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Moonlight Graham

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Status Updates posted by Moonlight Graham

  1. I'M BACK

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scribblet


      Welcome back, greener fields not so green?

    3. Argus


      Now we know summer's over. The kids are back in town.

    4. OftenWrong
  2. I've made the Altai ignore list!  All hail Ms. Erdogan!

  3. If you want to understand why communism didn't work, the Wynne gov is your big hint. Now imagine the ON LIberals in power for 60 years in a row.

  4. is bringing the sexy back to MLW.

  5. Justin Trudeau is our first black Prime Minister.

    1. TreeBeard


      Will the Conservatives ever have another Prime Minister?

    2. DogOnPorch
    3. BubberMiley


      You guys are so sensitive. :lol:

  6. Morneau: You dislike me, here I'll give you money. Paid for by you & your grandchildren.

  7. No matter how well-intentioned you are, the problem with being a wealthy privileged elite since birth like Trudeau is that you've spent your entire life being constantly handed swanky unearned favours from others & you're so used this that you don't even realize when it's wrong. Plus you’ll never have any clue what it’s like to be the "middle-class" you claim to represent. The problem with being raised by a former PM is that corrupt lobbying doesn’t seem so corrupt, it’s just a normal everyday part of the family business.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ?Impact


      I've vacationed with friends before, and in some cases they even drove me part way there (e.g. picked me up at the nearest airport/train station). I expect there are many of us in the same situation.

    3. Ash74


      But did you have a code of ethics that stated you would not take a private aircraft unless reported?

      Did your friends collect millions from the company you work for?

    4. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      ?Impact, how many elite wealthy lobbyist friends do you have?  How many friends that take you on their own private helicopters that take you to private Caribbean islands?  Have any relatives do you have that were among the most popular PM's in Canada's history?  Trudeau's just one of the fellas!  He drinks his Timmies and washes his own dishes just like the rest of us....HA!

  8. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Binge-watching the next 4 years

  9. Off-topic debate > locking threads for thread drift.

    1. betsy


      I don't think it is fair to the author of the thread - unless, the author himself is involved with the thread drift.  The author had invested time and energy creating the thread. 

      Why should the author be punished for the infractions of those who disrespect posters' threads?

  10. Pro tip kids: if you smell like pot & you tell a police officer you're carrying a gun, keep your hands on the steering wheel and don't immediately reach for anything including your wallet.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      "Officer, I have a conceal carry permit and a weapon in the car, what would you like me to do".  That's all that was needed.  I feel for the guy, but when you say "i have a gun" and then proceed to start rummaging around....well?

    3. Omni


      I don't relish the tasks that the police have to face from time to time in their work. Especially dealing with drunks pouring out of bars at closing time and having them puke in the back of their patrol cars. But that cop in Wisconsin is a murderer as far as I'm concerned, I'd maybe let him off with manslaughter. But acquittal? Bullshit! How often are US cops going to get away with such unnecessary violence?

  11. Putin is smarter than Trump or Obama.

    1. Wilber


      He just reprimanded Trump for giving the Russians classified information in the Oval Office. You can bet a high ranking ex KGB officer wouldn't be that dumb.

  12. Sunny ways my friends, sunny ways...

    1. -1=e^ipi


      Sunny Ways - The doctrine to ignore problems, sweep them under the rug, and pretend everything is wonderful.

  13. This is the greatest status update in the history of this forum.

  14. Trudeau: "I have one daughter and there is something very special about imagining a woman prime minister. I think it’s long overdue."

  15. Trump could be much worse than George W. Bush.  THINK ABOUT THAT!!?

  16. Trump this, Hillary that. Don't waste your time, nobody will convince anyone on here to switch who they prefer. If you haven't decided by now you wont ever.

    1. BubberMiley


      The point is trying to change people's minds? I never would have bothered if I knew that was the point.

  17. Warren Buffet has bought $12 billion in stocks since the election.

    1. dialamah


      Maybe he wants to run for president in a few years?  After all he's a successful businessman, and that is all it seems to take.  

    2. sharkman


      I guess unlike the chattering classes, this guy knows that the American economy is going to finally take off soon.  

  18. When someone "likes" one of my posts it gives me the warm fuzzies all inside my body.

  19. When was the last time your provincial or municipal govt ran things with some sort of competency?

  20. "American University of Afghanistan attacked by gunmen". Whoever decided to put "American" in the title of that uni was a moron, why not paint a bullseye on it too!

  21. "Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honor you can give an American." - Eric Snowden on being called a traitor by Dick Cheney.

    1. Argus


      Except that Eric Snowden actually IS a traitor by any legal or moral definition.

    2. The_Squid


      He was found guilty of treason? I didn't know that....

    3. sharkman


      Highest honour? Obviously a weak response by someone with a masada complex.

  22. "Earth Hour" is great because I get to rid my guilt by saving the world for 1 hour per year then trash it the rest of the year!

  23. "I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." - Alexander the Great

  24. "I swear by Almighty God who raised the heavens without pillars that neither the United States nor he who lives in the United States will enjoy security before we can see it as a reality in Palestine and before all the infidel armies leave the land of Mohammad." - Bin Laden, Oct. 2001

    1. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      If that intent would have died with Bin Laden then we would not be in the mess we are in now. He spoke for many others.

    2. Civis Romanus sum

      Civis Romanus sum

      Donald Trump spoke about the middle east this morning and he actually made more sense than any other politician I've heard.

  25. "I've seen the world, I've seen the good and the shitty bits. And all I've got to say is that y'all are f**king idiots" - Scoobius Pip

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