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Old Wine in New Bottles - Holocaust & Anti-Zionism


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Land theft and human rights violations is not trying to live in peace. You have once again come in here with one of your fantasy statements.

Those infractions may be exaggerated by the media. At any rate, I think we should forgive Palestine for their sins and teach them to live in peace.

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On one hand, you've got Israel trying to live in peace, and on the other hand you've got radical Islam which is far closer to anything the Nazis did than even Joseph Stalin. There is no point in talking to people that are out of touch with the reality of the situation.

Stealing land via settlement building isn't "peace". Israelis and most Arabs in the region aren't trying to live in peace. They've been continually fighting over the same piece of land for over a century, it just so happens Zionists are winning, That's the reality of the situation.

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Stealing land via settlement building isn't "peace". Israelis and most Arabs in the region aren't trying to live in peace. They've been continually fighting over the same piece of land for over a century, it just so happens Zionists are winning, That's the reality of the situation.

People have been fighting over that piece of land for thousands of years, not just a century. Fighting over that area goes back to the earliest recorded writings and likely well before. The only thing unusual about the present day is the presence of the hundreds of millions of spectators abroad who think they have all the answers to ethics and morality and should be able to dictate how others resolve their own conflicts.

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Those infractions may be exaggerated by the media. At any rate, I think we should forgive Palestine for their sins and teach them to live in peace.

We can live in peace after you give us your land...your house...your tourism money...your land, sea, and air. Give us your taxes and if you are good Palestinians, we will give it back to you...we will count your calories in GAZA to allow just enough in to avoid a famine but not enough to thrive...We will invade GAZA under false flag operations and kill and capture whomever we want...when we want...to prevent foreign investment...We will prevent any unity goverments in Palestine since Democracy is the real existential threat.

There is no compromise with the greedy for they will always want more of what you have, selfishly for themselves. The only response to the greedy is the BDS movement.

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Marcus you are not Palestinian. . Stop using the word "we". You are not Palestinian. You do not speak for Palestinians. The assumption you do shows you are exactly what you claim Israel is-a party that claims to tell Palestinians what they must do.

What makes you even more dangerous to Palestinians is that your words presume you understand them and speak for them.

Go on Marcus either put up or shut up.Stop using the word we.You are not Palestinian. You are Syrian Hamas and you support Iran. You support Hezbollah. Am I wrong? Go on correct me if I a,wrog. Why do you pose as Palestinian in your answers? Why can you not express your opinion without the appearance you are Palestinian? Why do you attach your identity to Palestinians with the word "we"?

Your agenda is to take back all of Jordan and Israel and turn them into a Muslim state. Do you deny that? You want to lecture Israel as not wanting peace-lol look in the mirror.You pose as a Palestinian who believes war is the only solution.

Your refrain is stale.The issue as to who owns the land on the West Bank is not what is impeding peace. The refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state and disarm terrorists is.

If the PA, Hamas, Hezbollah, disarmed as the IRA did, and recognized the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, the IDF would return to their barracks as you are well aware as part of a peace deal but we both know Marcus if Israel, Jordan, and a second Palestinian state were peaceful and formed a free trade zone and expedited travel across each other's borders you'd be out of business.

Why I even have to refer to you by your adopted Anglo name is absurd. If you want to pose as Palestinian and refer to them and you as we-at least use your Arabic name, Abu. Or am I wrong? You want to know what my Hebrew name is go find out what Yetzerhara means. That's me. Call me your mirror.

Edited by Rue
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Marcus you are not Palestinian.

I never claimed to be Palestinian.

Don't bother with your 7 paragraph lecture on what I can or can't do or say. I will say and do what I please as I am a citizen of this planet we all share.

No one should sit silent when such an atrocity is happening. An atrocity that is receiving full backing by our countries here in the west.

Am I wrong? Go on correct me if I a,wrog.

You are wrong.

Edited by marcus
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We can live in peace after you give us your land...your house...your tourism money...your land, sea, and air. Give us your taxes and if you are good Palestinians, we will give it back to you...we will count your calories in GAZA to allow just enough in to avoid a famine but not enough to thrive...We will invade GAZA under false flag operations and kill and capture whomever we want...when we want...to prevent foreign investment...We will prevent any unity goverments in Palestine since Democracy is the real existential threat.

There is no compromise with the greedy for they will always want more of what you have, selfishly for themselves. The only response to the greedy is the BDS movement.

This "fantasy land" statement shows the true depth of delusion one can attain with wilful ignorance and hate. It's a truly educating example of what happens if you ignore the reality and read nothing but propaganda. Thanks for that, Marcus, truly enlightening of your condition.

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Rue: Marcus you are not Palestinian. . Stop using the word "we". You are not Palestinian. You do not speak for Palestinians. The assumption you do shows you are exactly what you claim Israel is-a party that claims to tell Palestinians what they must do.

Y'all love it when it suits your propagandist memes, Rue.

Nous sommes Palestinians.

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This "fantasy land" statement shows the true depth of delusion one can attain with wilful ignorance and hate. It's a truly educating example of what happens if you ignore the reality and read nothing but propaganda. Thanks for that, Marcus, truly enlightening of your condition.

That's awfully funny. Speaking of delusion, how are you able to ignore all the Jews who describe the same things as Marcus and others?

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This "fantasy land" statement shows the true depth of delusion

The delusion and fantasy is when you stated that Israel wants peace, when reality shows otherwise. Especially after the latest elections and the already extreme right wing government which has stated numerous times that it does not accept a Palestinian State and will go forward with more illegal settlements, became even more extreme.

Here are the peaceful Israelis:

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Perhaps marching through a Muslim sector singing; "Mohammad's a homo son of a whore" and waving Israeli flags may make observers feel that these Israeli citizens are not very interested in stopping this conflict?


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The genocidal maniac Ayelet Shaked who called for the destruction of “the entire Palestinian people, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure" has just been appointed as Justice Minister by Netanyahu - in an oped for the New York Times yesterday Henry Siegman, a former head of the American Jewish Congress cites Shaked's infamy as one evidence that President Obama and the world at large should "Give Up on Netanyahu, Go to the United Nation" in yet another futile effort to continue to salvage the two state delusion - Ayelet Shaked, Naftali Bennett, Benjamin Netanyahu et al now rule Israel, define Zionism for what it is, and have no intention but to steal the rest of Palestine - their only problem is that the Palestinian people and their defiant will to their national self determination are stuck in their throat:

Give Up on Netanyahu, Go to the United Nations

Edited by Hudson Jones
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The delusion and fantasy is when you stated that Israel wants peace, when reality shows otherwise. Especially after the latest elections and the already extreme right wing government which has stated numerous times that it does not accept a Palestinian State and will go forward with more illegal settlements, became even more extreme.

Here are the peaceful Israelis:

Tsk, tsk, Marcus, anyone can cherry pick a youtube video. You need to try to get a grasp on the reality of the ME and give up the hate sites. I suggest going up to a Jew on the street and giving them a bagel.

Edited by sharkman
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Tsk, tsk, Marcus, anyone can cherry pick a youtube video. You need to try to get a grasp on the reality of the ME and give up the hate sites. I suggest going up to a Jew on the street and giving them a bagel.

There are many videos, many films, many articles, many speeches, denouncing Israeli war crimes and terrorism. They exist because Israel is, and has been a war criminal, terrorist nation.

Look who their biggest backer is, the world's leading war criminal/terrorist nation. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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There are many videos, many films, many articles, many speeches, denouncing Israeli war crimes and terrorism. They exist because Israel is, and has been a war criminal, terrorist nation.

Look who their biggest backer is, the world's leading war criminal/terrorist nation. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Yes, as you and your cohorts clog up the internet with fake videos and articles of fantasy and hate. Stop the madness!

Have you kissed a Jew today?

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Tsk, tsk, Marcus, anyone can cherry pick a youtube video.

There are thousands of videos of these really friendly, peaceful, loving Israelis.

I see that in your following post, you're saying it's "fake".

Like Malcolm said: "You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."

Just because you're Jewish, it doesn't mean that you need to have this blind patriotism for a country you don't even live in. A country that is nothing more than a failed experiment in colonialism. A country that continues to go backwards in humanity.

Edited by marcus
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...Just because you're Jewish, it doesn't mean that you need to have this blind patriotism for a country you don't even live in. A country that is nothing more than a failed experiment in colonialism. A country that continues to go backwards in humanity.

Gee...I guess that makes Canada a successful experiment in colonialism ? Israel could learn so much !

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Marcus, citizen of the world, do you not think before you profess to being an expert on sexual assaults and Israel you actually visit the world you claim you are a citizen of?

Je Suis Omar, your responses make no sense. The fact a film or for that matter many web sites exist does not establish you can go through life relying on them an remaining detached from the world.

Isn't it silly enough in one breath Marcus calls himself a world citizen and in the next justifies his refusal to enter that world?

Now you want to chirp in and think because web sites exist for you to quote you too are a genius and expert on Israel?

Lol, yes and next you will tell me you don't need to be raped to understand sexual assault of have cancer to be an expert on it as well. Yes I get it. Join in on the Marcus world citizenship tour through web sites in your Mama's basement. Oh I get it.

Right. You won't need to go to medical school, work in clinics with the disease, get hands on exposure to the disease and work closely with all kinds of people many you won't agree with and will have to learn to compromise and work with to get the full picture on cancer, no not you, one look at a picture of a tumour on the web and you'll be an expert.

This is why you and Marcus render foolish comments. You actually are proud to say you rely on web sites and not first hand info on the issues you profess expertise on. You try bluff your way through forum discussions as if you have anything factual to contribute. You don't. All you have is a stunted, limited, subjective opinion that something is bad. It ends there. Once you express you hate something, you stop. You have no clue what else to say other than to provide a subjective comment that you don't like.

The absurdity of Marcus openly applauding he is sheltered from the very world he claims to be citizens of speaks for itself. So does your latest comment.

Yes its quite the world Omar outside on's computer in mama's basement. For starters when one screams and has a tantrum, demanding something, no one comes running-in the real world you and I don't get served with a silver spoon.

In the real world Omar there are of course odours, strong smells that remain in one's nose and on their tongue souring their taste buds. The real world makes the ears ring, one's eyes blur, and the air is hard to breath. The buzzing of the flies on the corpses well its pretty loud.

Now Omar you and Marcus remain in yur cacoon called the internet bulking up on anti Jew web sites. Stay there if you want but to come on here and brag you are shelterd and proud of that fact and thing its a giggle that you don't walk in the real world, does not establish credibility.

This forum has no share of arm chair experts. You are just one in a thousand. Omar.

Who you kidding. You get on a plane and travel to a third world nation? Lol. Right. You'd panic without a MacDonald's and a shopping mall.

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There are thousands of videos of these really friendly, peaceful, loving Israelis.

I see that in your following post, you're saying it's "fake".

Like Malcolm said: "You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."

Just because you're Jewish, it doesn't mean that you need to have this blind patriotism for a country you don't even live in. A country that is nothing more than a failed experiment in colonialism. A country that continues to go backwards in humanity.

If I'm Jewish, you must be a Muslim. You should leave that extremist mosque you attend and look for something more mainstream.

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If I'm Jewish, you must be a Muslim. You should leave that extremist mosque you attend and look for something more mainstream.

There is nothing wrong with being Muslim, however, I'm not Muslim. I'm an advocate of justice, peace and humanity. Something Israel continues to get further away from.

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Sure, whatever.

That's a very childish response to what Marcus said.

"I'm an advocate of justice, peace and humanity. Something Israel continues to get further away from.

A look at maps from 1948 to the present clearly illustrates Israel's land grabs. The USA has taught them about the old American doctrine of Manifest Thievery, which has worked so well for greedy America.

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