and not when people suggested making politicians more accountable during the last government or the one before that or the one before that?

If this is supposed to have been the last election by which we choose our representatives in the olde manner then maybe it behooves us voters to spend some time coming up with less picayune things to whine about than their broken promises.

Anyhow, yeah, I'm all for including all sorts of things on our ballots and a lot more often than just every 4 or 5 years or whatever we've been promised.

The one promise that Trudeau absolutely will keep is to change the way we vote. He'll change it to a system that insures his re election and Liberal governments for generations.

Promises made or kept won't matter after that, he can do or say pretty much anything .

I understand this meets with the wholehearted approval of many people here.

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The one promise that Trudeau absolutely will keep is to change the way we vote. He'll change it to a system that insures his re election and Liberal governments for generations.

Well then we should do and say everything we possibly can to prevent that. And if it can be proven the Liberals did deliberately gerrymander the process that leads to reforms they should be taken to the SCC.

My distrust for Liberals runs as deep as it does for Conservatives and for the same reason; fisheries mismanagement.

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Argus I've read many of your posts your opinion is well known to anyone reading these boards. What I can't figure out is what really drives you to continue saying the same thing over and over and over again. Is it the need to say the same thing every time you post because you just can't get your point across? Or more likely the need for constant argument, disagreement and conflict that floats your boat?

Trust me no body hates politicians more than I do but hey the guy has been in power for less than 2 months give him some time. Heck the constant negativity and campaign buffoonery didn't work before the election it is far less desirable after the election. The country isn't going bankrupt that is just more negative political stupid talk that the adults don't like. Are you really going to sit their typing that the Harper government had no graft? Or corruption? What planet are you typing from?

What a hypocrite. Harper was being criticized by the left and their public union supporters before he even became PM. Does anyone remember the "hidden agenda" mantra that was repeated over and over and over and over.....

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SO what's more important to you, having 25000 in Canada by the end of the year or changing course and making sure no terrorist are slipping through, because if they did, critics would be joyful and the country would be wondering how many got through? Slow and easy wins the race.

The most important thing to me is having a leadership that understands the consequences of making reckless promises. Reality is starting to set in as Trudeau finds out that there's much more to refugee re-settlement than dumping people off at the airport. McCallum is STILL saying they'll get 25,000 into Canada by end of February, even though they will be lucky to reach 2500 by December 31st. More troubling is that the vast majority have been privately sponsored - that means that all of the Federal/Provincial/Municipal support systems have yet to be adequately tested and monitored to ensure they can handle the influx. It should never have been about ridiculous target dates - you just can't play roughshod with peoples' lives.

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The most important thing to me is having a leadership that understands the consequences of making reckless promises.

This is a new government. One only has to look at previous governments too see that it takes time for them to acclimatize to being in power. Harper made a lot of promises (3 large armed ice breakers comes immediately to mind, as does Senate reform) that had to be broken. Harper promised a lot of laws that were poorly conceived, and so were overturned. You're judging this government far too critically in a comparative sense.

Edited by Smallc
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This is a new government. One only has to look at previous governments too see that it takes time for them to acclimatize to being in power. Harper made a lot of promises (3 large armed ice breakers comes immediately to mind, as does Senate reform) that had to be broken. Harper promised a lot of laws that were poorly conceived, and so were overturned. You're judging this government far too critically in a comparative sense.

I don't believe I am. Yes - Harper broke some promises but those original promises were very plausible, whether you agreed with them or not - and they were "broken" for valid reasons - again, whether you believed them or not. The ice-breakers were a fiasco of requirements, procurement and funding debacles - as military procurement has traditionally been. Senate reform? Hey, the guy tried.

My point has been that the Trudeau Refugee promise was made in the absence of any reality of how hard it is to do something of this magnitude. This was a promise that was just blurted out. Heck, we've since learned that only about 5% of Syrian refugees actually want to come to Canada. I can't recall any government making such an ill-informed commitment.

Agreeing to all 94 recommendations of the T & R committee - before defining, analyzing and costing each one - is another "blurting out" promise. We'll have to wait and see what the fall-out will be.....but you can bet it's going to cost us a trunk full of cash.

Time will tell where the "modest deficit" of $10 billion actually ends up. Reports are that it's already looking like $20 billion or more.

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2000 Syrians maybe here . Yes trudeau lied to everyone, knowing it could never happen. Or was is he incompetent and believes everything his advisors tell him. Many people changed their minds on this issue. Well something's never change when it comes to the liberals.

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