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Encouraging Developments Against Zionist Apartheid Regime!


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In conclusion I do,you don't speak for them or me, made a completely false statement you support what I do and now try to misstate my position and tell me I can't support this group unless I believe what you do, i.e., in not recognizing Israel as a Jewish state which is a crock.

You know nothing of this group, what they stand for, and try bluff you do in your response to trying to restate their position using false positions.

Play your nonsense somewhere else Hudson Jones. You know nothing about this organization because if you did you would know they have never stated Israel can not defend itself from terrorists nor will there be peace without disarming terrorists and recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.

In fact they support exactly the same things I do and you don't. In fact you once again posed with a false representation of your position on Israel. You come on this board referring to Israelis as being cancerous because they express their Jewishness as a nationality and then you have the audacity to pretend you are pro Israel in your response and now try change what this organization stands for to try present it as an anti Zionist organization...

go on HJ dig that hole deeper

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You know nothing about this organization because if you did you would know they have never stated Israel can not defend itself from terrorists

No one said Israel cannot defend itself. You are not following what HJ has stated.

nor will there be peace without disarming terrorists and recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.

That's your opinion. EcoPeace has never said that the Palestinians need to disarm or they have to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. They are very clear on what they stand for:

This is in keeping with EcoPeace's longstanding position supporting a two-state solution in the spirit of the Arab Peace Initiative, including mutual recognition of Israeli and Palestinian rights to two separate states based on the 1967 borders.

The Arab Peace Initiative, which is also EcoPeace's position, does not say anything about disarming Palestinians or accepting Israel as a "Jewish" state.

So your position is different than EcoPeace's position.

Edited by marcus
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No one said Israel cannot defend itself. You are not following what HJ has stated.

That's your opinion. EcoPeace has never said that the Palestinians need to disarm or they have to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. They are very clear on what they stand for:

This is in keeping with EcoPeace's longstanding position supporting a two-state solution in the spirit of the Arab Peace Initiative, including mutual recognition of Israeli and Palestinian rights to two separate states based on the 1967 borders.

The Arab Peace Initiative, which is also EcoPeace's position, does not say anything about disarming Palestinians or accepting Israel as a "Jewish" state.

So your position is different than EcoPeace's position.

Palestine is a myth. They are Arabs. Will Hamas(the leader in Gaza and soon the West Bank) retract their constitution which claims to wish to push Israel into the sea?

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Palestine is a myth. They are Arabs. Will Hamas(the leader in Gaza and soon the West Bank) retract their constitution which claims to wish to push Israel into the sea?

Thank you for the drive-by, random, regurgitated nonsense that has been repeatedly debunked. Next time, when you press reply to a post, it makes sense that you actually reply to the post.

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Marcus/HJ why does this sudden change of name come up like clock work and HJ won't finish and you take over. The m.o. is worn. Its been done time and time again.

First off when you respond, the tactic you use of referring to my reference to disarming terrorists as disarming Palestinians is a crock. Its dishonest, transparent and its pathetic.

Palestinians for the most part have no weapons. The majority do not. Terrorists like Hamas, Hebollah, Fatah, assure the only people who have arms are under their control and in their cells. The last thing it wants is armed Palestinian. Ironically in your pathetic script you can' acknowledge that reality.

Secondly, Israel signed not one but two peace accords where they agreed to assist the training of Palestinian police. Arafat chose to violate that agreement unilaterally and flaunt his violation of it.

So to even attempt to suggest Israel is against arming Palestinians is an out and out lie. It agreed to arm and train a Palestinian police force and it never uses the reference that Palestinians need to be disarmed-it knows better-it is specific in saying Hamas or Hezbollah it does not use the word Palestinian interchangeably with Hamas.

You Sir engage in this slur of "armed Palestinians" as being the same as armed terrorists who are Palestinian. You engage in that reply. How about Michael H call you out on that as being unfair to them.

You also try take a peaceful apolitical organization that is completely neutral and believes Israel has as much right to be Jewish as Arab states shave to being Muslim and falsely misrepresent them as being anti Zionist when they are not.

You Sir, whether it be under the name HJ or Marcus whether you tag team or are one and the same, I do not care, come on this board, mock the group I am a member of because of its peaceful neutral positions and try misrepresent them as supporting your terrorist agenda.

They do not. You want to come on this board and misrepresent them or I your words will be stripped and shown for what they are-a joke.

As for your pathetic script of it being possible that there be peace without recognizing Israel as a Jewish state or disarming TERRORISTS that speaks for itself.

You want to cling to such idiotic word games go ahead. Arafat shred any pretense of the game. He made it clear as has Hamas, Hezbollah, the PA and the armed terror cells in Gaza and the West Bank that the agenda is to take back Israel, kill off its Jews, impose a Muslim sharia law state and then proceed on its way to create a one world caliphate run by a Muslim council of clergy.

That agenda is there for anyone to read and it is what you and HJ believe. Don't mock me offering me a beer making sly reference to your dry lips. Play it somewhere else. You think because I am not Muslim I drink alcohol hmmmmm? Spit it out. What next do we engage in other indifel activities together? Why stop at beer?

Play it somewhere else. This group does not and has never been anti Zionist. It is apolitical. Do not dictate to me or that organization that it is no different than you in its opinions. It most certainly is. It believes people like you believe in an exclusive God who only recognizes you and supports your right to scorch the world of all life in your God's name. It is for everything you are not-life.

Edited by Rue
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That's a lot of typing and you failed to show how you have the same stance as EcoPeace's.

You see, EcoPeace's stance is similar to most peaceful, respectable organizations. It follows international law. The Zionist stance is more "foot dragging". A stance that demonstrates how Zionists will create excuse after excuse not to follow international law and will do what they can to cover for Israel's human rights violations which they have been doing for the past 50+ years.

Contrary to what Zionists try to sell themself as, they are NOT a people of peace and justice.

Edited by marcus
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You see Marcus you do not present EcoPeace's script, just your own.

I don't represent EcoPeace. You don't represent EcoPeace. EcoPeace represents EcoPeace. They are very clear about supporting a two-state solution in the spirit of the Arab Peace Initiative. This is what they say:

EcoPeace supports the Palestinian call for UN recognition of a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in peaceful coexistence with the State of Israel.
This is in keeping with EcoPeace's longstanding position supporting a two-state solution in the spirit of the Arab Peace Initiative, including mutual recognition of Israeli and Palestinian rights to two separate states based on the 1967 borders.
As far as Water Justice is concerned EcoPeace has developed its own Water Accord and is leading a campaign under the message that "Water Justice Cannot Wait"
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Nothing in what you have stated Marcus-HJ backs up your script and your constantly stated opinions that Israel can not exist as a Jewish state and anyone who believes it should exist as a Jewish state is cancerous and should be wiped out and then as HJ stated, didn't mean wipe out as in them just their beliefs.

The two of you have a totally different agenda than EcoPeace. Neither of you agree with peaceful coexistence with a Jewish state and disarming of terrorists.

You hijack this thread to spew more anti Zionist pap and try couch it as this group's agenda-it is not- this group has zero problem unlike you with Israel being a Jewish state and unlike you-HJ is dead against terrorism.

You want to come on this forum and suggest I am anti Zionist, this group I anti Zionist and mock offering me a beer I will call you out.

Now you want to distort, play games, try couch your agenda through this group, play your disinformation shtick but its spent.

Try all you want to spin your anti Israel pap on this group or me for supporting their apolitical views as to preserving the environment

I will expose you or HJ or whatever name you want for what you are.

Edited by Rue
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Nothing in what you have stated Marcus-HJ backs up your script and your constantly stated opinions that Israel can not exist as a Jewish state and anyone who believes it should exist as a Jewish state is cancerous and should be wiped out and then as HJ stated, didn't mean wipe out as in them just their beliefs.

What I am saying is that there is no requirement in any UN resolutions, in international law, in Canada's stance, in U.S.' stance that anyone should have to accept Israel as a "Jewish" state. This is somewhat a new requirement thrown out by Zionists because they are always re-drawing the line in the sand in order to take away attention from what Israel needs to do, which is to remove itself and the illegal Jewish settlements out of Palestinian land. Instead of expanding them and continuing to make the lives of those who its occupying miserable.

Also, you are once again mixing a bunch of words and vomiting them out. What I think is that Zionism, as an ideology, is a very very bad ideology. I hold the same view when it comes to Wahabism. As they are today, they both promote the violations of rights of others for their own selfish gain.

The two of you have a totally different agenda than EcoPeace. Neither of you agree with peaceful coexistence with a Jewish state and disarming of terrorists.

My agenda is exactly what has been stated by EcoPeace. I also support the Arab Peace Initiative as well.

Your agenda is different, because you are adding exactly what I mentioned: A clause. A foot drag. A new line in the sand. "I agree, but..."

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Your agenda has nothing to do with EcoPeace, Nothing. Your attempt to use them as a shield to state your views is an out and out falsehood. Provide their written positions you claim. You won't. They don't exist. They are an apolitical group.

Go on put up or shut up.

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Another testament to the effectiveness of the BDS campaign. Remember Israeli origin bar codes start with 729. Not buying into Israeli war crimes and ethnic cleansing is the least we can do:

Israel govt. report: BDS can devastate economy

The report concludes with academic studies demonstrating how the image of a state has a substantial impact on its economy. “Ther efore, one of the primary objectives of the delegitimisation campaign conducted by the BDS coalition is to create for Israel the image of a country with ongoing conflict, which violates human rights, similar to that of South Africa in the apartheid era.”

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Another testament to the effectiveness of the BDS campaign. Remember Israeli origin bar codes start with 729. Not buying into Israeli war crimes and ethnic cleansing is the least we can do:

Better stop buying U.S. and Canadian products too. Look for the international article number (EAN) by country of article registration and do your part to fight war crimes and genocide. Don'r forget to recyle too and save the Earth.

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Another day and another group votes to divest from Israel's occupation:

The United Church of Christ Palestine-Israel Network (UCC PIN) is pleased to announce that today the plenary of the 30th General Synod taking place in Cleveland passed Resolution #4, calling for boycotts and divestment from companies that profit from Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands.


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There will be no business as usual with Israeli occupation, that it is only a matter of time before Israel’s “South Africa moment” is here.

As of today, the Presbyterians have divested from Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlett Packard; the United Methodists divested from G4S; the Quaker Friends Fiduciary Corporation divested from Caterpillar, Veolia, and Hewlett Packard; the United Church of Christ divested from all of the above; and the American Friends Service Committee and Mennonite Central Committee have divested from many others -- all in light of these companies’ involvement in the Israeli military occupation -- while two more national denominations, including the Episcopalians, will consider boycott and divestment just this week!

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I would expect that the destruction of evil apartheid regimes should be in the charter of all powerful countries that can serve the UN in eliminating it. Keeping in mind the UN's charter mandate which most on this forum will not be aware of. That's why it's totally legitimate to hear that we should push 'apartheid into the sea'. It's not regime specific.

Does the part about wanting the destruction of Israel and it's inhabitants bother you in the least?

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Israel isn't apartheid. Unless you lived in Africa during that period you only know what a book or the internet tells you. We have separation in Canada too.

How about we ask a guy who was in the middle of the Apartheid. Desmond Tutu, the noted civil rights leader who became the first black archbishop of Cape Town, compared Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to the apartheid regime that discriminated against blacks in his native South Africa.


Edited by Hudson Jones
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What I am saying is that there is no requirement in any UN resolutions, in international law, in Canada's stance, in U.S.' stance that anyone should have to accept Israel as a "Jewish" state.

You know full well that this came about, i.e. the demand for acceptance as a Jewish state, when Yasir Arafat killed the 2000 negotiations with his sudden demand for a "right of return" to what remained of Israel. He wanted to unleash a wave of Arab immigration into the rump of Israel.

This is somewhat a new requirement thrown out by Zionists because they are always re-drawing the line in the sand in order to take away attention from what Israel needs to do, which is to remove itself [/b[and the illegal Jewish settlements out of Palestinian land.

Exactly your agenda. For Israel to "remove itself" from Jewish existence.

Instead of expanding them and continuing to make the lives of those who its occupying miserable.

Why is it that only the Jews are not entitled to "national self-determination?

Your agenda is different, because you are adding exactly what I mentioned: A clause. A foot drag. A new line in the sand. "I agree, but..."

Again, Israel is only doing what every other nation-state has ever done; attempting to control and hold territory so that it can develop as a nation. As for withdrawal, when will Turkey withdraw from Cyprus? When will IS withdraw from Kurdistant?
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Isn't it interesting when I asked Marcus to put up or shut up he deflected and changed the subject.

He and HJ create such threads to provide a pretext to piss on Israel using any allegation that comes to mind but when called out on them

change the subject.

It speaks for itself. So does this latest baiting using Christians now not Eco Peace as the shield to hide behind.

Israel is apartheid. Right. Tired, spent, and pathetic.

Edited by Rue
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You know full well that this came about, i.e. the demand for acceptance as a Jewish state, when Yasir Arafat killed the 2000 negotiations with his sudden demand for a "right of return" to what remained of Israel. He wanted to unleash a wave of Arab immigration into the rump of Israel.

Exactly your agenda. For Israel to "remove itself" from Jewish existence.

Why is it that only the Jews are not entitled to "national self-determination?

Again, Israel is only doing what every other nation-state has ever done; attempting to control and hold territory so that it can develop as a nation. As for withdrawal, when will Turkey withdraw from Cyprus? When will IS withdraw from Kurdistant?

I can't take you seriously when you blame Arafat for accepting international law that Canada also accepts. Why does Israel have such a hard time following the law? Here it is:

Palestinian Refugees

Canada believes that a just solution to the Palestinian refugee issue is central to a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as called for in United Nations General Assembly resolution 194 (1948) and United Nations Security Council resolution 242. A solution to the Palestinian refugee issue must be negotiated among the parties concerned in the context of a final status peace agreement. This solution should respect the rights of the refugees, in accordance with international law.


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What Canada believes means nothing. The only thing that matters is what Israel believes. They simply don't care what some antisemites think if them. Why should they? It simply is irrelevant. Poor Arabs will do nothing to help Israel and the Jewish people so let them be where they are. No where. They've done it to themselves.

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