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Status Replies posted by Greg

  1. My first posts were made on April 29th and 30th. I don't think I stepped over any lines. What gives? 

    1. Greg


      I'm slow to approve posts and accounts on the weekend.

      However, I've gone ahead and approved your account - you're a full member now.


  2. Mae Bryantot just posted spam (I think)

    But why didn't I get a chance to cop her ?   I reported her like a regular person would

    1. Greg


      I haven't had a chance to activate that yet. I marked the account as SPAM

  3. Whoa, long time no see! Welcome back @Black Dog ... For those of you who don't know, Blackdog was an early adopter, he first registered back in 2003 - making him one of the oldest members still active. 

  4. Been a DAY now, Greg!

    1. Greg


      posts have been approved. thanks for your patience. 

  5.   I do not get any answer from anybody.


    Are all the Mods and Admins asleep? 

    1. Greg


      Your account has been promoted, you should be able to post till your hearts content.

  6. Are Republicans ceding the election to the Democrats?

    Sometimes it seems that way.

    Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and those running for office in November have sought his endorsement. The qualifier is, they must affirm that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.

    CNN reports, "Donald Trump needs you to know that Republican candidates don’t just like him, they love him. And they need him. Badly.

    "At a rally on Saturday night for Ohio GOP Senate nominee J.D. Vance, Trump made sure the crowd knew that Vance was subservient to him – big time.

    “J.D. is kissing my ass he wants my support so bad,” Trump said.

    "Trump was reacting to a New York Times story that reported Vance had not actually invited Trump to campaign with him in the state. Instead, Trump’s team had simply told Vance that they would be coming to Ohio for a rally.

    "Trump’s campaign stops have always been, primarily, about Trump. You can tell that by the amount of time he spends talking about himself versus how much time he spends talking about the candidate for whom he is ostensibly campaigning."

    It's not just Trump.

    Dean Obeidallah writes, "Some leading Republicans gave Americans a master class on extremism this past week by repeatedly reminding us about the threat they pose to our freedoms and our democracy.

    "Examples of this extremism run the gamut: From two majority-Republican states imposing draconian abortion bans, to voters picking an election denier to be New Hampshire’s GOP nominee for the US Senate, to GOP governors cruelly treating Latino human beings as anything but, to former President Donald Trump’s ominous warning about “big problems” the country will face if he is indicted.

    "After imposing new bans on practically all abortions, Republicans in Indiana and West Virginia are saying that a woman’s uterus effectively becomes the property of the state from the moment of conception.

    "Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott are trying to one-up each other with their callous shuttling of Latino migrants to distant blue state locales to score political points."

    Then there is the former Republican President issuing a threat to the American people, stating that if he is charged with any crimes over keeping classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home after leaving the White House, “I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before.”

    Obeidallah continued, "Election denier Dan Bolduc captured the New Hampshire GOP nomination for the US Senate in Tuesday’s primary. After the primary, Bolduc dropped his election denialism, making a conveniently timed realization that after having “done a lot of research” on the matter, “unfortunately, President (Joe) Biden is the legitimate president."

    The Republican Party is expected to win control of Congress in November. If that happens we Americans deserve whatever happens to us.

    1. Greg


      As sharkman stated, just go to the US Federal Politics forum, and then click Start new topic.

      See attached screenshot: 


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Are Republicans ceding the election to the Democrats?

    Sometimes it seems that way.

    Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and those running for office in November have sought his endorsement. The qualifier is, they must affirm that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.

    CNN reports, "Donald Trump needs you to know that Republican candidates don’t just like him, they love him. And they need him. Badly.

    "At a rally on Saturday night for Ohio GOP Senate nominee J.D. Vance, Trump made sure the crowd knew that Vance was subservient to him – big time.

    “J.D. is kissing my ass he wants my support so bad,” Trump said.

    "Trump was reacting to a New York Times story that reported Vance had not actually invited Trump to campaign with him in the state. Instead, Trump’s team had simply told Vance that they would be coming to Ohio for a rally.

    "Trump’s campaign stops have always been, primarily, about Trump. You can tell that by the amount of time he spends talking about himself versus how much time he spends talking about the candidate for whom he is ostensibly campaigning."

    It's not just Trump.

    Dean Obeidallah writes, "Some leading Republicans gave Americans a master class on extremism this past week by repeatedly reminding us about the threat they pose to our freedoms and our democracy.

    "Examples of this extremism run the gamut: From two majority-Republican states imposing draconian abortion bans, to voters picking an election denier to be New Hampshire’s GOP nominee for the US Senate, to GOP governors cruelly treating Latino human beings as anything but, to former President Donald Trump’s ominous warning about “big problems” the country will face if he is indicted.

    "After imposing new bans on practically all abortions, Republicans in Indiana and West Virginia are saying that a woman’s uterus effectively becomes the property of the state from the moment of conception.

    "Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott are trying to one-up each other with their callous shuttling of Latino migrants to distant blue state locales to score political points."

    Then there is the former Republican President issuing a threat to the American people, stating that if he is charged with any crimes over keeping classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home after leaving the White House, “I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before.”

    Obeidallah continued, "Election denier Dan Bolduc captured the New Hampshire GOP nomination for the US Senate in Tuesday’s primary. After the primary, Bolduc dropped his election denialism, making a conveniently timed realization that after having “done a lot of research” on the matter, “unfortunately, President (Joe) Biden is the legitimate president."

    The Republican Party is expected to win control of Congress in November. If that happens we Americans deserve whatever happens to us.

    1. Greg


      HI Sandy, 

      Status updates are probably not the best place to put your writings.

      You'll get more of a response if you post this content in the US Politics section of these forums.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. It appears that Greg, Hardner, etc, have decided to let the forum be destructed by gay pride.  How sad.

    1. Greg


      How exactly do these comments help the situation? You could offer to help, you could submit reports, you could a lot of things... but criticizing volunteers is what you choose to do. Classy... 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. J. Trudeau- An Erin O'Toole-led pandemic plan would look like Alberta's COVID crisis.


    This is what they planned all along. Use the coronavirus to  guarantee a majority win. It’s that easy.

    Election timing was planned to coincide with re-opening, and the return of international travel.

    In other news, an unidentified man shot fish in a barrel. 

    1. Greg


      Cool it guys, keep the discussions going, but lets nix the bullshit...

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. Nice upgrade on the mobile site.  :)

    1. Greg


      Thanks, I haven't check out the mobile side of thing yet, but I'm pleased it's working out for you.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Great board thanks for having me on. 

    1. Greg


      Thanks for contributing!

  12. The reputation system has been updated: see my latest post.

    1. Greg


      There were a few members who complained, but that isn't why I made the change.

      I always said that the feature was in beta, and that I would be experimenting with different ways it was going to be used.  I let the first iteration run for a couple months, now I'm changing the functionality slightly to see if this is a better approach.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Closing the moderation thread does not fix the issue with the inconsistent arbitrary application of the rules that happens with the current moderation.

    That is the real issue here.  That thread was ongoing for 2 years and no progress has been made since then.

    You don't think that's an issue?

    1. Greg


      No, I don't.

      I see 2 years of childish complaining and bickering that I let go on for too long.

      Just as the police can't change the behaviour or moderate the actions of the public, the moderators can't force people to treat each other with respect.  That particular thread, along with many others created in the past few weeks, shows that...

      I've openly stated that we're all volunteers who are trying to do our best -- but that doesn't seem to matter to those self righteous members who feel their opinion is never to be challenged, that they are somehow above the rules, and that the moderators are some slack-jawed morons who have no idea what they're doing.

      I've repeated told members that the only true solution to someone who disrespects or disrupts a discussion is to ignore them. Instead, everyone seems to feel that if they're some how wronged, they can jump right in and attack right back - the rules be damned.

      And then the moderators, who can't possibly be here 24/7 because they have jobs and families, are expected to dole out punishments judiciously?  

      And to top everything off, we all have to listen to the various shrinking violets who, after breaking the rules in defence of their positions, take to the support forums to question every single moderation action. To bitch and moan about how so and so member is so much worse than anything they've ever seen in their lives.

      It's all pretty pathetic... and to be to be honest, I've had just about enough of this nonsense.

  14. We have 89,000 members? I wonder how many haven't logged on in more than a year. I'm guessing about 88,800.

    1. Greg


      6 members, you sure about that?  6 members contributed 1.3 million postings...?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. This is an upgrade????

    1. Greg


      Give it some time, there are plenty of more features and the design is much cleaner than before.

      Also, bush_cheney2004 is right, we had no choice but to upgrade, the older version of the forum was a security risk.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. We have 89,000 members? I wonder how many haven't logged on in more than a year. I'm guessing about 88,800.

    1. Greg


      yes, a great deal of them are spam related.  

      I hope to fix this issue (purging the banned accounts), in the next few weeks.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. error with the database, how long has this been going on today?

    1. Greg


      Actually, we've identified the problem and we're working on a fix. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. error with the database, how long has this been going on today?

    1. Greg


      When did you see the error, and what was the error?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Just figured out how to update status. Found this site yesterday and I have to say I am enjoying it very much. A place for Canadians is awesome!

    1. Greg


      Thanks for joining us Merlin, I hope you enjoy your stay

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. *Trying to understand who are the user 'google' and 'facebook'...

    1. Greg


      They are search engine spiders who are indexing the forum for their search databases. You'll also see Bing, etc.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. I think we finally have the forum SPAM under control!

  22. Finally I have came across a forum that I can call home.

    1. Greg


      Good to have you, Sleipnir. Any issues or comments, send me a PM or post in the support and help forums.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. I probably won't be posting again until the spam is taken care of. I'm sure some of you will be pleased.

    1. Greg


      Relax shady, quite being so dramatic.

  24. think you probably shouldn't be allowed to update your status until you've made a dozen posts or so...

    1. Greg


      I am working on it!

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