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Status Updates posted by betsy

  1. Hahahahahaha...Oh.....the freakin' double-standard, bias and moronic media.

      They're freaking out because of Trump's latest video showing him pummeling a man with CNN super-imposed on his face.  They say he's promoting violence against journalists!  :D

    So they say he should at least respect Independence Day week-end.  Why the importance of this particular week-end?  It's about freedom.  Because of free expression!  rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emo


    So....everyone can freely express themselves.....except Trump!  sarcastic-laugh-smiley-emoticon.gif

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. betsy


      Wilber, it's not his behaviour that I found ironic and funny.  Read the orig message again.

      Anyway, this President has been relentlessly, and unfairly  besieged by the media. 

      The media has displayed blatant disrespect for their viewers.....not to mention trampling on the supposed journalists standard that the media is supposed to uphold.  Even Hollywood - the most epic of all public figures - had hopped in with their total disregard for lies and corruptions.  The lies about what started the massacre of Americans in Benghazi - blaming it on a video -  comes to mind.

      So, don't speak to me about public figures and standards.


      So many libs had thrown so-called standards a long time ago!    To bring that up now is......so pathetically hypocritical.

    3. betsy


      I just watched 13 Hours - that's why Benghazi is on my mind.

    4. Wilber


      So you don't have any standards Betsy. Trump can go as low as he wants and you won't make a peep.

  2. The prodigal posters - who were allegedly on "forced vacation"facebook-cute-giggle-smiley-emoticon.gif

    - are slinking back, one at a time!


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Omni
    3. betsy


      So Omni....you don't enjoy it there?

    4. Omni


      Sorry, say again, I was busy elsewhere.

  3. Don't let this Clement scandal bury something we ought to be really concerned about!  


    StatsCan taking our bank data without our knowledge!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. scribblet


      This gov't takes thieving to a new level  

    3. betsy


      I think Clement's political career is finished.

    4. DogOnPorch


      As it should be...dumb move = dumb politician.

  4. Thank you to all men and women who helped others during the Las Vegas shooting massacre.

    God bless you all.

  5. Schools will remain open in a second wave - even in red zones!  sez Quebec.   I think this will be the same everywhere.

    Lol....for all the postured outrage, they're  doing the same thing as Trump - except that Trump is brutally blunt about it!

    The economy has to go on with or without covid!  Sure there will be casualties - but that's just the way it is.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. betsy


      Lol.   Whether the mask is effective or not - I'm saying, there won't be a shutdown as we saw it in the spring!  

      THE ECONOMY CAN'T AFFORD IT!   That's the bottom-line!


      Trump's been thinking about that all these time!  



    3. Boges


      Trump's achieved both economic hardship and world leading COVID-19 cases and deaths. 

    4. betsy


      What country isn't having any economic hardship????

  6. The pro-Trudeau fake journalists are all saying "there is not much more added that we don't know anything about," and "remember, she has the advantage because she knows she's recording it, but he doesn't." DUH.

    You fake journalist airheads - you don't know the real significance of this recording? 


    Remember what she said before the Justice Committee?  Remember the various spin of Trudeau, and Butts, and Weckner?  Remember all the attempt to smear her, to cast doubt to her integrity, and to her allegations?


    It....... PROVES....... SHE'S TELLING THE TRUTH.......

    ................and TRUDEAU, etc, are all..... LIARS!



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Owly


      She does seem to like those big colorful fonts, as do her followers. And that's about as far as it goes.

    3. OftenWrong


      Those dazzling fonts are intended to put the whammy on yous guys, so you won't be able to defend your flailing leader with any actual talking points. Works quite well I see.


    4. Owly


      FAILS miserably I see, but I know you enjoy 'em.

  7. WHAT????


    Jeffrey Epstein reportedly visited the White House several times while Bill Clinton was president




    Trump barred Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago over sex assault: court docs

    “Trump allegedly banned Epstein from his Maralago Club in West Palm Beach because Epstein sexually assaulted a girl at the club,” according to the papers, filed in the Sunshine State as part of an ongoing legal battle between Epstein and Bradley Edwards, who represented many of Epstein’s underage accusers in civil suits against him.

    The filing is dated April 2011, well before Trump ascended to the presidency.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OftenWrong


      "Well I knew him like everybody in Palm Beach knew him," Trump said. "He was a fixture of Palm Beach. I had a falling out with him a long time ago, I don't think I've spoken to him for 15 years. I wasn't a fan."

      The liberal media tried to make a big deal out of this, throw anything at Trump that might stick. But it turns out to be fake news. If it was real, it would still be in the dialogue now. Since the media tongues have stopped wagging on this, it must be a non-starter. That is how we can tell the truth.

    3. betsy



      I suppose if you are trying to condemn Clinton based in his association with Epstein,

      Lol!   The Dems and the anti-Trumps have tried that "association" thingy!   It didn't fly.  Why do you think I brought this up?  :lol:

      Well......Clinton did get busted for Monica Lewinski , and there are numerous accusations of sexual assaults - while he was in a position of power!

      Epstein has a connection with powerful people (like Clinton).....so, that makes him powerful.


        Clinton's taste for women seemed to have gone  to younger women (when compared to his previous victims)

      Bill Clinton is 72 now.  

      Look at the age differences of the women:

      Both Wiley and Broaderick are in their 70's now.  Flowers is 69.   Jones is 52.  Monica? 46!

      Monica, being the youngest at 22 at the time (Bill was 49)!


      With Epstein obviously being a close friend - and a frequent visitor to WH -  why shouldn't we poke at that association? 


  8. Let's not forget who's keeping Trudeau in power:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TreeBeard


      That’s exactly what I would expect someone led by Satan to say about our heaven-sent unofficial co-Prime Minister. 

    3. OftenWrong


      Why is he unofficial anyway? He should be the co-Prime minister de-facto, but never has much to say.

      Or is this just more of Justin Trudeau's white-man privilege? :blink: 

    4. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      It is to bad Sikh's do not believe in heaven, but you already knew that...

  9. Can you believe this bull about Sears?   They're ripping off pensions of employees....and giving bonuses to executive officers - who no doubt had everything to do with Sears' failure!   

    I hope these employees win in their lawsuit!  Companies like deplorable Sears ought to get knocked down!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The_Squid


      Maybe if they had a union this wouldn't be happening to them. 

    3. Hydraboss


      Perhaps, but the union sure wasn't any help when McCain foods pulled out of Edmonton.  Unions don't carry as much productive weight as a lot of people think.

    4. The_Squid



      Not sure about Edmonton, but compare what's happening at Sears with the most recent McCains Foods closure...   it's night and day.

      Union vs non-union. 

      So saying a union doesn't help in these situations is factually wrong. 

  10. Got distracted by Pelosi, sitting behind Trump. 

      What's up with her mouth?   She seemed to be sucking through her dentures, or what!  

    And you could tell when she doesn't agree with Trump - her lips seemed to work overtime!  :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Best part-


      “America was founded on liberty and independence and not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that American will never be a socialist country!”

      Cue wild applause.


    3. QuebecOverCanada


      That must be because of the botox.

      She 's old but doesn't want everybody to know she looks like an old hag.

    4. scribblet


      It was tough watching it until 

      trump union pelosi.jpg

  11. Majority of Democrats give credit to Trump!


    "More Democrats Think Trump Responsible for State of Economy


    The numbers are notable since most economists agree the economy is booming, and Democrats are not usually eager to give credit to Trump. 

    The stock market has risen over the past year and unemployment has been slashed to 4.1 percent, its lowest level since December 2000. "


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. betsy


      Well....still, majority of Democrats give the credit to Trump for the current state of the economy!  Whether they think the economy is  doing well or not - majority give the credit to Trump! :D

    3. BubberMiley


      When speaking honestly, we call that "blame."

    4. betsy


      "Honestly?"  :rolleyes:

      Most economists - says the source - agree that the economy is booming. 

  12. The lawyers for the BLM came to the rescue of protesters arrested for throwing paint on statues.  These are vandals!   They're mimicking the destruction that's now happening in the USA.

    What I want to know - who's funding the vandalism that's starting to happen in our nation?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BubberMiley


      Exactly what I'm saying. I'm amazed the "mainstream" doesn't see it so clearly as you. How did you get so smart?

    3. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      I've been studying you bubber of course, and taking your night classes.

    4. BubberMiley


      Another one. Creepy.

      Why are all the failed debaters on this site wannabe doxxers?

  13. Lol.  Why are they so worried there won't be enough pot for everyone?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Lol. I've never touched the stuff. Have you?

    3. OftenWrong


      Yes, at a high school party a long time ago. But I didn't inhale...

    4. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      I don't think I've ever even seen it in real life. I don't get out much though lol

  14. Even earthquakes are onboard in this climate change!  hahaha

    Volcanoes, too!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BubberMiley


      Yes, denying climate change is similar to religion in that you deny science because it interferes with what you want to believe. Good point.

    3. DogOnPorch


      It's changing because 8 billion folks (and growing) are like parasites to this globe. Get ready for the next Permian style extinction. You've got front row seats. There's not a damn thing we can do....short of collectively offing ourselves in an eco-friendly way. The critters would thank us.

    4. Shady


      Like I already said.  Go talk to China and India, until then you know what to do.

  15. Have we called and expressed our condolences to the US for this horrific anti-semitic massacre?

      If I'm not mistaken, Trump had called Trudeau to express his sympathy durng the Mosque massacre in Quebec.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scribblet


      Too bad it has to be done so often these days 

    3. scribblet


      Stalkers will always be deleted


    Cheney asked from another poster: 

    What level of "intelligence" are you demanding ?


    Well.....seems she wants this:




    or this....




    and these.....








    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BubberMiley


      I'm not sure what you're talking about. I haven't noticed that at all. Sounds to me like you're bitter because you weren't invited to the party. :lol:

    3. scribblet


      @bushcheney_2004  isn.t it though 




    4. ?Impact
  17. All throughout, the media keeps saying the outstanding votes are coming from Biden supporters - trying to give an explanation and justify why Trump's lead is being whittled away.

    Kinda grooming the viewers.

    On one hand they keep explaining this is a vastly different election because of the pandemic thus we see a huge number of mail-in ballots -

    and yet  on the other hand , they keep basing their narraive to pre-pandemic elections,  saying mail-in ballots tend to be from Democrats. 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. betsy


      No.   There has been past irregularilties in elections (like, Milwaukee 2004)!   We will know if Trump campaign will provide evidence if this goes to court.   Just because they didn't give clear details on their accusations doesn't mean there are none.

      Therefore, the talking point being spewed by these fake newsers - that there has never been any irregularities in elections - is inaccurate!




    3. Boges


      Kay but in Pennsylvania 65% were Democratic votes. 


      In Nevada Democrats lead Republicans 2:1 in Mail-In Voting


      In Georgia, the party affiliation wasn't published but you know that an overwhelming majority from Atlanta will be Democratic. 

    4. Boges



      Therefore, the talking point being spewed by these fake newsers - that there has never been any irregularities in elections - is inaccurate!

      There's a difference between irregularities and Widespread, co-ordinated voter fraud across 4 states. 

  18. No more Skippy!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. betsy


      36 million Canadians isn't worth it to go through the extra expenses of distribution (like adding French labels)......

    3. betsy


      ....another reason to go shopping nextdoor.

  19. This is what happens when people that are used to democracy, are being muzzled to express their views, their frustrations and anger  in social media.   They come out to be in your face!

    Interesting perspective from call-ins on CPAC network yesterday from people all over Canada who aren't anti-vaxxers, and yet understand where the protesters are coming from.  Some say this isn't really about vaccines.  This is about an Authoritarian Trudeau!

    One fresh perspective mused that this small group of people which we call the "fringe," could be the fringe coming out from a silent majority who are just simply fed up, and frustrated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. betsy


       The protests we saw in the USA had inspired some people in Canada - BOTH SIDES!  Look at the toppling statues!


      I'm talking about these protesters we see in Canada.   The perspectives given by different people in that CPAC call-in just indicates that there are people who sympathize with the anger and frustrations being felt by this "fringe" folks. 

      There are also people who don't sympathize with the kind of protest they do, and yet also indicate understanding the anger and frustrations they feel.


      I'm telling you - a lot of people can understand how they feel.   That should mean something.

    3. OftenWrong


      Canada has had very good voluntary compliance, despite all the government mishandling their message. There is no need to exercise this level of authority. Nor should we trust that they will use it responsibly.

      They are all liars.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The_Squid


      This is fake news.

    3. ?Impact


      Do the deplorables stink so much they are trying to mask it?

    4. BubberMiley


      Being president is all about sales. How much can you personally profit before the county falls apart.

  20. Yo, CBC's Katie Simpson - Spicer's just cleared it up about Harward.  it's not "Thanks, but no thanks."  It's, "I would, if I could."

    Get that? Incomepetent, dishonest media.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The_Squid


      You're still not making sense.  So what?  Why are yo watching CBC?

    3. BubberMiley


      Once again, she was only reporting on another story by MSNBC, which was corroborated. Just because he has a public story that he wants to spend more time with his family doesn't mean there aren't people behind the scenes willing to leak the real reasons.

    4. kimmy


      Alex Jones is a mentally unstable moron. Not very surprising that Trump is a big fan.

  21. Trump's in comparison with Obama's Saudi visit:


  22. Canada:  The Promised Land

    Europe isn't that attractive anymore, and USA is out of the question.  Everyone's heard about the famous Trudeau tweet!  Here they come!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. betsy


      Travellin Band takes on a whole new meaning. :)



    3. ?Impact


      Maybe Donald will start running a bus shuttle service from the Mexican border to the Canadian border.

    4. betsy


      I heard Trudeau will.  ASAP.

  23. Nescafe that normally sells for $4.95 now priced at $7.95!  I suppose, brewing coffee will be next!

    Also, I wanted to pickle some eggs, but there's a limit to how much eggs you can buy!  You can only have 2 cartons!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OftenWrong


      Lets hope your example was just random. However food producers are sounding alarms food production is collapsing. Farmers report spring crops are not being harvested, they are being left to rot in the ground. Meat producers shuttering and throwing away tons of meat. Dairy farms pouring away milk, and having to "de-populate" the animals used for meat.

      What we eat now is already in the food system and from food stored in warehouses. New fresh food may become scarce if we dont change certain things as soon as possible.

    3. betsy


      Trudeau had publicly stated that beef prices could go up - I imagine, if he's stated that at the briefing, then prices could really jack up.  I think it'll be most food products too.

    4. OftenWrong


      It really might be time to stock the freezer.

  24. Look what comes through their open borders. A Canadian on a suicide mission.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sharkman


      I wonder if this will wake up the masses?  Nah…

    3. Boges


      I'll ask again. How do you propose to change such policies to prevent someone from staying past 6 months? 

    4. OftenWrong


      Ain't it funny how the left always tries to defend the terrorists.

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