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Encouraging Developments Against Zionist Apartheid Regime!


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I guess at this point I say, ..." clarification by Michael Hardner and a clarification of the clartification of Michael Hardner by Rue in response to the obvious quote from Canada first that did not need any clarification.

Oy gevalt.

Speaking about being serious now we have Marcus stating Arafat accepted international law when it is public domain Arafat made it clear he never did and never would up to and including his death bed.

Oh let's just spin now Arafat was a peace loving internationalist. Got that JBG? I would hope so. How dare you suggest Arafat broke any international law.

Arafat proved to the world what he was-liar.

The “Palestinian National Charter,” the founding document of the “moderate” Fatah organization, as ratified by the Sixth General Assembly of the Fatah Movement in Bethlehem in August 2009, and is verbatum from Arafat himself, and is still in force and elected Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to head the organization, approved a plan that is public record clearly enunciates; “absolute irrevocable opposition to recognition of Israel as a ‘Jewish state,’ .

Yassir Arafat even had to lie about his name and where he was born. His name? Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. Borthplace-Cairo, Egypt, son of an Egyptian textile merchant. He was sent to Jerusalem as a small child after his mother died, but then returned to Egypt via Gaza.

Palestinian my ass. In fact the Palestinians on the West Bank and in Gaza and many Arabs openly ridiculed his Egyptian accen aand it is fact that Arafat had to have an aide translate his Egyptian dialect into Palestinian Arabic for conversing with his West Bank and Gaza subjects.

This congenital liar in fact joined the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the mid-1950s, and then became head of the Palestine Student Union at the University of Cairo.

He then moved to Kuwait, where he co-founded Fatah which means "conquest".

This organization was terrorist. It openly ridiculed international law.

The violence he advocated was clearly and openly stated as against Israeli civilians and comes from the very same wording in the Palestinian National Covenant (the foundational charter of the Palestinian Liberation Organization – PLO),. It states,‘the liberation of Palestine will destroy the Zionist and imperialist presence’ and that ‘armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine and is therefore a strategy and not a tactic.’ (

Abbas openly supports that and stood up in his assembly cheering members calling out for war to destroy Israel. Its public domain.

He waged war on king Hussein of Jordan as well unsuccessfully trying to kill and remove king Hussein in the Black Septemner uprising and supervising the hijacking of 4 international air craft in Cairo.

When thrown out of Jordan he started a war in Lebanon against its peopple.

With his full supervision his Fatah kidnapped and murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic games. In 1973, Arafat ordered his operatives in the Khartoum, Sudan office of Fatah to abduct and murder US Ambassador Cleo Noel and two other diplomats.

During the 1980s, Arafat received financial assistance from Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, who would send $25,000 checks to families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

In 1994, Arafat moved his headquarters to the West Bank and Gaza from Tunisia, to run the Palestinian Authority,created by the Oslo Accords.

Elections in 1996 extended Arafat’s control over the PA, but under the Oslo agreement, the term of that candidacy was to end in 1999 but Arafat never allowed new elections to take place.

Marcus you spin all you want. The public facts are there. Go on and deny all you want.

As per Oslo Israel removed ots troops from most Palestinian areas, recognized the PA, what did Arafat do?

Arafat one by one violated each and every section of the accord including arranging texts in all classes callingf or war against Israel, and openly financing and supporting a string of suicide bombings in the mid-1990s that killed innocent Israeli civilians.

In October, 1996, , Arafat stated to a crowd in Bathlehem which is public record the following words: , ‘We know only one word – jihad! Jihad, jihad, jihad! Whoever does not like it can drink from the Dead Sea or from the Sea of Gaza.’

In July 2000, U.S. president Bill Clinton convened a summit at Camp David between Arafat and then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in Gaza and 92% of the West Bank, and a capital in East Jerusalem.

Yassir Arafat in fact rejected the offer and didn't even bother with a counteroffer.

He was caught with a microphone on in South Africa admitting he had bargained in bad faith just like Muhammed once did to buy time to destroy Israel and he never had any intention of having peace with Israel and his sole agenda was to destroy Israel.

Once he walked out of Camp David he set in motion the ‘al Aqsa intifada’ a war against Israel that went on four years killing 1,000 Israelis.

Arafat told an Arab audience in Stockholm in 1996, and I quote; ‘We plan to eliminate the State of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian state. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion… We Palestinians will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem.’

To a South African crowd in 1994 as I just mentioned he stated that the Oslo agreement was merely a tactical ruse in the larger battle to destroy the Jewish state a modern version of the Muslim prophet Mohammed’s trickery against the ancient tribe of Quraysh.

In fact his colleague Faisal al-Husseini then described the Oslo process as a ‘Trojan Horse’ designed to promote the strategic goal of ‘Palestine from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea, that is, a Palestine in place of Israel.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, a section of his Fatah group has blood in its hands for the deadly attacks against Israeli civilians between 2000-2004.
An ammunition bill for the terrorist Al Aqsa Brigade, signed by Yassir Arafat – see larger version
Fatah, with Arafat’s approval, directly to the Al Aqsa Brigades, for the purpose of organizing bombings, snipings and ambushes against Israeli civilians.

The leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in in fact told USA Today on March 14, 2002: ‘The truth is, we are Fatah, but we didn’t operate under the name of Fatah…We are the armed wing of the organization. We receive our instructions from Fatah. Our commander is Yasser Arafat himself.’

Before his death Arafat granted free rein to the radical Islamic terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad to perpetrate dozens of horrific acts of civilian murder between 2000-2004.

It is fact Arafat stole for himself hundreds of millions of dollars of international aid money intended for the Palestinian people.

Forbes magazine listed Arafat in its annual list of the wealthiest ‘Kings, Queens and Despots,’ with a fortune of ‘at least $300 million.’

Arafat’s wife Suha who he married late in life to publically counter open ridicule of his being a homosexual lived in Paris on a $100,000 a month allowance.

CBS’ 60 Minutes reported that that Arafat maintained secret investments in a Ramallah-based Coca Cola plant, a Tunisian cellphone company, and venture capital funds in the U.S. and the Cayman Islands.

Critics of his were imprisoned, tortured or beaten.

In 1999, when Muawiya Al-Masri, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, dared tell of his corruption to a Jordanian newspaperhe was shot three times.

Arafat’s Religious Affairs Ministry employed preachers who regularly called for children to ‘martyr themselves’, and PA television glamorized the act of suicide bombing.

Under Arafat, the Palestinian Authority school textbooks to this day deny Israel’s existence, and jihad to this day is presented to Palestinian children as an admirable course of action.

Go on Marcus spin. Arafat was and will always have a legacy that speaks for it self-pond scum.

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clearly enunciates; “absolute irrevocable opposition to recognition of Israel as a ‘Jewish state,’ .

You keep missing the memo; No one but Israel is crying about Israel being called a "Jewish State". Because no one is obligated to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. It's not in international law. Arafat accepted Israel as a State almost 30 years ago. What has Israel done in those 30 years? Steal more Palestinian land and to re-affirm that they will do what they can to not allow a Palestinian State to be formed.

Israel and Zionism cannot be trusted to do the right and lawful thing. They need to be side stepped and the BDS movement is the only answer to that.

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Israel and Zionism cannot be trusted to do the right and lawful thing. They need to be side stepped and the BDS movement is the only answer to that.

Just as setting up massacres at discos, pizza parlor and buses are the "right and lawful thing." Go figure.

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Sorry BDS movement, I just bought some car parts Made in Israel. I asked the counter guy if he had any car parts made in Gaza, and he said no, but maybe homemade rocket parts. Didn't need any terrorist rocket parts today, not even on the 4th of July.

No, Gaza gets most of its terrorist rocket parts from Merika, delivered from the wings of Merikun F 16s.

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HJ/Marcus...not even an effort to hide the recycled scripts.It's the weekend though. A back up's at the desk.

The original version of your post was better. I saved it in my e-mail folder devoted to edited MLW posts.
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Well JBG now that Bush bought Israeli car parts I will go to Buffalo this year and catch some hockey games. I h ave to do my part in the Zionist-Yank conspiracy. Also they are going to be an exciting team. I can't deal with the Bills I actually am a fan of the old Rich stadium and love Buffalo Yanks. They are the best. Best wings, best sausages(kosher duh...well.,..)

On a more serious note-I did not like seeing anti Syrian forces massacre a Druze village the other day.Its not good. The Druze were always good people and neutral and as you know some were brave soldiers in the IDF. IDF ambulances evacuated rebel forces wounded in attacks on their village. \its a damn shame. This war turns everyone and anyone into an enemy of each other in any given day and therein lies the madness.

There is no alliance. There is just temporary constellations of my enemy is your enemy today pacts that soon end and factions united one day with a common enemy are at each other's throat the next day.

There is chaos fueled by a lack of a strong US playing policeman to all.

The only solution is for a behind the scenes agreement between China and the US to destabilize the conflict. That will not happen thanks to Obama alienating China from any discussion.

China has trust from Israel,Iran, Egyopt, Saudi Arabia. It has enough clout over Syria via Putin and Iran. It also has enough clout over Iran. It has the same concerns as Israel over extreme Islam whether it be Sunni or Shiite.

That is a key ingredient.So is India's participation as a buffer to Sunni extremists but equally concerned as to Iran.

These two nations and the US could play a far stronger role than they do but Obama alienated both India and China.

A Republican President is the only solution.

By the way the financial crisis in Europe is just starting.Turkey, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Ireland, they are all bankrupt. Britain is in a recession and Germany's banks are in for a slap in the face for being too greedy with who they lent money too. Ironically the collapse of Europe is strengthening the Japanese Yen and Yankee dollar.

That in the next year or two will signal a swing back to the US to help Euro out of its mess giving a Republican Prez the opportunity to replace the unpopular alienating Obama with Euro nations and China and get some unity over what to do in the ME and how to fix Putin so he stops trying to hump

anything he thinks has an opening.

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Just as setting up massacres at discos, pizza parlor and buses are the "right and lawful thing." Go figure.

What gibberish. Who said those are lawful things? Once again, you're trying to deflect against Israel's obligations.

You either stop making excuses for violating Palestinian's rights and breaking international law, or you will be side-stepped, just like Apartheid South Africa was. Not many people have the patience for excuses any more.

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There is no alliance. There is just temporary constellations of my enemy is your enemy today pacts that soon end and factions united one day with a common enemy are at each other's throat the next day.

Except that there is an alliance between ISIS factions and Israel.

ISIS + Israel + Turkey vs Assad + Iran

Israel has no moral standards. Just like the other players.

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What gibberish. Who said those are lawful things? Once again, you're trying to deflect against Israel's obligations.

You either stop making excuses for violating Palestinian's rights and breaking international law, or you will be side-stepped, just like Apartheid South Africa was. Not many people have the patience for excuses any more.

Please stop referring to middle east Arabs as 'Palestinians'. No such thing. I was born in Rhodesia and lived in South Africa until 1993 just before the communists took over. Israel is not the same at all. Stop saying that it is please.

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Please stop referring to middle east Arabs as 'Palestinians'. No such thing. I was born in Rhodesia and lived in South Africa until 1993 just before the communists took over. Israel is not the same at all. Stop saying that it is please.

You're awesome.

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Hudson Jones there is no alliance with Israel. Repeating there is doesn't make it so. Go on prove it. Or is this another one of your proclomations.

Does Israel at times take sides you bet. But does that make it an alliance. No. For an alliance there has to be an agreement as to more than who your common enemy is. In the case of WW2 the alliance between Soviet Russia and Britain is a fact. Their leaders met and had to coordinate attacks,

The IDF does not meet with or plan attacks with ISIL. Its decision to assist militants with medical aid and ambulances is being construed by you as an alliance. There is no alliance. The IDF does not consult with or even speak to ISIS if it does these things. It also has taken in wounded citizens from all sides.

Does Israel want Assad deposed yes. Does it want a radical Sunni extremist ISIL state there of course not. Your contention ISIS is allied with Israel interestingly comes at a tie when ISIL claims Hamas (pro Syria-Iran) is not up to the task of wiping out Israel.

As you pronounce an alliance between Israel and ISIS,IISIS releases press releases calling for the take over of Gaza and the destruction of Israel.

But hey continue. Why let reality bite you.

Here let's go to one of your favourite news souces HJ to show how full of crap your contention is of an ISIS-Israel alliance shall we:


July 3, ISIL attacks Israel fro Gaza-yah that sure is a hell of an alliance.

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Encouraging developments, indeed:

Israel names boycott drive as threat equal to militant groups, Iran nuclear program

The BDS movement appears to be gaining momentum — so much so that Israel has identified it as a strategic threat on a par with Palestinian militant groups and the Iranian nuclear program.


I don't remember who it was, but there were people who tried to push the BDS movement aside as harmless. It looks like that justice will become a reality through this non-violent international movement.

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Who are the "terrorist" enemies now-a-days? Those who call for BDS?

No...the hypocrites who still trade with the U.S. and other Israeli allies call for BDS. The terrorists know who they are, and use methods far more direct than half-assed BDS propaganda. Israel, Canada, USA, and other nations can find them...and bomb them.

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So BDS movement has turned 10 years old. Here is a link to the success of the BDS movement in the U.S.:

10 years, 100 U.S. Victories!

Note that these victories are in different categories, such as Campuses, Academic and Cultural Boycotts, Faith-based Actions, Pensions and Investment Funds, Boycott of Israeli Products and others.

At the rate that Israel is growing I'd say it isn't very successful. Why not be part of the solution and support Israel? The Jewish people have been through many hardships in our history. They deserve a break once and for al, not more hatred. Israeli Arabs have it very good in Israel. They government helps them a lot. Protects them.

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A fairly impartial view indicates that the BDS movement is now being taken seriously by Israel. The US State Dept has changed its policy to review the idea of sanctions on Israeli companies operating on contested Palestinian territory.


It would be interesting to see if Canada follows suite.

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Why is it impartial-because you say so? Get real Big Guy. The fact you have a subjective opinion necessarily makes it bias. You have no magic power that renders your subjective opinions impartial. By the way that was funny. Now you do what suggest because you quote fro Al Jazeera you've cornered the market on impartiality? Lol.

Edited by Rue
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The BDS movement is nothing new. It calls for the disantling of Israelas a Jewish state. Hey now never heard that before.

The movement's agenda is to end Israeli statehood.

This is why it limits itself to referring to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194, passed in 1948 which is not legally binding and calls for the return of anyone who claims to be a Palestinian refugeesto Israel, along with the return to them of the property left behind

This would mean Israel has an obligation to take in the 4.4 million Palestinian refugees.

The current Israeli population is approximately 7 million, 5.3 million are Jews.

If every Palestinian was allowed to move to Israel, the population would easily exceed 11 million and the Jewish proportion would shrink from at least 76% to 48%.

This is why th BDS ignore that peace talks are in fact based on UN Resolution 242 and that in tat resolution, the Palestinians are not mentioned anywhere. They are alluded to in the second clause of the second article of 242, which calls for “a just settlement of the refugee problem.” but never is the term Palestinian refugee used.

In fact the generic term “refugee” also applies to Jewish refugees from Arab lands.

On this planet a person displaced by confllict from their land is a refugee but not their offspring if born outsid that land. That is the law. Except for 1 people.The UN created a different refugee definition for Palestinians to include anyone who claims to be descended from a Palestinian.

In fact today most of the persons who would claim to be Palestinian are;

1-descended from Muslis from outside Palestine who moved there displacing actual Palestinians;

2-citizens from any country of the Middle East as long as they are not Jews.

There is no objective test. Anyone who says they are Palestinian is accepted as one.

Oh by the way all the descendants of Jews thrown out of Arab countries who fled to Israel-well tough . We just ignore them. Never mind more Jews were displaced than Palestinians-they get nothing hell they aren't even acknowledged to exist with BDS.

The BDS does not in fact acknowledge Israel, as an actual Jewish state, connected by history to the place where it was established, speaking its ancient language or that its citizens born there let alone who fled there have a right to universal sufferage of Jews.Only Muslims can have Musli states. No Jew can.

But hey that's not bias. Big Guy says so.

Edited by Rue
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Now since this thread started with a grand exclamation mark about the end of Israel and Bug Gy has advised BDS is working because only someone impartial could think that its time for a reality check:

BDS? Well let's see what its achieved after 10 years shall 2e, come on now let's count;

1- The Tennessee General Assembly became the first state legislature in the U.S. to formally condemn the BDS movement.

2-South Carolina became first US state to take action against anti-Israel boycotts.

3-The Illinois State House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill that prohibits state pension funds from including in their portfolios companies that participate in BDS.

4- The US Congress is considering legislation that “would require U.S. negotiators to discourage trading partners from boycotting Israel or Jewish settlements in the West Bank”.

5-The Palestinian Football Association (PFA) dropped their bid to suspend Israel from Fifa in a dramatic u-turn.

6-French President Francois Hollande made it clear that France opposes the BDS movement.

7-Universities U.K. opposes the Academic Boycott of Israel.

8-New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind is drafting a bill to combat BDS in New York. The bill would ban the state’s pension fund from doing business with companies that boycott Israel.

9-100 German business leaders are “preparing for a trip to Israel to meet with top businesspeople in an extraordinary show of support for the Jewish state”.

10-The Israeli economy grew 7% in the fourth quarter of 2014.

11-Cathay Pacific Airways, which won the World’s Best Airline Award for the fourth time in 2014, is looking into launching a new route from Hong Kong to Tel Aviv.

12-Swedish supermarkets back out of Israel boycott after media campaign.

13- After BDS activists trumpeted an alleged boycott victory, Orange telecom’s CEO told Binyamin Netanyahu that the firm will deepen ties to Israel.

14- Jimmy Wales, Wiki co-founder: “I am a strong supporter of Israel”

15-Washington State justices reverse a 2012 decision protecting a food co-op from being sued over its boycott of Israeli products.

16-A prominent Israeli activist group threatened the Park Slope Food Co-op with a lawsuit if the supermarket adopts a boycott of Israeli products.

17-The British business and innovation secretary declared that the U.K. and Israel had entered a “golden era” for trade. British Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills Sajid Javid said that he expected bilateral trade and services– currently valued at about $6.9 billion, according to Javid — to continue to grow.

18-A neo-realist allegorical painting inspired by the biblical tragedy of Jephthah and his daughter by the Israeli artist Matan Ben-Cnaan has won the top prize in one of the world’s most prestigious portrait awards. Ben-Cnaan was named the first Israeli winner of the £30,000 BP portrait award at a ceremony at the National Portrait Gallery, London

19-Michael Douglas visited Israel to receive the $1 million Genesis Prize award, popularly dubbed the ‘Jewish Nobel Prize,’ for his efforts to promote Jewish culture.

20-The band One Republic came to Israel not only to rock Tel Aviv, but also to show support for the Jewish State by visiting IDF soldiers in the field.

21- Backstreet Boys returned to Israel.

21- Iconic Britpop band Suede are returning to Israel. Four years after its last visit, English alternative rock group will perform at Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv on July 30.

22-Art Garfunkel, one half of the legendary duo Simon and Garfunkel, returned to Israel on June 10th for a solo show at Bloomfield Stadium.

23-American diva Dionne Warwick said that she has no plans to cancel her upcoming Tel Aviv performance, saying that “art has no boundaries.”

24- Wildly popular American rock band Bon Jovi will perform in Israel in early Oct.

THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenna Jameson is converting to Judaism. This former "adult film" star has begun tweeting in Hebrew, buying Israeli products, and even cooking kosher for her Israeli fiancé.


Lol the above is bias.

Here this is funny. Read what the anti Israeli Norm Finklestein says about the BDS movement:


Lol is he impartial?

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