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  1. I agree with most, Trump will pick someone outside of his base. (He has a lock on his base.) Trump? He will pick a winner (Kari Lake for example lost.) ======= Everyone says that the VP doesn't matter. In 1960, LBJ made JFK president.
  2. Let me repeat: IMHO, this world of the 2020s is like the 1910s or so. We too have had several decades of peace. We too have a clueless elite - like in 1910. These 2020s is nothing like the 1930s. ==== JFK worried about the start of World War I. Yet thinking back, no one wanted such a war. Khrushchev had fought in Stalingrad. Kennedy had lost his brother. In the 2020s, people forget about how World War I started.
  3. Disagree. In 1962, JFK read Tuchman's Guns of August. He worried about world powers badly negotiating. This was the world that he knew. Yet by 1962, the world was stable. We had survived 30 years of war. Men like Nixon, Kennedy, Reagan, Bush Snr - Brezhnev, Trudeau Snr had all lived through WWII. ===== IMHO, Tuchman's book refers to our current age - the 2020s. This is our current world. Like the late 1800s or 1910 or so, we have States struggling for dominance, and people who have never known war in their lifetime.
  4. Intellectuals now think this is the 1930s. The US MSM is terrified that Trump is the next Hitler. Like JFK reading Tuchman, Kissinger and Vienna, Trudeau Snr, my fear is that we are on the verge of a 1912-style situation. Our elite is leading ordinary people into a cataclysm. In summer 1912, cities like Leipzig, Tsaritsyn, Lemberg, Konigsberg, Breslau were beautiful. Like Montreal today, many had diverse people, different languages By 1949, these cities were destroyed. Why? Because an elite f*cked things up in 1914.
  5. I reckon that JFK was worse. Kennedy abused his status more than Trump did. === Clinton? White trash. Gotta love the guy. Biden? A wannabe.
  6. Jeebus, you're still climbing to a conspiracy theory that never made sense and was been thoroughly debunked years ago. And debunked on this forum multiple times, spoon feeding you. You're like one of the Q fools still waiting in Dallas for JFK to show up.
  7. Yes, you all know what went down. You're just keeping the evidence safe in the super secret vault alongside the evidence of widespread election fraud in 2020 and the address of JFK's weekly poker game with Elvis and D.B. Cooper.?
  8. Buffett was born in 1930. Charlie Munger in 1924. JFK referred to passing a torch. Xi was born in 1953. Putin in 1952. Both Xi and Putin were born after the last European cataclysm.
  9. 1. Yes but the Nixon JFK debate was left/right. 56 years later there was an all Republican debate that should have been mir civil since it didn't cross party lines. One of the candidates talked about his penis size. I won't mention his name, but he soon after became President. Facts, criticism, without time limits. Good things. 2. You seem to that the actions of labour weren't as significant as the emergence of the 1% wisdom. No, one of my relatives was shot at by hired goons during those times. 3. Are humans part of Earth's nature? Or maybe a universal force of distribution.
  10. Disclaimer, I am not that well versed on US history. He pulled the US troops out of Viet Nam which led to the end of the war. President Johnson wanted out of Viet Nam but it took Nixon to accomplish it. (Reference the recordings broadcast in Ken Burns documentary series on the war.) In your reference to Kent State, are you suggesting the President ordered the National Guard to open fire? If that is the case, it is news to me. He did work to improve relations with the USSR and Red China. He streamlined the Cabinet. I suspect the root cause of the Watergate burglary came from his experience with the 1960 election with the allegations of ballot irregularities in Chicago that cost him the election against JFK. He lacked self confidence and could not believe the strength of his support. President Nixon was not a nice man. Off the top of my head, I would say the only POTUS who was a nice person is President Carter. One out of 46 tells you something.
  11. NATO was designed to stop Communism - listen to the speeches of Truman and JFK. (Like Reagan, JFK was harsh.) (Nixon wanted to deal with these people.) ==== Anyway, the Soviet Union is no more, and the only Soviets/Marxists are in American universities.
  12. Michael, I don't know. I looked at the dates of birth. People like Nixon (1913), JFK (1917) Trudeau Snr (1919), Kissinger (1923) as young men, lived through this 1914-1945 cataclysm. Deng (1904), Brezhnev (1906). Even Mao and Chou (1898). Gorbatchev (1930) and Yeltsin (1930) were born during. Like Mulroney (1930). People like Putin (1952) or Obama (1961) only know by video.
  13. I don't dispute the perception, and to add: my take on it is that democracy as a framework depends on the public sphere, which exists in all systems, and is as such dependent on public media. I also agree generally with your call for solutions and more engagement - very much so. I don't think that we can say for sure that the system will fall, or the aforementioned chaos will consume it since it IS dependent on the public sphere and that sphere persists. There are other examples of new media formenting chaos... the results eventually balanced themselves on the new media. JFK, for example, was considered by some to have won his televised debate with Nixon because of imagery, which in turn was seen as a bad thing.
  14. WRONG, liar. JFK signed the bill deinstitutionalizing insane asylums. They only got attention under President Reagan because he had caused gasoline prices to plummet, defeated the Soviet Union and gave American the greatest economy of all time. You retards were looking for something, ANYTHING to bash him about. Democrat fingerprints are all over the homeless.
  15. You current Americans are obsessed with "appeasement". You ignore how a civilised world collapsed in 1914. Previous presidents -guys (JFK, NIixon)) who fought in the 1940s- worried more about the former. ==== The war did not start in 1939 (Canada, Poland) or 1941 (US, Russia). It started in 1914. And lasted to 1945. Like the Thirty Years War.
  16. A couple of points: 1. It was JFK who signed the bill deinstitutionalizing insane asylums and releasing those nut jobs into the streets. 2. Funny when people mention the moon landings today, considering that the Apollo program was scrapped because the liberals didn't want to spend the money on space exploration but rather on more WELFARE spending. Gee! Look how that turned out. Between WELFARE spending, and Obama/Biden giving BILLIONS to IslamoFascists, it's no wonder why the nuthouses aren't fully funded.
  17. On the contrary, I do not underestimate anyone. Also no one is "my speaker". This is just another opinion that may differ from yours and the mainstream media narrative. Sometimes it is good to listen to experts in the field of global politics for example like this one. "The illusion of glory in war is but a fleeting dream. It is those who have never experienced the horrors of battle, the anguished cries of the wounded, who clamor for more conflict, more retribution, further devastation. War is a profound abyss of suffering. Above all, it is the soldier who yearns most fervently for peace, for it is they who endure the gravest injuries and carry the enduring scars of conflict within their souls". "Never negotiate out of fear; but never fear to negotiate." - JFK
  18. Dear Stupid Person, When Florida assessed Mar-a-Lago at $26 million, Trump appealed. Trump argued under oath that Mar-a-Lago was worth LESS than $26 million. Can you get that past your thick skull? TRUMP is the one who told the tax authority, under oath, that Mar-a-Lago was worth less than $20 million. Got it? These are public records. It’s not Fox News BS. These are public records available from Palm Beach County Assessor’s Office. Windmills do not cause cancer. The election was not stolen. The earth is not flat. Vaccines save lives. Men landed on the moon. JFK, Jr. is dead. So is Elvis.
  19. @Contrarian I haven't criticized JFK in the past much at all. The Democrats and Republicans have done dirty politics in the past, even JFK.
  20. JFK and Ike were the clean images that got us out of the dirtyness... but they were linked with LBJ and Nixon... And JFK only seemed straight - he out-dirtied Nixon to win the presidency in crooked Chicago. That was the real stop the steal...
  21. They are not secret crimes...which makes this singular focus on Trump so remarkably biased. For instance, do you know how JFK interfered in a Canadian federal election against PM John Diefenbaker in 1963 ? Or how about LBJ and the Gulf of Tonkin resolution ? JFK - Bay of Pigs...Harding - Teapot Dome....Clinton - Sexual Assault...Nixon - Watergate...Reagan - Iran Contra....Biden - Sexual Assault...Bush - WMD...Obama - War Crimes...the list is quite long.
  22. Yes, Canada has had dumb leaders on some issues. Although I have never seen pictures or information about Diefenbaker cozying up to Fidel Castro the way Pierre Trudeau and his wife Margaret did and the way Justin Trudeau has affection for Communist systems. The Liberals have cozied up to Communist dictatorships far more than our Conservative politicians. Sadly our Canadian governments have not stood strongly with our American neighbours against Communist dictatorships like Cuba. The Liberals have failed far more than the Conservatives. Read the history of PIerre Trudeau's time in office. It is shocking how Trudeau senior cozied up to the Communists. He was one of the first to establish diplomatic relations with Communist China when Mao Tse Tung was leader in 1970. I think many Canadian politicians somehow think Canada is a superpower in the world greater than the U.S.A. and can be totally independent. This is very naive and dangerous for Canada. We need to be strong allies of America and stand against authoritarian and Communist regimes. We are not doing a very good job with the kind of leaders we have. "Between 1960 and 1963, Diefenbaker defied the U.S. government in a display of stubborn nationalism. When Kennedy’s predecessor, Dwight Eisenhower ordered a trade embargo on Cuba in 1960, Diefenbaker refused. Canada and Mexico became the only two countries in the western hemisphere to ignore the embargo. Diefenbaker believed that the Castro-led revolution that overthrew Fulgencio Batista deserved a chance to succeed. It also helped that he saw an opportunity to make a few dollars." Castro cronies in Toronto, JFK vs. Diefenbaker and paper companies: Why CIA plotted to sabotage Canada | National Post
  23. Politicians have always been scum.  Trump just doesn’t hide it.  JFK was a prescription drug addict and complete womanizer.  But he kept it all private.  I won’t even get into Bill Clinton.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shady


      Warren/Sanders gets Trump re-elected.  Try Biden or Bloomberg.  I’d probably even vote for them.

    3. Argus


      I disagree. Politicians are rarely scum. Trump isn't more open about it. He is simply far scummier than the rest, with little ability to hide it. He is a man without a single redeeming character trait. Even that could be forgiven if he was competent, but he's not that either.

  24. We had them in Canada. Leftards loved them. In Canada we needed a gesundheitspass to go into any restaurants, gyms, etc. We could only go into grocery stores, but in Que they toyed with the idea of banning the dirty, dirty unvaxed from there too. So you are honestly trying to tell me that where you lived you never heard of asymptomatic covid carriers until after the vax was out? Can you confirm or deny that clearly? I understand the mechanisms just fine. Stop using an appeal to authority as the basis of your argument. When we were all unvaxed, healthy adults had a 99.99% survival rate. The year after we got 85% of the population vaxed our deaths went up by 30%, and almost all of them were vaxed. Just under 90%. That never qualified as a "vaccine" until the definition was changed to accommodate "experimental drugs with a success rate so low that it appears to be going the other way". Are you pretending that we weren't all told that the vax would prevent infection? We didn't "have to worry about giving covid to grandma"? Are you pretending that Fauci and Biden and Trudeau weren't saying that "It's now a pandemic of the unvaccinated"? Do you realize that in order to say what's rolling off your tongue right now, you're acknowledging that you were lied to several times? How do you feel about the fact that you were lied to? I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you won't acknowledge that I even wrote that. Do you understand that people accepted that vax into their bodies after being told that "It is safe and it prevents infection" and they were lied to on both counts? Do you understand that the jab killed people? Do you understand that the vax caused serious, possibly permanent injuries to young, healthy people who didn't need a vax at all? Do you understand that tens of thousands of multi-"vaxed" Canadians have died of covid? The field that says "people" can be changed to say "adults". Good gawd you're stupid. The timeline is the exact same for both states - Jan 2020 to today. If you know the death toll and the population of each state then you inherently understand the varying rates. Texas 30M people, 92K deaths. NY State 19.4M people, 77K deaths. Exact same timeline, to the minute. At a glance anyone can see that Texas has 50% more people than NY State (20 x 1.5 = 30) and far less than 50% more deaths. In fact it's only 19.5% more deaths (77 x 1.195 = 92). When I say "Texas has 50% more people than NY State and only 19.5% more covid deaths", anyone with a basic understanding of math knows exactly how Texas's covid death rate compares to NY State's. The only reason that you don't know that is that you don't have an inherent understanding of math. Bottom line, I quickly compared the up-to-the-second covid death rates with sufficient accuracy to prove that your statement was a lie: it's a fait accompli. Whooooooaaaa, suddenly pop density matters to leftards? For 2 years leftards here were comparing Canada's covid death rate to America's death rate as if it was a legitimate straight-across comparison. I heard "Twudo iz betr then Twumpy cuz ar deth rate iz loer!", not just from leftards here but they even said it on TV. Somehow people in Spuzzum and Flin Flon theoretically get the same exposure to covid as the 4.3M people who ride the NYC subway every day. Now that a bit of common sense is convenient suddenly it matters. Well, guess what spit fer brains: the comp between Texas and NY State is far more apt than a comp between Canada and the US. The metro areas of Houston, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio hold 7M, 6M, 2.5M and 2M people respectively. That's 17.5M people in 4 cities. La Guardia and JFK airports are almost identical to DFW and GB Intercontinental airports. 16M and 30M passengers per year respectively. ? So you were unvaxed for a full year and probably a half without getting covid. Then you didn't get covid after 1 dose, 2 doses, 3 doses or 4 doses, and after the 5th dose you got sick with covid. How long have you had 5 doses for? Was it less than a year and a half? Does it sound like you're becoming more immune to covid or less? I'm not even gonna say it. Everyone knows.
  25. well, I would say JFK was one of the most military experienced Presidents Navy officer, WWII decorated combat veteran, WIA he was also a student of military history & strategy and yet JFK made the mistake of making too many concessions Khrushchev got the wrong idea about what the Soviets could get away with therein next thing you know, the world was at DEFCON 2 in just a matter of days
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