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Encouraging Developments Against Zionist Apartheid Regime!


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All I am seeing from you is misinformation after misinformation, patched together in a poorly written paragraph. I would have to spend too much time to teach you about the history, the dynamics of the players and your confused question. What matters here and that you would need to understand is that Israel is receiving the largest welfare cheque from the United States. The biggest difference between Israel and the other recipients, besides the amount, is that Israel is the only country that has no condition attached to their welfare cheques. They are allowed to get away with violations of international law against the Palestinians, who have a deeper connection to Palestine and modern day Israel and have lived in the region longer than the European Jewish colonizers.

I think I know what the problem is. You don't like it that Israel is the only nation on the planet that isn't displacing their population with Muslims en masse. Every other western nation is importing Millions of Muslims each year except for Israel. Is that why you're upset over israels existence?

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I think I know what the problem is. You don't like it that Israel is the only nation on the planet that isn't displacing their population with Muslims en masse. Every other western nation is importing Millions of Muslims each year except for Israel. Is that why you're upset over israels existence?

The problem is that you can't follow a conversation. I'm not sure how your comment is a response to what was discussed. We were talking about the illegal settlements, that are outside of the country of Israel and which Canada and U.S. also agree are illegal, and the billions of dollars of welfare cheque that Israel receives that have no condition on them.

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The problem is that you can't follow a conversation. I'm not sure how your comment is a response to what was discussed. We were talking about the illegal settlements, that are outside of the country of Israel and which Canada and U.S. also agree are illegal, and the billions of dollars of welfare cheque that Israel receives that have no condition on them.

Israel must be protected at any and all costs. it is the only democracy in the Middle East. Did you know that Palestinians openly kill homosexuals? Gay Palestinians flee to Israel so they can live freely. This is something you don't like?

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I do not think that the free world owes Israel anything. In 1947 the UN created a place called Israel. Since that time it has managed to expand through aggressive land acquisition, has a strong military and is one of the few nuclear nations.

The Israeli foreign and domestic policies, its "excursions" into surrounding lands, its treatment of Palestinians and recent ignoring of suggestions, warnings and direction from Western countries has alienated much of the free world.

Israel should be cut free from any Canadian association. It is of no asset to Canada is becoming a greater and greater liability through its recent invasions. The recent election in Israel has indicated that the populace supports even more aggressive domestic and foreign policies which will lead to even more military confrontations. Canada does not need to be associated with this nation that appears to be going rogue.

Time to drop all ties to/with Israel and allow it to reap the rewards of its dangerous foreign policies.

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...Time to drop all ties to/with Israel and allow it to reap the rewards of its dangerous foreign policies.

Then I will ask again...why not have Canada drop all ties with an even greater "rogue" and far more dangerous nation...the United States ?

I already know the answer, but it's fun to read all the double talk rationalizations.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Gay Palestinians flee to Israel so they can live freely.

Can you show some links on this?

By the way:

Israel surveils and blackmails gay Palestinians to make them informants

I don't think anyone has ever said life is good for the LGBT community in the Occupied Territories, especially in Gaza. But their treatment of the LGBT does not justify the treatment of Palestinians by Israel. Your comment is just another red herring, trying to take away attention from Israel's violations of human rights.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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In Palestine territories Being Gay Is a Capital Offense!

Palestinian Gays flee to Israel!

LGBT Rights in the territories.

It's crazy to think that they will put you to death for being gay in the Palestinian Territories. The same left wing here in Canada that support the Palestinians are against killing gays in Canada but somehow support it in Arab lands? I don't get it.

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In Palestine territories Being Gay Is a Capital Offense!

Palestinian Gays flee to Israel!

LGBT Rights in the territories.

It's crazy to think that they will put you to death for being gay in the Palestinian Territories. The same left wing here in Canada that support the Palestinians are against killing gays in Canada but somehow support it in Arab lands? I don't get it.

No one is defending the Palestinian government's treatment of gays. You seem to be confused and think that people should stop criticizing Israel's decades long violations of Palestinians' rights, because they have a government who is intolerant towards the LGBT community.

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No one is defending the Palestinian government's treatment of gays. You seem to be confused and think that people should stop criticizing Israel's decades long violations of Palestinians' rights, because they have a government who is intolerant towards the LGBT community.

I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of those that support the Arabs. On one hand you support the Arabs and everything they do, including make being gay a crime. Then on the other hand while in Canada you support left wing parties and groups that are pro gay rights. That's hypocrisy at its finest. Either you're lying about your support of Arabs or you're lying about your support of gay rights. Cannot have it both ways.

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Which Arabs? Palestinians? Or all Arabs? And I have yet to see anyone here who support "The Arabs" and everything they do.

Do you support international law and human rights?

There is no country called Palestine. Yes I am referring to Arabs camping outside of Israel. All Arabs are the same. Either from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, "palestine". All the same. it makes no difference. All the same race of people.

So you support the "palestinian" Arabs. Those people kill homosexuals. Make homosexuality illegal. The same people you support.

Meanwhile in Canada you support left wing groups who support LGBT issues and rights. Same groups also support the camping Arabs.

So to sum it up. In Canada the groups that support gay rights also support those people who are anti gay rights.

See. Hypocrisy.

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There is no country called Palestine. Yes I am referring to Arabs camping outside of Israel. All Arabs are the same. Either from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, "palestine". All the same. it makes no difference. All the same race of people.

So you support the "palestinian" Arabs. Those people kill homosexuals. Make homosexuality illegal. The same people you support.

Meanwhile in Canada you support left wing groups who support LGBT issues and rights. Same groups also support the camping Arabs.

So to sum it up. In Canada the groups that support gay rights also support those people who are anti gay rights.

See. Hypocrisy.

I have a hard time debating with people who try to paint the world and people into something simple in order to feed their bubble of ignorance and bigotry.

Gay rights in Israel are being appropriated for propaganda value

Using gay rights as a yardstick for a country’s human rights record makes it seem as if the Israeli occupation does not undermine democracy and human rights.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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Israel must be protected at any and all costs. it is the only democracy in the Middle East. Did you know that Palestinians openly kill homosexuals? Gay Palestinians flee to Israel so they can live freely. This is something you don't like?

Do you have some kind of a random Zionist quote generating app? You have yet to give a straight response to any questions or comments.

Israel is not in danger. Land theft and the bombardment of people is not self-protection. It's the work of a rogue state and a country with an ideology which will do what it can, including severely violating the rights of other people, in order to achieve its selfish goal. It's an ugly, out of control colonization project, which will end once the governments around the world will have no choice but to listen to the masses and cut Israel's government off, like Apartheid South African government finally was. The BDS movement is powerful and no amount of random disingenuous Zionist quotes are going to change the momentum.

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Do you have some kind of a random Zionist quote generating app? You have yet to give a straight response to any questions or comments.

Israel is not in danger. Land theft and the bombardment of people is not self-protection. It's the work of a rogue state and a country with an ideology which will do what it can, including severely violating the rights of other people, in order to achieve its selfish goal. It's an ugly, out of control colonization project, which will end once the governments around the world will have no choice but to listen to the masses and cut Israel's government off, like Apartheid South African government finally was. The BDS movement is powerful and no amount of random disingenuous Zionist quotes are going to change the momentum.

Uhhh, the Israeli government only respond to attacks from the Arabs. They fire rockets so the Israeli fires back. The IDF do not instigate the rocket firing but only respond to terrorist rockets. You know this right?

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Hudson Jones to start with Canada First, and anyone else who has supported Israel on this board, did not and have not supported everything Israel does. You infer that.

On both sides of the debate there have been unfair generalizations soe deliberate others unintentional.

It would not be rational to support everything either Arabs or Israelis do. That would make no sense because approval or disapproval depends on the facts, particular circumstances and issues and laws involved and that would first need to be considered. Even then the opinions reached would contain subjective interpretations rendering the conclusions lacking in100% objectivity.

Your response Hudson Jones to Canada first is irrational. Its not as you infer so.k.to make smeers against Jews, Israelis and Zionists because others do the sae of Arabs.

Your justification of coming on this board to engage hatred against Jews, Israelis and Zionists or anyone who supports the right of Israel to exist by suggesting its a justified response to hatred against Arabs is a tired device that no longer works on this board and exploits the suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis.

The sheer volume and repeat comments of the anti Israel diatribes by you Hudson Jones has defeated any semblance of pretence you are reacting to hatred against Arabs or for that matter speaking for the Palestinian cause. You don't speak for either a clearly demonstrated in your positions. You propagate a pro Iranian government position and couch it through trying to pose it as support of Arabs and Palestinians.

I say and challenge your words and argue they in fact demonstrate the same hatred, patronization and stereotyping of Arabs and Palestinians as you do Jews,Israelis, Zionists, Americans or anyone who defends Israel's right to exist.

I challenge you for now advancing the misrepresentation and false stereotype that if one criticizes Arab extremists it means the person criticizes all Arabs.

Mr. Jones you play that card again and again and like crying wolf its worn off. It is rich for youto pull the device you now claim tat no one supports Arabs. I call bull-sheeeyit. I have and I do and I have in fact stated it numerous times in response to you. My issue is with extremists and terrorists and there being Arab,Muslim, Jewish or anything else was not the issue-there being extremist and violent is.

I have listed and will do it again peaceful Palestinians and Arabs who want peace with Israel because you can't and won't-your agenda will not allow you to acknowledge Arabs who do not hate and support the right of Israel to exist and it includes Palestinian Arabs, Christiana and Muslim Arabs.

Ali Abou Awwad

Irshad Manji

Ahwad al Rohin

Nonie Darwish

Aziz Abu Sarah

You really want to test me Hudson Jones on the names of righteous Arabs. You want me to recite their names as they are listed and commemorated in Israel? Really?

I point out these organizations I support:

Eco Peace Friends of the Earth Middle East

Alliance for Middle East Peace



I could flood the board with the names of Jews, Christians, Muslims, Arab Zionists and moderate Zionists, Palestinians, Israel citizens who ar Arab,Musli or Christian who support peaceful co-existence between Israel and Palestine but we know your response already-you deny they exist or call the anti Arab..

We exist, and have existed since the inception of the Zionist movement, and will continue to exist and we come in all religions, colours and groups and we hate no one-we see Arabs and Jews as equals who need and want the same things-homes, water, food, jobs, a chance to create something positive..

Hudson Jones I call you out as having a specific political agenda to suggest the Middle East is polarized and there are no Arabs who are Zionist or support the right of Israel to exist and that you engage in a device to try reverse it and suggest that is Canada First's or my agenda or the agenda of anyone you disagree with on this board to the Arabs.

As a Zionist I was taught to respect Arabs and that Zionism can not complete its vision until it achieves peaceful co-existence side by side its neighbours living in peace and cooperation. No I was not provided a religion that tells me to convert or kill Muslims and not stop until I drive the into the sea. No I was not taught anyone who is not Jewish is an infidel to wage war on. No I do not hate Christian because they call Christ THE messiah and I say he taught us we were all messiahs not just him. I respect Christians as people of the Middle East as I do Jews and Muslims.I respect all of them and interpret these religions as religions of peace not intolerance as I do the Druze,Berbers, Kurds, Yazidi, Zoroastreans, Bahaiis. They all have the right to exist and live in peace and I learned that basic concepts of Zionism because Zionism always said that and always will.

I will say it again and again, try as you may Palestinians and Israelis are not people you will lump into rigid stereotypes of polarized extreme to exploit for your pro Iranian agenda on this board without me challenging you. My friends on both sides who have died did not do so in vain and nothing you can say will render their sacrifice for peace misplaced. Do not mistake we moderates as not willing to fight terrorists for peace.

The peoples of Palestine and Israel do and have lived together and I have worked with them both building roads, ditches, homes, providing medicine, clothing, emotional support for our dead, and they will find peace in spite of you. Yes they have had many set backs reaching out and supporting one another but people like you will not prevent the from holding hands and they welcome the support from the righteous non Muslim and Jews of the world.

I will also say it again, some of the bravest soldiers in the IDF were and are Druze and Christian/Muslim-Arab Israelis.

Israel is proud of its Bahaiis, Christians, Muslims, Druze, Arab citizens and the loyalty they have shown. Israel commemorates and remembers for all tie righteous gentiles such as the Arab Muslims who donated land to Israel when they escaped from Israel because they did so in the name of the same Allah others now use to justify holy wars against non Muslims..

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So you support the "palestinian" Arabs. Those people kill homosexuals. Make homosexuality illegal. The same people you support.

Meanwhile in Canada you support left wing groups who support LGBT issues and rights. Same groups also support the camping Arabs.

Somebody please kill me.

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So you support the "palestinian" Arabs. Those people kill homosexuals. Make homosexuality illegal. The same people you support.

Meanwhile in Canada you support left wing groups who support LGBT issues and rights. Same groups also support the camping Arabs.

Now this is an interesting 'debate' tactic.

So if I support the Palestinians, I am against the LGBT community.

If I support the left wing in Canada I am against the LGBT community.

Sounds just like other previous members with 'Canada' in their name. Similar rhetoric and posting styles.

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Uhhh, the Israeli government only respond to attacks from the Arabs. They fire rockets so the Israeli fires back. The IDF do not instigate the rocket firing but only respond to terrorist rockets. You know this right?

I know that it's not true.

The last three times that Israel attacked Gaza, it was not due to rockets since Hamas did not fire any rockets. Here is something that you should allow to penetrate into your understanding:

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I point out these organizations I support:

Eco Peace Friends of the Earth Middle East

Alliance for Middle East Peace


Alliance for Middle East Peace and AllMep are the same.

Eco Peace Friends of the Earth Middle East supports the following:

EcoPeace supports the Palestinian call for UN recognition of a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in peaceful coexistence with the State of Israel.
This is in keeping with EcoPeace's longstanding position supporting a two-state solution in the spirit of the Arab Peace Initiative, including mutual recognition of Israeli and Palestinian rights to two separate states based on the 1967 borders.
As far as Water Justice is concerned EcoPeace has developed its own Water Accord and is leading a campaign under the message that "Water Justice Cannot Wait"
I'm assuming, since you support them, that you agree with their stance as well? Because if you do, we have reached a point of mutual agreement and we should go have a beer.
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It's crazy to think that they will put you to death for being gay in the Palestinian Territories. The same left wing here in Canada that support the Palestinians are against killing gays in Canada but somehow support it in Arab lands? I don't get it.

What's even crazier is how the same right-wingers that tout Israel's tolerance for gays are terrified of going to gay parades...but they go anyway. I don't get it.

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What's even crazier is how the same right-wingers that tout Israel's tolerance for gays are terrified of going to gay parades...but they go anyway. I don't get it.

You don't get it? Lol. Neither do I. Read back what you wrote. It makes zero sense. These alleged right wingers that tout Israel's tolerance for gays, who are they? How did you identify them all? On what basis did you determine they all are terrified of going to gay parades but go anyways. When you make up these ridiculous stereotypes do you even read them? If they were terrified why would they go?

Wait let me guess:

1. They are liars since they are pro Israel or right wing, so they aren't really terrified they just said they were;

2. They take medication that helps them overcome their anxiety;

3. They are all masochists;

4. They are terrified but not of going to gay parades but of g-strings on fat men that could snap;

5. They are really terrified of a lot of uncrimcumsized penises in one place in the open.

Please shed light on what you found out when you became insightful as to how they ALL think the same way and have the exact same phobia but ignore it.

Are you publishing a finding in a journal?

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Alliance for Middle East Peace and AllMep are the same.

Eco Peace Friends of the Earth Middle East supports the following:

EcoPeace supports the Palestinian call for UN recognition of a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in peaceful coexistence with the State of Israel.
This is in keeping with EcoPeace's longstanding position supporting a two-state solution in the spirit of the Arab Peace Initiative, including mutual recognition of Israeli and Palestinian rights to two separate states based on the 1967 borders.
As far as Water Justice is concerned EcoPeace has developed its own Water Accord and is leading a campaign under the message that "Water Justice Cannot Wait"
I'm assuming, since you support them, that you agree with their stance as well? Because if you do, we have reached a point of mutual agreement and we should go have a beer.

Yes I support their positions. I just don't think they can happen until such time as terorists disarm first and the Palestinian collective is willing to accept Israel as a Jewish state. Until terrorists disarm and Israel is recognized as having the right to be Jewish by Palestinians and for that matter the Arab League of Nations the arrangement of ceding East Jerusalem and pulling out of the West Bank is not possible.

Your pretending you agree with me on these points is a joke. Your position on refusing to recognize the right of Israel to be Jewish and how terrorists must be disarmed is well known. You have stated your support of the extinction of Israel as a Jewish state referring to the concept of it being Jeiwsh as cancerous and anyone who believes Jews have a right to a Jewish nationality as cancerous. So please save the b.s.

The Palestinians I know that I disagree with on many things have the decency unlike you not to couch their words and engage in pathetic exercises of semantics.

The difference between them and you is they don't hide their true agenda. Play that tune with someone else. Also do me a favour. We both know you don't let alcohol touch your lips. More to the point you really think I would broadcast to you where I will be at any given point in time? Lol.

man he's funny this dude Abou

always singing about dah Jew

now he wants to have a beer

and wink and nudge and call me dear

one thing I learned from walking in sand

always have an exit plan

when you see Abou coming with that smile

keep a distance of at least a mile

shrapnel tends to travel very fast

and it just takes a second for his blast

don't mistake me for amnesty international

or some liberal twit thinking your super rational

save it Abou for another day

you aint ever gonna come down my way

that was sealed when you chose your life

and coninue to glorify a world of strife

when the sun goes down I promise you this

you''ll be the last one on my list

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Yes I support their positions. I just don't think they can happen until such time as terorists disarm first and the Palestinian collective is willing to accept Israel as a Jewish state.

There is no "but.." or "if.."

There is no clause or resolution in any international agreements saying that the Palestinians (or their militant groups) "must disarm" AND there is no agreement that Palestinians should "accept Israel as a Jewish State".

This is a typical case of Red herring. You're playing the foot dragging game that the Zionists have been playing for decades. If you agree with their position, then you can't bring in "but" or "if".

In conclusion, you don't accept EcoPeace's position because they have no "but" or "if" in their position. On the other hand, I fully accept their position, which is in line with international law.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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