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  1. Conservatives’ trickle-down economics scam is blatantly anti-working class, period. Culture was is not a leftie invention conservatives have been screamed about immigrants, gays and made up nonsense like the war on Christmas since time immemorial check out the book title from this conservative icon (and sexual predator) some lefty! The first social conservative was a prehistoric ape in a tree shrieking that the other apes need to stop walking around on 2 legs and get back in the tree. Their culture war will always be with humanity as backlash against modernity is part of the human experience but it always loses in the end. Cultures never freeze in place or move backwards over the long term. Even in the Islamic world where conservatives have enjoyed a bit of a comeback in recent decades, society is still progressing and modernizing in most places.
  2. Only for their oligarchs. No doubt they also peddle the same trickle down nonsense conservatives everywhere seem to enjoy hearing.
  3. The REAL Reagan Record. https://www.thebalancemoney.com/reaganomics-did-it-work-would-it-today-3305569 What was Reaganomics? Reaganomics was based on the Laffer Curve. Economist Arthur Laffer developed it in 1974. The curve showed how tax cuts could stimulate the economy to the point where the tax base expanded. Tax cuts reduce the level of federal taxation immediately. These same cuts have a multiplier effect on economic growth. Tax cuts put money in consumers' pockets, which they spend. That stimulates business growth and more hiring. The result? A larger tax base. Reaganomics was consistent with the theory of supply-side economics. It states that corporate tax cuts are the best way to grow the economy. When companies get more cash, they should hire new workers and expand their businesses. It also says that income tax cuts give workers more incentive to work, increasing the supply of labor. That's why it's sometimes called trickle-down economics. Tax Cuts Reagan cut tax rates enough to stimulate consumer demand. By Reagan's last year in office, the top income tax rate was 28% for single people making $18,550 or more. Anyone making less paid no taxes at all. That was much less than the 1980 top tax rate of 70% for individuals earning $108,300 or more. Reagan indexed the tax brackets for inflation.3 Reagan offset these tax cuts with tax increases elsewhere. He raised Social Security payroll taxes and some excise taxes. He also cut several deductions.45 Reagan cut the corporate tax rate from 46% to 40% in 1987.6 But the effect of this break was unclear. Reagan changed the tax treatment of many new investments. The complexity meant that the overall results of his corporate tax changes couldn't be measured. Slow Spending Growth Government spending still grew, just not as fast as under President Jimmy Carter. Reagan increased spending by 9% a year, from $678 billion at Carter's final budget in Fiscal Year 1981 to $1.1 trillion at Reagan's last budget for FY 1989. Carter increased spending by 16% a year, from $409 billion in FY 1977 to $678 billion in FY 1981. Reduce Regulations In 1981, Reagan eliminated the Nixon-era price controls on domestic oil and gas.8 They constrained the free-market equilibrium that would have prevented inflation. Reagan also deregulated cable TV, long-distance telephone service, interstate bus service, and ocean shipping. He eased bank regulations, but that helped create the Savings and Loan Crisis in 1989. Reagan increased, not decreased, import barriers. He doubled the number of items that were subject to trade restraint from 12% in 1980 to 23% in 1988.1 He did little to reduce other regulations affecting health, safety, and the environment. Carter had reduced regulations at a faster pace. Tame Inflation Reagan had campaigned on ending galloping inflation. That's when inflation rates reach 10% or more. In 1980 the inflation rate was 12.5%. These rates hurt the economy because money loses value too fast. Business and employee income can't keep up with rising costs and prices. Galloping inflation was already being addressed by Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker. He used contractionary monetary policy, despite the potential for a recession. In 1979, Volcker began raising the fed funds rate. By December 1980, it had reached 20%.9 These high rates choked off economic growth. Volcker's policy triggered the recession of 1981-1982. Unemployment rose to 10.1% and stayed above 10% for 10 months.10 This painful solution was necessary to stop galloping inflation. Had inflation not been tackled in this way, the economy would have fared far worse. Volcker's policies knocked inflation down to 3.8% by 1983.11
  4. https://nypost.com/2023/02/13/james-clapper-now-claims-he-didnt-call-hunter-biden-laptop-russian-disinfo/ Clapper, Brenna et al used their CIA/FBI status and credentials to shout down the laptop information instantly. The FBI/CIA let it slide. To leftists, "anonymous sources" and spurious allegations like "Russia Russia Russia" are as real as it gets. If they like it, it's a proven fact, no matter what. Just saying "It looks like Russian disinformation" means "This is definitely Russian disinformation - there's absolutely no other possibility!!!" to people like Beave and Hodad. It's a sad fact that a story that starts off with "an anonymous business associate of Trump said that...." carries far more weight with leftists than seeing Tony Bobulinski for an hour on video, flipping through the pages of a document, saying things like "This is the contract that I signed with Joe's son, his brother, two Chinese businessmen and a subsidiary of the Communist Bank of China. This is my signature, theirs are here and here...". Despite the fact that the laptop info was all very accurate and very real, it was corroborated by a signatory to an authenticated document which Joe's Brother and son also signed, and the FBI had the laptop in their possession for 11 months, it came out to a resounding cry "THIS IS FAKE!" from every single source that leftards trust. The FBI "let it happen", ie orchestrated it, and there have never been any repercussions for Clapper/Brennan's bold-faced lies. The alt-left MSM and radio stations and fake newspapers everywhere like WashPo, NYT et al did everything they could to create the lasting impression that the laptop info was just more Trump - Russia collusion. Then it was slow-walked back weeks later by a trickle of non-committal FBI statements, and media coverage of it was minimal. Keep in mind, this is about the Bidens being in direct partnership with the Chinese gov't, and making several millions of dollars with a very minimal investment of their own. It reeks to the high heavens. It's like Trump-Russia on steroids, only it's also 100% established fact. Bottom line: the FBI spent years lying about Trump, committing crimes, and doing everything they could to smear his reputation even after they knew there was no substance to their story, and then they used their shills (Clapper et al) to downplay a completely legit story about Hunter. Voters went to the polling booths with their brains jam-packed with 3 years of FBI lies/crimes about Russian collusion, and completely unaware of Biden's slithery dealings with America's foremost geopolitical adversary. Yeah, I'm saying absolutely and unequivocally - the FBI is as politically biased and as underhanded/deceitful as the KGB ever was. They are proven liars and criminals.
  5. Can't tell if this is trolling or a real question. Regardless of party, billionaires (or the wealthy in general) will always have an outsized voice in politics. There's one party though that, as a matter of policy, is dedicated to serving the rich, and they managed to convince almost half of the peasantry that supply side economics was good for them. Cut taxes on the wealthy and some of it will trickle down to you! Sure it will. Just don't mind the smell.
  6. There are a lot of people who went all-in on backing the vaccines. The CDC, the Dems, our LPOC, our MSM and "science" (a sentient being now, don'cha know) in both countries all backed the vaccines 100%, even going so far as to unequivocally advocate for forcing healthy young adults to vaccinate when we already knew that people in that demographic were at no risk from covid. Then they advocated for small children to be vaxed, even though only 11 kids had died of covid in Canada between Jan 2020 and Dec of 2021. That's 11 kids in 2 years... Did they need a vax? You're a rare bird for even acknowledging this possibility after all this time, but you can do it without consequence. What about all of those mentioned above? How bad do they all look if this truly comes to light? How much does it cost them to admit that their advice may have grievously harmed or killed a lot of healthy children and young adults? How easy is it for them to keep up with their current "narratives"? If this does get out, it will be a slow trickle over the next few years, and then it's gonna be Donald's fault. After all, he was the one who invoked the prep act and Operation Warp Speed, right? Only after enough time has elapsed that we can all forget who pushed the vax mandates will we start to get to the bottom of this.
  7. OMG It's obvious now that you researched absolutely nothing. If you do want to finally see what the science says about this, I posted this info several times on the trickle thread, complete with links to the studies and information from engineers who specialize in the science of dispersal, the size of the covid virion compared to masks, etc. You might want to actually read up on this before you start spouting anti-science, superstitious woo woo because you are 100% uninformed.
  8. 1. Yes - oldy times I grant you that. Factory work returned to whence it came in the last little while for the most part. 2. I think neoliberalism came up with the populism of the new right (post 80s) but it's an uneasy coupling. 3. I agree with this for the most part. But the rally cry of 'trickle down' has been with us for 40+ years. At some point people will demand that the taps be opened.
  9. 1. Right so my point is when you look at the data neoliberalism hasn’t necessarily been so great 2. In the North American experience the horid Dickensian sweatshops were done away with by reform that wee largely driven by labour and reform minded politicians against the desire of sweatshop owners who tryied to maintain the status quo. In places like Bangladesh, Western countries actually resist and undermine such reforms so their companies can continue benefit from the sweatshops. Let’s be clear: none of the western companies operating in the third world want those places to become first world. What would be the point of having products made on the other side of the planet if you had to pay the same wages and taxes and deal with the same regulation as you would ar home? Third world poverty and corruption is a feature, not a bug of neoliberalism. The poverty is the point. 3. and 4: I don’t have the magic answers to all of the world’s problems. Definitely many people feel they are not better off, especially working class people and those who rely on the public services and crumbling infrastructure that have been starved under neoliberalism. I think people can sense that overall quality of life is past it’s peak and it’s not offset by more shopping and entertainment opportunities and more gadgets they didn’t know they needed. Neoliberals say that alternatives would have only made things worse but I guess we’ll never know. One thing is for sure thou, the wealth did not trickle down.
  10. A lot has been written about the Republican descent into madness over the past few years Spoiler alert: party members have few common ideals and are beholden to billionaires puppet masters Is the GOP still a legitimate political party? The answer should be self-evident Republicans' only unifying agenda is hate, fear and groveling to billionaires. They want to rule, but not govern … Neoliberalism was their uniting philosophy in 1980 and Reagan cemented that system into place with his presidency: It still controls most of the American political and economic system and dictates most modern Supreme Court decisions as well. But while most people don't generally recognize the word "neoliberalism," that system which includes offshoring jobs, massive tax cuts for the rich ("trickle-down"), privatization of government functions and gutting the social safety net has fallen out of favor among most voters. (See "The Hidden History of Neoliberalism: How Reaganism Gutted America.") This has left the GOP rudderless. Their persistent shout-outs to racists and homophobes — including efforts to ban books and the teaching of American history — have helped Republican politicians win primary elections, but have hurt Republicans electorally with their better-educated and higher income voters. Similarly, their embrace of Catholic anti-abortion doctrine has pushed away many formerly Republican female voters while failing to further energize or increase the numbers of the fringe that holds this issue with fanatic zeal. As a result, other than Sen. Rick Scott's proposals for ending Social Security and Medicare within five years and more calls for tax cuts, Republican politicians in state and federal office have been reduced to simply opposing everything Democrats do or want to do. …, This lack of a clear ideological foundation across the GOP has opened the door to: Predatory grifters (Mehmet Oz, Matt Gaetz, Rick Scott), Wannabe stars and fame-seekers (Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz) and Putin-style autocrats (Blake Masters, Doug Mastriano, Ron DeSantis). Donald Trump, filling all three categories simultaneously, predictably became the "King of the Thieves" in the GOP. ….. https://www.salon.com/2022/10/21/is-the-still-a-legitimate-political-party-the-answer-should-be-self-evident_partner/
  11. It's a long established and well known fact of economics that consumption taxes tend to be regressive. In simplest terms, the less money a person has, the greater the portion of their budget that must be spent on consumable goods. The higher a person's income, the more of their money into investments and other non-consumption activities, leaving it untaxed. Or, to put it another way, consumption taxes tax consumers, and the poor have no spare money to direct away from consumption--it is all consumption. And yes, you can craft consumption taxes so that they exempt basic goods like food and fuel, but that is a blanket carve out, so you are also exempting the wealthy who don't need such an exemption. Still the bill must be paid, so that difference must be made up elsewhere. Whereas with an income tax you can structure it progressively with exemptions that apply only to the poor, minimizing the burden on those least able to pay and shifting a greater part of the burden to those most able to bear it. The latter of which, those on top of the socioeconomic pyramid, are also those who most benefit from a stable status quo. Of course it's also true that you can craft those laws poorly and corruptly to benefit the wealthy (the thoroughly debunked Republican trickle-down nonsense) but setting aside the quality of execution, yes, income taxes are more progressive and consumption taxes more regressive. And yes, I am in the US, but I'm perfectly fine with taxes. I live in a high tax area, but I'd be happy to pay more for a better social safety net, national health care, better primary and secondary education etc.
  12. A mature tree eats up 50lbs of CO2 per year. So 4.5 trees soak up all of the CO2 emitted to produce 1 million BTUs. There are enough trees in my yard to soak up hundreds of lbs of CO2. What's the environmental cost of creating solar panels to trickle in a bit of weather-dependent solar energy and then recycling them? What's the environmental cost of creating wind turbines to create some weather-dependent solar energy and then recycling them? Why is nuclear energy so unreliable? France has half of their nuclear reactors offline. They're importing energy from companies that burn fossil fuels... Do you want to basically shut down our country while China and India put out more pollution in a day than we do in a year?
  13. Adam smith said that at any time the market, jobs and wages can be controlled by business and not by the markets and at that time it is wrong and something has to be done about it, That is what is going on now. The possibility of the chance to get ahead is the driving force that separates capitalism from all other economic concepts but the right, since Reagan's trickle down lie, has taken that away totally from the possibilities. The only threat to capitalism in this country is the right wing , thinking they deserve it all.
  14. Do you get your pro-Russian talking points directly from the troll farm in St. Petersburg or do they trickle down to you through Republican propagandists? Everything you say above is ridiculous. It is not the cold war, an alliance with the Ukraine in the 21st century is not “as bad” as the Cuban missile crisis. And there’s nothing “bullying” about supporting a pro-western democratic country that’s being threatened with invasion by a dictatorship. Obama tried the friendly overture and Putin rebuffed it. They turned away the carrot so now they get the stick because their behaviour is worse. Now that Trumps gone Putin doesn’t have an ally in the white house anymore and is testing the west. Your argument that we should stand up to Russia by giving Putin whatever he demands because…something something Joe Biden is a terrible president …doesn’t make sense and is obviously pro-Kremlin propaganda that you’ve been brainwashed into believing.
  15. Hey now. Trump's current tax and fiscal policies have increased the deficit to 1 trillion annually and the US continues to be one of the most indebted nations in the world saddled with interest on the deficit which has in fact bankrupt the nation. But wait, Trump is the saviour. The US economy has never been better I mean com eon the unemployment rate has dropped. The fact is its producing less jobs then it did under the last two years of the commie bastard Obama's reign. Go look. In Obama's 2nd term an average of 217,000 jobs per month were created. Under Trump its averaged 185,000 per month a difference of 384,000 jobs a year or 3 million jobs in 8 years. Under that communist sob Obama the average GDP growth per year was 2.2%. Under King Donald the One and Only, its the same give or take a .1% difference in favour for Trump for one year of his term. What Trump cultists won't discuss is that Trump passed a law ending low interest rates and this means in the next 4 year term car, home. student loans, credit cards, business loans all will rise costing the average American and causing them to become poorer wiping out any gains he claims he has given them in tax cuts. Why do Trump cultists not tell you since 2017 under King Donald, gas prices have risen 30% after all that bragging about how the US now controls its own destiny in gas prices by Trump by increasing its production to all time highs which he said would lower gas prices. Let's look at another statistic Trump cultists do not care about. The US has always been a nation where if you could not afford private health insurance you could and would die of illnesses people with such insurance could get and not die from. However the rate of Americans without medical insurance dropped from 18.0 per cent in 2013 to 10.9 percent in 2016 because of government initiatives under Obama. Since medical insurance is considered communism in the US you bet Trump called it dirty communism and now the uninsured rate went back up to 12.2% by the end of 2017, or another 3-4 million people without medical insurance. Anyone under the remaining ACA government medical program will now be faced with very large premium rates meaning many more are going to become uninsured but remember now when you are a Trump supporter people without medical coverage are not a concern. Its not a priority. There is no thought as to what happens when people are sick and have no medical coverage and how that leads to a ripple effect of increase in crime and bankrupt hospitals. Oh but Trump supporters tell you Trump is the best US President ever for the economy. You heard him in his state of the union Uh yah. This is whyt after all his tax cuts were given to corporations and high income earners there have been no gains to the Dow Jones index in his first term in office. Then again you see Trump cultists drink Reagonomics koolaid. They believe tax cuts generates economic growth. Reality is not something Trump cultists like to deal with. Under the Reagan 8 year term he made massive tax cuts and when this did not generate economic growth proving the trickle down effect was absolute bull shit, Reagan then ushered in the largest tax increase in US history. Lol but when you listen to Trumpies, Ronald Reagan was an economic guru and Trump is carrying out his legacy. Bull shit. Look at the net effect on Americans. Trump's tax cuts do not benefit the average American. They are and have always been designed to allow an elite network to accumulate more wealth while the average American grows poorer faced with ever increasing debts. Trump boasts about his new trade deal. Bull shit. He had nothing to do with it and what it does, is assure certain uncompetitive economic activities are protected in the US forcing Americans to buy more expensive American aluminum, steel and other products rather than engage in true free trade and access cheaper but just as good if not better products from Canada. Hey you know Trump believes in free enterprise....or does he. He believes in controlled market prices for American businesses costing Americans more costs and the trickle down is not going to wages. Wages are down, gas prices and interest rates up. In fact his trade tarrifs prevent true free competitive trade with Canada and enable US companies to charge Americans more and not allow them to have a choice in what they buy. He's used free trade to impose uncompetitive higher consumer costs on his beloved Americans. Now then the cultists on this board buy into his hype. I mean come on he has his own jet and he has an empire and when he gets off his jet the song "money money money" magically comes out from the heavens above. Well actually no. He comes off Air Foce 1 and gets lost walking buy his limo. God bless Trump. 4 more years.
  16. It failed because that money was being sapped off oversea with multinational corporation globalist agenda, specifically china. If you keep those capital back home and reinvest in your infrastructure and neighborhoods with local investment capital then that's when you will see the real gain of trickle down economics. You need to adopt economic nationalism for trickle down economics to work. Reagan didn't do that he adopted trickle down economic but allowed the banker elites to finance china's growth.
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/02/health/covid-19-vaccination-kit-record-card/index.html The Dems' propagandists are saying that vaccination cards are a thing and I have no reason not to believe the lapdogs in this instance. They're saying that this isn't to be considered as some sort of 'vaccination passport', but it's not just up to the countries that issue the passports to determine whether or not their citizens can visit other countries: even if the airlines don't discriminate against the unvaccinated, sovereign states still have the absolute right to deny any would-be visitors entry based on their vaccination status. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that places like the Cayman Islands and other elite tourist destinations will start implementing a vaccination-2-visit policy (I'll just call it V2V for short), it's just a matter of how far down this vaccination elitism is going to trickle. Is the existence of vaccination cards the start of something? Will this become the new normal? Get injected or be rejected? If the Dems are so against voter ID then why are they starting us down this road with vaxx ID? Surely they must know where it will lead. How are they going to manage to blame this new form of discrimination against Republicans?
  18. Uh... look, I get where some people were dumb enough to believe that promise when he made it in 2015. It takes someone really ... special to believe it in 2021 when he has done absolutely NOTHING to replace it or any aspect of it with something 'affordable'. Nor has his party, because that wasn't something they were interested in Except that economists have said that this so-called 'trickle down' idea hasn't worked... ever. The only thing the tax cuts did was make Trump and his family and friends richer and increase the deficit. So letting poor kids starve is okay if you have the right... motivation? You're some interesting kind of Christian. So is committing adultery and that doesn't seem to bother you. Weren't you going to answer my question? What admonition appears word for word in the bible in three separate places?
  19. Doesn't matter. The fix is in and it's obvious again. In Fulton county they were blocking the monitors again. Other counties shut down early again half-way through voting again. At least they say they're shut down. That's the lie they told at the TFC centre in Detroit for the Presidential too. Dominion voting machines went down mysteriously in the 3 highest Republican districts. and on it went. More information on this recent fraud will trickle out in following weeks like it did for the Presidential. Sounds like there's a war starting tonight on the streets of Washington. Eve of the 'Stop the Steal' rally. Pictures look like tens perhaps hundreds of thousands might be there. It won't get quieter once the crowds hear about the skullduggery in Georgia in the morning.
  20. If there’s a discrepancy between what you and you alone believe and what the rest of the world believes, the answer is not going to be that the entire population of the world from every race, religion, nationality, political belief, income level and social status has united like never before in human history to join in an elaborate and highly organized and coordinated worldwide conspiracy just to make you look bad. The kind of implausible bat-shit crazy conspiracy that nuts like you subscribe to doesn’t exist. You call these people RINOs for no other reason than they disagree with Trumps false election conspiracy claim. All of these people have mich more established credentials as conservatives and Republicans than Trump who isn’t really a conservative. You are too stupid to realize that in your mind you’ve made Trump into an infallible god where any person or group disagreeing with Trump even Trump appointees, is automatically wrong and their views don’t cou No you are not “too smart” you are too cowardly. If you’re so certain Trump will be president you have nothing to worry about, you chicken shit. I am confident that Biden will be pres and I have the courage to back up my words with a pledge. You are clearly to cowardly and unconfident. The world is “such a mess” because 40 years ago Thatcher and Reagan and conservatives (later joined by so-called “centrists” like the Clintons, Chretien and Paul Martin) have promoted trickle-down economics and let business people and billionaires make public policy decisions that have severely damaged 2 generations of working and middle class citizens. The Clintons and chretien-Martins of this world only peddled a “kindler, gentler” version of corporate servitude while conservatives promoted a crueler harsher version, but it all leads to the same place. BLM, Antifa and Trumpism are all different types of backlash against this same failed right-wing ideology
  21. Nope look at what they do, not what they say. Trump had more multimillionaires and billionaires in his cabinet than any other administration in history, including some of the financial predators from the Great Recession like Mnuchin. When Trump killed that law preventing financial advisors from misleading clients for their own interests who was he helping? Is that a problem conservatives were worried about , your financial advisor being too honest with you? When Trump killed limits on a toxic chemical in drinking water that causes brain damage in children, who was he helping? Is that a problem conservatives have, not enough brain damaged babies? I guess you gotta grow the future conservative base somehow eh? When Trump basically legalized all pollution as part of the “pandemic relief plan” while Republicans barely handed out any pandemic relief finds to families did conservatives feel supported? For the first time in American history, the 400 wealthiest people in the US paid a lower tax rate than any other group under Trump. Is that a working class problem? You conservatives still believe in the fallacy of trickle-down economics, are still anti-labour, anti- environment, anti-minimum wage, anti-regulation, etc..... nothing has changed except you wrap it all in this thin half-baked veneer of “something something globalism” to try and capture the working class vote and get them to vote against their own economic interests
  22. Yeah yeah I’ll put this on the pile of failed right wing predictions along with Obamacare death panels, Obama’s socialist re-education camps, Hillary’s emails, Hillary’s “secret illness” and dying before the end of the first presidential term, millions of illegal immigrant voters, Mexico paying for a border wall, Iraq war only lasting a few months, Saddam having WMD and AlQaeda links, the list of daily bullshit you guys spew is too ling to repeat here. But of course the big failure underlying everything, the failure and massive inequality caused by Reagan’s trickle-down economics that has dominated everything for 40 years, and is the real reason America is so bitterly divided.
  23. All you've got there is what you or yours would like to believe. The Giuliani thing is just another one of those anonymous sources things WaPo has been BS-ing with since the Russian Collusion Delusion. Most likely even before that. But if you like those then you'll have to accept this: Even if you want to get hypocritical and deny the claim the FBI wanted the laptop in connection with a money laundering investigation you can't deny they did subpoena it. If you do you're the only person who is denying. it. And Biden's ex-business partner, Tony Bobulinsky is no part of a criminal or a shady Russian/Ukranian fraudster. https://heavy.com/news/tony-bobulinski/ As to the suggestion the Russians are somehow involved: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ratcliffe-hunter-biden-laptop-emails-not-russian-disinformation-campaign Starting to see how the trick works of 'Holding back facts to trickle out as the expected leftist smears of innuendo appear,' are you?
  24. FOX pushes the narratives and facts they agree with. You're saying they don't omit facts that don't support their narrative? Give me a break. Sure you can learn some things on FOX, it's not all lies, but it's all spin, I don't trust them. "Fair and balanced", and the "No spin zone" LOL give me a break, their whole supposed "raison d'etre" is a lie. If Obama was being investigated for the same thing their coverage would be A LOT different, in fact the very opposite, they'd behave just like CNN. It's all BS and you've cuddled up to your favorite anus. We're all being fooled. These are high-stakes games being played in back-alleys of power and we don't know the truth, like House of Cards and Game of Thrones. All we get is the trickle of info that leaks out.
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